Male vs Female Worlds

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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Simple Minded wrote:We do set a pretty high bar here to clear here at OTNOT.
I don't think there's a 'bar', merely that our worthy Fearless Leader has to do some more forum promotion. Or notoriety...... get mixed up in a controversy somehow......;>........
Simple Minded wrote:Easy to see why the fairer sex may be intimidated.
There's a higher level of discussion, but that's to be expected of a talkboard that is neither twitter nor snapchat. I don't see so much of 'intimidation' as I do year 2010, perhaps. Maybe our social milieu has been superseded by modern timez......;).......
kmich wrote:I will say that if you find yourself in the care of a woman in the professions of law, medicine, finance, etc., with few exceptions, you can be assured that you are in the very best of hands
My recent G.P.'s have all been D.O.'s, of feminine persuasion, and very good........
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

kmich wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:
We do set a pretty high bar here to clear here at OTNOT. Easy to see why the fairer sex may be intimidated.

Lord knows I've been doing my part to make fellow OTNOTers feel superior......
You mean well enough, and I suppose you do what you can.

But what “bar” is that SM?
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Bit of a kerfuffle in the world of tennis.

Serena Williams, arguably still one of the top female tennis players in the world (and certainly the most marketable one) was just rewarded a 25th seed at Wimbledon.

Where's the controversy in that?

Well, Ms.Williams has spent the last 18 months not playing tennis but having and caring for a child.

In that time period, she has fallen in ranking from 1st in the world (or thereabouts) to 180-something. Wimbledon, being about the "best of the best", by their own standards, shouldn't have invited her to begin with. But she is a big marketing draw, so Wimbledon has rewritten it's rules in a really bad way to discovery that there is a loophole for her not only to play in their tournament- imagine that!

The Serena Williams exception makes sense because she is an exceptional talent and exception business but should other people take exception to her exception? Some people are- starting with an anonymous male player.

While I am sure he is not the only one of either sex, he's been singled out because of what he said.

He complained that Wimbledon is making hash out of its name to please Serena Williams who doesn't deserve special treatment. And that it feeds into a larger issue: the SJWs have tennis by the ummm...balls....about how tennis, and male tennis in particular is sexist, racist, ableist...all the ists and the professional circuit (and their advertisers) are under a moral obligation to promote the female side of things in the name of justice and yadayada....the women's players are just as good as the men and if you think otherwise, you should be executed in the middle of the court! :)

...well, Mr.Anonoymous pointed out that for all the talk about the women's side of things being so equal it's more equal, that if the roles were reversed no exception would be made to a male player for taking 18 months off from their careers. He also pointed out that big name Serena Williams, who will be lauded wherever she goes for the rest of her life as a tennis world champion (and brand promoter) just robbed another woman of her chance to make a bigger career out of tennis and it's a farce that all these feminists are okay with that.

This has sent them hens a-cluckin' to find and purge this bigot from the book of life!
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

This is a male/female worlds disagreement because a lot of the female yappers take issue with the idea that a man could compare taking time off to give birth with say time recovering from an injury or whatever other reason a man could miss 18 months of their professional sports career.

Reading a number of responses, that seems to be a big sticking point. The idea is that Serena Williams was being punished for having a kid and that inviting her was the right thing to do.

I can appreciate that argument to a certain extent but I lean towards Mr.Anonymous, even if I read him being filled with sour grapes.

There are a scores of women in this world who do not have the luxury to choose to take 18 months off of work because they want to. Nor can they afford the best in nannies and child care and schooling and whatever else they desire for those babies.

Furthermore, I think this is certainly a 'princess exception'. The idea is that Serena Williams deserves it because she's Serena Williams. Someone brought up that male players have received higher seeds than their ranks suggest because of their name. While that is true, they weren't to this extent. The examples I can think of are top twenty players getting a top 5 seed partly because of their name/pedigree and partly because they were good on the particular tournament surface.

I also take exception to the sentiment that this is yet another 'thing' needs to overcome. She's not overcoming anything. She got an invitation just by being herself. And I'm sure she'll do well and it'll work out...we're talking about a game here, not life&death. But there is a hype machine around Ms.Williams which perpetuates a victimhood for her. She's had to overcome all the -isms in the world just to be her! Isn't it tragically inspirational! :roll:

Ms.Williams has, from a very young age has lived a blessed life. Her lot in life blessed her with immense talent for what she does for a living. She had a father who poured everything into training and marketing into his daughters, and succeeded at doing that. She's being a celebrated sports figure since she was about 14 years old. And being the second on the scene after her very talented older sister, there has never been a time she has actually been the underdog, had to fight for a place at the table, an outsider...however you want to put it.

But- and this is what caught my eye about the story and why I'm writing about it in this thread- this is a great example of the real disjunction going on here- the differences in how men and women form hierarchies.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Mr. Perfect »

In golf spots are given for past accomplishments over current playing, I'm not sure the history in tennis, but in the end it's a business and players are the draw. That's why they do it in golf.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
....... But- and this is what caught my eye about the story and why I'm writing about it in this thread- this is a great example of the real disjunction going on here- the differences in how men and women form hierarchies.
not too sure about that Napster, just seems like a typical organization that knows first loyalty is to the financial preservation of the institution, and that relative to that goal, all professed ideologies take a lower priority. think of the Catholic Church not purging it's ranks of pedophile priests, or the OWS'ers arguing about any income the group may receive.

ideology is great, but financial survival is better, otherwise ideology can not be pursued. only to idealists does it seem a dirty business or abandonment of the group's purity.

Sour grapes complaining about tough titties. sexism at it's finest.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Typhoon »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:We do set a pretty high bar here to clear here at OTNOT.
I don't think there's a 'bar', merely that our worthy Fearless Leader has to do some more forum promotion. Or notoriety...... get mixed up in a controversy somehow......;>........

. . .
This "Fearless Leader" is both incorrigibly lazy and absurdly busy.

Most of the world has move on from forums to so-called social media: FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
In Japan, I only use LINE;
for China I only use WeChat;
for the rest of the world WhatsApp.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by noddy »

Simple Minded wrote:
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
....... But- and this is what caught my eye about the story and why I'm writing about it in this thread- this is a great example of the real disjunction going on here- the differences in how men and women form hierarchies.
not too sure about that Napster, just seems like a typical organization that knows first loyalty is to the financial preservation of the institution, and that relative to that goal, all professed ideologies take a lower priority. think of the Catholic Church not purging it's ranks of pedophile priests, or the OWS'ers arguing about any income the group may receive.

ideology is great, but financial survival is better, otherwise ideology can not be pursued. only to idealists does it seem a dirty business or abandonment of the group's purity.

Sour grapes complaining about tough titties. sexism at it's finest.
solo games have far more scope for "legends" to get wildcards than team games which tend to be very ruthless.

also, she was more of a legend than most , so maybe comparing to men isnt quite relevant - only peak roger federer would perhaps be close but even he wasnt quite as indomitable a force.

then again i could be miles off base, i dont follow tennis beyond what i get via osmosis - i never watch the game.

--- ... _wildcards
In 2001, Goran Ivanišević won the Wimbledon Men's Singles Championships having been handed a wild-card entry by the organising All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. At the time, he was ranked World No.125 after a shoulder injury but had earlier reached the final three times.[4]

In 2009, Kim Clijsters won the US Open tournament, after receiving a wild-card entry. It was her first Grand Slam tournament since announcing her comeback to the sport, having first retired in 2007 to start a family.[citation needed] She was a former champion and world no. 1 but was unranked since she had only played two other tournaments (also on wild cards) since her comeback, and three were required to get a rank.[citation needed]

In 2012, Jonathan Marray and Frederik Nielsen won the Wimbledon Men's Doubles after being selected as a wildcard. They had no significant results but Marray was a home player.[4]

In 2017, Maria Sharapova was granted a wild card to play in the US Open.[5] She was a former champion and had finished serving a 15-month doping ban earlier in the year.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

"We just need a realistic vision of both genders. Our notion of femininity is off, our notion of masculinity is off and the great partnership - forget the war of the sexes - the great partnership of the sexes can't be restored with each gender caricaturing the other."

- Eric Weinstein

The Akira The Don Podcast #002 ft. Eric Weinstein!
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

In the mean time, Ana Oracle suggests:

Toxic Masculinity :: Stoic Climax Unity

Sounds like a small step to MGTOW

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Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

Luckily, in the name of equality and fairness, we also have toxic femininity. ... 82704ee616

What could be more fair than everyone is a victim?
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Typhoon »

First Things - Katherine Kersten | False Feminism
As the #MeToo movement has spread from the upper echelons of Hollywood to the halls of Congress, what has most struck me is the startling disconnect between the movement’s feverish sensitivity to sexual impropriety, on the one hand, and women’s eager embrace of our nation’s sex-drenched popular culture, on the other.

For example, in 2017—the year #MeToo came to public attention—hip-hop/rap surpassed rock for the first time as the most widely consumed genre of pop music. Americans are now avid consumers of a form of music that demeans and hyper-sexualizes women. Yet far from protesting, Hillary Clinton agreed to appear at the 2018 Grammy awards in a video mocking President Trump that featured raunch-rappers Snoop Dogg and DJ Khaled.

Movies, television shows, and video games routinely depict women as male playthings, and women willingly buy into it. Indeed, the world’s best-selling women’s magazine, Cosmopolitan, coaches them in how to project sexual desirability and availability to men—how to make themselves “hot.” In 2012–13, E. L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey—written for a female audience—burst onto the publishing scene. Fifty Shades glamorized sadomasochistic abuse of a vulnerable young woman by a powerful man. James earned $95 million by “selling more copies” of her book “faster than any other author in history,” according to Forbes.

The #MeToo movement has made one thing incontrovertibly clear: Contemporary America is confused and conflicted at the deepest level about sex, sexuality, and social norms that should guide men’s and women’s intimate relations. Sometimes these schizophrenic tendencies are on vivid display in the same person.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Colonel Sun wrote:First Things - Katherine Kersten | False Feminism
As the #MeToo movement has spread from the upper echelons of Hollywood to the halls of Congress, what has most struck me is the startling disconnect between the movement’s feverish sensitivity to sexual impropriety, on the one hand, and women’s eager embrace of our nation’s sex-drenched popular culture, on the other.

For example, in 2017—the year #MeToo came to public attention—hip-hop/rap surpassed rock for the first time as the most widely consumed genre of pop music. Americans are now avid consumers of a form of music that demeans and hyper-sexualizes women. Yet far from protesting, Hillary Clinton agreed to appear at the 2018 Grammy awards in a video mocking President Trump that featured raunch-rappers Snoop Dogg and DJ Khaled.

Movies, television shows, and video games routinely depict women as male playthings, and women willingly buy into it. Indeed, the world’s best-selling women’s magazine, Cosmopolitan, coaches them in how to project sexual desirability and availability to men—how to make themselves “hot.” In 2012–13, E. L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey—written for a female audience—burst onto the publishing scene. Fifty Shades glamorized sadomasochistic abuse of a vulnerable young woman by a powerful man. James earned $95 million by “selling more copies” of her book “faster than any other author in history,” according to Forbes.

The #MeToo movement has made one thing incontrovertibly clear: Contemporary America is confused and conflicted at the deepest level about sex, sexuality, and social norms that should guide men’s and women’s intimate relations. Sometimes these schizophrenic tendencies are on vivid display in the same person.
Trying too hard to be deep. Ideas and ethics are being reduced to fashion, and relationships to narcissistic codependencies.

The smart kids are alright, and the magic mirror of celebrity is clouding up. The cultural excesses are a death rattle, not the harbinger of humanity's future.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The thing about 50 Shades of Gray is that it's 800 thousand pages about a woman getting a man to sign a contract. A contract where he's dangerous but she's totally protected from that danger and her safety is something he has to honor, maybe you can say even cherish.

All the ravishing with none of the repercussions! Everybody put in their place with a specific role to play.

That it is wrapped up in, let's say a potentially gross package, speaks to a damaged, unimaginative mind. One, at least, which doesn't do self-reflection all that well- instead it's all these pieces...'cause it's unfashionable to desire a conventional, dependable partner- at least when it you ask for it directly.

The more disturbing thing (about the first, most popular, book at least) is that the protagonist is in no way an adult. She speaks and acts like a 12 year old unable of rather mundane tasks, like using a computer to write an e-mail.

...lots of daddy issues then influencing male issues.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The male equivalent is most action movies, post 1980.

The are all secret male-romance (with some buddy-isms/male bonding thrown in) fantasies.

Bruce Willis taught a whole generation of kids that you don't get the girl unless you have the skills to walk through glass and defenestrate Germans by sheer willpower and cunning.

Look how well that's turned out... :?
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by noddy »

bromance is an early contender for cringeworthy word of the century.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:bromance is an early contender for cringeworthy word of the century.
seconded, enthusiastically
Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
noddy wrote:bromance is an early contender for cringeworthy word of the century.
seconded, enthusiastically
lots of successful bromances start with the sharing of similar interpretations.....
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by noddy »

Ive been working on a bromcom based on opposites attracting called 50 degrees of triangle.
Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:Ive been working on a bromcom based on opposites attracting called 50 degrees of triangle.
Bro, Are you hitting on me? I have to admit to feeling flattered..... and a bit aroused. ;)

Hopefully Napster won't get jealous. He seems an adventurous sport. :P

I think you may have a hit video game in the works. I'd give it the German name Mannlichdreiromantik to make it sound more sophisticated.

how to tell the difference between this:


and this?

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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by noddy »

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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:
I guess the Independent is really keen on receiving a series of attention. :lol:
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Simple Minded wrote: how to tell the difference between this:
by divining rod? :)
Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:
Could also be toxic femininity...... not only are women smarter than us, they're playing the long game.....
Last edited by Simple Minded on Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Simple Minded »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: how to tell the difference between this:
by divining rod? :)
me thinks you may have inadvertently discovered the origin of the ORZ saying "Two heads are better than one." ;)
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