Muslim Civil Societies

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Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Taboo »


In one of the most hilarious polls released by Pew, 38,000 people in mostly-Muslim countries were asked about freedom of religion. Muslims in some countries both strongly approve of religious freedom—and overwhelmingly support the death penalty for apostates from Islam.

The red dots in the graph above are % of supporters of Sharia (right indicates prevalence in population) who support murdering apostates. Wouldn't want to be an ex-Muslim in Egypt, that's for sure. On the upside, there'd probably be an impassioned civic debate on the means of execution. It's a start. Can't all be gold-plated civil societies like Sweden from the get-go, after all.

Full report here: ... ciety.aspx

PS: Also, Borat should be proud of his fellow Kazakhs.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument, unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
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Afghanistan & Aurangzeb: Sikhs Learned Faster than Buddhists

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument, unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
Thank You for your post, Ibrahim.
the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era,
Tell that to the Buddhist monks and nuns of Afghanistan slaughtered by the Muslim invaders.

Tell that to the Sikhs who to survive had to go from being a peace society to a religion where its most devout members take a vow to never be disarmed largely thanks to Muslim persecution.

The Sikhs learned faster than the Buddhists ;)
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Taboo »

Ibrahim wrote:This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument,
Yes, you've debunked nothing but perhaps a straw man of your own imagining. Many Islamic countries don't have effective civil societies, not just compared to Sweden, but compared to Bulgaria and Brazil. That's because of the oppressive political structure and widespread tyranny and secret police, not because of their anti-blasphemy laws. The blasphemy laws just happen to come with the package, just to pile in a bit more ignorance and oppression, as if gay bashing and abusive mistreatment of women was not enough.

But don't just take my word for it. Here is some data from Gallup, EVS and WVS, a series of continent and world-wide surveys. The aggregate response to a large number of civic participation questions (all sorts of organizations: church, sports, educational, labor, political, green, professional, humanities, and others). Higher numbers indicate higher participation:
CultureZone Mean
ProtWest .7394
EnglWest .6086
MedWest .4399
ExcomWest .2658
ExcomEast .2065
ExcomIsl .1595
SouthAsia .2822
CoreMusl .1091
EastAsia .2392
LatAmer .3207
SubsAfric .2439
The error bars are +-0.03

You will notice that two areas, highlighted in red, stand out. Ex Communist Islamic states and Core Muslim states. Yup. Case closed.
unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
I see. The fact that a supermajority of Egyptians think apostates should be murdered by the state has nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with Sam Harris' claim that places like Egypt are unsafe for Atheists. :lol: :lol:

The only irrelevant aside here is whether Muslims were murdering marginally fewer Jews in 1400 compared to Christians. I seem to recall that the Muslim conquest of India was accompanied by the sacking of entire cities and pyramids of skulls, Tamerlane style. But that's irrelevant too. I don't give a lavender about who was what 500 years ago. I live now.

PS: The hilarious bit was that supermajorities claimed to be "for religious freedom" and at the same time, the same supermajorities were in favor of murdering apostates. Not much for consistency, are they?
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Re: Afghanistan & Aurangzeb: Sikhs Learned Faster than Buddh

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

monster_gardener wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument, unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
Thank You for your post, Ibrahim.
the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era,
Tell that to the Buddhist monks and nuns of Afghanistan slaughtered by the Muslim invaders.

Tell that to the Sikhs who to survive had to go from being a peace society to a religion where its most devout members take a vow to never be disarmed largely thanks to Muslim persecution.

The Sikhs learned faster than the Buddhists ;)


Not sure whether intentional, illiteracy, or evil intention (my guess)



Did the Japanese do beheading in Nanjing, Shanghai or the (Zen) Buddhist

Did Germans and Europeans and Americans did all those things not even 70 yrs ago to European and Russians of Jewish faith, or the christian did ?

Did Christians colonized Africa and and and or the Brits and French and Belgian and Dutch

Did all the atrocities of the last 350 yrs against Asia and ME and Africa and and and done by Christians or the Europeans

Did Christianity wiped out all indigini of North & South America or the Europeans

Did Christianity drop 2 nuclear bomb on Japan or Americans did ? ?

No, Christianity did not do those things .. the evil people did all

Yes, Moguls (of India) did all those atrocities to Indians and much more .. it not so that if those Moguls where Christians things would be any better, Brits did treat India even worst than the Moguls

About Afghanistan and Buddhist monks and nuns of Afghanistan .. same story

Look, guys .. The European killed millions in their wars of Protestant/Catholic, 30-year war .. entire protestant villages were wiped out, including the dogs and cats

Things were done by Arabs (from Arabia), by Turks (Turkic tribes, Seljugh, Ughuz, etc), by Monguls (many dynasties, Teymurian etc etc), by Brits, by Russians .. and by Pomegranates ....... AND .. not by Islam or Christianity or Buddhism

Now, in Burma, they are killing all the Muslims .. anybody said anything ? ? .. NO .. not even Saudi Arabia .. only Iran protested .. not the Buddhist or Buddhism is killing the Muslims of Burma .. but , the state is doing this for their own reason

In that sense, attacking a religion for historical fact is dishonest

Religion only can be discussed philosophically, theologically

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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Hoosiernorm »

What are the rates for Muslims living in the west? Is there a difference between a Muslim in America vs a Muslim in Europe? Do cultural ties also hold true? Do Egyptians in Italy vs Indonesians in Italy poll the same compared to their fellow countrymen?
Been busy doing stuff
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Hoosiernorm wrote:.

What are the rates for Muslims living in the west? Is there a difference between a Muslim in America vs a Muslim in Europe? Do cultural ties also hold true? Do Egyptians in Italy vs Indonesians in Italy poll the same compared to their fellow countrymen?


Hoosie ,\\there are no Muslims in the west

What there are, are Indonesian, Turks, Egyptians, Pakistani and and and .. and Iranians

Each of those people come from different culture and think totally different

Notion, a Pakistani coming to America suddenly becomes liberal democrat being proud of gays and embracing homosexual marriage a bit misleading :lol:

Come on man, let go of Muslim bashing, look inwards :)

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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

Taboo wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument,
Yes, you've debunked nothing but perhaps a straw man of your own imagining. Many Islamic countries don't have effective civil societies,
Ah, well every retreat starts with the first step. You started out by echoing Harris' claim that Islam doesn't produce civil societies, now you're saying they aren't "effective" civil societies. Looking forward to see how this idea is developed.
That's because of the oppressive political structure and widespread tyranny and secret police, not because of their anti-blasphemy laws. The blasphemy laws just happen to come with the package, just to pile in a bit more ignorance and oppression,

Ah, so the "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Perhaps it didn't occur to you that civil society can take place ins spite of repressive measures or censorship? What produced the revolution in Tunisia? You're describing repressive political systems in an effort to attack a religion and culture, which is an especially Spengleroid form of confusion.

as if gay bashing and abusive mistreatment of women was not enough.

Leave fraternities and the American South out of this.
But don't just take my word for it. Here is some data from Gallup, EVS and WVS, a series of continent and world-wide surveys. The aggregate response to a large number of civic participation questions (all sorts of organizations: church, sports, educational, labor, political, green, professional, humanities, and others). Higher numbers indicate higher participation:
CultureZone Mean
ProtWest .7394
EnglWest .6086
MedWest .4399
ExcomWest .2658
ExcomEast .2065
ExcomIsl .1595
SouthAsia .2822
CoreMusl .1091
EastAsia .2392
LatAmer .3207
SubsAfric .2439
The error bars are +-0.03

You will notice that two areas, highlighted in red, stand out. Ex Communist Islamic states and Core Muslim states. Yup. Case closed.
What are you saying this data means, exactly?

unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
I see. The fact that a supermajority of Egyptians think apostates should be murdered by the state has nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with Sam Harris' claim that places like Egypt are unsafe for Atheists.
You don't seem to be able to follow the argument. As I argue, most cultures for most of history have been inhospitable, indeed deadly, to all but a small select group. Yet nobody (well, no Western supremacist) would apply this same argument to prove that e.g. Classical Greece and Rome or Victorian England had "no civil society." Harris' (and thus your) entire argument is fundamentally based on a self-serving, historically ignorant double standard.
The only irrelevant aside here is whether Muslims were murdering marginally fewer Jews in 1400 compared to Christians. I seem to recall that the Muslim conquest of India was accompanied by the sacking of entire cities and pyramids of skulls, Tamerlane style. But that's irrelevant too. I don't give a lavender about who was what 500 years ago. I live now.
That explains your myopic and comical evaluation of religions and civilizations based on a tiny snapshot built out of public opinion polls. The historical fact that Islamic civilization was, for most of its history, the global standard in diverse civil societies, shreds Harris' argument and your feeble efforts to carry water for him. But hey, you live now. I can't expect you to learn 1400 years of history just so you can make more informed slurs about underdeveloped countries.

The hilarious bit was that supermajorities claimed to be "for religious freedom" and at the same time, the same supermajorities were in favor of murdering apostates. Not much for consistency, are they?
Indeed, nor you.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

Hoosiernorm wrote:What are the rates for Muslims living in the west? Is there a difference between a Muslim in America vs a Muslim in Europe? Do cultural ties also hold true? Do Egyptians in Italy vs Indonesians in Italy poll the same compared to their fellow countrymen?
I don't think it specifically answers your question, but it called this to mind: ... lence.aspx
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Mashaei said that “the whole design of Islam no longer offers answers, and the world’s understanding of Islam, as a general concept, especially with the interpretations that some countries have presented, is a negative one. Therefore, we have to introduce our own Islam to the world, which comes from the Iranian school and is based on the original Islam, and this doesn’t mean we put Islam away.”


Mashaei attempted to elaborate and clarify previous controversial remarks by saying that “I’ve said tens of times which Islamism is coming to an end. Today there are those in Syria who kill people by beheadings and bombings and they also yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ and speak of Islamism. When I had spoke earlier about the end of Islamism, this is the type of Islamism I was speaking of.”

Mashaei continued, “The era has arrived that anyone in a general way speaks of Islamism, and especially after the victory of [Iran’s] Islamic revolution, a new era has arrived, and not everyone can claim Islamism.” He asked rhetorically, “Can we endorse the form of Islamism of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt or Qatar?”


:lol: .. Mashaei reflects how Iranians think .. AND , that is how reformation of Islam looks like, Persian Rumi spiritual Islam and not Wahhabi, Salafi, CIA-Islam

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Religious Responsibility

Post by monster_gardener »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:This, of course, springs from Taboo's vitriolic response to criticism of Sam Harris. The argument was, and as far as I can tell still is, that Islam has no civil society, or cannot have a civil society, because some number of people in some number of majority-Muslim countries want laws against blasphemy and apostasy.

Since I've previously debunked that argument, unless you want to argue that no such thing as "civil society" existed anywhere prior to, say, 1960, and pointed out that historically speaking Islamic states were the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era, I can assume Taboo's only remaining point is that some people in some Muslim countries approve of these kinds of laws, and that this is "hilarious."

Worth noting as well, for those who know little or nothing about Islamic history, culture, and civilization, that "Shariah law" doesn't mean one specific set of rules or another.
Thank You for your post, Ibrahim.
the most tolerant of other religions up until the colonial era,
Tell that to the Buddhist monks and nuns of Afghanistan slaughtered by the Muslim invaders.

Tell that to the Sikhs who to survive had to go from being a peace society to a religion where its most devout members take a vow to never be disarmed largely thanks to Muslim persecution.

The Sikhs learned faster than the Buddhists ;)


Not sure whether intentional, illiteracy, or evil intention (my guess)



Did the Japanese do beheading in Nanjing, Shanghai or the (Zen) Buddhist

Did Germans and Europeans and Americans did all those things not even 70 yrs ago to European and Russians of Jewish faith, or the christian did ?

Did Christians colonized Africa and and and or the Brits and French and Belgian and Dutch

Did all the atrocities of the last 350 yrs against Asia and ME and Africa and and and done by Christians or the Europeans

Did Christianity wiped out all indigini of North & South America or the Europeans

Did Christianity drop 2 nuclear bomb on Japan or Americans did ? ?

No, Christianity did not do those things .. the evil people did all

Yes, Moguls (of India) did all those atrocities to Indians and much more .. it not so that if those Moguls where Christians things would be any better, Brits did treat India even worst than the Moguls

About Afghanistan and Buddhist monks and nuns of Afghanistan .. same story

Look, guys .. The European killed millions in their wars of Protestant/Catholic, 30-year war .. entire protestant villages were wiped out, including the dogs and cats

Things were done by Arabs (from Arabia), by Turks (Turkic tribes, Seljugh, Ughuz, etc), by Monguls (many dynasties, Teymurian etc etc), by Brits, by Russians .. and by Pomegranates ....... AND .. not by Islam or Christianity or Buddhism

Now, in Burma, they are killing all the Muslims .. anybody said anything ? ? .. NO .. not even Saudi Arabia .. only Iran protested .. not the Buddhist or Buddhism is killing the Muslims of Burma .. but , the state is doing this for their own reason

In that sense, attacking a religion for historical fact is dishonest

Religion only can be discussed philosophically, theologically

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.

A religion is responsible for what it directs its adherents to do........


When Aztecs following the dictates of their religion, conducted "Flowery Wars" to capture sacrificial victims to have their hearts ripped out, the Aztec religion was responsible and indeed its priests would have bragged about it claiming that by so doing they were preventing the end of the world.

When Muslims following the instructions of Mohammed to conquer the world for Allah, including by violence against non-combatants, go on Jihad and attack non Muslims shouting "Allahu Akbar", then Islam, Mohammed and Allah are responsible.......

When adherents of a religion do things that are against the dictates of the religion, then the religion is NOT responsible especially if the religious authorities take appropriate sanctions against the offenders.

If this is NOT done, then while the founders and philosophy of the religion are not responsible, the religion as an organization may be so. *

Thus When Theravada Buddhist monks in Burma, contrary to the instructions of Siddhartha, the historical Buddha, lead violent mobs against Muslims, the proper response of a Buddhist abbot might be to expel the monks involved or require some penance.

*If this violation becomes official standard operating procedure, the original religion may have changed into a new one/a new version of the original or the religion can be said to have evolved.

Sometimes this can be for the better as seen in Mormonism/LDS which has an official mechanism for change as seen with the removal of restrictions on advancement of Black Mormons.

Or what the Sikhs had to do to survive persecution: go from being an inter-faith peace movement to being a rather militant religion after the innovations of Gobind Singh.

Sometimes for the worse, as seen with Islam which while Mohammed was alive also had an official mechanism for change but got worse as seen in the change from the early more peaceful Mecca verses to the later militant Medina verses and the militant Hadiths.

Reform movements in religion frequently involve trying to return to the original precepts of the founders which IMVHO is NOT necessarily a good thing as can be seen with some Muslims who try to spiritualize jihad from being violent holy war in the original to AIUI a struggle for personal improvement.
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Taboo »

Ibrahim wrote: Ah, well every retreat starts with the first step. You started out by echoing Harris' claim that Islam doesn't produce civil societies, now you're saying they aren't "effective" civil societies. Looking forward to see how this idea is developed.
Red herring. Where did I ever "echo Harris' claim"? You were putting those words into my mouth. No one could argue that a society has no civil society whatsoever. Hmm, maybe North Korea might qualify. It's just that civil societies in many (if not all) Islamic countries happen to be weaker (fewer organizations with few members) and less effective (those organizations don't achieve much) than those in the rest of the world. How many times do I have to say that I do NOT agree with Harris' hyperbole for you to understand?
That's because of the oppressive political structure and widespread tyranny and secret police, not because of their anti-blasphemy laws. The blasphemy laws just happen to come with the package, just to pile in a bit more ignorance and oppression,

Ah, so the "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Perhaps it didn't occur to you that civil society can take place ins spite of repressive measures or censorship? What produced the revolution in Tunisia? You're describing repressive political systems in an effort to attack a religion and culture, which is an especially Spengleroid form of confusion.
No, it's more of your willful confusion. There are 2 issues: effective civil societies, which Muslim states have less of than any other part of the world is one; the anti-blasphemy laws are another. While related, the two are distinct.
as if gay bashing and abusive mistreatment of women was not enough.

Leave fraternities and the American South out of this.
I am unaware that fraternities and the American south engage in widespread honor killings. I was unaware of the fact that in fraternities and the American south women are denied the right to work, access to birth-control and rape by their husbands is not punished by police. I was unaware of a single spot in the American south where women are not allowed to drive. I am unaware of a single spot in the US south where women would be attacked on the street because some stranger thinks they're not dressed modestly enough. The two are not even remotely comparable. I wonder what drives this willful blindness.
But don't just take my word for it. Here is some data from Gallup, EVS and WVS, a series of continent and world-wide surveys. The aggregate response to a large number of civic participation questions (all sorts of organizations: church, sports, educational, labor, political, green, professional, humanities, and others). Higher numbers indicate higher participation:
You will notice that two areas, highlighted in red, stand out. Ex Communist Islamic states and Core Muslim states. Yup. Case closed.
What are you saying this data means, exactly?
That compared to the rest of the world, denizens of the surveyed Muslim countries participate in many fewer civic organizations of all kinds, from sports to charity to politics. It's quite simple really.
You don't seem to be able to follow the argument. As I argue, most cultures for most of history have been inhospitable, indeed deadly, to all but a small select group. Yet nobody (well, no Western supremacist) would apply this same argument to prove that e.g. Classical Greece and Rome or Victorian England had "no civil society." Harris' (and thus your) entire argument is fundamentally based on a self-serving, historically ignorant double standard.
The fact that Spaniards were butchering Jews 500 years ago is deplorable, and we can both agree that they were savages. Same goes for Nazis. That doesn't excuse this sort of behavior now. It's like saying "Punching kids in the nose is ok, because people 3 seas away were doing it 500 years ago, while we weren't doing nearly as much back then". It's an incredibly stupid argument.
That explains your myopic and comical evaluation of religions and civilizations based on a tiny snapshot built out of public opinion polls. The historical fact that Islamic civilization was, for most of its history, the global standard in diverse civil societies, shreds Harris' argument and your feeble efforts to carry water for him. But hey, you live now. I can't expect you to learn 1400 years of history just so you can make more informed slurs about underdeveloped countries.
I don't give a rats ass that in a world where everybody acted like savages, the Muslims were vaguely less savage. We live in the 21st century, and significant numbers of Muslims (not ALL, of course) across a large cross-section of the Muslim world hold such views TODAY. The past is history. Being killed for being an atheist doesn't feel better put in some historical context. "I see you're about to behead me, and that's deplorable, but I have to take into account that you guys were better than Inquisition Spain, so I guess that makes it ok!"
Seriously? I think you're just trolling, having lost the argument long ago.
The hilarious bit was that supermajorities claimed to be "for religious freedom" and at the same time, the same supermajorities were in favor of murdering apostates. Not much for consistency, are they?
Indeed, nor you.
I have been nothing but consistent. You're the one making the bizarre argument that criticizing the current death-penalty of Atheists in several Muslim countries is "myopic" because Muslim countries were so very nice in the middle ages, while still carrying out the occasional purge and slaughter. Sorry pal, this one's on you.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

Taboo wrote:
Ibrahim wrote: Ah, well every retreat starts with the first step. You started out by echoing Harris' claim that Islam doesn't produce civil societies, now you're saying they aren't "effective" civil societies. Looking forward to see how this idea is developed.
Red herring. Where did I ever "echo Harris' claim"?
This entire thread is a continuation of your defense of Harris from the New Atheism thread, minus the vitriolic attacks on Harris' critics, and minus Harris' overt calls for violence.

You were putting those words into my mouth. No one could argue that a society has no civil society whatsoever.
You tried, and once I swatted that down in the other tread you came up with this slightly modified version. So some modest progress.

That's because of the oppressive political structure and widespread tyranny and secret police, not because of their anti-blasphemy laws. The blasphemy laws just happen to come with the package, just to pile in a bit more ignorance and oppression,

Ah, so the "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks" approach. Perhaps it didn't occur to you that civil society can take place ins spite of repressive measures or censorship? What produced the revolution in Tunisia? You're describing repressive political systems in an effort to attack a religion and culture, which is an especially Spengleroid form of confusion.
No, it's more of your willful confusion. There are 2 issues: effective civil societies, which Muslim states have less of than any other part of the world is one; the anti-blasphemy laws are another. While related, the two are distinct.
You conflated them, and have used one to try and "prove" the other across two threads now. If you think they are distinct and separate issues then treat them as such. I'll wait while you decide what your position actually is and then articulate it.
as if gay bashing and abusive mistreatment of women was not enough.

Leave fraternities and the American South out of this.
I am unaware that fraternities and the American south engage in widespread honor killings.
Husbands murder their wives, and males their female partners, with depressing regularity, and almost always over some insult real or imagined. It is only a prejudicial double-standard that ignores this issue in preference to "honor killings" among certain groups alone. While this is a universal problem, the frat/South reference was more about vociferous homophobia, which is as alive and well among certain segments of the population in the developed world as it is among the most underdeveloped "Muslim country."

I was unaware of the fact that in fraternities and the American south women are denied the right to work, access to birth-control and rape by their husbands is not punished by police.
Actually the South is working harder to restrict access to abortion and birth control than anywhere else in the developed world. Rape is hugely under-reported in the utopia that is contemporary Western culture, with the last number I read being one in five women experiencing sexual assault of some form, one in ten being raped. So again, you're talking about a universal plague and applying a self-aggrandizing double standard to other cultures to further a supremacist agenda.

I was unaware of a single spot in the American south where women are not allowed to drive.
That's nice. I've never been to any place women weren't allowed to drive. You must be referring to Saudi Arabia?

I am unaware of a single spot in the US south where women would be attacked on the street because some stranger thinks they're not dressed modestly enough.
Indeed, typically women are assaulted in their own homes, IIRC statistically it is most often by a family member.

I wonder what drives this willful blindness.
I've already told you. Your willful blindness is the product of a hypocritical and self-serving double-standard.

But don't just take my word for it. Here is some data from Gallup, EVS and WVS, a series of continent and world-wide surveys. The aggregate response to a large number of civic participation questions (all sorts of organizations: church, sports, educational, labor, political, green, professional, humanities, and others). Higher numbers indicate higher participation:
You will notice that two areas, highlighted in red, stand out. Ex Communist Islamic states and Core Muslim states. Yup. Case closed.
What are you saying this data means, exactly?
That compared to the rest of the world, denizens of the surveyed Muslim countries participate in many fewer civic organizations of all kinds, from sports to charity to politics. It's quite simple really.
So in your few non-participation in government programs indicates lack of a civil society? Clearly a case of ignorance of the layers of social participation along traditional lines that these people engage in instead. Hard to understand what superficial and stereotypical view of life in these countries you are clinging to, such that you would think that these numbers indicated the absence of any civil society.

You don't seem to be able to follow the argument. As I argue, most cultures for most of history have been inhospitable, indeed deadly, to all but a small select group. Yet nobody (well, no Western supremacist) would apply this same argument to prove that e.g. Classical Greece and Rome or Victorian England had "no civil society." Harris' (and thus your) entire argument is fundamentally based on a self-serving, historically ignorant double standard.
The fact that Spaniards were butchering Jews 500 years ago is deplorable, and we can both agree that they were savages. Same goes for Nazis. That doesn't excuse this sort of behavior now. It's like saying "Punching kids in the nose is ok, because people 3 seas away were doing it 500 years ago, while we weren't doing nearly as much back then". It's an incredibly stupid argument.
Rather, you are unable to follow or understand the argument based on your historical ignorance, so you are ranting on about "who's killing more Jews," which is actually beside the point. What I am pointing out is not the European propensity for atrocity, but the historical fact that non-Muslims were able to participate in the highest levels of government in Islamic states, something that was never true of European countries or their American offshoots, and is still not true today despite the vaunted secular culture. Non-Muslim minority groups in historical Islamic states were able to participate in the civil society to a level unprecedented in Western civilization. So try to understand this and put conquistadors aside for a moment. And if you say "well it's not now!" I'll point out that this only stopped being the case in the colonial era, and ask whether or not that might be related.

That explains your myopic and comical evaluation of religions and civilizations based on a tiny snapshot built out of public opinion polls. The historical fact that Islamic civilization was, for most of its history, the global standard in diverse civil societies, shreds Harris' argument and your feeble efforts to carry water for him. But hey, you live now. I can't expect you to learn 1400 years of history just so you can make more informed slurs about underdeveloped countries.
I don't give a rats ass that in a world where everybody acted like savages, the Muslims were vaguely less savage. We live in the 21st century, and significant numbers of Muslims (not ALL, of course) across a large cross-section of the Muslim world hold such views TODAY. The past is history. Being killed for being an atheist doesn't feel better put in some historical context. "I see you're about to behead me, and that's deplorable, but I have to take into account that you guys were better than Inquisition Spain, so I guess that makes it ok!"
Seriously? I think you're just trolling, having lost the argument long ago.
Don't blame me for your historical ignorance and inability to understand the relevance of history in understanding current events. Apparently you think being atheist is some dire threat to people's lives, when its a simple fact that more people are killed just for being Muslim (or indeed any religion) than for being atheist. Are the deaths of civilians in their thousands tolerated because the victims are atheist and nobody cares about the lives of atheists? No, clearly that is not the case. The recent trend of combining supremacism with victimhood will hopefully be a short-lived one.

The hilarious bit was that supermajorities claimed to be "for religious freedom" and at the same time, the same supermajorities were in favor of murdering apostates. Not much for consistency, are they?
Indeed, nor you.
I have been nothing but consistent.
You almost exclusively provide double-standards to further your agenda. I guess that's a kind of consistency. Being consistently inconsistent.

You're the one making the bizarre argument that criticizing the current death-penalty of Atheists in several Muslim countries is "myopic" because Muslim countries were so very nice in the middle ages, while still carrying out the occasional purge and slaughter.
A complete misrepresentation of my position, which is that historically Islamic civil societies were the most pluralistic and diverse, and moreover that there is no ongoing slaughter of atheists taking place today, despite your crying about it, whereas Muslims continue to be killed en mass by either Western/Israeli armed forces, or their own oppressive governments. And you think that the most pressing concern is how some Egyptian peasant answered an opinion poll? Laughable.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Marcus »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Mashaei said that “the whole design of Islam no longer offers answers, and the world’s understanding of Islam, as a general concept, especially with the interpretations that some countries have presented, is a negative one. Therefore, we have to introduce our own Islam to the world, which comes from the Iranian school and is based on the original Islam, and this doesn’t mean we put Islam away.”
Mashaei attempted to elaborate and clarify previous controversial remarks by saying that “I’ve said tens of times which Islamism is coming to an end. Today there are those in Syria who kill people by beheadings and bombings and they also yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ and speak of Islamism. When I had spoke earlier about the end of Islamism, this is the type of Islamism I was speaking of.”

Mashaei continued, “The era has arrived that anyone in a general way speaks of Islamism, and especially after the victory of [Iran’s] Islamic revolution, a new era has arrived, and not everyone can claim Islamism.” He asked rhetorically, “Can we endorse the form of Islamism of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt or Qatar?”
:lol: .. Mashaei reflects how Iranians think .. AND , that is how reformation of Islam looks like, Persian Rumi spiritual Islam and not Wahhabi, Salafi, CIA-Islam

Well posted, ALI, thanks. Islam must be and will be reformed.
the whole design of Islam no longer offers answers, and the world’s understanding of Islam, as a general concept, especially with the interpretations that some countries have presented, is a negative one. Therefore, we have to introduce our own Islam to the world, which comes from the Iranian school and is based on the original Islam, and this doesn’t mean we put Islam away.”
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

Marcus wrote:Islam must be and will be reformed.
A meaningless statement.
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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Marcus wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:Mashaei said that “the whole design of Islam no longer offers answers, and the world’s understanding of Islam, as a general concept, especially with the interpretations that some countries have presented, is a negative one. Therefore, we have to introduce our own Islam to the world, which comes from the Iranian school and is based on the original Islam, and this doesn’t mean we put Islam away.”
Mashaei attempted to elaborate and clarify previous controversial remarks by saying that “I’ve said tens of times which Islamism is coming to an end. Today there are those in Syria who kill people by beheadings and bombings and they also yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ and speak of Islamism. When I had spoke earlier about the end of Islamism, this is the type of Islamism I was speaking of.”

Mashaei continued, “The era has arrived that anyone in a general way speaks of Islamism, and especially after the victory of [Iran’s] Islamic revolution, a new era has arrived, and not everyone can claim Islamism.” He asked rhetorically, “Can we endorse the form of Islamism of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt or Qatar?”
:lol: .. Mashaei reflects how Iranians think .. AND , that is how reformation of Islam looks like, Persian Rumi spiritual Islam and not Wahhabi, Salafi, CIA-Islam

Well posted, ALI, thanks. Islam must be and will be reformed.
the whole design of Islam no longer offers answers, and the world’s understanding of Islam, as a general concept, especially with the interpretations that some countries have presented, is a negative one. Therefore, we have to introduce our own Islam to the world, which comes from the Iranian school and is based on the original Islam, and this doesn’t mean we put Islam away.”


Religion must be alive (changing on the fly) .. and .. not dead (dogmatic)

Iranian Islam, Shia Islam, is an "alive religion" .. Sunni Islam is dead (stuck in the mud)

Same with Christianity .. am sure San Peterus turning in his grave watching what shape Christianity has taken up today .. but .. c'est la vie

Yes, Marcus, Iranians will adapt Islam to modernity .. but .. West is sabotaging .. West in bed with the vicious Wahhabi & Salafi for OIL .. that monkey calling himself
Amir (of Qatar) a CIA special agent into killing of our beloved Syrian Christians and secular, raping woman and killing children .. an an-holly Zionist-Wahhabi-Salafi alliance against Secularism in all Middle East


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Re: Muslim Civil Societies

Post by Marcus »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Yes, Marcus, Iranians will adapt Islam to modernity.
ALI, I earnestly believe that is very likely the case.
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Muslim [Un]Civil Societies

Post by Marcus »

Civil societies . . you bet . . ;)

The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world
By Raymond Ibrahim
Published May 07, 2013

Read more: ... z2SiEnJcoK
"The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson's time."
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Re: Muslim [Un]Civil Societies

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Marcus wrote:.

Civil societies . . you bet . . ;)

The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world
By Raymond Ibrahim
Published May 07, 2013

Read more: ... z2SiEnJcoK


Marcus, ask yourself who's fault is it ? ?

how come in ME Christians and Jews lived in total harmony last 1000 yrs, in Andalusia Jews and Christians flourished together with Muslims for 500 years .. but now that Christians have nuclear bombs and chemical weapons (and Muslim don't) suddenly hell brakes lose for Christians and Jews in Arab world ? ?

how come ? ?

who is at fault here ?

well .. vividly, in front of your eyes, Syrian Christians, one of the oldest Christian denomination, is attacked and murdered by western agents the Saudi and Qatari and Turks .. McCain and the other clown want more arms for Wahhabi and Salfi so that they can kill more Christians

Why you complaining ? ?

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Re: Muslim [Un]Civil Societies

Post by Ibrahim »

Marcus wrote:Civil societies . . you bet . . ;)

The mass exodus of Christians from the Muslim world
By Raymond Ibrahim

Actually there is an exodus of everybody who can afford to live somewhere else from the Middle East, which has become a war zone. Christians find it slightly easier to to move to stable Western nations (that inflict violence on the Middle East but don't directly suffer from it) because of prejudice. But it is factually correct to say that these refugees disproportionately come minority communities in the Middle East. The author of this piece is himself a Copt, and a member of David Horowitz anti-Muslim, pro-Israeli propaganda machine. It would be shocking if he argued anything else than purely religion motivation for this wide-reaching humanitarian crisis.

But Marcus, why do you think that Christians leaving Arab countries reflects poorly on Islam, but US the American military murdering Afghan, Yemeni, Iraqi, and Pakistani civilians doesn't reflect poorly on Christianity? You don't seem to understand or accept anything but religious motives and practices on other countries, possibly because you don't know anything about them. And your version of civil society is to point to tragedy and laugh because you think it proves some point you irrationally hold on the Internet. Is that indicative of Christian civil society?
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Muslim[Un]Civil Societies

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C'mon guys, this isn't about who's to blame, what used to be, tit-for-tat or anything other than Christians fleeing Muslim lands.

When a like article is published—The Mass Exodus of Muslims From the Christian World—then you have a point.

Not until . . :(
"The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson's time."
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Re: Muslim[Un]Civil Societies

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Marcus wrote:.

C'mon guys, this isn't about who's to blame, what used to be, tit-for-tat or anything other than Christians fleeing Muslim lands.

When a like article is published—The Mass Exodus of Muslims From the Christian World—then you have a point.

Not until . . :(


not so fast, Marcus, not so fast

do Christians flee Iran ? ?


Christians fleeing Syria where Senator McCain & Graham want more arms send to those who killing Christians .. same thing in Libya (you remember McCain and Graham so happily when Qaddafi murdered and Islamist took over), Same in Egypt and and .. let alone American best friend Saudi even forbid any Christian setting foot on Arabia.

No need to talk about that Pakistan Zoooo .. again a good friend of west, US (free of charge) delivering nuclear capable F-16 to Pakistan and 100s of nuclear bomb

Marcus, Christians not even welcome in Israel .. can post many clips Jews spitting on Christian pilgrimage visitors

Only place Christians and Jews safe in ME, is Iran .. reason is, West has no power in Iran

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Re: Muslim[Un]Civil Societies

Post by Marcus »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:not so fast, Marcus, not so fast
do Christians flee Iran ? ?
Christians fleeing Syria where Senator McCain & Graham want more arms send to those who killing Christians .. same thing in Libya (you remember McCain and Graham so happily when Qaddafi murdered and Islamist took over), Same in Egypt and and .. let alone American best friend Saudi even forbid any Christian
setting foot on Arabia.
No need to talk about that Pakistan Zoooo .. again a good friend of west, US (free of charge) delivering nuclear capable F-16 to Pakistan and 100s of nuclear bomb
Marcus, Christians not even welcome in Israel .. can post many clips Jews spitting on Christian pilgrimage visitors
Only place Christians and Jews safe in ME, is Iran .. reason is, West has no power in Iran.
ALI, I agree . . all that is true.

However, all that is immaterial to the article I posted.
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Post by Ibrahim »

Marcus wrote:C'mon guys, this isn't about who's to blame, what used to be, tit-for-tat or anything other than Christians fleeing Muslim lands.

When a like article is published—The Mass Exodus of Muslims From the Christian World—then you have a point.

Not until . .
This is simply an evasion of the facts. The "Christian world" murders Muslim civilians on a daily basis and you have no problem with this and don't see how its connected to Christians in the Middle East moving out of war zones to more secure places. I also wonder if you're familiar with the plight of Christian Palestinians, and how that fits into your narrative.

If you absorb only one simple historical fact from all of this it should be this one: there were Christian communities in these "Muslim countries" for 1400+ years, and the mass migration starts in the late 1940's at best, not really getting rolling until the 1980's. What's the variable here? I cannot be religion.
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Re: Re:

Post by Marcus »

Ibrahim wrote:. . What's the variable here? It cannot be religion.
Oh but it is.

What was is what was . . what is is what is now.

Sh*t happens.
"The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson's time."
--- Richard Nixon
"I consider looseness with words no less of a defect than looseness of the bowels."
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