Assesing the American election, some preliminary observation

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well since citizens seem to vote now on what kind of pom poms you're shaking rather than whether or not the government is destroying your life, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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Rice and Romney the Alabama Massachusetts Treat........

Post by monster_gardener »

Mr. Perfect wrote:He should have picked Condoleeza Rice.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

Perhaps......... Rice and Romney has a nice Ring to it when sung the the Rice-A-Roni jingle

But I doubt Rice would have helped as much with Blacks as Rubio with Hispanos especially Cubans....

Might have helped some with women, especially Black Women.... the first female Veep and possibly President to be a Black Woman :shock: :D 8-) ..... *

But Rice like Romney may not have been pure enough on abortion for some conservatives.... Doubling down a bit......

So IMVHO Rubio probably would have been better....... though with a minor problem on immigration IIRC......

I could be wrong.............

*Perhaps I am being too stereotypical but stereotypes exist for a reason....... This one goes back at least to the election of Athena vs. Poseidon as Patron Diety of Ancient Ancient Athens.... There was one more female than male voter...... ;) Poseidon was so Peevedd about losing the electron that he threw an Earthquake....... :shock: :o :shock: :evil:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Skin Job »

I might have voted for Condi if I thought she could have overcome negatives due to her association with the Bush Administration. It would have been interesting to see the kind of foreign policy positions she would have crafted to run on, unfortunately I don't think they would have been substantially different than what we got from both the R & O camps, a daft continuation of increasingly unsustainable military spending and ham-fisted interventionism.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Rice would've rolled the media, overcoming all other deficits. They'dve had no idea how to go after her, would've been the difference, and I believe I said so at the time. When you list all the problems with Romney nothing changes that Obama couldn't have won without the media.

The "purity" types would've pitched a fit but they stayed home anyway it looks like, Rice would've taken enough votes from Obams to win.

But I understand she wasn't available, so...
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Re: Rice and Romney the Alabama Massachusetts Treat........

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

monster_gardener wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:He should have picked Condoleeza Rice.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

Perhaps......... Rice and Romney has a nice Ring to it when sung the the Rice-A-Roni jingle

But I doubt Rice would have helped as much with Blacks as Rubio with Hispanos especially Cubans....

Might have helped some with women, especially Black Women.... the first female Veep and possibly President to be a Black Woman :shock: :D 8-) ..... *

But Rice like Romney may not have been pure enough on abortion for some conservatives.... Doubling down a bit......

So IMVHO Rubio probably would have been better....... though with a minor problem on immigration IIRC......

I could be wrong.............

*Perhaps I am being too stereotypical but stereotypes exist for a reason....... This one goes back at least to the election of Athena vs. Poseidon as Patron Diety of Ancient Ancient Athens.... There was one more female than male voter...... ;) Poseidon was so Peevedd about losing the electron that he threw an Earthquake....... :shock: :o :shock: :evil:
Rubio, and his awful combover, is a joke and a red herring that Democrats throw out there as a "good candidate" the way they used to throw out John McCain.

He's biographically inconsistent and will be torn apart. No one, apparently, cares if you're a flip flopper on issues, 'cause that stuff can be overcome. But if you can't say straight who your parents are, what church you attend, where you came from- you're not getting anywhere in American politics.

And how can you say Condolezza Rice, if given the platform, wouldn't have "helped with blacks?" This isn't President Obama who took until his late 20s early 30s to figure out he was black, who doesn't have a history with segregation or slavery, conveniently right before he decided Chicago politics was in his future...

Rice's classmate was killed in the infamous Alabama Church bombing of 1963. Give her the same platform with Obama and talk racialist politics, and he might slip under the wheels of the same bus he threw his grandmother under.
Last edited by NapLajoieonSteroids on Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Yeah, Rubio ain't it. I have no idea what people see in him. If you want to go pigment Jindal is a better bet, he's more seasoned than his old SOTU video. But this is all whistling in the graveyard, we'll be past the point of no return before a Republican can get their hands on it.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Yeah, Rubio ain't it. I have no idea what people see in him. If you want to go pigment Jindal is a better bet, he's more seasoned than his old SOTU video. But this is all whistling in the graveyard, we'll be past the point of no return before a Republican can get their hands on it.
It's been pretty clear that Democrats, and a certain segment of Republicans, have been trying to make Hispanics an "issue" for the last few years. I guess we are supposed to elect Rubio so we can attract Hispanics (who generally dislike Floridian Cubans) while completely opening up the borders and allowing more Peruvians into the country so they have an easier time voting Democrat or something... :D
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Yeah, I keep listening to people say "hispanic outreach" which I think is a code word for amnesty, which I'm sure will gain the GOP as many hispanics as we got black people for voting overwhelmingly for Civil Rights, which means we pass amnesty and then lose by even bigger margins.

On that score it's lose lose GOP. The only opportunity for the GOP is when people decide they don't want the government to destroy their lives. When they get to that point we'll win again but tbh I have no idea when people will decide their lives have been sufficiently destroyed and it will be too late by then.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Yeah, I keep listening to people say "hispanic outreach" which I think is a code word for amnesty, which I'm sure will gain the GOP as many hispanics as we got black people for voting overwhelmingly for Civil Rights, which means we pass amnesty and then lose by even bigger margins.

On that score it's lose lose GOP. The only opportunity for the GOP is when people decide they don't want the government to destroy their lives. When they get to that point we'll win again but tbh I have no idea when people will decide their lives have been sufficiently destroyed and it will be too late by then.
Well you know, Democrats and their code words. :)

I'm starting to the GOP has to start thinking like foragers instead of farmers.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I think the GOP can't do a darn thing about anything. Minorities and the poor have been devastated by Obama while the rich whites reach higher and higher heights and everyone signed up enthusiastically for more. If people don't choose opportunity but destruction instead what is a sane person supposed to do? It's completely out of our hands, any effort to persuade anyone is a waste of time. Building a base of suicidal people isn't really a solid foundation. There is no strategy available to us. There is nothing to do.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Mr. Perfect wrote:I think the GOP can't do a darn thing about anything. Minorities and the poor have been devastated by Obama while the rich whites reach higher and higher heights and everyone signed up enthusiastically for more. If people don't choose opportunity but destruction instead what is a sane person supposed to do? It's completely out of our hands, any effort to persuade anyone is a waste of time. Building a base of suicidal people isn't really a solid foundation. There is no strategy available to us. There is nothing to do.
Well if you wanna be a quitter...
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

When the buzzer sounds do you think they keep counting your baskets?

Look Naps, you're a real young guy, I've been watching the 2010-2020 apocalypse coming since the 1980's, that's when we first started forecasting it. We could have avoided this with Newt in 1995, and the media killed that, Bush took a shot in 2005, didn't get airborne, and the Ryan budget was our last chance. That's it. Obama/Reaid aren't going to agree to any serious spending cuts because of ideology and legacy, cutting the spending limits his power. We'll hit 140% debt to GDP by the end of the term if not higher and there ain't no coming back. We've had these forecast charts for years and we're exceeding worst case scenarios. I really think a lot of you didn't understand the stakes here.

The Titanic has already ruptured, and their are fewe lifeboats on this one. You're welcome to try and weld it back up, but I'm not really confident in your chances.

There are a lot of real estate always goes up thinking going on these days.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Mr. Perfect wrote:When the buzzer sounds do you think they keep counting your baskets?

Look Naps, you're a real young guy, I've been watching the 2010-2020 apocalypse coming since the 1980's, that's when we first started forecasting it. We could have avoided this with Newt in 1995, and the media killed that, Bush took a shot in 2005, didn't get airborne, and the Ryan budget was our last chance. That's it. Obama/Reaid aren't going to agree to any serious spending cuts because of ideology and legacy, cutting the spending limits his power. We'll hit 140% debt to GDP by the end of the term if not higher and there ain't no coming back. We've had these forecast charts for years and we're exceeding worst case scenarios. I really think a lot of you didn't understand the stakes here.

The Titanic has already ruptured, and their are fewe lifeboats on this one. You're welcome to try and weld it back up, but I'm not really confident in your chances.

There are a lot of real estate always goes up thinking going on these days.
Well, if we are going for grandiosity here; I'm not much interested in wielding anything back up. What's done is done. But life does goes on, and if this the end of one era, it's time to start positioning for the next. And again grandiosely; I don't expect to see these benefits in my lifetime, but in an interest and love of life, you gotta start setting up for what comes after you. It's even better in an apocalyptic scenario, everything is on the table.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Well I'm not really trying to convince anyone of anything, reality is as reality does, but if you fall out of a plane with some people you can scream all the way down or you can maybe enjoy the view, or chat about your favorite hunting caliber, or whatever.

What a lot of "conservatives" who did not grasp what was happening here is that there is no post apocalypse, there is no rebuilding, there is no coming back from this, just long steady decline or quick abrupt collapse, or something inbetween.

There is a real 2008-2009 feeling, where some people were clinging to the idea there was a government "do-over" button, that the government could reconstitute a burned down apple orchard, magically. Various conservatives have been clinging to the idea that when this government burns to ashes then a phoenix will arise. It won't. There'll just be ashes. Freedom and civilation were never borne of collapse, they've always been claimed, built, earned. Constitutions like ours aren't found on cereal boxes, they grow from generations of intellectual development. You don't find it in the ash.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Well I'm not really trying to convince anyone of anything, reality is as reality does, but if you fall out of a plane with some people you can scream all the way down or you can maybe enjoy the view, or chat about your favorite hunting caliber, or whatever.

What a lot of "conservatives" who did not grasp what was happening here is that there is no post apocalypse, there is no rebuilding, there is no coming back from this, just long steady decline or quick abrupt collapse, or something inbetween.

There is a real 2008-2009 feeling, where some people were clinging to the idea there was a government "do-over" button, that the government could reconstitute a burned down apple orchard, magically. Various conservatives have been clinging to the idea that when this government burns to ashes then a phoenix will arise. It won't. There'll just be ashes. Freedom and civilation were never borne of collapse, they've always been claimed, built, earned. Constitutions like ours aren't found on cereal boxes, they grow from generations of intellectual development. You don't find it in the ash.
First off your still thinking like a farmer, and I'm not sure how feasible that will be for a long long time.

Secondly, this isn't a "do over" "rise from the ashes" type of deal. We lost that a long time ago. It's the whole Sophocles thing: everything mortal ends in tragedy.

This is getting awfully melodramatic, but your fine to do your thing that just putz about and choose to get involved. But it is guy like you, who ostensibly brag about how much capital they are sitting on with the gov't asking them to take more that need to get in the game if you want something to be around to grow again one day.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I've been "in the game" for more years than 20 than I'd like to admit, and the game is over, regardless of capital. We just spent like a billion dollars and lost. Like I said, or i should re-say, I'm not trying to argue with anyone I'm just sort of trying to snap people out of this denial trance, for no reason I guess. I'm seeing some conservatives snap out of it, who are starting to spoil for a fight, well it's about a year too late and it was our last fight.

Anyway, no need to rehash, just trying I guess to protect you from creating a little fantasyland that will end abruptly at some point.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I don't know where to put this but the polling for amnesty is overwhelmingly positive. Boner says he's doing it. The GOP will not win one vote over it.
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Re: Rice and Romney the Alabama Massachusetts Treat........

Post by monster_gardener »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:He should have picked Condoleeza Rice.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

Perhaps......... Rice and Romney has a nice Ring to it when sung the the Rice-A-Roni jingle

But I doubt Rice would have helped as much with Blacks as Rubio with Hispanos especially Cubans....

Might have helped some with women, especially Black Women.... the first female Veep and possibly President to be a Black Woman :shock: :D 8-) ..... *

But Rice like Romney may not have been pure enough on abortion for some conservatives.... Doubling down a bit......

So IMVHO Rubio probably would have been better....... though with a minor problem on immigration IIRC......

I could be wrong.............

*Perhaps I am being too stereotypical but stereotypes exist for a reason....... This one goes back at least to the election of Athena vs. Poseidon as Patron Diety of Ancient Ancient Athens.... There was one more female than male voter...... ;) Poseidon was so Peevedd about losing the electron that he threw an Earthquake....... :shock: :o :shock: :evil:
Rubio, and his awful combover, is a joke and a red herring that Democrats throw out there as a "good candidate" the way they used to throw out John McCain.

He's biographically inconsistent and will be torn apart. No one, apparently, cares if you're a flip flopper on issues, 'cause that stuff can be overcome. But if you can't say straight who your parents are, what church you attend, where you came from- you're not getting anywhere in American politics.

And how can you say Condolezza Rice, if given the platform, wouldn't have "helped with blacks?" This isn't President Obama who took until his late 20s early 30s to figure out he was black, who doesn't have a history with segregation or slavery, conveniently right before he decided Chicago politics was in his future...

Rice's classmate was killed in the infamous Alabama Church bombing of 1963. Give her the same platform with Obama and talk racialist politics, and he might slip under the wheels of the same bus he threw his grandmother under.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Nap.

You may be right about Rubio.

True that the Dogs of the Democrats would try to tear apart anyone the Republicans put up.......

I listen to too much Hannity.......

Remembering how enthused he was about Rubio........ IIRC Ryan wasn't even on the Republican Radar that much.......
And he couldn't deliver his State.....

IIRC Rubio seems to be on the Radar again........

As far as Condi Rice goes.....I remember that Alabama Church Bombing...... You may be Right about Racialist politics but I'm not sure even about that especially with the MSM in cahoots with the Dems/Progressives......

And remember what happened to Clarence Thomas.......

Plus the attack IMHO would have probably been to tie her to a Bush ;) :twisted: :roll: ......... That seems to be working pretty well for Choom Hog Barry.........
Last edited by monster_gardener on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Simple Minded

Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Very nice start Nastrana. To broaden the coalition, lets also include the non-racist liberals and the non-internationalist conservatives. The coming zeitgeist will be fertile grounds for the seeds of isolationism.

I also think the American voters are finally starting to wake up. Just barely starting..... Another 5-10 years and it will be in full swing. For far too long the motto of the generation in power has been "from future generations according to their ability, to us, according to our fickle whims and desires."
Err, America just doubled and tripled down on the concept.

In 5-10 years we'll be defaulting.
Exactly! Defaulting will be the full swing! ;)

Unfunded obligations will be easy to walk away from for those who:
A. never made the original promise.
B. the producers who are responsible for paying.

I think someone may have called it...... shrugging?
Last edited by Simple Minded on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Take Heart, Argentinian Example.........

Post by monster_gardener »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Well I'm not really trying to convince anyone of anything, reality is as reality does, but if you fall out of a plane with some people you can scream all the way down or you can maybe enjoy the view, or chat about your favorite hunting caliber, or whatever.

What a lot of "conservatives" who did not grasp what was happening here is that there is no post apocalypse, there is no rebuilding, there is no coming back from this, just long steady decline or quick abrupt collapse, or something inbetween.

There is a real 2008-2009 feeling, where some people were clinging to the idea there was a government "do-over" button, that the government could reconstitute a burned down apple orchard, magically. Various conservatives have been clinging to the idea that when this government burns to ashes then a phoenix will arise. It won't. There'll just be ashes. Freedom and civilation were never borne of collapse, they've always been claimed, built, earned. Constitutions like ours aren't found on cereal boxes, they grow from generations of intellectual development. You don't find it in the ash.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.
What a lot of "conservatives" who did not grasp what was happening here is that there is no post apocalypse, there is no rebuilding, there is no coming back from this, just long steady decline or quick abrupt collapse, or something inbetween.
Maybe not....... AIUI Argentina went through something similar to what we are facing...... Still around....... And they don't have nukes.......
The Argentine economic crisis (1999–2002) was a major downturn in Argentina's economy. It began in 1999 with a decrease of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The crisis caused the fall of the government, default on the country's foreign debt, widespread unemployment, riots, the rise of alternative currencies and the end of the peso's fixed exchange rate to the US dollar.

By 2002 GDP growth had returned, surprising economists and the business media.[1][2] As of 2012, the default had not been completely resolved, although the government had repaid its IMF loans in full. ... %932002%29
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by noddy »

a status quo grind for decades with give and take and minor defaults that lets the show go on with incremental loss of services is not impossible.. europe is attempting that, china wouldnt blink at it, it may be the new normal.

Simple Minded

Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:I'm watching posts like the OP and others in the last two days that riddled with holes and flaws, and at the moment I do not have the energy to dig in, except I think the left is thinking there is something new under the sun, whilst we fly straight into the heart of it.
Again, I agree. :)

Looks like nothing more than the continuation of a multi-generational cycle to my simple mind.

Recall Ibrahim's post stating that he would channel his inner right-wing, racist conservative and be willing to vote for the politician who promises him a tax cut in order to avoid paying his "fair share" of taxes to the oppressed/disenfranchised. :o

Recall Tinker's post stating that he would channel his inner Romney and outsource jobs to India to avoid paying "working class families" and union members a "living wage." :o

Nothing new under the sun! Human nature is pretty consistent. The "holier than thou" crowd loves to preach the gospel of egalitarianism when they are on their soapboxes, but once they step down, each one continues to act as an individual........... :o

Add John Kerry and Ted Kennedy as datapoints.

Sometimes you old farts post observations like you've seen this movie before.... ;)

Famous last words:
The urban intellectual stating that "This time is different!" is the equivalent of the redneck saying "Hey! Watch this!"

Enjoy the show brother! Its gonna be a Hoot Nanny!
Last edited by Simple Minded on Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Assesing the American election, some preliminary observa

Post by Simple Minded »

Check out Dennis Miller's interview of Victor Davis Hanson on 11/7/2012.

Hanson nailed it perfectly.

Short, poorly para-phrased summary: The MSM was extremely successful in corralling the binary thinkers into believing they belonged to one of two herds, either an Obama victim or a Romney oppressor.
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Crazy Orko Idea: Republican Business Scholarships....

Post by monster_gardener »

Mr. Perfect wrote:I don't know where to put this but the polling for amnesty is overwhelmingly positive. Boner says he's doing it. The GOP will not win one vote over it.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

That may depend on what the Repubs do.......

Crazy Orko Idea: Why not have Repubs spend a little less on ad subsidizing the MSM with ads and do some micro loan/grants to Hispanic or other loyal immigrant Republicans who want to start up their own businesses... People who are willing to help a little with promoting the party... Put signs in their yards.... Or along the road.... Maybe help with voter registration..... Or drive people to polls.... Not "classic loans" which promote resentment but "debts of honor..... Ask them to pay it forward when & IF they can..... Not big time money.... Just enough to help get a start when banksters are so cold even to established businesses..... Could help them too..... On a one time or limited basis depending fervent they have been...... Could call them Business Scholarships..........

Also might suggest they pay back by mentoring other good party workers if they are successful or even if not: "Don't do the things that I have done".......

Since I had this idea...... Probably/Is this done already?..........
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Also Igor.. Oops I mean Al Gore.. Greedy Little Killer Apes.

Post by monster_gardener »

Simple Minded wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:I'm watching posts like the OP and others in the last two days that riddled with holes and flaws, and at the moment I do not have the energy to dig in, except I think the left is thinking there is something new under the sun, whilst we fly straight into the heart of it.
Again, I agree. :)

Looks like nothing more than the continuation of a multi-generational trend to my simple mind.

Recall Ibrahim's post stating that he would channel his inner right-wing, racist conservative and be willing to vote for the politician who promises him a tax cut in order to avoid paying his "fair share" of taxes to the oppressed/disenfranchised. :o

Recall Tinker's post stating that he would channel his inner Romney and outsource jobs to India to avoid paying "working class families" and union members a "living wage." :o

Nothing new under the sun! Human nature is pretty consistent. The "holier than thou" crowd loves to preach the gospel of egalitarianism when they are on their soapboxes, but once they step down, each one continues to act as an individual........... :o

Add John Kerry and Ted Kennedy as datapoints.

Sometimes you old farts post observations like you've seen this movie before.... ;)

Famous last words:
The urban intellectual stating that "This time is different!" is the equivalent of the redneck saying "Hey! Watch this!"

Enjoy the show brother! Its gonna be a Hoot Nanny!
Thank You Very Much for your post, Simple Minded.

Quite right......
Add John Kerry and Ted Kennedy as datapoints.
Also Igor ;) oops I mean Al Gore :twisted: ...... Flying around in a private jet when he could do it over the Internet he alleges he invented...And living in that high energy home while profiteering on alleged MMGW.......

We are not only Killer Ape Egotistical Chaos Monkeys........ Many of us are Greedy Little Killer Ape Egotistical Chaos Monkey

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
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Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light
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