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Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:30 pm
by Typhoon
The Urban Dictionary informs:

(verb) looking at notes and highlighting as if one were studying, although nothing is sinking in
She zazzled all night. Her notes were all highlighted but she didn't get a thing accomplished.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:59 am
by Doc
Typhoon wrote:The Urban Dictionary informs:

(verb) looking at notes and highlighting as if one were studying, although nothing is sinking in
She zazzled all night. Her notes were all highlighted but she didn't get a thing accomplished.
Seems like the Urban Dictionary is out of date


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:02 pm
by Simple Minded ... her-purse/

this is forcing me to re-think my previously unquestionable support for Bernie.

Damn, it ain't easy selecting the leader.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:36 pm
by manolo
Simple Minded wrote: ... her-purse/

this is forcing me to re-think my previously unquestionable support for Bernie.

Damn, it ain't easy selecting the leader.

What can I say?


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:08 pm
by Doc
Simple Minded wrote: ... her-purse/

this is forcing me to re-think my previously unquestionable support for Bernie.

Damn, it ain't easy selecting the leader.
Hillary Clinton told a black radio host that she always carries hot sauce with her
Oh so Hillary can be bothered to carry hot sauce in her purse but not two cell phones.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:48 am
by Heracleum Persicum

Was looking at that "Super Delegate" PHENOMENA.

Pretty much same as our Mullah regime concept.

Sanders, Trump win all the votes .. but .. "Super Delegates" decide Hillary and Cruz the ones.

Consider mad mullahs as "Super Delegates" :lol: :lol:

mad mullahs got a bad name .. Come on, be fair. :D


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:57 am
by manolo

A good result in NY.

Hillary - 1,037,344 votes

Donald - 518,601 votes


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:59 am
by Doc
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Was looking at that "Super Delegate" PHENOMENA.

Pretty much same as our Mullah regime concept.

Sanders, Trump win all the votes .. but .. "Super Delegates" decide Hillary and Cruz the ones.

Consider mad mullahs as "Super Delegates" :lol: :lol:

mad mullahs got a bad name .. Come on, be fair. :D

Bernie won seven straight primaries but ended up with less delegates than Hillary But It gets even better ... heir-vote/
I’m one of NYC’s 125,000 ‘ghosts’ that couldn’t cast their vote

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:06 am
by YMix
Didn't this happen to that Republican guy who burned his registration paper on YouTube? You people are playing kinda rough. :)

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:19 am
by Mr. Perfect
manolo wrote:Folks,

A good result in NY.

Hillary - 1,037,344 votes

Donald - 518,601 votes

FYI closed primary.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:05 pm
by kmich
Mr. Perfect wrote:
manolo wrote:Folks,

A good result in NY.

Hillary - 1,037,344 votes

Donald - 518,601 votes

FYI closed primary.
True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.

Hillary and Bankster Blankfein as Republicans........

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:21 pm
by monster_gardener
kmich wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:
manolo wrote:Folks,

A good result in NY.

Hillary - 1,037,344 votes

Donald - 518,601 votes

FYI closed primary.
True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.

Thank You Very Much for your post, kmich
Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
Very Clever...... ;) :lol:


Actually Hillary's Bailed Out Bankster Buddy Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sacks :twisted: America describes himself as a registered Democrat BUT really a Rockefeller Republican :twisted:
In 2012, Blankfein said he was a registered Democrat but a Rockefeller Republican. In 2015, he donated to the campaigns of Republican senators Rob Portman and Roy Blunt, but in 2008 he endorsed and raised money for Clinton's failed presidential bid. His wife Laura has donated the $2,700 maximum to Clinton's 2016 campaign. ... ers-218689

Hillary's Hot Cell Phones.....

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:27 pm
by monster_gardener
Doc wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: ... her-purse/

this is forcing me to re-think my previously unquestionable support for Bernie.

Damn, it ain't easy selecting the leader.
Hillary Clinton told a black radio host that she always carries hot sauce with her
Oh so Hillary can be bothered to carry hot sauce in her purse but not two cell phones.
Thank You VERY Much for your post, Doc,

Good point!

But just think what would happen if the hot sauce spilled and ruined both of her phones! ;)

Or even if not, what would happen if she touched her face without proper cleaning after a spill! :shock:

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:35 pm
by Mr. Perfect
kmich wrote: True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
Thanks for checking in from your alternate universe.

In this universe these have always been Democrat values. Always.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:09 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
Mr. Perfect wrote:
kmich wrote: True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
Thanks for checking in from your alternate universe.

In this universe these have always been Democrat values. Always.
or a list of postures- almost the same thing as the Democratic party platform but not quite there, yet....

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:22 am
by Simple Minded
kmich wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:
manolo wrote:Folks,

A good result in NY.

Hillary - 1,037,344 votes

Donald - 518,601 votes

FYI closed primary.
True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
so, if Hilary gets elected POTUS, Mr. Perfect's team still wins?

or, if the Dems have selected the most republican candidate in the race to be their standard bearer (but hopefully not standard barer), then.... huh?

I have read many who dislike Trump accuse him of being a democrat, so those if any who dislike Hilary, accuse her of being a republican, it seems to complete the circle.

I have to give kmich credit for being the first I've read. kudos.

dem covert ops in the repub party, and repub covert ops in the dem party.....

change we can believe in!?
being one's on worst enemy?
reapin what yov'e sown?
layin in the bed you made?
eatin yer own cookin? :P

Republicans/GOPe too.........

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:43 pm
by monster_gardener
Mr. Perfect wrote:
kmich wrote: True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
Thanks for checking in from your alternate universe.

In this universe these have always been Democrat values. Always.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

With all due respect, IMHO some of those are also Republican/GOPe values..........

supporter of free-trade deals.

and thus.........
enemy of workers
Republicans like Pat Buchanan are exempted..........

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:59 pm
by manolo
kmich wrote: Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.

I can't deny that Hillary is attractive to Republicans, even "loyal" ones. Her strength is her appeal to all demographics, right across the political spectrum.

As a social libertarian, I find much to like in the Hillary package, particularly her mentors, Bill and Barack. :)


The Bankster B of Hillary........

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:25 pm
by monster_gardener
manolo wrote:
kmich wrote: Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.

I can't deny that Hillary is attractive to Republicans, even "loyal" ones. Her strength is her appeal to all demographics, right across the political spectrum.

As a social libertarian, I find much to like in the Hillary package, particularly her mentors, Bill and Barack. :)

Thank You Very Much for your post, Alex Manolo eThinker........

Don't forget the third B of Hillary...........

Blankfein the Bankster of Goldman Sacks :twisted: America...........

Paymaster for Hillary........

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:56 pm
by kmich
Simple Minded wrote: dem covert ops in the repub party, and repub covert ops in the dem party.....

change we can believe in!?
being one's on worst enemy?
reapin what yov'e sown?
layin in the bed you made?
eatin yer own cookin? :P
All of the above in one form or another in either party. ;)

Political parties have always been a motley assortment of opportunists seeking power, recognition, and favor by accepting and supporting conventional assumptions as a price of admission to the contest. They do not organize around “values” in spite of their speeches, but around their shared personal needs and ambitions while paying mindless fealty to the assumptions of those in power. This is why our nation’s founders feared their degenerative potential.

The conventional assumptions of the Republican and Democratic parties are really not that different in substance but only in style, “postures” as Nap noted, as well as their affective power of presentation by their various players.
Simple Minded wrote: so, if Hilary gets elected POTUS, Mr. Perfect's team still wins?
No. Shared passions, animosities, fears, and identities tend become confused with reasoned, governing principles or “values” in politics, even though these affections serve no purpose other than the fulfillment of power, value, and meaning for many and have very little relevance to creative and judicious governing. Party or “team” loyalties have never been determined by shared objective reflections and conclusions rooted in reason anyway, but instead have been based upon such shared feelings, identities, antipathies, and sympathies; on shared sentiments rather than thoughtful substance.

The Republican Party has been fueled for decades by reactionary passions and animosities shared by many in our population rather than any coherent, workable policies judiciously considered in context. Trump understands this and has successfully taken advantage of it. His style and emotional resonance is clear even when his agendas are not, but having intellectual or ethical coherence is hardly necessary for his ascendance in our contemporary, jejune GOP.

For Hillary Clinton to gain the favors of power, she simply needs to present herself as loyal, unthreatening functionary of the status quo while opportunistically appealing to lefty voters in her party by protesting our nation’s injustices and general foolishness as necessary to suit her ambitions. She is very much the classic, banal technocrat who presents “competence,” while, to paraphrase Hannah Arendt, remains one of these people who never make up their minds to be good or evil who end up being the agents of our continued degeneration.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:26 am
by Simple Minded
kmich wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: dem covert ops in the repub party, and repub covert ops in the dem party.....

change we can believe in!?
being one's on worst enemy?
reapin what yov'e sown?
layin in the bed you made?
eatin yer own cookin? :P
All of the above in one form or another in either party. ;)

Political parties have always been a motley assortment of opportunists seeking power, recognition, and favor by accepting and supporting conventional assumptions as a price of admission to the contest. They do not organize around “values” in spite of their speeches, but around their shared personal needs and ambitions while paying mindless fealty to the assumptions of those in power. This is why our nation’s founders feared their degenerative potential.

The conventional assumptions of the Republican and Democratic parties are really not that different in substance but only in style, “postures” as Nap noted, as well as their affective power of presentation by their various players.
Simple Minded wrote: so, if Hilary gets elected POTUS, Mr. Perfect's team still wins?
No. Shared passions, animosities, fears, and identities tend become confused with reasoned, governing principles or “values” in politics, even though these affections serve no purpose other than the fulfillment of power, value, and meaning for many and have very little relevance to creative and judicious governing. Party or “team” loyalties have never been determined by shared objective reflections and conclusions rooted in reason anyway, but instead have been based upon such shared feelings, identities, antipathies, and sympathies; on shared sentiments rather than thoughtful substance.

The Republican Party has been fueled for decades by reactionary passions and animosities shared by many in our population rather than any coherent, workable policies judiciously considered in context. Trump understands this and has successfully taken advantage of it. His style and emotional resonance is clear even when his agendas are not, but having intellectual or ethical coherence is hardly necessary for his ascendance in our contemporary, jejune GOP.

For Hillary Clinton to gain the favors of power, she simply needs to present herself as loyal, unthreatening functionary of the status quo while opportunistically appealing to lefty voters in her party by protesting our nation’s injustices and general foolishness as necessary to suit her ambitions. She is very much the classic, banal technocrat who presents “competence,” while, to paraphrase Hannah Arendt, remains one of these people who never make up their minds to be good or evil who end up being the agents of our continued degeneration.
Excellently stated.

Out of power candidates speak of values and principles, but once in power the games, incentives, and players seem eerily similar on both sides.

I suspect that most of us humans with little power would act similarly after attaining the trappings of power.

The primary goal of any institution (political, corporate, religious, scientific, & even non-profit) is to gather/manage resources to ensure it's continued existence. Only then are the secondary goals pursued. Seems biological.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:37 am
by Mr. Perfect
A triangulating lovefest. Perpetuate negative stereotypes of both sides and smugly take the false high ground. Don't worry, nobody can tell what you are doing.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:38 am
by Simple Minded
Mr. Perfect wrote:A triangulating lovefest. Perpetuate negative stereotypes of both sides and smugly take the false high ground. Don't worry, nobody can tell what you are doing.
only The Shadow knows fer sure...... ;)

IMSMO, each side is perfectly capable of perpetuating negative stereotypes of themselves without any outside assistance. If only the choice was clear..... :P

Re: Republicans/GOPe too.........

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:41 pm
by Doc
monster_gardener wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:
kmich wrote: True. But I don't know why it should be closed Democratic primary.

Clinton is the most consistent Republican in the race in either party, protector of Wall Street, enthusiastic neocon warmonger, enemy of workers, enabler of mass incarceration aka "tough on crime," supporter of free-trade deals, as well as the endless war on terror and its erosion of civil liberties. Never knew manolo was a loyal Republican.
Thanks for checking in from your alternate universe.

In this universe these have always been Democrat values. Always.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

With all due respect, IMHO some of those are also Republican/GOPe values..........

supporter of free-trade deals.

and thus.........
enemy of workers
Republicans like Pat Buchanan are exempted..........
This sums it up rather well


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:13 pm
by Doc ... ebook.html
Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Ben Collins
Ben Collins
COMMENT04.21.16 9:05 PM ET

FEC loopholes mean Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign.

Citing “lessons learned from online engagement with ‘Bernie Bros,’” a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC is pledging to spend $1 million to “push back against” users on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Instagram.