The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

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The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Doc »

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Parodite »

Very good exposition by Mr. Chapman.

An always helpful extra over-underlay to better understand things of social, psychological, individual, political, philosophical and even of theory such and such about so and so nature..(did I forget anything?) is IMHO our best friend and most faithful ally of all time: biology. Things look less complicated, more reliable and truthful with nothing much being too suprising when the biological frame defines and colors the story of our human primate-monkey world.

No matter the amount of intellectual overhead & word-salad that fills our libraries, where Marx is only one of many arcane esoteric writers producing pieces of verbal art and holy books cherries on the imaginary cake; put on your biology-glasses and everything starts to look like just variations of only a few basic themes in the animal-plant kingdom.

The Biological Roots of Marxist 'Wokeness':

1) a power game among males competing for social dominance and alpha status in the group. A Uncle Sam vs Karl Marx cage fight;
2) the woke mask for males to get access to female wokies for sex and reproduction;
3) the parental instinct of both males and females to protect and feed offspring;
4) social cohesion of the (extended-) family demands that "rogue individuals" need to be subdued or "cancelled", ie. thrown out of the family home. Or expelled from the territory completely.

Although "woke" concerns itself primarily with the social aspect and well-being of the collective, taking honor in protecting the weak and fighting for the oppressed.. its core nature is still tribal and very territorial. Biologically selfish they cancel, shame, side-line "undesirable elements" just to protect the tribe and its woke territory. Nothing amazing or uncommon about it of course. Yet the irony of proclaiming universal moral codes... but ending up as normal, tribal, stone throwing hooligans.
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Parodite »

Woke: A Culture War Against Europe | James Lindsay at the European Parliament

The way to "defeat" excessive ideologies like Marxism type a/b/c/ is it seems to me not to buy into their lingo, nor contextualizing it intellectually. The best defence is instinctive with a gut reaction. A defence only with words is not really a defence. Old fashioned physical violence will do. Oppressors, predators all smell the same, their IDs shape-shift continuously. You just do what all animals do: you fight or flight.

On occasion when "woke" is mentioned, I just refer to them as "ah... the intolerant left!" to keep it simple, also separating them from "the civilized left" that still embraces classical liberal values like free speech, human rights, right of ownership, free association etc., and who just feel that some of the fruits and riches of free market economies should be spent on protecting the young, helping out the vulnerable and less capable. The parental protective and caring instinct regulating blunt capitalism.

The problem is, as James Lindsay explains, not wokism which is more like a wild rage of youth and some troubled minorities, but that top corporate echelons adopted these youngsters and their ideology for more profit and power. The final and logical step would be to call the first big global CBDC currency "Woke". "Will the colored Woke finally replace and defeat the white racist cis US dollar?"

It must be a most horrifying experience for these orphaned youths and minorities who hate raw Capitalism.. to be paraded as tokens and trophies by their Ultra Capitalist adopting parents who, as it will turn out, don't give a lavender about them. Criminal organisations similarly use charitable fronts to distract from their core business model.
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Ask the chat bot what term ‘woke’ might evolve into.

I also wonder if Chat GPT and Ana are dating yet.
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Parodite »

Social Justice: A Religious Movement | Andrew Doyle | EP 373

I find Andrew Doyle particularly convincing. Where Air Jordan insists aiming at the deep painting himself a God he can believe in, Andrew just is down to earth and pointing out what is obvious and in front.

Bottom-line in my bio-biased perspective where things are much simpler: woke is just another young adolescent animal trying to move up in the hierarchy, challenging whoever is in its way. The more adult ones with a higher ranking seem to give in to this infantile anger tantrum, but that “surrender” may just be an appearance for the most part. No specimen gives up voluntarily its position in a group. I don’t buy it. So I think Air Jordan and Andrew have it somewhat wrong.

Why would otherwise adult actors let those desperate youngsters sit at their table and share power?

From a corporate perspective, to embrace these mobs of intolerant youngsters makes complete sense. They are a considerable and growing consumer base. For starters.

As a criminal enterprise donates money to charity, it also pays off to have these young desperados market your product as victims, tokens of oppression. "We support victims" works, especially in a time when everybody has good reasons to feel victimised one way or other. It is spreading like a wild fire.

If it is not global warming itself, it is the climate fascists who destroy our economies. If not covid-19 the virus, it is the vaccinations and gvt overreach eating away our universal rights and physical health. If I should not fear you... I should certainly fear myself, 'cause in me lurks... da shadoooow!!.

Fear is a huge money-maker and always has been. Where it runs out of juices... guilt steps in to fill the empty pockets. Misery can be turned into money easily. Turn over the stone of hope and beneath it you'll find despair.

Woke, Communism Jr., is just a kid... so what harm can it really do? If you'd transfer power to them, it is just 6 months from woke to broke and everybody knows it. Which is like a natural security valve; they can grab the power but never hold on to it very long.

Woke has nowhere to go, really; it can only exist, survive at the tit of some adult; for as long as the leech is tolerated and “loved”. Doesn't matter if the baby is spoon-fed at University West-Corp or CCP-Gangstas or the future Central Banks Switchboard. Somebody needs to feed them. So what is the worry? In the end you just throw them out, or try and see if, perhaps, you can change them into a useful Hitler Jugend. The ultimate victim.

The used and abused will always be used and abused, unless they individually manage to step out of it. Errr... just grow up, and believe they can.
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Doc »

Sorry I missed the replies here until now

I have been slumming around the internet lately. One thing I am now positive of. "wokeness" is all about getting attention by trying to be most virtuous among equals.

Also that there is no arguing with stupid fact free fascists
Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

The dunning - Kruger effect plays right into stupidity

Why Stupid People Think They're Smart [The Dunning-Kruger Effect]

Which of course explains why young people with more unknown, unknowns easy prey for those that would manipulate them.

Part of wokeness may be a real life implementation of Universe 25
The Universe 25 Mouse Experiment
The original once seen can't be unseen version is here:
John B. Calhoun Film 7.1 [edited], (NIMH, 1970-1972)

How many countries in the world have now become failed states? Given that the world population started growing about the time agriculture started seems like the human race is due for another similar change about now.

The more adult ones with a higher ranking seem to give in to this infantile anger tantrum, but that “surrender” may just be an appearance for the most part
I am sensing that something has changed. When trans types claimed they are being genocided even though they are at least on a path to genocide themselves. Then claim that a trans that hunted down 9 year old girls and murdered them is a martyr.

Then a non political movie about child sex trafficking comes out and it immediately gets attacked as a nut job movie. "A movie for angry fathers with brain worms."

And most recently a song about small towns not being in cultural lock step with big cities gets smeared as "racist"

It all sounds like the last gasps of a dying ideology. One driven by a political machine that day after day is now being exposed for its massive corruption

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"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Intellectual Roots Of 'Wokeness'

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

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“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

Teresa of Ávila
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