Trump wins!

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by noddy »

as a side issue ive noticed NFL has the same problem AFL has which is that all the immigrants play soccer and modern mums are cotton wool so in an attempt to attract those 2 groups they risk alienating the original fanbase.

maintaining a parochial version of a sport in a globalised world is a task which triggers all sorts of contradictory and unfocused behaviours from those in charge of growing the business.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

That really isn't the issue here. The NFL over the last 10-15 years has become the dominant sport in the US, by far. It is the national sport at this point.

However, black players took all the sports over in the 1970's. The demographics have been static for going on a half century now.

What has changed is that in the last 10 years Pro Sports and sports media went full SJW with a white nationalist male fan base. It was business suicide. And they are paying the price. ESPN has had Glenn Beck levels of layoffs as the audience goes away. Now for the first time in ages NFL ratings and tickets are dropping at significant rates. At the moment it looks like free fall.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by noddy »

its exactly what i said.

you just dismiss all urban moms and immigrants as SJW nutjobs, the rest is the same :)
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

As you say.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:.
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

The now-indefinite ban on almost all kinds of travel from Iran
a pointless slap in the face of
one of the most pro-American peoples in the world

Iranians coming to visit the U.S. don’t pose a security threat, no Iranians have been engaged in terrorist attacks in the West, and the now-indefinite ban on almost all kinds of travel from Iran is a pointless slap in the face of one of the most pro-American peoples in the world.

:lol: :lol: .. very funny


If Iran would like to get on the good side of the US, then it should make peace with Israel.

Otherwise, it can expect a travel ban for the foreseeable future.


Very much true, Colonel, very much so

But, each time I say this to my Jewish friends, they shout back "Anti-Semite"

Israel no dummy, they reading the sign of change on the wall .. BiBi probably already ordered the "Black-forest chocolate cake", could drop unannounced in Tehran any moment .. RR, here we come.

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:It's because sports have become some sort of weird catharsis and exhibition for everything else?

I can't remember where I read it but someone pointed out: when was the last time a team was just happy just to win the championship?

Now, it's "the experience is overwhelming because my kid is in the hospital, and I lost my father at 11 in a mowing accident, and I come from nowheresville where I struggled with adversity, looking towards a life of being a paperboy and my wife has one leg....and you the viewer, should be in the moment with me."
If I had to place a large wager, I would bet that for very few of the football players, this has anything to do with politics, race, or social injustice. Those are just great catch bins that get the potential observee, the desired result, publicity/media exposure.

Impossible to know without conducting dozens of individual interviews, but I would speculate two root causes for perhaps 80% of these guys:

1. their agents are telling them "You gotta do something to get in the news and get more social media exposure. Walk out on the field naked, talk about global warming, donate blood to a poor, dying child from a third world country, become an SJW, put a "Free Tibet" bumper sticker on your car or helmet, die your hair purple, get a tatoo......... just do something that gets people talking about you." If you can get 1,000 more clicks per day for the next 4 months, I can get you another $500,000 next year."

2. Also that this is a attempt to assuage massive internal guilt. Same for Hollywood, the music and other entertainers/celebrities/nouveau riche individuals. Through a combination of natural talents, good genetics, hard work, sacrifice, and serendipity, these guys are making 20-1000 times more in annual income than their relatives, friends, and childhood peers. Many will earn more from one game or one endorsement contract than their longtime associates will earn from a lifetime of hard work. I would bet that most feel that "they are not worthy" of what has been bestowed upon them , or that "they are no better than most of the people they were raised with."

I have seen this happen with a few people who were wildly successful prior to age 35. It is a massive shock to their system. Coping is tough. Blaming "the system" seems to lesson the internal conflict. Oddly enough, if you suggest they donate most of their income, so that they only live on 10-20 times more income than their parents, they don't seem to like that idea much. Blaming the system "feels" better.

Couching this in the binary world of politics is good fodder for the talking heads and good for celebrity exposure.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The problem with the "parochial league, global reach" conundrum is that business 101 is always to satisfy your existing customers.

Besides, it's great that the league is doing so well they have to find new avenues for growth; and out of all the American professional leagues, American Football has the greatest potential of placing teams in Europe and Asia and South America if it wanted (as the games are roughly spaced apart by weeks, making the traveling a non-issue) and growing internationally as a working league. [as a sport is a different matter]

But calling cops pigs isn't getting newly arrived Hispanics and Asians and Indians invested in American-style Football. Promoting feminism isn't getting "soccer moms" to reconsider letting their son play pee-wee league football. It is not selling more jerseys and paraphernalia to black and white Americans.

This is about being in the good opinion of one's guests at a cocktail party, not business growth, and believing you can get away with it as your customer base is a captive audience in need of correction.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Simple Minded wrote:
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:It's because sports have become some sort of weird catharsis and exhibition for everything else?

I can't remember where I read it but someone pointed out: when was the last time a team was just happy just to win the championship?

Now, it's "the experience is overwhelming because my kid is in the hospital, and I lost my father at 11 in a mowing accident, and I come from nowheresville where I struggled with adversity, looking towards a life of being a paperboy and my wife has one leg....and you the viewer, should be in the moment with me."
If I had to place a large wager, I would bet that for very few of the football players, this has anything to do with politics, race, or social injustice. Those are just great catch bins that get the potential observee, the desired result, publicity/media exposure.

Impossible to know without conducting dozens of individual interviews, but I would speculate two root causes for perhaps 80% of these guys:

1. their agents are telling them "You gotta do something to get in the news and get more social media exposure. Walk out on the field naked, talk about global warming, donate blood to a poor, dying child from a third world country, become an SJW, put a "Free Tibet" bumper sticker on your car or helmet, die your hair purple, get a tatoo......... just do something that gets people talking about you." If you can get 1,000 more clicks per day for the next 4 months, I can get you another $500,000 next year."

2. Also that this is a attempt to assuage massive internal guilt. Same for Hollywood, the music and other entertainers/celebrities/nouveau riche individuals. Through a combination of natural talents, good genetics, hard work, sacrifice, and serendipity, these guys are making 20-1000 times more in annual income than their relatives, friends, and childhood peers. Many will earn more from one game or one endorsement contract than their longtime associates will earn from a lifetime of hard work. I would bet that most feel that "they are not worthy" of what has been bestowed upon them , or that "they are no better than most of the people they were raised with."

I have seen this happen with a few people who were wildly successful prior to age 35. It is a massive shock to their system. Coping is tough. Blaming "the system" seems to lesson the internal conflict. Oddly enough, if you suggest they donate most of their income, so that they only live on 10-20 times more income than their parents, they don't seem to like that idea much. Blaming the system "feels" better.

Couching this in the binary world of politics is good fodder for the talking heads and good for celebrity exposure.
I reckon you are right about the athlete side of this.

These guys, from around 16 or so when they're first seriously scouted, are cut off and placed in little bubbles and become very disoriented to the world around them and alienated from the life and people they knew. And there are only so many ways to cope with that.

Especially when you become really big, and everyone- including friends and family- start looking at you like their personal lotto ticket or career step ladder to their own fame and fortune. It must be weary to treat everyone that suspiciously.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Hmmmmm .. interesting, Mr. Perfect, Simple Minded, Nonc Hilaire .. seems, Neocons are behind attacks on our beloved Donald Trump.

Neocons as a Figment of Imagination
Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
I reckon you are right about the athlete side of this.

These guys, from around 16 or so when they're first seriously scouted, are cut off and placed in little bubbles and become very disoriented to the world around them and alienated from the life and people they knew. And there are only so many ways to cope with that.

Especially when you become really big, and everyone- including friends and family- start looking at you like their personal lotto ticket or career step ladder to their own fame and fortune. It must be weary to treat everyone that suspiciously.
I never even thought about the professional leech aspect of this. But you have opened my eyes to another perspective, these younguns who have been worshiped as gods since displaying talent are hyper developed in the world of music or sports, and suffer from arrested development in so many other areas.

Due to hyper-specialization, take them outside their area of super ability, many of them would probably be minimum wage employees.

I have relatives like that, so coddled, so talented, and so inept.
Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Hmmmmm .. interesting, Mr. Perfect, Simple Minded, Nonc Hilaire .. seems, Neocons are behind attacks on our beloved Donald Trump.

Neocons as a Figment of Imagination
Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


your still addicted to group identity, unplug and drive baby!
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:Fussing about who stands up for the national anthem and NFL football are both idiotic concerns.

American football is simply going out of fashion.
Self inflicted.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Trump has a winner. ... hem-video/
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say NFL players should stand and be respectful during the playing of the national anthem, according to a survey released on Monday.

A survey by Remington Research Group found that 64 percent of voters agree with President Trump and want players to stand for the anthem. The survey also found that 80 percent of voters want less politics in sports, while 51 percent say they are watching less football than in previous years.

Among those watching less football, 69 percent pointed to “Players using the NFL as a stage for their political views” as the primary reason why.

The survey appears to contradict the popular media narrative that public opinion was on the side of the players kneeling during the anthem. ESPN’s day-long coverage of Trump and the NFL on Monday was almost exclusively negative. (RELATED: Trump Has ESPN Thinking They’re Actually CNN)

The poll results caused ESPN contributor Will Cain to wonder on Tuesday whether ESPN’s journalists are living in a “media bubble” that leaves them out of touch with public opinion.
Derr no kidding.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Doc »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Trump has a winner. ... hem-video/
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say NFL players should stand and be respectful during the playing of the national anthem, according to a survey released on Monday.

A survey by Remington Research Group found that 64 percent of voters agree with President Trump and want players to stand for the anthem. The survey also found that 80 percent of voters want less politics in sports, while 51 percent say they are watching less football than in previous years.

Among those watching less football, 69 percent pointed to “Players using the NFL as a stage for their political views” as the primary reason why.

The survey appears to contradict the popular media narrative that public opinion was on the side of the players kneeling during the anthem. ESPN’s day-long coverage of Trump and the NFL on Monday was almost exclusively negative. (RELATED: Trump Has ESPN Thinking They’re Actually CNN)

The poll results caused ESPN contributor Will Cain to wonder on Tuesday whether ESPN’s journalists are living in a “media bubble” that leaves them out of touch with public opinion.
Derr no kidding.
A large plurality of Black Americans 48% are against the Anthem protests.

Plus a lot of hard core NFL Fans:
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


A Detailed List of Things Trump Has Said Would Happen

President Trump regularly says that his policy goals – an Obamacare repeal, an infrastructure bill, an overhaul of the tax code, a border wall, among others – will happen “soon,” “very soon,” “very, very soon,” “in the coming weeks” or even “immediately.”

Statements about repealing and replacing Obamacare

We're going to be submitting a health care plan as soon as our secretary's approved .. 8 months ago
We’ll be filing a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare as our secretary is approved and gets into the office .. 8 months ago
The Affordable Care Act will be history soon .. 8 months ago
Less expensive and really great health care within a year .. 7 months ago
Obamacare will be repealed very soon .. 7 months ago
A health care plan will be released fairly soon .. 7 months ago
A health care reform plan will be coming out soon .. 7 months ago
Health care reform will get taken care of ideally soon .. 6 months ago
Obamacare will fold very, very soon if something isn't done .. 6 months ago
Obamacare will cease to exist at some point in the near future .. 6 months ago
Obamacare will explode soon .. 6 months ago
Democrats will make a deal on health care as soon as Obamacare folds .. 6 months ago
Health care reform is going to happen at some point .. 5 months ago
A good chance of getting health care reform next week or shortly thereafter .. 5 months ago
Health care in the U.S. will be great soon .. 4 months ago
An Obamacare replacement bill as soon as we can do it .. 3 months ago
A great answer on health care reform soon .. 3 months ago
Health care reform that reduces premiums 60 to 70 percent very soon .. 2 months ago
The Senate is going to be forced to make a deal on Obamacare repeal at some point .. 7 days ago
We’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare eventually .. 5 days ago
We will win on health care reform eventually .. 3 days ago
Eventually, we’ll win on health care reform, whether it’s now or later .. 3 days ago
Above only a SMALL sample in the above NYT article ..

It follows with :

- Statements about a border wall with Mexico

- Statements about tax reform

- Statements about an infrastructure bill, including large-scale projects

- A sample of other notable statements

- A sample of assorted other promises

- A sample of things Mr. Trump said would happen that actually have happened or are happening
Analysis based on public statements by Mr. Trump since his election that included the phrases “soon,” “within a year,” “near future,” “a very short period of time,” “drawing documents now,” “within the first 100 days,” “first thing,” “immediately,” “ahead of schedule,” “by the end of the year,” “in the not-very-distant future,” “over the next two or three weeks,” “at some point,” “over the next few years,” “over the next two weeks,” “come later,” “over the coming days and weeks,” “eventually,” “any day now,” “in months” or “not-very-distant future” as recorded by

My favourite is : The wall is way ahead of schedule .. 6 months ago .. :D

Looks like, Donald just kicking the can until he out of WH :lol:

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

These numbers assure a 2nd term and the end of the Democrat Party. ... oduct.html
Final reading on Q2 GDP up 3.1%, vs 3% rise expected
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The Democrat have no future. ... story.html
ICE arrests hundreds of immigrants in 'sanctuary cities' around the nation, California
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

An interesting take on Pro Athletes.

Now my family has produced several collegiate athletes, one just finished his basketball career last year. At the moment he is selling vitamins. Another had an NFL shot but went into climatology instead. Probably the right move.

But even collegiately, the odds of success in that career are mind numbingly small. After sports so many athletes go on to have broken lives.

I like Terry Crews, disagree with his politics on the flag but tells more on the football career. And I agree with some, disagree with others. Athletes do have good fortune, what they do with it is up to them,

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Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

NFL players taking a knee during the Anthem is like us posting on OTNOT.

We're all doing whatever we can to fix the f**ked up world in which we live.

Or is it a cry for help.... or desire to be relevant.......
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Burning excess energy. I'd blow up if I didn't do this.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Simple Minded wrote:NFL players taking a knee during the Anthem is like us posting on OTNOT.

We're all doing whatever we can to fix the f**ked up world in which we live.

Or is it a cry for help.... or desire to be relevant.......
Who is this 'we', kemosabe? :)
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The End of (american) Football

By 2050, the National Football League (NFL) will be like the Barnum and Bailey Circus of today. Bankrupt, closed, irrelevant, morally passe.

Mr. Perfect .. u have the mike :lol:

Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:NFL players taking a knee during the Anthem is like us posting on OTNOT.

We're all doing whatever we can to fix the f**ked up world in which we live.

Or is it a cry for help.... or desire to be relevant.......
Who is this 'we', kemosabe? :)
:lol: touche'

"we" is whoever I say it is. I thought that was self-evident.... same for "you" or "them"..... ;)
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol, you are so deep in the fake news. You are guys are 0 for 70 on scandals so far.

Hey Azari, what about Putin/Russia and Trump, got anything impeachable yet, lol. Been over a year.
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