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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:34 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:59 pm More and more, Parodite, we agree

BiBi thought he can pull a "one Zionist state" solution, conspiring by feeding ($$$ and weapon) to the "One Palestinian state" eggheads, hopping once things erupt he can pull a "geocode" on Pali and wrap it up.

Was a mistake.
Most Israelis believe, now for long time, 2-states is not a solution. Both Gaza and WB then become launchpad for rockets, tunnels etc. But how would the alternative, a 1-state solution look like?

For Bibski Nomoreyahu et-al one 1-state meant: divide and rule with Hamas in Gaza and PA in Westbank. Any violence still directed at Israel was to be managed business as usual with checkpoints, fences etc. and IDF Sledge Hammer Beast when necessary. SHB is employed usually once in 10-20 years to weed out the excesses.

Idea was that this type of "maintenance" is the only way to move forward into the future, with considered invincible Israeli high-tech sealing the deal, but 7-10 proved this delusional. BB strategy now bankrupt.

For Israeli Peaceniks 1-state means: one country from river to see with equal rights for all and a secular constitution. Maybe Cantons like your idea. Also my personal preference. But I'm a Peacenik Realisticus Pragmatico, not a Peacenik Messianicus Naivicae Oblivio.

The belief that if all Palestinians become citizens of such a 1-state Israel, peace will soon be a reality... is not obvious at all. It actually is... absurd. Palestinians like Hamas et-al reject this idea; they want the state of Israel be eradicated as a home for the Jews and killing Jews is considered an honor.

Peacenik option now bankrupt too. Many murdered Israelis 7-10 kibbutzim were leftwing Peaceniks. The best, smartest and nicest.. always reminding Palestinian human plight and demands for political reforms. They now completely shattered. Like all Israelis also Peaceniks are extremely stubborn. Most of them will double down being a radical Peacenik in the future.

Above reality means: 1-state or 2-state... none are a solution many years to come. This is the bad news but… this was true already since 1948. All possible solutions were tried many times since.

If the proverbial "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" applies anywhere, it is here.

But now the good news:

People will start realize problem is not whether or not Palestinians have their own state. Has nothing to do with it. Two neighboring states can still wage war on each other and if those same people lived together in 1-state they'd probably be at each others throats as well: then it's called a civil war, or perhaps just "gang violence". They would.

Defeating gangsters

I have said many times: territorial wars are the most violent, relentless, deaf to reason or compromise. This fact has simple hard-coded biological origins. For peaceniks on both sides to gain control, the gangsters on both sides need to be defeated first. They have to fight whether they like it or not.

Palestinian gangsters like HAMAS can only be defeated by the sword. Israeli gangsters like BB, racist settlers who see Arabs as dogs.. they can be defeated politically but they produce more kids than Peaceniks. So more likely in the long run they will outbreed Israeli peaceniks.

IDF will be populated with more Israeli religious gangsters, but they don't have the skill-set and earthly realism in their genes that the secular knucklehead Zionists from Eastern Europe had, who created this territory and won all the wars they had to fight. I don't see the Jewish holy book-a-holics able do the same.

My prediction always been: long-term future Israel is majority Orthodox Judaism similar to Mullah Iran theocracy. Probably Rabbis and mad mullahs then laughing together: secular-reformed "quasi Jews" all gone. I imagine HP the wedding photographer of this miracle :P

Only idiots would want to stay in that Meddle East hell hole. Jews and Arabs will continue their old tradition of making each other as miserable as possible while fighting for survival & dominance, no matter how many 1-2-3 states are invented to supposedly solve the problem.

Only wise solution is a "Republic" with 2 provinces .. like Canada

Each province would have their own parliament, government, rules and laws .. but one country like Canada.

Otherwise, if violence continues for many yrs to come, Ashkenazim elite will leave to US and Europe .. leaving behind the non European Jews

As Kissinger says, Israel has ZERO chance against Palestinian "insurgency" .. and .. Israel now not only confronting Palestinians, Houthie a good sample .. and .. West, US and Europe, starting now wash their hands of Israel, they have more important issues to deal with, China, Russia, Iran, India, Africa ..

Am sure next POTUS will distance from Israel, am sure AIPAC will realize that backing Israel will not benefit American Jews.

Israeli electorate thinking they can have the cake and eat it too .. mad mullahs :lol:
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Wise solutions [Re: Israel]

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:29 am Only wise solution is a "Republic" with 2 provinces .. like Canada
Wise solution starts with understanding the problem. As armchair pundits not directly involved nor affected, whatever "the problem" is... it is not ours. Not really. If it is not really my problem, why make it mine? That is first question to answer, and wisdom needed during that quest.

I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders making every problem that exists mine, like an Atlas carrying the world or a Jesus wanting to save it. Alternatively, selectively choose "victims" I want to be the savior of because I happen to care about them. Jews, Palestinians.. just pick a group or something that works for ye.

Or adopt "the climate" as the object of your love. Advantage: it is vague enough, a huge empty container that can be filled with anything. If you were abused or abandoned as a child, go Extinction Rebellion! Use a white IMAX screen for your own projections and identifications; the radiating glow reflecting back from it has nice bonus feature that it also keeps you yourself warm.

So we can bathe ourselves in the warmth that goes out to others when they reflect it back. A win-win situation! One more blessing to count and be thankful for.

Caveat: it could be that all the attention that goes out to the climate is the actual cause of global warming. Solution: enough people becoming indifferent to global warming... the perceived temperature most likely goes down. This of course is different from empirical measurements in climate science; a perceived hot day in Alaska can be empirically colder than a cold day Brazil.

"Feelings don't care about your facts" is as true and important to take into account as the reverse that made Ben Shapiro famous. This is because we always have an emotional response to any fact.

There are people who sneak into other people's funerals just to take a ride on the emotions of others as an antidote to an otherwise cold and meaningless life.

Just saying: what is the problem, who has it and what wisdom applies. As outside armchair cheerleaders and hooligans, it is nice to warm up and look into the flames of the camp fire that is the Meddle East. I suspect however if any of us were directly affected, as Gazans or Israeli Jews.. we'd talk a very different talk and especially: walk a different walk. I'd probably just smash buildings, maybe become a flat earth enthusiast.
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Re: Israel

Post by noddy »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:29 am
Only wise solution is a "Republic" with 2 provinces .. like Canada

yep, zionists running one place, and hamas running the other.
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Re: Wise solutions [Re: Israel]

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:56 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:29 am Only wise solution is a "Republic" with 2 provinces .. like Canada
Wise solution starts with understanding the problem. As armchair pundits not directly involved nor affected, whatever "the problem" is... it is not ours. Not really. If it is not really my problem, why make it mine? That is first question to answer, and wisdom needed during that quest.

You might think so, Zionist don't.

Zionist realizing ship sinking will make sure their problem Europe's problem.

Posted those articles saying Israel's nuke missiles are targeting European Capitals, and not Tehran or Baghdad.

Parodite wrote: Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:56 pm
I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders making every problem that exists mine, like an Atlas carrying the world or a Jesus wanting to save it. Alternatively, selectively choose "victims" I want to be the savior of because I happen to care about them. Jews, Palestinians.. just pick a group or something that works for ye.

Or adopt "the climate" as the object of your love. Advantage: it is vague enough, a huge empty container that can be filled with anything. If you were abused or abandoned as a child, go Extinction Rebellion! Use a white IMAX screen for your own projections and identifications; the radiating glow reflecting back from it has nice bonus feature that it also keeps you yourself warm.

So we can bathe ourselves in the warmth that goes out to others when they reflect it back. A win-win situation! One more blessing to count and be thankful for.

Caveat: it could be that all the attention that goes out to the climate is the actual cause of global warming. Solution: enough people becoming indifferent to global warming... the perceived temperature most likely goes down. This of course is different from empirical measurements in climate science; a perceived hot day in Alaska can be empirically colder than a cold day Brazil.

"Feelings don't care about your facts" is as true and important to take into account as the reverse that made Ben Shapiro famous. This is because we always have an emotional response to any fact.

There are people who sneak into other people's funerals just to take a ride on the emotions of others as an antidote to an otherwise cold and meaningless life.

Just saying: what is the problem, who has it and what wisdom applies. As outside armchair cheerleaders and hooligans, it is nice to warm up and look into the flames of the camp fire that is the Meddle East. I suspect however if any of us were directly affected, as Gazans or Israeli Jews.. we'd talk a very different talk and especially: walk a different walk. I'd probably just smash buildings, maybe become a flat earth enthusiast.

Ben-Gurion’s Notorious Quotes :
Their Polemical Uses & Abuses

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.
“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.
“We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.”
David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.
“We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.”
David Ben-Gurion May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, a Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

mad mullahs laughing :lol:

Shows how silly he was .. thought he can team up with West and f*ck Arabs, Muslims .. teaming up with France and Brits arguing Suez Canal belongs to West .. did not know Pomegranates well :)

An utterly unwise leader, no Charles de Gaulle neither Konrad Adenauer, rather "WannaBee" amateur Winston Churchill (who wiped out "Great" from Britain)

For the West, Israel was a tool to control the Oil in ME, to keep the Arabs in check .. now, for West, this neither possible nor needed

Israel's existence now in question., Israeli themselves know this.

What's happening in Gaza, killing women and children by Ashkenazim, soothing for West/Europe and America about past "Holocaust Guilt" seeing Ashkenazim doin same.

Only mad mullahs can now make a Jewish State reality , nobody else can (ask why?).

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Re: Israel

Post by Parodite »

HP, why you do not go to Israel and explain what you have been explaining here for years already. Maybe them Ashkenazi Jews are open to your views and suddenly realize what they have done... and just go home to Europe! They'll apologize to all before leaving, on their way home pay a visit to your laughing mad mullahs and tell them it’s okay, even beg them, to clean the barn... enforce a fair settlement on the Pals and remaining non-European Isras.

Ashkenazis, as a token of their appreciation and deeply felt respect, give the mad mullahs all the intel they have on Sunni bastards like ISIS roaming the region. Getting rid of Ashkenazi Jews is one thing and not too difficult - especially if they leave voluntarily, but the real fight for Iran is just starting. Who will HAMAS and Hezbollah be fighting? Probably each other... Then what? Iran shrivels back without impressive successes and no Greater Persia expansions.

It will be Afghanistan-type tribal warfare and Shia versus Sunni unless the entire ME will all listen to you and surrender to your 4000 years old voice of Persian wisdom. More likely, the Chinese will just buy for a huge discount Meddle Eastern property, build infrastructure there like they do in Africa and then "own" the people. That's what happens to folksies who don't get their act together: easy prey for the Han economic empire.

Your unrealism is priceless. As I said, Iranians very spirited people... imaginative and poetic in the good sense. Too much of that however ultimately shooting in own Persian foot.

As for all your predictions, who knows.... I predict with great certainty however, that things will happen that nobody saw coming. Expect the unexpected.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:04 pm HP, why you do not go to Israel and explain what you have been explaining here for years already. Maybe them Ashkenazi Jews are open to your views and suddenly realize what they have done... and just go home to Europe! They'll apologize to all before leaving, on their way home pay a visit to your laughing mad mullahs and tell them it’s okay, even beg them, to clean the barn... enforce a fair settlement on the Pals and remaining non-European Isras.

Ashkenazim know all that, there nothing to explain .. but BiBi has poisoned their mind .. although most Ashkenazim know BiBi's vision will lead to disaster, they leaving history take it's course.

I debate these issues with Ashkenazim Israeli friends, they all very upset now and don't know what is ahead.

I think the mistake they did (many say so) was let things go in wrong direction after Yitzhak Rabin assassination. The wrong crowed gained control, eliminated Arafat PLO, and embarked on the road that now is @ the "dead end" .. unfortunatly.

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:04 pm
Ashkenazis, as a token of their appreciation and deeply felt respect, give the mad mullahs all the intel they have on Sunni bastards like ISIS roaming the region. Getting rid of Ashkenazi Jews is one thing and not too difficult - especially if they leave voluntarily, but the real fight for Iran is just starting. Who will HAMAS and Hezbollah be fighting? Probably each other... Then what? Iran shrivels back without impressive successes and no Greater Persia expansions.

At the time when West fooled Arabs and Turkey (and Israel) about Syrian Assad, those McCain/Lieberman/Graham freedom fighters (ISIS) who started beheading, were looked after in Israeli hospitals .. Israel too was in "McCain/Lieberman/Graham" team.

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:04 pm
It will be Afghanistan-type tribal warfare and Shia versus Sunni unless the entire ME will all listen to you and surrender to your 4000 years old voice of Persian wisdom. More likely, the Chinese will just buy for a huge discount Meddle Eastern property, build infrastructure there like they do in Africa and then "own" the people. That's what happens to folksies who don't get their act together: easy prey for the Han economic empire.

The new Sunni-Shia fight is an invention of West .. in reality there no such thing

"Western Asia" reverting to it's natural "Pre-Islamic" setup

Pomegranates will have the overhand, in science, technology, Politics, literature AND civilization.

India was never a great civilization, will stay that way.

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:04 pm
Your unrealism is priceless. As I said, Iranians very spirited people... imaginative and poetic in the good sense. Too much of that however ultimately shooting in own Persian foot.

As for all your predictions, who knows.... I predict with great certainty however, that things will happen that nobody saw coming. Expect the unexpected.

Just look at the "big picture", of "western Asia" , AND , the world

Look at how things looked 1980 (Khomeini lands), 1991 (fall of USSR), 2010 (Iraq elimination), 2020 (US leaving Afghanistan), 2022 (Russia entering Ukraine) .. AND NOW , when US and West omit saying "all Options are on the table" .. West ran out of options .. mad mullahs now hold all the options.

On the "Chess board" Western moves are very much "predictable" as what makes West "make or brake" is clear.

mad mullahs have many "strategic" choices to play, each leading to different outcome .. now mad mullahs hold all the options.

West, US, Europe, Trump, Biden, Putin, Xi, Narendra Modi, AND, Natanyahu know all this.

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Re: Israel

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Israel is the only success story in the Muddled East. The rest are abject failed states and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

Even the polished turd that is Dubai, UAE was designed by Westerners, built by de facto slave labour from the Indian subcontinents, and is run by expats. 90% of UAE's population are expatriates.

It is accurate that US involvement in the region has been a abject failure, based on the naive belief that one can convert backwards tribes in modern democracies. They failed to learn from the Russian experience in Afghanistan.

As for the mad mullahs of Greater Whateverstan, their obsession with the destruction of Israel has come at great expense to the population.
No surprise that their basis of support is the poor and uneducated.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:29 pm Israel is the only success story in the Muddled East. The rest are abject failed states and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

Even the polished turd that is Dubai, UAE was designed by Westerners, built by de facto slave labour from the Indian subcontinents, and is run by expats. 90% of UAE's population are expatriates.

It is accurate that US involvement in the region has been a abject failure, based on the naive belief that one can convert backwards tribes in modern democracies. They failed to learn from the Russian experience in Afghanistan.

As for the mad mad mad mullahs of Greater Whateverstan, their obsession with the destruction of Israel has come at great expense to the population.
No surprise that their basis of support is the poor and uneducated.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:29 pm No surprise that their basis of support is the poor and uneducated.

The poor, YES .. but .. not the uneducated.

Uneducated are the Gucci folks West agitating

Educated ones are those who building Iranian technology companies and sending the missiles and satellites

WorldWide, top top educated, are not from "rich" families .. MIT student and graduates, 90% are from low income parents .. rich people don't bother science and real education etc.

The real educated ones, directly from university are absorbed into tech companies, many with military applications.

The ShiShi folks watching rubbish Western TV shows, they with West, fooled by West into there is a free lunch
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Re: Israel

Post by Parodite »

In the mean time, the more realistic observers not floating around on fantasy carpets notice that Egypt signals the end of Hamas and what it means for Rafah.

This Changes Everything for Israel in Gaza

There are reports of Hamas fighters slipping back into the north, so question is to what extent they can re-group and re-arm.

After Rafah has been dealt with and the border with Egypt secured phase two begins: who is boss in Gaza in the future. It is to be expected that Israel will demand 100% control of a 1 km strip along the Egypt border to make sure no more weapons are smuggled into Gaza via Egypt. The rest of Gaza probably goes to PA management i.e. if they want to accept cooperation with the Israelis. Maybe some PA factions want exactly that: provide Law and Ordah for the battered Gazans supported by Israel and backed by Western donors who categorically reject HAMAS as a future player. It is a small 20% window.. but a real one.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:23 pm In the mean time, the more realistic observers not floating around on fantasy carpets notice that Egypt signals the end of Hamas and what it means for Rafah.

This Changes Everything for Israel in Gaza

There are reports of Hamas fighters slipping back into the north, so question is to what extent they can re-group and re-arm.

After Rafah has been dealt with and the border with Egypt secured phase two begins: who is boss in Gaza in the future. It is to be expected that Israel will demand 100% control of a 1 km strip along the Egypt border to make sure no more weapons are smuggled into Gaza via Egypt. The rest of Gaza probably goes to PA management i.e. if they want to accept cooperation with the Israelis. Maybe some PA factions want exactly that: provide Law and Ordah for the battered Gazans supported by Israel and backed by Western donors who categorically reject HAMAS as a future player. It is a small 20% window.. but a real one.

:lol: :lol: .. Iranian media, since a week, saying Antony Blinken in Egypt and trying to "bribe" Egyptians to accept Gazans into Sinai .. to depopulate Gaza of Palestinians .. Egypt countering by sending 50 Tanks to Rafa sayin NO .. but mad mullahs say Egypt might bend to Blinken.

Now the above video says Egypt declaring Hamas finished, Israel won and no need to Push Gazans out of Gaza :lol:

A Fig Leaf for BiBi to declare victory and resign, Inshallah

Smart as mad mullahs are, they laughing :lol:
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:23 pm In the mean time, the more realistic observers not floating around on fantasy carpets notice that Egypt signals the end of Hamas and what it means for Rafah.

This Changes Everything for Israel in Gaza

There are reports of Hamas fighters slipping back into the north, so question is to what extent they can re-group and re-arm.

After Rafah has been dealt with and the border with Egypt secured phase two begins: who is boss in Gaza in the future. It is to be expected that Israel will demand 100% control of a 1 km strip along the Egypt border to make sure no more weapons are smuggled into Gaza via Egypt. The rest of Gaza probably goes to PA management i.e. if they want to accept cooperation with the Israelis. Maybe some PA factions want exactly that: provide Law and Ordah for the battered Gazans supported by Israel and backed by Western donors who categorically reject HAMAS as a future player. It is a small 20% window.. but a real one.

UN relief chief :

In human history a conventional military has never won against an "insurgency" group .. Never

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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Nixon Answers :
Is There Pressure From Israel ?

He says, " in final analysis, American interest comes first " :lol:


We know American national Interest changes not same as B4

Mad Mull*hs laughing :lol:
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Hamas killed 36 children on October 7th

Israel has killed 12,000 Palestinian children in Gaza since October 7th

Well, folks, all documented .. Doomsday :) , comet push to shove, there no "we didn't know" excuse.
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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:38 pm .

Hamas killed 36 children on October 7th

Israel has killed 12,000 Palestinian children in Gaza since October 7th

Well, folks, all documented .. Doomsday :) , comet push to shove, there no "we didn't know" excuse.
Mad mad mullahs laughing.

Every group has the leaders that it deserves.

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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Guys, good to get a bit educated .. Professor Avi Shlaim says Europe exported anti-Semitism to the Arab world

Shlaim was born to wealthy Jewish parents in Baghdad in the Kingdom of Iraq


Mad mull*hs laughing :lol:
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


China’s legal representative at ICJ emphasizes rights to Palestinian self-determination

Zionist done, file closed
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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:30 am .

Guys, good to get a bit educated .. Professor Avi Shlaim says Europe exported anti-Semitism to the Arab world

Shlaim was born to wealthy Jewish parents in Baghdad in the Kingdom of Iraq


Mad mull*hs laughing :lol:
A self-loathing Jew. So what?

With a large dose of conspiracy theory thrown in for good measure.

Just another example of loathing one's own culture and auto-flagellation - the current fashion, le dernier crie, amongst Western intelligentsia, so-called.
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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:19 am .

China’s legal representative at ICJ emphasizes rights to Palestinian self-determination

Zionist done, file closed
Hardly. China has as much influence over Israel as you do.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:07 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:19 am .

China’s legal representative at ICJ emphasizes rights to Palestinian self-determination

Zionist done, file closed

Hardly. China has as much influence over Israel as you do.


China does not care about Israel, neither Iran's mad mull*hs really care .. all is about pushing America, West, out of Western Asia

Once US leave Western Asia, Israel will dissolve by default. :lol:

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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:12 pm
Typhoon wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:07 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:19 am .

China’s legal representative at ICJ emphasizes rights to Palestinian self-determination

Zionist done, file closed

Hardly. China has as much influence over Israel as you do.


China does not care about Israel, neither Iran's mad mull*hs really care .. all is about pushing America, West, out of Western Asia
That's rich considering the mad mullah's all-consuming obsession with the destruction of Israel.
Once US leave Western Asia, Israel will dissolve by default. :lol:
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Re: Israel

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Enough fantasy, now back in the real world ...

FT | Israel unveils plan for complete postwar control of Gaza
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has finally unveiled Israel’s plans for Gaza after hostilities end in the enclave, submitting to his war cabinet a formal proposal that directly contradicts the objectives of the US.

The one-page document, released overnight by his office, makes no mention of any role for the Palestinian Authority, the West Bank-based rival to Hamas that the Biden administration wants to see take over control, and rejects unilateral international steps towards recognition of a Palestinian state.

It also foresees a sizeable security buffer within the besieged enclave, an outcome the US has made clear it opposes. John Kirby, spokesperson for the US National Security Council, on Friday said “we don’t believe in any reduction of the size of Gaza”.

While vaguely worded, and appealing to his domestic rightwing political base, the Israeli document entitled “The Day After Hamas Principles” is the first official distillation of Netanyahu’s prior statements on the issue. It is not clear whether the war cabinet was asked to vote on it.

Dividing Gaza’s future into near, medium and long-term phases, it makes clear that Israel will continue its long-running blockade of the enclave and intends to remain involved in civilian life there, including local policing and the teachings of schools and mosques.

In practice, the plan could involve a full-scale resumption of Israeli control of the enclave and its 2.3mn population, combining elements of its decades-long occupation with the punishing blockade instituted in 2007.

Kirby said the Biden administration had been “clear” about its views, and had “constructive discussions” with the Israelis in recent weeks.

“We believe that whatever post-conflict Gaza looks like, the Palestinian people should have a voice and a vote in what that looks like through a revitalised Palestinian Authority,” Kirby told reporters on Friday.

He said the US opposed reducing the size of Gaza or displacing Palestinians outside the territory. “And of course, we don’t see Gaza dominated . . . or governed over by Hamas . . . We have made that consistently clear with our Israeli counterparts,” Kirby added.

He also said he was “disappointed” by reports on Friday that Israel planned to build thousands of new settlement homes in the West Bank. He said new settlements were “counterproductive to the cause of peace” and “inconsistent with international law”.

The US, Israel’s closest ally, and the EU have been pushing a different postwar plan for Gaza that envisages the relatively secular Palestinian Authority, headed by President Mahmoud Abbas, taking over control, nearly two decades after it was ousted by the Islamist Hamas movement. That would lay the groundwork for talks leading to a Palestinian state.

A spokesperson for Abbas told the Wafa news service that “Netanyahu’s proposed plans aim to perpetuate Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state”.

“Gaza will only be part of the independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” they said.

Netanyahu released the plan as Brett McGurk, the US Middle East envoy, visited Israel and the region.

Israel’s medium-term plans will only come into play once it declares victory in its military campaign against Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a smaller, Iran-backed militant group — a point that could still be many months away.

The operation has claimed the lives of at least 29,000 Palestinians, according to local health authorities, and the widescale destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure.

Israel launched its war, now in its fourth month, after Hamas mounted a cross-border raid on October 7, killing 1,200 people and taking about 250 hostages, according to Israeli authorities.

In the medium term, Israel’s plan sets out the intention to build a “security area” within the Gaza Strip, running along its entire border. It also intends to build an over- and underground “security flank” or barrier along its frontier with Egypt to prevent weapons smuggling, and to enforce land, sea and air control over the strip, the document said.

Israel will only allow weapons required “to maintain public order”, an opaque reference to a police force that has largely vanished after being targeted by Israeli air strikes.

The plan said that in the civilian sphere, Israel will only allow “local actors with management experience” to enforce public order, and that this undefined group “will not be identified with states or bodies that support terror, and will not receive salaries from them”.

The latter reference is a rightwing Israeli catchphrase for the PA, the impoverished body set up by the 1993 Oslo peace accords to administer civilian life in pockets of the occupied territories.

Any reconstruction of Gaza will be delayed to an unnamed date after Israel completes its military objectives.

The document said Israel intends to choose who may lead Gaza’s reconstruction, and will embark on a “comprehensive deradicalisation programme in all religious education and social institutions in Gaza, done with involvement and assistance of Arab states”.

The document said Israel will also work to close 75-year-old UNRWA, the primary UN relief agency for some 5mn Palestinians, and replace it with “responsible international aid organisations”. Israel has accused at least a dozen UNRWA employees of taking part in the October 7 raid.

“Calls by Israel for UNRWA’s closure are not about the agency’s neutrality,” the agency’s commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini said in a letter to the UN General Assembly released on Friday. “Instead, they are about changing the long-standing political parameters for peace in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

In the long term, the Israeli document rejects any internationally imposed solution, including the prospect of the recognition of a Palestinian state, but leaves open the possibility of direct negotiations for “a final status agreement”.

That is how Israel refers to the long-dormant peace talks sparked by the Oslo accords and mothballed by Netanyahu for more than a decade.

“Israel utterly rejects international diktats in the matter of a final status arrangement with the Palestinians,” the document said. “Such an arrangement will only be reached in direct negotiations.

An EU official said the bloc’s position was that Israel “cannot stay in Gaza over the long term, cannot reoccupy it, nor keep control over it” and that it should be governed by the Palestinian Authority.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:32 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:12 pm
Typhoon wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:07 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:19 am .

China’s legal representative at ICJ emphasizes rights to Palestinian self-determination

Zionist done, file closed

Hardly. China has as much influence over Israel as you do.


China does not care about Israel, neither Iran's mad mull*hs really care .. all is about pushing America, West, out of Western Asia
That's rich considering the mad mullah's all-consuming obsession with the destruction of Israel.

You don't see the "Big Picture"


The "Chosen People" smart, once they realize the "Guard Change", they change the team

Don't forget, most Mull*hs, they "Convert Jews", openly .. when they were confronted with this, they said all Muslims are converts from some other religions including Judaism, so what ? .. they not hiding.

Typhoon wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:32 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:12 pm

Once US leave Western Asia, Israel will dissolve by default. :lol:

Bloomberg - Feb 12, 2024
The US Needs to Get Out of the Middle East

Middle East is a "Leg-hold TRAP" for US .. if crazy things suddenly flair up, US must react, otherwise would be looked at as "weak" .. that can easily escalate and bug down US for another generation, wasting more blood and treasure, weakening US in China confrontation.

Am sure US preparing to "disengage" from ME and already negotiating with Iran to take over. :lol:

It is in Iran's national interest to facilitate an US "orderly disengagement", probably in progress

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Zionist groups like the Anti-Defamation League lobbied for counter-terror legislation that singled out Palestinians

LAST OCTOBER, as protests against Israel’s war on Gaza swept U.S. campuses, two prominent pro-Israel groups wrote to nearly 200 university and college administrators urging them to investigate their students for possibly violating federal law by promoting pro-Hamas, anti-Israel messaging.

The Anti-Defamation League, or ADL, and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law suggested that members of Students for Justice in Palestine, the largest Palestine solidarity campus organization in the country, may have been violating a law that prohibits people from providing “material support” — a broad category that includes money as well as services or other assistance — to U.S.-designated terror groups. “We certainly cannot sit idly by as a student organization provides vocal and potentially material support to Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization,” the ADL and the Brandeis Center wrote.

:lol: Mad mull*hs laughing

Poor American Joe

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