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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Typhoon »

O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Typhoon wrote:
O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
It's traditional. They always freeze one slice to eat at their 25th anniversary.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Yukon Cornelius »

Doc wrote:
Yukon Cornelius wrote:Gay Divorce Court FTW! :lol: :twisted:
With Judge Judy. :shock:
Maybe Chris Tucker could reprise his role as Ruby Rhod in The Fifth Element.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Doc »

Video puts Muslim bakeries, florists in gay-rights spotlight
By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, April 5, 2015
Muslim bakers and florists have flown under the media radar during the recent uproar over Christian-owned businesses and gay rights, but a hidden-camera video may have changed that.

The video showing Muslim bakers in Michigan reluctant to bake a cake for a gay wedding went viral last weekend, snaring more than 2.2 million views in three days and igniting debate over whether Christian business owners are being singled out for lawsuits, complaints and media focus.

That, of course, was the point of the video. Steven Crowder, conservative comedian and host of the podcast Louder with Crowder, said he believes that the Muslim bakers are well within their rights to refuse the cake-baking job — and so are Christian bakers.

“I’m not even saying these Muslim bakeries shouldn’t have a right to do whatever they did — they absolutely should — and many more of them would than Christian bakeries,” said Mr. Crowder in comments on the video.

This month’s fierce national debate over religious-freedom bills, particularly in Arkansas and Indiana, has increased the attention on Christian-owned businesses, which suddenly find themselves the subject of intense and potentially ruinous media focus.

“There is a witch-hunt now for Christian business owners,” said conservative radio talk-show host Dana Loesch on her Thursday program.

Along with cheers from the right, the video has drawn a backlash from the left, where columnist Wes Williams of charged Mr. Crowder with being “homophobic, AND racist,” calling the expose “an attempt to smear Muslims.”

In another post, John Paul Brammer of Blue Nation Review said the video only succeeds in underlining the point that anti-gay discrimination is widespread.

“Anyway, point taken, Crowder. There are bigots in every religion and we gay people should just consider ourselves lucky that we’re not being lynched for being gay. Even though plenty of gay people have been lynched in this country, it’s swell that it’s not happening everyday anymore,” said Mr. Brammer.

While it may be tough to find a Muslim-owned bakery or florist in most U.S. cities, that’s not the case in Michigan, home to a large Muslim community in Dearborn.

In the video, Mr. Crowder asks for a wedding cake with the message, “Ben and Steven forever.” Some employees refer him elsewhere. One baker shakes his head and says, “No, no, I don’t want it,” apparently referring to the cake-baking job.

“Many of the Muslim bakeries were kind enough and willing to serve us, but many of them were not,” Mr. Crowder said.

Mr. Williams argued that there has been no media coverage of Muslim bakeries because there have been no complaints filed against them, a point reinforced by Sommer Foster, political advocacy director of Equality Michigan, who said Friday she was unaware of any complaints.

“[T]he media, that he complains about, has been talking about a Christian bakery refusing to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, because that was the subject of several court cases,” said Mr. Williams. “If a Muslim bakery somewhere has refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, that couple apparently didn’t take the issue to court.”

The Christian baker at the center of the court battle is Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado. He was ordered in May by the state Civil Rights Commission ordering him to provide services for same-sex weddings, train his staff on anti-discrimination laws, and file quarterly compliance reports for two years.

But there were no complaints filed against Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, or florists in Jeff Davis County, Georgia. Still, both managed to garner unflattering media attention last week after reporters arrived to ask their Christian owners’ opinions on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The O’Connors, who own Memories Pizza wound up closing their doors after angry criticism on social media in reaction to their statement that they would not cater a same-sex wedding ceremony — not that anyone had ever asked.

Meanwhile, CNN’s Gary Tuchman stopped by five Christian-owned florists to elicit their reaction to a RFRA bill in the Georgia legislature. Several workers, who were identified by name although their shops were not, said they would not serve a gay wedding for religious reasons.

In the two days since the report aired, the florists have come under heated criticism online. The Democratic Underground ran the headline, “CNN story about Georgia flower shops that want to go out of business,” while RawStory cited the florists’ “religious hypocrisy.”

“These flower shops are happy to do business with you, but not so much if you tell them you’re gay,” says Mr. Tuchman at the end of the segment.

That wasn’t the case with Barronelle Stutzman, the Washington state florist who was sued in 2013 after refusing to provide floral arrangements for a gay wedding.

She had hired gay employees in the past and knew well the gay client who sued her — he had been coming to her shop for nine years, and she considered him a friend — but she had never failed to provide him with flowers until he asked her to serve his wedding.

Ms. Stutzman has appealed a court ruling against her after rejecting in February a settlement offer from the Washington Attorney General, who also filed a lawsuit against her. Ms. Foster said Equality Michigan would investigate a discrimination complaint “no matter where the complaint comes from,” referring to Muslim-owned bakeries, but that, “We don’t go looking for instances of discrimination.”

Victor Begg, a founder and senior adviser to the Michigan Muslim Community Council, said U.S. Muslims are in general opposed to discrimination because they are often the targets of bias themselves. He added that opposition to gay marriage is rooted more in tradition than in religious doctrine.

“In Islam, it’s not sanctioned, that kind of marriage union,” Mr. Begg said, referring to same-sex marriage. “However, there is no real punishment prescribed.”

He added that there are differences of opinion on same-sex marriage within the American Muslim community, just as there are within other religious groups.

“You know, the Muslim community is no different than any other religious community. If you go to the Catholics, you’re going to find different opinions,” Mr. Begg said. “It’s a controversial topic.”Mr. Crowder has not said whether he will take any action against the Muslim bakeries, although that seems unlikely, given his support for their right to refuse service. It’s also possible that others may track down the bakeries.

But Ms. Loesch isn’t counting on it. “Waiting for the militant progressive supporters of gay wedding cake to start threatening and protesting these Muslim ran bakeries,” she said in a Facebook post. “I think we will be waiting a long time.”

Read more: ... gay-rights
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Come on, now. We all know homosexuals are never bakers or florists, and religious bakers and florists never compete to cater weddings. :lol:

There is a lot of cherry picking going on in this PR.
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Simple Minded

Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
It's traditional. They always freeze one slice to eat at their 25th anniversary.
That is so romantic! :D

I knew "they" were sensitive and stuff, but I didn't know "they" were like "that!"

I think I might like "them." :shock:
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
It's traditional. They always freeze one slice to eat at their 25th anniversary.
That is so romantic! :D

I knew "they" were sensitive and stuff, but I didn't know "they" were like "that!"

I think I might like "them." :shock:
You probably would. Do you know how to tell if your roommate is gay? ;)
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
Simple Minded

Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
It's traditional. They always freeze one slice to eat at their 25th anniversary.
That is so romantic! :D

I knew "they" were sensitive and stuff, but I didn't know "they" were like "that!"

I think I might like "them." :shock:
You probably would. Do you know how to tell if your roommate is gay? ;)
They uh, smile a lot.....?
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
O’Connor and his family initially inspired public rage by declaring that they would not cater gay weddings on Tuesday. That announcement made Memories Pizza Indiana’s first business to refuse potential customers service for religious reasons under the new law.
When one imagines a gay wedding the first thing that comes to mind is catered pizza as the main course of the meal . . .
It's traditional. They always freeze one slice to eat at their 25th anniversary.
That is so romantic! :D

I knew "they" were sensitive and stuff, but I didn't know "they" were like "that!"

I think I might like "them." :shock:
You probably would. Do you know how to tell if your roommate is gay? ;)
They uh, smile a lot.....?
A classic gay pick-up line. The affirmative answer is "His dick tastes like lavender".
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »



Some congregations will double down, not only reaffirming their understanding of traditional marriage but denouncing gay people even more fervently.
The First Amendment gives them the right to react this way.

Biblical support for slavery, segregation and anti-miscegenation laws rested upon broad and anachronistic readings of isolated Old Testament passages and the Letters of Paul, but without strong support from Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels. The Southern Baptist Convention now concedes that its churches misinterpreted the word of God on matters of race. The current Baptist view that God condemns “homosexual behavior” and same-sex marriages comes from the same kind of broad and anachronistic scriptural readings as prior support for segregation.

In his teachings, Jesus emphasized love for one’s neighbor and tolerance for the many kinds of people in the world. Jesus instructed his followers, “Judge not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.” These are not lessons that ought to inspire disrespect for two women in a committed partnership who have four adopted children — two of whom have special needs — as one of the plaintiff couples in Obergefell v. Hodges do.

My point is not that the Bible must be read in a gay-friendly way; it is simply that the Bible is open to honest interpretations that refuse to condemn or that even embrace such families. I am doubtful that Scripture speaks with one voice about how to define civil marriage.

Remarkably few of the Bible’s spiritual heroes exemplify what Americans now consider “traditional marriage”: Abraham had two wives, Sarah and her handmaiden, Hagar; King David and King Solomon had many wives; Jesus and his apostles apparently never married; the Virgin Mary was married but conceived Jesus outside the marital union; Paul urged his colleagues to remain unmarried (as he did), unless their passions overwhelmed them.


:lol: :lol: .. collapse of Rome comet to mind .. that's what happened in Rome B4 collapse .. decadence and
perversion became the norm.

Oh Lord, Why our beloved America deserves this ! ! ! .. Well, there must be a reason :lol:

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.


Some congregations will double down, not only reaffirming their understanding of traditional marriage but denouncing gay people even more fervently.
The First Amendment gives them the right to react this way.

Biblical support for slavery, segregation and anti-miscegenation laws rested upon broad and anachronistic readings of isolated Old Testament passages and the Letters of Paul, but without strong support from Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels. The Southern Baptist Convention now concedes that its churches misinterpreted the word of God on matters of race. The current Baptist view that God condemns “homosexual behavior” and same-sex marriages comes from the same kind of broad and anachronistic scriptural readings as prior support for segregation.

In his teachings, Jesus emphasized love for one’s neighbor and tolerance for the many kinds of people in the world. Jesus instructed his followers, “Judge not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned.” These are not lessons that ought to inspire disrespect for two women in a committed partnership who have four adopted children — two of whom have special needs — as one of the plaintiff couples in Obergefell v. Hodges do.

My point is not that the Bible must be read in a gay-friendly way; it is simply that the Bible is open to honest interpretations that refuse to condemn or that even embrace such families. I am doubtful that Scripture speaks with one voice about how to define civil marriage.

Remarkably few of the Bible’s spiritual heroes exemplify what Americans now consider “traditional marriage”: Abraham had two wives, Sarah and her handmaiden, Hagar; King David and King Solomon had many wives; Jesus and his apostles apparently never married; the Virgin Mary was married but conceived Jesus outside the marital union; Paul urged his colleagues to remain unmarried (as he did), unless their passions overwhelmed them.


:lol: :lol: .. collapse of Rome comet to mind .. that's what happened in Rome B4 collapse .. decadence and
perversion became the norm.

Oh Lord, Why our beloved America deserves this ! ! ! .. Well, there must be a reason :lol:

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Typhoon »

Homophobic married reverend has a profile on Grindr

These days I simply assume that anyone who bothers to rant against gays is a closet queer in denial.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Typhoon »

Ireland Votes Overwhelmingly To Approve Same-Sex Marriage

Decision by popular referendum.

This in a country that was once described as being "more Catholic than the Pope".

Nothing like a series of kiddy-diddling scandals to reduce an institution's influence.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

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Same-Sex Marriage,
Catholics Are Leading the Way


. . countries with a Catholic majority or plurality make up half of those where two men or two women can now wed or will soon be able to.

Ireland, obviously, is the freshest addition to the list. It’s also, in some ways, the most remarkable one. It’s the first country to approve same-sex marriage by a popular referendum. The margin wasn’t even close. About 62 percent of voters embraced marriage equality.


Catholics in the United States appear to be more, not less, progressive about gay rights than Americans in general are. In an especially ambitious survey conducted over the course of 2014 by the Public Religion Research Institute, about 60 percent of Americans who called themselves Catholic said that they approved of same-sex marriage, versus about 30 percent who didn’t. The spread among all respondents was 54 to 38, and the group that clearly stood in the way of same-sex marriage wasn’t Catholics. It was evangelical Protestants.

And yet, interestingly, the qualms that certain public figures have about same-sex marriage are routinely explained — by the media, and sometimes by those people themselves — as ineluctable consequences of their Catholicism.


“We need to be stalwart supporters of traditional marriage,” Jeb Bush, who converted to Catholicism as an adult, said during a recent TV interview. “It’s at the core of the Catholic faith.”

Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, among others, have cited their Catholic devotion as a barrier to embracing same-sex marriage. But seldom does anyone point out that this explanation puts these men in the minority, not majority, of Catholics in the United States. Their stances win them more political favor among Baptists than among Catholics.

That’s because “Catholics” includes not just worshipers who attend Mass weekly and perhaps tilt in a more conservative direction but those who go less frequently and those for whom Catholicism is as much an ethnic as a religious identity.

For this large and diverse group in the United States and other Western countries, same-sex marriage has rapidly gained favor and Catholic leaders’ expressions of protest, such as firing employees who marry same-sex partners or speak up for marriage equality, are becoming untenable.

Cognizant of that, Catholic bishops in Germany voted earlier this month to relax morality clauses in contracts with lay workers so that those who remarry after a divorce or enter into same-sex civil unions (same-sex marriage isn’t yet legal there) needn’t fear losing their jobs.

Is this a sign that in Europe and the Americas, same-sex marriage could become analogous to divorce: something that Catholic leaders technically frown upon but don’t bother to inveigh against all that much?


Why Spengler looking so far away (in Afghanistan or Iran) for homosexuals when next door so plenty of

Poor Catholicism .. wiped out

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

I hear this whole thing started with just two gay Irishmen.

Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Poor Jesus

Never in my wildest dream could I imagine, a JESUIT, Francis , would be in forefront of dismantling Christianity

First came embracing the homosexuals

when things no more

then came the final blow

Pope francis - no God needed.jpg
Pope francis - no God needed.jpg (34.71 KiB) Viewed 4166 times

waiting for the last shoe to drop :lol:

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Typhoon »

You miss good old days of the Spanish Inquisition?

The Jesuits are a smart group, some of the toughest debates I've had have been with them.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:.

You miss good old days of the Spanish Inquisition ?

The Jesuits are a smart group, some of the toughest debates I've had have been with them.


Know Jesuits "quite well", that's why wonder what has befallen Francis :lol:

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by noddy »

thats our azari, expert on all things under the sun.

not many would claim to know catholicism better than the pope.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:.

thats our azari, expert on all things under the sun.

not many would claim to know catholicism better than the pope.


Didn't say know catholicism well, in fact don't know Catholicism at all (despite 2 uncles married Italian ladies and many cousins catholics)

But, when in boarding school, one of the directors was a Jesuit priest .. a vicious weirdo :lol:

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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by noddy »

from what i gather this pope is focusing on the 'hate the sin, love the sinner' version of christianity, it focuses on redemption and a broad church and less on fire and brimstone judgements.

some traditionalists dont like that, history will be the judge of if it works - the fact is they have lost the attention of an entire generation of young people so they have to try something and it also creates a point of difference against the angry muslim conservative, so thats possibly a smart move.

im only an agnostic so arent that involved but i do notice this pope is getting much more airtime in the progressive circles than any previous one - he is stealing wind from the deli llamah crowd.
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Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Those "original" Abrahamite religions are based on supposedly Dogmas sent by almighty, G_D .. they are
G_D's wish, words, commands

As one Ayatollahs (correctly) said, Koran (Bible and Torah) are not Poetry that can be interpreted as you wish and according to Zeitgeist .. at least Koran & Torah are "Chrystal Clear" about pretty much every aspect of your life, not only how and when to have sex or be berried or eat and drink, but how to make business or buy and sell, in a nutshell every aspect of one's life .. those "Chrystal Clear" rules are G_D's dictate, no subject of interpretation.

In that sense, what we today consider as Christianity or Judaism, ain't neither Christianity nor Judaism .. in fact, many aspect of so called reformed Judaism of today or even what now Francis preaching are big SINS in real Judaism or Christianity .. Only Islam, Bin Laden Islam, is the original, those ISIS who behead and sell slaves etc :lol:

Simple Minded

Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:thats our azari, expert on all things under the sun.

not many would claim to know catholicism better than the pope.
According to our own personal dogma, aren't we all infallible when sitting on our own chairs?

Granted some animals are more infallible than other animals, but hey, that's just life! ;)
Simple Minded

Re: Steers and Queers | The Homosexuality Issue

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:from what i gather this pope is focusing on the 'hate the sin, love the sinner' version of christianity, it focuses on redemption and a broad church and less on fire and brimstone judgements.

some traditionalists dont like that, history will be the judge of if it works - the fact is they have lost the attention of an entire generation of young people so they have to try something and it also creates a point of difference against the angry muslim conservative, so thats possibly a smart move.

im only an agnostic so arent that involved but i do notice this pope is getting much more airtime in the progressive circles than any previous one - he is stealing wind from the deli llamah crowd.
The Dali Lama was so 1970's. He ain't cool no mo. Who is this deli llamah chick/dude? What are they sellin? ;)

All religions start as heresies and end as superstitions. If a religion does not modify itself as least a little to suit the fads du jour, church attendance drops, income drops, and the doors close.

IIRC, past popes have also been advocates against contemporary versions of doomer porn.
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