Japan v China

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" Diaoyu Islands, The Truth " Monarex Hollywood Corporation

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Diaoyu Islands documentary director Chris D. Nebe

BEIJING, March 23 -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe's documentary about the Diaoyu Islands made its debut in Beijing on Sunday after its first screening earlier this month in Los Angeles.

The premiere was held in a hotel in downtown Beijing, drawing an audience of some 200 people, including journalists.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one of twelve documentaries in Nebe's "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history, culture and rapid development to the world. The series included "Tibet: the Truth".

The 40-minute film made its debut in Los Angeles on March 11. A lover of Chinese culture, Nebe said he shot the series about China as he felt tired and sad that the western media always report a negative image (of China).

"Everything is exaggerated, I don't like this tendency. It is not productive or constructive, it's negative," said the director.

"China should be admired for what your country has achieved in the last 30 years. Therefore I made that try," he said in an interview with Xinhua.

As the documentary shows, the Diaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, he said.

"This is my message. My message is in peace. Because it's morally wrong what has happened and what is happening," said Nebe, president of Monarex Hollywood Corporation, founded in 1978.

Nebe has produced a number of movies including Heartbreaker, Rebels, The Naked Cage and The Inheritors and won many international awards.

Nebe said he believes that Japanese people want to see the film. "The documentary informs and educates about something people do not know much but they have heard much."

The film has won good reactions from the public and "I obviously did something right"to tell people the truth, said Nebe.

As a 76-year-old German, Nebe expressed his high appreciation of Germany's attitude toward WWII. He cited the historical moment when Willy Brandt dropped to his knees at the monument to victims of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising more than four decades ago, which helped Germany win forgiveness, respect and trust from the whole world.

"This has very positive effect for our Germans because all of a sudden we were forgiven what we had done," he said. "I am very grateful that Willy Brandt did this, because otherwise we would still be cursed by bad memories."

Nebe spent about one year shooting the documentary at his own expenses of about 500,000 U.S. dollars. He said it was totally voluntary for him to shoot this film.

"I did not want to be called by the west a 'paid propaganda' , it's my own money, nobody else. I'm a film maker. If you find something interesting, you just do it."

The experienced producer said the documentary had reliable sources, including pictures and footages he found from archives in Washington.

Here the Video (sent to me by a very dear Chinese friend in Vancouver)

I STRONGLY recommend "Colonel Sun", DOC, Monster, Alex, noddy, Nonc Hilaire, manolo, Nastarana, Endovelico, (Sufi) Parodite and others watch the video, at least educate yourself based on facts .. and say sorry for attacking China

Japanese public being fooled by West to start a war for an "unjust" cause .. Japan should shake hand with china (and ask for forgiveness)

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Re: Japan v China

Post by Typhoon »

Snore . . .
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Re: " Diaoyu Islands, The Truth " Monarex Hollywood Corporat

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Here the Video (sent to me by a very dear Chinese friend in Vancouver)
I watched it, HP. Interesting, but whats new? Unfortunately it is sending the wrong message.

It is a good thing when people know history, of course. The tendency to be in denial (a bit or severely) of things we did in the past that can arouse shame in us that prevents it to be acknowledged.. let alone publically admitted... is of course quite human. We all have that as individuals and as group-egos, like nations and other group identities, entities. "He who is without sin... throwesth the first stone". This insight, which made it into a holybook, is IMO of extreme importance.

1) On a moral level, it challenges you to always consider your own wrong-doings first, before you take a ride on blaming-and-shaming others. That changing the world to make it better place, always starts with yourself. Even if your name is Khamenei ;)
2) On a factual level, it points out that there are is no clear absolutist distinction possible between good guys and bad guys. Types of good and bad behavior are like nomads, angels and demons, that can travel from one place to another and "possess" people and then leave them again.

Now think of the current situation in 2014... where none of the living Japanese and Chinese people were personally either the vitcim or perpetrator of war and crimes. Is it then wisdom to now fuel these expired sentiments by saying that the Japanese people of today should apologize to the Chinese people of today and that those Islands should be given back to China? Of course it is not wisdom... it is sending the wrong message altogether and potentially a cause for a next round of tragic and unnecessary violence, of war. In fact, it could just be added as one of those other apologetic excuses various people in history felt to start wars, to reclaim perceived rights and have justice done for crimes in the past. It just cycles on and on...

There is another option, which is equally not-going-to-happen as the Japanese of today apologizing to China let alone give them back those Islands, but that would be more effective and therapeutic for China and its Asian shame-sensitive neighbors; China to publically forgive Japan its warcrimes and telling it it can keep those Islands.. adding a Confusian message: "Lets not fight over borders, but for overcoming them". And if you really want to just shame and humiliate the Japanese people.. this would be much more effective too. :shock:
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Re: " Diaoyu Islands, The Truth " Monarex Hollywood Corporat

Post by Typhoon »

Parodite wrote: . . .
Now think of the current situation in 2014... where none of the living Japanese and Chinese people were personally either the vitcim or perpetrator of war and crimes. Is it then wisdom to now fuel these expired sentiments by saying that the Japanese people of today should apologize to the Chinese people of today and that those Islands should be given back to China? Of course it is not wisdom... it is sending the wrong message altogether and potentially a cause for a next round of tragic and unnecessary violence, of war. In fact, it could just be added as one of those other apologetic excuses various people in history felt to start wars, to reclaim perceived rights and have justice done for crimes in the past. It just cycles on and on...
Quite right.

It does seem to be a trait of human nature to prefer to wallow in past grievances, real and/or imagined, often as an excuse for current problems.
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Interesting comments so far

Parodite seems to be saying those vicious Japanese doing all those genocidal things to Chinese and Koreans last 300 yrs, or even to Europeans in WWII ( executing Dutch nurses and beheading American pilots and Australian prisoners, etc etc viewed in the video posted), all those bad things done last 350 yrs not by Japanese we know today, but those bad Japanese came from Mars and went back to Mars

Well, Parodite, I am saying, "Shinzō Abe" and many of his colleagues one of those Marsians

Look, Perodite, as Video correctly says, and I have said here many times, Japan has not apologized for all those crimes and genocides reported in the video .. Japanese school books do not contain those facts .. Colonel Sun never confirmed those facts, he even said American military report (white-washing imperial Japan's crimes due to communist threats) no such things as forced prostitution not only for Korean woman but in the video says for Dutch woman too (one testified in US senate)

Why last 65 yrs all German atrocities are aired in the media but not Japanese, although German atrocities were peanut compared to Japanese crimes in Manchuria and Korea and South East Asia

Don't you think that present Japanese kid and population should know the facts and "learn" from it ? ?

If so, "Shinzō Abe" would have not been elected

Typhoon wrote:
Parodite wrote: . . .
Now think of the current situation in 2014... where none of the living Japanese and Chinese people were personally either the vitcim or perpetrator of war and crimes. Is it then wisdom to now fuel these expired sentiments by saying that the Japanese people of today should apologize to the Chinese people of today and that those Islands should be given back to China? Of course it is not wisdom... it is sending the wrong message altogether and potentially a cause for a next round of tragic and unnecessary violence, of war. In fact, it could just be added as one of those other apologetic excuses various people in history felt to start wars, to reclaim perceived rights and have justice done for crimes in the past. It just cycles on and on...
Quite right.

It does seem to be a trait of human nature to prefer to wallow in past grievances, real and/or imagined, often as an excuse for current problems.
Am not sure you watched the American made video

but, seems, unlike Germans, you do not have the balls to even admit the facts

Germans and Germany admitted, apologized, asked for forgiveness and now "acting accordingly"

German parliament, opposition, politicians, government, said, they will take it easy with Russia .. Germans killed 25 million Russians, now, Germans say they understand Russia feels threatened NATO being just stone throw from Moscow

The Video I posted, says clearly, without any ambiguity, those Islands are China's territory .. is in the video

Americans after the war were holding the island and should have handed it to China, they did not because West wants to ferment a new war in South East Asia to "weaken" China, and now promoting "Shinzō Abe" for that purpose

Now, thanks G_D, China and Korea are strong and can counter Japan, Russia too with China

Japan will be the loser

PBS is airing the video

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Re: Japan v China

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Parodite seems to be saying those vicious Japanese doing all those genocidal things to Chinese and Koreans last 300 yrs, or even to Europeans in WWII ( executing Dutch nurses and beheading American pilots and Australian prisoners, etc etc viewed in the video posted), all those bad things done last 350 yrs not by Japanese we know today, but those bad Japanese came from Mars and went back to Mars
You almost got it HP... almost. They are not from Mars.... but they are DEAD, HP. No longer amongggggg us.


Take some time.. to contemplate that concept...

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Re: Japan v China

Post by Endovelico »

Those Japanese - and Germans - may be dead, but what about their genes?... As far as I know behaviour also has a genetic component...
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:Those Japanese - and Germans - may be dead, but what about their genes?... As far as I know behaviour also has a genetic component...
If so, then's what do be done about the Portuguese, the British, the French, the Iranians, the Turks, the Austrians, the Spanish, the Russians, the Mongols, the Chinese, etc., etc., etc.

Can you provide a link to the research the links genetics to stereotyped national character traits?
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:Can you provide a link to the research the links genetics to stereotyped national character traits?
Stereotyped? Are concentration camps, gas chambers and genocide, stereotypes?...
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Parodite »

Well who knows. After WW2 the Germans pretty fast changed their behaviors to the good.. Must have been a genetic mutation jump of sorts. I suspect though that it was Zionist voodoo that did it.
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Endovelico »

Parodite wrote:Well who knows. After WW2 the Germans pretty fast changed their behaviors to the good.. Must have been a genetic mutation jump of sorts. I suspect though that it was Zionist voodoo that did it.
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Reading all you guys posts on other threads & subjects, one can sense some degree of intelligence

but, posting in debates with Azari, those intelligence suddenly evaporates

look, Parodite, being a bad vicious nation or people, zero to do with "genes"

It is all culture and civilization

Iranians are not a "war mongering" nation not because they do not have that gene, but because of "Molana", "Saadi", "Hafez", "Khayam", "Ganjavi" and 100s of other giants of Persian philosophers and litherature .. Cyrus the Persian and all those Giants have lead to a CULTURE, MINDSET, CIVILIZATION making Persian nation a MENSCH

That is why I said to Colonel Sun that "high GDP and technological achievement" are not a sign of high civilization .. if it would be, Hitler Germany would have been the greatest civilization of their time

What I am getting at with this JAPAN thread, is, Japan has a duty to educate their population of "past events & mistakes", documenting in their school books and in their media the past 350 yrs of Japanese history, explained in the video I posted above .. educate the Japanese population, kids, to change their mindset from a war mongering nation to a nation that solves things by winning hearts and minds

As the video explains, once, China had the biggest navy in the world and they visited all corners of the world .. but , they did not colonize or attack anybody but brought commerce and and

Same thing happening today ..

Europe colonized Africa for 100s of yrs, becoming the greatest slave trader of history, stealing everything, and Africa in ruin since .. BUT .. Chinese now in Africa, South America and and, building schools and infrastructure and "buying" African and SA resources, buying and not stealing

Japan must learn from China .. watching that video should open your eves .. PBS is going to air the video

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Re: Japan v China

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Can you provide a link to the research the links genetics to stereotyped national character traits?
Stereotyped? Are concentration camps, gas chambers and genocide, stereotypes?...
Which concentrations camps are you referring too?

British, German, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, etc?

Which perpetrators of genocide are you referring to?

Portuguese, British, German, Russian, American, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, Japanese, etc?
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Can you provide a link to the research the links genetics to stereotyped national character traits?
Stereotyped? Are concentration camps, gas chambers and genocide, stereotypes?...
Which concentrations camps are you referring too?

British, German, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, etc?

Which perpetrators of genocide are you referring to?

Portuguese, British, German, Russian, American, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, Japanese, etc?
All of those guilty of those crimes.
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Can you provide a link to the research the links genetics to stereotyped national character traits?
Stereotyped? Are concentration camps, gas chambers and genocide, stereotypes?...
Which concentrations camps are you referring too?

British, German, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, etc?

Which perpetrators of genocide are you referring to?

Portuguese, British, German, Russian, American, Chinese, Turkish, Cambodian, Japanese, etc?
All of those guilty of those crimes.


World becoming a village, information on finger-tip, new generation not only litterate in read/write but in history and facts

If past genocidal events, crimes against humanity, mistakes .. AND .. GOOD deeds .. were not truthfully analyzed, punished or rewarded (for good deeds) .. if not .. then the new generation of the world population (with much more capability than their illiterate parents) will have learned nothing .. or .. much
more dangerous, learned the wrong lesson, from history

That is why it is deadly inperative nations do truthfully educate their citizens in school books of last sins and events

That is the only way to prevent same happening again and devastating catastrophic event in much bigger scale .. treaties and signatures AND arming to the teeth have no effect .. in history, the "big sword" changes hand as time passes

Europe already started baby steps on this path .. Spain and Portugal granting citizenship to Jews chased out in their dark ages of history, proof of admitting wrong doing .. a good start for beginning debate

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Re: Japan v China

Post by noddy »

If I farted happy gas people would sniff my bottom
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:If I farted happy gas people would sniff my bottom
true nuff!

But the socially sensitive types who believe in Man Made Global Warming would feel guilty about their resultant happiness......
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

noddy wrote:If I farted happy gas people would sniff my bottom
So that's why all those Japanese people keep bowing!
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Typhoon »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
noddy wrote:If I farted happy gas people would sniff my bottom
So that's why all those Japanese people keep bowing!
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Typhoon wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
noddy wrote:If I farted happy gas people would sniff my bottom
So that's why all those Japanese people keep bowing!
Happy gas would't destroy a chestnut vendor. That's Abenomics!
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


NYT : “China has indisputable sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands,” General Chang said.
He added that on the issue of what he called “territorial sovereignty,” China would “make no compromise, no concession, no treaty.”
He continued, “The Chinese military can assemble as soon as summoned, fight any battle and win.”

General Chang made his comments at a news conference with the United States defense secretary, Chuck Hagel, after a morning of meetings at the Ministry of National Defense. It is Mr. Hagel’s first trip to China as defense secretary.

While both men sought to present their meetings as constructive, they espoused divergent views on a number of issues, particularly the territorial dispute in the East China Sea, and a similar dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea.

At one point, Mr. Hagel appeared impatient, wagging his finger. “The Philippines and Japan are longtime allies of the United States,” he said. “We have mutual self-defense treaties with each of those countries” he continued, adding that the United States was “fully committed to those treaty obligations.”

Mr. Hagel accused China of adding to tensions in the region by unilaterally declaring an air defense zone in the East China Sea with “no collaboration, no consultation.” Such moves, he warned, could “eventually get to dangerous conflict.”

The exchange punctuated a visit that American defense officials had sought to present as a long-awaited deepening of military relations between the two countries. On Monday, Mr. Hagel became the first foreign military dignitary allowed on board a Chinese aircraft carrier, and on Tuesday the United States and China announced a series of modest steps toward improving communications.

But there appeared to be no closing of the gaps on more contentious issues.

Mr. Hagel, for instance, called on China to be more open about its cyberwarfare capabilities, which American officials have said Beijing uses for commercial espionage.

Mr. Hagel portrayed the United States as transparent about its own capabilities in telecommunications security, pointing to a recent briefing that the Defense Department gave to Chinese officials on the Pentagon’s doctrine for defending against cyberattacks.

“More transparency will strengthen China-U.S. relations,” Mr. Hagel said. “Greater openness about cyber reduces the risk that misunderstanding and misperception could lead to miscalculation.”

Beijing, American defense officials said, still has not responded to Mr. Hagel’s invitation to reciprocate with a briefing of its own.

General Chang stood impassively next to Mr. Hagel during his call Tuesday for more openness on cybersecurity. When it was his turn to talk, he said that “the defense activity of the People’s Liberation Army in cyberspace abides” by Chinese law. “It will not pose a threat to others,” he added.
Continue reading the main story
Continue reading the main story

The disagreement with China over digital security issues puts Mr. Hagel in the difficult position of splitting hairs with Beijing over what is acceptable to spy on and what is not. American officials have maintained that a barrage of attacks that originated in China aimed to steal technology and other intellectual property from Silicon Valley and from military contractors and energy firms in the United States. Many of those attacks have been linked to cyberwarfare units of the People’s Liberation Army, acting on behalf of state-owned, or state-affiliated, Chinese companies.

But the United States has not always been transparent about cyberespionage, either. Last month The New York Times and the German magazine Der Spiegel reported that the United States had infiltrated the networks of Huawei, China’s networking and telecommunications giant. Additional disclosures about American spying were revealed in National Security Agency documents leaked by Edward J. Snowden, a former contractor at the agency.

After his meetings at the Defense Ministry, Mr. Hagel went to the National Defense University in Beijing to give a speech and hold a question-and-answer session with a group of about 120 Chinese military officers. Most of the questions from the audience centered on the Senkaku-Diaoyu dispute, as Chinese officers repeatedly complained that American policy in the region favored Japan.

Late last year, China set off a trans-Pacific uproar when it declared that an “air defense identification zone” gave it the right to identify and possibly take military action against aircraft near the islands. Japan refused to recognize China’s claim and the United States has since defied China by sending military planes into the zone, unannounced.

In February, Capt. James Fannell, the director of intelligence and information operations with the United States Pacific Fleet, said in San Diego that China was training its forces to be capable of carrying out a “short, sharp” war with Japan in the East China Sea.

“The United States takes no position on individual claims” in the island dispute, Mr. Hagel said. But he repeated that it had treaty obligations to defend Japan and the Philippines.
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High Civilization: Moon's Peaks & Beyond or Bust....

Post by monster_gardener »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Reading all you guys posts on other threads & subjects, one can sense some degree of intelligence

but, posting in debates with Azari, those intelligence suddenly evaporates

look, Parodite, being a bad vicious nation or people, zero to do with "genes"

It is all culture and civilization

Iranians are not a "war mongering" nation not because they do not have that gene, but because of "Molana", "Saadi", "Hafez", "Khayam", "Ganjavi" and 100s of other giants of Persian philosophers and litherature .. Cyrus the Persian and all those Giants have lead to a CULTURE, MINDSET, CIVILIZATION making Persian nation a MENSCH

That is why I said to Colonel Sun that "high GDP and technological achievement" are not a sign of high civilization .. if it would be, Hitler Germany would have been the greatest civilization of their time

What I am getting at with this JAPAN thread, is, Japan has a duty to educate their population of "past events & mistakes", documenting in their school books and in their media the past 350 yrs of Japanese history, explained in the video I posted above .. educate the Japanese population, kids, to change their mindset from a war mongering nation to a nation that solves things by winning hearts and minds

As the video explains, once, China had the biggest navy in the world and they visited all corners of the world .. but , they did not colonize or attack anybody but brought commerce and and

Same thing happening today ..

Europe colonized Africa for 100s of yrs, becoming the greatest slave trader of history, stealing everything, and Africa in ruin since .. BUT .. Chinese now in Africa, South America and and, building schools and infrastructure and "buying" African and SA resources, buying and not stealing

Japan must learn from China .. watching that video should open your eves .. PBS is going to air the video

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.
and technological achievement" are not a sign of high civilization
Civilizations confined to the Earth's surface that do not achieve a High ;) enough level of technological achievement to reach and utilize the High Frontier ;) of Outer Space are likely doomed to Die the way the Dinosaurs did (Asteroid/Comet Bombardment)....... :shock:

If something else does not get them first..... **

If some Higher Power* does not intervene to help them........

China ................... they visited all corners of the world .. but , they did not colonize or attack anybody.....
Though the Vietnamese, Koreans and others of the Dragon's neighbors might strongly disagree... ;) :twisted: :lol:

I suspect another factor is the exalted view of themselves the Chinese Dragons often have of themselves......

Considering themselves literally the Center of the World....... with the Son of Heaven as their Emperor...

The rest of humanity being Outer Barbarians mostly not even worth trading with........

Though the Dragons may deign to receive tribute......... ;)

And give some minor gifts in return........ ;) ;)

*G_d, The Culture/Federation ;) etc..........

**Such as Super Volcanoes.......Said to have almost happened once already).........

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toba_catas ... eck_theory

For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
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Re: High Civilization: Moon's Peaks & Beyond or Bust....

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

monster_gardener wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

China ................... they visited all corners of the world .. but , they did not colonize or attack anybody.....
Though the Vietnamese, Koreans and others of the Dragon's neighbors might strongly disagree... ;) :twisted: :lol:
Not sure whether you watched that "educational video" of China hystory of last 1000 yrs til today .. if you had, you would have seen that Korea was Chinese province for 1000s of yrs, same as Elsaß-Lothringen was and is German


Is Mexico a US colony ? ? ? you mean Chinese treated Vietnamese worst than you treated and are treating Mexico .. Texas, California and a few other "States" in reality usurped with colonial force from Mexico .. What have Chinese "Usurped" ? ? ? ?

monster_gardener wrote:
I suspect another factor is the exalted view of themselves the Chinese Dragons often have of themselves......

Considering themselves literally the Center of the World....... with the Son of Heaven as their Emperor...

The rest of humanity being Outer Barbarians mostly not even worth trading with........
Proof of the pudding is in eating it

Monster, the acid test whether Chinese DESERVE all what you say above is Chinese history and civilization

Please post a genocide, war crime, any crimes against humanity that Chinese had a hand in .. Ne exist pas

I can post 100s of proof of British, French, Germany, Dutch, Belgian, Japanese, American, Turkish genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity
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High Civilization vs. Slow Slicing.........

Post by monster_gardener »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

China ................... they visited all corners of the world .. but , they did not colonize or attack anybody.....
Though the Vietnamese, Koreans and others of the Dragon's neighbors might strongly disagree... ;) :twisted: :lol:
Not sure whether you watched that "educational video" of China hystory of last 1000 yrs til today .. if you had, you would have seen that Korea was Chinese province for 1000s of yrs, same as Elsaß-Lothringen was and is German


Is Mexico a US colony ? ? ? you mean Chinese treated Vietnamese worst than you treated and are treating Mexico .. Texas, California and a few other "States" in reality usurped with colonial force from Mexico .. What have Chinese "Usurped" ? ? ? ?

monster_gardener wrote:
I suspect another factor is the exalted view of themselves the Chinese Dragons often have of themselves......

Considering themselves literally the Center of the World....... with the Son of Heaven as their Emperor...

The rest of humanity being Outer Barbarians mostly not even worth trading with........
Proof of the pudding is in eating it

Monster, the acid test whether Chinese DESERVE all what you say above is Chinese history and civilization

Please post a genocide, war crime, any crimes against humanity that Chinese had a hand in .. Ne exist pas

I can post 100s of proof of British, French, Germany, Dutch, Belgian, Japanese, American, Turkish genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.

The most important part of my post was the necessity of a really High Civilization ;) in the High Frontier of Outer Space :D :idea: but....

hystory of last 1000 yrs til today
Not dealing with UZ that don't even have a history that goes back that far........

Dealing with Vietnamese and Koreans who do have long memories..........

May have been conquered by the Chinese Dragons at times but remember, honor resistance, and often resent the Dragons.........

Such as that by Ho Chi Minh ;) Great Great Great Great Great to the nth Grandmother & Great Aunt... ;)

The Trưng sisters (c. 12 – c. AD 43) were Vietnamese military leaders who rebelled against Chinese rule for three years, and are regarded as national heroines of Vietnam. Their names were Trưng Trắc (徵側) and Trưng Nhị (徵貳).

The sisters were born in Giao Chỉ in what is now Northern Vietnam. The dates of their births are unknown, but Trưng Trắc was older than Trưng Nhị. The exact dates of their deaths are also unknown but both died around AD 43..........
The important part........
Cultural significance

The Trưng Sisters are highly revered in Vietnam, as they led the first resistance movement against the occupying Chinese after 247 years of domination. Many temples are dedicated to them, and a yearly holiday, occurring in February, to commemorate their deaths is observed by many Vietnamese. A district in Hanoi called the Hai Bà Trưng District is named after them. In addition, numerous large streets in major cities[6] and many schools are named after them.

The stories of the Trưng Sisters and of another famous woman warrior, Triệu Thị Trinh, are cited by some historians as hints that Vietnamese society before Sinicization was a matriarchal one, where there are no obstacles for women in assuming leadership roles.

Even though the Trưng Sisters' revolt against the Chinese was almost 2,000 years ago, its legacy in Vietnam remains.[7] The two sisters are considered to be a national symbol in Vietnam. They represent Vietnam's independence. They are often depicted as two women riding two giant war elephants. Many a times, they are seen leading their followers into battle against the Chinese. The Trưng sisters were more than two sisters that gave their life up for their country, they are powerful symbols of Vietnamese resistance and freedom.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tr%C6%B0ng ... gnificance

Please post a genocide, war crime, any crimes against humanity that Chinese had a hand in .. Ne exist pas
Since you asked....... ;) :twisted: :roll:
Slow slicing (simplified Chinese: 凌迟; traditional Chinese: 凌遲; pinyin: língchí; Wade–Giles: ling-ch'ih, alternately transliterated ling chi or leng t'che), also translated as the slow process, the lingering death, or death by a thousand cuts (simplified Chinese: 杀千刀; traditional Chinese: 殺千刀) or “千刀万剐”, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly AD 900 until it was banned in 1905. In this form of execution, a knife was used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually leading to death. The term língchí derives from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly. Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason, or killing one's parents. The process involved tying the person to be executed to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opium was sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death.

According to the Confucian principle of filial piety or xiào to alter one's body or to cut the body are considered unfilial practices (see Xiao Jing). Lingchi therefore contravenes the demands of xiao. In addition, to be cut to pieces meant that the body of the victim would not be "whole" in a spiritual life after death.



Link may be NSFW

https://www.google.com/search?q=death+o ... t&safe=off

Not saying that Arabs, Aztecs, British, Cambodians, French, Germans, Dutch, Belgians, Indians, Japanese, Koreans, Pomegranates, Portuguese, Americans, Turks, Africans, Hutus, Tutsis, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Westeros ;), Zulus etc. are better* in the Eyes of G_d than the Chinese...

All are Depraved Sinful Egotistical Chaos Monkeys and, except by the Grace of G_d, can become Killer Apes..... :roll:

In their Own Peculiar Way........

*Though IMHO dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) often are......... :)
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Japan v China

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Monster, how you execute a criminal or murderer, is not genocide, crime against humanity, war crimes .. whether you hang the person, on electric chair, inject poison, behead by guillotine or slice (Salami) depends on prevailing "community standard"

Please post a "genocide", a war crime, a crime against humanity" in 10,000 yrs of Chinese history

Does not exist

but, we do not need to go far finding gassing woman and children or French murdering all those Algerians

How a culture "Executes" a convicted murderer, is up to that culture .. and .. is LEGIT

Re Vietnam and Korea, FYI, B4 European Colonialism, there was no such thing as "NATION" .. in that sense, Vietnam and Korea were part of Chinese domain.

Pls watch that VIDEO to have a sense of subject at hand
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