Of rape and radical non-duality

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Of rape and radical non-duality

Post by Parodite »

Martin Ball and Papa God talk things over after Mama Nature set them up "accidentally" meeting in a restaurant called DMT Dishes where they serve several meals and beverages that promise enhanced non-dual experience.

MN set them up because PG was clearly increasingly irritated by the hordes of people trying to emulate his God-being to the point of claiming they themselves are God and that God is them. To try dethrone the Patriarch is not without risk and often leads to violence which worried her.

PG: Hey Martin, that's you!

MB: Oh hi! Do we know each other??

PG: Come on you know me... I'm your father!

MB: Can't remember you I'm sorry, no offence. I was raised by a single mom maybe that's the reason.

PG: If you mean Mama Nature I can understand. She is in charge of everything and always around. I was expelled from the Eden family and replaced by millions of human self-aware little selves. Fragments of me that would make up for my absence. Naked, vulnerable and ashamed. It never worked!

MB: What's all that suppose to mean. You sound crazy man. They serve some nice ayahuasca tea here maybe it helps you fly right!

PG: Hear me out please. I warned your mother that throwing me out wasn't a smart idea. Most of your brothers and sisters have daddy issues now. You for instance try to be your own daddy, looking in the sky believing you see me or worse, believing you are me. You are just telling yourself stories and putting on lipstick.

MB: Leo, bring me the 5MEO pipe, this guy needs a good one!

PG: I find your radical non-dualism a sad story and feel guilty. Many of your sisters who go on that same track set them selves up to be raped one way or other. Even if they believe to surrender to something voluntarily in order to become One with it, the result is the same. The "it" they seek to merge with is arche-typically a man. The horny guys around them just have to wait till these sisters throw themselves into the arms of a male god or demi-god, at which point they throw off their effeminate masks to grab them by the puzzy for a good humping. I know what I'm talking about and from personal experience. Why do you think your mother expelled me from Eden?! I made the same mistake. I raped her calling it love to get away with it. Hiding my sword in a bouquet of roses.

MB: This sounds way off "Dad" or whoever you are. Here, smoke this pipe, it will heal your wounds!

PG: You just don't understand it son. You and all other living sentient creatures are born from rape. Which is why you suffer and continue the same thing over and over! You rape and eat. Then you are raped yourself and eaten in the end too. Look around! What you think is love is actually the female controlling the rape so that nobody gets hurt and the next generation is secured. After that you are dumped or put to use as a provider of food and safety.

MB: I believe you.. Now inhale this and keep it in 20 seconds. It's called The God Molecule, 5MeO-DMT. Things will clear up you'll see!

PG inhales a good dose. When the God molecule started to take off he continued,

PG: Wow.. amazing! It all looks much more peaceful and orderly now. I see blue skies, green meadows, hear birds singing. Children playing some game. I feel things I never felt before. It's like being inside a huge dome of sorts. A clear rhythm to what happens. Looking at your face is seeing my own face. I feel One with everything, finally!

MB: Yes PG, I am you and you are me. Glad we can now share the experience. Give me that pipe! Oh, sorry, I took it already.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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