China, Japan to revitalize Western classical music

A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.
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Heracleum Persicum
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China, Japan to revitalize Western classical music

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The future of Western classical music may hinge on China, Japan and Korea
as funding for the performing arts declines in the US and Europe

I think we have reached a turning point. I’m just basing this on facts.

First of all, the arts as a vibrant force, certainly in America, have been lessened by the lack of support for the teaching of the arts in our kindergarten-through-Grade 12 public and private school systems. As a result, there are millions of children in the US who really don’t have an intense or serious relationship with or understanding of the arts. This applies to drama, dance, music and to a great degree, the visual arts. That’s troubling to me.

Whereas in China, and I think in Japan, Korea and areas of Southeast Asia, I’m seeing a very, very different environment where children are introduced at an early age to serious study of music. The parents are also very supportive of that environment and see it as value in the child’s education.

What a change .. just a generation ago having a piano was a capital crime in China

Now, the best Pino, Violin, cello player are Chinese and Japanese and Koreans

What a change

Opera ? ?

Opera will die a natural death .. Asians no interest in that stuff.

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