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Post by AzariLoveIran »


Classified document is said to warn that Pakistan is plotting to help reinstall Taliban once Nato-led forces depart


Taliban will rule Afghanistan again, says leaked US military report

Classified document is said to warn that Pakistan is plotting to help reinstall Taliban once Nato-led forces depart

The Taliban, backed by Pakistan, are set to retake control of Afghanistan after Nato-led forces withdraw from the country, according to reports citing a classifed assessment by US forces.

The Times described the report as secret and "highly classified", saying it was put together by the US military at Bagram air base in Afghanistan for top Nato officers last month. The BBC also carried a report on the leaked document.

"Many Afghans are already bracing themselves for an eventual return of the Taliban," the report was quoted as saying. "Once Isaf (Nato-led forces) is no longer a factor, Taliban consider their victory inevitable."

The document stated that Pakistan's security agency was helping the Taliban in directing attacks against foreign forces – a charge long denied by Islamabad.
The findings were based on interrogations of more than 4,000 Taliban and al-Qaida detainees, the Times said, adding the document was scarce on identifying individual insurgents.

A US state department spokesman and Britain's Foreign Office both declined comment on the report. Nato and Pakistani officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

Despite the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops, the UN has said violence in Afghanistan is at its worst since the Taliban were ousted by US-backed forces in 2001.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) says levels of violence are falling.

Citing the same report, the BBC reported on its website that Pakistan and its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew the locations of senior Taliban leaders and supported the expulsion of "foreign invaders from Afghanistan".
"Senior Taliban leaders meet regularly with ISI personnel, who advise on strategy and relay any pertinent concerns of the government of Pakistan."

The Times said the document suggested the Taliban were gaining in popularity, partly because the severe Islamist movement was becoming more tolerant.

The report was quoted as stating: "It remains to be seen whether a revitalised, more progressive Taliban will endure if they continue to gain power and popularity. Regardless, at least within the Taliban the refurbished image is already having a positive effect on morale."


Looks now, America wants to reinstall Taliban in Afghanistan, with Pakistan together .. to counter Iran


Halloooo Mr. Hindustani, anybody home ? ?


Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


. . senior members of the Western-trained and financed Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police plan to defect with vast numbers of their colleagues to the militants once foreign forces start to leave the country

What a lavender .. what a disaster

Meet the new "Mullah Omar" Army :lol: :lol:

nearly Trillion dollars spent training and arming Afghan military and police .. and they change to Mullah Omar


Well-placed sources in the Taliban who are based in the Pakistan tribal region on the border with Afghanistan have told Asia Times Online on the condition of anonymity that massive numbers from both the ANA and the ANP will switch and join the Taliban on the eve of the scheduled withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.

"As many as 32 policemen of the puppet Afghan army have already switched sides and joined the mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Wardaj, Badakhshan province [in the northeast of Afghanistan], handing their weapons over to the mujahideen and vowing to fight against the invading forces and their minions," a Taliban member told Asia Times Online.


wouldn't wonder if Mullah Omar, like Paki, get F-16 and and and

what a disaster

what the genuflect were Nato and American dead for ? and nearly a Trillion Dollars into toilet

seems all was a scam by MIC to fleece Joe

shieeeet :)

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai » ... e-poverty/
More than half of Afghanistan’s families live in extreme poverty
By Sarah Jacobs
The Foreign Desk - International dispatches from Independent correspondents -
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 at 10:51 am

Leila is watching her baby intently, as his mouth moves trying to swallow the small blob of yellow peanut paste Dr Tayab has spooned gently into his mouth.

She sits on the floor of her one-room mud house and rocks his tiny, malnourished body on her lap. After a tense pause, the baby’s neck strains and he’s sick into a cloth the doctor holds up to his chin.

Leila holds her bundled son, Mohammed, to her face and begins to cry. Her voice is desperate. “Every time he has food he is sick. I’m so scared he’s going to die.”

She hides her face in the blankets wrapped around her son’s body, as Dr Tayab calmly prepares the next spoon of therapeutic food and begins the process again.

Leila’s fear is well-founded. Last winter, she and her husband lost their last baby – she says because the winter was so cold. The year before, her other son fell ill with pneumonia and died within a few days.

Her story is one you hear repeated across Afghanistan. More than half of the country’s families here live in extreme poverty, and this year a severe drought and high food prices have made it even harder for parents to afford enough food to feed their children properly.

The destruction is shockingly visible. Driving through Balkh province in the north, frozen rocky ground has replaced last year’s cotton and wheat fields. In the homes, most families have little to give their children except for bread and tea. For as with Leila’s husband, any chance of finding work has disappeared with the crops.

Food prices have also rocketed. The cost of wheat – the basic staple for most families – has increased by 60% since last year. Vegetables, pulses, milk or meat – foods that would give children the nutrients they need – are way out of reach for most.

Huge progress has been made in Afghanistan over the past ten years, as the international community has pumped aid into the country. Child mortality has halved, with one in ten children now dying before the age of five, compared to one in five in 2001. Maternal mortality has also plummeted, from one mum in 11 dying from issues relating to pregnancy or childbirth, to one in 50.

But these successes are under threat from the damage caused by malnutrition. More than 30,000 children already die every year in Afghanistan because they don’t get the nutritious food they need to survive. Weakened by relentless hunger, their immune systems collapse and they are unable to survive the basic diseases that finally kill them, like pneumonia or diarrhoea.

Thankfully many malnourished children will survive – and get healthy again – especially if they’ve been able to get help from local health workers and doctors.

But there is a crucial window to get help. If a child is malnourished before the age of two or in the womb – a result of pregnant women not eating enough nutritious food – the resulting damage is likely to last their whole lives. Their bodies and brains won’t develop properly, resulting in a condition called stunting. This leaves children physically shorter, with lower IQs, more likely to drop out of school early, and more likely to die. In Afghanistan, this is the case for a staggering three million children.

According to Save the Children, nearly half a billion children’s lives will be blighted by malnutrition over the next 15 years if world leaders don’t act to tackle hunger. The good news, it says, is that the solutions are known, proven, and not expensive. Basic things like fortifying food – as we do routinely in rich countries, and making sure mums are breastfeeding properly, will save millions of lives. Now we need the political will to make it happen.

Here in Afghanistan, much of the hope comes with a growing army of volunteer health workers, who are teaching mums the importance of breastfeeding, nutrition, family planning and safe childbirth.

The challenges could seem overwhelming in a place where food is so scarce. But enter a smoky mud room in Balkh, and all that changes. Around the edge of the room sit 20 women and their children, listening to Masuri, an exuberant health worker trained by Save the Children, talk to them about cooking. Individually, each woman struggles to feed her family. But here each has brought one ingredient – carrots, rice, potatoes, egg, oil or salt – to the shared pot.

In this village, under the beady eye of Masuri, the mums are able to cook regular, nutritious meals for themselves and their kids. One look at the chubby cheeks of their children and the possibility for Afghanistan’s future is clear.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Classified document is said to warn that Pakistan is plotting to help reinstall Taliban once Nato-led forces depart


Taliban will rule Afghanistan again, says leaked US military report

Classified document is said to warn that Pakistan is plotting to help reinstall Taliban once Nato-led forces depart

The Taliban, backed by Pakistan, are set to retake control of Afghanistan after Nato-led forces withdraw from the country, according to reports citing a classifed assessment by US forces.

The Times described the report as secret and "highly classified", saying it was put together by the US military at Bagram air base in Afghanistan for top Nato officers last month. The BBC also carried a report on the leaked document.

"Many Afghans are already bracing themselves for an eventual return of the Taliban," the report was quoted as saying. "Once Isaf (Nato-led forces) is no longer a factor, Taliban consider their victory inevitable."

The document stated that Pakistan's security agency was helping the Taliban in directing attacks against foreign forces – a charge long denied by Islamabad.
The findings were based on interrogations of more than 4,000 Taliban and al-Qaida detainees, the Times said, adding the document was scarce on identifying individual insurgents.

A US state department spokesman and Britain's Foreign Office both declined comment on the report. Nato and Pakistani officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

Despite the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops, the UN has said violence in Afghanistan is at its worst since the Taliban were ousted by US-backed forces in 2001.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) says levels of violence are falling.

Citing the same report, the BBC reported on its website that Pakistan and its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew the locations of senior Taliban leaders and supported the expulsion of "foreign invaders from Afghanistan".
"Senior Taliban leaders meet regularly with ISI personnel, who advise on strategy and relay any pertinent concerns of the government of Pakistan."

The Times said the document suggested the Taliban were gaining in popularity, partly because the severe Islamist movement was becoming more tolerant.

The report was quoted as stating: "It remains to be seen whether a revitalised, more progressive Taliban will endure if they continue to gain power and popularity. Regardless, at least within the Taliban the refurbished image is already having a positive effect on morale."


Looks now, America wants to reinstall Taliban in Afghanistan, with Pakistan together .. to counter Iran


Halloooo Mr. Hindustani, anybody home ? ?

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

Looks now, America wants to reinstall Taliban in Afghanistan, with Pakistan together .. to counter Iran
Pakistan yes.........

Not sure I see US/Uz reinstalling the Tallywackers :wink: :( ............ except by just giving up..........

Could be wrong.
Halloooo Mr. Hindustani, anybody home ? ?
AIUI there is some Indian involvement but it drives the Pakistanis insane with fear and rage..........

AIUI they consider Afghanistan to be their "Alpenfestung" /Mountain Fortress/National Redoubt........... Strategic Depth and all that........... ... zi_Germany

Against the hated Hindu Indians who besides being PAGAN infidels, stole with the help of the Brits :wink: half of their Kashmir Cashmere sweater ;) :( :(......

IMVVVHO, the Chinese are more likely to be there for the long term.......

The Paks like the Chinese better: brothers in arms against the Hindustanis............

Long term of course is probably till the copper mines and other resources are exhausted.......

If the Paks and PashTOONS :wink: are lucky..............

Just ask the Uigers, Viets and Tibetans.........
Citing the same report, the BBC reported on its website that Pakistan and its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency knew the locations of senior Taliban leaders and supported the expulsion of "foreign invaders from Afghanistan".

"Senior Taliban leaders meet regularly with ISI personnel, who advise on strategy and relay any pertinent concerns of the government of Pakistan."

The Times said the document suggested the Taliban were gaining in popularity, partly because the severe Islamist movement was becoming more tolerant.

Article claims the Tallywackers are moderating.......... I suppose it's possible........... Wouldn't want to take a chance under their rule.........

But main thing is if they or "guests" go back to filibustering outside Afghanistan............

Seems we/Uz aren't as good with national building as our Dads and Moms were....... Or maybe we/uz are working with more difficult people..... Or both.....

Suspect we/uz are as good or better with air power............... But killer drones may come back to bite US/uz..........

Imagine Predator drones looking for wacky tabaccy ;) :evil:

May be too late...........

But Vote for Ron/Rand Paul...........

Maybe should just subcontract to Chinese............
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


“So far they have been facing the resistance from the Pashtun elements, but incidents like these are actually galvanizing the non-Pashtun elements. The Tajiks, the Khazars and the Uzbeks, who were supposedly allied to the Americans so far, are turning hostile,”

Looks folks , this ain't your territory, you don't understand how things works there

Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave

This McCain, Lieberman and that clown Linsey (Graham) Mephisto's agent



Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Gingrich: Obama apology for Quran burning in Afghanistan an ‘outrage’


This thing orchestrated by Pakistan

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan


Pakistan wants America to leave Afghanistan

Am 100% sure this Pakistani orchestrated and agitation

America naive believing with "Predator" from the sky killing this or that guy anything can be changed

those guys dime a dozen

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Largely Agree..but Iran is Impacted.. Need a Space Dentist..

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

“So far they have been facing the resistance from the Pashtun elements, but incidents like these are actually galvanizing the non-Pashtun elements. The Tajiks, the Khazars and the Uzbeks, who were supposedly allied to the Americans so far, are turning hostile,”

Looks folks , this ain't your territory, you don't understand how things works there

Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave

This McCain, Lieberman and that clown Linsey (Graham) Mephisto's agent



Thank you Very Much for you post, Azari.
Looks folks , this ain't your territory,


Don't want US/UZ there.............

And ESPECIALLY don't want Them, Tallywackers :wink:, Al "Bundy" :wink: Queda and the like of Malignant Muslims, Here (US/UZ/the "West").........
you don't understand how things works there
Understand enough to not want to be there......... Unless the alternative is worse......... Hell for example............

Leave that "Great Game" nonsense to the Brits and the Bears........ Russian Bears that is.........

We Americans and Israelis should be concentrating on Outer Space........

Maybe Under the Sea..........


A bit too optimistic but try almost anything when the Madhouse is about to burn down :o :shock: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave
Fine by me, especially if this would appease Persian irreDentist :wink: territorial ambitions long enough for Orion to Rise and get some human eggs into other baskets.........

Your Friend,

BTW nice example of hand to hand mayhem for Ibrahim ;) :twisted: ............
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Last edited by monster_gardener on Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Who wants What & Why

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Gingrich: Obama apology for Quran burning in Afghanistan an ‘outrage’


This thing orchestrated by Pakistan

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan


Pakistan wants America to leave Afghanistan

Am 100% sure this Pakistani orchestrated and agitation

America naive believing with "Predator" from the sky killing this or that guy anything can be changed

those guys dime a dozen

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan
You may be right about Russia: payback for backing the Mujaheddin FreeDung :wink: Fighters payback for Vietnam & other Commie guerrilla wars......

Probably Right about India.... Love things that give grief to the Pack Rats :wink: like losing the Rats' Alpenfestung...........

China.......... Maybe............. Trade off having free guards for their Copper mining operations and having Uz around.........

But Iran..............

Come on Azari...........

Iran wants US/uz long gone from their 13th or is it 30th Persian province................
Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Who wants What & Why

Post by AzariLoveIran »

monster_gardener wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Gingrich: Obama apology for Quran burning in Afghanistan an ‘outrage’


This thing orchestrated by Pakistan

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan


Pakistan wants America to leave Afghanistan

Am 100% sure this Pakistani orchestrated and agitation

America naive believing with "Predator" from the sky killing this or that guy anything can be changed

those guys dime a dozen

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan
You may be right about Russia: payback for backing the Mujaheddin FreeDung :wink: Fighters payback for Vietnam & other Commie guerrilla wars......

Probably Right about India.... Love things that give grief to the Pack Rats :wink: like losing the Rats' Alpenfestung...........

China.......... Maybe............. Trade off having free guards for their Copper mining operations and having Uz around.........

But Iran..............

Come on Azari...........

Iran wants US/uz long gone from their 13th or is it 30th Persian province................
Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave


monster_gardener ,

Iran, at least at this time, has not the power and resources, to fix 100s of yrs of damage done to all that space by Monguls, Arabs, Brits, Tzars, Ottomans

Iran needs American, western help

Iran needs calm and peace to rejuvenate Iranian economy and built a positive, peaceful, strong "New Middle East"

For this reason .. Iran needs America and west


Iran needs America & west as partners, facilitator, and not as enemy and trouble maker

Iran is grateful of all America doing in Afghanistan, otherwise Iran had to do the same, which would be a colossal drain for Iranian economy

We want America and west as partner

In fact, Iranian interest are same as American interest or (some) European interest

Brits and french interest not same as Iranian or American .. Brits live from stealing other people's resources, to some degree French too .. not so the Germans and Spaniards and and

The chaotic in Afghanistan, the better for Pakistan and Wahhabi and Arab Sheiks ... they thrive from Ossma and Mullah Omar lavender and and

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Public Relations, CARE............

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Gingrich: Obama apology for Quran burning in Afghanistan an ‘outrage’


This thing orchestrated by Pakistan

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan


Pakistan wants America to leave Afghanistan

Am 100% sure this Pakistani orchestrated and agitation

America naive believing with "Predator" from the sky killing this or that guy anything can be changed

those guys dime a dozen

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

Neither Iran or India nor Russia or China want America leave Afghanistan
You may be right about Russia: payback for backing the Mujaheddin FreeDung :wink: Fighters payback for Vietnam & other Commie guerrilla wars......

Probably Right about India.... Love things that give grief to the Pack Rats :wink: like losing the Rats' Alpenfestung...........

China.......... Maybe............. Trade off having free guards for their Copper mining operations and having Uz around.........

But Iran..............

Come on Azari...........

Iran wants US/uz long gone from their 13th or is it 30th Persian province................
Hand it over to Ahmadinejat and leave


monster_gardener ,

Iran, at least at this time, has not the power and resources, to fix 100s of yrs of damage done to all that space by Monguls, Arabs, Brits, Tzars, Ottomans

Iran needs American, western help

Iran needs calm and peace to rejuvenate Iranian economy and built a positive, peaceful, strong "New Middle East"

For this reason .. Iran needs America and west


Iran needs America & west as partners, facilitator, and not as enemy and trouble maker

Iran is grateful of all America doing in Afghanistan, otherwise Iran had to do the same, which would be a colossal drain for Iranian economy

We want America and west as partner

In fact, Iranian interest are same as American interest or (some) European interest

Brits and french interest not same as Iranian or American .. Brits live from stealing other people's resources, to some degree French too .. not so the Germans and Spaniards and and

The chaotic in Afghanistan, the better for Pakistan and Wahhabi and Arab Sheiks ... they thrive from Ossma and Mullah Omar lavender and and


Thank you Very Much for your Post, Azari.

Fair Enough..........

Might be possible......... But best to go the CARE route especially if Ron Paul is elected...... Paul is for Peace but not foreign aid

Going to be hard to do though.........

Not impossible, CARE went to help former Nazis among others ... ry_of_CARE

Need to improve image of Iran and Afghanistan.............*

That Kite film makes one think that the good ones in Afghanistan are dead or self deported.......

"Mad" mad mullahs screaming "Satan" & seeking Nukes does not help either ............

Not that We/US haven't done similar trash talking : "Axis of Evil".........

And that Christian Pastor getting the death sentence for converting away from Islam................
Youcef Nadarkhani (born 1977; first name also spelled Yousef, Youssef, or Yousof; last name also spelled Nadar-Khani or Nadar Khani) is an Iranian Christian pastor who has been sentenced to die in Tehran.[1][2] Initial reports, including a 2010 brief from the Iranian Supreme court, stated that the sentence was based on the crime of apostasy, renouncing his Islamic faith. Government officials later insisted that the sentence was instead based on alleged violent crimes, specifically rape and extortion.[3] According to Amnesty International, the Iranian government has offered leniency if he will recant his Christianity.[4]

Makes me believe that the mad mullahs/Iran are really the same in their Islamic way as our "Snake Oil Salesman" "Christian" Gary North would be if he got in power: death for apostasy/converting away from Christianity........

Understand that is politically hard to change........ Iran still waiting on apology for 1953 Mossadegh & Airliner shot down...........

Perhaps re-labeling again would be easier

This is NOT a joke..........

Might want to change the name back to Persia at least for foreign language communication.........

Persia is the Enemy in the Greek/Roman stream of Western History.........

Persia gets G_ds stamp of approval in the Judeo-Christian stream.......... Cyrus, a Non-Jew/Non Christian is G_d's Annointed King .....


Like you say, We/US/Iran/Israel need to do a deal........... and not kill each other in the mean time...........

Quit claim to Iran on Afghanistan for provably no nukes would be one of the easier one.............

Might be able to get Jewish financial support........... AIUI as with those Gaza Greenhouses rich peace minded US Jews bought to be given to the Palistinians........

*Our/US/Uz image could use a shine too.......... Wonder what a good new name for US/Uz would be ;) .....

Used to use Columbia in the 19th Century IIRC......... But think the name is now trademarked by a SA :wink: firm :wink: .......

**Would be even better if ..... Fire Festival... never mind ..... not practical ........ Be VERY cafeful what you wish for.......
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Look MG ,

Governments do not play decisive role

In final analysis, what decides and counts are "the People"

Your action has ruined future of all ME .. Iranian people saying to America, you and West did a lot of danage to Iran and all Middle Eastern people

A good sample : Afghanistan was a country living for 1000s of yrs in social equilibrium .. West armed the criminals (Wahhabi Ossama) to fight the Russians (Russians built schools and tried to bring modernity to Afghanistan though communist) and destroyed Afghan social fiber .. result was million Afghan killed when Russians left and now even worst.

Either west and America recognizes this and tries to mend and help ME people get on their feet and built a prosperous future for their wife and children


If, you, Mr. nutcase McCain & Graham & (Zionist) Lieberman, you still in stealing Libyan and Iraqi and Iranian and killing Syrian people mode

if so

you have to deal with the Ayatollahs .. they speak McCain's and Graham's and Liberian's language

Think it this way, monster_gardener

West has ENSLAVED middle east

Why the American Blacks get "Affirmative Action" and Middle East not ?

America must accept guilt and rectify .. not add on more sins on the British and Russian and Ottoman and French sins done to humanity in last 300

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Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Look MG ,

Governments do not play decisive role

In final analysis, what decides and counts are "the People"

Your action has ruined future of all ME .. Iranian people saying to America, you and West did a lot of danage to Iran and all Middle Eastern people

A good sample : Afghanistan was a country living for 1000s of yrs in social equilibrium .. West armed the criminals (Wahhabi Ossama) to fight the Russians (Russians built schools and tried to bring modernity to Afghanistan though communist) and destroyed Afghan social fiber .. result was million Afghan killed when Russians left and now even worst.

Either west and America recognizes this and tries to mend and help ME people get on their feet and built a prosperous future for their wife and children


If, you, Mr. nutcase McCain & Graham & (Zionist) Lieberman, you still in stealing Libyan and Iraqi and Iranian and killing Syrian people mode

if so

you have to deal with the Ayatollahs .. they speak McCain's and Graham's and Liberian's language

Think it this way, monster_gardener

West has ENSLAVED middle east

Why the American Blacks get "Affirmative Action" and Middle East not ?

America must accept guilt and rectify .. not add on more sins on the British and Russian and Ottoman and French sins done to humanity in last 300


Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.

Some truth in what you say, but not all the story.

People are important but in an aging democratic republic, the government tends to have a life of its own both for good and for ill.......

Does stupid things like nation building..............

But doesn't build parking lots :twisted: :evil: as quickly as angry Uz would sometimes like to do......
West has ENSLAVED middle east

Why the American Blacks get "Affirmative Action" and Middle East not ?
Affirmative Action is pretty darned controversial where I live ......... About as popular as Armenian reparations in Turkey.........

So as far as helping ME peoples be prosperous........... Good luck.......

You may get some Good Will/City on a Hill Jeffersons to help ...........

We/US/Uz stereotypically see ME people/Arabs as rich, violent raiders/pirates/raiders/assassins, religious fanatics............

Barbary Pirates still sung about by the Marines...

Know that ME peoples (see Persian exception below) enslaved much of West for longer than West has dominated ME....

Dangerous/Not yet subdued as the Germans/Nazis & Japanese were after WW2 when CARE got started...........

And when Jackson types usually become willing to help .........

Now if the Nazi WereWolves (NOT a Joke) had proved to be like the Tallywackers............... Doubt that my clan would have given a red cent to CARE for distribution in Germany............

Well, maybe.......... There are some Jeffersons in the clan.......

You MAY be able to use the cachet of the Persian name as opposed to the Iranian epithet...........

Persian makes you sound like Cyrus the G_d approved good guy King

Iranian/Aryan makes you sound like some sort of Arab terrorist or even worse........ Nazi :evil: ..........

Regarding Afghanistan............ Not just US/Uz or the Russkies or even the Brits.......

Listen to what Pomegranates say about Afghans......
One prominent 16th century Persian scholar explains extensively about the Afghans. For example, he writes:

The men of Kábul and Khilj also went home; and whenever they were ques­tioned about the Musulmáns of the Kohistán (the mountains), and how matters stood there, they said, "Don't call it Kohistán, but Afghánistán; for there is nothing there but Afgháns and dis­turbances." Thus it is clear that for this reason the people of the country call their home in their own language Afghánistán, and themselves Afgháns.[34]
—Firishta, 1560-1620 AD
;) :lol:

Those Afghans are dogged :wink:

And sometimes they have big bites............

Mirwais Hotak, seen as Afghanistan's George Washington,[84] successfully rebelled against the Persian Safavids in 1709. He overthrew and killed Gurgin Khan, and made the Afghan region independent from Persia. By 1713, Mirwais had decisively defeated two larger Persian armies, one was led by Khusraw Khán (nephew of Gurgin) and the other by Rustam Khán. The armies were sent by Sultan Husayn, the Shah in Isfahan (now Iran), to re-take control of the Kandahar region.[85] Mirwais died of a natural cause in 1715 and was succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz followed by his son Mahmud. In 1722, Mahmud led an Afghan army to the Persian capital of Isfahan, sacked the city after the Battle of Gulnabad and proclaimed himself King of Persia.[85] The Pomegranates were disloyal to the Afghan rulers, and after the massacre of thousands of religious scholars, nobles, and members of the Safavid family, the Hotaki dynasty was ousted from Persia after the 1729 Battle of Damghan.[86]
Not even we/US/uz have done that................ yet :roll:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Post by AzariLoveIran »

monster_gardener wrote:

Mirwais Hotak, seen as Afghanistan's George Washington,[84] successfully rebelled against the Persian Safavids in 1709. He overthrew and killed Gurgin Khan, and made the Afghan region independent from Persia. By 1713, Mirwais had decisively defeated two larger Persian armies, one was led by Khusraw Khán (nephew of Gurgin) and the other by Rustam Khán. The armies were sent by Sultan Husayn, the Shah in Isfahan (now Iran), to re-take control of the Kandahar region.[85] Mirwais died of a natural cause in 1715 and was succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz followed by his son Mahmud. In 1722, Mahmud led an Afghan army to the Persian capital of Isfahan, sacked the city after the Battle of Gulnabad and proclaimed himself King of Persia.[85] The Pomegranates were disloyal to the Afghan rulers, and after the massacre of thousands of religious scholars, nobles, and members of the Safavid family, the Hotaki dynasty was ousted from Persia after the 1729 Battle of Damghan.[86]

Not even we/US/uz have done that................ yet :roll:


This episode of "Ashraf-e-Afghan" in Isfahan killing many people, well known by all ordinary Iranians

Wonder how YOU got to know it, monster_gardener ? ? ;)

You know suspiciously too much MG :lol:

yes, true, Afghans real vicious people


except of a few 100 yrs, they were always our province

You know, MG, Iranians not so patsy either .. not many Iranian King of Kings died in bed, very few

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Know That Don't Know - Ralph the Nader Shah - thank G_D

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:

Mirwais Hotak, seen as Afghanistan's George Washington,[84] successfully rebelled against the Persian Safavids in 1709. He overthrew and killed Gurgin Khan, and made the Afghan region independent from Persia. By 1713, Mirwais had decisively defeated two larger Persian armies, one was led by Khusraw Khán (nephew of Gurgin) and the other by Rustam Khán. The armies were sent by Sultan Husayn, the Shah in Isfahan (now Iran), to re-take control of the Kandahar region.[85] Mirwais died of a natural cause in 1715 and was succeeded by his brother Abdul Aziz followed by his son Mahmud. In 1722, Mahmud led an Afghan army to the Persian capital of Isfahan, sacked the city after the Battle of Gulnabad and proclaimed himself King of Persia.[85] The Pomegranates were disloyal to the Afghan rulers, and after the massacre of thousands of religious scholars, nobles, and members of the Safavid family, the Hotaki dynasty was ousted from Persia after the 1729 Battle of Damghan.[86]

Not even we/US/uz have done that................ yet :roll:


This episode of "Ashraf-e-Afghan" in Isfahan killing many people, well known by all ordinary Iranians

Wonder how YOU got to know it, monster_gardener ? ? ;)

You know suspiciously too much MG :lol:

yes, true, Afghans real vicious people


except of a few 100 yrs, they were always our province

You know, MG, Iranians not so patsy either .. not many Iranian King of Kings died in bed, very few


Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
You know suspiciously too much MG :lol:
Not really.... :| Mostly I know that I know only a little/mostly don't know/forget a lot ...... but try/need to be willing to learn.......... not always easy

That there are plenty of brighter bulbs out there ......... that there is collective intelligence/wisdom in many counselors....... that I may be mistaken...
You know, MG, Iranians not so patsy either .. not many Iranian King of Kings died in bed, very few
True. After Cyrus, Darius & Xerc. & not counting modern news like the Shah and Khomeini, Ralph :wink: the Nader Shah may be the best known Persian King.

Thanks to the Peacock Throne & that cursed inky :wink: jewel the Koh-I-Noor ............ supposedly the reason the Brits ride so high ;) :o :lol:

Nader was a tough guy ........... Very sad but very tough............

Nader accused his son of being behind the assassination attempt in Mazanderan. Reza angrily protested his innocence, but Nader had him blinded as punishment, although he immediately regretted it. Soon afterwards, Nader started executing the nobles who had witnessed his son's blinding. In his last years, Nader became increasingly paranoid, ordering the assassination of large numbers of suspected enemies.


Nader became crueller and crueller as a result of his illness and his desire to extort more and more tax money to pay for his military campaigns. More and more revolts broke out and Nader crushed them ruthlessly, building towers from his victims’ skulls in imitation of his hero Timur. In 1747, Nader set off for Khorasan where he intended to punish Kurdish rebels. Some of his officers feared he was about to execute them and plotted against him. Nader Shah was assassinated on 19 June 1747, at Fathabad in Khorasan. He was surprised in his sleep by Salah Bey, captain of the guards, and stabbed with a sword. Nader was able to kill two of the assassins before he died.[30][
Reminds me of that Plato piece about mostly fools choosing to be Kings.... When kings had real power......... Even Cyrus died in battle.......

Presidents not as bad (10 years max) but often age fast... Lincoln aged & died ..... Clinton & Obama turn gray.......... Jimmy Carter lost his smile........

Probably better to be Omar Khayyam........... or a little Monster Gardener........... at least so far............

Call no (wo)man happy until (s)he is dead.... ;) :|
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and Thou,
Beside me singing in the Wilderness,
And oh, Wilderness is Paradise enow.

If chance supplied a loaf of white bread,
Two casks of wine and a leg of mutton,
In the corner of a garden with a tulip-cheeked girl,
There'd be enjoyment no Sultan could outdo.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Afghans attacking the armed force that has been occupying their country and murdering their civilians for a decade? After another example of contempt for the local population?

They must be a bunch of retarded religious fanatics.
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Burning Questions: Who's retarded? Al Q & Tallywackers or US

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:Afghans attacking the armed force that has been occupying their country and murdering their civilians for a decade? After another example of contempt for the local population?

They must be a bunch of retarded religious fanatics.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
They must be a bunch of retarded religious fanatics.
The fanatic part for sure about Al Queda & Tallywacker Salafi Slimes...........

Not sure about the retarded part............. AIUI Afghan gunsmiths have almost miraculous skill..............

Human 3D printers.......... :wink: :lol:

Self Replicating 3D printers :lol: :lol: :lol:

As many as 4 main copy centers** per gunsmith :wink: and as many Sub :wink: -centers** as they can afford......... :lol:

And AIUI from that Kite movie about Afghanistan, some of them Afgahns are really Kinko :wink: ........

They have a thing about about male dancing "queens" much younger than 17.......... :twisted:


Think that We/US/UZ are more the retarded ones for spending so much time, money, & maimed/lives nation building in Afgahnistan when we should have done Milo Time :wink: / Break & Leave after Osama & Al Queda 911ed US ...........

And the Tallywackers failed to turn him/them over to US.........

Or at least the their heads (As I understand it a VERY ISLAMIC procedure :wink: )

AIUI was partially something about Islamic/Arab hospitality.........not supposed to turn over guest no matter what they have done.......

So Al Queda "the Base" in Afghanistan was really just an Islamic Terror resort :wink: where half clever :wink: *religious fanatics could buff up into fighting trim plotting to kill infidels.....

Think things have been downhill since at least Tora Bora.........

Retarded to depend on loco locals rather than just parking lotting where Oslima was hiding.......

FWIW, Per this article, Burning a Koran can be a proper way to dispose of it............ Just like I was taught in Scouts that burning an American flag can be
a respectful way to dispose of it...... ... cred-texts

Another question I have is whether the Korans in question were really "Holy".......... AIUI they had been defaced by the prisoners already ......... used to pass notes..... escape plans and the like.........


AIUI if it is done in Jihad against an infidel.......... it's Halalled :wink: ....

Wonder if pages or pieces thereof were cut out ........ That would have made the Korans "Holey" at least :lol: :lol: :lol:

Giving those Al Q & Tallywacker Boyz Korans in the first place was also Retarded on our/US/Uz part.......

*AIUI some of the 911 Fab 19 did not know that it was a suicide mission..........

** wives and concubines.........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Look ,

All vicious Wahhabi & Salafi, in all that space, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Arabia, Jordan, people who bomb Shia in Iraq, in Homs and and and .. all .. are financed by Sunni Sheiks .. Oil money

If west wants to get rid of Wahhabi & Salafi, west must have regime change in KSA .. those (so called) princes all degenerated .. worth Zero

Once Arabia cleaned of KSA rubbish, Persian Golf Sheiks pack and leave to their masters, London.

Would not be astonished if America flips .. to Iran

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Antipatros »

Antonio Giustozzi, Hearts, Minds, and the Barrel of a Gun

The Taliban’s Shadow Government ... nment.html ... stozzi.pdf
The predominant image of the Taliban is a military organization bent almost exclusively on wreaking havoc on the Afghan state and whoever sides with it. However, for all their reputation of "warrior mad mullahs," the Taliban have not altogether neglected the civilian dimensions of power. In the early post-9/11 period, as an insurgent organization, they were indeed little more than roving bands of warrior mad mullahs who were trying to regroup and relaunch an insurgency. They did not have the resources or capacity to develop a shadow government structure. After 2003, however, the situation gradually changed and the Taliban started investing greater resources in their shadow government. Apart from the increased availability of financial resources, what might have driven the Taliban’s desire for building their own shadow government was their thirst for legitimacy. They wanted to show that they were the authentic government of Afghanistan and not merely an opposition military force. Another reason appears to have been that the Taliban actually realized that a shadow governance structure brought them some practical benefits, such as a greater ability to interact with the population. Particularly since the Taliban started entering relatively heavily populated areas in 2006, their commanders were no longer skilled enough to deal with the villagers. In a sense, the Taliban realized that they could not outfight the forces arrayed against them, which included the strongest military on the planet and a series of allies, also of respectable military capability. They tried, therefore, to outgovern their rivals, identifying the ineffectiveness of Kabul’s government as their greatest opportunity.

"Outgoverning" a competitor should not be misunderstood as an alternative rendering of "winning hearts and minds." As we shall see in greater detail, governing is not just about offering better services to the public; it is also about the efficient and effective utilization of coercion, a basic ingredient of the art of government. One example might help clarify this point. A basic but key component of government is the ability to administer justice. However, no government can administer justice without first imposing its own monopoly over it. This is because the administration of justice is inherently divisive: for every individual or community satisfied with a verdict, there might be as many who are unhappy with it.

If the emergence of the Taliban’s shadow governance structure can be explained, what has always been difficult to assess is its actual impact on the economy of the conflict. Observers, mostly from the media, were either wholly dismissive of anything the Taliban seemed able to achieve on this front, or uncritically supportive of Taliban success. Thanks to interviews carried out with commanders, judges, and other cadres of the Taliban, as well as with local elders, we can attempt in this article to throw some light on the issue....
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Well, I'm thinking it's safe to say that it's over. This latest massacre outside Kandahar will zip up the whole op.

What a nightmare.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Should have murdered all those civilians with a drone instead. Then nobody would have noticed.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well, Democrat Presidents. What are you going to do.

And BTW, nobody is noticing.
Censorship isn't necessary

Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Demon of Undoing wrote:.

Well, I'm thinking it's safe to say that it's over. This latest massacre outside Kandahar will zip up the whole op.

What a nightmare.


reason this sort of things regularly happen, is, west does not consider Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, Palestinians and and and as humans .. Abu Ghoreib mentality .. like Germans thought of Russians and Ukrainians .. a level below humans

one can not create an image of that space at home, in western media, and, expect, the kids rounded up on the street and sent to Afghanistan to kill behave as Mr. Gentleman

Look how America's presidential GOP candidates talk so easily about bombing Iran .. or that durian Giuliani

Newt Gingridge saying Islam lavender, media , Zionist saying Muslim terrorist, that clown Santorum (winning Kansas landslide) and wondering why they burn Koran in Afghanistan

what do you expect ?

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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Typhoon »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Well, I'm thinking it's safe to say that it's over. This latest massacre outside Kandahar will zip up the whole op.

What a nightmare.
Al Jazeera | US soldier kills Afghans in shooting spree
Sixteen Afghan civilians including three women and nine children have been shot dead in their homes by a US soldier in a pre-dawn attack.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

AzariLoveIran wrote:Look how America's presidential GOP candidates talk so easily about bombing Iran
Actually the rhetoric from GOP candidates on defense is pretty shocking. They all roundly criticize Obama for being soft and undercutting the military, when in fact he has expanded direct action against suspected terrorists, and increased defense spending every year (though mostly due to prior commitments). And they all claim that Obama is weak on Iran, when he has stated that all military options are still "on the table" and that Iran's nuclear ambitions are "unacceptable."

So if the current GOP candidates still think Obama is a big liberal pussy its difficult to imagine the scope of international murder that these candidates hope to institute should they win the Presidency. Sane American voters are forced to choose between awful and worse than awful.
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Re: The Afghanistan Thread

Post by Demon of Undoing »

On this matter, I'm pretty much ashamed to be American.
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