Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in London

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Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in London

Post by Alexis »

Sheikh Mohamad al-Arefe, leading hardline Saudi preacher, is the one who advocated for "Nikah Jihad", that is the "Jihad of Marriage", or more precisely the "Jihad of F*ck".

Nikah Jihad consists for an unmarried or divorced (& attractive...) young woman to go to Syria so as to contract short-term "marriages" (few hours) with Islamist fighters, so as to boost their morale. According to Al-Arefe, such action is a form of jihad -holy war, crusade in a Muslim context-, therefore a surer way to Paradise for young women.

Of course, following advice from the good Sheikh may not be the best idea, as this link about Tunisians who went to Syria for Jihad details (in French)
Lawyer Dalila Msadak declared that a large number of those Tunisian women who left for Syria within "nikah jihad" have expressed their wish to leave the battlefields and come back home. They fear being killed by Jihadists
According to Lawyer Badis Koubadji, «number of Tunisians and Somalis, men and women, sent to Syria is impressive. Situation of these Jihadists, girls and boys, is deplorable. Some have been killed, some are in camps of terrorist movement Jabhat Ennosra (affiliated to Al-Qaida). Those who want to go back home are prevented to do so, often even liquidated.
(my translation)

Now Sheikh Al-Arefe, the Nikah Jihad man, who recently again called for young men to leave everything and go kill and get killed fi sabil Illah (on the path of God) was surprised in London while he was doing his own private Shopping Jihad by two reportedly Arab men who recognized him & beated him up.
:lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

Shopping Jihad

Meeting with two commonsensical Arabs (in French)
During his holidays in the British capital, sheikh Al-Arifi was aggressed by two men as he was exiting a restaurant on Oxford Street, the longest commercial avenue in the world. The two persons beated up the Wahhabist sheikh who was sent to the hospital
(my translation)

In addition to the good laugh:

1. The outing of a murderous hypocrite is excellent news: may it help those young men and women who heard his call to go into Islamist meatgrinder in Syria to think twice!

2. Commonsensical reaction of those two anonymous Arab men, along with wealth of comments from so many Muslims scorning Islamists in general, and bloodthirsty hypocritical religious leaders in particular should demonstrate once and for all that the Islamist issue lies with a (small) subset of the Muslim world only, and within that subset far more to hypocritical warmongerers of Al-Arifi stripe than to (deluded and dangerous, but at least courageous) men and women drawn by the warmongerers' calls.
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It's OK, Daddy. We were married for the duration of the date

Post by monster_gardener »

Alexis wrote:Sheikh Mohamad al-Arefe, leading hardline Saudi preacher, is the one who advocated for "Nikah Jihad", that is the "Jihad of Marriage", or more precisely the "Jihad of F*ck".

Nikah Jihad consists for an unmarried or divorced (& attractive...) young woman to go to Syria so as to contract short-term "marriages" (few hours) with Islamist fighters, so as to boost their morale. According to Al-Arefe, such action is a form of jihad -holy war, crusade in a Muslim context-, therefore a surer way to Paradise for young women.

Of course, following advice from the good Sheikh may not be the best idea, as this link about Tunisians who went to Syria for Jihad details (in French)
Lawyer Dalila Msadak declared that a large number of those Tunisian women who left for Syria within "nikah jihad" have expressed their wish to leave the battlefields and come back home. They fear being killed by Jihadists
According to Lawyer Badis Koubadji, «number of Tunisians and Somalis, men and women, sent to Syria is impressive. Situation of these Jihadists, girls and boys, is deplorable. Some have been killed, some are in camps of terrorist movement Jabhat Ennosra (affiliated to Al-Qaida). Those who want to go back home are prevented to do so, often even liquidated.
(my translation)

Now Sheikh Al-Arefe, the Nikah Jihad man, who recently again called for young men to leave everything and go kill and get killed fi sabil Illah (on the path of God) was surprised in London while he was doing his own private Shopping Jihad by two reportedly Arab men who recognized him & beated him up.
:lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

Shopping Jihad

Meeting with two commonsensical Arabs (in French)
During his holidays in the British capital, sheikh Al-Arifi was aggressed by two men as he was exiting a restaurant on Oxford Street, the longest commercial avenue in the world. The two persons beated up the Wahhabist sheikh who was sent to the hospital
(my translation)

In addition to the good laugh:

1. The outing of a murderous hypocrite is excellent news: may it help those young men and women who heard his call to go into Islamist meatgrinder in Syria to think twice!

2. Commonsensical reaction of those two anonymous Arab men, along with wealth of comments from so many Muslims scorning Islamists in general, and bloodthirsty hypocritical religious leaders in particular should demonstrate once and for all that the Islamist issue lies with a (small) subset of the Muslim world only, and within that subset far more to hypocritical warmongerers of Al-Arifi stripe than to (deluded and dangerous, but at least courageous) men and women drawn by the warmongerers' calls.
Thank you VERY Much for your post, Alexis.

This reminds me of the Egyptian Beauty Shop Ladies who used their canes to beat up would be religious police who tried to tell them what clothes to wear and not to trim beards...... Bravo for them........
A group of ultra-conservative Salafis got more than they bargained for after bursting into a beauty salon in the Egyptian town of Benha in an attempt to enforce “God’s law” on the women inside reported the online newspaper, Bikya Masr.

The women were told to stop what they were doing or face physical punishment from the group.

But instead of complying out of fear, or calling for help, the women took matters into their own hands by striking back.

They beat and whipped the vigilante gang “with their own canes before kicking them out to the street in front of an astonished crowd of onlookers,” Egyptian online newspaper, Bikya Masr, reported.

The surprise raid on the salon was part of a string of similar “inspection checks” on other retail businesses to check for compliance and that shop owners and customers abided with “God’s law.”

This included telling shop owners “they could no longer sell ‘indecent’ clothing, barbers could no longer shave men’s beards, and that all retail businesses should expect regular and surprise inspections to check for compliance,” the newspaper added.

It is unclear how other shop owners and customers have responded to the Salafi patrols in Egypt, similar to Saudi Arabia’s morality police.

The strict segregation of the sexes is encouraged within the Salafi sect, with many of its women wearing the niqab and gown for full coverage.

The Egyptian group has also reportedly smashed Christmas trees and decorations in front of stores and malls, declaring the celebration of Christmas “haram” or forbidden.
‘Morality police’ links to al-Nour

The newspaper linked the vigilantes to the newly-established group, the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

It announced its presence in Egypt the Dec. 25 through a new Facebook page carrying a statement linking it to the infamous body by the same name in Saudi Arabia. ... 87342.html

Of course not much later Morsi was elected........

Al-Arefe does seem to be a hypocrite on the chicken hawk issue......

But he may also be a religious innovator.....

AIUI short term nooky ;) :twisted: oops I mean nikah is mostly a Shiite ;) thing....... and he is a Sunni.

Actually given all the control freak crap Islamic culture has, including honor killing for a girl just looking at a boy, short term Nikah might be a life saver:
"It's OK, Daddy. We were married for the duration of the date."
;) :lol:

I would still recommend having loaded gun in hand, finger on the trigger if talking to a Sunni dad...... ;)

I understand from Azari that the Shia in Persia have this better regulated......

Still need that gun in hand....... double plus ungood ;) to be raped by bad boyz who don't want to pay for their nooky ;) :twisted: oops I mean nikah
while you need 4 male witnesses to prove that it was rape.

I am suspicious of this below but Depraved Sinful Chaos Monkeys can be very weird and inconsistent as well as devious and plotting..........

On his upcoming program, the Saudi cleric will address religious diversity in Britain as he meets Muslim youth to promote peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims.

He has already begun pushing his agenda on the social media. “I've mixed with the British public in London & found them to be pleasant, polite & respectful towards all religions," Arefe tweeted on Thursday to his more than five million followers.

"The Law in UK treats British Muslims with fairness. Muslims should reflect a true image of their religion through their dealing," Arefe added on Twitter.

So who knows.......... He might do some good........ while doing some bad......

From a Western perspective in the short term at least it is probably better that Jihadi inclined bad boyz and comfort grrlz ;) go to Syria and get themselves killed rather than do the mayhem at home in places like Boston and Britain......

Something like this happened to that Danish Jihad Jerk who the Danes got released from Gitmo only to have him commit armed robberies to raise the money he needed to go on Jihad in Syria where he was fortunately killed.

Just don't let them come back...... They have sorted themselves out and revealed themselves as trouble. De-naturalize them in absentia......

The downside of this meat grinder sorting is that Christians and other minorities in Syria get hurt but for the moment it seems that with Putin's backing of ASSad, a holocaust is unlikely.

This from the link is also interesting.........
It is also note-worthy that the Saudi cleric who is currently visiting London has also infamously called for daughters should not seek to seduce their fathers by wearing revealing clothes at home.
Sounds like the poor gals don't get to relax anywhere... not even at home........ :roll:

Awaiting with interest, Ibrahim's reaction to this......... Will iBS denounce this as bigotry and racism or will he condone it since it was done by a couple of brown guys instead of a couple of white guys.........

the Islamist issue lies with a (small) subset of the Muslim world only
IMO correct...... But those............. those who act are the important ones.........
Last edited by monster_gardener on Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Ibrahim »

Wahhabis are widely stereotyped as backwards hicks, with cause as this example indicates.

Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Alexis »

Ibrahim wrote:Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
I hesitated when posting this, but this beating happened to a guy famous for his promotion of Nikah Jihad and armed Jihad within Syrian civil war.

The fact that he chose to wage his own private Shopping Jihad in London is not relevant to his propaganda activities.
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Does this dress make me look fat?

Post by monster_gardener »

Alexis wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
I hesitated when posting this, but this beating happened to a guy famous for his promotion of Nikah Jihad and armed Jihad within Syrian civil war.

The fact that he chose to wage his own private Shopping Jihad in London is not relevant to his propaganda activities.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Alexis.
Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
That is part of the evil Jihadi Muslim goal.......... London along with the rest of the World as part of the Muslim World...........

With the crap rules of Sharia shoved down the throats of everyone.........
Shopping Jihad
Per a Muslim authority cited by Spengler IIRC, female jihadi martyrs get to go on eternal shopping jihad in the Muslim heaven rather than getting 70 boyfriends and/or girlfriends like the male martyrs get......

Others say that the girls get to rescue 70 friends and relatives from hell.........

Maybe the rescued ones accompany the girls accompany the eternal shopping trip........

Carry the packages........

Tell Fatima if the dress makes her look fat....(never does ;) ).............
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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OK for Brown Guys to Rough Up Muslims...........

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:Wahhabis are widely stereotyped as backwards hicks, with cause as this example indicates.

Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
Thanks for your post, Ibrahim.

But I am SHOCKED! :shock:

Shocked that you did NOT condemn this violence in the West against a brown Muslim! :o

I am sure that if a couple of white men had beaten the Nikah Sheik you would have been screeching with outrage about RACISM....... :lol:

So I take it that if brown guys beat up someone like this, it's OK........ :idea:
Last edited by monster_gardener on Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


In Islam, something called NAJIS


In Islamic law, najis (Arabic: نجس‎) are things or persons regarded as ritually unclean.


To the list of impure things enumerated by al-Nawawi, Shi’a jurists traditionally add dead bodies and non-believers.

Additionally, any meat of animal which is killed in a manner other than that prescribed by Islam is najis.

Najis things cannot be purified, in contrast to things which are defiled only (mutanajis), with the exception of wine, which becomes pure when made into vinegar, and of hides, which are purified by tanning.


Meaning, for a real devoted Muslim, it is impossible to be in a "non Muslim" world .. Say in such a place like London .. as, pretty much everything one touches or eats or drinks, is NAJIS :lol: :lol:

This guy, Sheikh Mohamad al-Arefe, pretty much certain, a Western agent, probably works for British Military and Mossad, to agitate ME people, in Syria, Egypt etc

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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Ibrahim »

Alexis wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:Since this happened in London this correctly belongs in the UK thread. Unless you are motioning to consider London part of the "Muslim world."
I hesitated when posting this, but this beating happened to a guy famous for his promotion of Nikah Jihad and armed Jihad within Syrian civil war.

The fact that he chose to wage his own private Shopping Jihad in London is not relevant to his propaganda activities.
Where an event happens isn't relevant to the event?!
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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Hans Bulvai »

This guy released a video a couple of days ago denying that any of this ever happened.
He said he was in London on an invitation from some priest to talk about interface dialogue or some whatever.
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Re: Saudi advocate of Nikah Jihad beaten up by Arabs in Lond

Post by Ibrahim »

Hans Bulvai wrote:This guy released a video a couple of days ago denying that any of this ever happened.
He said he was in London on an invitation from some priest to talk about interface dialogue or some whatever.
"Rumors of my public ass-kicking were greatly exaggerated."
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