Pakistan Thread

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Pakistan Thread

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank you Very Much for maintaining the forum, Typhoon & Ymix

This thread is about Pakistan, the one for sure Nuke Armed Muslim nation so far.

There is a thread about a potential Pakistan US war but this is more general: Anything involving Pakistan.....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Malala Yousafzai & the Need for Weapons Training for Women..

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank you Very Much for maintaining the forum, Typhoon & Ymix

Was on the radio this week and in the Sunday paper...

Taliban shoots 14 year Pakistan Girl for Advocating Education for Women........

Twice the Taliban threw warning letters into the home of Malala Yousafzai, a 14-year-old Pakistani girl who is one of the world's most persuasive advocates for girls' education. They told her to stop her advocacy -- or else.

She refused to back down, stepped up her campaign and even started a fund to help impoverished Pakistani girls get an education. So, on Tuesday, masked gunmen approached her school bus and asked for her by name. Then they shot her in the head and neck.

"Let this be a lesson," a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, Ehsanullah Ehsan, said afterward. He added that if she survives, the Taliban would try to kill her again.

Surgeons have removed a bullet from Malala, and she remains unconscious in critical condition in a hospital in Peshawar. A close family friend, Fazal Moula Zahid, told me that doctors are hopeful that there has been no brain damage and that she will ultimately return to school. ... ng-schools

On 9 October 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The masked gunman shouted "Which one of you is Malala? Speak up, otherwise I will shoot you all,"[22] and, on her being identified, shot her twice, once in the head and once in the neck. Two other girls were also wounded in the shooting: Kainat Riaz and Shazia Ramzan,[20] both of whom were stable enough to speak to reporters and provide details of the attack.

After the shooting, Yousafzai was airlifted to a military hospital in Peshawar, where doctors were forced to begin operating after swelling developed in the left portion of her brain, which had been damaged by the bullet when it passed through her head.[35] After a three-hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet that had lodged in her shoulder near her spinal cord.

Ehsanullah Ehsan, chief spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that Yousafzai "is the symbol of the infidels and obscenity," adding that if she survived, they would target her again.[16] Taliban leaders had decided a few months earlier to kill her, and assigned gunmen to carry it out.[36] ... on_attempt
The day before Malala was shot, far away in Indonesia, another 14-year-old girl seeking an education suffered from a different kind of misogyny. Sex traffickers had reached out to this girl through her Facebook profile, then detained her and raped her for a week. They released her after her disappearance made the local news.

When her private junior high school got wind of what happened, it told her she had "tarnished the school's image," according to an account from Indonesia's National Commission for Protection of Child Rights. The school publicly expelled her -- in front of hundreds of classmates -- for having been raped.
On the other side are the Taliban, who understand the stakes perfectly. They shot Malala because girls' education threatens everything that they stand for.

One of my greatest frustrations when I travel to Pakistan is that I routinely spot extremist madrassas, or schools, financed by medieval misogynists from Saudi Arabia or elsewhere. They provide meals, tuition and scholarships to lure boys -- because their donors understand perfectly that education shapes countries.

In contrast, U.S. aid is mainly about supporting the Pakistani army. We have tripled aid to Pakistani education to $170 million annually. But that's less than one-tenth of our security aid to Pakistan. ... ng-schools

Three times armed is she whose cause is just..........
Four times armed is he who gets his fist in first*.........
And doomed is he or she who is not armed at all.....

And does not submit when dealing with "The Best of People" :evil: per Mohammed...........

If We of the West encourage Women like Malala and the Indonesian girl to get educations, then IMVHO we should make sure that they get the right type of education: first teach Use of Weapons and the Will to Use them... starting with the Gospel of the Gun for Girls .....

All Men and Women are More or Less Equal.... Sam Colt Made them that way.........

With the exception of the Rhyme above......... Aggressor's Advantage.... Usually.......

So though it is Great fun to imagine the Grrlz on the Bus Gut Shooting the Gunman Giving him Gas Gangrene Going to the Grave....... :twisted:

Maybe More......

Maybe Molotov Cocktails for MadrAssas & mad mullahs.....:twisted: ......

Otherwise we might as well teach the girls Submission for Survival or at best Plan E for Evacuation...

Become an Exchange Student and Don't Come Back except maybe droning :twisted: on as a Professional Model Airplane Operator ;) :twisted:

NOTE: I advocate the same for Uz Grrlz ........ We have creeps among Uz too......

Just that they are not as often organized along "religious" lines
Like the Muslim Taliban Salafi Slimes.......

Also Guns for young Boyz.... Bacha Bazi....... AIUI Taliban Tallywackers are Perpetual Perverted Pederasts too .......

*Fust in the original...... First doesn't rhyme as well but is clearer...........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim.

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
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Knowledge, Occasionalism, Sock Puppets & Raids........

Post by monster_gardener »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim.

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
Thank you VERY Much for your post, Hans........

Fair Enough but Somehow Seems those Memos didn't reach the Salafis and similar........

And Mohammed also said........
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors”. [Sura 3:110] [/b]
IMVHO this gives Muslims with their codified Ancient Arabian Culture a feeling of tremendous superiority to non Muslims as evinced by this.....
Upon inquiring "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave;
And if that isn't bad enough..... Along came incoherent :twisted: Ghazali/Al-Ghazali
His 11th century book titled The Incoherence of the Philosophers marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology. The encounter with skepticism led Ghazali to embrace a form of theological occasionalism, or the belief that all causal events and interactions are not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate and present will of God. ... ilosophers

In other words, everything is directly caused by G_d or whoever Allah is :twisted: ......

Fire occurs NOT because something flammable gets hot in air but because Allah makes it happen each and every time.......

So what's the point of investigating further to find out that it is oxygen in the air combining with the flammable substance rather than a phlogiston transfer.........

Likewise the reason a good Muslim like you likes Islam and an Infidel ;) like me dislikes Islam is NOT because because you & I choose to be so but Allah chose you to be a good sock puppet and me to be a bad sock puppet...... and that can change anytime Allah sovereignly changes his mind...

This gives tremendous justification to any act however heinous...... It is the Will of Allah..........

And Ghazali/Al-Ghazali may have had An Alleged Allah ordained proclivity to promote heinous acts against Infidels....

Al Ghalazi said........
one must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a year… one may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book – Jews and Christians, typically] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked. A woman and her child taken into slavery should not be separated...One may cut down their trees…. One must destroy their useless books. Jihadists may take as booty whatever they decide *… they may steal as much food as they need… (1979: 186-90 cited by Boston, 2004).

And this philosopher klown is credited as the founder of the Sufis.........

NOTE: Other cultures have similar problems.........

China has often regarded itself as the civilized Middle Kingdom in the center of the World surrounded by Outer Barbarians..........

Uz had Manifest Destiny and now American Exceptionalism..........

Maybe we are a tiny bit exceptional...... Mongrels like Uz sometimes have hybrid vigor and we have been LUCKY..... Most recently on 911 that Osama only sent 4 planes instead of a score.......... But we shouldn't presume on it and run on luck like we have been..... Not being diligent.......Getting FAT & Lazy...... Thinking we can teach Democracy to Killer Apes who act like Crazy Demons..........

Should remember that even G_d's Proclaimed Peculiar People, the Jews, ........ VERY peculiar sometimes ;) ..... have gone through Hell on Earth.....

For the record, the faith I was raised in teaches me that I am NOT naturally good * or even "the Best of People" because I believe in it......
At best a depraved sinner saved by grace who needs to be on guard as to what I am up to......
Probably G_d's Grace than I am not in a position to implement the Gospel of the Gun on a large scale or worse.......

For that matter the whole killer ape human race has been running on luck since at least 1945......... Hope our luck hold long enough to get off planet...............
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

monster_gardener wrote:
Hans Bulvai wrote:
The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim.

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
Thank you VERY Much for your post, Hans........

Fair Enough but Somehow Seems those Memos didn't reach the Salafis and similar........

And Mohammed also said........
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors”. [Sura 3:110] [/b]
Mohammed didn't say it. God did.
And one has to wonder what is really meant by "If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith..."
IMVHO this gives Muslims with their codified Ancient Arabian Culture a feeling of tremendous superiority to non Muslims as evinced by this.....
Upon inquiring "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave;
That first line reminds me of Colin Powell in the UN showing viles of sewer water to a skeptical world about Iraqi biological labs and such.
The second one reminds of W. and his Gog and Magog comment to Mr. Chirac. Besides, what was it exactly that killed the native Americans by the millions? A few acts of piracy pale next to that one but lets be honest; tThe worst of pirates were the British who did it for His Majesty.
And if that isn't bad enough..... Along came incoherent :twisted: Ghazali/Al-Ghazali
His 11th century book titled The Incoherence of the Philosophers marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology. The encounter with skepticism led Ghazali to embrace a form of theological occasionalism, or the belief that all causal events and interactions are not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate and present will of God.
You mean this Ghazali?
This long-held argument has been disputed. Some argue that Al Ghazali was the first intellectual to champion the separation between several disciplines wrongly classified under falsafa (Arabic word for philosophy but one that used to include physics, maths and logic).[9] "Al Ghazali argued that some fundamentalists, who perceive falsafa to be incompatible with religion, tend to categorically reject all views adopted by 'philosophers', including scientific fact like the lunar and solar eclipse. And when that person is later persuaded of a certain view, he tends to blindly accept all other views held by philosophers
Ghazali had an important influence on both Muslim philosophers and Christian medieval philosophers. Margaret Smith writes in her book Al-Ghazali: The Mystic (London 1944): "There can be no doubt that Al-Ghazali’s works would be among the first to attract the attention of these European scholars" (page 220). Then she emphasizes, "The greatest of these Christian writers who was influenced by Al-Ghazali was St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), who made a study of the Arabic writers and admitted his indebtedness to them. He studied at the University of Naples where the influence of Arab literature and culture was predominant at the time." In addition, Aquinas' interest in Islamic studies could be attributed to the infiltration of ‘Latin Averroism’ in the 13th century, especially at [the University of] Paris.

Ghazali's influence has been compared to the works of Thomas Aquinas in Christian theology, but the two differed greatly in methods and beliefs. Whereas Ghazali rejected non-Islamic philosophers such as Aristotle and saw it fit to discard their teachings on the basis of their "unbelief," Aquinas embraced them and incorporated ancient Greek and Latin thought into his own philosophical writings.

Likewise the reason a good Muslim like you likes Islam and an Infidel ;) like me dislikes Islam is NOT because because you & I choose to be so but Allah chose you to be a good sock puppet and me to be a bad sock puppet...... and that can change anytime Allah sovereignly changes his mind...
Actually, the way I look at it is that God made you and then gave you the choice to either believe in him or not. More freedom in there than mankind can ever offer.
And you assume that I am a good Muslim. One look at the Music thread and some people in Afghanistan and Pakistan would stone me in a New York minute! ;)
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by monster_gardener »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Hans Bulvai wrote:
The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim.

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
Thank you VERY Much for your post, Hans........

Fair Enough but Somehow Seems those Memos didn't reach the Salafis and similar........

And Mohammed also said........
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors”. [Sura 3:110] [/b]
Mohammed didn't say it. God did.
And one has to wonder what is really meant by "If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith..."
IMVHO this gives Muslims with their codified Ancient Arabian Culture a feeling of tremendous superiority to non Muslims as evinced by this.....
Upon inquiring "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave;
That first line reminds me of Colin Powell in the UN showing viles of sewer water to a skeptical world about Iraqi biological labs and such.
The second one reminds of W. and his Gog and Magog comment to Mr. Chirac. Besides, what was it exactly that killed the native Americans by the millions? A few acts of piracy pale next to that one but lets be honest; tThe worst of pirates were the British who did it for His Majesty.
And if that isn't bad enough..... Along came incoherent :twisted: Ghazali/Al-Ghazali
His 11th century book titled The Incoherence of the Philosophers marks a major turn in Islamic epistemology. The encounter with skepticism led Ghazali to embrace a form of theological occasionalism, or the belief that all causal events and interactions are not the product of material conjunctions but rather the immediate and present will of God.
You mean this Ghazali?
This long-held argument has been disputed. Some argue that Al Ghazali was the first intellectual to champion the separation between several disciplines wrongly classified under falsafa (Arabic word for philosophy but one that used to include physics, maths and logic).[9] "Al Ghazali argued that some fundamentalists, who perceive falsafa to be incompatible with religion, tend to categorically reject all views adopted by 'philosophers', including scientific fact like the lunar and solar eclipse. And when that person is later persuaded of a certain view, he tends to blindly accept all other views held by philosophers
Ghazali had an important influence on both Muslim philosophers and Christian medieval philosophers. Margaret Smith writes in her book Al-Ghazali: The Mystic (London 1944): "There can be no doubt that Al-Ghazali’s works would be among the first to attract the attention of these European scholars" (page 220). Then she emphasizes, "The greatest of these Christian writers who was influenced by Al-Ghazali was St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), who made a study of the Arabic writers and admitted his indebtedness to them. He studied at the University of Naples where the influence of Arab literature and culture was predominant at the time." In addition, Aquinas' interest in Islamic studies could be attributed to the infiltration of ‘Latin Averroism’ in the 13th century, especially at [the University of] Paris.

Ghazali's influence has been compared to the works of Thomas Aquinas in Christian theology, but the two differed greatly in methods and beliefs. Whereas Ghazali rejected non-Islamic philosophers such as Aristotle and saw it fit to discard their teachings on the basis of their "unbelief," Aquinas embraced them and incorporated ancient Greek and Latin thought into his own philosophical writings.

Likewise the reason a good Muslim like you likes Islam and an Infidel ;) like me dislikes Islam is NOT because because you & I choose to be so but Allah chose you to be a good sock puppet and me to be a bad sock puppet...... and that can change anytime Allah sovereignly changes his mind...
Actually, the way I look at it is that God made you and then gave you the choice to either believe in him or not. More freedom in there than mankind can ever offer.

And you assume that I am a good Muslim. One look at the Music thread and some people in Afghanistan and Pakistan would stone me in a New York minute! ;)

Thank You Very Much for your reply, Hans.

The second one reminds of W. and his Gog and Magog comment to Mr. Chirac.
Woe to they who long for the Day of the Lord for the Day of the Lord is Darkness and Not Light...
Especially those who promote it like Red Heifer Christians and if the Magog story is true.... Bush W...............
Besides, what was it exactly that killed the native Americans by the millions?
Per Jared Diamond it was Amerindian Genetic Homogeneity and disease........
What enabled the conquests even after the diseases did their damage was that the Amerindians often hated each other even more than the Euros and often for heart rendingly good reasons... :twisted: Just ask the No Tax Tlaxcalans ;) Better the King of Spain as your overlord than the Revered Speaker of the Mexica Aztecs......
Plus lack of base metal working tech....... Great with gold and silver but not iron or even bronze....
Horses were a factor at first but that soon changed............
A few acts of piracy pale next to that one
Not a few acts...... Went on for centuries as far afield as Iceland......... Millions of slaves..............
And land piracy as well as the wet kind......
Muslims were out to conquer the world for Allah, came damnably close at Tours and Vienna 1683, and are still at it..........
You mean this Ghazali?
I mean the ancient one who proposed that G_d/Allah does it all........ And that Allah wants Muslims to do pirate raids on infidels on land & sea...
Actually, the way I look at it is that God made you and then gave you the choice to either believe in him or not.
It seems we basically agree....... I have free will or at least the illusion that I do........ ;) :shock:
And you assume that I am a good Muslim. One look at the Music thread and some people in Afghanistan and Pakistan would stone me in a New York minute! ;)

Your love/respect/admiration for Islam comes through........

Will have to check out the Music Thread more.......

FWIW...... I don't want to have the Tanakh or even the New Testament enacted as law like Christian Dominionist Scary Gary North does....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

monster_gardener wrote:Your love/respect/admiration for Islam comes through........
It allows me to not have to think about a few things which frees me up for the things that matter; family, life, garden... ;)
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

The Malala Yousafzai shooting (and their acid-chucking antics that I've been talking about for years) just prove that the Taliban are worse at PR than any group in history. Even known Islamist organizations are condemning this attack, and with good reason since there is no Islamic justification whatsoever for preventing women from being educated, let alone maiming or killing.

Moreover, they doubly fucked up because according to reports Malala will not only survive but recover, meaning she is set for a career of activism, and now more famous (and sure to be better-funded) than she would have been otherwise.

The relative power of the Taliban in Pakistan is cause for concern though. They have been considerably strengthened vis. the Islamabad government due to the failure of the US/NATO war in Afghanistan. Even a casual reading of the history of the region will show that power and influence flows both ways through the Khyber Pass.
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bogus couple pretending to be relatives arrested at hospita

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:The Malala Yousafzai shooting (and their acid-chucking antics that I've been talking about for years) just prove that the Taliban are worse at PR than any group in history. Even known Islamist organizations are condemning this attack, and with good reason since there is no Islamic justification whatsoever for preventing women from being educated, let alone maiming or killing.

Moreover, they doubly fucked up because according to reports Malala will not only survive but recover, meaning she is set for a career of activism, and now more famous (and sure to be better-funded) than she would have been otherwise.

The relative power of the Taliban in Pakistan is cause for concern though. They have been considerably strengthened vis. the Islamabad government due to the failure of the US/NATO war in Afghanistan. Even a casual reading of the history of the region will show that power and influence flows both ways through the Khyber Pass.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
Moreover, they doubly fucked up because according to reports Malala will not only survive but recover, meaning she is set for a career of activism, and now more famous (and sure to be better-funded) than she would have been otherwise.
Maybe....... Hope you are right..........

But on the news this morning..... a bogus couple pretending to be relatives was arrested at the hospital trying get access to her.......

Hopefully they were just rubber-necking ;) rather than trying to stretch her neck :shock: :evil:

But remember what happened to to the Japanese translator of the Satanic Verses........

If Malala survives, she may need be like a Sikh on Steroids ;) :roll: ....... Never disarmed....... Multiple Weapons....

Able to MacGyver.......Use everyday items as weapons.........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Jnalum Persicum

Re: Knowledge, Occasionalism, Sock Puppets & Raids........

Post by Jnalum Persicum »


Hans Bulvai wrote:

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave"




That is not from "Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh)"

The Persian verse ze gahvareh ta gur danesh beju is actually from one of the major Persian poets Saadi Shirazi

Yes, true, Islam promoted education and knowledge and and

but "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave" is part of a Poem by Saadi Shirazi

I must find the poem and post the translation

A lot of things said to be by "Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh)", are rather Iranian and not by Prophet.



Since when is shooting a little girl manly, or honorable, or acceptable in Islam?

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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Damn savages

Why can't they use drones like civilized people do!
Been busy doing stuff
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Jnalum Persicum wrote:.

Hans Bulvai wrote:

The Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh) said: "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave"




That is not from "Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh)"

The Persian verse ze gahvareh ta gur danesh beju is actually from one of the major Persian poets Saadi Shirazi

Yes, true, Islam promoted education and knowledge and and

but "Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave" is part of a Poem by Saadi Shirazi

I must find the poem and post the translation

A lot of things said to be by "Prophet MOHAMMED (pbuh)", are rather Iranian and not by Prophet.



Since when is shooting a little girl manly, or honorable, or acceptable in Islam?

Great. So he approves of the message.

Yeah that one backfired on them. Not sure what they were trying to accomplish with that.
It is not accepted in Islam. Besides, look like Allah wants her to live. The force is strong with that one.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Is there really and debate that there is nothing prohibiting women from going to school in Islamic theology? The Taliban outfit that tried to murder her didn't even bother to argue that point, they came up with some BS about her being a "Western spy." Maybe one of them who could actually read double-checked on the Pashtun Wikipedia and couldn't find any slam-dunk quotations.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

Ibrahim wrote:.

Is there really and debate that there is nothing prohibiting women from going to school in Islamic theology? The Taliban outfit that tried to murder her didn't even bother to argue that point, they came up with some BS about her being a "Western spy." Maybe one of them who could actually read double-checked on the Pashtun Wikipedia and couldn't find any slam-dunk quotations.


When Ayatollahs tool power, first hing they did was "obligatory" education for all children, girls and boys

Reason was, Ayatollahs proclaimed, correctly, that west can controls Middle East by masses being illiterate

Result is, 100% of Iranians below 45 yrs old, are not only read and write literate, but socially, politically and and and literate .. pretty much everybody now knows western history towards Irn of last 250 yrs

That is why, silly western overtures towards Iran trying to fool the mass, bounces

Reason Taliban, the Pashtuns, trying to deny Afghan girls education, nothing to do with Islam (Islam makes education a religious duty) .. rather , reason is, those folks, Pashtuns, do not want female enlightenment that would lead to destruction of 1000s of yrs old tradition of evil male chauvinism in that space .. Non Pushtun folks of Afghanistan much more enlighted and progressive than Pashtuns

Jnalum Persicum

Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Jnalum Persicum »


This act may have been committed by someone who claims to be a Muslim and belongs to a fundamentalist group that professes to be Islamic, but Imam Reza (AS) would not even have considered whoever pulled the trigger a Muslim. Hence, Islam should not be blamed. The Taliban does not represent Islam any more than Rabbi Kahane’s Jewish Defense League of Zionist settler thugs represents the divinely revealed religion of Judaism or the Ku Klux Klan represents Christianity.


Islam places a heavy responsibility on parents and stresses that their children are entrusted to them by Allah. Parents must be thankful for their children and make every effort to educate and care for them, teaching them proper conduct and guiding them on the right path toward Allah. Islam warns parents that if they fail in this endeavor, they will be punished. Daughters hold a special place in Islam since, according to Hazieh Yamani, the Prophet of Islam (S) said, “Your daughters are your best children.” Imam Sadeq (AS) said, “Daughters are good deeds and sons are blessings. One will be rewarded for good deeds, but will be questioned about blessings.”

“We have all failed Malala, and it just may be too late to make amends,” wrote one commentator, and we all must assume our share of the responsibility for this unfortunate event. Examining what happened and the context in which it took place, we cannot view it as an isolated, anomalous incident. Certainly, the gunmen who pulled the trigger bear the most responsibility, but then the person from whom the shooter acquired the weapon -- probably an AK-47 -- also bears some, as do the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leaders who authorized this brutal act. Ultimately, the superpowers that used the Afghan and Pakistani people to fight their wars like pawns on a vast imperial chessboard share the blame, as do those citizens of the superpowers who did nothing to protest their governments’ policies.

That Malala is a student activist, a winner of Pakistan’s National Youth Peace Prize, and a nominee for the International Children’s Peace Prize plays into the Western narrative of liberating women, so the shooting received wide media coverage. However, little has been written about the day-to-day deaths of other Afghan and Pakistani children who are the “collateral damage” resulting from U.S. assassination drone attacks. For example, three Afghan children, two boys and a girl gathering firewood, were slaughtered in a NATO airstrike on October 14, just days after Malala was shot by the Taliban. The event received scant coverage in the Western media and there was no public outcry over the children’s deaths.

Historically, killing children has long been a byproduct of U.S. policy in the Middle East. It is estimated that 500,000 children died as a result of U.S. sanctions on Iraq. Recall the words of former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who when asked about the deaths of the children caused by those sanctions said, “We think it was worth it.” Many more suffered and died as a result of the U.S. invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the U.S. proxy wars in Libya and now Syria. Thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese children have met the same fate as a result of the United States’ unilateral support of the Zionist regime.

The United States used the Afghan people in their proxy war against the Soviet Union and now is using them again in a futile attempt to secure a broader foothold in the energy-rich Central Asia region. The CIA began funneling aid to Afghan rebels in July 1979 and continued at a greatly increased level after the December 1979 Soviet invasion until their withdrawal in February 1989. The 9-year U.S. proxy war left over one million Afghan civilians dead, with numerous children among them, but the violence continued between combat-hardened rival mujahedin factions vying for control of the government, resulting in even more deaths and suffering for the Afghan people.

It was against this backdrop of non-stop fighting and destruction, which killed 30,000 citizens of Kabul in the winter of 1992-93 alone and left 70 percent of the city in ruins, that the Taliban arose in 1995. Largely ignorant of Islamic law and traditions but influenced by Saudi Wahhabi extremists who arrived in the 1980s and 1990s, these “students” managed to gain control of most of Afghanistan by September 1996. Opposition militias remained, however, and rival commanders united in 1997 to form the Northern Alliance that later became the bulwark of the October 2001 U.S. invasion, which has brought 11 more years of strife, misery, and bloodshed.

From 1978 to 2012, the contagion of conflict has caused over 6 million men, women, and children to flee from Afghanistan, creating the largest single group of refugees in the world for over three decades. Of the more than 2,500 people killed since 2004 by U.S. assassination drone attacks in Pakistan, 176 were children and a mere two percent of the victims of these strikes were suspected terrorists. Moreover, the U.S. policy of “double-striking” a target -- following up with a second strike shortly after the first -- ensures casualties among the first responders. Fear of U.S. drone strikes is so great in some areas of Pakistan that “kids are too terrified to go to school, adults are afraid to attend weddings, funerals, business meetings, or anything that involves gathering in groups.”

So after 32 years of U.S.-induced conflict and chaos in the AFPAK theater, such an incident as the regrettable shooting of Malala should not come as a surprise to anyone. Rather, it is a direct consequence of the viciously brutal violence which the U.S. and other major players continue to inflict upon the region.

The shot that dispatched the bullet that struck Malala, fired by the Taliban gunmen, should be a shot heard round the world. It should awaken us to see the killing of children as a crime against humanity, whether the atrocity is committed by extremists who profess to be acting in the name of Islam or by soldiers acting under the auspices of the U.S. or NATO who profess to be targeting terrorists. The shot should compel us to end violence against children and bring the perpetrators to justice, regardless of who they are, for Imam Sajjad (AS) warned us, “If you act viciously against [children] it will come back to you.”


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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Parodite »

Jnalum Persicum wrote: This act may have been committed by someone who claims to be a Muslim and belongs to a fundamentalist group that professes to be Islamic, but Imam Reza (AS) would not even have considered whoever pulled the trigger a Muslim. Hence, Islam should not be blamed. The Taliban does not represent Islam any more than Rabbi Kahane’s Jewish Defense League of Zionist settler thugs represents the divinely revealed religion of Judaism or the Ku Klux Klan represents Christianity.
Of course Islam, Christianity and Judaism should be blamed. They provide for the irrational us-versus-them breeding grounds and will always inspire various nutheads to Breivik types of behavior.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Parodite »

Jnalum Persicum wrote: This act may have been committed by someone who claims to be a Muslim and belongs to a fundamentalist group that professes to be Islamic, but Imam Reza (AS) would not even have considered whoever pulled the trigger a Muslim. Hence, Islam should not be blamed. The Taliban does not represent Islam any more than Rabbi Kahane’s Jewish Defense League of Zionist settler thugs represents the divinely revealed religion of Judaism or the Ku Klux Klan represents Christianity.
Of course Islam, Christianity and Judaism should be blamed. They provide for the irrational us-versus-them breeding grounds and will always inspire various nutheads to Breivik types of behavior.
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Gospel of the Gun: Role Model & Possible Friend for Malala

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank you Very Much for maintaining the Forum, Typhoon & Ymix.

Gospel of the Gun for Girls......... Role Model & Possible Friend for Malala

12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home

12-year-old Oklahoma girl shoots intruder in home

MATT SWEARENGIN, Durant Daily Democrat
Updated 11:41 a.m., Saturday, October 20, 2012

DURANT, Okla. (AP) — A man authorities said was shot by a 12-year-old girl who was home alone when he allegedly broke into her house has been charged with first-degree burglary.

Stacey Adam Jones, 32, was charged Wednesday. According to the Bryan County Sheriff's Office, Jones entered a home on Michael Avenue and was shot by a 12-year-old girl who was hiding in a closet.

According to an affidavit by Bryan County Sheriff's Investigator John Bates, the girl dialed 911 at 9:32 a.m. and said she was hiding in her mother's closet because someone was trying to break into the house. The girl, who was armed with a .40-caliber Glock pistol, said she heard the intruder kick open the patio doors and that she fired through the closet door as he entered the bathroom.

The intruder then left the home. Law enforcement officers from several agencies responded to the call and according to the affidavit, Durant Police Lt. Brock Jones saw a man, who appeared to be bleeding, running through a field. Jones and Durant Officer Buddy Faulkner detained the man, who was identified as Stacey Adam Jones.

Calera Police Chief Don Hyde also assisted in catching Jones, who told Hyde he had been shot. Jones then pointed to the girl's house and said that he had been homeless for the last 10 days and was hungry.

According to Bryan County Undersheriff Ken Golden, the shooting was justifiable and there were no wrong actions on the girl's part. He said that she armed herself with the Glock pistol after her mother told her to do so over the phone.

"She had been on the phone with her mother, who told her to get the gun, get in a closet and call 911," Golden said.

Jones was flown to the Medical Center of Plano, Texas, where he is in stable condition with a gunshot wound to the left shoulder/back area.

Bates said the gunshot was a "flesh wound" and not life threatening. Jones will be arrested by Plano Police after he is released from the hospital.

Bates said the girl defended herself and did what a person should do if an intruder enters a home because she armed herself, hid and dialed 911. According to Bates, she was still on the phone with the dispatcher when she shot Jones.

"She did everything you would want your kids to do if home alone," Bates said. "She did the right thing. "What else can you ask your child to do?"

The girl was out of school for fall break.


Information from: Durant Daily Democrat,
Read more: ... z2A7lyB5TN

Link with photos of the Heroic Heroine, scene of the crime and the Punk/Perp ... bled=false

Pakistan, Afghanistan and Almost-Any-Muslim-Land needs girls like Kendra just like we Uz and others do....

Grrls willing and able to shoot Perps.... be they Uz creeps, Pak Perps, Tallywacker Taliban Twerps .... Fathers intent on Rape or Honor Killing.... Mother in Laws intent on Bride Burning....... Burglars like Kendra shot....... Robbers and Rapists.....All need a dose of hot lead from their intended Gun Gal victims......

Here's hoping that Malala gets to meet Kendra and that they become BFFs after Kendra teaches Malala how to fire a gun and sends her home with several and lots of ammo courtesy of the National Rifle Association.......*

Boys need guns too.... Tell their Fairy Football Coaches and Dancing Boy Masters to "Go Fly a Kite!" :twisted:

*Yes... I know that this was the first time that Kendra fired a gun but the most important thing is that she had the WILL to pull the trigger and hit the perp......
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by YMix »

We've gone from comparisons to Hitler to comparisons to Breivik. It's the new wave.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Enki »

Data driven polling/mapping info on Pakistani sentiment.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Enki wrote:

Data driven polling/mapping info on Pakistani sentiment.
How different this all looked before the Afghan war.
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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Just saw a report on CNN about Malala Yousafzai's recovery after the Taliban's murder attempt. Her prognosis is "excellent" and they say she will make a full recovery. )Can't find it on their site yet so no link)

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Re: Pakistan Thread

Post by Azrael »

Yes, especially since, now that he's been re-election, Obama will, hopefully, lay off the drone attacks a bit.
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