"Them paples is different over dere in that thar town"

Past and present. You can't make this stuff up.
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Re: "them paples is different over dere in that thar town"

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

There are so many lies here, that my friend Jake and I had to narrow them down to top 11 most absurd lies (we couldn’t do just 10) for the purpose of this article. We’ve been working on it since the article came out in spring of 2017, but had to set it aside to attend to our lives (raising a family, managing a nonprofit organization, etc.) before coming back to it this fall, and finally wrapped things up a few weeks ago, just in time to hear today that Relotius was fired when he was exposed for fabricating many of his articles.
Y'know the only thing to be gained from this prodigious effort is to put yourself in a position to be famously trolled. Maybe people in the Falls should, say, take a 4-week introductory course in conversational Mandarin so they can mutter strange phrases once in a while almost out of earshot. And of course, when confronted with any troll, acknowledge nothing. We may not be blessed Euro demigods, but we are not stupid.....'>.......

Besides, well....... John got 'im.....XD.......

She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: "Them paples is different over dere in that thar town"

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

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