The Netherlands

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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Geert Wilders found guilty of inciting discrimination

The Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders has been found guilty of inciting discrimination against Dutch Moroccans in a verdict that is expected to intensify the debate about migration in the Netherlands.

A panel of three judges ruled that the Freedom party (PVV) leader’s comments in a post-election speech in 2014 were “demeaning and thereby insulting towards the Moroccan population”. Hendrik Steenhuis, chairman of the judges, said the remarks were clearly aimed at an ethnic population group and delivered in a televised speech for maximum effect.
It concerned what he said here:

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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

National elections in March. Geert Wilders heads the polls. Not voting for his stinky PVV. Other parties have 50/50 agreeable/disagreeable programs, too much of a compromise for me.

Will vote for a rather new party, Forum Voor Democratie (Forum For Democracy) that comes closest to my views on various issues. I'm thinking of translating their program in English and post it here.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Alexis »

Parodite wrote:Will vote for a rather new party, Forum Voor Democratie (Forum For Democracy) that comes closest to my views on various issues. I'm thinking of translating their program in English and post it here.
Interesting. Automatic translation of the Dutch language Wiki page about them already gives a general idea of their proposals.

From what I read here, although PVV is likely to get the most votes, there is very little chance of Wilders becoming new Prime Minister, because of all other parties gathering against him. Do you agree, or do you reckon there is a not neglectible chance he could come to power?
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Alexis wrote:From what I read here, although PVV is likely to get the most votes, there is very little chance of Wilders becoming new Prime Minister, because of all other parties gathering against him. Do you agree, or do you reckon there is a not neglectible chance he could come to power?
I agree the chances for him to form a gvt (and then become PM) are negligible because he has hardly any allies, and the VVD of current PM Rutte has declared they will never form a gvt with PVV. My hope is that Forum Voor Democracy (FVD) draws away enough votes from VVD and PVV to make a good kickstart with 4+ seats in Parliament.

Trump proved he can be Presidential in his speech to congress, Wilders however doesn't have that talent. Nobody wants to work with him in any gvt, maybe FDV but they would still need VVD too.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Dutch election: PM Rutte sees off anti-EU Wilders challenge

There will be a Rutte III gvt, most likely a center-right coalition. Biggest looser is the PvdA (social democrats), biggest winner Groen Links (the green party) with the Dutch Trudeau, Jesse Klaver. New party Forum for Democracy will enter the parliament with probably 2 seats. Wilders not the biggest, but wins 4 extra seats nonetheless.

A terrible election. All big parties that will be either in power or having the loudest voice on the benches are regressed morons talking the wrong talk and walking the wrong walk, a ship of fools heading us towards the cliffs. Aided of course by the clueless media.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Parodite wrote:Dutch election: PM Rutte sees off anti-EU Wilders challenge

There will be a Rutte III gvt, most likely a center-right coalition. Biggest looser is the PvdA (social democrats), biggest winner Groen Links (the green party) with the Dutch Trudeau, Jesse Klaver. New party Forum for Democracy will enter the parliament with probably 2 seats. Wilders not the biggest, but wins 4 extra seats nonetheless.

A terrible election. All big parties that will be either in power or having the loudest voice on the benches are regressed morons talking the wrong talk and walking the wrong walk, a ship of fools heading us towards the cliffs. Aided of course by the clueless media.
what's the over/under in months for Mr.Rutte to get a coalition gov't formed and running?
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
Parodite wrote:Dutch election: PM Rutte sees off anti-EU Wilders challenge

There will be a Rutte III gvt, most likely a center-right coalition. Biggest looser is the PvdA (social democrats), biggest winner Groen Links (the green party) with the Dutch Trudeau, Jesse Klaver. New party Forum for Democracy will enter the parliament with probably 2 seats. Wilders not the biggest, but wins 4 extra seats nonetheless.

A terrible election. All big parties that will be either in power or having the loudest voice on the benches are regressed morons talking the wrong talk and walking the wrong walk, a ship of fools heading us towards the cliffs. Aided of course by the clueless media.
what's the over/under in months for Mr.Rutte to get a coalition gov't formed and running?
Hard to tell.. won't be easy. 2-4 months I guess.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Inspired by irritation :x I wrote an open letter to Rutte, concept and in Dutch.. no energy to translate it into english. Maybe google translate can make some sense of it.
Beste Mark Rutte,

Wat is het toch jammer dat u zo lichtvoetig doet over de wens van de meeste Nederlanders om uit de EU te stappen. U beweert dat een NEXIT een ramp zou zijn voor Nederland en dat er "populistische" sentimenten aan ten grondslag liggen net als bij de BREXIT en het winnen van Trump in de VS. U doet dit zonder argumentatie, analyse en feiten. U roept maar wat. Net als uw collega's tijdens het debat.

Het is niet zo dat alleen laagopgeleiden voor de BREXIT waren of nu voor een NEXIT zijn; ook hoogopgeleiden die getraind zijn om kritisch na te denken en zich breed informeren. In feite lijkt uw eigen houding meer op die van een populist, met kreten en beweringen mensen bang maakt zonder onderbouwing. Ondertussen bent u loopjongen geworden van de EU en het verder centraliseren van de financiële industrie in Europa.

Dat de EU en met name de invoering van de Euro een dramatische vergissing is gebleken wordt breed onderkend en behoeft geen uitleg. De vraag is dus hoe zaken gerepareerd kunnen worden nu het kwaad eenmaal is geschied. U lijkt hier geen enkele interesse in te hebben en gaat slechts voort op de ingeslagen en noodlottige weg met als gevolg steeds grotere sociale en politieke onrust. De overdracht van steeds meer soevereiniteit aan Brussel, het verlies van controle over eigen grenzen en immigratie en een voor Zuid Europa onhoudbare Euro die hen in de afgrond van het bankroet duwt. Waarna deze landen door de banken gegijzeld worden en de rijkere Noord Europese landen gedwongen worden de schuldenlast op zich te nemen met een steeds kleinere kans dat deze ooit zullen worden afgelost. Dalende rentestanden tot het nulpunt verdampen onze pensioenfondsen onder de vleugels van de ECB en worden verkwanseld middels staatsobligaties. Het centraal manipuleren door EU en ECB van nationale financiën van de lidstaten is een recept voor nog meer drama en grote kans op nationale faillissementen in de nabije toekomst. Maar wat kan het u schelen. Het was ook geen parlementaire enquête waard dit akkefietje.

Er is sinds de crisis van 2008 niets wezenlijks veranderd in de financiële industrie; er worden steeds meer schulden gemaakt. Slecht en onverantwoord opererende banken worden door de belastingbetalers gered van een bankroet met bail-outs terwijl de ECB in hoog tempo electronisch geld bijgedrukt, wat een gevaarlijk doekje voor het bloeden is. Vergelijk dit met hoe IJsland succesvol de financiële crisis en hun faillissement te boven is gekomen; door te handelen op een manier die diametraal staat tegenover het noodlottige gedrag van de EU en de ECB. Als premier van Nederland was en bent u verantwoordelijk maar lijkt niets geleerd te hebben of te willen leren. U bent helaas veranderd in een brave gelovige van het EU ideaal en huppelt vrolijk achter het grootkapitaal aan.

Maar laat ik me beperken tot een probleem dat op korte termijn is op te lossen. Dit kan zelfs zonder een NEXIT maar alleen als de halsstarrige Eurofielen bereid zijn een belangrijk dogma los te laten: het vrije verkeer van personen. Geef de EU lidstaten de controle op hun eigen grenzen terug en laat ze zelf hun immigratiebeleid bepalen, ook hoeveel vluchtelingen uit oorlogsgebieden ze willen toelaten. Dit is het grootste struikelblok voor de meeste "populistische" stemmers in het Europa van nu; het wordt van bovenaf en ondemocratisch besloten door niet gekozen euro-politici in Brussel.

Het huidige dwangmatige beleid vanuit Brussel werkt minder smakelijke nationalistische sentimenten juist in de hand: het verbaasd me dat u dit niet ziet en of niet openlijk onderkent. Door verschillen in cultuur, historie en geografische ligging in Europa is het zeer onverstandig een centrale visie aan de Europese lidstaten op te leggen; het is zelfs ronduit krankzinnig en gevaarlijk. Een regelrechte bedreiging voor de vrede in Europa. U zet Europa in brand door onwetendheid, onverschilligheid, naiviteit ofwel een kwaadwillig soort opportunisme: veel nationale politici wiens carriere in eigen land voorbij is willen maar al te graag hun carriere voortzetten in Europees verband met luceratieve baantjes die meebouwen aan de toekomstige Verenigde Staten van Europa. Een nieuw oligargisch centrum van macht en internationaal geld waar de Europese kiezers uiteindelijk geen enkele invloed meer op zullen hebben. U werkt mee aan het optuigen van en nieuwe troon... voor een nieuwe West-Europese Putin.

Zwitserland, het meest democratische land van Europa waar referenda de normaalste zaak van de wereld zijn, weigerde lid te worden van de EU. Maar ze wilden wel economisch meedoen en gelijkwaardig handelen binnen de Europees economische ruimte. Maar de Hoge Priesters van de EU vonden dit niet goed: om economisch mee te mogen doen, moest Zwitserland het vrije verkeer van personen accepteren en daarmee de controle op grenzen en immigratie loslaten. Aanvankelijk weigerden de Zwitsers aan deze afpersing toe te geven en hadden daardoor geen vrije toegang tot de economische ruimte. Dit betekende dat hun economie zo snel achteruit holde dat de schade te groot werd. Hierdoor gingen ze toch maar door de knieën en accepteerden uiteindelijk de eisen van de EU afpersers. \hoe gek wil je het maken in Europa.

Dezelfde EU afpersers hebben natuurlijk ook de Britten al gedreigd met hetzelfde; ze zullen er voor zorgen dat de BREXIT de Britten een hoop geld gaat kosten door nieuwe handelsovereenkomsten moeilijk of onmogelijk te maken. Als u, meneer Rutte, dus beweert dat een NEXIT heel veel geld gaat kosten, moet u er wel bij zeggen dit komt door halsstarrige Eurofielen uit Brussel die net als bij Zwitserland en de BREXIT een onvermurwbaar en gevaarlijk dogmatisch geloof en ideaal aanhangen waar ze geen compromis over wensen te sluiten. Ik nodig u uit met feiten en argumenten te komen ter ondersteuning van deze EU afpersers. Controle op eigen grenzen, een autonoom immigratie- en vluchtelingenbeleid heeft zeer weinig economische nadelen, integendeel zelfs. Als landen zelf bepalen wie er hun land binnenkomen en onder welke voorwaarden, waar vluchtelingen worden toegelaten op basis van een eigen democratisch proces waar naast geld ook de eigen morele overtuiging een stem mag hebben komt het wel goed in Europa.

Wij Nederlanders zijn altijd ruimhartig geweest als het gaat om mensen in acute nood helpen. Vertrouw daar nou gewoon op. Maar ontneem de Nederlander het recht om zelf te beslissen middels ons hard bevochten nationale democratisch proces... en allerlei onvrede, angst en ook de lagere instincten bij een aantal mensen zijn het resultaat. Well done. U en de andere Eurofielen van het debat van 14 maart 2017 veroorzaken wat u zegt te willen bestrijden.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by noddy »

you can taste the relief oozing from the news reports after your election.

they were certainly worried the status quo wouldnt hold but its probably best not to look too far ahead, each election from now on will be fraught with wild swings until the global economy picks up.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


‘ You are the future of Europe ’
Erdogan urges Turks in EU to have at least 5 kids

Parodite, either more often of the good stuff or start learnin Turkish :lol: :lol:

Look, Turks cousine of Tchingiz Khan .. ethnic Monguls

What a disaster.

Syrians in Reality Ex-Europeans .. Crusaders who stayed in Syria .. But Monguls ! ! !

Turkey Protests Dutch Government by Returning 40 Holstein Cows :lol:

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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

In the mean time in The Netherlands, Thierry Baudet from Forum for Democracy confronts the Rutte government:


They got two seats in parliament and are up to four in the polls now.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:In the mean time in The Netherlands, Thierry Baudet from Forum for Democracy confronts the Rutte government:


They got two seats in parliament and are up to four in the polls now.


What a rubbish .. mindset of typical "Kleinburger", Swiss call it "Bünzli".

Brussel, Strassburg they European, they no foreigners to Dutch people, they same people, everything same .. all Europeans are same people if looked from distance .. how come Iran with 20 absolute different Ethnic people live together since 5000 yrs but Europeans being same people can not ? ?

Bünzli is the right word .. Kleinburger.

Does Europe want to stay a "nobody", a "footnote" in world economic and political games ? ? who the f*ck are Dutch ? Iran has bigger Pistachio gardens than Holland (just jokin :lol: ) .. they only "somebody" within European context.

Grow up, Parodite, grow up

Look, in 3 generation , Persia will be like China now, India probably 2 B people with huge economy, China probably would have swallowed all that space.

And ?

Where would Holland on herself be ? pretty much you would need a Magnifying Glass to find Holland.


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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Azari, you could be right. Tell mad mullahs to go home and let EU decide on Persian borders and immigration policies. Only the EU can make Persia Great Again! :) mad mullahs are mental midgets and caging in Persian soul. And who needs borders anyways? Eastern European gangs and human traffickers have been spotting secondary schools here trying kidnap children into vans. I explained my daughter she doesn't need to be afraid because international trade and free movement of people in Europe is a blessing for everybody. Controlling own borders is ultra right wing nationalism or as uncle Azari on dad's forum explains: small mindedness. I highly value good old Persian wisdom, especially concocted flying on carpet over dreamland.
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Simple Minded

Re: The Netherlands

Post by Simple Minded »

Parodite wrote:Azari, you could be right. Tell mad mullahs to go home and let EU decide on Persian borders and immigration policies. Only the EU can make Persia Great Again! :) mad mullahs are mental midgets and caging in Persian soul. And who needs borders anyways? Eastern European gangs and human traffickers have been spotting secondary schools here trying kidnap children into vans. I explained my daughter she doesn't need to be afraid because international trade and free movement of people in Europe is a blessing for everybody. Controlling own borders is ultra right wing nationalism or as uncle Azari on dad's forum explains: small mindedness. I highly value good old Persian wisdom, especially concocted flying on carpet over dreamland.
Parodite, Allow me to offer my humble services.

Europe, and all it's subsets can solve their immigration problem by following the SimpleMindedStan example. We never tell anyone how great things are here, but the opposite. Racism, wealth inequality, piss-poor health care and education, no job opportunities, sexism, and every other ism and phobia you can imagine are rampant here. Local temperatures are rising at twice the rate elsewhere, due to AGW, also.

Once everyone learns the nicest, most enlightened people on the planet live in the remote mountain villages of Iran, who would want to live anywhere else? With the proper PR program, immigration and assimilation problem solved for everyone except the remote mountain villagers of Iran.

Once the world learns HP's zipcode, everyone is going to want to have him as their neighbor. But which mountain village in Iran does he live in? That is the question...... :?
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:.

Azari, you could be right. Tell mad mullahs to go home and let EU decide on Persian borders and immigration policies. Only the EU can make Persia Great Again! :) mad mullahs are mental midgets and caging in Persian soul. And who needs borders anyways? Eastern European gangs and human traffickers have been spotting secondary schools here trying kidnap children into vans. I explained my daughter she doesn't need to be afraid because international trade and free movement of people in Europe is a blessing for everybody. Controlling own borders is ultra right wing nationalism or as uncle Azari on dad's forum explains: small mindedness. I highly value good old Persian wisdom, especially concocted flying on carpet over dreamland.


We here in "The Nederlands" thread .. what have the mad mullahs to do with Nederland ? If I had started with mad mullahs here I would be banned

Back to Holland

Parodite, Don't you agree bundled with Europe Holland can let it's voice heard ? .. True, Germans will lead, but, Germans your cousins, Plat Deutsch , so no hard feelin.

Come on, be cosmopolitan .. world changing, no such thing as standing still, either you advancing or regressing.

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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote: Parodite, Allow me to offer my humble services.

Europe, and all it's subsets can solve their immigration problem by following the SimpleMindedStan example. We never tell anyone how great things are here, but the opposite. Racism, wealth inequality, piss-poor health care and education, no job opportunities, sexism, and every other ism and phobia you can imagine are rampant here. Local temperatures are rising at twice the rate elsewhere, due to AGW, also.

Once everyone learns the nicest, most enlightened people on the planet live in the remote mountain villages of Iran, who would want to live anywhere else? With the proper PR program, immigration and assimilation problem solved for everyone except the remote mountain villagers of Iran.

Once the world learns HP's zipcode, everyone is going to want to have him as their neighbor. But which mountain village in Iran does he live in? That is the question...... :?
I like the approach. 8-) But maybe the only safe spaces left will be in outer space.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:We here in "The Nederlands" thread .. what have the mad mullahs to do with Nederland ? If I had started with mad mullahs here I would be banned
Yes, that is a major difference between the two of us. ;)
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Simple Minded »

Parodite wrote:
I like the approach. 8-) But maybe the only safe spaces left will be in outer space.
No worries. Outer space, remote mountain villages, and the volume between one's ears will always be safe spaces. Damn shame that you guys have a lack of remote mountain villages. But with your honorary SimpleMindedStan citizenship.....
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote:
Parodite wrote:
I like the approach. 8-) But maybe the only safe spaces left will be in outer space.
No worries. Outer space, remote mountain villages, and the volume between one's ears will always be safe spaces. Damn shame that you guys have a lack of remote mountain villages. But with your honorary SimpleMindedStan citizenship.....
The Netherlands is a packed prison. Every item, natural or of human origin is registered, managed and somewhere dwells in the bookkeepers log file. In my case with limited financial resources the only space left is indeed between my ears. My skull grew pretty big, I guess that's why :P
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by YMix »

Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra resigned Tuesday after admitting to lying about attending a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2006.

Zijlstra previously claimed he overheard Putin talking about expansionist ambitions at a gathering in 2006, but admitted on Monday that he did not meet the president in person and borrowed the information from a source.

Zijlstra said making his prior statements was “not a smart move,” telling the Dutch parliament Tuesday that it was “the biggest mistake” of his career.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

YMix wrote:
Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra resigned Tuesday after admitting to lying about attending a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2006.

Zijlstra previously claimed he overheard Putin talking about expansionist ambitions at a gathering in 2006, but admitted on Monday that he did not meet the president in person and borrowed the information from a source.

Zijlstra said making his prior statements was “not a smart move,” telling the Dutch parliament Tuesday that it was “the biggest mistake” of his career.
He got carried away with his own sense of importance into lalaland. So he had to go. But it was a little lie/fantasy, so it might have been better to just stay as a protest against the bigger lies of politicians, who have become snake oil salesmen frequently lying by omission, framing their opponents in deceitful ways just to pander to their own voter base, virtue signaling to the wider public. We are no liars, he is! But Zijlstra himself was a die-hard politician so all he could think of was play the game and resign as the game required.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
Simple Minded

Re: The Netherlands

Post by Simple Minded »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:-K-ddRcySd4
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Parodite »

Zero to Hero: Brand New Climate Skeptic Party Now the Largest Group in the Dutch Senate

Remarkable win for Forum for Democracy. This win is also a poll for the next parliamentary elections, they suggest 26 seats which would make them the biggest party in NL.
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