Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's global

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Mr. Perfect
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Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's global

Post by Mr. Perfect »

A month ago Bernanke/obama capitulated, now the international left capitulates. Their policies are failures. I expect them to be more popular with their base.

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/10477840-2c34 ... z2gif9ZqNZ
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The global economy is experiencing “transitions on an epic scale”, the International Monetary Fund managing director said on Thursday, warning that turbulence in emerging markets could knock 0.5 to 1 percentage point off their growth.

Christine Lagarde’s remarks show the damage done to emerging markets by a recent round of “taper talk”, over the possibility of the US Federal Reserve slowing the pace of its asset purchases and their vulnerability to future changes in the pattern of global capital flows.

“The immediate priority is to ride out the turbulence as smoothly as possible,” said Ms Lagarde. “Currencies should be allowed to depreciate. Liquidity provision can help deal with dysfunctional market behaviour. Looser monetary policy can also help.”
The magnitude of dumb@$$ here cannot be described.

Look here. terrible economic data is touted as bright spots. We live in an era of insanity.
She also pointed to improved growth in the eurozone. “Now, after six quarters of recession, the region came up for air last spring, and growth should be back in positive territory next year – almost 1 per cent,” she said. “Yet unemployment – at 12 per cent – is still far too high.”
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Mr. Perfect »

With elites as stupid as this, who can really doubt that leftism will only result in widespread destruction. Naughty "hoarding" and Lehman Brothers are to blame. Go ask anyone on the street what they know about Lehman Brothers.

http://news.yahoo.com/ap-impact-familie ... 42926.html
Five years after U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed, triggering a global financial crisis and shattering confidence worldwide, families in major countries around the world are still hunkered down, too spooked and distrustful to take chances with their money.

An Associated Press analysis of households in the 10 biggest economies shows that families continue to spend cautiously and have pulled hundreds of billions of dollars out of stocks, cut borrowing for the first time in decades and poured money into savings and bonds that offer puny interest payments, often too low to keep up with inflation.

"It doesn't take very much to destroy confidence, but it takes an awful lot to build it back," says Ian Bright, senior economist at ING, a global bank based in Amsterdam. "The attitude toward risk is permanently reset."

A flight to safety on such a global scale is unprecedented since the end of World War II.

The implications are huge: Shunning debt and spending less can be good for one family's finances. When hundreds of millions do it together, it can starve the global economy.

Weak growth around the world means wages in the United States, which aren't keeping up with inflation, will continue to rise slowly. Record unemployment in parts of Europe, higher than 35 percent among youth in several countries, won't fall quickly. Another wave of Chinese, Brazilians and Indians rising into the middle class, as hundreds of millions did during the boom years last decade, is unlikely.

Some of the retrenchment is not surprising: High unemployment in many countries means fewer people with paychecks to spend. Some people who lost jobs got new ones that pay less or are part time. But even people with good jobs and little fear of losing them remain cautious.

"Lehman changed everything," says Arne Holzhausen, a senior economist at global insurer Allianz, based in Munich. "It's safety, safety, safety."

The AP analyzed data showing what consumers did with their money in the five years before the Great Recession began in December 2007 and in the five years that followed, through the end of 2012. The focus was on the world's 10 biggest economies — the U.S., China, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Russia, Italy and India — which have half the world's population and 65 percent of global gross domestic product.

Key findings:

— RETREAT FROM STOCKS: A desire for safety drove people to dump stocks, even as prices rocketed from crisis lows in early 2009, and put their money into bonds. Investors in the top 10 countries pulled $1.1 trillion from stock mutual funds in the five years after the crisis, or 10 percent of what they had invested at the start of that period, according to Lipper Inc., which tracks funds.
View gallery."

They put even more money into bond mutual funds — $1.3 trillion — even as interest payments on bonds plunged to record lows.

— SHUNNING DEBT: Household debt surged at an unprecedented rate in the five years before the financial crisis. In the U.S., the U.K. and France, it soared more than 50 percent per adult, according to Credit Suisse. For all 10 countries, it jumped 34 percent. Then the financial crisis hit, and people slammed the brakes on borrowing. Debt per adult in the 10 countries fell 1 percent in the 4½ years after 2007. Economists say debt hasn't fallen in sync like that since the end of World War II. People chose to shed debt even as lenders slashed rates on loans to record lows. In normal times, that would have triggered an avalanche of borrowing.

"Given what they've lived through, households are loath to borrow again," says Jack Ablin, chief investment officer of BMO Private Bank in Chicago. "They're not going to stretch. They want a cushion."

— HOARDING CASH: Looking for safety for their money, households in the six biggest developed economies added $3.3 trillion, or 15 percent, to their cash holdings in the five years after the crisis, slightly more than they did in the five years before, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The growth of cash is remarkable because millions more were unemployed, wages grew slowly and people diverted billions to pay down their debts. They also poured money into bank accounts knowing they would earn little interest on their deposits, often too little to keep up with inflation.

— SPENDING SLUMP: Cutting debt and saving more may be good in the long term, but to do that, people have had to rein in their spending. Adjusting for inflation, global consumer spending rose 1.6 percent a year during the five years after the crisis, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting and consulting firm. That was about half the growth rate before the crisis and only slightly more than the annual growth in population during those years.

Consumer spending is critically important because it accounts for more than 60 percent of GDP.

— DEVELOPING WORLD NOT HELPING ENOUGH: When the financial crisis hit, the major developed countries looked to the developing world to take over in powering global growth. The four big developing countries — Brazil, Russia, India and China — recovered quickly from the crisis. But the potential of the BRIC countries, as they are known, was overrated. Although they have 80 percent of the people, they accounted for only 22 percent of consumer spending in the 10 biggest countries last year, according to Haver Analytics, a research firm. This year, their economies are stumbling.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Enki »

Thread isn't about TPP?

Mr. Perfect misses the mark yet again.

So many great things to pound Obama about and the right never seems to actually know what they are.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Mr. Perfect »

We're busy planning murders.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Enki »

Mr. Perfect wrote:We're busy planning murders.
Or calling the ACA tyranny when 100 individuals have arrogated themselves root access to the entire internet and the right to know everything about you while it is illegal for you to even speak about what they are doing.

Do you know what someone who controls all of the information and who it's often illegal to speak ill of? A King.

Congrats on allowing Keith Alexander to become King while you're busy complaining about the tyranny of health insurance.
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Reply of the Tea Party Republicans to President Sultan Obama

Post by monster_gardener »

Enki wrote:Thread isn't about TPP?

Mr. Perfect misses the mark yet again.

So many great things to pound Obama about and the right never seems to actually know what they are.
Thank You VERY Much for your post, Tinker Enki.

So many great things to pound Obama about and the right never seems to actually know what they are.
PLEASE list them!

Always looking for more color ;) :twisted: for "The Reply of the Tea Party Republicans to President Sultan Obama"

Tea Party Republicans to the DemocRat President Sultan Obama the Last!

O President Sultan oBUMa, DemonRat Devil and Damned Devil's Kith and Kin, Lawyer & Community Organizer to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of President are you, that can't protect an Ambassador or stop a Chechen Terrorist even when the Russians warn you? The Devil excretes, and your Homeland Security & TSA eats. You will not, you Son of a Bitch Eater :twisted: , make subjects of American Christian sons & daughters; we've no fear of your evil henchmen Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi let alone Joe Biden :lol: , Jay Carney & Lois the Liar Lerner of the IRS. On the Web, in Congress & the Courts and in the streets we will do political battle with thee.

Thou Betrayer of Benghazi, the Middle Class and virtually every promise you make, thou Politician of Chicago, thou Choomer & Coke Snorter of Hawaii, thou Mouthy Klown of Syria, thou Betrayer of the the Persian young people, Agitator of Alexandria & Mess Maker of Egypt, both the Greater and the Lesser, thou Friend of Banksters & Killer Klowns from Financial Space ;) , thou Evildoer of & to America, thou Friend of Terrorists, thou Sneaking Spy & Peeping Tom to the nation, thou enemy of free speech, thou would be extortionist of dispensaries, thou Grandson of the Devil himself, thou great Silly Oaf of all the World and of the Netherworld and, before our G_d, a Blockhead & dog's Vomit, thou Horse's Arse, thou Gutter Mouse & Rat, thou Hairball ;) & unbaptized brow, May Dogs, Cats ;) , Ferrets and the Devil take thee! That is what the Tea Party Republicans have to say to thee, thou basest-born of DemonRats! Unfit art thou to lord it over true Americans!

So the Tea Party Republicans declare, you lowlife. You won't even be able to collect tolls from Chicago parking meters :twisted: so incompetent, corrupt & betraying are you and your Corrupt Chicago henchmen. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the time because the Obamacare site crashed the computer ;) :lol: ; the Moon's in the sky, the year with is the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; and thou couldst kiss us thou knowest where ;) :twisted: if we were foolish enough to trust a snake like thee.

So say the Tea Party Republicans and the Whole Tea Party Host.........


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_t ... n_Cossacks
Last edited by monster_gardener on Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Enki »

Look up the Trans Pacific Partnership.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:We're busy planning murders.
Or calling the ACA tyranny when 100 individuals have arrogated themselves root access to the entire internet and the right to know everything about you while it is illegal for you to even speak about what they are doing.
Elect Democrats, don't complain when they do what comes naturally to them.

I know you don't follow politics but when we take a break from murder planning then we spent months and months railing against all the NSA IRS tyrannies, you just don't pay attention.
Do you know what someone who controls all of the information and who it's often illegal to speak ill of? A King.

Congrats on allowing Keith Alexander to become King while you're busy complaining about the tyranny of health insurance.
So many tyrannies, so little time. Only so much time in the day when your already planning a lot of murder. And of course your President is the hand behind that puppet, so if you have any problems with it look at yourself and all your fellow obama voters who voted for goverment with no limit. Your hands are not clean, your heart is not pure.
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More InSultin' Sultan obama:Community Organizer to the Devil

Post by monster_gardener »

Enki wrote:Look up the Trans Pacific Partnership.
Thank You VERY Much for your post and the suggestion, Tinker Enki.

Found some interesting :twisted: :roll: stuff.

But what would one expect from the administration of the Trans-National Community Organizer for the Devil (COD) Himself.... ;) :twisted: :evil: :roll:

To give the COD :twisted: his due, this began before him though he continues it..........

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Paci ... ontroversy

One thing I note is that it might mess with parody & free speech:
Ken Akamatsu, creator of Love Hina and Mahou Sensei Negima!, expressed concern the agreement could decimate the derivative dōjinshi (self-published) works prevalent in Japan. Akamatsu argues that the TPP "would destroy derivative dōjinshi. And as a result, the power of the entire manga industry would also diminish." Kensaku Fukui, a lawyer and a Nihon University professor, expressed concerns that the TPP could allow companies to restrict or stop imports and exports of intellectual property, such as licensed merchandise. For example, IP holders could restrict or stop importers from shipping merchandise such as DVDs and other related goods related to an anime or manga property into one country to protect local distribution of licensed merchandise already in the country via local licensors.[73]

At a NicoNico live seminar called How Would TPP Change the Net and Copyrights? An In-Depth Examination: From Extending Copyright Terms to Changing the Law to Allow Unilateral Enforcement and Statutory Damages, artist Kazuhiko Hachiya warned that cosplay could also fall under the TPP, and such an agreement could give law enforcement officials broad interpretive authority in dictating how people could dress up. Critics also have derided the agreement could also harm Japanese culture, where some segments have developed through parody works.[74]

Moreover, on 19 September 2012, Suzanne Nossel, executive director for Amnesty International USA, stated that TPP negotiations should show the public their cards and the draft text of the agreement. She also felt apprehensive about the freedom of speech and health. This is because TPP has the risk of restraining development and production of generic medicine by protecting patents.

As well as mess with generic drug availability.......
In particular, they are concerned that the TPP focuses on protecting intellectual property to the detriment of efforts to provide access to affordable medicine in the developing world, particularly Vietnam, going against the foreign policy goals of the Obama administration and previous administrations.............Opponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership say US corporations are hoping to weaken Pharmac's ability to get inexpensive, generic medicines by forcing New Zealand to pay for brand name drugs.[70
Reminds me of the fact that we American Uz are not allowed by law to get prescriptions filled in Canada but Canadians are allowed to come here to get better/faster service even if they have to pay more for it..... :roll:

So I am tempted to continue inSultan' ;) Sultan obama with

thou enemy of free speech, thou extortioner of dispensaries
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by noddy »

i cant stand our "free trade" agreement with the usa and would kill it at a moments notice.

seems to be more the "american copyright enforcement agreement" than anything else.
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The TPP is the du jour liberal hissy fit fake outrage fake morality issue of the moment, but of course if they actually didn't like it they could end it, so of course they don't really care one way or the other. They are proven liars in that regard, proven over and over again. Scream bloody murder when Bush is in, quiet as a mouse peeing on cotton when obama is in there. Nowadays the US Government is some strange independent entity instead of something that is completely run by them.

No the TPP is one of those issues if the GOP opposed it it would just become more popular, so best to be quiet about it. Democrats will stop it if they want to. If it goes through it means they really like it.
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"Labour has lost its pricing power"

Post by Typhoon »

chindit13 wrote:
The Debt Problem

“All the arguments and frustrations expressed in these periodic meat-tossing, cross-generational smackdowns are symptoms, not causes, of the underlying problem, which is that on a worldwide basis, labor has lost its pricing power. The world is too efficient at production, and cannot create sufficient demand, except through debt. The debt problem is a symptom. Debt was the stop gap solution as society tried to find a reason to be for everyone. No solution was found, and now the debt itself has become a secondary problem.

“Thirty years ago, those who thought about it felt blessed that they weren’t born a female in rural Bangladesh. As labor has lost its pricing power worldwide, the opportunity gap between that female born in rural Bangladesh and a white male born in the US has closed considerably. The Bangladeshi girl will still argue that the gap is wide, and it is, but objectively one can see that it is closing. Despite the hand wringing and frustration, though, few of the young US white males would trade places with that rural Bangladeshi girl. With time, the gap will close further and it will be six of one, a half dozen in the other. It’s not going to get any better.

Reaper Displaced Workers

“A hundred fifty years ago the world saw the introduction of the McCormick Combine. A machine could do in a single day the work it took fifty men two weeks to perform. Efficiency thus came first to farming and the production of food. The most developed parts of the world were lucky, because there was an Industrial Revolution to absorb displaced farm workers. Also, worldwide labor wasn’t yet arbitrage-able.

“Manufacturing has seen a thousand different McCormick Combines come to the fore. Improvements in shipping, technology, and eventually the internet made labor a commodity, no longer limited by location, and major advances in efficiency and productivity chipped away at labor’s pricing power. Thus we had increased supply and decreased pricing power at the same time. That is not a recipe for upward mobility for those entering the workforce.

No Industrial Revolution

“There is no Industrial Revolution to absorb the redundant and superfluous. The only thing we’ve got, and it is a distant second, is social networking. Facebook, Google and their bastard offspring, however, cannot absorb all the labor looking for gainful employment.

“Some will argue that the solution is protectionism. They will argue that those accidentally whelped behind a particular border owe it to others whelped behind the same border to support them and give their lives meaning. So far, most people have chosen not to join what Kurt Vonnegut called a ‘granfalloon’, an artificial community based on some arbitrary or random commonality, such as place of birth. The main reason is because it costs too much. People, being ‘human’, might speak in homilies, but in their heart of hearts they want all labor outsourced except their own, especially when they get to the check-out counter in the store.

Plague Ended Feudalism

“The last time labor had such little pricing power, the predominant economic construct was feudalism. That ended when labor gained pricing power. That pricing power came in the form of The Plague. That was quite a price to pay. Many who realize what is happening now are grabbing for all they can while they can, all the while keeping their mouths shut about the grand and inexorable trend, lest a general panic set in. If there is any grand conspiracy, this is it.

“Existence moves in great cycles. Accidents of birth leave us all in a place and of a time not of our own choosing. We can do little but make the best of what we were dealt. Sad to say, Millennials showed up at a bad time, albeit still in a good place relatively, compared to that rural born Bangladeshi female. Those looking to blame someone might turn to their church, or absent faith, just scream at the great beyond. Neither will do a lick of good, but it might make some feel better.

“There is no solution. This is just the beginning of the singularity. Sorry.”
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Re: "Labour has lost its pricing power"

Post by monster_gardener »

Typhoon wrote:chindit13 wrote:
The Debt Problem

“All the arguments and frustrations expressed in these periodic meat-tossing, cross-generational smackdowns are symptoms, not causes, of the underlying problem, which is that on a worldwide basis, labor has lost its pricing power. The world is too efficient at production, and cannot create sufficient demand, except through debt. The debt problem is a symptom. Debt was the stop gap solution as society tried to find a reason to be for everyone. No solution was found, and now the debt itself has become a secondary problem.

“Thirty years ago, those who thought about it felt blessed that they weren’t born a female in rural Bangladesh. As labor has lost its pricing power worldwide, the opportunity gap between that female born in rural Bangladesh and a white male born in the US has closed considerably. The Bangladeshi girl will still argue that the gap is wide, and it is, but objectively one can see that it is closing. Despite the hand wringing and frustration, though, few of the young US white males would trade places with that rural Bangladeshi girl. With time, the gap will close further and it will be six of one, a half dozen in the other. It’s not going to get any better.

Reaper Displaced Workers

“A hundred fifty years ago the world saw the introduction of the McCormick Combine. A machine could do in a single day the work it took fifty men two weeks to perform. Efficiency thus came first to farming and the production of food. The most developed parts of the world were lucky, because there was an Industrial Revolution to absorb displaced farm workers. Also, worldwide labor wasn’t yet arbitrage-able.

“Manufacturing has seen a thousand different McCormick Combines come to the fore. Improvements in shipping, technology, and eventually the internet made labor a commodity, no longer limited by location, and major advances in efficiency and productivity chipped away at labor’s pricing power. Thus we had increased supply and decreased pricing power at the same time. That is not a recipe for upward mobility for those entering the workforce.

No Industrial Revolution

“There is no Industrial Revolution to absorb the redundant and superfluous. The only thing we’ve got, and it is a distant second, is social networking. Facebook, Google and their bastard offspring, however, cannot absorb all the labor looking for gainful employment.

“Some will argue that the solution is protectionism. They will argue that those accidentally whelped behind a particular border owe it to others whelped behind the same border to support them and give their lives meaning. So far, most people have chosen not to join what Kurt Vonnegut called a ‘granfalloon’, an artificial community based on some arbitrary or random commonality, such as place of birth. The main reason is because it costs too much. People, being ‘human’, might speak in homilies, but in their heart of hearts they want all labor outsourced except their own, especially when they get to the check-out counter in the store.

Plague Ended Feudalism

“The last time labor had such little pricing power, the predominant economic construct was feudalism. That ended when labor gained pricing power. That pricing power came in the form of The Plague. That was quite a price to pay. Many who realize what is happening now are grabbing for all they can while they can, all the while keeping their mouths shut about the grand and inexorable trend, lest a general panic set in. If there is any grand conspiracy, this is it.

“Existence moves in great cycles. Accidents of birth leave us all in a place and of a time not of our own choosing. We can do little but make the best of what we were dealt. Sad to say, Millennials showed up at a bad time, albeit still in a good place relatively, compared to that rural born Bangladeshi female. Those looking to blame someone might turn to their church, or absent faith, just scream at the great beyond. Neither will do a lick of good, but it might make some feel better.

“There is no solution. This is just the beginning of the singularity. Sorry.”
Thank You VERY Much for your post, Typhoon.

Would you please post the link?

Would be interesting to see the comments.

Thanks in advance.....
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Re: Left wing economic capitulation 2.0: this time it's glob

Post by Typhoon »

chindit13 is an occassional poster to ZeroHedge.

I do a search, once a week, on his nom de plume.

In this case, his post was quoted on another site [with no comments].

I don't have a link to the original post. Sorry.

Frankly, based on past follow-up posts, I doubt that the comments on his post at ZH are worth reading.

Most posters there seem to be embittered doom porn addicts with an irrational fixation on gold: chindit13 is not popular at ZH.
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Thank for the Chindit search

Post by monster_gardener »

Typhoon wrote:chindit13 is an occassional poster to ZeroHedge.

I do a search, once a week, on his nom de plume.

In this case, his post was quoted on another site [with no comments].

I don't have a link to the original post. Sorry.

Frankly, based on past follow-up posts, I doubt that the comments on his post at ZH are worth reading.

Most posters there seem to be embittered doom porn addicts with an irrational fixation on gold: chindit13 is not popular at ZH.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post, Typhoon.

Thank you VERY Much for trying to find it....

I had struck out looking for it at Zero Hedge after Googling.........
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Re: Reply of the Tea Party Republicans to President Sultan O

Post by Alexis »

This incident is funny indeed, but being laconic has its charms too.

Leonidas put it in two words

Legend -unfortunately probably apocryphal- has it that Cambronne, leader of Napoléon's guards at Waterloo, would have put it in a single word :)

As for Anthony McAuliffe, he did use a single word
A more polite one than Cambronne, nonetheless... these Americans are polite chaps, they are! ;)
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Laconic ;-) Thanks

Post by monster_gardener »

Alexis wrote:
This incident is funny indeed, but being laconic has its charms too.

Leonidas put it in two words

Legend -unfortunately probably apocryphal- has it that Cambronne, leader of Napoléon's guards at Waterloo, would have put it in a single word :)

As for Anthony McAuliffe, he did use a single word
A more polite one than Cambronne, nonetheless... these Americans are polite chaps, they are! ;)
Thank You VERY MUCH for your reply and the Kind Words, Alexis.

And for the similar anecdotes....

Thanks again.

Your friend,

Monster Gardener.
but being laconic has its charms too.
Subtle but VERY good.......
Laconia (Greek: Λακωνία), also known as Lacedaemonia, is one of the regional units of Greece. It is part of the region of Peloponnese. It is situated in the southeastern part of the Peloponnese peninsula. Its administrative capital is Sparta. The word "laconic" is derived from the name of the region by analogy—to speak in a concise way, as the Spartans were reputed by the Athenians to do.
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