The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

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Is the man in this video ISIS leader Al Baghadadi?

Post by Doc »

I came across this video looking for something else. It is extremely graphic. Atfer watching it you may either get the feeling you want to go hunt these pigs down and kill them, or just throw up.

When I saw it the main person in the video looked familiar... So I looked up a picture of Al Baghdadi At the time the live leak video was released I beleive there were not any photos of Al Baghdadi available of the internet.

Here is a recent known video of Baghdadi

Are they of the same person?

Maybe someone here familiar with the accents there can tell.

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Alleged 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Sold Sotloff to ISIS...

Post by monster_gardener »

Alleged 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Sold Sotloff to ISIS....

Thank You VERY MUCH for Maintaining the Forum, Admins Typhoon & YMix

Heard this first on the radio yesterday and again today....

That the Alleged 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Sold American Journalist Steven Sotloff to ISIS to be Beheaded.... :evil:

Decided to look it up..........
Family claims Steven Sotloff was ‘sold’ to ISIS

By Marisa Schultz

September 10, 2014 | 2:37am

Family spokesman Barak Barfi (inset) told CNN that Steven Sotloff was sold at the

WASHINGTON — Murdered US journalist Steven Sotloff was sold to Islamic State terrorists by “so-called moderate rebels,” and the Obama administration “could have done more” to save him, a family spokesman said Tuesday.

“For the first time, we can say Steven was sold at the [Syrian] border,” spokesman Barak Barfi told CNN.

He said the rebels tipped off ISIS that Sotloff had entered the country, and those terrorists then grabbed him.

“We believe these so-called moderate rebels that people want our administration to support — one of them sold him probably for something between $25,000 and $50,000, and that was the reason he was captured,” Barfi said, citing “sources on the ground.”

White House spokesman Josh Earnest denied the account. “Based on the information that has been provided to me, I don’t believe that is accurate,” Earnest said.

Sotloff, 31, a freelance journalist for Time magazine, was seen in the initial ISIS video of the beheading of fellow journalist James Foley.

His terrorist captors warned Sotloff would be murdered next if the United States didn’t stop its airstrikes in Iraq. His mother, Shirley, pleaded for Sotloff’s release as the air attacks continued.

Barfi accused the Obama administration of treating the anguished family poorly during the ordeal. After Sotloff’s hostage video was released, the family made “one simple request” to the administration, but were “rebuffed,” according to the lawyer.

“We do not believe they gave us the cooperation,” Barfi said, declining to specify the request.

The video of Sotloff’s execution was released Sept. 2. The brutal murders of both reporters have galvanized public opinion in favor of US military strikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. ... d-to-isis/

If this is true.....

Maybe obama, the POS POTUS's plan to use the allegedly moderate Free Syria Army, which he previously dismissed as doctors & lawyers, as the US's tool against the ISIS Caliphate is an even worse idea than it first seemed..... :roll:

IMHO No real good guys on the Islamic side over there.... Not even the Kurds given FGM, their bloody hand in the Armenian Holocaust and Kurdish
Mullah Krekar :evil:

President Dr. Bashir Assad is a vassal/tool of both Iran & Russia but at least he protects Christians & other minorities against Sunni savagery AND the US was able to get US Airmen captured back from Syria through Jesse Jackson under the previous Assad....

Not to be forgotten that Assad was trying to make Nukes and that he is an enemy of Israel but maybe better to keep him in charge than risk working with a weak treacherous reed like the Free Syria Army that may break in our hands and injure US....

At least try to get some try to avoid 'friendly fire' agreement while hunting ISIS....
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Re: Alleged 'Moderate' Free Syrian Army Sold Sotloff to ISIS

Post by Hoosiernorm » ... ation-form

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—After announcing, on Thursday, that it would seek $500 million to help “train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the moderate Syrian armed opposition,” the White House today posted the following Moderate Syrian Rebel Application Form:

Welcome to the United States’ Moderate Syrian Rebel Vetting Process. To see if you qualify for $500 million in American weapons, please choose an answer to the following questions:

As a Syrian rebel, I think the word or phrase that best describes me is:
A) Moderate
B) Very moderate
C) Crazy moderate
D) Other

I became a Syrian rebel because I believe in:
A) Truth
B) Justice
C) The American Way
D) Creating an Islamic caliphate

If I were given a highly lethal automatic weapon by the United States, I would:
A) Only kill exactly the people that the United States wanted me to kill
B) Try to kill the right people, with the caveat that I have never used an automatic weapon before
C) Kill people only after submitting them to a rigorous vetting process
D) Immediately let the weapon fall into the wrong hands

I have previously received weapons from:
A) Al Qaeda
B) The Taliban
C) North Korea
D) I did not receive weapons from any of them because after they vetted me I was deemed way too moderate

I consider ISIS:
A) An existential threat to Iraq
B) An existential threat to Syria
C) An existential threat to Iraq and Syria
D) The people who will pick up my American weapon after I drop it and run away

Complete the following sentence. “American weapons are…”
A) Always a good thing to randomly add to any international hot spot
B) Exactly what this raging civil war has been missing for the past three years
C) Best when used moderately
D) Super easy to resell online

Thank you for completing the Moderate Syrian Rebel Application Form. We will process your application in the next one to two business days. Please indicate a current mailing address where you would like your weapons to be sent. If there is no one to sign for them we will leave them outside the front door.
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What to Do to Try to Save Middle Eastern Christians....

Post by monster_gardener »

Hoosiernorm wrote: ... ation-form

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—After announcing, on Thursday, that it would seek $500 million to help “train and equip appropriately vetted elements of the moderate Syrian armed opposition,” the White House today posted the following Moderate Syrian Rebel Application Form:

Welcome to the United States’ Moderate Syrian Rebel Vetting Process. To see if you qualify for $500 million in American weapons, please choose an answer to the following questions:

As a Syrian rebel, I think the word or phrase that best describes me is:
A) Moderate
B) Very moderate
C) Crazy moderate
D) Other

I became a Syrian rebel because I believe in:
A) Truth
B) Justice
C) The American Way
D) Creating an Islamic caliphate

If I were given a highly lethal automatic weapon by the United States, I would:
A) Only kill exactly the people that the United States wanted me to kill
B) Try to kill the right people, with the caveat that I have never used an automatic weapon before
C) Kill people only after submitting them to a rigorous vetting process
D) Immediately let the weapon fall into the wrong hands

I have previously received weapons from:
A) Al Qaeda
B) The Taliban
C) North Korea
D) I did not receive weapons from any of them because after they vetted me I was deemed way too moderate

I consider ISIS:
A) An existential threat to Iraq
B) An existential threat to Syria
C) An existential threat to Iraq and Syria
D) The people who will pick up my American weapon after I drop it and run away

Complete the following sentence. “American weapons are…”
A) Always a good thing to randomly add to any international hot spot
B) Exactly what this raging civil war has been missing for the past three years
C) Best when used moderately
D) Super easy to resell online

Thank you for completing the Moderate Syrian Rebel Application Form. We will process your application in the next one to two business days. Please indicate a current mailing address where you would like your weapons to be sent. If there is no one to sign for them we will leave them outside the front door.
Thank You VERY Much for your post, HoosierNorm.

Long ago when obama was gearing up to bomb Syria, I called the POS POTUS at the White House and asked him not to bomb Syria because for all his many sins, President Dr. Assad of Syria protects Christians & minorities...... :idea:

That time obama, the POS POTUS, stopped....

Either because he got the message that I and many other Americans did not support his half baked evil plan caused mostly by him running his big red lined ;) :twisted: braggart mouth too much....

Or because his Inept Horse Faced Secy. of State John Kerry had Hoof in Mouth ;) problems which the Talented Mr. Putin, President Prince Vlad of Russia was clever enough to take advantage of to save his vassal President Dr. Assad....

This time, I suggest going further.... Call your Congressperson & Senators to tell them not to support obama leaning on President Assad as long as he protects Christians and doesn't cause other trouble in the Middle East....

Sen.Rand Paul was on Fox after obama LYING Speech (ISIL is NOT ISLAMIC :roll: ) and he too expressed skepticism about the wisdom of trying to topple Assad.... Rand Paul has presidential ambitions. Call him even if he is not your Senator and express your opposition to obama's stupidity.....

And of course, call obama the POS POTUS and try to dissuade him from using the allegedly moderate Free Syrian Army which if it is not ISIL seems to have a friendly business relationship with them.... :evil: :roll:

Just be sure not to tell obama that he is a POS POTUS or other inconvenient truths..... ;) :twisted: :lol:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Turkey is training ISIS fighters and providing Intel

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Turkey Trained ISIS Militants, Provided Satellite Data on Kobane's Kurdish Fighters - Report

By Johnlee Varghese October 15, 2014 17:49 IST
1651 597 3

Turkey has reportedly been accused of not only providing strategic intel on Kurdish fighters to the Islamic State but also of being involved in training jihadi militants.

A WND report, citing sources from Jordanian intelligence, claimed that several ISIS members have been trained by NATO member Turkey for secret operations.

According to the report, a senior security officer stated that 16 ISIS members were arrested recently, while trying to sneak into Jordan, via the Syria border. During the course of interrogation, the militants revealed that they were sent for conducting bomb blasts in the country. The arrested also told Jordanian authorities that several ISIS militants received their training in Turkey.

The revelations come at a time when Turkey has been widely blamed for bombing the camps of Kurdish fighters and supporters in Kobane, with warplanes and artillery.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Turkey bombed camps of the Kurdistan Workers' Party on Monday, marking the military's first significant offensive against the PKK since peace talks began two years ago.

The move was bound to help the ISIS, which has been fighting hard to gain control of the town from Kurdish fighters for around a month.

Turkey has also been blamed for providing logistics, intelligence and satellite imagery to the ISIS fighters, to aid them in their fight against the Kurds.

Another report, citing an Egyptian official, noted that Turkey provided key intelligence data to the ISIS, exposing the positions of Kurdish fighters, and the locations of their weapons and ammunitions.
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Escape from Hell- Torture, Sexual Slavery in ISIS Captivity

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Escape from Hell- Torture, Sexual Slavery in Islamic State Captivity in Iraq

Women's Rights
Individuals at Risk

Torture, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, suffered by women and girls from Iraq’s Yezidi minority who were abducted by the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS), highlights the savagery of IS rule.

Escape from Hell - Torture, Sexual Slavery in Islamic State Captivity in Iraq provides an insight into the horrifying abuse suffered by hundreds and possibly thousands of Yezidi women and girls who have been forcibly married, “sold” or given as “gifts” to IS fighters or their supporters. Often, captives were forced to convert to Islam.

The women and girls are among thousands of Yezidis from the Sinjar region in north-west Iraq who have been targeted since August in a wave of ethnic cleansing by IS fighters bent on wiping out ethnic and religious minorities in the area.

The horrors endured in IS captivity have left these women and girls so severely traumatized that some have been driven to end their own lives. Nineteen-year-old Jilan committed suicide while being held captive in Mosul because she feared she would be raped, her brother told Amnesty International.

One of the girls who was held in the same room as Jilan and 20 others, including two girls aged 10 and 12, told Amnesty International: “One day we were given clothes that looked like dance costumes and were told to bathe and wear those clothes. Jilan killed herself in the bathroom. She cut her wrists and hanged herself. She was very beautiful; I think she knew she was going to be taken away by a man and that is why she killed herself.” The girl was among those who later escaped.

Wafa, 27, another former captive, told Amnesty International how she and her sister attempted to end their lives one night after their captor threatened them with forced marriage. They tried to strangle themselves with scarves but two girls sleeping in the same room awoke and stopped them.

“We tied the scarves around our necks and pulled away from each other as hard as we could, until I fainted…I could not speak for several days after that,” she said.

The majority of the perpetrators are Iraqi and Syrian men; many of them are IS fighters but others are believed to be supporters of the group. Several former captives said they had been held in family homes where they lived with their captors’ wives and children.

Many Yezidi survivors are doubly affected as they are also struggling to cope with the loss of dozens of their relatives who either remain in captivity or have been killed by the IS.

Randa, a 16-year-old girl from a village near Mount Sinjar was abducted with scores of her family members, including her heavily-pregnant mother. Randa was “sold” or given as a “gift” to a man twice her age who raped her. She described the impact of her ordeal to Amnesty International:

“It is so painful what they did to me and to my family. Da’esh (the IS) has ruined our lives…What will happen to my family? I don’t know if I will ever see them again."

The trauma of survivors of sexual violence is further exacerbated by the stigma surrounding rape. Survivors feel that their “honor,”fdonate and that of their families, has been tarnished and fear that their standing in society will be diminished as a result.

Many survivors of sexual violence are still not receiving the full help and support they desperately need.

Such services should include sexual and reproductive health services as well as counseling and trauma support. ... ty-in-iraq
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Re: Escape from Hell- Torture, Sexual Slavery in ISIS Captiv

Post by HAL 10000 »

Apparently there is no escape from hell, as far as the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive was concerned. This website had the courage to publish the entire 22 minute video of the burning of the Jordanian pilot. The video starts with a lot of propaganda, where the Jordanian pilot is forced to "confess" about the crimes of the crusaders and their collaborators: note the sophistication of the editors who spent a lot of time and money to make this video. ... mic-state/
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Re: Escape from Hell- Torture, Sexual Slavery in ISIS Captiv

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Iran, last many yrs, said and said, do not arm terrorists

But West did not listen


Now you have these animals turning back on their masters

many of these beasts were trained in Jordanian camps by western instructors and are now financed by Arab Sheiks and Kings

As long as they were killing fellow Arabs, tribal leaders, secular leaders and elite and military, west did not object

Only power fighting these terrorists are and were Iranians

Arab military "incapable" doing the job as their loyalty to Sheiks and Kings superficial, rather other way round

Now west asking Iran should help .. without Iranian help fighting these beasts, Western cronies in danger of having a Qaddafi pulled on them

And , strange, ISIS has not touched Israel

They say "Khalifa Abu Bakr al Baghdadi" a Mossad agent named "Elliott Shimon"


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The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Typhoon »

CBC | Tunisia museum attack: ISIS claims responsibility
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility Thursday for the attack on a famed Tunis museum that left 23 people dead, scores of tourists wounded and upended the country's struggling tourism industry.

Defying the extremists, hundreds of Tunisians rallied Thursday at the National Bardo Museum, stepping around trails of blood and broken glass to proclaim their solidarity with the victims and with Tunisia's fledgling democracy. One person carried a sign saying "Tunisia is bloodied but still standing."
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Endovelico »

U.S. claims it killed top ISIS commander in Syria raid
Abu Sayyaf said killed, wife captured in special U.S. operation; Syria also claims the hit.
By Reuters and The Associated Press | May 16, 2015 | 5:05 PM | ... um=twitter

The Pentagon says U.S. commandos have mounted a rare raid in eastern Syria, killing an Islamic State commander in a firefight and capturing his wife. The Syrian army also took responsibility for the attack, saying it had killed the man.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the raid Saturday, identifying the militant as Abu Sayyaf, who helped direct the group's oil, gas and financial operations. He said no U.S. forces were killed or injured.

The White House said President Barack Obama ordered the raid and U.S. officials said his wife, Umm Sayyaf, was captured in the raid and was being held in Iraq.

White House National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in a statement that U.S. personnel based out of Iraq conducted the operation in al-Amr in eastern Syria.

"During the course of the operation, Abu Sayyaf was killed when he engaged U.S. forces," Meehan said.

Syrian state media earlier reported government forces killed at least 40 IS fighters, including a senior commander in charge of oil fields, in an attack Saturday on the country's largest oil field - held by IS. It identified the commander as Abu al-Teem al-Saudi, Islamic State's "oil minister."

It was not immediately clear why both Syria and the U.S. would claim a similar operation in the Omar oil field. The U.S. has said it is not cooperating with President Bashar Assad's government in the battle against the Islamic State group. But it has always said it gives the Syrian government a heads up on operations within its borders.

"The U.S. government did not coordinate with the Syrian regime, nor did we advise them in advance of this operation," said Meehan said.

"We have warned the Assad regime not to interfere with our ongoing efforts against ISIL inside of Syria," she said, using an alternative acronym for Islamic State. "The Assad regime is not and cannot be a partner in the fight against ISIL."

The U.S. also said the commandos rescued a young Yazidi woman "who appears to have been held as a slave" by the slain militant and his wife. IS militants captured hundreds of members of the Yazidi religious minority in northern Iraq during their rampage across the country last summer.

The Britain-based Syria Observatory for Human Rights confirmed an oil field attack, saying at least 19 IS members, including 12 foreigners, were killed. The group said a report on Syrian state TV claiming the army had killed an Islamic State official had incorrectly taken credit for a raid carried out by U.S. forces.

Syrian state TV had carried news of the raid before it was announced in the United States, quoting its Deir al-Zor correspondent.
The Syrian and the Americans have yesterday both killed the same man in quite separate operations... Maybe the reason ISIL has so many fighters is that they are engaged in massive cloning of their warriors... :D
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Doc »

Endovelico wrote:
U.S. claims it killed top ISIS commander in Syria raid
Let me translate that headline for you Endo. "Obama fearing the fallout from the fall of Ramadi, and the complete collapse of his ME foreign policy raids Syria to draw attention away."
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Endovelico »

In Iraq, ISIS Is Winning And The United States Is Losing
By Michael Snyder, on May 18th, 2015 ... -is-losing

During the Iraq war more than 4,000 U.S. soldiers died, countless others were severely injured, and the total cost to U.S. taxpayers was more than 2 trillion dollars. But now whatever the U.S. military accomplished during that war is being completely undone by ISIS. On Monday, we learned that ISIS had fully taken control of the strategically important city of Ramadi. Despite nine months of airstrikes by the U.S. military, ISIS continues to move forward and take new territory. Just a few years ago, American soldiers fought some incredibly bloody battles on the streets of Ramadi, but now that city is in the hands of the most ruthless terror organization on the entire planet. And since it is only about 70 miles from Baghdad, Ramadi is going to make a fine staging area for an all-out assault on the capital. No matter how you cut it, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that the United States is losing in Iraq and ISIS is winning. So what will the U.S. do if ISIS actually takes control of the entire country?

Ramadi is traditionally known as the ‘Gateway of Baghdad’, but in recent days it has experienced utter carnage. According to the Daily Mail, “mutilated bodies” now lie everywhere along the streets of that once proud city…

ISIS militants have held a twisted victory parade after taking the key city of Ramadi in an orgy of violence and beheadings – and the extremists could march on the Iraqi capital Baghdad within the next month.

Mutilated bodies scatter the streets of the ‘Gateway of Baghdad’, where Islamic State slaughtered around 500 and forced nearly 25,000 to flee their homes over the last few days.

Now ISIS has released images of militants celebrating, children wielding automatic weapons and a fleet of pick-up trucks carrying its jubilant fighters through the blood-stained streets of Ramadi.

U.S. military officials insist that it really isn’t that big of a deal that Ramadi has fallen, but they made similar pronouncements back during the days of the Vietnam War. Just consider the following passage from a recent Wall Street Journal article…

In the closing years of the Vietnam War it was often noted sardonically that the “victories” against the Viet Cong were moving steadily closer to Saigon. The same could be said of Baghdad and the victories claimed against Islamic State, or ISIS, in Iraq in the past year. The ISIS takeover of Ramadi in the Anbar province over the weekend exposed the hollowness of the reported progress against ISIS. The U.S.-led bombing campaign in support of Iraqi forces isn’t working.

And guess what? As the “Iraqi Security forces” folded, they left behind large amounts of military equipment and large numbers of armored vehicles for ISIS to capture. In the end, this will make ISIS even more formidable. The following comes from Fox News…

Although there were a large number of Iraqi security forces occupying Ramadi, most troops fled after ISIS fighters began their assault on the city center Sunday, leaving behind Humvees and armored vehicles supplied by the U.S. military, a separate senior U.S. military official told Fox News.

“The Iraqi security forces were pushed out by a much smaller [ISIS] force,” the official said.

This is a theme that we have seen time after time. ISIS is taking over both Iraq and Syria largely using captured American weapons. Vehicles, equipment and weapons that our tax dollars paid for are being used to establish and expand a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, and Barack Obama seems almost ambivalent to the whole thing.

Even those that are on Obama’s side can’t quite understand what Obama is doing. For example, just consider the words of Piers Morgan…

But Obama’s had plenty of time to devise a successful strategy for dealing with the emerging threat of ISIS, and so far he has spectacularly failed.

As they beheaded Americans, he made somber speeches, then played golf minutes literally seven minutes later.

As they burned Jordanian pilots in cages, Obama assured us with almost casual confidence that he was on top of things.

As they threw gays to their death off rooftops and slaughtered Christians on beaches, still the leader of the free world exuded calm.

The clear message? ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got this all under control..’

Only he hasn’t.

For years and years, we heard about what a “threat” al-Qaeda was. But the truth is that al-Qaeda never was much of a threat at all. Most of the time their leaders seemed to be hiding out in caves or bunkers, and they never actually controlled any real territory.

But now we have a very real Islamic caliphate which has become so powerful that it can successfully fight a multi-front war against the Syrian government, the Kurds and the Iraqi government. Since it was first established, the amount of territory that it has captured is larger than the British Isles, and smaller terror groups all over the planet are rapidly swearing allegiance to it.

Unlike al-Qaeda, ISIS appears to be the real deal, and nobody in the western world can seem to muster up the will to do anything about it. The following is how this new Islamic State was described in a recent article in the Telegraph…

It is one of the strangest states ever created. The Islamic State wants to force all humanity to believe in its vision of a religious and social utopia existing in the first days of Islam. Women are to be treated as chattels, forbidden to leave the house unless they are accompanied by a male relative. People deemed to be pagans, like the Yazidis, can be bought and sold as slaves. Punishments such as beheadings, amputations and flogging become the norm. All those not pledging allegiance to the caliphate declared by its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, on 29 June last year are considered enemies.

Almost every day now, there are global headlines about the latest ISIS atrocities. (...)

There is no negotiating with these guys, and they will not stop until the entire Middle East is under their control.

The answer? A few well placed neutron bombs, and too bad for the collateral damage... I'm getting increasingly bloodthirsty...
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by YMix »

It turns out that empiring is a tough business.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Parodite »

Obama did what the voters wanted him to do. Get out of Iraq, don't start "another" ground war against ISIS (nor against the even bigger killer Assad) lest he would be deemed another POTUS warmonger. He turns out a president that wants to please an audience and keep his sponsors of Wallstreet happy. A Dandyman truthful to his nature.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by noddy »

YMix wrote:It turns out that empiring is a tough business.
easier if you do it properly and have the megalomaniac confidence to utterly destroy all pretenders to your position.

Parodite wrote:Obama did what the voters wanted him to do. Get out of Iraq, don't start "another" ground war against ISIS (nor against the even bigger killer Assad) lest he would be deemed another POTUS warmonger. He turns out a president that wants to please an audience and keep his sponsors of Wallstreet happy. A Dandyman truthful to his nature.
i think your right on this - the only real problem is how europe reacts when that crap hits its borders, it was easier for you guys to blame the stupid americans :)
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by YMix »

noddy wrote:i think your right on this - the only real problem is how europe reacts when that crap hits its borders, it was easier for you guys to blame the stupid americans :)
It's already here in the shape of boats full of migrants. So far, nobody wants to do anything about them. Washington doesn't give a lavender.
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Parodite »

True. But a lot is with hindsight. I don't think many people expected the amount of horror that got unleashed and developed once the pandora's box was opened. I also naively expected/hoped that although the case made for the Iraq war of Bush was a fraud.. one would expect that a people that suffered so long under the tyranny of the psychopathic Baath dictatorship, would at least unite under the idea and desire to create a more humane society afterwards. How wrong this turned out to be the case.

I always have to think of Hans Bulvai who once said that it still is/would have been better to let the dicktators keep the lids on.. and let them slowly evolve/devolve over generations into more humane societies. Maybe that also is a pipe dream. But probably there would be less carnage in sum total.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Endovelico »

Parodite wrote:True. But a lot is with hindsight. I don't think many people expected the amount of horror that got unleashed and developed once the pandora's box was opened. I also naively expected/hoped that although the case made for the Iraq war of Bush was a fraud.. one would expect that a people that suffered so long under the tyranny of the psychopathic Baath dictatorship, would at least unite under the idea and desire to create a more humane society afterwards. How wrong this turned out to be the case.

I always have to think of Hans Bulvai who once said that it still is/would have been better to let the dicktators keep the lids on.. and let them slowly evolve/devolve over generations into more humane societies. Maybe that also is a pipe dream. But probably there would be less carnage in sum total.
Democracy isn't natural to the human species. Let's not impose it on people who are not ready to fight for the success of democracy every single day of their lives. We, in Europe and the US, are close to failing on such a chore, and we expect peoples without democratic traditions to succeed?...
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by noddy »

a) plenty of slaughter went into making European democracy over the previous centuries - the biggest slaughters of all happened within the last 100 years.

b) all of us were born into it and have NFI of creating it, just a bunch of mumbo jumbo theories with no basis in history.
Last edited by noddy on Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Parodite »

Y'all quite right. We better go Spengler on this and let them all have their inevitable wars.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Parodite wrote:Y'all quite right. We better go Spengler on this and let them all have their inevitable wars.
Actually that was me and Milo.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Endovelico wrote: Democracy isn't natural to the human species. Let's not impose it on people who are not ready to fight for the success of democracy every single day of their lives. We, in Europe and the US, are close to failing on such a chore, and we expect peoples without democratic traditions to succeed?...
Yeah. A lot of truth here.

It's funny to listen to obama lecture those guys about power sharing and whatnot while he compares Americans who disagree with him to the Revolutionary Guard etc.
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Education of little children, Islamic State style

Post by Alexis »


Few videos I've watched were as horrific.
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Re: The barbarians at the gate: ISIS/ISIL

Post by Typhoon »

You can take the boy out of Birmingham,

British ISIS Member Annoyed by ‘Rude Arabs’

but you can't take Birmingham out of the boy.
Unfortunately Syrians seem to be very childish in their dealings and mannerisms in how they interact with each other. It’s not an unusual sight to see a fully grown Syrian man acting like a child and playing around with other brothers.

In the west, it is common knowledge to walk out of a room wearing the same pair of shoes that you wore while entering the room. Nay, it is common sense. However here in Shām, our Syrian brothers have a very peculiar philosophy whereby they believe that everyone can share each other’s footwear, irrespective of foot size. Someone who is a size 40 will casually walk out the room wearing your footwear even though you are a size 44, and strangely he may not even realise. Weird? Of course it is.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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