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South Africa

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:25 pm
by Parodite
The time for reconciliation is over': South Africa votes to confiscate white-owned land

South Africa's parliament has voted in favour of a motion that will begin the process of amending the country's Constitution to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation.

The motion was brought by Julius Malema, leader of the radical Marxist opposition party the Economic Freedom Fighters, and passed overwhelmingly by 241 votes to 83 against. The only parties who did not support the motion were the Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus, Cope and the African Christian Democratic Party.

Venezuela, SA is next.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:07 am
by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits
"Making this argument lets the ANC off the hook on the real impediments — corruption, bad policy and chronic underfunding. Expropriation without compensation would severely undermine the national economy, only hurting poor black people even further."
No kiddin'...........

Re: South Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:03 am
by Typhoon
Did a quick search on Google News.

This plan appears to have only made news in the SA media. Barely a mention of it elsewhere.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:25 am
by Nonc Hilaire
A serious problem. Seems to be a total breakdown of society. ... 404057002/

Re: South Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:00 pm
by Doc
Typhoon wrote:Did a quick search on Google News.

This plan appears to have only made news in the SA media. Barely a mention of it elsewhere.
I don't even use Google news anymore. It used to be really good. Now it is way too filtered. Then I switched to Twitter because someone would almost always tweet out the news before anywhere else. But Twitter has become filtered as well. Many of the people that would tweet out the news have been banned.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:01 am
by noddy
Nonc Hilaire wrote:A serious problem. Seems to be a total breakdown of society. ... 404057002/
South Africa has always had an unstable civil society, my area is full of white flight from that country, all have horror stories.

The history of the place mostly sets itself up for petty revenge politics, their will be no good stories for many generations to come.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:34 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
Here's a silly question:

How much of an influence has the ANC's victory over apartheid South Africa been on portside politics?

Sounds silly but the end of old South African system was a really big deal. Just as a century ago the bolshevik putsch encouraged every intellectual first to root out the kulaks amongst them, and then later justify why anyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin was a fascist, secret fascist or fascist in the making; we are faced 2 decades on from that success with social justice warriors dissecting every society as if the precarious and fraught social relations of South Africa was a norm for the rest of the world to be judged against.

Nothing breeds imitators like success, right?

Re: South Africa

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:34 pm
by noddy
wots portside politics ?

Re: South Africa

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:11 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
noddy wrote:wots portside politics ?
the general leftwing.

The end of apartheid was so big a deal, I've it on good authority even Bono wept when it happened. And I don't mean to make light of it but South Africa was, and remains, a pretty messed up place- just with the chairs on the deck rearranged every so often.

I was reading one of those pathetic, evasive starboard defenses of South Africa's old order that pop up on the edgy wingnut sites and one of their rationalizations for American support was that your man on the street mistook the South African situation for the American experience with civil rights.

I didn't think much of the argument overall but it got me to thinking that a lot of what I've ever read about South African polemics is this abstract drama of absolute heroes and villains on a Hegelian chessboard- it's always a vicarious substitute for the grander war.

Leaving aside the actual content of conflict as so many do, the South African experience was a great victory after the fall of the USSR which must have informed a way forward for those who claim to being leading our progression- so is it any shock that a generation later, our colleges are filled with identity politicians in the same way our rightwingers are thick with people who believe every nail was made in the Soviet Union and should be hammered as such?

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:16 am
by noddy
I have no doubts their is truth in that when it comes to the confidence of the new movements in the western universities, they are always drawing long bows and linkages on racial and social issues and claiming kinship to all that is perceived to glorify themselves as being the right side of history.

not so much for south africa itself - its just revenge politics and unavoidable.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:39 pm
by Apollonius
The "Hitler of South Africa" tells white people, he won't kill them...yet! - Simon Black, ZeroHedge, 16 June 2018 ... ll-themyet

Earlier this week while most of the world was transfixed on the World Cup, the Trump/Kim handshake, or a multitude of other sundry events, Julius Malema, aka the Hitler of South Africa, was busy telling white people in his country that he’s not going wage genocide against them. Yet.

In an interview with TRT World News published this week, Malema said,We have not called for the killing of white people. At least for now. I can’t guarantee the future.

When the reporter mentioned that some people might view these remarks as a call to genocide, Malema responded, Crybabies. Crybabies,” but later warned white South Africans that “the masses are on board” for “an un-led revolution and anarchy”.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:28 am
by Parodite


Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:30 pm
by Uche Americanus
Some of you in the West have this tendency to focus on the wrong issues because it provides you the ...”. It has got to the point that most Africans don’t take you seriously because of your attendant hypocrisy.

South Africa has a big social problem as comparable to those of African Americans. You have millions of unintegrated youths who lack education or skill sets, a great deal of drugs and problems with alcohol. These problems were not created in the last two or three decades but have existed and made possible by the inhumane and economic deprivation that the apartheid system imposed on the majority Africans and their generational descendants. Wealth, privilege, resources and power were concentrated in the hands of a minority group that controlled more than 90 percent of the abundant wealth of that country.

When apartheid ended and Nelson Mandela and the ANC took over political power the economic and wealth system did not change. It remained as it was under the past nazi system and protocol of apartheid. And Nelson Mandela was feted, praised and sung of as a hero who preached non punishment for the criminals and thieves of the ancien regime because he did not change the status quo. Well, this was contrary and very opposite to what the the ANC and the black majority fought and died for in their more than one hundred years of struggle.

This has never happened anywhere before. A revolutionary struggle that succeeds usually introduces revolutionary change. China replaced the corrupt Kuamingtangs, France beheaded its King, Russia destroyed Nicholas and his progeny, even South Korea introduced land reform and redistribution. The survivals of the Holocaust and their descendants received reparations. But not the Africans in South Africa. Instead, the political class got diversified but were bound by the Constitution and agreements from introducing meaningful reform that South Africa needed and still needs to move a terrorized and traumatized population from economic and generational penury to the possibility of hope. So South Africa continues to wallow in its previous graveyard of hopelessness and walking death like existence and Westerners continue to pretend that they are to blame for their conditions because they point and say, “ you see they cannot even manage their own country or their own affairs”.

As my maternal great great father used to day, “nonsense upon nonsense”

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:35 pm
by Nonc Hilaire
Hi Uche! Are you in South Africa? Post more please our news is too sensational. We hear about terror on white farmers and nationalization of farms but nothing about nationalization of diamond and gold or rare earth metals mines. So anyone schoolboy can tell our news from South Africa is not complete or fair.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:33 pm
by Simple Minded
welcome back Uche!

wow spell correct changes your name to Ache! Hmm.... a sign from the gods? :P

I too would like to hear more about your views on South Africa and Africa in general.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:47 am
by Mr. Perfect
Uche Americanus wrote:Some of you in the West have this tendency to focus on the wrong issues because it provides you the ...”. It has got to the point that most Africans don’t take you seriously because of your attendant hypocrisy.

South Africa has a big social problem as comparable to those of African Americans. You have millions of unintegrated youths who lack education or skill sets, a great deal of drugs and problems with alcohol. These problems were not created in the last two or three decades but have existed and made possible by the inhumane and economic deprivation that the apartheid system imposed on the majority Africans and their generational descendants. Wealth, privilege, resources and power were concentrated in the hands of a minority group that controlled more than 90 percent of the abundant wealth of that country.

When apartheid ended and Nelson Mandela and the ANC took over political power the economic and wealth system did not change. It remained as it was under the past nazi system and protocol of apartheid. And Nelson Mandela was feted, praised and sung of as a hero who preached non punishment for the criminals and thieves of the ancien regime because he did not change the status quo. Well, this was contrary and very opposite to what the the ANC and the black majority fought and died for in their more than one hundred years of struggle.

This has never happened anywhere before. A revolutionary struggle that succeeds usually introduces revolutionary change. China replaced the corrupt Kuamingtangs, France beheaded its King, Russia destroyed Nicholas and his progeny, even South Korea introduced land reform and redistribution. The survivals of the Holocaust and their descendants received reparations. But not the Africans in South Africa. Instead, the political class got diversified but were bound by the Constitution and agreements from introducing meaningful reform that South Africa needed and still needs to move a terrorized and traumatized population from economic and generational penury to the possibility of hope. So South Africa continues to wallow in its previous graveyard of hopelessness and walking death like existence and Westerners continue to pretend that they are to blame for their conditions because they point and say, “ you see they cannot even manage their own country or their own affairs”.

As my maternal great great father used to day, “nonsense upon nonsense”
Sounds like South Africa can't manage it's own affairs. I wouldn't take it personally, most countries can't manage their own affairs.

How will killing and running out the whites change anything?

Is this left wing blowback?

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:25 pm
by kmich

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:18 pm
by kmich

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:52 am
by Doc

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:32 pm
by kmich
This is not about "South Africa-" It is really a about the DRC. Did not want to start a new thread.

Ebola may well become endemic to central Africa. If anyone cares...

Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Re: South Africa

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 4:18 am
by Typhoon

Re: South Africa

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:24 am
by noddy
The thing about xenophobic violence in South Africa is its actually statistically lower than good ole regular violence, so thats why nobody really cares.

The place has large areas of lawless chaos, doesnt matter what colour you are - thousands a week are fleeing to Australia and in the last 10 years nearly 400,000 have arrived.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:35 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
noddy wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:24 am The thing about xenophobic violence in South Africa is its actually statistically lower than good ole regular violence, so thats why nobody really cares.

The place has large areas of lawless chaos, doesnt matter what colour you are - thousands a week are fleeing to Australia and in the last 10 years nearly 400,000 have arrived.
There was a survey some time back tracking the ethnic groups in South Africa which asked if they agreed more with the statement:

"South Africa belongs to us."


"We belong to South Africa."

And the only majority affirming the latter was from S.A.'s coloured population.

The racial obsessiveness is a simplified way to talk about the complex problem that no one within that state likes each other much, even looking at the groups in the same racial lines.

You've met a lot more South Africans than I have, but of the ones I've met, of various backgrounds, none of them liked their fellow countrymen at all. It's a failure all around and always has been.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:52 am
by noddy
most are depressed and traumatised, all have horror stories.

to clarify my point earlier - lawless gangs who kill with impunity, will absolutely kill for racist reasons, they will also kill for a nice pair of shoes.

to pin this stuff on racism, or homophobia or any of the other middle class western obsessions is missing the glaring point - they have reasons to kill anyone they feel like killing.

Re: South Africa

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:04 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
noddy wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:52 am most are depressed and traumatised, all have horror stories.

to clarify my point earlier - lawless gangs who kill with impunity, will absolutely kill for racist reasons, they will also kill for a nice pair of shoes.

to pin this stuff on racism, or homophobia or any of the other middle class western obsessions is missing the glaring point - they have reasons to kill anyone they feel like killing.
yeah, I'm agreeing with all that.

I'd do one better (as you've already pointed out) they are more likely to kill for a pair of shoes than for whatever racial fantasies go on in their heads.

But I just wanted to point out that it's a failed place on all sorts of levels starting with a lack of cooperation.