Obama, servant of evil

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Mr. Perfect
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »


*sound of gears in dumb@$$ heads grinding to halt*
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Ibrahim »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Oh, I'd say that there are a number of side issues that come into play. All the way back to ( as ALI reminds us every thirty seconds) the British nightmare. But one way or the other, that's grounded in the politics of oil. If , for the Weltanschauung of a partisan Martinet, " getting oil" can't be a shorthand for a larger, extremely well known and much spoken of argument that still broadly translates into something about the region's importance for oil production, well.

I got two words. The second is, " him".
Certainly present conflicts are related to past conflicts, and there are competing interests and motivations, but the two point about Iraq 2.0 are that 1. "oil," and more crucially contracts to private companies to build oil infrastructure, were a major factor, and 2. the war was not in the national interest of the US at all. And I think we can safely say both of those things because they are verifiable in the aftermath, based on what facts we now have before us.

British foreign policy at the stage in their history when they were meddling in the Middle East is interesting precisely because it wasn't in their interest either. It was about prestige and posturing and making money from British companies, making it just as counter-productive as US policy in the region. Come to think it it, I can't name a nation or empire since Rome that benefited in any measurable way from occupying the region, though certainly some private interests have.

If any partisan hacks are still actually defending this kind of interventionism then they should share office space with the Flat Earth Society.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

GW1 was caused by a US ambassador who led Saddam to believe the US would lo the other way if Iraq invaded Kuwait.

GW2 was caused when Saddam decided to discontinue the petrodollar hegemony in Iraq. Cheney publicly turned from Saddam's defender to his prosecutor the same day - the before and after press conferences are on YouTube.

Making GW2 "pay for itself" through oil revenues was a public policy statement though.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Demon of Undoing »


*sound of gears in dumb@$$ heads grinding to halt*
No, that was the sound of a thousand yards worth of tractor tire flips. Some of us work out after work.

And yes, I was hoping to avoid the drawing out of the entire ( extremely well-hammered) argument, which is why a sort of shorthand was used, and even then satirically. If you aren't talking about me, quit referencing the specific words I generated( "getting oil") and then passive-aggressively shift to "talking to/about someone else".

Getting oil does not equal, of course, specifically fighting over each and every barrel pumped. What a dumba$$ thing to even think someone in this environment is saying. But if you think it's not about who controls it, who makes the money, who gets contracts and who doesn't, who can apply leverage, etc, well. Same two words. The price is a tool. So are most people that shill for parties and can't open their mind a bit.

Edited to be less of an asshole. Sorry. Adrenaline in my system.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

This may come as a blow, but my world doesn't revolve around your words, from memory Parodite introduced the concept and whatever skimming by me that took place afterward is neither here nor there.

ME conflicts are not about getting oil, if we wanted to get oil by war Canada and Mexico would be infinitely cheaper and easier. The getting oil argument was dumb in 1991 and is dumb now. It is a left wing guilt politics meme tailored specifically for people like you and yes now I am addressing you directly. It was made to sell by people like Tinker and made to be bought by people like you. So that transaction took place rather successfully.

You can create "preferential contracts" without a single war. Such contracts are a matter of course in big business all over the world, no wars necessary, just gov't power.
Last edited by Mr. Perfect on Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Ibrahim wrote: If any partisan hacks are still actually defending this kind of interventionism then they should share office space with the Flat Earth Society.
Good thing that's not happening here.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:GW1 was caused by a US ambassador who led Saddam to believe the US would lo the other way if Iraq invaded Kuwait.
That is of course not the cause, just one disputed step in a process began by the ambition of Saddam Hussein (the real cause).
GW2 was caused when Saddam decided to discontinue the petrodollar hegemony in Iraq. Cheney publicly turned from Saddam's defender to his prosecutor the same day - the before and after press conferences are on YouTube.
You are going to have a big argument with Tinker, those guys said someone wrote a paper "New American Century" or somesuch.
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Demon of Undoing »

This may come as a blow,
Oh, it's a blow, all right.
but my world doesn't revolve around your words, from memory Parodite introduced the concept and whatever skimming by me that took place afterward is neither here nor there.
Fact free post you damned leftist
ME conflicts are not about getting oil, if we wanted to get oil by war Canada and Mexico would be infinitely cheaper and easier. The getting oil argument was dumb in 1991 and is dumb now.
Well, then. It's a good thing that intelligent people that have been discussing this issue together for years don't have to rebut, refute and hash out the particulars of it every time some partisan hack wants to seem like he's actually contributing instead of just trying to score imaginary brownie points. Now, if only someone would just satirically encapsulate the whole argument into some sort of shorthand or obviously oversimplistic phrase...

Oh, wait.
It is a left wing guilt politics meme tailored specifically for people like you and yes now I am addressing you directly.
So needless wars don't have any moral tags attached to them. Compassionate conservatism at its finest.

It was made to sell by people like Tinker and made to be bought by people like you. So that transaction took place rather successfully.
Holy lavender. Tinker is the Illuminati. RUN!!!
You can create "preferential contracts" without a single war.
Tell that to Dick, dick.
Such contracts are a matter of course in big business all over the world, no wars necessary, just gov't power.
OMFG. Did you just come out of the closet as a statist? You self-loathing stateophobe. Are you secretly cranking it to pics of Elizabeth Warren?

You go back in the ALI bin of "not being taken seriously enough to provoke a response".
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Obama, servant of evil

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Demon of Undoing wrote: Oh, it's a blow, all right.

Fact free post you damned leftist
Well, if you're going to make an issue of it, liberal posters do sometimes blend together so yes sometimes your posts and Ibs, Tinkers and Ymix all kind of blur together seeing they are nearly ideologically identical. So I may misattribute a quote on occasion, just the hazards.
Well, then. It's a good thing that intelligent people that have been discussing this issue together for years don't have to rebut, refute and hash out the particulars of it every time some partisan hack wants to seem like he's actually contributing instead of just trying to score imaginary brownie points. Now, if only someone would just satirically encapsulate the whole argument into some sort of shorthand or obviously oversimplistic phrase...

Oh, wait.
Errant phrases that are fundamentally incorrect are incorrect whether they oversimplistic or overly complicated. In this case the source was mainstream liberalism. It's a regurgitation of mainstream liberalism.
So needless wars don't have any moral tags attached to them. Compassionate conservatism at its finest.
Holy lavender. Tinker is the Illuminati. RUN!!!
No just a stock off the shelf leftist water carrier. He does what he's told.
Tell that to Dick, dick.
Tell it to Patricia Ann Woertz
OMFG. Did you just come out of the closet as a statist?
No the opposite. I don't think you are following along.
You self-loathing stateophobe. Are you secretly cranking it to pics of Elizabeth Warren?
If you want me to, sure. I'll even send you a video. You might like it.
You go back in the ALI bin of "not being taken seriously enough to provoke a response".
In my years that means you'll be following my posts more closely than ever. That statement always precedes more intense arguing.
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