Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

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Do You Believe You Could Eat Human Flesh If Necessary to Survive...

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Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by monster_gardener »

Cannibalism- Past, Present, Future - Worldwide..........

Thank You Very Much for maintaining the forum, Admins Typhoon & YMix

Wasn't sure where to post this........

Deals with Egyptian Muslims accusing the Pilgrims of eating Native American Indians :shock: .........*

And allowing cannibalism of Infidels by Muslims....... :shock: :o :shock:

So it could go in North America or the Middle East ...............

But remembering that this also is happening right now in North Korea :evil:

And has been a not uncommon historical occurence. :shock: :roll:

Decided to make it a General Topic....

Post anything related to cannibalism especially if It is current events.....

Am reminded of a quote from L. Sprague de Camp's "The Fallible Fiend" by the leader of a invasion force of cannibals ;) to the effect that the ONLY moral reason to kill a human being was to eat him or her.... :shock: .........

The invading cannibals considered the more "typical society they were invading to be immoral because killers did not eat the people they killed......

Reminds me a bit of the idea that it is only moral to hunt or fish you are going to eat what you bag/catch........

*Probably because they ran out of Turkeys on Thanksgiving ;) :twisted
Last edited by monster_gardener on Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Egyptian Islamist Leader Claims Pilgrims Were Cannibals.....

Post by monster_gardener »

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Hussam Abu Al-Bukhari is a doctor with a background in comparative religion. He was/is the spokesman for the Third Islamic Forces Coalition, a founder of the Coalition of New Muslims, which targeted Coptic Christians for conversion to Islam, and a co-founder of the Egyptian Virtue Party or Hizb El-Fadil.

The Coalition of New Muslims party even nominated Hussam for president. Basically he’s one of the semi-important Salafist figures in this Egypt who manages to look mainstream and professional sometimes.

And I mention all this because it’s important to remember that these are not videos of random crazy people. These are the videos of important well-educated crazy people who are not crazy by Muslim standards.

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian Islamist politician Hussam Abu Al-Bukhari, which was posted on the Internet on March 4, 2013.

Hussam Abu Al-Bukhari: We are completely unaware that we are in a real conflict – a religious conflict, a cultural conflict, a conflict over countries, over values, over everything.


An entire chapter in this book is devoted to the eating of the flesh of the Indians. It is an entire chapter on how the Americans – or the British immigrants, who were referred to as “pilgrims” – would kill the Indians and then eat them – cooked, barbequed, made into kebabs, you name it… Not just that, sometimes they would killed them for the purpose of eating them.
Dr. Akash quotes studies from British, Australian, and American universities, showing that since Columbus and to this day, not a single document has proven that the indigenous people were cannibals. On the contrary, the cannibalism emerged from English culture. There were books explaining how to eat human flesh. ... as-kebabs/

This ignoramus needs to meet some Aztecs post sacrifice............

Not that the North American Boyz & Grrlz didn't get into it too.....

Need I say "Wendigo" as just one example..........

But speaking of Egyptian Islamists and cannibalism...

High School textbooks in Egypt approved by Sunni Islam’s most prestigious (and allegedly “moderate”) university condones the killing and eating of apostates. As long as you eat them …. raw. ... cook-them/

“Listen also to what they teach to kids… It says, “We allowed the eating of the flesh of dead humans… under necessary conditions.” It must not be cooked or grilled to avoid Haram .” So he’s allowed to eat him without cooking or grilling.

Listen, sir!… “Al-Azhar al-Sharif (honorable al-Azhar) Azhari Colleges Section, Central Administration for Books, Libraries & Teaching Aid… for 3rd year high-school”.

Husham must have confused the Pilgrims with Muslims.

By the way Munir Akash, whom our good doctor quotes, is a former UC Irvine professor who works as a visiting professor at Suffolk College. His American employers don’t tend to list some of his “historical works” on the subject of America which might be a bit much even for lefty academics.
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Re: Cannibalism- Past, Present, Worldwide:Middle East, Uz...

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Front page mag? :lol: :lol:

But I sure hope that the pilgrims did eat the native ameri..err, indians.
At least it would give a viable explanation as to why they did kill them? (Cold, hungry, new untamed frontier, etc, etc.)
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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Typhoon »

Must be a slow news day at FrontPageRag . . .
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Muslim Cannibalism in the Raw - OK if it is Raw ;-)

Post by monster_gardener »

Hans Bulvai wrote:Front page mag? :lol: :lol:

But I sure hope that the pilgrims did eat the native ameri..err, indians.
At least it would give a viable explanation as to why they did kill them? (Cold, hungry, new untamed frontier, etc, etc.)
Thank You Very Much for your reply, Hans.
Front page mag? :lol: :lol:
The article provides raw data in the form of You Tube videos with in Arabic with subtitles.......

If you speak Arabic, please comment whether the subtitles are accurate.......

To be fair, the Arabs/Muslims in the second video seem rather upset with what the Killer Klowns ;) at Al Ahzar University are allowing to be published..........

That killing and eating apostates, adulterers etc. is OK as long as you eat them raw!

Possible scenario in Egypt given the food riots.........

"Did you hear what happened to FATima ;) :twisted: ....


Her husband caught her cheating on him so he killed and ate her!

So that's why the religious police took him away.....


Then why?

He roasted her instead of eating her raw........

So that was that wonderful smell the other day.............

I was angry we weren't invited over........"


The Arabs/Muslims in the second video seem rather upset with what the Killer Klowns ;) at Al Azhar University are allowing to be published..........

Allowing cannibalism so long as it is done in the raw ;) :twisted: :lol: :roll:
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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Ibrahim »

"FrontPageMag" is basically a joke. I've only ever seen it cited on webforums by uneducated people who hate Muslims. It has no other use or readership.

IIRC one of the first crimes prosecuted in the Plymouth colony was against a man who, out of extreme hunger, ate his wife who had died during the winter. Cannibalism in extreme circumstances is recorded all over the world, cannibalism for magical purposes less-common though also widely attested in traditional cultures.

But this thread wasn't started to discuss cannibalism, it was started as an excuse to re-post some trash from a website. I clicked "display post" to see that m_g still refers to Muslims as "murderous" and "killers" in all of his spammed posts. This thread is of a piece with the rest of his act.
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Original Egyptian Video: Al Azhar University on Cannibalism.

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:"FrontPageMag" is basically a joke. I've only ever seen it cited on webforums by uneducated people who hate Muslims. It has no other use or readership.

IIRC one of the first crimes prosecuted in the Plymouth colony was against a man who, out of extreme hunger, ate his wife who had died during the winter. Cannibalism in extreme circumstances is recorded all over the world, cannibalism for magical purposes less-common though also widely attested in traditional cultures.

But this thread wasn't started to discuss cannibalism, it was started as an excuse to re-post some trash from a website. I clicked "display post" to see that m_g still refers to Muslims as "murderous" and "killers" in all of his spammed posts. This thread is of a piece with the rest of his act.
Thank you for your post, Ibrahim.
"FrontPageMag" is basically a joke.
If so it is a pretty good jest ;) that posts links to the original stories...... ;)

I originally heard the story on the radio and was trying to confirm...........

But in deference to your dislike of Front Page, I'll post the more Muslim friendly link to original data.....

NOTE: Again per the previous post which was allegedly read, per the subtitles,to their credit, the Arabs/Muslims/Egyptians in the video seem pretty upset about Al Azhar endorsing books condoning cannibalism for apostates, adulterers etc. so long as the victims are eaten raw.........

Uat7aPNGdt0 ... at7aPNGdt0
But this thread wasn't started to discuss cannibalism,
I was tempted to just post it in the Middle East, Egypt thread but decided to make it more general......

I also mentioned L. Sprague de Camp's thought problem...... Is killing a person to eat him or her more or less moral than murder for other purposes.
More on this also in the Trophy Hunting thread.........

Serious topic....

AIUI most American and probably Canada cities are just a couple of weeks away from food riots if things go bad.........

Be Like a LDS Mormon... Lay in a supply of food......... Enough for you and maybe some neighbors..........

Be Like a Baptized Sikh........ Be Armed......... You may need to defend it or distribution thereof...........

Or you may meet some Wendigos.......... Especially if you are in the Northern US or Canada..
All cultures in which the Wendigo myth appeared shared the belief that human beings could turn into Wendigos if they ever resorted to cannibalism[2] or, alternatively, become possessed by the demonic spirit of a Wendigo, often in a dream. Once transformed, a person would become violent and obsessed with eating human flesh. The most frequent cause of transformation into a Wendigo was if a person had resorted to cannibalism, consuming the body of another human in order to keep from starving to death during a time of extreme hardship example in hard winters, strawing or famine.[11]

Among northern Algonquian cultures, cannibalism, even to save one's own life, was viewed as a serious taboo; the proper response to famine was suicide or resignation to death.[12] On one level, the Wendigo myth thus worked as a deterrent and a warning against resorting to cannibalism; those who did would become Wendigo monsters themselves

it was started as an excuse to re-post some trash from a website.
How do you know that?............. I don't recall sending you a PM.....
IIRC one of the first crimes prosecuted in the Plymouth colony was against a man who, out of extreme hunger, ate his wife who had died during the winter.
So given that you know this, I presume you know of no instance where the Pilgrims ate Indians for Thanksgiving rather than Turkeys ;) :twisted: :lol: or you would have mentioned it.

all of his spammed posts.

Spam is pork shoulder and ham. Tasty but not halal.........

But better to eat spam than starving or becoming a Wendigo/Cannibal Zombie/Ghoul............. ;) :twisted: :shock:
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NSFW.......Shimmy Shimmy Ya" lyrics.......

Post by monster_gardener »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:4ITLNzPoEqs
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post, Miss_Faucie_Fishtits/LzzrdGrrl,

Had not heard that one before........ :shock:

But it seems to be available as a ringtone......... ;) ... +Shimmy+Ya

For those who may have had trouble understanding the lyrics.......

WARNING: NSFW.........

Shimmy Shimmy Ya"

(Oh, genuflect, you can't even sing.)

Hey, baby, I like it raw...
Yeah baby, I like it RAW!!!
Ooh, baby, I like it raw...
Yeah baby, I like it RAW!!!

Shimmy shimmy ya, shimmy yam, shimmy yay,
Gimme the mic so I can take it away.
Off on a natural charge, bon voyage
Yeah, from the home of the Dodgers, Brooklyn squad
Wu-Tang Killer Bees on a swarm!
Rain on ya college ass, disco dorm!
For you to even touch my skill,
You gotta have the one Killer Bee and he ain't gonna kill. Now
My producer slam, my flow is like bam!
Chop that down, pass it all around!
Lyrics get hard, quick cement to the ground!
For any MC in any 52 states,
I gets psycho killer Norman Bates!
My producer slam, sharp like bam!
Jump on stage, and then I dun-daaaah!

(I like the way you come)

Hey, baby, I like it rawww...
Yeah baby, I like it RAWWW!!!
Ooh, baby, I like it raww...
Yeah baby, I like it RAWWW!!!

[Reverse Verse] ... mmyya.html
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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Zack Morris »

Faced with the prospect of spending my last days starving to death and having to listen to inane arguments about Muslims and fertility, you bet I'd kill any one of you. But only to render the fat and make hair gel out of it.

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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Typhoon »

Zack Morris wrote:Faced with the prospect of spending my last days starving to death and having to listen to inane arguments about Muslims and fertility, you bet I'd kill any one of you. But only to render the fat and make hair gel out of it.

In your search for hair gel you may have come up with the only workable solution on how to achieve peace between the perpetually warring peoples of the ME: eat them.
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Re: Cannibalism - Past, Present, Worldwide: ME, US

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

There's an imam's worth of hair gel right thar......aye....XDDDDDDDDD..........
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Echoing Cute Cat 2nd Amendment Arguments Against Zombies....

Post by monster_gardener »

Zack Morris wrote:Faced with the prospect of spending my last days starving to death and having to listen to inane arguments about Muslims and fertility, you bet I'd kill any one of you. But only to render the fat and make hair gel out of it.

Thank you Very Much for your post, Zack.

If those are your true sentiments...... ;) **

They sound like a pretty good argument in favor of the 2nd Amendment... ;)

And AR-15s............. ;)

And 30 round magazines......... ;)

And even Joe Biden ;) Shotguns.......... ;)

Also Ka-Bar Knifes for wet work within 15 to 20 feet........ ;)

But since I presume that you are joking..... ;)

Please take all the above as jesting..... ;) *

*It's really for if the Zombies ;) get past the Plants ;) in the yard...........

Need to go feed the Cat-Tails ;) .............


*Reminds me of those of Ghoolion :twisted: :evil: toward Echo the Talking Cat :) ....... ... Apprentice
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The Feast of Eater..... The Bridge by D. Keith Mano......

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank You Very Much for maintaining the Board, Admins Typhoon and Ymix.

Given that Today is Easter.......

Am reminded of the book, "The Bridge" by D. Keith Mano...........

And its Feast of "Eater"....
In the near future humanity has tired of its miserable life so much that a fanatical government decides to give earth back to nature. While all around Dominick Priest humanity is either committing suicide or being killed by fanatics, the hero struggles overland toward his home village, not really knowing what awaits him there. On the way there, including during the crossing of the name-giving storm-tossed suspension bridge, he slowly goes mad and becomes the prophet of a new religion that embraces life -

perhaps a bit too much... ... 280&sr=1-3

Also........... ... im_sbs_b_3

Memorable Book....................
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