The U.K.

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Parodite »

The good news is that empires and ideologies of ethnic / racial superiority are in serious decline. The cover-up of atrocities means there is a bad conscience with shame and guilt emerging in society, which is also progress. Next stage is end of denial and bring in the sunlight to desinfect.

Monarchy is a left-over sentiment relegated to the status of a living museum. Many people love the symbol of a matriarch or patriarch in the background, watching over us with wise concern and love. Like parents who just are there for you... in case life gets tough, but won't really help you out anymore. When you made your first steps in adult life around age 17.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Typhoon »

FT | Nicola Sturgeon quits as Scotland’s first minister
SNP leader’s authority has been weakened by rows over independence strategy and transgender laws
What an issue over which to take a fall: whether dicks with sticks are chicks.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Churchill turning in his grave

1.jpeg (384.58 KiB) Viewed 4677 times
My family and I spending our first night in Bute House after today's parliamentary vote.

A special moment leading my family in prayer in Bute House as is customary after breaking fast together.
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Much excitement in the family whatsapp group this morning at the prospect of an Indian and a Pakistani bringing about the partition of Britain
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Historian Richard Poe on the British origin and control of communism and globalism. ... d-poe.html
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Typhoon »


Tariq Ali. Just another Oxford-educated lefty wanker that has made a career from biting the hand that fed and educated him.

The Spectator | Was Winston Churchill a racist? A look at the evidence
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:17 am

Tariq Ali. Just another Oxford-educated lefty wanker that has made a career from biting the hand that fed and educated him.

The Spectator | Was Winston Churchill a racist? A look at the evidence

Left and Right now driving direction, lost their political, social meaning as things now "blur"

Not sure Oxford-education obliged one to tow the line of made up and fake history .. facts are known and things pretty much clear

Churchill probably turning in his grave, thinking had he known where Brits would end, he rather would have teamed up with aDolf and rule the "Untermensch" a few more 100 yrs. :lol:
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:24 pm
Typhoon wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:17 am

Tariq Ali. Just another Oxford-educated lefty wanker that has made a career from biting the hand that fed and educated him.

The Spectator | Was Winston Churchill a racist? A look at the evidence

Left and Right now driving direction, lost their political, social meaning as things now "blur"

Not sure Oxford-education obliged one to tow the line of made up and fake history .. facts are known and things pretty much clear
Indeed. Yet pseudo-intellectuals such as Tariq Ali choose to ignore any facts contrary to their biases and instead extrapolate from speculation.
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:24 pm Churchill probably turning in his grave, thinking had he known where Brits would end, he rather would have teamed up with aDolf and rule the "Untermensch" a few more 100 yrs. :lol:
Speaking of speculative extrapolation .


My own pet hypothesis regarding such individuals is they are compensating for the abject impotence of their own original cultures post-Enlightenment.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by noddy »

Churchill was a man of his times, was happy to let Australians die in large numbers too.

so its silly to call it racism or facism, he was ruthless with all lives that arent upper class poms - much like many others.

Post war, they voted him out and kept him out, he was very much the kind of asshole you need for war and not peace.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:56 pm
Churchill was a man of his times, was happy to let Australians die in large numbers too.

Sending men into hopeless situation to certain death, this normal in war (and legit) for many 1000s of yrs, in war all depends whether the aim is worth the casualty.


Here, issue at hand is whether Churchill considered Australians same as Indians :lol: .. that would make or not make him a racist.

Yes, noddy, you very much right, Churchill was a man of his time .. in pre WW2 terms he even might be looked at as "liberal" when comparing with "segregated America" (not only Blacks but Irish, Jews, Chinese AND Japanese, forget about the rest) or other colonial powers.

At that time "racism" was socially mainstream, normal. In that kind of culture and environment not being racist would be oddity.

noddy wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:56 pm
so its silly to call it racism or fascism, he was ruthless with all lives that aren't upper class poms - much like many others.

Again, argument could (correctly) be made that in "today's term" Churchill was a "humanist" and very much concerned for human life.

Today 500,000 life not worth much, as Video clip I posted Madeleine Albright says it was worth sacrificing 500,000 Iraqi children to topple Saddam

Now, pretty much, human life worthless if you not "on the right team" :lol:
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Re: The U.K.

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


:lol: :lol:

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Parodite »

From the lips of Konstantin Kisin to the ears of God.

7 Minutes of Pure Facts and Logic At Immigration Debate - Konstantin Kisin

One of the most decent and rational voices around.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:49 pm
From the lips of Konstantin Kisin to the ears of God.

7 Minutes of Pure Facts and Logic At Immigration Debate - Konstantin Kisin

One of the most decent and rational voices around.


For Europe, Yes or No to taking more immigrants, is not "discretionary" .. it is either more immigrants or economic decline (and down the road lower living standard and social services and diminishing military power and less influence on world stage)

Europe has no other choice

Instead of debating these issues, Europe should put effort, money etc to integrate, absorb, melting pot, the immigrants .. so that, at least the if not 2nd but for sure the 3rd generations become good Europeans.
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A Dream [Re: The U.K.]

Post by Parodite »


HP, the argument you make is a popular one among businesses who want the cheapest labor and delusional leftists who want a "borderless world for everyone", while draining wealth with their CO2 obsessions and having disputable "courts" decide on eco-policies that should have been debated and voted for-against democratically.

I am against any immigration from anywhere if the decision is not made democratically by me and my Dutch compatriots. That is my principled position. Business interests, EU-burocratnics and even "courts" that are corrupted, have now firmly taken control of the decision process, which I would label and summarize as The Castration of The European National Voter.

Free trade fundamentalists, traitors and red lines

I'm not a free trade fundamentalist so business interests cannot by-pass the democratic process. To do business with anyone who offers the best price is an a-moral if not psychopathic position.

Doing business with the Devil will boomerang back to you inevitably, usually you pay the price much later. Very similar to smoking or eating fast food with too much carbo and refined sugars and no exercise. Latest example is Western Europe making itself dependent on Russian gas and oil; the mistake of the century.

Nations to trade with don't need to be perfect but there are red lines. Red lines are subjective of course but important: they need to be negotiated democratically.

For some the current Israeli military operation in Gaza is a red line crossed, for others it is only Hamas and like-minded Palestinian factions who declared war on the state of Israel and don’t shy away from the most brutal acts of terrorism when they get the chance. Others conclude all of them crossed red lines so better stay out completely.

Redlines crossed means: no trade, no money flows, no investments, no diplomatic ties, no embassies, no students in our universities. Complete political and economic disengagement. Only exception maybe tourism. Tourists bring in money so you have to be pragmatic.

One could call it a total boycott but that word suggests the door could go back open any time soon, which is not the case. These complete disengagements can be re-evaluated every 10 year with a majority vote of >60% in both chambers needed, as is the case with a change in the constitution.

This matters, because it can’t be that civil and criminal law are clear what a crime is when you trade, participate, benefit from criminal activity but condone the same when it happens on the global stage under the flag and protection of “free trade”.

I buy a car from a criminal who stole it after slamming the skull of the lady who owned it. Just as an example, the Theft Act of 1968 in the UK:
Theft Act of 1968 wrote: Handling stolen goods

(1)A person handles stolen goods if (otherwise than in the course of the stealing) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods, or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention, removal, disposal or realization by or for the benefit of another person, or if he arranges to do so.

(2)A person guilty of handling stolen goods shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
When a foreign government is engaging in criminal activities, why allow businesses be in any profitable relationship with them to begin with?

People addicted to legalese details will no doubt dig up many cases illustrating the complexities of such an issue, arguing that not all human behavior, certainly not on the global stage, is perfectly organized and covered with tight rules and regulations plus an effective body of international law to enforce them. Also taking into account existing trade agreements between nations and financial institutions, central banks. In short, a web of interlinked interests impossible to regulate or change course.

The desire itself to regulate such a monster can create an even bigger and more dangerous monster of course. There always is a road to hell paved with good intentions.

My approach would be to un-complicate such matters. When the crimes of a foreign government are obvious and out in the open, consistent over time, beyond reasonable doubt expected to continue in the foreseeable future... one doesn’t need complicated investigations or cost-benefit analyses, wonder if international law here or there has anything to say.

You just make it a vote, a referendum perhaps: should we cut all ties with that government and country? If +50% of the people vote yes, then it is binding. All rest can and should be shown a huge tribalist middle finger.

A business continuing doing business with a murderous crooks gvt, should be considered a traitor and participating in a criminal organization. Now again, it is perfectly normal that people would identify different foreign governments as criminal organisations.

I’m sure HP would identify many if not most Western countries as criminal gangs and will be rather soft on Iran, Russia and China. Point is, that there should be the ability to vote on it. Free market fundamentalists so far get away with almost anything.

Not to mention the types of crime and theft institutionalized in the financial industry which is a monster so much in your face, people now take it all for granted as an immutable reality. Not even the elephant in the room: the elephant is the room.

Countries that IMO crossed the red line and must be put on complete ignore with total disengagement:

PR China, Putin's Russia, Mullah's Iran, all oil states of the Meddle-East, any little hell-hole dictatorship still around or (re-)emerging.

A Dream: The New Empire of Cyrus the Great

This new Empire is a work under construction but will emerge and grow out of necessity. As a direct metaphysical descendant of Cyrus The Great, Lord Parodite has seen the dice thrown and the wave function collapse. Decisions are made, an old dream gave finally birth to the inevitable.

Issue is not who wins, but who gets up fastest after falling. Will you resurrect or dissolve and be recycled? Winning is easy, but standing up after you lost is much harder and defines your future.

With failed-evil states completely ignored and removed from all equations, remaining countries can join in a shared free market place and provide for all economic and technical needs. Roughly the old Anglosphere extended with countries operating on same/similar principle in the far East: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Israel and good part of the middle-south Americas for as long as they are not run by drug cartels, Western and Eastern Europe with what will be left of Ukraine, Japan, South Korea.

African countries do whatever they want; what holds them down economically is corruption and a bureaucratic swamp with 60 light years of red tape which is a leftover of especially French colonial occupation. If they think it is a good idea to have China calling the shots there and bribing the usual local suspects... it is their problem and their future.

Free market fundamentalists and the traitors among them, always had the sales pitch that poor and un-free countries joining the free market boosted with western capital would morph into wonderful civilizations and almost look like us Westerners in no time with white shiny teeth, a Mac Donalds at every corner, having tasted democracy and free speech making them never wanting to give that goodie up ever... has turned out a complete delusion.

Both Russia and China are babies boosted with Free market Western Capital... but turned into One Fat & One Creepy Frankenstein. Oil states, swimming in oil money.. have become camels on steroids owned by the same old royal feudal families. More than ever doubling down on their medieval and toxic religion of Islam. Muslim women are the only reason for some optimism.

Lesson is: free market money just feeds what was already there. You get even fatter dictators or already free individuals competing for ever sky-higher riches. Some hybrids exist: South America where the sun can always shine but rains half of the season, India.

The monopolizing of money and capital has its own problems, especially now that big capital and big corp and tech have joined ranks with globalist bureaucrats creating the ultimate oligarchy; Big Franky Frankenstein.

This monster probably just grows and grows until it crumbles naturally. It completely depends on technology which is also its Achilles heel. But also other things can bring down Big Franky, a good 40% kill rate pandemic will do.

Bird flu is already able to infect mammals and these things always develop further and learn to jump and fly. Biolabs like Wuhan who do gain-of-function with these mass killers are playing with fire: more of these labs are built and operational as we speak.

Now everybody is paranoid about other people being paranoid about viruses developed as a bioweapon.

No need to fear AI yet: it is miiiilles away from being autonomous, able to self-repair, self-maintain and pro-create feeding on defenseless hosts for food and multiplication.

Real viruses have it all, AI has none. AI-phobia is just another boogeyman to make more money using fear to boost the price. Akin the drug war: make it illegal and you create drug cartels making all the money.

This alliance of healthy and free nation-states decide things themselves democratically like we do. I would like NL to only do business with these allies as mentioned. Countries I could easily go to and live a decent and free life, with people living there knowing they can do the same here in NL. I would just call them friends.

A free association of like-minded and similarly organized societies who want to play by the same ground-rules.

Relying for 80% on latest and safe nuclear power, not messing around or mess-up other countries not part of our Empire.. we simply ignore them and wish them best of luck.

That would be a wet dream for HP and he is right. The West, anyone, should stop messing around and poking in other people's local-national business. West has been, and still is a Wild Dog. This should change, and is already changing.

The New Empire can help when natural disasters strike outside the Empire, welcome tourists from anywhere in the world. But no immigration from outside the Empire, only worst-case refugees can stay longer. You help the worst cases where you can and to a degree you can. Must also be democratic decision how much help, who is first in line etc.

In this world with enormous streams of refugees it will always be a Sofie's choice; you can't help and save everybody. But every individual saved is worth it so you do what you can. Without starting to behave like a complete moron of course: which is what is happening now with autistic Eurocrats and woke Children calling their self-defeating shots.

War refugees from outside the Empire who can't go back safely yet, should be helped and function in society economically. But never get any voting rights! They remain lifelong "guests", off-spring born here included.

If they start to like Dutch democracy, they or their children’s children can dedicate their lives helping their country of origin to modernize, build democratic institutions, fight for human rights there, help separate Mosque-State etc.

I even want to spend tax-payer money on such efforts by refugees. So they can do what they eventually all want: go back home. If the climate there is better with more space and wild nature, I might join them.

As for work permits / visa's: available standard to any member within the Empire, with normal checks on criminal records etc. These are small details decided by individual nation state members.

Foreigners, beit people with work permits or refugees who marry a native Dutch: children with a biological Dutch mother or father are automatically full Dutch citizens. The best integration is achieved between sheets.

Dual citizenship should not be possible however. A foreigner married to a Dutch should not have voting rights in two countries. Nor their children. If for instance a Moroccan father wants to keep his Moroccan citizenship (or can't get rid of it) and this citizenship is transferred to the children he has with his Dutch wife, they will have the status of tourists or of a father with a workpermit with a visiting arrangement for his children.

He could then of course take his kids back to Morocco without the consent of his Dutch wife. Such "legal kidnappings" happened in the past, but I believe are no longer possible to protect those children.

Biggest hurdle to above fantasy is free market fundamentalism and its traitors: is has already metastasized and is feeding Big Franky Frankenstein. This Hydra however has the clay feet once prophecised by one of the old messengers who see in the dark.

The swift and nimble, still in possession of that dream as best expressed by MLK, will rise from its ashes and win the next round.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: A Dream [Re: The U.K.]

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:30 pm


HP, the argument you make is a popular one among businesses who want the cheapest labor and delusional leftists who want a "borderless world for everyone", while draining wealth with their CO2 obsessions and having disputable "courts" decide on eco-policies that should have been debated and voted for-against democratically.

I am against any immigration from anywhere if the decision is not made democratically by me and my Dutch compatriots. That is my principled position. Business interests, EU-burocratnics and even "courts" that are corrupted, have now firmly taken control of the decision process, which I would label and summarize as The Castration of The European National Voter.

Free trade fundamentalists, traitors and red lines

I'm not a free trade fundamentalist so business interests cannot by-pass the democratic process. To do business with anyone who offers the best price is an a-moral if not psychopathic position.

Doing business with the Devil will boomerang back to you inevitably, usually you pay the price much later. Very similar to smoking or eating fast food with too much carbo and refined sugars and no exercise. Latest example is Western Europe making itself dependent on Russian gas and oil; the mistake of the century.

Nations to trade with don't need to be perfect but there are red lines. Red lines are subjective of course but important: they need to be negotiated democratically.

For some the current Israeli military operation in Gaza is a red line crossed, for others it is only Hamas and like-minded Palestinian factions who declared war on the state of Israel and don’t shy away from the most brutal acts of terrorism when they get the chance. Others conclude all of them crossed red lines so better stay out completely.

Redlines crossed means: no trade, no money flows, no investments, no diplomatic ties, no embassies, no students in our universities. Complete political and economic disengagement. Only exception maybe tourism. Tourists bring in money so you have to be pragmatic.

One could call it a total boycott but that word suggests the door could go back open any time soon, which is not the case. These complete disengagements can be re-evaluated every 10 year with a majority vote of >60% in both chambers needed, as is the case with a change in the constitution.

This matters, because it can’t be that civil and criminal law are clear what a crime is when you trade, participate, benefit from criminal activity but condone the same when it happens on the global stage under the flag and protection of “free trade”.

I buy a car from a criminal who stole it after slamming the skull of the lady who owned it. Just as an example, the Theft Act of 1968 in the UK:
Theft Act of 1968 wrote: Handling stolen goods

(1)A person handles stolen goods if (otherwise than in the course of the stealing) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods, or dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention, removal, disposal or realization by or for the benefit of another person, or if he arranges to do so.

(2)A person guilty of handling stolen goods shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
When a foreign government is engaging in criminal activities, why allow businesses be in any profitable relationship with them to begin with?

People addicted to legalese details will no doubt dig up many cases illustrating the complexities of such an issue, arguing that not all human behavior, certainly not on the global stage, is perfectly organized and covered with tight rules and regulations plus an effective body of international law to enforce them. Also taking into account existing trade agreements between nations and financial institutions, central banks. In short, a web of interlinked interests impossible to regulate or change course.

The desire itself to regulate such a monster can create an even bigger and more dangerous monster of course. There always is a road to hell paved with good intentions.

My approach would be to un-complicate such matters. When the crimes of a foreign government are obvious and out in the open, consistent over time, beyond reasonable doubt expected to continue in the foreseeable future... one doesn’t need complicated investigations or cost-benefit analyses, wonder if international law here or there has anything to say.

You just make it a vote, a referendum perhaps: should we cut all ties with that government and country? If +50% of the people vote yes, then it is binding. All rest can and should be shown a huge tribalist middle finger.

A business continuing doing business with a murderous crooks gvt, should be considered a traitor and participating in a criminal organization. Now again, it is perfectly normal that people would identify different foreign governments as criminal organisations.

I’m sure HP would identify many if not most Western countries as criminal gangs and will be rather soft on Iran, Russia and China. Point is, that there should be the ability to vote on it. Free market fundamentalists so far get away with almost anything.

Not to mention the types of crime and theft institutionalized in the financial industry which is a monster so much in your face, people now take it all for granted as an immutable reality. Not even the elephant in the room: the elephant is the room.

Countries that IMO crossed the red line and must be put on complete ignore with total disengagement:

PR China, Putin's Russia, Mullah's Iran, all oil states of the Meddle-East, any little hell-hole dictatorship still around or (re-)emerging.

A Dream: The New Empire of Cyrus the Great

This new Empire is a work under construction but will emerge and grow out of necessity. As a direct metaphysical descendant of Cyrus The Great, Lord Parodite has seen the dice thrown and the wave function collapse. Decisions are made, an old dream gave finally birth to the inevitable.

Issue is not who wins, but who gets up fastest after falling. Will you resurrect or dissolve and be recycled? Winning is easy, but standing up after you lost is much harder and defines your future.

With failed-evil states completely ignored and removed from all equations, remaining countries can join in a shared free market place and provide for all economic and technical needs. Roughly the old Anglosphere extended with countries operating on same/similar principle in the far East: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Israel and good part of the middle-south Americas for as long as they are not run by drug cartels, Western and Eastern Europe with what will be left of Ukraine, Japan, South Korea.

African countries do whatever they want; what holds them down economically is corruption and a bureaucratic swamp with 60 light years of red tape which is a leftover of especially French colonial occupation. If they think it is a good idea to have China calling the shots there and bribing the usual local suspects... it is their problem and their future.

Free market fundamentalists and the traitors among them, always had the sales pitch that poor and un-free countries joining the free market boosted with western capital would morph into wonderful civilizations and almost look like us Westerners in no time with white shiny teeth, a Mac Donalds at every corner, having tasted democracy and free speech making them never wanting to give that goodie up ever... has turned out a complete delusion.

Both Russia and China are babies boosted with Free market Western Capital... but turned into One Fat & One Creepy Frankenstein. Oil states, swimming in oil money.. have become camels on steroids owned by the same old royal feudal families. More than ever doubling down on their medieval and toxic religion of Islam. Muslim women are the only reason for some optimism.

Lesson is: free market money just feeds what was already there. You get even fatter dictators or already free individuals competing for ever sky-higher riches. Some hybrids exist: South America where the sun can always shine but rains half of the season, India.

The monopolizing of money and capital has its own problems, especially now that big capital and big corp and tech have joined ranks with globalist bureaucrats creating the ultimate oligarchy; Big Franky Frankenstein.

This monster probably just grows and grows until it crumbles naturally. It completely depends on technology which is also its Achilles heel. But also other things can bring down Big Franky, a good 40% kill rate pandemic will do.

Bird flu is already able to infect mammals and these things always develop further and learn to jump and fly. Biolabs like Wuhan who do gain-of-function with these mass killers are playing with fire: more of these labs are built and operational as we speak.

Now everybody is paranoid about other people being paranoid about viruses developed as a bioweapon.

No need to fear AI yet: it is miiiilles away from being autonomous, able to self-repair, self-maintain and pro-create feeding on defenseless hosts for food and multiplication.

Real viruses have it all, AI has none. AI-phobia is just another boogeyman to make more money using fear to boost the price. Akin the drug war: make it illegal and you create drug cartels making all the money.

This alliance of healthy and free nation-states decide things themselves democratically like we do. I would like NL to only do business with these allies as mentioned. Countries I could easily go to and live a decent and free life, with people living there knowing they can do the same here in NL. I would just call them friends.

A free association of like-minded and similarly organized societies who want to play by the same ground-rules.

Relying for 80% on latest and safe nuclear power, not messing around or mess-up other countries not part of our Empire.. we simply ignore them and wish them best of luck.

That would be a wet dream for HP and he is right. The West, anyone, should stop messing around and poking in other people's local-national business. West has been, and still is a Wild Dog. This should change, and is already changing.

The New Empire can help when natural disasters strike outside the Empire, welcome tourists from anywhere in the world. But no immigration from outside the Empire, only worst-case refugees can stay longer. You help the worst cases where you can and to a degree you can. Must also be democratic decision how much help, who is first in line etc.

In this world with enormous streams of refugees it will always be a Sofie's choice; you can't help and save everybody. But every individual saved is worth it so you do what you can. Without starting to behave like a complete moron of course: which is what is happening now with autistic Eurocrats and woke Children calling their self-defeating shots.

War refugees from outside the Empire who can't go back safely yet, should be helped and function in society economically. But never get any voting rights! They remain lifelong "guests", off-spring born here included.

If they start to like Dutch democracy, they or their children’s children can dedicate their lives helping their country of origin to modernize, build democratic institutions, fight for human rights there, help separate Mosque-State etc.

I even want to spend tax-payer money on such efforts by refugees. So they can do what they eventually all want: go back home. If the climate there is better with more space and wild nature, I might join them.

As for work permits / visa's: available standard to any member within the Empire, with normal checks on criminal records etc. These are small details decided by individual nation state members.

Foreigners, beit people with work permits or refugees who marry a native Dutch: children with a biological Dutch mother or father are automatically full Dutch citizens. The best integration is achieved between sheets.

Dual citizenship should not be possible however. A foreigner married to a Dutch should not have voting rights in two countries. Nor their children. If for instance a Moroccan father wants to keep his Moroccan citizenship (or can't get rid of it) and this citizenship is transferred to the children he has with his Dutch wife, they will have the status of tourists or of a father with a workpermit with a visiting arrangement for his children.

He could then of course take his kids back to Morocco without the consent of his Dutch wife. Such "legal kidnappings" happened in the past, but I believe are no longer possible to protect those children.

Biggest hurdle to above fantasy is free market fundamentalism and its traitors: is has already metastasized and is feeding Big Franky Frankenstein. This Hydra however has the clay feet once prophecised by one of the old messengers who see in the dark.

The swift and nimble, still in possession of that dream as best expressed by MLK, will rise from its ashes and win the next round.

Parodite wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:30 pm
HP, the argument you make is a popular one among businesses who want the cheapest labor and delusional leftists who want a "borderless world for everyone", while draining wealth with their CO2 obsessions and having disputable "courts" decide on eco-policies that should have been debated and voted for-against democratically.

"labor's price" is defined by the product he/she produces (his "productivity") .. world market price fixes the price of the product and that leads to the labours wage .. that wage is not arbitrary .. There no such thing as "cheap labour"

In the past, West had the advantage, lets say "head start", in "Science, Knowledge, technology" .. this "head start" justified, lead to, that West could afford a higher living standard compared to "non western world".

That "head start" is now ERRODING very fast.

So, no matter how you cut and paste, the western plumber, more and more, must compete with Indian and Chinese plumber.

This whole thing has nothing to do with democratic process, left, right, what you want, what I want, Business interests, EU-burocratnics, Castration of The European National Voter etc etc

In the past, when Nations could not compete, say Brits could not compete with Germans, wars were started .. this no more possible.

"New World" will be a very "merciless" world .. either you can compete in or you are out to the dogs.

I think, in western world, probably after French Revolution, for sure after Russian Communist Revolution, the "Ruling Elite", being "shell Shocked", gave too much "lee way" to common population .. specially after WW2, the new generation wanting the cake and eat it too .. now they facing reality.

Notion I don't want "Globalization" not only silly but is to fool the illiterate Joe .. Putting Tariffs on imported goods is not only screwing your own consumers (as they pay the tarrifs by a higher price) but much bigger disaster is the own producers would have no urgency to make their product competitive.

We already in Globalized world .. there no escape

US can adjust to new world, US has "special strength" that no nation in the world has, for Europe it will be much more difficult

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Parodite »

Good to hear you talk like a genuine Free Market Fundamentalist [FMF]. :) You are in good company of course: the world is full of them, like the Godfather of OTNOT, David Goldman.

I'm not denying reality: just showing you the future, what ends rather soon and what probably comes next. Based on current observations. Cataclysms like nuclear war or a very bad pandemic might speed things up but the destination is the same. Remember Cyrus.

Economic realities and biological incentives are the strongest drivers of human behavior but not the only one. The free market isn’t some sort of natural phenomenon like gravity or volcanic activity. It is the outcome of many variables and forces, old and new. A designed game with rules and referees, with a lot of overhead needed to keep it afloat and operating, depending also on free speech, functional universities and the foundations of democracy.

The free market is like farming: a lot is needed to make it work. And don't forget that indispensible army of lawyers! Or police.... fire fighters in case your office is reminded of the laws of thermodynamics.

The average FMF will perceive the free market like a wild bush where you only need a license to enter and a permit to hunt wild boar. Some of the libertarian free market fundamentalists are like that, especially Wall Street cowboys.

The incentive structure and instinct triggered is that of the hunter. It is a very reliable and old instinct and simple set of behaviors. They are however unaware of the fact that their hunting ground is a carefully arranged and operated system with a lot of dependencies invisible to them. Why invisible? They are no secret, but to hunt they should not be bothered by these dependencies, or with sometimes serious moral and ethical conundrums grinning them in the face.

The temptation to sell dog-poo is always there and enormous. What happened in 2008 is no mystery. We also remember the murder of Glass-Steagall.

A simple hunter chasing his game, kill, bring it back home, get paid. Questions can be asked later, especially by those who live off the game you bring home, and regularly whine and complain about how sad it is for animals to be shot, how the natural environment deteriorates. These whiners being addicts of smart phones, applauding electric cars to which enormous human and environmental costs are attached; not that they care about any of that either.

What you get is the blind leading the blind. Where are they going? You tell me. My dog knows the answer.

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

I don't think Goldman is a Free Market fundamentalist, not when he advocates for an economic policy.....'>.....

Summary: Officially, the United States has no industrial policy. But in practice, it has had one in place for decades that has shrunk America’s manufacturing sector and blunted its technological edge: Tax and regulatory policies that discourage capital-intensive investment, subsidies for white-collar professionals rather than skilled workers, and shrinking support for the basic scientific research that sustains productivity. As a result, the US depends on China and other countries for strategic goods and runs chronic deficits that have swollen our obligations to foreigners. All nations have industrial policies, and America need one that fosters industry rather than stifles it. ... cal-guide/
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


In final analysis, economic fundamentals, in a nutshell, boils to one dogma :

" Do you have something that the world wants to buy, and have you the pricing power ? "

If one of the above not the case, you are out.

In the "New World Order", all those not understanding the above, will continue to consume the "accumulated wealth" (if any), and when the pot empty, collapse .. like happened to Soviet Union.

All what you debate and refer to, is not how to "generate" wealth, but how to consume that wealth ..

Yes, left ,right have different preferences how to consume the generated wealth, matter of culture.

Re Holland : how did Dutch became Well off, Rich ? Traditionally, Germans were the manufacturers, Dutch were the marketer of those German products

Now Germans still the manufacturers, but AMAZON and AliBaBa are the marketers.

So, Dutch better listen to ASML Holding N.V., they bringin the bacon home

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:41 pm
I don't think Goldman is a Free Market fundamentalist, not when he advocates for an economic policy.....'>.....

Summary: Officially, the United States has no industrial policy. But in practice, it has had one in place for decades that has shrunk America’s manufacturing sector and blunted its technological edge: Tax and regulatory policies that discourage capital-intensive investment, subsidies for white-collar professionals rather than skilled workers, and shrinking support for the basic scientific research that sustains productivity. As a result, the US depends on China and other countries for strategic goods and runs chronic deficits that have swollen our obligations to foreigners. All nations have industrial policies, and America need one that fosters industry rather than stifles it. ... cal-guide/


To prosper in "New World Order", nations must concentrate, focus on where that nation's "Strengths" are.

America's Strength was not in producing Television, so, RCA and others stop producing television.

Neither America's Strength is (anymore) producing cars .. In the future, cars will be produced by India and China .. Europe and US will stop producing cars, AND, car prices will drop a lot. We already see this is Chinese EV flooding Europe and soon US. This should be welcome by Western consumers.

American "machine workers" should produce high value, high technology products that Chinese and Indians (not yet) can produce.

Meaning, there no such thing as "American manufacturing base eroded".

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Parodite »

Thanks for the Speng piece. There is no space between his general understanding of the free market where there are always various policies needed for it to operate and "even no policy is a policy" and how I see it.

My point is completely different: he is the perfect FMF because he accepts the fact that the global market is what is and that we have to operate within it if we like it or not. That is a lie.

He is fine with Western money being invested in China, I am not.

He is fine with Chinese products and technology being sold on Western markets, I am not.

He is thrilled, elated that the Chinese are into Western classical arts and even outperform: I don't care.

He has often said he is against import tarifs because we shoot ourselves in the foot. Which underscores the fact that he has embraced global competition also with rather crooked players.

I am also against tarifs because they are a zero sum game at best.

But disagree that we have no choice but do business and compete with all angels and all demons who happen to also trade on that same global stage. That is the FMF I am referring to.

He is completely into it and as such a typical FMF traitor. PR China is governed by a CCP cartel of gangsters who never broke with nor apologized for the millions killed by their role model Mao.

Imagine, for the sake of God, that the Nazis won WW2 and rule with an iron fascist mono-party fist ever since. Surely they would embrace global trade too and put to work the famous German talents for science and engineering. A real FMF has no problem doing business with anybody, so would traitor Goldman. With the killers of his family.

Doing business with cartels and gangsters always backfires. But sure enough, it is too late, changing course is no longer possible. The dice is rolled. This cancer has to grow to its maximum size until the hosts tissue has been rendered into disfunction and death.

Dancing with the devil is choice. Simple.
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Re: The U.K.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:54 pm Thanks for the Speng piece. There is no space between his general understanding of the free market where there are always various policies needed for it to operate and "even no policy is a policy" and how I see it.

My point is completely different: he is the perfect FMF because he accepts the fact that the global market is what is and that we have to operate within it if we like it or not. That is a lie.

He is fine with Western money being invested in China, I am not.

He is fine with Chinese products and technology being sold on Western markets, I am not.

He is thrilled, elated that the Chinese are into Western classical arts and even outperform: I don't care.

He has often said he is against import tarifs because we shoot ourselves in the foot. Which underscores the fact that he has embraced global competition also with rather crooked players.

I am also against tarifs because they are a zero sum game at best.

But disagree that we have no choice but do business and compete with all angels and all demons who happen to also trade on that same global stage. That is the FMF I am referring to.

He is completely into it and as such a typical FMF traitor. PR China is governed by a CCP cartel of gangsters who never broke with nor apologized for the millions killed by their role model Mao.

Imagine, for the sake of God, that the Nazis won WW2 and rule with an iron fascist mono-party fist ever since. Surely they would embrace global trade too and put to work the famous German talents for science and engineering. A real FMF has no problem doing business with anybody, so would traitor Goldman. With the killers of his family.

Doing business with cartels and gangsters always backfires. But sure enough, it is too late, changing course is no longer possible. The dice is rolled. This cancer has to grow to its maximum size until the hosts tissue has been rendered into disfunction and death.

Dancing with the devil is choice. Simple.


Unless you think Chinese and Indians have much lower IQ compared to Western, what you advocate only delays a bit the inevitable .. and .. end-result is much worst outcome for those sayin what you sayin.

Importance of Western capital, patents, technology, investment in China and India ERODING. They still important but less and less every day.

Look at the Financial sanction first put on Iran .. Now, China, India, Russia have put in place their SWIFT, and Debit/CC system. .. Group of Shanghai, BRICS.

Siemens stop maintaining Iranian gas turbines, and now Iran replaces all Russian Siemens Gas Pipeline gas-turbines with Iran made Gas turbine .. Iran now
overhauls all Russian Airbuses :lol:

Only way out for West is to produce a better mouse trap and be competitive and be nice to everybody (goodwill important too)

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Re: The U.K.

Post by Parodite »

HP wrote: Unless you think Chinese and Indians have much lower IQ compared to Western, what you advocate only delays a bit the inevitable .. and .. end-result is much worst outcome for those sayin what you sayin.
IQ is fine everywhere. Means nothing and is no metric or source for reliable prediction in this context. Maybe Jesus had lower IQ than Jack the Ripper, but look who had more positive impact in the world. Lower IQ people often better readers of emotions and body language. Many animals much smarter in reading others. High IQ is just a modern fetish because it helps succeed in high tech society. High IQ also useful if you are a sociopath or psychopath. Extra tool to fool and manipulate others.

What I advocate, Cyrus 2.0 won't happen yet, the dice has rolled long ago. I'm just sharing my observations and recommendations. To borrow from Jordan Peterson who tries to live and behave as-if God exists, I write on OTNOT as-if anybody cares. :D :P

But you never know... a small seed...the butterfly effect....

The extended West, countries who seek win-win cooperation, with same core values (you know what those are).. can perfectly live, survive, thrive in every way while completely ignoring the SIRI cartel. Of course within this Cyrus the Great 2.0 empire, people can easily migrate, work anywhere with work visa, with each member state of course decides on its own immigration/refugee policies.

But you guessed it, this Empire, which will grow in size and power very easily, will have the largest army in the world with all deterrence you need to keep naughty cartels at bay outside the gate. It needs no violent conquests because it is the place everybody wants to be. Russia will join earlier than you'd expect because this is where it belongs. Being best friend of giant Poo Xi Panda is not a very safe posotion. Han Chinese only know one type of game: win-lose. Gangster logic.

China will end up more isolated, but as a modern economic colonizer it will gain significant territory in Africa, that is basically defenceless. If any ethnic group looks down on bogged down African blacks it is Han Chinese.

But Africans have tribal instincts as strong as any, which means at one point they realize they have let themselves be re-colonized again! Then it is a matter of time before those small yellow Han rats are kicked out if not exterminated.

USA decline will continue, but even half its size and power still a formidable force. Because very dynamic culture.. things can also suddenly turn around in right direction.
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