

Re: The Syria Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Islamists against Assad

Al-Qaida's leader is calling on Muslims to join in Syria's revolution and to fight the Assad regime. But jihadists from neighboring countries may already have joined the ranks of the opposition Free Syrian Army.

West promotes this

why ?

well ,

real funny

America , Brits , French, Israel, Canada, Europe, Turkey, Al-Qaida etc etc


against Iran and Assad


Ahmadinejaaaaaat GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

monster_gardener wrote: Thank you VERY Much for your post, Hans.

Something I likely would not have seen otherwise. Greatly appreciated.
the Christians (who are currently trying to remain neutral),
I understand the impulse but.......... often a way to get in even more trouble........... No matter who wins, they may despise you.........

If you need to stay neutral and are weak, time to leave............. if you can....................
C'mon Monster Gardner, post the whole thing...
Those in power in Damascus claim to be the protectors of minorities, including the Alawites, the Christians (who are currently trying to remain neutral), the Druze and the Ismaelites (who are hesitantly joining the protests). In reality, however, they are stirring up hatred in order to take members of their own faith hostage. Even most Alawites never benefited much from the dictatorship of their fellow Alawite Assad. In their villages in the north, they are still just as poor as their Sunni neighbors, and now they must also fear retribution for Assad's murders.
Kinda contradicts the notion that the dictator is the protector of the Christians and other minorities. He only has interests and could give a rat's ass about ANY of the Syrian people.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Islamists against Assad

Al-Qaida's leader is calling on Muslims to join in Syria's revolution and to fight the Assad regime. But jihadists from neighboring countries may already have joined the ranks of the opposition Free Syrian Army.

West promotes this

why ?

well ,

real funny

America , Brits , French, Israel, Canada, Europe, Turkey, Al-Qaida etc etc


against Iran and Assad


Ahmadinejaaaaaat GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

You forgot against the Arabs Azari...
I don't buy supremacy
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Islamists against Assad

Al-Qaida's leader is calling on Muslims to join in Syria's revolution and to fight the Assad regime. But jihadists from neighboring countries may already have joined the ranks of the opposition Free Syrian Army.

West promotes this

why ?

well ,

real funny

America , Brits , French, Israel, Canada, Europe, Turkey, Al-Qaida etc etc


against Iran and Assad


Ahmadinejaaaaaat GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

You forgot against the Arabs Azari..

Yes, Hans , a big YES

All this a treason to Arab "speaking" folks

But, they fooled thinking their enemy is Iran when at the same times they humiliated and oppressed last many 100 years .. by Ottoman and now by Brits and French and Americans

You guys should back Iran NO MATTER WHAT (united we win, divided we lose)

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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by noddy » ... -doorstep/
The Arab League is faltering since the ‘Gulf Arabs’ usurped the leadership of Arabism. Historically, Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus led the way — the brain, heart and soul of the Arab world. But with Iraq in debris, Cairo in transition and Damascus in disarray, the Persian Gulf oligarchies are having a ball. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are forcing the pace of the AL’s intervention in Syria.

Not a week passes without an AL ‘initiative’. The last one was for an AL peacekeeping force. But AL has no army and Syrian rebels are a motley crowd and how do you work out a ceasefire? With whom? The Syrian regime then came to the AL’s rescue by asking it to get lost.
On Sunday, AL was back with a bang. After an acrimonious Foreign Minister level meeting in Cairo, Qatar and Saudi Arabia forced a resolution through which inter alia urges Arabs to “provide all kinds of political and material support” to the Syrian opposition. The slang is borrowed from the United States and Israel when they threaten Iran - ‘all options’. Simply put, Qataris and the Saudis now have the AL mandate legitimising their arming and inciting Syrian dissdents and various jihadi groups to kickstart a civil war in Syria.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

I would argue that Cairo is still the cultural and intellectual capital of the Arab world, but the Saudis and other Gulf states are swimming in money, which makes them more influential in other spheres. They are disproportionately on our minds in the west because of how much political influence they have here, and because Saudi Arabia is the champion of Wahhabism and home of most of the 9/11 plotters/hijackers.

But I think it would be a mistake to say that the rest of the Arab world viewed them with any kind of respect or deference. In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Apollonius »

Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.

They sound like Canadians. Nothing but infighting, and therefore easily dominated by groupies, like Americans, for example, or gangsters, like Stephen Harper's cabinet.

But Canadians are even harder to manage because unlike Arabs, most of them don't even really like God.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Apollonius wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.

They sound like Canadians...
Or the Greeks. Japanese. Americans, French and the majority of the world.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by monster_gardener »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
monster_gardener wrote: Thank you VERY Much for your post, Hans.

Something I likely would not have seen otherwise. Greatly appreciated.
the Christians (who are currently trying to remain neutral),
I understand the impulse but.......... often a way to get in even more trouble........... No matter who wins, they may despise you.........

If you need to stay neutral and are weak, time to leave............. if you can....................
C'mon Monster Gardner, post the whole thing...
Those in power in Damascus claim to be the protectors of minorities, including the Alawites, the Christians (who are currently trying to remain neutral), the Druze and the Ismaelites (who are hesitantly joining the protests). In reality, however, they are stirring up hatred in order to take members of their own faith hostage. Even most Alawites never benefited much from the dictatorship of their fellow Alawite Assad. In their villages in the north, they are still just as poor as their Sunni neighbors, and now they must also fear retribution for Assad's murders.
Kinda contradicts the notion that the dictator is the protector of the Christians and other minorities. He only has interests and could give a rat's ass about ANY of the Syrian people.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Hans........

Kinda contradicts the notion that the dictator is the protector of the Christians and other minorities. He only has interests and could give a rat's ass about ANY of the Syrian people
You may be right, Hans..........

Perhaps Bashir Assad is not Hafez :wink: the King/President his father was.....

Regarding being not being the Lord Protector of the Lord's people :wink: ........... If the vassals are not loyal to the King, it is hard to protect them..........

Also hard to be King/President when there is a drought or the price of bread or cooking oil goes up.................. AIUI also caused by Bankster speculation here..... :(

Not saying that Assad is a saint.......... but remembering what happened when fools in Afgahnistan got rid of their King........... TrashCanistan........

Am saying that if the Christians and other minorities decide that Assad is not their man, better to leave or make friends if you can with the Muslim Brotherhood monster..... if you can........ If you like living like a Dhimmi........ If you are allowed to be one...........
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Eyewitness Thomas Friedman on Syria and Assad

Post by monster_gardener »

Similar but Slightly different take.............
It was April 1982 and I had just arrived in Beirut as a reporter for The New York Times. I quickly heard terrifying stories about an uprising that had happened in February in the Syrian town of Hama, led by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Word had it (there were no Internet or cellphones) that then-President Hafez al-Assad had quashed the rebellion by shelling whole Hama neighborhoods, then dynamiting buildings, some with residents still inside.
That May, I got a visa to Syria, just as Hama had been reopened. The Syrian regime was “encouraging” Syrians to drive through the broken town and reflect on its meaning. So I just hired a cab and went.

It was stunning. Whole swaths of buildings had, indeed, been destroyed and then professionally steamrolled into parking lots the size of football fields. If you kicked the ground, you’d come up with scraps of clothing, a tattered book, a shoe. Amnesty International estimated that as many as 20,000 people were killed there. I had never seen brutality at that scale, and, in a book I wrote later, I gave it a name: “Hama Rules.”

Hama Rules are no rules at all. You do whatever it takes to stay in power and you don’t just defeat your foes. You bomb them in their homes and then you steamroll them so that their children and their children’s children will never forget and never even dream of challenging you again.

Well, 30 years later, the children of those Syrian children have forgotten. They’ve lost their fear. This time around, though, it is not just the Muslim Brotherhood rebelling in one town. Now it is youths from all over Syria. Navtej Dhillon and Tarik Yousef, the editors of “Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East,” note that more than 100 million individuals between the ages of 15 and 29 live in the Middle East, up from less than 67 million in 1990, and much of what their governments have promised them by way of jobs, marriage opportunities, apartments and a voice in their own future have not materialized. This is what sparked all these volcanic uprisings.

But Syria is not Norway. The quest for democracy is not the only drama playing out there. Syria is also a highly tribalized and sectarian-divided country. Its Shiite-leaning Alawite minority — led by the Assads and comprising 12 percent of the population — dominates the government, army and security services. Sunni-Muslim Syrian Arabs are 75 percent, Christians 10 percent and Druze, Kurds and others make up the rest. While Syria’s uprising started as a nonsectarian, nonviolent expression of the desire by young Syrians to be treated as citizens, when Assad responded with Hama Rules it triggered a violent response. This has brought out the sectarian fears on all sides. Now it is hard to tell where the democratic aspirations of the rebellion stop and the sectarian aspirations — the raw desire by Syria’s Sunni majority to oust the Alawite minority — begin.

As a result, most Alawites are rallying to Assad, as are some Sunnis who have benefitted from his regime, particularly in Aleppo and Damascus, the capital. These pro-regime Alawites and Sunnis see the chaos and soccer riots in Egypt and say to themselves: “Assad or chaos? We’ll take Assad.” What to do? Ideally we’d like a peaceful transition from Assad’s one-man rule to more pluralistic consensual politics. We do not want a civil war in Syria, which could destabilize the whole region. Remember: Egypt implodes, Libya implodes, Tunisia implodes. ... Syria explodes.
I don’t know what is sufficient to persuade Assad to cede power to a national unity government, but I know what is necessary: He has to lose the two most important props holding up his regime. One is the support of China, Iran and Russia. There, the U.N., the European Union and Arab and Muslim countries need to keep calling out Moscow, Beijing and Iran for supporting Assad’s mass killing of unarmed civilians. China, Iran and Russia don’t care about U.S. condemnation, but they might care about the rest of the world’s.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

May be wrong but I don't think so............. Not if there is money to be made or power to be brokered for China & Russia.......
The other prop, though, can only be removed by Syrians. The still-fractious Syrian opposition has to find a way to unify itself and also reach out to the Alawites, as well as Syria’s Christian and Sunni merchants, and guarantee that their interests will be secure in a new Syria so they give up on Assad. Without that, nothing good will come of any of this. The more the Syrian opposition demonstrates to itself, to all Syrians and to the world that it is about creating a pluralistic Syria — where everyone is treated as an equal citizen — the weaker Assad will be and the more likely that a post-Assad Syria will have chance at stability and decency. The more the Syrian opposition remains fractured, the stronger Assad will be, the more some Syrians will cling to him out of fear of chaos and the more he will get away with Hama Rules.
Going to be hard to do that now with the snipers out......... :o :(

Maybe a fools errand anyway...........

AIUI Egypt shows that the Muslim Brotherhood is a bunch of son of a bitch :wink: Muttawen dogs :wink: religous policemen wannabees who need a stick used on them at every attempt to tell you how you are going to dress or shave or other slimy Sharia shenanigans.

Could be wrong, but so far, Hannity :gag: seems to have been right........ ... index.html ... syria.html
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

Apollonius wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.

They sound like [pretty much anybody].

Re: Eyewitness Thomas Friedman on Syria and Assad

Post by AzariLoveIran »

monster_gardener wrote:.

Similar but Slightly different take .............
It was April 1982 and I had just arrived in Beirut as a reporter for The New York Times. I quickly heard terrifying stories about an uprising that had happened in February in the Syrian town of Hama, led by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. Word had it (there were no Internet or cellphones) that then-President Hafez al-Assad had quashed the rebellion by shelling whole Hama neighborhoods, then dynamiting buildings, some with residents still inside.
That May, I got a visa to Syria, just as Hama had been reopened. The Syrian regime was “encouraging” Syrians to drive through the broken town and reflect on its meaning. So I just hired a cab and went.

It was stunning. Whole swaths of buildings had, indeed, been destroyed and then professionally steamrolled into parking lots the size of football fields. If you kicked the ground, you’d come up with scraps of clothing, a tattered book, a shoe. Amnesty International estimated that as many as 20,000 people were killed there. I had never seen brutality at that scale, and, in a book I wrote later, I gave it a name: “Hama Rules.”

Hama Rules are no rules at all. You do whatever it takes to stay in power and you don’t just defeat your foes. You bomb them in their homes and then you steamroll them so that their children and their children’s children will never forget and never even dream of challenging you again.

Well, 30 years later, the children of those Syrian children have forgotten. They’ve lost their fear. This time around, though, it is not just the Muslim Brotherhood rebelling in one town. Now it is youths from all over Syria. Navtej Dhillon and Tarik Yousef, the editors of “Generation in Waiting: The Unfulfilled Promise of Young People in the Middle East,” note that more than 100 million individuals between the ages of 15 and 29 live in the Middle East, up from less than 67 million in 1990, and much of what their governments have promised them by way of jobs, marriage opportunities, apartments and a voice in their own future have not materialized. This is what sparked all these volcanic uprisings.

Everybody , Russians, America, West , Israel, Iranians .. everybody except Wahhabi .. are interested that those fanatics are eradicated

Wahhabi finance Muslim fanatics in southern Russia, America (supposedly) fighting them in Afghanistan and central Asia and and and

So, West & Russia & Israel and others, happy Assad killing the Islamist

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Israel may have Save Turkey... Sympathy for the Duck

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:
Hans Bulvai wrote: And you are wrong. I am not the one who supports a dictator that HAS BEEN/IS killing, wholesale, because of what might happen to his followers...

I am in no position to judge who is a heretic but I can tell you that those who support a bloody dictator deserve what they get; as much as I hate to say that. That's nothing new though. Where is Ibrahim? Look at what happened to the Italian dictator and is followers, etc, etc..

What are you implying by bring me up in this fashion?

I've never understood people who opposed these uprisings in any of the Arab countries. In all cases it means supporting a dictator over the majority of the population. It seems so stupid and immoral I can't imagine any sane person trying to justify it. Aside from the general "I'm just happy all these ragheads are killing one another" crowd, I don't see any reason not to at least tacitly support an uprising.

My personal hope is that the Turkish Air Force starts lighting up Assad's tanks and artillery. As in Libya, without their toys these tinpot dictators will drop in short order.
My personal hope is that the Turkish Air Force starts lighting up Assad's tanks and artillery.
In that case, Very Good thing that the Israelis took out the NORK - Syrian Nuke project.......... No???
As in Libya, without their toys these tinpot dictators will drop in short order.
Quite Right......... Which motivates others to get them.............

Poor Gaddafi Duck............ Gave up his nukes............

Right thing to do........ For Libya ............ For the world.......

But how he paid............

Hard for a bad guy to turn good or even less bad........

AIUI Assad's attempt at market reform made the situation worse............

Treacherous Euros (Obama/US/uz had to be dragged into it :( ...... US/uz NOT going to benefit from it..... )

Understand US......... Hard to forgive Lockerbie.......... But real repentance proved with works should be honored......

The Duck GadDaffy should have used some of those golden eggs to bribe the Greeks to make trouble in NATO.........

Shoot Brit & French NATO plans in foot........... Georgie's gun seems to point at Sarko..... Enough gold could have pulled the trigger for an accidental foot shot.......... "No can do.... My people are rioting over the thought that they will lose their Libyan/Iranian financed jobs...........

Gaddaffi Duck Hunt Greek PM Papandreou upper left.JPG
Gaddaffi Duck Hunt Greek PM Papandreou upper left.JPG (41.16 KiB) Viewed 2549 times
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by monster_gardener »

Apollonius wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.

They sound like Canadians. Nothing but infighting, and therefore easily dominated by groupies, like Americans, for example, or gangsters, like Stephen Harper's cabinet.

But Canadians are even harder to manage because unlike Arabs, most of them don't even really like God.
Thank you Very Much for your posts, Apollonius & Ibrahim.
Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.
Reminds me of these sayings about the Arabs/Ishmael .........

Ishmael......... He will be a wild jackass of a man........ His hand against every man............ and every man's hand against him.....

I against my brother
My brother & I against our father
My brother, my father & I against my uncles and cousins.
My brother, my father, my uncles and cousins & I against my clan/tribe
My brother, my father, my uncles and cousins & my clan/tribe & I against the World...........

Trouble unless the world is invaded by aliens from outer space, another dimension, time line etc............

To be fair, the Greeks were a lot like that against the Pomegranates.......... and they won..........

Against the Pomegranates......... Not so much against the Germans so far ...........
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Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:
Apollonius wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody.

They sound like [pretty much anybody].
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim..........

In fact Arabs don't respect or defer to, or even really like, anybody..................

They sound like [pretty much anybody]
With all due respect, maybe not...........

Some tribes like other tribes...........

IMVVHO, Uz UhMeriKuns like Canadians & Oz............

Laugh at Dudley DooRight/Renfrew of the Mounted but respect and like him too..............

for being better than we/uz often are............ :(

Sometimes we/uz are more like Snidely Whiplash.......... Banksters especially.......... *

Just ask the Injuns.............

Remember a WW2 cartoon of the Eagle and the Roo getting drunk together..........

Had a friend of my father who married a girl from Oz..........

Some tribes even like the Brits...........

Just ask the Miskito Indians...............

Blood :wink: brothers with the Brits..........

Want to bite the Spanish :wink:

*Though to be fair, Snidley is the one who really loves Nell......... :oops:
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US/British reporter Marie Colvin killed in Syria

Post by monster_gardener » ... lling.html
The 55-year-old Sunday Times reporter was killed alongside French photographer Remi Ochlik, 28, in a rocket attack on the besieged city of Homs this morning.

Now communication between Syrian Army officers intercepted by Lebanese intelligence staff has revealed that direct orders were issued to target the makeshift press centre in which Colvin had been broadcasting.

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Enki »

That's too bad.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
-Alexander Hamilton

Re: US/British reporter Marie Colvin killed in Syria

Post by AzariLoveIran »

monster_gardener wrote:. ... lling.html
The 55-year-old Sunday Times reporter was killed alongside French photographer Remi Ochlik, 28, in a rocket attack on the besieged city of Homs this morning.

Now communication between Syrian Army officers intercepted by Lebanese intelligence staff has revealed that direct orders were issued to target the makeshift press centre in which Colvin had been broadcasting.



MG , Daily Telegraph was the one who said Ahmadinejat is a Jew :lol:

come on, MG, come on

we know from Iraq that Pentagon "explicitly" had orders to kill Journalist

shooting with Tank canons into Hotels with all foreing journalist :)

Don't remember those 2 clips showing American choppers communicating with center and were told to shoot the innocents people on the street ?

In Syria most killings is done, probably, by Al-Kaida as western proxy

Why should Syria itself shoot journalist ?

Reminds me of that poor girl Neda that was killed by British agents (Mujahedin khalgh) and instantly put on uTube while she still was alive .. and blaming our beloved Ahmadinejat

Don't be fooled, West doing all this

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The Eye Patch

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:. ... lling.html
The 55-year-old Sunday Times reporter was killed alongside French photographer Remi Ochlik, 28, in a rocket attack on the besieged city of Homs this morning.

Now communication between Syrian Army officers intercepted by Lebanese intelligence staff has revealed that direct orders were issued to target the makeshift press centre in which Colvin had been broadcasting.



MG , Daily Telegraph was the one who said Ahmadinejat is a Jew :lol:

come on, MG, come on

we know from Iraq that Pentagon "explicitly" had orders to kill Journalist

shooting with Tank canons into Hotels with all foreing journalist :)

Don't remember those 2 clips showing American choppers communicating with center and were told to shoot the innocents people on the street ?

In Syria most killings is done, probably, by Al-Kaida as western proxy

Why should Syria itself shoot journalist ?

Reminds me of that poor girl Neda that was killed by British agents (Mujahedin khalgh) and instantly put on uTube while she still was alive .. and blaming our beloved Ahmadinejat

Don't be fooled, West doing all this


Thank you Very Much for your Post, Azari.

Azari ..... even I think Assad's forces did it

I still don't want Assad overthrown......... unless there is a peaceable better solution........ See my tagline.. ... rever#Plot

Maybe it's the symbolism of the eye patch.........

A brave person continuing the struggle after being maimed....... Odin....... Miao Shan ....... Admiral Nelson.... Honor Harrington.....

No patch but Andy Jackson rattled his way through his Presidency........ bullets inside.........
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Look MG ,

For one year, I was eyewitness, hour by hour, ON THE STREET, on the spot, when they were shooting and storming the military depots and police stations and and and in Tehran .. I am eyewiness for most what happened in Iranian revolution .. and .. I knew from top to bottom .. very top to very bottom

All attrocities were done by the Opposition (the Ayatollahs) .. but .. were attributed to Shah and Savak

Poor Shah and Savak repeated and repeated they innocent .. but BBC, VOA, DW and the mad mullahs, all, day in day out, said Shah and Savak doing it .. when Cinema Rex happened BBC , VOA , DW and mad mullahs said Shah did it .. yrs later Ayatollahs said they did it because immoral films were shown

Look, MG, all sitting rulers, regimes, governments, never interested in unrest, killing people on street .. they want calm back to street .. but .. opposition agitators are the one doing all those things .. Neda was killed by Brits and Syrian killings is done either directly by western special units (like Libya) or by Islamist & Al-Gheida as western proxy

Ibrahim can confirm that 38 Turkish special agents are arrested in Syria and Turkey now negotiating for their release .. what are Turkish spacial agents doing deep in Syria ?

MG, never trust news you get from western media .. did western media did a good job pre Iraq war informing you what was really going on ? NO .. same story now

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Latest News from Fox's Shepherd Dawg :-)

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Look MG ,

For one year, I was eyewitness, hour by hour, ON THE STREET, on the spot, when they were shooting and storming the military depots and police stations and and and in Tehran .. I am eyewiness for most what happened in Iranian revolution .. and .. I knew from top to bottom .. very top to very bottom

All attrocities were done by the Opposition (the Ayatollahs) .. but .. were attributed to Shah and Savak

Poor Shah and Savak repeated and repeated they innocent .. but BBC, VOA, DW and the mad mullahs, all, day in day out, said Shah and Savak doing it .. when Cinema Rex happened BBC , VOA , DW and mad mullahs said Shah did it .. yrs later Ayatollahs said they did it because immoral films were shown

Look, MG, all sitting rulers, regimes, governments, never interested in unrest, killing people on street .. they want calm back to street .. but .. opposition agitators are the one doing all those things .. Neda was killed by Brits and Syrian killings is done either directly by western special units (like Libya) or by Islamist & Al-Gheida as western proxy

Ibrahim can confirm that 38 Turkish special agents are arrested in Syria and Turkey now negotiating for their release .. what are Turkish spacial agents doing deep in Syria ?

MG, never trust news you get from western media .. did western media did a good job pre Iraq war informing you what was really going on ? NO .. same story now

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
MG, never trust news you get from western media ..
Good advice about any media....

"Believe half of what you see and NONE of what you hear" :wink: :(

Hard to do.........

FWIW Shepard Smith on Fox....The Dawg :wink: is As angry about Marie Cohen as I have seen him since Shep :wink: got mad at FEMA & Pres. George W. Bush after Hurricane Katrina...........

Virtually calling for US/uz to aid the Syrian rebels or intervene UzsElves :wink: ........... Compared it to Rwanda.........

Good news is that those potatoes :wink: the common taters* :wink: say not gonna happen as White House not sure who the Syrian opposition is except that Al Queda is part of it and we/US/uz aren't making common cause with Al :wink: ......

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Ammianus » ... anted=2&hp

Yep, them Islamists staging those false flag attacks and faking those deaths again. Nothing new to see here. No problemo at all.
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Re: The Syria Thread

Post by Ibrahim »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Ibrahim can confirm that 38 Turkish special agents are arrested in Syria and Turkey now negotiating for their release
I can? I mostly just check Reuter's.

Re: The Syria Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Ibrahim wrote:.
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Ibrahim can confirm that 38 Turkish special agents are arrested in Syria and Turkey now negotiating for their release
I can ? I mostly just check Reuter's.


come on Ibrahim, don't you read Haaretz :)

Haaretz : Turkey fears this development after a diplomatic crisis erupted with Syria when more than 40 Turkish intelligence officers were captured by the Syrian army. Over the past week, Turkey has been conducting intensive negotiations with Syria in order to secure their freedom, and Syria insists that their release will be conditioned on the extradition of Syrian officers and soldiers that defected and are currently in Turkey.

Syria also conditioned the continuation of the negotiations on Turkey's blockade of weapon transfers and passage of soldiers from the rebels' Free Syria Army through its territory. It also demanded that Iran sponsor the negotiations of releasing the Turkish officers.

Turkey, who mediated several weeks ago between the Free Syria Army and Iran to secure the release of several Iranian citizens who were captured by the rebels, rejects Syria's demands, and for this reason Turkish sources believe that Turkey will soon decide on hardening its stance on Syria.

Syria, on the other hand, has recently published "confessions" that it allegedly gathered from the Turkish officers that they were trained by Israel's Mossad, and were given instructions to carry out bombings to undermine the country's security. According to the Syrians, one of the Turkish officers said that the Mossad also trains soldiers from the Free Syria Army, and that Mossad agents came to Jordan in order to train al-Qaida officials to send to Syria to carry out attacks.
You saying Haaretz lying ? ? :)

BTW, MG : the video clips says it all .. West doing all this with Turkish hand
40 US agents of Libyan decent arrested in Turkish/Syrian border

US is sending the same terrorists which destroyed Libya to Syria, now we see the same execution, butchery and torture in Syria. This isn't a coincidence, Syrian Security Forces captured 40 of these terrorists yesterday trying to get in Syria, these are agents of US who not only execute innocent Syrians, but also attack security forces, government buildings and Syrian livelihood (for example pipelines etc).

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