Which God?

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Simple Minded

Re: Which God?

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Much too sensible an opinion for this thread. I say we bet the farm on the all powerful god thing and that will cover all the bases, and end all debates and discussion forever.
Astonishing strawman. I am becoming more intrigued by your responses here, you appear to be deeply triggered. It's very revealing.
:D I'm flattered Mr. P! I'm just throwing you some red meat.

You call it analysis, I call it projection!

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Re: Which God?

Post by Parodite »

Mr. Perfect wrote:The moon is the same when we don't look at it as when we do, barring observer effects and uncertainty which are nil at that size.
True enough and you will have Einstein et-al on your side. But it doesn't address the question what that experience-independent moon is like. To illustrate:


The colored bubble inside the head of the guy is the world as we experience it to be. It doesn't matter if it is the moon over there in the sky with stars, his house or his own skull with brain. These are ALL representations, models (or transmutations) that arise as a conscious experience.

Obviously, when we consider that brain-in-skull in the colored bubble, it is not the brain in which the colored representation arises. It just is, like everything else in the colored bubble, merely a representation.

"How does the colored bubble arise from the brain in that colored bubble?"... would be like asking: "How does that model of a brain create that model of a brain?" It is a silly question, and yet this is what the entire mesmerized crowed of philosophers and scientist ask themselves all the time and for ages already. It indeed is a hard problem because the question is wrong.

They call it the greatest yet unresolved mystery of all time: "how does the brain construct conscious experience?" If you ask that question while pointing at the colored brain-in-skull and wonder how that brain-in-skull is doing the magic... you are either an durian or just not aware of the reason why the question is silly. If you ask the same question pointing at the grey lined area in the picture outside the colored bubble which is the right area to point at because it represents experience-independent reality where also the brain is doing the representing... it is clear we have some work to do. Difficult, but not impossible is my claim. I don't know of anybody who went down that road, who tried leave the colored bubble and looked for answers outside of it. You have to then start with the bubble but go " backwards" to go forward.

Another analogy: how to get from one language to another. If you want to know how a spoken language is reproduced by loudspeakers attached to a computer you may need to investigate how a compiler translates machine code to a whole series of binary transmutations by operating system and a media player app eventually producing SOUND.

Noddy could correct me, it is just an analogy:

Source file -> Compiler ->OS -> Mediaplayer app -> ~~~SOUND~~~ reproduced by speakers.

If you are "conscious sound" and it is all you are and have... but want to know how you got here, starting with a sound bite that says in perfect English: " I am sound and I am reproduced by loudspeakers attached to a computer system, I can even hear the cooler van of the computer humming!" will not get you anywhere. It only means more noise and talking to the wind.

You have to assume that a series of translations and transmutations got you here, but acknowledge you have no direct access to them. When you speak and understand only "sound" (which we do) all the translations and transmutations that occurred before the sound output are "lost in translation" so to speak. To find the languages and translations that occurred before it became conscious sound.. you have to translate "backwards", i.e. from the right side to the left side. Call it prayer but with reason and science as its northern star.

I put on the hat of Moses and will bring you to the promised land. But be prepared, the journey will go backwards and out of the colored bubble. :P
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Re: Which God?

Post by Typhoon »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
The Standard Model and gravity are solely descriptions of the physical universe and have nothing to do with the metaphysical. Or a moral code. In other words, both ametaphysical and amoral.
That standard model [SM] says there should be the same amount of anti matter as matter, and therefore matter wouldn't exist. We went over this already. Human beings can be wrong, especially scientists.
A classic misunderstanding.
The matter - antimatter asymmetry does not "prove" the SM to be "wrong".
Rather, it tells us that either the SM is incomplete or that there is some aspect of it yet to be understood.

Vannevar Bush described it well as Science, The Endless Frontier.

That this is the type of open question being investigated only ~ 300 after the start of science is astounding.

What have various religions and their sub sects been doing in the meantime?
Condemning, fighting, and killing each other over obtuse issues of dogma.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote: :D I'm flattered Mr. P! I'm just throwing you some red meat.

You call it analysis, I call it projection!

Together, we make a great intellectual team.
I go back and forth on red meat. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.

However, if I am projecting I'm not sure how. I would be interested in your thoughts.

For me it appears that if people intimate that there is a judgement bar coming where we will be accountable to an Almight for all we have done, you seem to come apart a little bit.

The implications are intriguing.

However, I'm open to other explanations.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Colonel Sun wrote: A classic misunderstanding.
I definitely think one of us understands this better than the other.
The matter - antimatter asymmetry does not "prove" the SM to be "wrong".
When your model can't explain reality your model is wrong.
Rather, it tells us that either the SM is incomplete or that there is some aspect of it yet to be understood.
Understatement of the year.

When you add this to not understanding the dark matter, dark energy, quantum physics, and being dumbfounded by basic problems with the big bang, one wonders at the stridency of the modern church of scientism and their claims of certitude.

This person doesn't know enough about anything to make these claims for example.
Vannevar Bush described it well as Science, The Endless Frontier.

That this is the type of open question being investigated only ~ 300 after the start of science is astounding.
250 years or so dominated by Christians.
What have various religions and their sub sects been doing in the meantime?
A wide range of things. Inventing science, looking for the meaning and purpose of life, the source of morality and truth, what happens after we die, what is our eternal destiny if any.

Results vary, but science is silent on these issues.
Condemning, fighting, and killing each other over obtuse issues of dogma.
You have to take it on a case by case basis. Sometimes that happens, other times it's over something else.
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Simple Minded

Re: Which God?

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: :D I'm flattered Mr. P! I'm just throwing you some red meat.

You call it analysis, I call it projection!

Together, we make a great intellectual team.
I go back and forth on red meat. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.

However, if I am projecting I'm not sure how. I would be interested in your thoughts.

For me it appears that if people intimate that there is a judgement bar coming where we will be accountable to an Almight for all we have done, you seem to come apart a little bit.

The implications are intriguing.

However, I'm open to other explanations.
You're letting your imagination run away with you Mr. P.

Simply read what I write without reading into it, or projecting your own fears upon me.

IME, people who need to find a god that judges them for eternity, also manage to find a god that judges them favorably. Not a bad deal. Both symbiotic and Reciprocal.

As you like to say, you are "fighting."

If one wants to be a dragonslayer, one needs to find some dragons. Luckily, dragons are easy to find, both in cyberspace and in one's imagination. :P
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Re: Which God?

Post by kmich »

I am a Christian who is overwhelmed by the mystery of life and of being a conscious creature in this world. There only remains my own responsibility to use the faculties provided by our creator to do what I can to broaden my vision, understanding, and humility, No construction of my religious imagination can relieve me of that duty.

"The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of our life's meaning... If we crave some cosmic purpose, let us find some worthy goal..."

Simple Minded

Re: Which God?

Post by Simple Minded »

kmich wrote:
I am a Christian who is overwhelmed by the mystery of life and of being a conscious creature in this world. There only remains my own responsibility to use the faculties provided by our creator to do what I can to broaden my vision, understanding, and humility, No construction of my religious imagination can relieve me of that duty.

"The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of our life's meaning... If we crave some cosmic purpose, let us find some worthy goal..."
Beautifully said. I remember one of my professors, who stuck me as one of the wisest men I ever met, and a devot Jew who said "Each of us have to figure out what gives meaning to our lives. What is it that makes it worthwhile to get out of bed in the morning?"
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Re: Which God?

Post by noddy »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
What have various religions and their sub sects been doing in the meantime?
A wide range of things. Inventing science, looking for the meaning and purpose of life, the source of morality and truth, what happens after we die, what is our eternal destiny if any.

Results vary, but science is silent on these issues.
this isnt so true anymore.

we have progressive scientism with the holy diversity and parables of the saintly genital choppers.

satan bellows carbon dioxide not sulphur , and the rectal hot pokers are a good thing now instead of a torture.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Good point.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Sagan was a Muppet........

Of course the universe was made for us, but it is a responsibility and a proving ground for creating our ultimate being. It was not intended to be a pen for treasured pets and morons bring this trope out when they want to argue that God doesn't 'exist'...... and, what? There may be valid reasons to style yourself anti-theist and this isn't one of them.......
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

kmich wrote:I am a Christian who is overwhelmed by the mystery of life and of being a conscious creature in this world. There only remains my own responsibility to use the faculties provided by our creator to do what I can to broaden my vision, understanding, and humility, No construction of my religious imagination can relieve me of that duty.

"The significance of our lives and our fragile planet is then determined by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of our life's meaning... If we crave some cosmic purpose, let us find some worthy goal..."
I'm not sure that is what Jesus taught.

As the years go by, in this case in my humble opinion, this appears to be Christianity distilled to it's vital essence.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

It seems to be in opposition to this.

17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


Truly fascinating propaganda.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote: You're letting your imagination run away with you Mr. P.

Simply read what I write without reading into it, or projecting your own fears upon me.

IME, people who need to find a god that judges them for eternity, also manage to find a god that judges them favorably. Not a bad deal. Both symbiotic and Reciprocal.
Even more fascinating. It's like peeling an onion back.

people who need...

How is this relevant to this thread?
As you like to say, you are "fighting."

If one wants to be a dragonslayer, one needs to find some dragons. Luckily, dragons are easy to find, both in cyberspace and in one's imagination. :P
Not sure what this means.
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Re: Which God?

Post by noddy »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:Sagan was a Muppet........

Of course the universe was made for us, but it is a responsibility and a proving ground for creating our ultimate being. It was not intended to be a pen for treasured pets and morons bring this trope out when they want to argue that God doesn't 'exist'...... and, what? There may be valid reasons to style yourself anti-theist and this isn't one of them.......

Ill happily go in the moron box then.

I cant see how all the everything in all directions forever is about us/me.

sure, we are part of it, maybe even an important part, but my cat is pretty certain life revolves around it, so one of us is wrong.
Simple Minded

Re: Which God?

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:

Ill happily go in the moron box then.

I cant see how all the everything in all directions forever is about us/me.

sure, we are part of it, maybe even an important part, but my cat is pretty certain life revolves around it, so one of us is wrong.
My money is on your cat being right.... ;)
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Re: Which God?

Post by Parodite »

The voice of Carl Sagan.. after he sobered up (but still sounding sleepy).
Back in the days... when people were drunk with what they then called the physical world. That immense Universe in which we are even less than a speck, randomly somewhere on a vast expanding canvas without end. Would not only a fool deny his smallness, his own insignificance?

Back in the days... when what was very far away only appeared small, its true nature becoming apparent when you moved closer to it. A speck of light in the night sky became a giant star the size of 100 suns. If only you were that close to it.

To know the true nature and size of things you made yourself as small...and insignificant as possible. Only then the truth would reveal itself. If your eye could be reduced to a 1 Planck unit sized observatory you would really know.. from the inside out, of anything. From the moment reality was considered an aggregate of small units creating bigger things, the greater truths were expected to be found in inversely smaller things. The humbled view won the gold medal. Small, insignificant and on our knees again. Looking up to the Great Being. Whether it be God or The Universe as we know it. Think to know it.

Little soldiers that make up an army will tell you the truth about armies. But also a soldier is a collection of billions of smaller units. To know the soldier you had to ask the chem-pack platoons of molecules and particles that vibrate in and through his body. And so forth down the lines of command. Finding the first voice who speaks. That smallest Planck-ish demon who gave the first order. Who would tell you ultimate truth. The smallest eye you wished you could have been to see everything from the inside-out. Or just hold reality in the palms of your hand and look at it from the outside-in like a God. But you aren't that small nor that big. You are nailed to the cross of life in between the extremes.

Is what appears in closeness revealing more truth than what appears at great distance? Isn't the truth of a star light years away that it is extremely small compared to you, whispering "Shhh...I am over here!" begging for your attention?

Back in the days... when people believed they lived inside the belly of a huge beast. In the cosmic womb of a Universe that didn't care. Yet unaware that this entire universe as they knew it to be with all its features of color, geometric form, with time and distance, with the very small and the very big, with the experience of living in a present where past and future seem to meet... totally unaware that all of that is a mental construction produced by the most complex computer-simulator known to date, the human brain? And to complicate things further, all we know about that brain of course is equally knowledge of a simulation, a representation...a model of itself by necessity?

Back in the days... when people were so mesmerized by what they saw around them, naively believing that this perception equaled objective reality as if the eyes are just a window through which you see the world directly and exactly as-is. As if they had no brain that constructs this reality with the visual cortex doing most of the work. They observed the world like naive children. It was me, the old Carl Sagan, too.

Back in the days... when science was booming, ironically the findings and implications of that same science discovering the structure and function of the human brain were ignored. For much too long. That time is over. A new journey of discovery is beginning. Space-Y is ready for take off.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Noddy. I'm talking about comments like if there is a God or if God created the universe there wouldn't be floods or disease...... or mosquitoes, but these things exist and therefore proves definitively that God doesn't exist or that there's no meaning or purpose to the world. That's a rather low effort argument that encourages more rather bad conclusions unsupported by logic, reason or historical record. It's better to steelman human thought and our ability to derive purpose and meaning from our lives. If I had to throw the chair, there was a reason for it I guess.......;P..........
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Re: Which God?

Post by noddy »

reactionary atheism is rather boring as a whole, its just another edgy thing that needs a cartoon version of religion to define itself against , it doesnt make sense as a standalone school of thought.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Typhoon »

noddy wrote:reactionary atheism is rather boring as a whole, its just another edgy thing that needs a cartoon version of religion to define itself against , it doesnt make sense as a standalone school of thought.
Reactionary atheism too often replaces one set of beliefs with others: environmentalism as Gaia worship, cult of personality, progressivism with persecution of heretics.

As someone who have never experienced the need to believe in a metaphysical deity, I find it odd that some others find it so important to do so.
However, that is their personal business. As long as they don't attempt to make it my business, I am indifferent to whatever metaphysical deity or deities they choose to worship.
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Re: Which God?

Post by noddy »

Pretty much same for me.

If their is a god, Im not convinced its deserving of worship anyway, maybe the correct response is fighting the bastard the whole way :)
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Colonel Sun wrote: As someone who have never experienced the need to believe in a metaphysical deity,
Fascinating. It usually isn't about a need but a realization.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

noddy wrote:Pretty much same for me.

If their is a god, Im not convinced its deserving of worship anyway, maybe the correct response is fighting the bastard the whole way :)
That's really not very smart.
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Simple Minded

Re: Which God?

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
noddy wrote:Pretty much same for me.

If their is a god, Im not convinced its deserving of worship anyway, maybe the correct response is fighting the bastard the whole way :)
That's really not very smart.
They say the lord works in mysterious ways.

maybe it's god's will.

some would say god made noddy that way.

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Re: Which God?

Post by noddy »

my track record of choices leans more towards chaotic evolution than intelligent design, thats for sure.
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Re: Which God?

Post by Parodite »

Was looking for some survey on why people (in the West) believe in God. Not so easy to find.

What could a survey look like? Just tossing up some answers to pick from, one or more:
I believe in God because:

a. The Universe, biological life on earth in particular, compels me to believe that a metaphysical, intelligent creating entity must exist to make it all possible. The ground of being I call God.

b. One or more holy scriptures convinced me that God exists.

c. I was raised in a religious environment where belief in God is normal and important. The reasons I can think of not to believe in God are rendered impotent in the same way I cannot change or ignore the mother tongue that spoon fed me.

d. A life without God is a life without a solid moral code and hence a slippery slope by default. It is also a life without hope. So for all practical purposes belief is a choice and necessary antidote against redundant suffering. Even if you have to be a bit crazy for such a leap of faith.

e. For existential reasons. Life can make reasonable sense thanks to science, even though there are enough gaps in our knowledge. But my God is not the God of the scientific gaps because this God is never personal. No scientific new discovery will ever tell me why I am here, a particular conscious human being and the only one having this first hand knowledge and experience of being me. The scientific 3rd person viewpoint, if believed it represents reality accurate enough, in fact renders my own 1st person reality meaningless, an optical delusion of sorts and existentially impossible.

Caveats: if science cannot explain the conscious me, there are two options:

1. If I do believe that physical (experience independent) reality is how science purports it to be, then my own conscious existence is rendered a BSOD. Then I myself are The Gap. To resolve The Gap I could bring in God to balance the budget. But then I might need to conclude I myself are God once the gap that was me is filled with the fullness of God. People with very strong convictions re the divine often conclude they are God, speak in his name, are closest to God whatever. It is only a hairs width away from madness.

2. If I don't believe the scientific 3rd person perspective can ever inform me sufficiently (if at all) about my own conscious existence here-now, then I can just let that go, stop fishing in 3rd person waters where there ain't no fish. I just turn around and walk away in the other direction. What will I find? It always will be a surprise.
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