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Post by AzariLoveIran »


‘ Workers of Russia, become an aristocracy ! ’

For Putin, social policy should “support the weak,” while providing an “equal starting position” for all members of society.
I like Putin

Can not say same re Cameron , a real POS, a worst one than that (supposedly) Iron lady

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Azrael »

I used to like Putin, but I'm liking him less and less. When people try to hold on to power for too long, it affects their judgement. He should have stuck to two terms.
cultivate a white rose

Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Azrael wrote:.
I used to like Putin, but I'm liking him less and less. When people try to hold on to power for too long, it affects their judgement. He should have stuck to two terms.
Under normal circumstances , yes, he should

but, now, Russia in critical stage of Russian history .. things must be stabilized and brought back to mother Russia

There's no alternative to Putin right now

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

That's completely ridiculous. When has an autocratic leader who stubbornly clings to power ever brought any lasting positive change? Lee Kwan Yew is probably the best example but Putin is no Lee. Putin (and more importantly, the underlings that depend on him and who have more day-to-day operatonal control over the government) have very little incentive to make their people happier. In fact, the more autocratic the country becomes, the less Putin's survival depends on appeasing the people because the pool of essential backers shrinks.

This new-age fetish with economic prosperity before political liberalization is just that: a sick fetish, much like extreme bondage or diaper-wearing. It rarely, if ever, works. The best examples are in East Asia but they come with their caveats and are unlikely to have any predictive power for Russia.

Russia is progressing down the path of ruin, just like Iran. Iran is winning the race, though.
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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Enki »

Zack Morris wrote:That's completely ridiculous. When has an autocratic leader who stubbornly clings to power ever brought any lasting positive change? Lee Kwan Yew is probably the best example but Putin is no Lee. Putin (and more importantly, the underlings that depend on him and who have more day-to-day operatonal control over the government) have very little incentive to make their people happier. In fact, the more autocratic the country becomes, the less Putin's survival depends on appeasing the people because the pool of essential backers shrinks.
Except in Putin's Russia a great many things have indeed improved considerably. I read a lot from Russian scientists saying they don't have much budget to speak of, but they have a very free hand in their exploration, much freer than here in America.
This new-age fetish with economic prosperity before political liberalization is just that: a sick fetish, much like extreme bondage or diaper-wearing. It rarely, if ever, works. The best examples are in East Asia but they come with their caveats and are unlikely to have any predictive power for Russia.
Or like America where political liberalization is done away with in favor of economic prosperity. Then when you don't have political liberalization anymore, they stop caring about your prosperity as well.
Russia is progressing down the path of ruin, just like Iran. Iran is winning the race, though.
Faith based opinion.
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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Zack Morris wrote:.
Russia is progressing down the path of ruin, just like Iran. Iran is winning the race, though.

Zack, you behind the curve, seems you did not watch it .. who am I (or you) to disagree with Friedman who winnin the race

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

I wasn't factoring into consideration the prospect of war. Iran is still going downhill. It's a dysfunctional country with out-of-touch leadership. In case you haven't noticed, there has been a massive exodus of intellectuals going on since 1979. I sit next to one who just got out.
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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Alexis »

AzariLoveIran wrote:There's no alternative to Putin right now
You're right there is none.

But the very fact that there is none is the problem...

This situation is the result of three factors:
- The chaos of the 1990s, improperly branded "Democracy" (it was not), and supported by US & many Western European governments, caused much suffering among Russians, which to this day gives democracy a bad name among some. I reckon: not the majority of Russians, though
- Lack of culture and experience of stable bipolar systems in Russia leading to difficulty to organize one and fear that a bipolar system would not be stable... this is IMO the most important factor
- Present government making it more difficult to organize worthy alternatives to itself, through behind-the-curtains support of Communist (Zyuganov) and wacko-Nationalist (Jirinovski) which "occupy the field" of opposition while being unelectable, and through specific rules like minimum of 7% votes to get MPs in Parliament. However, Russian government is not doing anything fundamentally different on this than what US / Western European governments also do...

Political stability in Russia is probable in the 2012-2024 timeframe (two more Putin mandates, extended now to six years)
After 2024... everything will depend on ability of Russia to finally get a real bipolar system in place

Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Zack Morris wrote:.

I wasn't factoring into consideration the prospect of war. Iran is still going downhill. It's a dysfunctional country with out-of-touch leadership. In case you haven't noticed, there has been a massive exodus of intellectuals going on since 1979. I sit next to one who just got out.


Dysfunctional ? ?

Things pretty much good considering 33 yrs of sanctions .. you been lately in Tehran ?

Out-of-touch leadership ? ?

out-of-touch with whom ?

with those Gutchi crowed shown on FoxNews ? ?

come on , Zack, come on

Leadership in close touch with 80% of Iranians, the poor

and that is why west has no traction with Iranians


Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Putin vows to halt Russia's population plunge with babies, immigrants

If current trends continue, Russia's population will drop from 143 million to 107 million by 2050. Putin vowed in a newspaper article yesterday to reverse that trend if elected.
Among the measures he proposes are a fresh assault on Russia's catastrophic rates of male alcoholism, special allowances for women who have more than two children (an idea that's been tried before with limited success), improved housing and educational prospects for all Russians, and a "smart" immigration policy that will entice Russians living abroad to return to the motherland and attract educated and talented young foreigners.

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Zack Morris »

AzariLoveIran wrote: Things pretty much good considering 33 yrs of sanctions .. you been lately in Tehran ?
No, because there's a good chance I'd be arrested and held hostage for some political ransom. And it's not like there's anything interesting to do, what with the strict Islamic law and all. My office mate recently left Iran, just like every other college graduate who can. I've never met an Iranian in the US who supports the regime over there. Never.
Out-of-touch leadership ? ?

out-of-touch with whom ?
With the needs of the people and the country. Religious nutjobs with the authority to overrule anything the parliament and the people want.
Leadership in close touch with 80% of Iranians, the poor
They're populists who prey on the ignorance of the poor. Nothing new.

Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


OK, not been in Tehran, what about San Fran ?

Zack, you think San Fran has more homeless or Tehran ?

Nobody sleeping on walkways in Tehran, neither sleeping hungry , universal health care, universal education, 100% literacy (below age 35, 90% of population)

we fed, housed, educated 10 million Afghan refugy

and all this with strictest sanction since 33 yrs

Iran should get a Gold medal for this

:lol: "populists who prey on the ignorance of the poor"

come on

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by YMix »

Putin Says Russia Needs Strong Military

(MOSCOW) — Russia needs to modernize its military arsenals to deter others from grabbing its resources, Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said in an article published Monday.

Putin, who is running to reclaim presidency in March 4 election, didn't name any specific nation eyeing Russian mineral riches, but in the past he had repeatedly accused the United States of trying to weaken Russia in order to sideline a rival. (See more recent news about Russia.)

"We mustn't tempt anyone with our weakness," Putin wrote in the government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Putin said the government plans spending about 23 trillion rubles (about $770 billion dollars) over the next decade to purchase more than 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles, more than 600 combat aircraft, dozens of submarines and other navy vessels and thousands of armored vehicles.

"Amid global economic upheavals and other shocks there always is a temptation to solve one's problems by using force to apply pressure," Putin wrote, pointing at arguments that resources of global significance shouldn't be subject to national sovereignty and should be shared.

Putin didn't specify who is making such claims, but some Russian officials and lawmakers had alleged in the past that the West is eyeing Russia's rich mineral resources.

He said that Russia will respond to the planned U.S. missile defense by developing weapons capable of penetrating it.

Putin has dismissed the U.S. claim that the prospective shield is intended to counter the Iranian missile threat, saying that its real goal is to erode Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Putin said Russia also needs to look 30 to 50 years ahead to foresee threats posed by prospective new weapons technologies.

While a nuclear conflict looks unlikely, scientific progress leads to the emergence of new weapons that could change the character of war, Putin said. He specifically referred to precision long-range non-nuclear weapons, saying they emerge as key instrument of modern warfare.

While Putin on Monday stopped short of naming any nation developing the technology, Russia has long voiced concern with U.S. plans to re-equip some of its long-range nuclear missiles with conventional warheads.

Experts have warned that the obsolete equipment and aging workforce at Russian defense plants put a challenge to the ambitious weapons modernization program.

Putin said the government would need to focus on modernizing weapons-making plants, promising to encourage private investments in arms production.
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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

YMix wrote:.

Putin Says Russia Needs Strong Military

(MOSCOW) — Russia needs to modernize its military arsenals to deter others from grabbing its resources, Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said in an article published Monday.


"Amid global economic upheavals and other shocks there always is a temptation to solve one's problems by using force to apply pressure," Putin wrote, pointing at arguments that resources of global significance shouldn't be subject to national sovereignty and should be shared.

Putin didn't specify who is making such claims, but some Russian officials and lawmakers had alleged in the past that the West is eyeing Russia's rich mineral resources.


:lol: :lol:

That is what I am saying since long long time

WW 1 & 2 was for natural resources

and now

things even worst

China and India and and and want their share of the resources

West thought world natural resources belong to west, genuflect the others

now things changed


I have also propagated that natural resources, things G_d gave to inhabitants of planet earth, like Sun & Air & Water & gold and oil and gas and iron ore and copper and and and , belong to humanity, to all of us , and not to Sheik shithead Wahhabi lavender or even to Vodka burning Putin


west not saying this

west not saying natural resources belong to all humans on earth .. west saying they belong to west, genuflect the Chinese

well .. Siberian resources, at the end, will be Chinese, one way or other

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Russian Orthodox Church: Prepare for War

Post by Alexis »

Russian Orthodox Church: Prepare for War
Speaking on matters beyond the realm of the spiritual, a top Orthodox Church cleric said Russia must play a greater role in responding to ongoing global events that could deteriorate into a world war.
"There are many processes occurring in the world in which Russia should play a much more active role,” Vsevolod Chaplin, a high-placed cleric in the Russian Orthodox Church, said in an interview with the Svobodnaya Pressa ('Free Press') publishing house. “The economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world are so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations."

Chaplin said Russia’s military must remain “combat-ready” to prevent the outbreak of military incidents on or around its territory.

"In order to ensure that these military operations not unfold on our territory or in the vicinity of our borders, we need to keep our armed forces combat ready,” Chaplin said.

Russia must actively participate in settling all situations that may lead to a war, be it the Middle East or Central Asia, where the situation is also tense, he added.

"By all accounts, we will not manage to escape a big war," Chaplin warned, while adding that civilization’s current trajectory “may lead to the annihilation of cities.”
This is most remarkable.

The Orthodox Church, similar to the Catholic Church, bases its outlook on the world on the teachings and sensitivity to potential events of a rich Tradition, is generally "well-informed" (deep and sensitive networks), and doesn't make pronouncements lightly.

That such an institution would issue warnings about "economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world (being) so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations" and potential that contemporary civilizational trends would lead to "annihilation of cities" is quite extraordinary, in fact.

Archipriest Vsevolod Chaplin

Re: Russian Orthodox Church: Prepare for War

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Alexis wrote:.

Russian Orthodox Church: Prepare for War
Speaking on matters beyond the realm of the spiritual, a top Orthodox Church cleric said Russia must play a greater role in responding to ongoing global events that could deteriorate into a world war.
"There are many processes occurring in the world in which Russia should play a much more active role,” Vsevolod Chaplin, a high-placed cleric in the Russian Orthodox Church, said in an interview with the Svobodnaya Pressa ('Free Press') publishing house. “The economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world are so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations."

Chaplin said Russia’s military must remain “combat-ready” to prevent the outbreak of military incidents on or around its territory.

"In order to ensure that these military operations not unfold on our territory or in the vicinity of our borders, we need to keep our armed forces combat ready,” Chaplin said.

Russia must actively participate in settling all situations that may lead to a war, be it the Middle East or Central Asia, where the situation is also tense, he added.

"By all accounts, we will not manage to escape a big war," Chaplin warned, while adding that civilization’s current trajectory “may lead to the annihilation of cities.”
This is most remarkable.

The Orthodox Church, similar to the Catholic Church, bases its outlook on the world on the teachings and sensitivity to potential events of a rich Tradition, is generally "well-informed" (deep and sensitive networks), and doesn't make pronouncements lightly.

That such an institution would issue warnings about "economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world (being) so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations" and potential that contemporary civilizational trends would lead to "annihilation of cities" is quite extraordinary, in fact.

Yes, it is extraordinary .. but, sadly, fact

root cause is scarcity of natural resources

Too many Chinese and too many Indian

we not talking 100 million .. 3.5 Billion of Chinese and Indians , and counting

Imagine this

If each Chinese and India would eat only "One burger a day", cattle would be wiped out

probably, billion or two, too many folks

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Plenty of Food, Lack of Logistics, National Russian Sex Day

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Alexis wrote:.

Russian Orthodox Church: Prepare for War
Speaking on matters beyond the realm of the spiritual, a top Orthodox Church cleric said Russia must play a greater role in responding to ongoing global events that could deteriorate into a world war.
"There are many processes occurring in the world in which Russia should play a much more active role,” Vsevolod Chaplin, a high-placed cleric in the Russian Orthodox Church, said in an interview with the Svobodnaya Pressa ('Free Press') publishing house. “The economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world are so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations."

Chaplin said Russia’s military must remain “combat-ready” to prevent the outbreak of military incidents on or around its territory.

"In order to ensure that these military operations not unfold on our territory or in the vicinity of our borders, we need to keep our armed forces combat ready,” Chaplin said.

Russia must actively participate in settling all situations that may lead to a war, be it the Middle East or Central Asia, where the situation is also tense, he added.

"By all accounts, we will not manage to escape a big war," Chaplin warned, while adding that civilization’s current trajectory “may lead to the annihilation of cities.”
This is most remarkable.

The Orthodox Church, similar to the Catholic Church, bases its outlook on the world on the teachings and sensitivity to potential events of a rich Tradition, is generally "well-informed" (deep and sensitive networks), and doesn't make pronouncements lightly.

That such an institution would issue warnings about "economic and social contradictions that have cropped up in the world (being) so powerful that they are sure to blow up into serious military operations" and potential that contemporary civilizational trends would lead to "annihilation of cities" is quite extraordinary, in fact.

Yes, it is extraordinary .. but, sadly, fact

root cause is scarcity of natural resources

Too many Chinese and too many Indian

we not talking 100 million .. 3.5 Billion of Chinese and Indians , and counting

Imagine this

If each Chinese and India would eat only "One burger a day", cattle would be wiped out

probably, billion or two, too many folks

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
root cause is scarcity of natural resources
I may be wrong but AIUI there is enough food in the world to feed everyone sufficiently and that the problem is distribution..........

It's logistics.............

Also AIUI the rate of population increase especially in developed portions of the world from Europe to especially Russia to Iran to Japan to US* is less than replacement rate........

FTM Russia has a National Take Off Work to Have Sex & Have a Patriotic Baby for Mother Russia Day ;) :shock: :o :) :D :lol: :lol:
Day of Conception (also known as Procreation Day) is a Russian Holiday made popular by the region of Ulyanovsk, birthplace of Vladimir Lenin. The day itself takes place on September 12th, and couples who then have a child on June 12th are rewarded by the regional government.
[edit] History

In his 2006 State of the Nation address, Russian President Vladimir Putin called the demographic crisis the most urgent problem facing Russia and announced efforts to boost Russia's birth rate, including cash incentives to families that have more than one child.[1]

In 2005 Gov. Sergey Ivanovich Morozov of Ulyanovsk, a region about 550 miles east of Moscow, added an element of fun to the national campaign by declaring September 12th the Day of Conception and giving couples time off from work to procreate. The 2007 grand prize went to Irina and Andrei Kartuzov, who received a UAZ-Patriot, a sport utility vehicle made in Ulyanovsk. Other contestants won video cameras, TVs, refrigerators and washing machines. [2]

*Immigration is much of what saves US from being like Europe........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

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Re: The Russia Thread

Post by Typhoon »

Putin campaign CM:

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.

Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Typhoon wrote:Putin campaign CM:


hot girl


Re: The Russia Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Putin : US seeking 'absolute invulnerability'

. . Russia is being encircled by NATO expansion into former Soviet territory and its strategic nuclear deterrent is threatened by US missile defense plans.
"It seems that NATO countries, and especially the United States, have developed a peculiar understanding of security which is fundamentally different from our view," Putin writes. "The Americans are obsessed with the idea of securing absolute invulnerability for themselves, which, incidentally, is a utopia, for both technological and geopolitical reasons. But that is exactly where the root of the problem lies…. Absolute invulnerability for one nation would mean absolute vulnerability for everybody else."

folks , it ain't gonna work

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The World as seen by Vladimir Putin

Post by Alexis »


Re: The World as seen by Vladimir Putin

Post by AzariLoveIran »

makes sense to meeee

a lot of sense

that is why .. looking at Rick Santorum, Sara Palin, Rudy Giuliani, McCain, Mitt Romney, world .. one feels being in a Zooooo


"Vlad the Putinator" thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


I usually don't like PePe's writing, bit superficial, leftish etc


this one, right @ the money

Why Putin is driving Washington nuts

Hmmmm :D

told you all

Israel, Nuke, Islam non issue

Loooooooooooooooove it

Well folks, you read yourself,


Azari said it all, but PePe puts in prospect

Now you understand Ntanyahoo saying Iran attack imminent just to pickpocket you guys .. Mr. Perfect says he loves it, not realizing, as Ron Paul said, you broke

BTW, YMix, Putin deserves a thread .. pls leave it here

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