The prophesied demise of the Democrat Party

Mr. Perfect
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Mr. Perfect »

This episode has been hilarious in that it absolutely exonerates the Trump campaign of any collusion, because if there were this no name Russian would never have contacted Don Jr in this fashion because there would have already been an established connection. Second no actual real information was transmitted. Third none of this is a crime, or even unusual.

Game set match. This thing is done.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Mr. Perfect wrote:This episode has been hilarious in that it absolutely exonerates the Trump campaign of any collusion, because if there were this no name Russian would never have contacted Don Jr in this fashion because there would have already been an established connection. Second no actual real information was transmitted. Third none of this is a crime, or even unusual.

Game set match. This thing is done.
Trump is trolling the Dems into concentrating their efforts into a wild goose chase.

It will end with self-inflicted injuries as the Dems accidentally uncover evidence of the Clinton/Podesta/Reid uranium sales to Russia and the Podesta ties to Russian banking.
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Mr. Perfect »

It's breathtaking to watch. The Demonrats started out alleging that Trump, Putin and Roger Stone were in constant contact coordinating illegal hacking and millions of facebook posts, timed to a Russian algorithm. Now we are down to no name Russians cold calling and dropping off a dirt file that wasn't credible, which happens EVERY DAY in politics.

I think this is the 10th time they thought they had an impeachment, next week is going to be some cold water when there is nowhere left to go.
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Simple Minded

Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:This episode has been hilarious in that it absolutely exonerates the Trump campaign of any collusion, because if there were this no name Russian would never have contacted Don Jr in this fashion because there would have already been an established connection. Second no actual real information was transmitted. Third none of this is a crime, or even unusual.

Game set match. This thing is done.
Trump is trolling the Dems into concentrating their efforts into a wild goose chase.

It will end with self-inflicted injuries as the Dems accidentally uncover evidence of the Clinton/Podesta/Reid uranium sales to Russia and the Podesta ties to Russian banking.
Interesting possibilities. The person who thinks they are the smartest person at the table, getting conned by someone who pretends to be dumb, is not an unheard of tactic.

The Trump crew playing Keystone Cop to purge the political world of the Clintons? They can no doubt count upon a yuge level of support within the Democratic party itself. Maybe even Schumer and Obama?

Collusion between Ruskies, Trumpsters, and the non-Clinton-sycophantic wing of the Democratic party to Make America Great Again?

that story will never fit....
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Parodite »

The latest with Don Jr and what I get from it, the only facts as of now are:

1. agreement across the spectrum that what he did was not a crime.
2. Don Jr. and members of the campaign team were quite willing to meet a Russian lawyer supposedly in connection with the Kremlin hoping to get seriously incriminating information about H Clinton.
3. As per the above, and as revealed in the emails, they were quite aware of the sensitivity of all this and wanted to stay under the radar as much as possible.

The claim that in the end the meeting was more like a nothingburger to Jr and the others sounds possible and even likely, but no independent sources and facts are available to support or prove it.

It is hard not to see these available facts as at least an official effort to collude with Russia/the Kremlin. If indeed damaging information about Clinton had been transferred in the meeting, it would have been collusion. Also if the link to the Kremlin/Putin could not be proven. But collusion is not a crime.

What I hear is that Americans engaged in a presidential race are not allowed to get information about their opponent from foreign sources. But is that true? Hmm.. guess that the exact legal text is available somewhere. And what is the penalty for doing that?

It appears somewhat strange to me that information obtained from a foreign source cannot be used against an opponent in the race for POTUS. For instance if it turned out that the Russians had proof that Seth Rich was murdered by a hitman hired by the DNC... it would be very important that this information becomes available to the USA especially during the election where Clinton was the electable for the Democrats. And the whole idea of something like the CIA is precisely that: to extract information from foreign sources. If foreign sources give some of it to you without you asking for it should be considered a bonus.

The argument that it is wrong to get information from RussjaH because it supposedly is the eviliesth enemy of the state doesn't make sense also because it is common practice to extract and use information that came from the dark corridors of criminal underworlds. We even put spies and informants there to infiltrate and get the info/proofs out and available. Even if Putin himself okay-ed information of illegal behaviors of Clinton to be leaked out, all that happened is that one psycho criminal snitched another prycho criminal to the cops. I can't remember any law enforcement agency ever was unhappy with criminals snitching each other.

The truth and daylight cure. Collusion is good if it helps the truth be revealed. Fabcricating lies however and colluding in concocting them is baaaad. The hysteria about yes/no collusion distracts from the real issue: truth versus lie.

Don Jr. seems to me not a gifted truth teller, which can be forgiven considering who his father is. Donald Sr. probably lies as much as anybody else does, but his special gift seems producing alternate versions of reality that leave maximum room for potential truth and potential un-truths. This, and his unpredictability generate his success me thinks and it looks like going to be a cure for some things.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Pretty accurate, Parodite. Even liberal Dem atty. Derschowitz makes it clear Jr. is accused of committing a political sin but this accusation could not be considered criminal.
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Doc »

Parodite wrote:The latest with Don Jr and what I get from it, the only facts as of now are:

1. agreement across the spectrum that what he did was not a crime.
2. Don Jr. and members of the campaign team were quite willing to meet a Russian lawyer supposedly in connection with the Kremlin hoping to get seriously incriminating information about H Clinton.
3. As per the above, and as revealed in the emails, they were quite aware of the sensitivity of all this and wanted to stay under the radar as much as possible.

The claim that in the end the meeting was more like a nothingburger to Jr and the others sounds possible and even likely, but no independent sources and facts are available to support or prove it.

It is hard not to see these available facts as at least an official effort to collude with Russia/the Kremlin. If indeed damaging information about Clinton had been transferred in the meeting, it would have been collusion. Also if the link to the Kremlin/Putin could not be proven. But collusion is not a crime.

What I hear is that Americans engaged in a presidential race are not allowed to get information about their opponent from foreign sources. But is that true? Hmm.. guess that the exact legal text is available somewhere. And what is the penalty for doing that?

It appears somewhat strange to me that information obtained from a foreign source cannot be used against an opponent in the race for POTUS. For instance if it turned out that the Russians had proof that Seth Rich was murdered by a hitman hired by the DNC... it would be very important that this information becomes available to the USA especially during the election where Clinton was the electable for the Democrats. And the whole idea of something like the CIA is precisely that: to extract information from foreign sources. If foreign sources give some of it to you without you asking for it should be considered a bonus.

The argument that it is wrong to get information from RussjaH because it supposedly is the eviliesth enemy of the state doesn't make sense also because it is common practice to extract and use information that came from the dark corridors of criminal underworlds. We even put spies and informants there to infiltrate and get the info/proofs out and available. Even if Putin himself okay-ed information of illegal behaviors of Clinton to be leaked out, all that happened is that one psycho criminal snitched another prycho criminal to the cops. I can't remember any law enforcement agency ever was unhappy with criminals snitching each other.

The truth and daylight cure. Collusion is good if it helps the truth be revealed. Fabcricating lies however and colluding in concocting them is baaaad. The hysteria about yes/no collusion distracts from the real issue: truth versus lie.

Don Jr. seems to me not a gifted truth teller, which can be forgiven considering who his father is. Donald Sr. probably lies as much as anybody else does, but his special gift seems producing alternate versions of reality that leave maximum room for potential truth and potential un-truths. This, and his unpredictability generate his success me thinks and it looks like going to be a cure for some things.
1) The Obama Admin gave the Russian lawyer a 'Extraordinary Circumstances' visa exception
2) She was associated with FusionGPS previously which is the very same reason she wanted the 'Extraordinary Circumstances' visa
3) She attended anti-Trump rallies
4) she attended congressional hearing with Obama's US ambassador to Russia five days after she met with Don Jr.
FIVEDAYS AFTER.jpg (83.66 KiB) Viewed 546 times
5) FusionGPS looked for dirt on Trump and produced the Russia dossier on Trump Russian collusion
6) "A republican candidate" commission FusionGPS to look for that dirt
7) Someone associated with Hillary took up pushing the dossier
8) When the Dossier got no attention from the MSM FusionGPS actively pushed member of the MSM to publish it. Only Buzzfeed took them up on the offer Mostly because it smelled like fish and there are libel laws.
9) John McCain was actively promoting the dossier without actually saying what it was.
10)FusionGPS has not been forthcoming to congressional investigators on questions as to how it is associated to the Democratic party.
11) The dirt that supposedly related to HIllary was teh Russian attempts to get fracking banned in the US by funneling money to green groups to fight it. Hillary was the channel.

Now after stating the above facts

12) Kushner updated his security clearance disclosure before details of the meeting were leaked.
13) The Trump admin intentionally leaked details about the meeting and in fact there is a video of that being done:
QcRf0y5-_Uw :lol:

14)While the anti-Trumpsters rail about "Russian Collusion" Trump is doing much of what he was sent to Washington to do and showing how incredibly corrupt the MSM is at the same time.
Last edited by Doc on Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Yeah. This is looking more and more like a Democrat op. Looks like the Democrats colluding with Russians.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Parodite »

Deep down I'm very superficial
Simple Minded

Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:rrBxZGWCdgs
like you said: ... ger_effect
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Doc » ... riate.html
“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC, which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday. “This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took.
Schiff: Washington Democrats meeting with Ukrainian officials for Trump dirt would have been 'inappropriate'
Published July 16, 2017
Fox News

Ranking member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence on President Trump's son meeting with Russian attorney

California Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday that fellow Washington Democrats acted “inappropriately” if they indeed met with Ukrainian officials to get potentially damaging information on 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump -- amid widespread probes, allegations and revelations about the Trump campaign meeting with Russian officials to try to derail Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“It wouldn’t be appropriate for the Democrats to get help from the Ukrainian government,” Schiff, the top Democrat on the House's Intelligence committee, which is investigating the Russian meddling, told ABC’s “This Week.” “It would be problematic to get any kind of support from a foreign government.”

The White House and Trump allies in recent days have pointed to a reported meeting last year between a Democratic National Committee consultant and officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington. They spoke amid recent revelations about Trump campaign officials accepting a meeting in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer, on the possibility of potentially damaging information on Clinton.

“If you are looking for an example of a campaign coordinating with a foreign country or a foreign source, look no further than the DNC, which actually coordinated opposition research with the Ukrainian Embassy,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday. “This is not an accusation. That is an on-the-record action that they took.”
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by noddy »

Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:rrBxZGWCdgs
like you said: ... ger_effect
gold :)
Mr. Perfect
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol trump would still beat hillary. ... story.html
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Lol trump would still beat hillary. ... story.html


:lol: means not much, Hillary falls by "default"

MP, Trump met Putin, alone .. only Putin and trump (with Putin's interpreter) .. for 1 hr

What they talked about immaterial

4get about NEOCON "eggheads", but, this a message to Tillerson and others, Boss (Trump) has his own plans and decides.

Lets see what happens

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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Whatever bro.
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Doc »

Trump needs to put Hillary under investigation for a life of crime
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Enki »

There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Enki wrote:There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.
Tulsi Gabbard is an interesting Dem. And she is under 70 too!
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Typhoon »

Enki wrote:There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Nice of you to stop by.

Best two line summary of US politics that I've read in a long time.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Enki wrote:.

There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.


Am told, there are millions and millions in America who do not know who is the president at the time, have never voted in their life

Notion Joe elects all those congressman and senators and and, naive.

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by noddy »

Enki wrote:There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.

nice to see your alive and kicking.

hope all has been well.
Simple Minded

Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:
Enki wrote:There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.

nice to see your alive and kicking.

hope all has been well.
:D +1 Good to hear from you Tinker. Welcome back and/or aboard.

The top Triangulator social scientists often differ on whether the republicans or the democrats are the best recruiters for our faith er, uh, ideology. :P

If one is going to make promises, it is safer to never actually win an election. It allows one to avoid dealing with the inherent conflicts between reality and fantasy.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.

:D +1 Good to hear from you Tinker. Welcome back and/or aboard.


Thinker ! ! ! !


How you doin, long time no debate

Well, to start, good to know where you stand with our Donald (Duck) .. Azari voted FOR Donald

True, he what he is, but, the others much worst

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Re: The end of the Democrat Party

Post by Enki »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Enki wrote:There is pretty much no one worth voting for in either party anymore.

Republicans actually elected someone who built his career on wage theft on the premise that he was for the common man.

And Democrats are doubling down on McCarthyism.

Ahh well...if I can just stop thinking about politics, I'll free up so much brain space.
Tulsi Gabbard is an interesting Dem. And she is under 70 too!
Maybe, if her anti-gay past comes to light she will be dead to Progressives. Her Father was an anti-gay activist, like really hardcore and that's where she got her entry into politics. Also her ties to Hindu nationalism. The National Socialists that voted for Trump seem to like her. According to a study, they are about 20% of his voters. They are the fabled Obama/Bernie voters that broke for Trump. But the mainstream Dems will probably eat her alive. She's not as pristine as Bernie and it will be a lot easier to villify her in a primary. Her unsanctioned trip to Syria to meet with Assad will probably be a major story.

Kamala Harris is the next Hillary Clinton a POC Neo-Liberal. Big money is lining up behind her. Elizabeth Warren probably has the best bonafides to bring Bernie and Hillary voters into a coalition, but Kamala Harris might not be hated by the Bernie faction. She's of course a former prosecutor, so that makes it harder to sell her story to Progressives, and since she wasn't a prosecutor in New York, she won't be able to talk about how she has a track record of going after bankers like Eric Schneiderman or Preet Bharara. She'll just look like a shill for the establishment going after petty drug crimes and whatnot.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
-Alexander Hamilton
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