Forum Code of Conduct | The Simple Rules

Code of conduct, technical issues and problems, suggestions, and/or complaints
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Forum Code of Conduct | The Simple Rules

Post by admin »

1/ Lively and spirited debates between differing points of view are both welcome and encouraged.

2/ Descent of a debate into the petty and the personal is not.

3/ Before creating a new thread in a forum, please check if a thread for the topic already exists.

4/ No trolling. Corollary: accounts with proxy server IP and/or fake e-mail addresses will be deleted.

5/ OTNOT is an anonymous forum. Please respect other poster's anonymity as they do yours.
Any attempt at doxxing will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

6/ If you choose to not be anonymous, then be up front about it.
Posts with unsubstantiated claims about being a Nobel laureate, billionaire of note, politician of note, artist of note, scientist of note, engineer of note, financier of note, business man of note, Casanova of note, polymath of note, US [ex] Navy Seal, US [ex] Marine, French [ex] Legionnaire, or just famous for being famous will be sent to Hell.

7/ If you choose not to be anonymous, then it is your sole choice and no other poster has any obligation whatsoever to reciprocate.

8/ Please post a link, if possible, to support your argument.
When posting a link please quote only one brief paragraph. Mobile readability and copyright considerations.
Primary sources are strongly preferred. There are than enough sites promoting "fake news".

9/ Regarding any issues, the mod may be contacted at

Have fun.
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Re: Forum Code of Conduct | The Simple Rules

Post by Typhoon »

Or even more simply:

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.