U.S. Foreign Policy

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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

Post by Parodite »

Thanks. Impressive story.
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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

Post by Doc »

In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new
millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That
many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war
millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

Hidden history

The British named JP Morgan and John D Rockefeller their official purchasing agents for North America.

At the time as the US was a Neutral party it was illegal to sell weapons to the combatants. Then it was proposed that any nation willing to pay cash for weapons could buy them. OF course given that Germany was blockaded by the superior British navy that American weapons could not reach Germany. But they could reach Britain and France. So cash and carry it was.

Then the British and French ran out of money so Woodrow Wilson decided that instead of risking a recession would allow credit to be extended. Which worked for a while.

Wilson in 1916 campaigned on the slogan "He kept us out of war" Six months later it was looking like the British and French were going to lose the war. So of course the Wilson decided that the country could not risk losing all the money the British and French owed the US so the US entered the war.

Apparently Morgan and Rockefeller were exceptionally good purchasing agents. They bought an entire country after all.
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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

Post by Typhoon »

Zack Morris wrote:
Doc wrote: By a burning factory. He has had a recurrent brain tumor in his brain stem. Almost died about a half of dozen times and is on pain killer so strong he has to get it through a tube inserted through his arm into a main heart artery. He can even do things for an hour or so. Four kids. The youngest two used to pack their suit cases every time their father went to the doctor to go to relatives as they figured he would end up in the hospital and they didn't want to cause more problems. The youngest was born right after the war.
Ah, right. A factory blown up by US bombs, whose fumes then set off coalition chemical detectors, which the US military decided to ignore. The military sounds awesome, man!

Who would willingly sign up for this crap? Would you go work in a factory that was known for allowing its workers to be exposed to life-impairing chemicals in order to maximize profits? Maybe not when put in those stark terms but I have a feeling you'd probably blame workers for their health problems and deny them nationalized health coverage on the grounds that they chose to go to work there. I don't why the military gets a free pass.
But you are right. One of my cousins got blown up in a Humvee in Faluja. His best friend sitting beside him was killed. So he couldn't get a job in the private sector and he actually took a government payment for his funeral.
A college friend of mine lost his brother in Afghanistan to a suicide bomber. His first tour was in Iraq, though, where he manned a roadside checkpoint gunning down Iraqis who didn't slow down quick enough to his liking. The first time he shot up a car and murdered its occupants, he was so proud of himself that he took photos of the blood streaming out of the bottom of the vehicle and showed them to his family and friends. While serving on a border crossing between Iraq and Syria, he boasted about exposing his genitals to young girls tilling a field on the Syrian side of the border. He and his buddies would also dare each other to masturbate alone in rooms with the corpses of slain insurgents. On a visit back home at a holiday party, he carelessly launched a firework into a neighbor's yard, setting the dry sagebrush ablaze, threatening the man's house. Luckily the home owner was woken up and was able to get the fire under control.

Typical army dude. I didn't feel anything when I heard he got blown up. Still don't.
The veneer of civilization is thin in the best of situations.
The distance from the incivility of the current US election to bukkake on corpses is shorter than most people would like to think.


I've only met several individuals from the US officer corp who were retired and chose pursue advanced degrees.
All were well educated, intelligent, articulate, and reflective with regards to human nature and the world.

One US military officer used to post here. He was a case in point.
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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

Post by Heracleum Persicum »



Folks, sign point to Trump will continue Obama foreign policy, even fast track that policy by siding with Putin (and Iran)

All that talk of countering our beloved Persia just hot air .. that weirdo Bolton will be thrown under the buss

Without Iran American can not get out of ME in one piece, even W.Bush got the message (in Iraq)

So, don't hold your breath.

Change will be economic and inside US

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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.


Folks, sign point to Trump will continue Obama foreign policy, even fast track that policy by siding with Putin (and Iran)

All that talk of countering our beloved Persia just hot air .. that weirdo Bolton will be thrown under the buss

Without Iran American can not get out of ME in one piece, even W.Bush got the message (in Iraq)

So, don't hold your breath.

Change will be economic and inside US

I think reader's digest needs to do a story on "Why Russia can't make a flat flattop?" ;)
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Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


America may be first in the eyes of the president,
but in the eyes of the world it is in headlong retreat.

The swiftness of President Trump’s transformation of America’s global image from a proud and valued leader to something more nearly resembling a whiny bully has heads spinning at home and abroad.

Mr. Trump was elected on a slogan of “America First” and a promise that the country would never again be bound by agreements and conventions that, in his view, compromised its sovereignty.

But the policies and pronouncements that have flowed from this promise have in fact made the United States, and his presidency, the object of disbelief, alarm, even derision.

Really sad

Question is, who did this to our beloved America ? ?

Who did it, Mr. Perfect ? ?

Not the mad mullahs, nor the Muslims

Crooks much closer to home, MP, much closer to home

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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded

Re: America in Retreat

Post by Simple Minded »


NYT is just pissed cause now they will be underwater a couple years sooner due to accelerating AGW. Can't say that I blame them. I'll give them six months before they discover the Trudeau-Trump conspiracy.

Soon the NYT will be headquartered in Toronto. But then they will not be able to report on the Trudeau-Trump oligarchy.
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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol you reading nyt again?
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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Doc »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol you reading nyt again?
Reading? I thought the NYT went to a comic book format....
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Typhoon »

Simple Minded wrote:HP,

NYT is just pissed cause now they will be underwater a couple years sooner due to accelerating AGW. Can't say that I blame them. I'll give them six months before they discover the Trudeau-Trump conspiracy.

Soon the NYT will be headquartered in Toronto. But then they will not be able to report on the Trudeau-Trump oligarchy.

The NYT is still unable to come to terms with the reality people did not vote as they were told by their Editorial Board and Op-Ed columnists.

I recall reading that the NYT gained a lot of new subscribers after Trump's win, yet apparently not enough to stop the recent round of cutbacks and layoffs.
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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Simple Minded »

Typhoon wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:HP,

NYT is just pissed cause now they will be underwater a couple years sooner due to accelerating AGW. Can't say that I blame them. I'll give them six months before they discover the Trudeau-Trump conspiracy.

Soon the NYT will be headquartered in Toronto. But then they will not be able to report on the Trudeau-Trump oligarchy.

The NYT is still unable to come to terms with the reality people did not vote as they were told by their Editorial Board and Op-Ed columnists.

I recall reading that the NYT gained a lot of new subscribers after Trump's win, yet apparently not enough to stop the recent round of cutbacks and layoffs.
Yep. It's no fun to be an elitist if rabble don't recognize your superiority.

One of the most amusing aspects of the MSM since the election is the rationalizations, imaginations, and delusions of the experts as to "What the f**k just happened? No one I knew saw this coming!"

Like a believer in AGW or a religious fanatic, they just can't come to grips with the possibility that, maybe, just maybe, their world view never was valid in the first place, and that they have had no idea what the hell they were talking about for the last 20 years. "Ya know, if we just adjust the data a little bit more...." They have no clue they live an insular existence.

NYC is a bizarre place, I've known several dozen people who have moved out of NYC, in to NYC, out of NYC, in to NYC, etc. during their lifetimes. 80% will profess that living in NYC changed their world view in bizarre ways, and then after moving out of NYC they looked back and thought "What the hell was I tinking?". I think it is something in the water supply.

Or it could be merely peer pressure. NYC is kinda like a giant Westview Baptist Church for fatalists.......... Insularity and confirmation bias at it's finest and most evident.

as I have told HP several times, there is a reason why we keep the NYT in NYC..... we can easily blow the bridges, ground the planes, and rapidly turn it into a Gitmo to stop the spread of the contagion. But for now, it is kinda like dropping a candy bar onto a sidewalk in the summer to keep the ants out of your own house...... since you can't kill them all....... just feed them elsewhere....... ;)
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Re: America in Retreat

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.

as I have told HP several times, there is a reason why we keep the NYT in NYC..... we can easily blow the bridges, ground the planes, and rapidly turn it into a Gitmo to stop the spread of the contagion. But for now, it is kinda like dropping a candy bar onto a sidewalk in the summer to keep the ants out of your own house...... since you can't kill them all....... just feed them elsewhere....... ;)


This for SM and NH .. I know you like this kind of stuff .. yes, it is true .. Spiritually Impoverished .. that is when our beloved Persia, Rumi, Attar and many more come in play.

How did Donald Trump happen ?
Did we, Bugs Bunny style, fail to take that left-hand turn at Albuquerque and somehow end up on the wrong side of history ?

It appears the West has sacrificed something of significance in exchange for its remarkable and towering achievements, with the repercussions now coming home to roost.

We’ve entered an era of consequence, caught off guard, unable to retreat and with nowhere to hide.

You also get the sense whatever has been lost, overlooked or forgotten in this grueling journey to the doom-fraught grandeur of a Trump presidency, is so subtle it’s probably hiding in plain sight.

Interesting article .. must read

Simple Minded

Re: America in Retreat

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

as I have told HP several times, there is a reason why we keep the NYT in NYC..... we can easily blow the bridges, ground the planes, and rapidly turn it into a Gitmo to stop the spread of the contagion. But for now, it is kinda like dropping a candy bar onto a sidewalk in the summer to keep the ants out of your own house...... since you can't kill them all....... just feed them elsewhere....... ;)


This for SM and NH .. I know you like this kind of stuff .. yes, it is true .. Spiritually Impoverished .. that is when our beloved Persia, Rumi, Attar and many more come in play.

How did Donald Trump happen ?
Did we, Bugs Bunny style, fail to take that left-hand turn at Albuquerque and somehow end up on the wrong side of history ?

Interesting article .. must read

excellent article HP. Thanks for posting. The article seems the result of a wage earning intellectual embracing his inner, ever-discontented-teenage-anxiety that caused by the all-too-human aspect of "Life sucks, cause I can imagine a reality better than those other stupid people are willing to create for me!"

"Which brings us to the Trump White House." Which also brings us to every previous White House (the desire of a good POTUS deity) as well as all religions (the desire for a benign, all loving God), and as the author pointed out, a boat load of philosophers.

Luckily, as we all "know, deep inside," the problem is always them, and not our own juvenile desires and perspectives that demand free lunches, square circles, and the laws of the universe to be modified and/or repealed to ensure painless attainment of all our desires.

If we did not desire reality to be different, how could we be unhappy? How are we gonna change those other selfish bastards to be more like our selfless selves? :?

We need Alex!

America in retreat is a subset of humanity in retreat, in the sense that a stopped clock is either right or wrong, well at least according to my perspective.

"We" are the people of the future, and always will be! :) Only in the remote mountain villages of Iran, SimpleMindedStan and Appalachia can these ideals be obtained. ;)

but if we tell them, then they will come here and screw it all up! :(
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Decent and competent?

Post by Alexis »

Simple Minded wrote:The article seems the result of a wage earning intellectual embracing his inner, ever-discontented-teenage-anxiety that caused by the all-too-human aspect of "Life sucks, cause I can imagine a reality better than those other stupid people are willing to create for me!"

"Which brings us to the Trump White House." Which also brings us to every previous White House (the desire of a good POTUS deity) as well as all religions (the desire for a benign, all loving God), and as the author pointed out, a boat load of philosophers.

Luckily, as we all "know, deep inside," the problem is always them, and not our own juvenile desires and perspectives that demand free lunches, square circles, and the laws of the universe to be modified and/or repealed to ensure painless attainment of all our desires.
Your distrust and refusal of false Messiahs, political or otherwise, and false religions, political or otherwise, is well taken, SM.

At the same time, there is a middle ground between "I wait for the True President-God" and "Who cares which chimp is in the WH anyway?".

One may also expect the holder of one's country most important office to be just a decent and rather competent - or: not too incompetent - individual. "Just" that, although in truth that already would be a lot.

The tragedy of America in 2016 - and not America only - being that among the candidates of the two major parties, none was both decent and competent.

I still think Trump was the most decent of the two, but as for his competency, well let's not fool ourselves. :|
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Re: "America in Retreat"

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Donald Trump is infinitely more competent than Hillary Clinton.
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Simple Minded

Re: Decent and competent?

Post by Simple Minded »

Alexis wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:The article seems the result of a wage earning intellectual embracing his inner, ever-discontented-teenage-anxiety that caused by the all-too-human aspect of "Life sucks, cause I can imagine a reality better than those other stupid people are willing to create for me!"

"Which brings us to the Trump White House." Which also brings us to every previous White House (the desire of a good POTUS deity) as well as all religions (the desire for a benign, all loving God), and as the author pointed out, a boat load of philosophers.

Luckily, as we all "know, deep inside," the problem is always them, and not our own juvenile desires and perspectives that demand free lunches, square circles, and the laws of the universe to be modified and/or repealed to ensure painless attainment of all our desires.
Your distrust and refusal of false Messiahs, political or otherwise, and false religions, political or otherwise, is well taken, SM.

At the same time, there is a middle ground between "I wait for the True President-God" and "Who cares which chimp is in the WH anyway?".

One may also expect the holder of one's country most important office to be just a decent and rather competent - or: not too incompetent - individual. "Just" that, although in truth that already would be a lot.

The tragedy of America in 2016 - and not America only - being that among the candidates of the two major parties, none was both decent and competent.

I still think Trump was the most decent of the two, but as for his competency, well let's not fool ourselves. :|

Points well taken. As i have said previously, the marketing and the reaction are more interesting IMSMO than the endless analysis, commentary, and search for content in information designed primarily for marketing and deliberately intended to be void of content. Every time a baseball is thrown, voluminous projections on who will win the two pennants and World Series are re-written.

Creating perspectives, positive for us, negative for them while filling airtime are the goals. Endless parsing of the term's used? Recreation on the part of the audience members.

Reminds me of a friend whose job it was to buy wine for a hotel restaurant. Naturally, it was in his best interests to consult the wine experts. He read the following reviews:
bottle A: a happy little wine.
bottle B: a delightful, fun wine.
bottle C: an exquisite wine.
bottle D: a wine that is elegant, yet not ostentatious.

After a bit of thought, his reaction: "What the hell am I supposed to do with this information?" Made from grapes, cherries, blueberries, peaches, bananas, or none of the above....?

"Oh look honey, here is a wine picked by non-menstruating, left handed virgins, only during a full moon. I'll bet those snooty Drydales have never had that before!"

Moral of the story, the wine experts weren't writing to convey information, they were providing entertainment and superiority to their readers. "Our candidate is elegant, yet not ostentatious, theirs is merely happy. They are so goush."

The expectation that the representative of Tribe X will behave significantly differently than those who preceded him when faced with similar incentives and situations is a fascinating study in faith IMSMO.

I appreciate their Stagecraft.
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Zack Morris »

The NYT editorial board is almost certainly a better judge of America's global standing than yahoos who've never traveled beyond their state let alone outside the country. Trump's foreign policy is incoherent nonsense. Chuck out the principles, huff and puff about making (crappy) deals for ourselves, and forget the long-term picture. Tillerson is an utter failure. If the Trump administration has accomplished anything, it's to shatter the notion that "business people" possess superhuman competence.

Most executives achieve their positions through mere luck, not because they are the "smartest" in the organization. Consequently, they are above average but not extraordinary individuals, and their abilities have typically narrowly been shaped by the non-meritocracies they've spent their entire careers in.
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Another fact free Zack Morris post. Well done.
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Another fact free Zack Morris post. Well done.
Sure beats the fake news you've been posting. How's that FBI Clinton raid progressing?
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol. What is it that you think I posted.
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Zack Morris wrote:.

The NYT editorial board is almost certainly a better judge of America's global standing than yahoos who've never traveled beyond their state let alone outside the country. Trump's foreign policy is incoherent nonsense. Chuck out the principles, huff and puff about making (crappy) deals for ourselves, and forget the long-term picture. Tillerson is an utter failure. If the Trump administration has accomplished anything, it's to shatter the notion that "business people" possess superhuman competence.

Most executives achieve their positions through mere luck, not because they are the "smartest" in the organization. Consequently, they are above average but not extraordinary individuals, and their abilities have typically narrowly been shaped by the non-meritocracies they've spent their entire careers in.


Seconded in all points

Mr. Perfect wrote:Donald Trump is infinitely more competent than Hillary Clinton.


Doing excellent job (dismantling our beloved America, brick by brick) :lol:

As Nietzsche explains in Twilight of the Idols, hard-core materialism is a lose-lose strategy:

We have suppressed the true world : what world survives ? The apparent world perhaps? … Certainly not ! In abolishing the true world we have also abolished the world of appearance!

Which brings us to the Trump White House.

With the basics satisfied, the spiritually impoverished citizens of Western society hunger for the more-real-than-real, a unifying, heart-felt connection to what is, by definition, beyond the organizing machinery that now dominates everyday life. Alas, there is no truth pill. Nor is there a Morpheus at large prepared to pose the type of questions needed to break the spell of self-referential rationalism. Closed minds and distant hearts render our public discourse as crude and aggressive as it is futile. Political fear and social apathy triumph.

Re the title of the thread .. "ELITE" claiming .. as PLATO in "The Republic" explains, ELITE ruled since human species started walking on 2 feet, every time street took over, that society went head first into toilet ..

Issue in America is crooks has bought the ELITE .. Donald no exception.

Oh, Lord, why our beloved America deserves all this ? :lol:


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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by Zack Morris »

Hey what happened to the "End of the Clinton Crime Family" thread? Did Doc or Mr P delete it to save face?
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Re: Elites claim "America in Retreat"

Post by YMix »

It was merged with another thread: viewtopic.php?p=119708#p119708
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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