On conservative and libertarian stupidity

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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote: Sure. I know this will be hard for you to follow, so I will use small words and type slowly.

1. Enroll in a reading comprehension class. Nothing too difficult needed. 8th grade level should be fine.
2. Re-read my posts of the last few days.

let me summarize:
a. You say you want to reduce the Federal Govt by 75%. Really? Hmmm, uh, er, you just might want to tell someone. Specifically, you might want to tell the people who vote! :o I can't remember the last time I heard a Republican mention smaller govt or capping spending. I suspect the Repubs might not share your goals. You recently noted the Repubs seem bent on losing elections. Limbaugh recently noted the Repubs had no party platform and no message. You might want to mention to your party members that than in order to remain a viable party, they should actually try to win elections.

b. Get a plan. Be specific. Use numbers. "I want to reduce the Federal Govt. by 75%! I will reduce each department's budget by X% per quarter. The following depts. of ___________ will get 2x cuts, the following depts. of ___________ will be eliminated completely. We will cap next years spending at 80% of last years tax revenue." I've never heard either party use facts or numbers during one of their so called debates.

c. If the MSM or one of "the others" calls you a racist, don't take the bait. Stay on message. "I want to reduce the Federal Govt. by 75%!"

d. If the MSM or one of "the others" wants to talk about the gender identification specifics of LBTQZTRF, don't take the bait. Stay on message. "These are not Federal Govt. problems. I want to reduce the Federal Govt. by 75%!"

e. If the MSM or one of "the others" wants to talk about how more than 2 types of public bathrooms are needed, don't take the bait. Stay on message."These are not Federal Govt. problems. I want to reduce the Federal Govt. by 75%!"

f. If the MSM or one of "the others" wants to talk about the murder rate in Chicago or homelessness in San Francisco, don't take the bait. Stay on message. "These are not Federal Govt. problems. I want to reduce the Federal Govt. by 75%!"

g. Don't spit on the Tea Party. Embrace them.

h. Stop blaming the people outside of your party for the problems of your party. Thats like Chicago blaming Illinois for gun violence in Chicago. Even you should be able to understand this logic. Stop using "We don't suck as much as the alternative!" as the reason for the existence of your party.

I know this is a lot for you to mentally digest. But it is a start. When in doubt. Get your party members to shut up and call one of the popular conservative commentators I mentioned previously, and ask them "What should my party say next week?"

Maybe split the Republican Party into the Libertarian, the Capitalists, and the Neo-Republican parties and see how the next election pans out. 300,000,000+ people, might be time to drop the two sizes fits all semi-collective, semi-communist mentality. Libertarian and Capitalist factions just might draw more than you think from the Dems.

I hope this helps. If not, as you noted "It's over."
How is this your plan. It sounds like your plan is to have me change my plan. That would mean you don't have a plan.

What's your plan.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Parodite wrote: Indeed. Most likely such a change will take sum time. Even in the most optimistic scenario. And there are reasons to be pessimistic, it might indeed be "not in my life time" as Mr.P. fears.
Yes. Everything I ever worked for, my whole life's work is now for nothing. It was all for nothing.

I was within one inch, but it was an inch too far.
Which is just another way of saying we are loosing for the foreseeable future and there is no reason to believe we not also loose beyond that. It is admission of defeat, laying on your back with limbs up in the air and a meaningless little gun in your hand: that "last line of defence" against your rogue gvt.

The GOP is fractured and only God knows what is left of it when Trump has to throw away that borrowed coat. Mr.P. is so without hope that he believes an armed revolt is near, or the only solution.
No. Both parties are fractured. It is appealing to want a cathartic comeuppance, but the reality is the GOP is still the majority party nationwide fedstatelocal. The foreseeable future is muddled meandering with no clear mandate for anyone.

SM is so charged up about Democrats going 60 toward the cliff and Republicans going 50 toward the cliff when in reality we are going about 5 mph toward the cliff.

There will be no armed revolt. There may be government roundups though.
The Democratic assault post-Trump is definite. All Dems need and want is being re-assured of their righteousness by being in power and dominate the cultural narrative free of charge. While they move back to the center again and at least in word represent the haunted US middle class in the red midlands to win back what they lost to Trump. They will have learned something from crooked Hillary's failures and Obama's spineless support of deep state intelligence and surveillance agencies while protecting the 2008 Banksters and their Dem henchmen from law and law enforcement. (One wonders what it is that the Icelanders understood the US citizens didn't post 2008).
The Democrats haven't learned anything, they are as dumb as ever. Or, all they learned is to scream Russia and Stormy Daniels at the top of their lungs.
It is also possible that some external misfit takes over the Dems just as Trump took over the GOP. It could be a progressive demagogue closet Stalinist, but also a brilliant charismatic centrist democrat who is pragmatic rather than ideological, immune to the Trump Derangement Syndrome and never playing along with the identity-race-click baiting business.
Anything is possible in the future except an ever shrinking government and a return to Constitutional government and Judeo Christian culture.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Anything is possible in the future except an ever shrinking government and a return to Constitutional government and Judeo Christian culture.
I tend to think that anything is possible for as long as that anything is able to pay its bills. There are many ways to go bankrupt and for many reasons people, countries, economies... can end up overspending and fall off the cliff eventually.
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How the Wrong Right creates the Insane Left

Post by Parodite »

Who are the Wrong Right?

There is overlap among its constituents but by and large:

Anarcho-globalist capitalists who love any and all deregulation plus the smallest as possible government. But they don't mind getting its favors. They love to bribe politicians to get the types of (de)regulation and corporate tax cuts they want.

Those who equate taxation with theft. Especially the argument against "socialism" where (a) steals money from (b) giving it to (c) is popular. An argument that totally bypasses the issue of democracy: majority votes on anything always mean "stealing" from one person and transferring it to another. Lets say a majority votes for a budget of 4 trillion on the military, a minority doesn't want to spend more than 2 trillion. Isn't that stealing then too? One can go on here. A corporation being in a monopoly position (often with the help of bribed politicians) able to raise the price of essential goods or services far above market value if there were market competition... isn't that theft too? Of course it is.

Democracy is a mechanism to prevent political monopolies to arise, making sure "stealing" is a right given to all of us by majority vote in a continuous debate, never ending negotiations with new elections every 4 years. Because all alternatives to a functioning democracy are worse: without democracy stealing then becomes the "right" of only one class of rich and powerful people who dominate politics and control the military.

Negotiated and distributed theft-rights after a democratic process is believed to be a good thing for a society as a whole. In combination with free market capitalism and property rights it is a winning formula. Add church-state separation and you have the Golden Standard for a strong, wealthy and relatively happy society, societies of people. Leaving out democracy is as evil as introducing Sharia law IMHO.

Also part of the WR are religious illiberal conservatives who don't mind the state to control the lives of people when it comes to marriage, what to wear, who you are allowed to sleep with etc. In the West this type of religious orthodox nuttery is now nearly extinct, but in the Muslim world it is rampant and spreading out into the West.

Who are the Insane Left?

I think they don't need further identification. I'd say they are in general a naive and poorly informed crowd of regressed leftists and lovers of pure socialism/communism, who despite all their good intentions and warm dreams can only produce state terror and poverty in the end. But it will not be them, the well-meaning decent dreamers, who take control: it will the the same old fascists and dictators, the power-hungry psychos that hide in their midst to take over when the time is ripe. They always cannibalize the people that brought them there.

How does the WR create the IL?

The WR is paving the way, setting up the economic structures with big-corp and various monopolies arising, that are then weaponized by the ILs political elites. Who first want to make everybody happy, but are quickly pushed aside by the psycho-fascists among them with the help of their corporate friends.
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Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

well said Parodite. in, ah, simpler ;) terms..... debating the ideal "we" versus the actual "me" is extremely subjective.

"We" believe in ________!" "It's not who we are as a people!" Preaching ideals is lovely, but when it comes time to pay the piper, or to serve your turn in the barrel, self-interests Trumps altruism for just about everyone.

So the power and influence of the mob versus the rights of the individual has been debated since the dawn of time and will be debated forever.

Nothing illustrates this better than watching Fred, the hardcore union autoworker socialist leave work and morph into J. P. Rockefeller when it comes time to tip the waitress who serves him breakfast. Or the rugged individualist who demands their unemployment insurance. The college professor who thinks university education should be free for all, oddly expects to be paid every two weeks.

Every time I have tried to point out to my lefty preaching wealthy friends, that they could sell the above average portions of their own assets and donate the money to the poor, or donate the above average portion of their own income, the discussion dies a quick death. I take the silence as proof that they are really secret greedy selfish right wingers. Same with the Kennedys, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet.

Me thinks the Insane Left and the Wrong Right are simply different labels for being human. You say toe-ma-toe, I say toe-mat-toe.......

Left vs. Right, Pittsburgh Steelers vs Dallas Cowboys.... Catholics vs Protestants, me sees the analogy. Symbiotic need for opposition. One side ceases to exist, and the other side has no raisin de entree.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, In practice, there is."

Translated into SimpleMindedinian: "the Right Left thinks they sound sophisticated and erudite when preaching their belief system, but when observing them practice their beliefs it is virtually impossible to distinguish them from the Wrong Right."

Someday, I'll try to work some big words in there somewhere just to have more internest cred.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:30 pm well said Parodite. in, ah, simpler ;) terms..... debating the ideal "we" versus the actual "me" is extremely subjective.

"We" believe in ________!" "It's not who we are as a people!" Preaching ideals is lovely, but when it comes time to pay the piper, or to serve your turn in the barrel, self-interests Trumps altruism for just about everyone.

So the power and influence of the mob versus the rights of the individual has been debated since the dawn of time and will be debated forever.

Nothing illustrates this better than watching Fred, the hardcore union autoworker socialist leave work and morph into J. P. Rockefeller when it comes time to tip the waitress who serves him breakfast. Or the rugged individualist who demands their unemployment insurance. The college professor who thinks university education should be free for all, oddly expects to be paid every two weeks.

Every time I have tried to point out to my lefty preaching wealthy friends, that they could sell the above average portions of their own assets and donate the money to the poor, or donate the above average portion of their own income, the discussion dies a quick death. I take the silence as proof that they are really secret greedy selfish right wingers. Same with the Kennedys, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet.

Me thinks the Insane Left and the Wrong Right are simply different labels for being human. You say toe-ma-toe, I say toe-mat-toe.......

Left vs. Right, Pittsburgh Steelers vs Dallas Cowboys.... Catholics vs Protestants, me sees the analogy. Symbiotic need for opposition. One side ceases to exist, and the other side has no raisin de entree.
There is all that psychology going on, and often in excess to the point of virtual identity politics, but me thinks it is also important to accept that our individual identities are real as are many of the groupings we belong to.

When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)

As there is my thumb that is not yours, there are non-imaginary groups I belong to of which you are not a member, like my family. Or the country in which I reside and of which I am citizen where you are not. Or be part of a more loose group but that still has real properties and consequences. Workers, their unions and business owners come to mind. Their symbiosis is really real and their interests are being negotiated out in politics.

The Wrong Right and Insane Left are certainly just human, aren't we all. Real thumbs, plus a lot of virtual identity, plus real politics with real thumby interests and a lot of redundant noise all in one bag. Preferably, IMHO, in politics real thumbs and real interests dominate the playing field and are being negotiated out. The psycho babble and virtual identity spill over are unavoidable I suppose but dominate politics which isn't healthy me thinks.
Deep down I'm very superficial
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Very well said, as usual Parodite.

IMSMO, that is what makes life so interesting, and theoretical discussion (especially philosophy, politics, and religion) so entertaining and energetic. Personal self-interest.

When does "Fred" decide to flip his internal identity switch from "Insane Left" (or virtue signaling "Right Left" in my terminology) to "Wrong Right?"
When reality intervenes (Trumps?) virtual reality or imagination or intention, in other words when it is in his best interest!

In fact, a sharp observer can tell what Fred thinks is in his best interest, simply by monitoring his behavior. Anytime Fred's behavior or words flip from "One for all and all for one!" to "Every man for himself!" or "Look out for number one!" Fred has reached a tipping point in terms of determining his values.

The tricky, messy points in politics, religion, and philosophy is when the other person or group, decides what to do with the outsiders in order to do what is in the larger groups' best interests.

In the US there are many examples of our elected officials ignoring the law when they find it hinders their goals, or personal interests. Not creating budgets, not balancing budgets, not imposing Obamacare on themselves, not disarming their bodyguards, securing their own neighborhoods, etc.

Social good for thee, but not for me. Why? Cause Fred and everyone else doesn't like it when "we" Trumps "me" too much. "Me" can only tolerate so much of "we" and when the cost gets "too high," then me checks out. Education and health care should be free, but teachers and medical professionals expect paychecks.

Getting Mrs. Parodite to donate all her shoes to the poor is definitely the greater good for the larger group. Getting Mrs. Parodite to do so is a whole nother adventure.

It really is all black and white. But the definitions of black and white are always in flux. Nether the black dudes nor the white dudes can agree with each other when it comes to the definition of "black" and "white." Why would either group expect the other group to agree with them? Bastards!!!! :D

"All is flux!" Good thing too, cause the "we's" and the "me's" are fickle as hell.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)
I would scold you for not warning me in advance so I could have taken a funny video, is that empathy ? :)
Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am As there is my thumb that is not yours, there are non-imaginary groups I belong to of which you are not a member, like my family. Or the country in which I reside and of which I am citizen where you are not. Or be part of a more loose group but that still has real properties and consequences. Workers, their unions and business owners come to mind. Their symbiosis is really real and their interests are being negotiated out in politics.

The Wrong Right and Insane Left are certainly just human, aren't we all. Real thumbs, plus a lot of virtual identity, plus real politics with real thumby interests and a lot of redundant noise all in one bag. Preferably, IMHO, in politics real thumbs and real interests dominate the playing field and are being negotiated out. The psycho babble and virtual identity spill over are unavoidable I suppose but dominate politics which isn't healthy me thinks.
Sensible moderate only makes sense in some political environments, those that are stable and change comes slowly.
Then the technocrat, with one eye on the past, can make a small tweek to the system and see how it pans out, not too much at risk.

this world we have at the moment, constant change and chaos, volatility, the sensible moderates are confused, the technocrat engineer doesnt have enough hands to pull enough levers all at the same time.

The Wrong Right and the Insane Left are the only games in town, one of them will end up in control and the big structural changes that sensible people cant make, will be made.

In some ways it doesnt even matter which of the two it is, I doubt the first draft will work, swild wings to the opposite will probably be a feature until the new sensible becomes apparent.

Its normal for folks to think they are in the apocolypse, but in this case, I think we are living in an age that will go down as traumatic to history as the bronze age turning into the iron age, too much change, too fast for the previous systems to adapt.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:19 pm
Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)
I would scold you for not warning me in advance so I could have taken a funny video, is that empathy ? :)
Might not be empathy on your part, but pretty damn selfish of Parodite not to let you know so you could share it on Youtube.

The empathic part is when you say "Wow! That looked like it really hurt. Did it?" :)

Then the teachable moment, in a scolding tone of voice "Well, did you learn anything? Dummy!"
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Simple Minded wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:26 pm
noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:19 pm
Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)
I would scold you for not warning me in advance so I could have taken a funny video, is that empathy ? :)
Might not be empathy on your part, but pretty damn selfish of Parodite not to let you know so you could share it on Youtube.

The empathic part is when you say "Wow! That looked like it really hurt. Did it?" :)
their is a signal we used to call "the noise" , once you hear that you know you have witnessed the good stuff.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:30 pm
Simple Minded wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:26 pm
noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:19 pm
Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)
I would scold you for not warning me in advance so I could have taken a funny video, is that empathy ? :)
Might not be empathy on your part, but pretty damn selfish of Parodite not to let you know so you could share it on Youtube.

The empathic part is when you say "Wow! That looked like it really hurt. Did it?" :)
their is a signal we used to call "the noise" , once you hear that you know you have witnessed the good stuff.
If I'm correct, it is pretty obvious. No Universal Language Translator is needed.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

One could make the case that by smacking his thumb with a hammer, Parodite is:

a. as klutzy as the rest of us
b. superior, but doing it intentionally to fit in with the rest of us
c. superior, but doing it intentionally to make us feel better about ourselves

not an easy situation to read.

If he wants my respect as a real man, he's gotta up his ante and shoot himself in the leg with a nail gun. Not a simply flesh would with a finishing nail either. A 3.5" spike right into the femur.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

il_794xN.1808626208_l4lu.jpg (65.18 KiB) Viewed 5138 times
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:58 pm il_794xN.1808626208_l4lu.jpg
Do that once, and people will be buying you drinks in bars for the rest of your life!
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

noddy wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:19 pm
Parodite wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:34 am When a hammer lands really hard on my thumb, it really hurts >me< and not >you<. :P (The good thing about that event not hurting you, is that you have time and a focus to empathize with me and my poor thumb and maybe even offer some help that means anything beyond mere empathy)
I would scold you for not warning me in advance so I could have taken a funny video, is that empathy ? :)
:P Actually my thumb is becoming a masochistic exhibitionist lately and would have loved to supply the world with a major opportunity of online Schadenfreude.
Sensible moderate only makes sense in some political environments, those that are stable and change comes slowly.
Then the technocrat, with one eye on the past, can make a small tweek to the system and see how it pans out, not too much at risk.

this world we have at the moment, constant change and chaos, volatility, the sensible moderates are confused, the technocrat engineer doesnt have enough hands to pull enough levers all at the same time.

The Wrong Right and the Insane Left are the only games in town, one of them will end up in control and the big structural changes that sensible people cant make, will be made.

In some ways it doesnt even matter which of the two it is, I doubt the first draft will work, swild wings to the opposite will probably be a feature until the new sensible becomes apparent.

Its normal for folks to think they are in the apocolypse, but in this case, I think we are living in an age that will go down as traumatic to history as the bronze age turning into the iron age, too much change, too fast for the previous systems to adapt.
Maybe it is a bit like traffic. In the end most people try to avoid self-harm. Healthy self-interest is a great regulator no matter the times. In volatile times with great technological changes some great accidents are unavoidable, but in the end...the show just goes on, the earth keeps spinning etc.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:51 pm One could make the case that by smacking his thumb with a hammer, Parodite is:

a. as klutzy as the rest of us
b. superior, but doing it intentionally to fit in with the rest of us
c. superior, but doing it intentionally to make us feel better about ourselves

not an easy situation to read.

If he wants my respect as a real man, he's gotta up his ante and shoot himself in the leg with a nail gun. Not a simply flesh would with a finishing nail either. A 3.5" spike right into the femur.
:lol: I knew you got it in you SM. You brutal beast. Which reminds me, what about blind rage? I think it is very underrated and a net positive. I feel it coming... the return of Beastly Ben! Aren't we all getting tired of being too civilized and smarty party without consequence?

MGTOW is a first step but they're just guys wearing silky gloves whining like old ladies complaining about hot young girls who messed up their lives. And Jordan Peterson is just selling nail polish for men. Already the title: "12 rules for life" makes me wanna vomit. In the mean time I'm an arm-chair loser with a sore thumb of course. :x
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Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Parodite wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:55 am

:P Actually my thumb is becoming a masochistic exhibitionist lately and would have loved to supply the world with a major opportunity of online Schadenfreude.

There's another yuge philosophical question here, that I note you are dancing around. What would your thumb do if left to it's own devices and not oppressed by the rest of your body? Would it be gay, straight, black, white, vote for Nexit, atheist, confess it's Climate Change Sins, worship Greta Thunberg as the next Jesus, etc.? :?

Parodite, did you ever consider letting your thumb type some posts rather than being overtly oppressive? Perhaps some body parts are best kept away from a keyboard, but you might want to give your thumb some free reign.

Let my phalanges go
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Parodite wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:13 am
Simple Minded wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 12:51 pm One could make the case that by smacking his thumb with a hammer, Parodite is:

a. as klutzy as the rest of us
b. superior, but doing it intentionally to fit in with the rest of us
c. superior, but doing it intentionally to make us feel better about ourselves

not an easy situation to read.

If he wants my respect as a real man, he's gotta up his ante and shoot himself in the leg with a nail gun. Not a wimply flesh wound with a finishing nail either. A 3.5" spike right into the femur.
:lol: I knew you got it in you SM. You brutal beast. Which reminds me, what about blind rage? I think it is very underrated and a net positive. I feel it coming... the return of Beastly Ben! Aren't we all getting tired of being too civilized and smarty party without consequence?

MGTOW is a first step but they're just guys wearing silky gloves whining like old ladies complaining about hot young girls who messed up their lives. And Jordan Peterson is just selling nail polish for men. Already the title: "12 rules for life" makes me wanna vomit. In the mean time I'm an arm-chair loser with a sore thumb of course. :x
Speaking of oppression, the God of Automatic Spell Checking has been punishing the shite out of me lately. Or maybe AI has already decided I ain't smart enough to cross the virtual street into cyberspace without a chaperon.

Agree. JBP should have titled the book 12 Rules for Not F**king Up Your Life (as well as the lives of all who come into contact with you)!

You mean bland rage like "boo hoo hoo, noddy just posted something on line I disagree with," or "waaauuggghhhh Napster is using big words I can't understand," or blind rage like " The !@#$%^&*#^%@ the *&^%$# nail gun just shot a *&^%$# 3.5" spike into my femur!" :?

The last will make you forget about your sore thumb, the first two not so much.

Word to the wise, if you do shoot the spike into your femur, don't bother using a claw hammer to try to pull it out. At least my brother says that turned out to be a bad idea. Unfortunately I was not there to observe. What a selfish bastard he is!
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Parodite wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:55 am

:P Actually my thumb is becoming a masochistic exhibitionist lately and would have loved to supply the world with a major opportunity of online Schadenfreude.

A few years ago, Northern Tool had a brilliantly funny and graphic advertising campaign that show a variety of pictures and funny slogans.

Out in the parking lot there were sign next to the shopping cart corals "These carts don't have motors. Best leave em here."

My favorite was "Dirty finger nails are not the mark of a man, missing finger nails are!"

The ad campaign vanished after a couple months, no doubt due to someone complaining.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Parodite wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:55 am
Maybe it is a bit like traffic. In the end most people try to avoid self-harm. Healthy self-interest is a great regulator no matter the times. In volatile times with great technological changes some great accidents are unavoidable, but in the end...the show just goes on, the earth keeps spinning etc.
thats a fair analogy, their is plenty of crazy going on, big pile ups, loony drivers going too fast and too slow but if you keep your eye out, you can mostly keep yourself safe, barring the guy that comes out of nowhere.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Ask a man on the street how the economy is doing and the majority of the time you are going to get an answer which tells you how he perceives others are doing. He may not even know the people he's imagining in any way, shape or form; but they will be the basis for his beliefs on the economy.

It's not just the economy...and it's not stupidity or voyeurism or even nosey meddling most of the time....it's sort of the junction where the self-harm angle collapses cause there are all sorts of impersonal factors at play.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

well that percieved relativity thing is real and bites you quite fast.

the first handful of dual income couples lived quite rich, then the housing market adjusted and we are now in an almost compulsory dual wage slavery hell hole, so the aggregated behaviour of the other bastards is a highly relevant aspect of our economics.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote:JBP should have titled the book 12 Rules for Not F**king Up Your Life (as well as the lives of all who come into contact with you)!
Better, I agree. Or "12 Tips for a Happier Life". Or is that too sugary. :P "12 rules for life" sounds way too serious. It associates with the 10 commandments and darkness that is never so dark and light that never is so bright. (looking right into the bright sun I think as/was popular among some Veda yogis believed to enhance spiritual vision of sorts, but all it does is impairing your visual sense experience or go really blind and have others take care of you afterwards)
You mean bland rage like "boo hoo hoo, noddy just posted something on line I disagree with," or "waaauuggghhhh Napster is using big words I can't understand," or blind rage like " The !@#$%^&*#^%@ the *&^%$# nail gun just shot a *&^%$# 3.5" spike into my femur!" :?
Blind rage... is blind. It doesn't know of any reason. There might not even be an actual cause! Don't forget that causation as a concept exists primarily in the mind. We don't know what causes our conscious mind to arise from our physical-causal brains so we are stuck there :ugeek: I would say though that if a proven non-conscious zombie gets into a blind rage like a true walking dead.. we still might have a good example of it. But those zombies actually exhibit more human behaviors that normally appear to require a conscious mind. Which is why they just keep multiplying. Just a little zombie-bite and you're done too. But as long as it hurts you are fine. :P
Deep down I'm very superficial
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:13 am
It's not just the economy...and it's not stupidity or voyeurism or even nosey meddling most of the time....it's sort of the junction where the self-harm angle collapses cause there are all sorts of impersonal factors at play.
isn't the corner of Self-Harm and Impersonal Factors where all the prostitutes hangout? :?
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