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Mr. Perfect
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

I have been deep diving into biology in the last couple of years and am becoming sort of an amateur mycologist. As such I have been exposed to the world of magic mushrooms.

These mushrooms are quite interesting. The claims are outrageous.

Here the most famous mycologist in the world claims that magic mushrooms can cure stuttering deafness and can allow you to see the future.

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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Here is a claim that magic mushrooms created the evolution of human intelligence from ape intelligence.

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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

This guy is the Timothy Leary of magic mushrooms. They are a cure all for just about everything in life, on the planet and off.

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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Here is a full on millenial scientist who did shrooms and was won over to it's spirituality.

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Re: Psychedlics

Post by noddy »

in another lifetime i was an avid fan of such things - the music scene in the 80's and 90's was completely full of it and i wasnt one to say no.

magic mushrooms are definately the most psychedelic fun with the least risk - unless you arent happy with yourself going in , in which case you should avoid all such things like the plague.

ive had too many crystal sniffers blabber on too much to take terrance mc kenna seriously - however - mushies (and lsd) absolutely do open your perspective to entire new worldviews you cant get to normally and they can leave you profoundly changed after that.

if thats good or bad is highly dependent on whats going on in your head in the first place, for me personally i had a range of experiences and it was highly dependant on the people i was with and the mood i was in at the time.

my hindsight viewpoint is that like all existential crisis, you probably should limit yourself to one session a year at most.
Simple Minded

Re: Psychedlics

Post by Simple Minded »

Interesting thread. thanks to Mr. P for staring and noddy for sharing.

Many decades ago I was captivated by the first 8 or so books written by Carlos Castaneda. In addition to the intriguing metaphysical tales, the amount of practical wisdom they contained was/is inspiring.
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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Some observations of the effects of nitrous oxide gas-intoxication which I was prompted to make by reading the pamphlet called "The anaesthetic revelation and the gist of philosophy" (Blood, 1874), have made me understand better than ever before both the strength and the weakness of Hegel's philosophy. I strongly urge others to repeat the experiment, which with pure gas is short and harmless enough. The effects will of course vary with the individual, just as they vary in the same individual from time to time; but it is probable that in the former case, as in the latter, a generic resemblance will obtain. With me, as with every other person of whom I have heard, the keynote of the experience is the tremendously exiting sense of an intense metaphysical illumination. Truth lies open to the view in depth beneath depth of almost blinding evidence. The mind sees all logical relations of being with an apparant subtlety and instantaniety to which its normal consciousness offers no parallel; only as sobriety returns, the feeling of insight fades, and one is left staring vacantly at a few disjointed words and phrases, as one stares at a cadaverous-looking snowpeak from which sunset glow has just fled, or at a black cinder left by an extinguished brand. ... cle1.shtml

William James wrote this paper in 1883. Lapin received a patent for this is 1955. Things could have been different....;).....

Last edited by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits on Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Typhoon »

An episode described by the prominent physician and author Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. who on June 29, 1870 delivered an address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University. The New York Tribune reported on the speech two days after it occurred. Holmes discussed his experiments with ether.

An extended excerpt from the 1870 lecture of Holmes which was published in 1879.
I once inhaled a pretty full dose of ether, with the determination to put on record, at the earliest moment of regaining consciousness, the thought I should find uppermost in my mind. The mighty music of the triumphal march into nothingness reverberated through my brain, and filled me with a sense of infinite possibilities, which made me an archangel for the moment. The veil of eternity was lifted. The one great truth which underlies all human experience, and is the key to all the mysteries that philosophy has sought in vain to solve, flashed upon me in a sudden revelation. Henceforth all was clear: a few words had lifted my intelligence to the level of the knowledge of the cherubim. As my natural condition returned, I remembered my resolution; and, staggering to my desk, I wrote, in ill-shaped, straggling characters, the all-embracing truth still glimmering in my consciousness. The words were these (children may smile; the wise will ponder): “A strong smell of turpentine prevails throughout.”
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Re: Psychedlics

Post by Typhoon »

Hallucinogens [psychedelics] may prove to have clinical use in treating psychiatric conditions such as depression and shell shock, now called PTSD.

Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology | Novel psychotherapeutics – a cautiously optimistic focus on Hallucinogens

Lancet | Novel psychopharmacological therapies for psychiatric disorders: psilocybin and MDMA
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Early Harvard or Mayo clinic trials from the 50's I believe are standard Mushroom lore. Mushrooms were about to save us then the gubmint made them illegal for future big pharma or something.

So I have never taken any sort of drug, no alcohol or pot, with the exception of xanax and ambien on a handful of different occasions for recurring insomnia which I didn't care for and stopped using.

I am currently surrounded by heavy drug users in my personal life, of all sorts. I'll leave details out but my personal life is not something any of you would believe and at the moment I'm cruising with some real losers and dopers.

As such, I'm familiar with marijuana and the claims made over the years. Harmless, non addictive, painkiller, enlightening. It' all horse$#!t. MJ is addictive, harmful and masks your problems.

Mushrooms however are interesting. Some mushrooms supposedly can cure cancer while others can kill you dead. Most are inedible or unpalatable, then there is this category that makes you hallucinate.
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

So I came into magic mushrooms through the backdoor. My introduction to fungi was of the mycorhyzal variety, then gourmet and medicinal. Through these studies I was exposed to magic mushrooms.

I found the claims to be ridiculous. There are some in the adult world who think these drugs can cure all of mankinds maladies one way or the other. However I think they are ultimately false.

Listening to pot heads go on about the virtues all it does is mask your problems. Nothing changes or goes away. It appears to be the same with shrooms.

I've talked to dozens of people about their experiences and they all just kind of get high. No claims of cured diseases or seeing the future. Such claims would be easily tested anywhere in the world. Claims of trauma reduction sound similar to marijuana, if you get high enough often enough you seem to forget your problems.

However fungus itself and the mushroom fruit are so fascinating that I have more curiosity. People who hallucinate seem to report the same kinds of hallucinations, seeing people or beings. Now, it's not real but something lies dormant in the brain that creates these fictions for some reason in some way and what a fascinating bit of science that is.
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by noddy »

their is no correlation between a mushroom high and a marijuana high - completely different things.

you cant hide in a mushroom high, its not a repressant or depressent or whatever you call the things which mask your lifes problems and let you ignore them.

its almost the opposite - life becomes in your face and magnified a million times and your perspective on things changes accordingly.

if your lucky you will get new insight into something that stops the old negativity ruining your life - if you are unlucky you will get the opposite.
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Sounds great, but I'm talking to everyone I can find about it and I'm not seeing the enlightenment claimed by McKenna and Stamets. It seem to only happen to those with a vested interest in the lifestyle.

As for McKenna, when you get through the sophistry it seems like he's really preaching even in his own words aboriginal shamanism. Ok bro, let's see you put skin in the game (I know he's dead, but..). Half this planet is wide open for a gringo to go live among the bush people taking mushrooms all day and all night and he wouldn't do it, except on vacation. Rather, he's trying to preach that I should go and do the lifestyle he won't do himself.
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by noddy »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Sounds great, but I'm talking to everyone I can find about it and I'm not seeing the enlightenment claimed by McKenna and Stamets. It seem to only happen to those with a vested interest in the lifestyle.

As for McKenna, when you get through the sophistry it seems like he's really preaching even in his own words aboriginal shamanism.
just another fraud, milking the gullible ones who buy dream catchers and crystals.

good money if you have the stomach for it.
Mr. Perfect wrote:
Ok bro, let's see you put skin in the game (I know he's dead, but..). Half this planet is wide open for a gringo to go live among the bush people taking mushrooms all day and all night and he wouldn't do it, except on vacation. Rather, he's trying to preach that I should go and do the lifestyle he won't do himself.
you cant take mushrooms more than once a season lightly, you would end up mad - they arent party drugs and the people that use them like that end up with bits missing.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well its a real puzzle for me. Fungus is an astonishing form of life, and these psychedelics are just one fascinating cog of it all. Not sure what to make of it.
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Re: Psychedelics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Almost everyone I know who has taken mushrooms shares an experience like this. Yet Stamets et al claim you can enter the multiverse using them. A huge dichotomy.

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Simple Minded

Re: Psychedelics

Post by Simple Minded »

Anytime I feel like entering the multi-verse, I just log onto

Talk about some trippy sh1t....
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