Trump loses!

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: HP,

Quit yer whining! You voted for him! ;)

You sound like a woman who married an abusive man and then complains that he beats her! :lol:


Right, again :lol:

Well, SM .. things not so simple.......

My prescription for you has not changed. Unplug from the internet for a month and rent a car. Chicken Littles have been wrong my whole life, sky is falling, Earth is cooling/warming, O-Zone is disappearing, Birds are dying, Y2K, asteroids, Solar flares, blah, blah, blah.

Big money in scaring the stupid to steer the herd. Always has been, always will be.

Look up the meaning of the word virtual sometime.

"All is flux." "Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel."

and if that don't work for ya, what part of "Quit yer whining!" don't you understand? ;)


Very nicely said .. thanks

Wisdom .. and .. true

- " Big money in scaring the stupid to steer the herd. Always has been, always will be."

- " Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel. "

Got the message long ago, it works for me, in life AND business.

Your post always enjoyed AND appreciated.

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:

Very nicely said .. thanks

Wisdom .. and .. true

- " Big money in scaring the stupid to steer the herd. Always has been, always will be."

- " Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel. "

Got the message long ago, it works for me, in life AND business.

Your post always enjoyed AND appreciated.

You are more than welcome. And if in your driving you get to central Virginia, shoot me a PM and I'll buy you dinner!

Don't forget the words of your other success coach here at OTNOT, Mr. Perfect! After the last few elections cycles, no one in their right mind should believe the experts anymore when they talk about group identity determining thought process or voting habits, demographics, voter trends, exit polls, and millions of people as single entities.

But yet, the human need for experts and mental short-hand continues.

In the olden days, they were astrologers and witch doctors, now they are pollsters and statisticians.

Hmmmm.... what if we first kill all the statisticians.....

I've read where 96.47% of the gullible believe 98.83% of pollsters....... ;)
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Lol what happened to impeachment. Did you hear the story about the man who cried wolf.


MP, don't misunderstand, I'm with you guys .. I voted for Trump and think he "BY FAR" the best choice from those candidates .. and .. he would "reboot" America .. and .. O Boy O Boy, rebootin he does. :lol:

In that sense, wish he stays


Things gettin a bit shaky

FBI head Comey denies Trump wiretap claim .. but .. confirms Russia election probe.

Well, that thing with Russia could bring Trump down

Forget about everything, consider all "Fake News"

But "One" thing a bit strange.

What the f*ck was Jared Kushner doing visiting that old fox Sergey I. KISLYAK, can't think of anything else except relaying messages from Trump to Putin .. Sergey I. KISLYAK a very high position diplomat, he does not meet random people for rubbish.

That does not sit well, not at all.

Jared Kushner will be put under ought, and will sing

Mike Pence, could become a case of " Et tu, Brute ? "

The whole thing smells

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Very nicely said .. thanks

Wisdom .. and .. true

- " Big money in scaring the stupid to steer the herd. Always has been, always will be."

- " Life is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel. "

Got the message long ago, it works for me, in life AND business.

Your post always enjoyed AND appreciated.


You are more than welcome. And if in your driving you get to central Virginia, shoot me a PM and I'll buy you dinner !


Thank, will keep the rain-check .. right now I'm in Chicago for NowRouz :D


Simple Minded wrote:.

Don't forget the words of your other success coach here at OTNOT, Mr. Perfect! After the last few elections cycles, no one in their right mind should believe the experts anymore when they talk about group identity determining thought process or voting habits, demographics, voter trends, exit polls, and millions of people as single entities.

But yet, the human need for experts and mental short-hand continues.

In the olden days, they were astrologers and witch doctors, now they are pollsters and statisticians.

Hmmmm.... what if we first kill all the statisticians.....

I've read where 96.47% of the gullible believe 98.83% of pollsters....... ;)


Big fires which burn forests, they nature's miracle to burn the bad and sick growth .. up comes new fresh healthy growth .. That is nature's healthy law.

Civilizations, from time to time, every few 100 yrs, need a fire that burns the corrupt establishment, and brings up new fresh talent.

That we see in Europe .. Germany, now so powerful .. had 2 wild fires last 100 yrs .. those fires burned all .. and new growth now healthy and powerful conquering the world

On the other-side .. look at Brits .. they still same Lords and other rubbish .. 4/5 of London owned by a few Lords last 500 yrs (they have put laws protecting them) .. AND ? Brits now rubbing shoulder with Portugal.

Re Polls, this was 2B expected .. when a system, a group of elite stays too long in power, all "levers" of society, media, polls, PR and and, fall in line with group (elite) in power .. if that last too long, that elite moves away from common man and woman .. that happened to Shah in Iran, that happened in America.

I think the American elite recognized this, and, thought better a "controlled" regime change, than an uncontrolled regime change.

What is happening in America now is a "Regime Change" is is healthy, Trump getting the ball rolling, moving the ship to another heading, setting other priorities and and .. others, more expert will take it from there.

In that sense, I think congress should cooperate for Trump to succeed, he just setting the ball rolling (for old wisdom out the window, he must play crazy, and he doing that).

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: MP, don't misunderstand, I'm with you guys .. I voted for Trump and think he "BY FAR" the best choice from those candidates .. and .. he would "reboot" America .. and .. O Boy O Boy, rebootin he does. :lol:

In that sense, wish he stays


Things gettin a bit shaky

FBI head Comey denies Trump wiretap claim .. but .. confirms Russia election probe.

Well, that thing with Russia could bring Trump down
It absolutely will not bring Trump down. Zero chance. 10 month old story, Trump and whole family surveilled during that time, they have absolutely nothing. Top Democrats now saying that. Zero. Nada, if you will.
Forget about everything, consider all "Fake News"

But "One" thing a bit strange.

What the f*ck was Jared Kushner doing visiting that old fox Sergey I. KISLYAK, can't think of anything else except relaying messages from Trump to Putin .. Sergey I. KISLYAK a very high position diplomat, he does not meet random people for rubbish.

That does not sit well, not at all.

Jared Kushner will be put under ought, and will sing

Mike Pence, could become a case of " Et tu, Brute ? "

The whole thing smells .
Nothing smells except media, deep state, blubbering and making slanderous baseless charges on no evidence. Absolutely nothing wrong with Kushner, any Trump person meeting with a Russian. All people involved in politics meet with foreign contacts constantly.

Jimmy Dore has a video on it if you need it.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

All people involved in politics meet with foreign contacts constantly.



But, question is, what did Jared Kushner had needed to talk to Sergey I. KISLYAK.

Jared Kushner was not a politician a few months B4 Trump election (at least not at that level), suddenly he visits (probably a few times, once with Flynn) Sergey.

We will wait for FBI to drop the other shoe.

Re US foreign policy .. Trump's Doctrine .. I think Trump settled with "Multi Polar New World Order" .. Trump accepted it.

Thinking and thinking why the animosity with Putin Obama time and congress and Senate, McCain calling Putin name etc etc .. only reason I can see is America does not give up "Single polar" and accept what already the fact "Multi Polar New World Order"

Trump has accepted it .. once you accept it, Putin becomes an excellent partner

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Yes

But, question is, what did Jared Kushner had needed to talk to Sergey I. KISLYAK.
It doesn't matter
Jared Kushner was not a politician a few months B4 Trump election (at least not at that level), suddenly he visits (probably a few times, once with Flynn) Sergey.

We will wait for FBI to drop the other shoe.
There is no other shoe to drop. Top Democrats now saying, there is no story, no evidence. You were tricked.
re US foreign policy .. Trump's Doctrine .. I think Trump settled with "Multi Polar New World Order" .. Trump accepted it.

Thinking and thinking why the animosity with Putin Obama time and congress and Senate, McCain calling Putin name etc etc .. only reason I can see is America does not give up "Single polar" and accept what already the fact "Multi Polar New World Order"

Trump has accepted it .. once you accept it, Putin becomes an excellent partner

Trump accepted Milo doctrine, Putin is antiglobalism, obama and McCain globalist. This is why Putin is natural ally to Trump/Mr. Perfect. Let me know if you have more questions.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.


But, question is, what did Jared Kushner had needed to talk to Sergey I. KISLYAK.


It doesn't matter


seems matter to Comey

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Jared Kushner was not a politician a few months B4 Trump election (at least not at that level), suddenly he visits (probably a few times, once with Flynn) Sergey.

We will wait for FBI to drop the other shoe.


There is no other shoe to drop. Top Democrats now saying, there is no story, no evidence. You were tricked.


Hope not, but one never knows .. also, could depend on Putin, he could turn his cards .. so far he has been silent

My guess is, you will win .. as nobody wants the alternative, not even the Democrats, let alone Putin.

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

re US foreign policy .. Trump's Doctrine .. I think Trump settled with "Multi Polar New World Order" .. Trump accepted it.

Thinking and thinking why the animosity with Putin Obama time and congress and Senate, McCain calling Putin name etc etc .. only reason I can see is America does not give up "Single polar" and accept what already the fact "Multi Polar New World Order"

Trump has accepted it .. once you accept it, Putin becomes an excellent partner


Trump accepted Milo doctrine, Putin is antiglobalism, obama and McCain globalist. This is why Putin is natural ally to Trump/Mr. Perfect. Let me know if you have more questions.


"Milo doctrine" has ZERO to do what Trump-Putin agreeing on .. issue not retreat from ME and let chips fall where they may

The expression "New World Order" was used first time by CIA head President Bush when USSR fell .. Bush had decided that US should be the only superpower .. that is why NATO was pushed to where NATO now has missiles and tanks on mother Russian borders.

Putin pushed all that back .. and .. said .. no such thing as America the SOLE superpower .. rather .. there is a MULTI-POLAR new world order.

Meaning , US, Russia, China and others (probably India, Iran, Brazil,SA etc as sidekick :D ) equals .. in clear text, other people have joined the table.

That is what Putin openly said and saying, every day.

McCain and Graham still thinking America the only superpower when in reality that long ended.

Folks backing Trump also agree with a lot of social issues Putin saying, too much liberalism subverting religion and that homo marriage and all sort of that nature .. basically Trump saying same as Ayatollahs in Iran saying (though 35 yrs too late :lol: )

Globalism not something Putin has to deal with as Russia not producing anything ( :lol: ) nor anybody immigrating to Russia .. and you guy's only choice is, either forwards (Globalization) or backwards (America First), no such thing as stand still.

"America First" Policy same as having too high blood pressure, you feelin fine till suddenly you needin dialysis-machine, kidney done. :lol:

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: seems matter to Comey
FBI investigations often go nowhere. We don't even know who is being investigated. What we do know is meeting with Russians is perfectly legal and happens all the time on both sides.

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
Hope not, but one never knows
I know.
.. also, could depend on Putin, he could turn his cards .. so far he has been silent
There are no cards to turn. You are living in fantasy spun by brokenhearted Democrats.
My guess is, you will win
Yes, I will win as I have been winning.

"Milo doctrine" has ZERO to do what Trump-Putin agreeing on
Trump is living breathing Milo Doctrine. That is why I supported him. One of many good reasons.
.. issue not retreat from ME and let chips fall where they may

The expression "New World Order" was used first time by CIA head President Bush when USSR fell .. Bush had decided that US should be the only superpower .. that is why NATO was pushed to where NATO now has missiles and tanks on mother Russian borders.

Putin pushed all that back .. and .. said .. no such thing as America the SOLE superpower .. rather .. there is a MULTI-POLAR new world order.

Meaning , US, Russia, China and others (probably India, Iran, Brazil,SA etc as sidekick :D ) equals .. in clear text, other people have joined the table.

That is what Putin openly said and saying, every day.
No. New World Order is ancient phrase, Bush interpreted as NATO. Multi polar alliance. Trump been saying, Nato no longer serves US interest, serves interest of Globalists. Trump exploring alliance with Putin to confront China and ME. Europe is no longer relevant. New multi polar alliance. US Russia vs China.
McCain and Graham still thinking America the only superpower when in reality that long ended.
McCain and Graham have been castrated and are completely irrelevant.
Folks backing Trump also agree with a lot of social issues Putin saying,
Nobody in America has any idea what Putin says on social issues.
too much liberalism subverting religion and that homo marriage and all sort of that nature .. basically Trump saying same as Ayatollahs in Iran saying (though 35 yrs too late :lol: )

Globalism not something Putin has to deal with as Russia not producing anything ( :lol: ) nor anybody immigrating to Russia .. and you guy's only choice is, either forwards (Globalization) or backwards (America First), no such thing as stand still.
Globalization demands subservience, Putin not into subservience. Putin and Trump therefore are natural allies. Globalization is about human slavery, America first is about blessed freedom.
"America First" Policy same as having too high blood pressure, you feelin fine till suddenly you needin dialysis-machine, kidney done. :lol:
No. America first means no more adventure wars, no more obamatrade, no more corporate payoffs. Deal with other nations is fine, but based on mutual respect not backdoor deals.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

.. Trump been saying, Nato no longer serves US interest, serves interest of Globalists. Trump exploring alliance with Putin to confront China and ME. Europe is no longer relevant. New multi polar alliance. US Russia vs China.



Russia together with US should confront China ?

Why should Russia confront a good neighbour, China, let alone together with US ? ? China and Russia will be neighbours for the next 5000 yrs.

China best customer for Siberian natural resources.


Putin said Russia an Islamic Nation .. in a few generations, Russian will be majority Muslims .. NewsWeek


Probably you misunderstood what Trump and Putin said .. they said they are going to fight together the Wahhabi, the Al Saud and Qatar and Sheikh

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

America first means no more adventure wars, no more obamatrade, no more corporate payoffs. Deal with other nations is fine, but based on mutual respect not backdoor deals.


Mutual respect ? ? ? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That is what mad mullahs demanding since long long time.


BTW, what is the animosity with China (or Russia) about, why wanting to go to war with China ?

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Hmmm

Russia together with US should confront China ?

Why should Russia confront a good neighbour, China, let alone together with US ? ? China and Russia will be neighbours for the next 5000 yrs.

China best customer for Siberian natural resources.
China outmaneuvered entire globe, last 15 years. China been picking people's pockets while they not looking. Good for China, but Trump says enough. China is US competitor, economically, geopolitically. Trump saying to Russia, better do business with us than them. Alliance vs subservience.

Putin said Russia an Islamic Nation .. in a few generations, Russian will be majority Muslims .. NewsWeek


Probably you misunderstood what Trump and Putin said .. they said they are going to fight together the Wahhabi, the Al Saud and Qatar and Sheikh
Youll find out soon enough.

Mutual respect ? ? ? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

That is what mad mullahs demanding since long long time.
mad mullahs have no right to demand one thing. mad mullahs stoke hatred and terrorism, tell people to chant "Death to America". Joe had it, said FOAD and voted Trump. Iran will live in poverty as result for another generation, on their own hands.
BTW, what is the animosity with China (or Russia) about, why wanting to go to war with China ?
China not enemy, China competitor, Trump just trying to even the score.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

China outmaneuvered entire globe, last 15 years. China been picking people's pockets while they not looking. Good for China, but Trump says enough. China is US competitor, economically, geopolitically. Trump saying to Russia, better do business with us than them. Alliance vs subservience.


:lol: .. come on, MP, come on .. anybody twisting your arms to buy that iPhone ? (BTW , my cell phone is a HUAWEI nexus)

Name of the game is competition .. Gun-Diplomacy finito .. can't take the heat ? get out of the kitchen

You want to go to war with China ? ? :lol: .. can you lose 50 m dead ? China can

Come on, you no follin Mr. Li .. get used to it, now China number one in pretty much everything .. Trump just cut NASA budget to the bone, well, Chinese now going to built that colony on the Mars, at the same time you hitchhike on Russian missiles to Space station.

Saying to Russians you better do business with us than with Chinese same as Russia saying to America don't talk to Canada or Mexico.

Next you might want war with Germany arguing nobody wants Oldsmobile instead loves Mercedes and BMW .. what kind of thinking is this ? ?

Why not excel in marketplace ? ? China not Iran America can (still, but not for long) bully .. China becoming stronger and stronger by day .. all those nations in that space already "lined up behind the duck", Japan still wobbling, but in Japan too wisdom will prevail .

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Youll find out soon enough.


Better hurry :lol:

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

mad mullahs have no right to demand one thing. mad mullahs stoke hatred and terrorism, tell people to chant "Death to America". Joe had it, said FOAD and voted Trump. Iran will live in poverty as result for another generation, on their own hands.


:lol: :lol: , come on, MP, come on .. the neocon saying this since Reagan .. AND ? Iran now a regional superpower, at the same time American regressing .. look where Iran was 1985 and where Iran is Today .. .

World Bank forecasts 5.2% GDP growth for Iran in 2017

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

China not enemy, China competitor, Trump just trying to even the score.


That much better .. China is a fierce economic competitor but a friend of America .. Chinese are not a war mongering people, that is why Mongol conquered China .. Mongol invasion of China .. that Chinese Wall was to keep the Mongols out.

. . defeat of the Jin dynasty, Western Xia, the Dali Kingdom and the Southern Song. The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan started the conquest with small-scale raids into Western Xia in 1205 and 1207.

By 1279, the Mongol leader Kublai Khan had established the Yuan dynasty in China and crushed the last Song resistance, which marked the onset of all of China under the Mongol Yuan rule. This was the first time in history that the whole of China was conquered and subsequently ruled by a foreign or non-native ruler.

Beijing was built by Kublai Khan


China is a force that will guaranty peace in that space .. nobody else has the civilization to do that .. Japan having a bad track record, Malay nations not what it takes, remains only China.

China and Persia in very similar position .. both greatest civilizations, what is needed to clean the mess left back by the colonial powers

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
:lol: .. come on, MP, come on .. anybody twisting your arms to buy that iPhone ? (BTW , my cell phone is a HUAWEI nexus)

Name of the game is competition .. Gun-Diplomacy finito .. can't take the heat ? get out of the kitchen
Lol, no, this is not how game is played. Game is played by US President obama taking pansies to trade conferences, getting outfoxed by Chinese killers. Trump says no more. Trump came out on top.
You want to go to war with China ? ? :lol: .. can you lose 50 m dead ? China can
Nobody going to war with China. We would win anyway, China not fought war in almost a century. Our guys are sharp as knives.
Come on, you no follin Mr. Li .. get used to it, now China number one in pretty much everything .. Trump just cut NASA budget to the bone,
Lol, you been getting fake news again. ... 1-18-37-46
well, Chinese now going to built that colony on the Mars, at the same time you hitchhike on Russian missiles to Space station.
Lol, that was under obama. Like Bill Gates said, Trump is innovator putting USA back on fast track.

Personally, not that interested in going to Mars. Trump wants to, not sure why.
Saying to Russians you better do business with us than with Chinese same as Russia saying to America don't talk to Canada or Mexico.
Lol no. Putin has strong incentive to crush EU. So does Trump. Natural allies. China does not care one way or the other.
Next you might want war with Germany arguing nobody wants Oldsmobile instead loves Mercedes and BMW .. what kind of thinking is this ? ?
No idea. Who thinks like this.
Why not excel in marketplace ? ?
We do. We excel at everything. That is why bad trade deals must come to an end.
China not Iran America can (still, but not for long) bully .. China becoming stronger and stronger by day .. all those nations in that space already "lined up behind the duck", Japan still wobbling, but in Japan too wisdom will prevail .
After election, America been getting stronger day by day. We are becoming great again.

Lol hurry what? You peddling 10 month old story that has produced zero facts.

:lol: :lol: , come on, MP, come on .. the neocon saying this since Reagan .. AND ? Iran now a regional superpower, at the same time American regressing .. look where Iran was 1985 and where Iran is Today .. .
A pariah state. Nobody cares about Iran except bedwetting liberals, they all gone now. Election was months ago, you still have no idea what's happening.
Lol, if Iran was growing 10% per year they would still need decades to get out of poverty.

That much better .. China is a fierce economic competitor but a friend of America .. Chinese are not a war mongering people, that is why Mongol conquered China .. Mongol invasion of China .. that Chinese Wall was to keep the Mongols out.

By 1279, the Mongol leader Kublai Khan had established the Yuan dynasty in China and crushed the last Song resistance, which marked the onset of all of China under the Mongol Yuan rule. This was the first time in history that the whole of China was conquered and subsequently ruled by a foreign or non-native ruler.

Beijing was built by Kublai Khan


China is a force that will guaranty peace in that space .. nobody else has the civilization to do that .. Japan having a bad track record, Malay nations not what it takes, remains only China.

China and Persia in very similar position .. both greatest civilizations, what is needed to clean the mess left back by the colonial powers
Nobody cares about Kubla Khan, or Iran. In west, most famous Iranian/Persion is Xerxes, who lost in the movie 300 badly. Iran is similar to North Korea, backward nation, terrorist supporting, evil that shouts Death to America and threatens others with nuclear weapons. Joe had it. Joe voted for Trump. Trump cut his teeth in NY real estate, most ferocious business environment in the world. Rose to the top like cream. Poor mad mullahs, they never seen this before.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
:lol: .. come on, MP, come on .. anybody twisting your arms to buy that iPhone ? (BTW , my cell phone is a HUAWEI nexus)

Name of the game is competition .. Gun-Diplomacy finito .. can't take the heat ? get out of the kitchen
Lol, no, this is not how game is played. Game is played by US President obama taking pansies to trade conferences, getting outfoxed by Chinese killers. Trump says no more. Trump came out on top.
Lol. No he hasn't. But this really brings up an interesting question: when are we going to see the much-ballyhooed business acumen and negotiating prowess of the legendary Donald Trump, the landlord from Queens?

I mean, are Bannon and that creepy bald 30-year old intern, Miller, gonna have to pull all the weight in this administration? :lol:
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

We've already made lists of his unprecedented accomplishments, and he's just getting started. You on the other hand don't even have an identifiable leader.
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Re: Trump loses!

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Unprecedented accomplishments :lol: :lol: :lol:
You got that right.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

How many Kleenex boxes today.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Lol, no, this is not how game is played. Game is played by US President obama taking pansies to trade conferences, getting outfoxed by Chinese killers. Trump says no more. Trump came out on top.


Lol, that was under obama. Like Bill Gates said, Trump is innovator putting USA back on fast track.

Personally, not that interested in going to Mars. Trump wants to, not sure why.


Lol no. Putin has strong incentive to crush EU. So does Trump. Natural allies. China does not care one way or the other.


We do. We excel at everything. That is why bad trade deals must come to an end.


A pariah state. Nobody cares about Iran except bedwetting liberals, they all gone now. Election was months ago, you still have no idea what's happening.


Nobody cares about Kubla Khan, or Iran. In west, most famous Iranian/Persion is Xerxes, who lost in the movie 300 badly. Iran is similar to North Korea, backward nation, terrorist supporting, evil that shouts Death to America and threatens others with nuclear weapons. Joe had it. Joe voted for Trump. Trump cut his teeth in NY real estate, most ferocious business environment in the world. Rose to the top like cream. Poor mad mullahs, they never seen this before.


Mr. Perfect .. all this no business of mine directly, but in general, lookin @ big picture IT is my and everybody's business

Look, pls read the following carefully and think about it .. no need to answer, just think about it "sincerely", be honest with yourself, and come up with your thought.

The malaise that America now is in is "self inflicted", and, is not what Joe is made to believe in.

American economy, industry, until 1960's was geared up for internal American consumption .. the biggest consumer driven market in the world .. American Industry, as you (correctly) repeat saying "did not care" about Iran or China or Europe or Japan as those markets had not the purchasing power American consumer had (those markets had no "middle class", American purchasing power WAS the consumer spending of American middle class).

That lead to, American industry and economy, not learning making consumer products that "foreign buyers" would want, American products were not made for foreign markets.

Things changed

American middle class run out of breath .. Americans Are Dying With an Average of $62K of Debt .. but .. at the same time .. those foreign markets developed big middle class and purchasing power.

American economy and industry had no product to sell to foreign markets, as American companies did not make product for foreign markets, no foreigner wanted American cars or fridge or wash machines or TV.

Silicon Valley jumped in and provided some relief .. Apple and Microsoft Oracle .. but .. those who were developing those things now back home and making even better phones and much cheaper.

Only commercial product America still could sell was Boeing .. Airbus , and Now Chinese Airline production will out Boeing soon (Japan too now making airlines, Russia too).

Military stuff shafted to Shaikhs repatriates some Dollars, but, Sheikhs are done.

Your notion nobody cares about Iran is the issue .. consider Germans now building Billions and Billions of Euro Iranian Petrochemical Industry, with Cheap (Iranian Gas) fed, those petrochemical plant with compete with Dow chemical and and

All this ZERO to do with how Obama negotiated with Chinese or Mexicans .. you not doing your homework.

How can America buy more and sell less .. run a foreign trade deficit .. for so many yrs ? ? ?

Now, 3rd world, South America, Asia, India, Middle East, East Europe even China will be the biggest market .. America missing all those markets because American economy and industry is not an export industry and market .. AND .. Joe still thinking he the greatest and does not care about Iran

Look at Germany and Japan and now China

These things were ironed-out with wars .. every now and then, wars cleaned up things .. now, wars will backfire, "undeveloped" nations have a "competitive advantage" in wars of today.

my 2 cents to a friend (Joe)

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


:lol: :lol: :lol: .. message from the boss, directly from horse's mouth


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 22, 2017

Statement by President Donald J. Trump on Nowruz

This week, I would like to send my best wishes to all those around the world celebrating the wonderful ancient holiday of Nowruz. Many millions of people of Iranian, Iraqi, Turkish, South Asian, and Central Asian heritage will come together with their families during this time to commemorate the arrival of spring.

Nowruz means “new day” in Persian. It is an occasion to celebrate new beginnings, a sentiment that is particularly meaningful for so many Iranians who have come to our country in recent decades to make a new start in a free land.

For many years, I have greatly enjoyed wonderful friendships with Iranian-Americans, one of the most successful immigrant groups in our country’s contemporary history. They come from diverse religious backgrounds—including Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian, and Baha’i—but all share an affection for their ancestral heritage.

Cyrus the Great, a leader of the ancient Persian Empire, famously said that “[f]reedom, dignity, and wealth together constitute the greatest happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die.”

To the Iranian people and all those around the world celebrating Nowruz: On behalf of the American people, I wish you freedom, dignity, and wealth. Nowruz Pirouz (Happy Nowruz).


Cyrus didn’t actually say that.

"The historical Cyrus certainly never said such a motto," Pierre Briant, a senior fellow at New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and author of From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire, said in an email. "The saying probably comes from the alleged (unhistorical) last words of Xenophon's Cyrus on his death bed" — a reference to the Ancient Greek author Xenophon's Cyropaedia, which was written at least a century after Cyrus lived and, according to the Columbia University site Encyclopædia Iranica, is a "partly fictional biography of Cyrus the Great."

But Xenophon didn’t attribute those words to Cyrus, either.

Instead, the quote comes from Larry Hedrick, a retired U.S. Air Force officer. The words appeared from a 2006 leadership advice book by Hedrick called Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War.

The volume, which was marketed to business leaders, claims to be based on the Cyropaedia. Macmillan, which published Hedrick's book, lists it as fiction. Xenophon's Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War differs greatly, both in style and in organization, from the 1906 translation of Xenophon's book on which it claims to be based.


:lol: :lol: .. that's what happens when you listen to Stephen K. Bannon .. illiterate

Scary thinking our beloved America now run by these kind of people

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

Reason | The House bill to partially repeal and replace Obamacare is officially dead.
The American Health Care Act (AHCA), which was scheduled for a vote this afternoon, has been pulled from consideration. The move means that GOP's years-long quest to repeal and replace the health care law has failed. For the foreseeable future, at least, Obamacare will stay on the books.

President Trump stumped for the bill aggressively over the last several weeks, and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said today that the president "left everything on the field when it comes to this bill." But in the end Trump couldn't make it happen.
The Trump admin lost this battle.

What will happen next with regards to changing US healthcare?
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The fault is ultimately with Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan should be jettisoned at the first opportunity. But, the first real miscalculation of the Presidency of Trump.

This makes full repeal of obamacare more likely, or pretty much guaranteed.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

Mr. Perfect wrote:The fault is ultimately with Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan should be jettisoned at the first opportunity. But, the first real miscalculation of the Presidency of Trump.
Second, if one counts both travel bans being blocked by US federal judges.
Mr. Perfect wrote:This makes full repeal of obamacare more likely, or pretty much guaranteed.
I wonder.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Trump should grab this opportunity to make the healthcare industry comply with existing antitrust and freedom of trade laws, but he will not.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:Trump should grab this opportunity to make the healthcare industry comply with existing antitrust and freedom of trade laws, but he will not.
Very astute. Trust Busting may have some excellent results.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

The fault is ultimately with Paul Ryan. Paul Ryan should be jettisoned at the first opportunity. But, the first real miscalculation of the Presidency of Trump.

This makes full repeal of obamacare more likely, or pretty much guaranteed.


you cant get out of this one, MP, with "fake news" excuse

Reality is, there is no better solution to Obama-Care if you want really insure those folks .. ain't Hocus Pocus .. Now U C, Now U don't .. that is what happened, they could not find anything better , and, credit goes to Trump, he said we keep it as is.

Finito .. end of story

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