Woman featured in pro-euthanasia commercial wanted to live, say friends

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Woman featured in pro-euthanasia commercial wanted to live, say friends

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SO a woman asks for Euthanasia because it is too painful to get treatment under Canada's government health care system

https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/wo ... ed-to-live
Woman featured in pro-euthanasia commercial wanted to live, say friends
'I feel like I'm falling through the cracks so if I'm not able to access health care am I then able to access death care?' Hatch said in a CTV interview

Author of the article:Tristin Hopper
Publishing date:Dec 05, 2022 • 2 days ago • 3 minute read
Jennyfer Hatch, 37, was the central figure of All Is Beauty, a three-minute film produced by Simons that celebrated Hatch’s last days before seeking medically assisted death.
Jennyfer Hatch, 37, was the central figure of All Is Beauty, a three-minute film produced by Simons that celebrated Hatch’s last days before seeking medically assisted death. PHOTO BY LA MAISON SIMONS/YOUTUBE
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The woman featured in a glamourous pro-euthanasia commercial for a Canadian clothing retailer only opted for assisted suicide after her years-long attempts to secure proper health care failed, friends have revealed.

Jennyfer Hatch, 37, was the central figure of All Is Beauty, a three-minute film produced by Simons that celebrated Hatch’s last days before seeking medically assisted death.

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Last week, CTV confirmed that Hatch was the same woman who had spoken to them in June about her failed attempts to find proper treatment for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare and painful condition in which patients suffer from excessively fragile skin and connective tissues.

“I feel like I’m falling through the cracks so if I’m not able to access health care am I then able to access death care?’ And that’s what led me to look into MAID,” Hatch told CTV in June under a pseudonym.

Like more than a million British Columbians, Hatch was left without primary care after her family doctor moved away. And so, after her Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis 10 years ago, Hatch’s treatment had largely consisted of a chaotic and ineffective stream of specialist appointments, none of whom had any background in her condition.

“It is far easier to let go than keep fighting,” she told CTV.

Even when it seemed apparent that her condition was terminal, Hatch noted that the B.C. health-care system hadn’t even been able to provide her with appropriate palliative care.

However, B.C. was quick to approve Hatch’s application for MAID. “There were no other treatment recommendations or interventions that were suitable to the patient’s needs or to her financial constraints,” reads a CTV excerpt of the MAID approval issued to Hatch by Fraser Health, the health agency serving B.C.’s Lower Mainland.

None of these complicating factors were mentioned in the Simons ad, which instead highlighted what it called the “hard beauty” of assisted suicide.

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“All is Beauty,” released last month by the Montreal-headquartered clothing retailer Simons, profiles the final weeks of 37-year-old B.C. woman Jennyfer Hatch, who was approved for a doctor-assisted death due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome.
“All is Beauty,” released last month by the Montreal-headquartered clothing retailer Simons, profiles the final weeks of 37-year-old B.C. woman Jennyfer Hatch, who was approved for a doctor-assisted death due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. PHOTO BY LA MAISON SIMONS/YOUTUBE
The film opens with a caption reading “the most beautiful exit,” and features images of Hatch holding a Tofino beach party just days before her scheduled death date.

“When I imagine my final days I see music, I see the ocean,” Hatch can be heard saying in a voiceover.

Simons has since removed the ad from its online channels after it was subjected to widespread criticism that it was romanticizing Canada’s increasingly problematic MAID regime.

Tama Recker, a friend of Hatch, told CTV last week that her friend was ultimately comfortable with the decision to seek MAID, but that she also wanted to highlight a health-care system that was “very broken.” “Part of what Jennyfer wanted to do is get people talking,” said Recker.

Hatch’s case fits into an ever-expanding constellation of Canadians who want to live, but applied for medically assisted death out of desperation after failed attempts to seek appropriate care.

Last year, B.C. woman Donna Duncan was able to swiftly receive approval for assisted suicide in an Abbotsford hospital after years of unsuccessful attempts to find treatment for chronic mental-health issues. The killing of Duncan so blindsided her family that they referred the case to the RCMP for investigation.

It’s a phenomenon that is increasingly attracting international attention as a poster child of just how quickly legalized euthanasia can spiral out of control. “It is barbaric … to establish a bureaucratic system that offers death as a reliable treatment for suffering and enlists the healing profession in delivering this ‘cure,’” reads a recent New York Times column slamming the lack of Canadian safeguards for assisted suicide.

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In several more egregious cases, Canadians have even been offered MAID in lieu of proper medical treatment.

Last month, a House of Commons committee heard about five separate incidents of Canadian Armed Forces veterans being offered MAID after seeking assistance with issues ranging from depression to PTSD.

Most recently, former paralympian Christine Gauthier went public with her story of being offered MAID by a Veterans Affairs caseworker after she complained about delays in installing an in-home chairlift.

“Madam, if you are really so desperate, we can give you medical assistance in dying now,” the caseworker told Gauthier, according to an interview she gave with Global News.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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