The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Mr. Perfect
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

After 1 year, still no evidence of anything.

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Doc »

I don't know Mr. P if you watch House of cards like Hillary and her supporters like to do, there is plenty of evidence
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The first dripple of proof, and it's not proof. ... -election/
Russian military intelligence executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials just days before last November’s presidential election, according to a highly classified intelligence report obtained by The Intercept.
Ok, some spam equals "election hacking". Lol, Azari you really picked the wrong side.

Except, the caveat at the end. Ooops.
While the document provides a rare window into the NSA’s understanding of the mechanics of Russian hacking, it does not show the underlying “raw” intelligence on which the analysis is based. A U.S. intelligence officer who declined to be identified cautioned against drawing too big a conclusion from the document because a single analysis is not necessarily definitive.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Doc »

Hillary supporters were going after a nothing burger and ended up with a CIS Reality Wiener.
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"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Mr. Perfect
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Liberals make easy dhimmis.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Liberals make easy dhimmis.

True , copied from Judaism .. you pay the Rabbie and your sewing machine becomes "Kosher".

Business is Business, nothing to do with Liberals

Trump Sable dancing with Wahhabi not for love, all dollars and cents.

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

It has everything to do with liberals. They are naturally submissive. Joe not so much.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

More lies revealed. The criminal Deep MSM is running out of ammo. They've been firing blanks for close to 2 years now but are now running out of blanks. You can only cry wolf so many times. ... sia-probe/
The directors of the Office of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency testified on Wednesday that they have not been pressured by President Trump on the ongoing Russia investigation, undercutting recent reports that they were.

Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, and Adm. Mike Rogers, the director of NSA, largely declined to discuss details about their interactions with Trump when pressed on the matter during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.

According to news reports published last month, Trump asked both Coats and Rogers to rebut stories that Trump was under investigation as part of the Russia probe.

Both Coats and Rogers reportedly felt uncomfortable with the requests from Trump.

But when asked about those interactions on Wednesday, both declined to discuss their specific conversations with Trump while stating that they have never felt pressure from the White House.
Do You Think President Trump Obstructed Justice?

“In the three-plus years that I have been the director of the National Security Agency, to the best of my recollection, I have never been directed to do anything that I believe to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate. And to the best of my collection … I do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so,” Rogers told Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the vice chairman of the Senate panel.

“Did the president … ask you in any way, shape or form to back off or downplay the Russia investigation?” Warner asked.

Rogers said that he would not discuss specifics of conversations he had with Trump, but added: “I stand by the comment I just made, sir.”

Coats, a former Indiana senator who was appointed by Trump, also denied ever being pressured to downplay the Russia investigation or any other.
You can only lie for so long.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The Deep criminal MSM just keeps lying.

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well short of anything illegal. The end of the coup.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

This was more like it.

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

If you aint gonna impeach, there is nothing doing. ... hment-push
House Democratic leaders are rebuffing the growing push from their liberal members to move toward impeaching President Trump, warning that the nascent effort is premature and might undermine ongoing investigations into Trump’s ties to Russia.

We have to find out what the facts are,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, which is conducting one of the multiple probes into Russia’s election meddling and possible ties to the Trump campaign.
It's a year and they don't even know facts. An investigation with no factual premise.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Parodite »

Looks like Trump, suffering from ongoing allegations and leaks to the media, was hoping that Comey could help him out of "the cloud" as fast as possible. But Comey could not, or did not want to make any promises. Just "as quickly as possible" Comey promised Trump. But it wasn't quick enough for Trump and therefor, it seems, he fired Comey.

Given the amount of time already passed since the counter-intelligence investigations in which Flynn was unmasked started, one wonders why the investigation is still going on. Maybe more is revealed during the process and the amount of information staggering.. but sumhow I don't believe that to be the case. There have been some insignificant contacts between people of Trumps team and Russians but nothing criminal did occur. More likely, some people just want to keep creating click-baitable MSM headlines with the words "Trump", "Russia", "Collusion", "Sources say", "Ongoing investigations"... making the money for them. There are no facts to check anyways for the average reader. For the regressed left, this is all they need to keep the cloud hanging over Trump.

I sympathize with Trump here. I'm pretty sure he is not guilty of any collusion with Russia. But he is made look guilty as hell all the time by the MSM, and of course.. ridiculed and poo'd in the face. He hoped Comey would help him out, but Comey, in cold bureaucrat format and correct to the letter of the Law, did not want to get emotional with Trump and give him any candy. To Trump, Comey didn't seem to be much in a hurry to save Trump from that cloud and make it go away, so it was bye bye to Comey.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Parodite wrote:
I sympathize with Trump here. I'm pretty sure he is not guilty of any collusion with Russia. But he is made look guilty as hell all the time by the MSM, and of course.. ridiculed and poo'd in the face. He hoped Comey would help him out, but Comey, in cold bureaucrat format and correct to the letter of the Law, did not want to get emotional with Trump and give him any candy. To Trump, Comey didn't seem to be much in a hurry to save Trump from that cloud and make it go away, so it was bye bye to Comey.
Didn't want to get emotional? He's been runnin' around like a chicken with his head cut off; or a jilted teenage girlfriend.

The guy is loopy and its embarrassing that he was in charge of the FBI.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

This is Comey in a nutshell:

Investigating Hillary Clinton? No need to interview her on the record or to keep notes (or take minutes) of her interview. Allow someone else under investigation act as a lawyer for her during meeting. Give everyone immunity before you talk to them. Ignore that her IT guy was all over reddit asking how to delete info for VIP Clinton. yadayadayada....

Meeting President Trump? Need detailed cocktail napkin notes to record every time Trump farts. But only for 4 of the 9 meetings. Refuse to be left alone with Trump even though he isn't under suspicion for anything. Don't give congress your super-secret notes and only make a stink after you are fired. Continue to talk out of both sides of your mouth.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol pretty much. And Trump hadn't done anything.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Parodite wrote:Looks like Trump, suffering from ongoing allegations and leaks to the media, was hoping that Comey could help him out of "the cloud" as fast as possible. But Comey could not, or did not want to make any promises. Just "as quickly as possible" Comey promised Trump. But it wasn't quick enough for Trump and therefor, it seems, he fired Comey.

Given the amount of time already passed since the counter-intelligence investigations in which Flynn was unmasked started, one wonders why the investigation is still going on. Maybe more is revealed during the process and the amount of information staggering.. but sumhow I don't believe that to be the case. There have been some insignificant contacts between people of Trumps team and Russians but nothing criminal did occur. More likely, some people just want to keep creating click-baitable MSM headlines with the words "Trump", "Russia", "Collusion", "Sources say", "Ongoing investigations"... making the money for them. There are no facts to check anyways for the average reader. For the regressed left, this is all they need to keep the cloud hanging over Trump.

I sympathize with Trump here. I'm pretty sure he is not guilty of any collusion with Russia. But he is made look guilty as hell all the time by the MSM, and of course.. ridiculed and poo'd in the face. He hoped Comey would help him out, but Comey, in cold bureaucrat format and correct to the letter of the Law, did not want to get emotional with Trump and give him any candy. To Trump, Comey didn't seem to be much in a hurry to save Trump from that cloud and make it go away, so it was bye bye to Comey.
Very well stated. Let it be known that this is the soul of leftism. Degenerate Satanist.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Listening to Comey:

This is revenge for losing his job, pure and simple. Everything else (defending the honor of the FBI; being "concerned and confused") is just rationalization.

He was "concerned and confused" by Loretta Lynch as well [as he stated under oath] but he didn't start keeping notes and hiding behind curtains around her.

His excuse about Trump was that he would lie about their meetings, so he needed his own notes to set the record straight.

But what has Trump lied about here? What would give him that impression?

He can't or won't say; nor is there any hint how he must be extra guarded against Trump as opposed to your average, lying politician.

Even on this front, from what Comey has admitted, Trump has not lied about anything. He didn't ask for the investigations to stop; he wasn't under investigation himself; he thinks Flynn is a good guy but obviously someone who needed to go....

What is really being said is that Trump is not a lawyer and doesn't have the verbal dexterity of one who, for example, can parse the meaning of "is" for sport.

I keep saying it over and over but it is the root of the matter: Trump is facing calumniations for not being a lawyer or a part of the chattering classes.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


mad mullahs were "right @ money" .. Donald a "Bazari" , from Tehran Carpet Bazar :lol:

Look guys, this a disaster

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Mr. Perfect »

True, Comey is disaster, Trump very wise to fire. Deep state finished as of today.
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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Deep state finished as of today.


"Deep State" finished ! ! ! !

If so, who's going to run America ? ? ?

Jared Kushner ? maybe Ivanka :lol:

Come on, "Depp State" IS America

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Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Zack Morris »

Haha, Nap. Nice spin. Are you writing for Breitbart these days?

What would make Comey think Trump was likely to lie? Gee, I wonder! Could it be the fact that he's a verified liar who is known to frequently make things up to smear people?

Just a few weeks ago Doc and Mr P were on here denying that the Comey memos ever existed because the WaPo was attributing them to anonymous sources. Looks like the WaPo has proven accurate yet again. They've got a nearly unblemished record so far when it comes to Trump dirt -- far better than the right-wing fake news Trump supporters right here on this forum are consuming (Newsmax, Dearborn local paper LOL!).

The Trump administration is utterly dysfunctional right now according to months of near daily leaks. The old man spends all his time holed up watching Fox News and is now doing the bidding of the House of Saud with the Qatar fiasco. They're having recruiting difficulties because everyone knows Trump would be a resume

This presidency is going down in flames.
Simple Minded

Re: The attempted coup d'état against Trump continues

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Listening to Comey:

This is revenge for losing his job, pure and simple. Everything else (defending the honor of the FBI; being "concerned and confused") is just rationalization.


What is really being said is that Trump is not a lawyer and doesn't have the verbal dexterity of one who, for example, can parse the meaning of "is" for sport.

I keep saying it over and over but it is the root of the matter: Trump is facing calumniations for not being a lawyer or a part of the chattering classes.
Yep, The election of Trump is a continuation of the dominant social mood trend of anyone but a member of the MSM/Republican-Democrat Establishment, ala Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, Obama, Palin, Sanders.

The insiders have decided the American people must be taught the lesson that outsiders can not be elected and expected to remain in power. This is our sandbox.

Trump should have taken Comey out on day one for trying to usurp the position of Attorney General and deciding that the case against Hilary should never go to court. Had he done so, he would have won the approval of all those who did not vote for him, but also refused to vote for Hilary.

Insider tool.
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