North Korea

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Re: North Korea

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:If NK was serious about making money there would be a Kim Jong Un reality series.
Tell you what Nonc. You and I partner up on that project I will stay here and do the post production and you go to NK and produce the show. :P
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Re: North Korea

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Doc wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:If NK was serious about making money there would be a Kim Jong Un reality series.
Tell you what Nonc. You and I partner up on that project I will stay here and do the post production and you go to NK and produce the show. :P
Deal. Working title: "Dick Dynasty".
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Dogmeat Die Nasty Dynasty......

Post by monster_gardener »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Doc wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:If NK was serious about making money there would be a Kim Jong Un reality series.
Tell you what Nonc. You and I partner up on that project I will stay here and do the post production and you go to NK and produce the show. :P
Deal. Working title: "Dick Dynasty".
Thank You Very MUCH for your post, Nonc Hilaire,

Strongly suggest you have lots of people praying for you if you go to North Korea, Home of the Kim Devil...

The project might have to be renamed "Dog Meat Die Nasty Dynasty".... :twisted: ;)

That's what happened to the current Kim Devil's Uncle Jang..
Eaten Naked by 120 Hungry Dogs instead of going out with a Bang ;-)
Like the Devil's ex-Girl friend ;) :twisted:
Sound Like she was 'lucky' :roll:
Kim Jong-un's executed uncle Jang Song Thaek 'stripped naked, fed to 120 dogs as officials watched'

Kim Jong-un’s uncle was killed after being stripped naked and fed to a pack of hungry dogs, according to reports in a Chinese state-backed newspaper.

North Korea has already described Jang Song Thaek as “despicable human scum, worse than a dog,” but the report, which appears in Hong Kong’s Wen Wei Po newspaper, suggests he may have met his end in the jaws of dogs.

The account - which cannot be verified - describes how Jang Song Thaek and five of his aides were stripped naked and fed to 120 hungry hounds, who had been starved for three days. The whole process lasted is reported to have lasted an hour, and as they were eaten, hundreds of officials watched ... 37109.html

Allegedly one reason Jang became dog meat is that he hesitated for an instant before turning over 'private' ;) companies that he controlled to the current Kim Devil instead of saying "YES SIR!, REVERED DEVIL Grandson Leader, Sir!

Perhaps one of the stranger things about this story is that there are 120 four legged dogs in North Korea ;) given the starvation & cannibalism there....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: North Korea

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Doc wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:If NK was serious about making money there would be a Kim Jong Un reality series.
Tell you what Nonc. You and I partner up on that project I will stay here and do the post production and you go to NK and produce the show. :P
Deal. Working title: "Dick Dynasty".

Honestly I think maybe you are getting the better part of this deal :shock:
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Re: North Korea

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N. Korean leader fails to show on key national celebration

SEOUL, Oct. 10 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-il continued to remain out of public view Friday, as the communist nation marked the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea.

In previous years, Kim paid tribute to his late father and grandfather at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in Pyongyang at midnight, along with top party and military officials. On those occasions, the North's state media reported Kim's activity just a few hours later.

But there have been no news reports yet of Kim, suggesting that he did not visit the facility designed to commemorate the North's founding leader and his grandfather Kim Il-sung.

The international community has closely watched whether Kim will make a public appearance on the occasion of the major national celebration amid speculation over his health.

Kim disappeared from the public eye after attending a concert in Pyongyang with his wife on Sept. 3. His absence from public events has spawned a number of rumors, including that he has died or been toppled in a military coup.

Government officials and experts here say it is likely Kim is suffering health problems, probably related to his ankles, rather than facing any challenge to his rule.

Speaking to lawmakers earlier this week, South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo said Kim seems to be staying at a location north of Pyongyang. He cited "credible" military intelligence but would not elaborate.

Kim, who is reportedly in his early 30s, was seen limping at a July event marking the 20th anniversary of the death of his grandfather.

Instead of releasing pictures or video of Kim's activities, meanwhile, the North's media has carried routine coverage extolling his leadership.

The Rodong Sinmun, an organ of the ruling community party, praised him as a symbol of the party's "dignity and invincibility."
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Re: North Korea

Post by Doc »
U.S. Urged to Honestly Apologize to Mankind for Its Evil Doing before Groundlessly Pulling up Others

Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) -- The Policy Department of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK issued the following statement Sunday:

Strange thing that happened in the heart of the U.S., the ill-famed cesspool of injustice, is now afloat in the world as shocking news.

The Sony Pictures Entertainment, the biggest movie producer in the U.S., which produced the undesirable reactionary film "The Interview" daring hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and agitating even terrorism and had a plan to distribute it, was exposed to surprisingly sophisticated, destructive and threatening cyber warfare and has been thrown into a bottomless quagmire after suffering property losses worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The public in the U.S. is now describing this case as "disgrace suffered by Sony Pictures Entertainment," "very sorry thing caused by the U.S.," "Sony Pictures Entertainment showing a white flag before hackers" and the "unprecedented disaster suffered by the U.S."

Those who meted out a stern punishment of justice were reported to be cyber experts styling themselves "guardians of peace".

Seized with terrible horror and threat in face of their merciless hacking attack in retaliation against unjust actions, many movie and drama distributors in North America including 41 states of the U.S. and Canada immediately canceled the screening of the reactionary movie. And it was reported that the Sony Pictures Entertainment which directly sponsored its production and distribution hastily issued a statement on Dec. 25 that it would suspend the screening of the undesirable movie which had been planned in 63 countries.

The NDC of the DPRK highly estimates the righteous action taken by the "guardians of peace," though it is not aware of their residence.

It, at the same time, considers as fortunate the step taken by the Sony Pictures Entertainment to give up the overall distribution of the above-said movie due to the decision and strong pressure of the movie and drama distributors for stopping the screening of the reactionary movie, though belatedly.

This is an official stand of the army and the people of the DPRK on what happened in the heart of the U.S.

This stand is taken by the DPRK because the movie "The Interview" is an undesirable and reactionary one justifying and inciting terrorism which should not be allowed in any country and any region.

Another reason is that the movie is run through with a story agitating a vicious and dastardly method of assassinating a head of a legitimate sovereign state.

No wonder, even political and social circles of the U.S. commented that it is quite wrong to defame the head of the state for the mere reason that his politics is different from that of the U.S. and it is in the hostile relationship with the latter and, therefore, the Sony Pictures Entertainment got into a serious trouble and paid a due price.

For these reasons, the DPRK is more highly praising the "guardians of peace" for their righteous deed which prevented in advance the evil cycle of retaliation-- terrorism sparks terrorism.

It is quite natural that the movie and drama producers should refrain from undesirable deeds contrary to the noble mission to lead morality and civilization.

But what matters is that the U.S. and its followers are groundlessly trumpeting that the recent cyber attack was made by the DPRK.

The FBI issued the results of the investigation into the hack at the Sony Pictures Entertainment on December 19.

According to them, it suffered tremendous losses.

One may say this is the due price incurred by wrong deed, the evil act of hurting others.

The U.S. released a statement asserting that this loss was caused by the DPRK.

No matter how big and disgraceful the loss may be, the U.S. should not pull up others for no reason.

The FBI presented a report on the results of technical analysis of hacking program used by the "guardians of peace" for this attack, citing it as the ground that the serious hacking was caused by the DPRK.

The report says the malignant code had access to north Korea's IP already known several times and the hacking methods applied in the "March 20 hacking case" and during cyber warfare against media and various other computer networks in south Korea in recent years are similar to that applied against the Sony Pictures Entertainment this time, being another ground that "this was done by the north".

The report, in particular, adds that the malignant code and algorithm applied during the attack are similar to what was used during the hacking attack on south Korea, citing it as a proof.

Not satisfied with those groundless "evidence", the FBI is letting loose ambiguous remarks that it is hard to fully prove due to the "protection of sensitive information sources."

This means self-acknowledgement that the "assertion about the north's deed" came from an intentional allegation rather than scientific evidence.

It is a common sense that the method of cyber warfare is almost similar worldwide. Different sorts of hacking programs and codes are used in cyberspace.

If somebody used U.S.-made hacking programs and codes and applied their instruction or encoding method, perhaps, the "wise" FBI, too, could not but admit that it would be hard to decisively assert that the attack was done by the U.S.

Moreover, the DPRK has never attempted nor made a "cyber-attack" on south Korea. The rumor about "cyber-attack" by the DPRK was a concoction made by the south Korean puppet regime and its plot.

After all, the grounds cited by the FBI in its announcement were all based on obscure sci-tech data and false story and, accordingly, the announcement itself is another fabrication. This is the DPRK's stand on the U.S. gangster-like behavior against it.

What is grave is that U.S. President Obama is recklessly making the rumor about "DPRK's cyber-attack on Sony Pictures" a fait accompli while crying out for symmetric counteraction, strict calculation and additionally retaliatory sanctions.

This is like beating air after being hit hard. A saying goes every sin brings its punishment with it. It is best for the guilty to repent of its evil doings and draw a lesson when forced to pay dearly for them.

The DPRK has clear evidence that the U.S. administration was deeply involved in the making of such dishonest reactionary movie.

It is said that the movie was conceived and produced according to the "guidelines" of the U.S. authorities who contended that such movies hurting the dignity of the DPRK supreme leadership and inciting terrorism against it would be used in an effective way as "propaganda against north Korea".

The U.S. Department of State's special human rights envoy went the lengths of urging the movie makers to keep all scenes insulting the dignity of the DPRK supreme leadership in the movie, saying it is needed to "vex the north Korean government".

The facts glaringly show that the U.S. is the chief culprit of terrorism as it has loudly called for combating terrorism everywhere in the world but schemed behind the scene to produce and distribute movies inciting it in various countries of the world.

It is not exaggeration to say in the light of the prevailing situation that the U.S. administration and President Obama looking after the overall state affairs of the U.S. have been behind the case.

Can he really cover up the crimes he has committed by trying so hard to falsify the truth and turn white to black.

So we watched with unusual attention what had been done by the "guardians of peace" to avert terrorism and defend justice.

Yet, we do not know who or where they are but we can surely say that they are supporters and sympathizers with the DPRK.

The army and people of the DPRK who aspire after justice and truth and value conscience have hundreds of millions of supporters and sympathizers, known or unknown, who have turned out in the sacred war against terrorism and the U.S. imperialists, the chieftain of aggression, to accomplish the just cause.

Obama personally declared in public the "symmetric counteraction", a disgraceful behavior.

There is no need to guess what kind of thing the "symmetric counteraction" is like but the army and people of the DPRK will never be browbeaten by such a thing.

The DPRK has already launched the toughest counteraction. Nothing is more serious miscalculation than guessing that just a single movie production company is the target of this counteraction. Our target is all the citadels of the U.S. imperialists who earned the bitterest grudge of all Koreans.

The army and people of the DPRK are fully ready to stand in confrontation with the U.S. in all war spaces including cyber warfare space to blow up those citadels.

Our toughest counteraction will be boldly taken against the White House, the Pentagon and the whole U.S. mainland, the cesspool of terrorism, by far surpassing the "symmetric counteraction" declared by Obama.

This is the invariable toughest stand of the army and people of the DPRK.

Fighters for justice including "guardians of peace" who turned out in the sacred drive for cooperation in the fight against the U.S. to defend human justice and conscience and to dismember the U.S. imperialists, the root cause of all sorts of evils and kingpin of injustice, are sharpening bayonets not only in the U.S. mainland but in all other parts of the world.

The just struggle to be waged by them across the world will bring achievements thousands of times greater than the hacking attack on the Sony Pictures Entertainment.

It is the truth and inevitability of the historical development that justice prevails over injustice.

Whoever challenges justice by toeing the line of the biggest criminal U.S. will never be able to escape merciless punishment as it is the target of the sacred drive for cooperation in the fight against the U.S.

The U.S. should reflect on its evil doings that put itself in such a trouble, apologize to the Koreans and other people of the world and should not dare pull up others.
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Re: North Korea

Post by Doc » ... ealed.html
North Korea's honey trap scheme revealed
North Korean defector reveals how rogue state sends female agents to have children with foreign politicians, businessmen and journalists

The official, who asked to be named only as
The scheme was dreamed up and put into action by Kim Jong-il Photo: EPA

By Julian Ryall, Seoul

8:00AM GMT 27 Dec 2014

North Korea has blackmailed dozens, if not hundreds, of politicians, journalists and businessmen after seducing them with female agents, a former elite North Korean official has revealed.

In a scheme called "the seed-bearing programme", high-level visitors to Pyongyang would be sent an attractive consort, only to find out several months later that they have a child in North Korea.

Politicians would then be blackmailed to pass legislation favouring North Korea or to increase aid. Journalists would be asked to write positive stories and businessmen urged to set up joint ventures with local companies.

The scheme was dreamed up and put into action by Kim Jong-il, the father of present-day North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to Jang Jin-sung, the official poet to the North Korean regime and one of the elite few known as "The Admitted" before he defected in January 2004.

"They will do anything they need to in order to keep the regime going," Mr Jang, the founder and editor of New Focus web site, said.

"It doesn't matter to them if something is criminal and, to be honest, the seed-bearing programme is nothing compared to what they are willing to do," he said.

"The regime mainly targets foreigners who go to Pyongyang and, over time, build up a friendship with the woman who has been assigned to them as a translator or assistant," Mr Jang said. "But these women are in reality agents of the regime.

"The men don't want to believe they have been fooled, they want to think that it is a genuine relationship.

"Some months later, when the man has left Pyongyang, he is told that the woman has had a baby.

"These men are specifically targeted because of their value to the North," Mr Jang said. "Politicians are good because they have a lot of influence, wealthy businessmen can provide economic benefits and religious figures can give them money through their charities."

A secondary benefit to North Korea is that the children are brought up fiercely loyal to the regime and, with looks that are a combination of cultures, can be infiltrated into other countries as agents, Mr Jang said.

Attempts in the 1970s to abduct foreign nationals - including Japanese, South Koreans, Romanians, Thais and Lebanese - and to turn them into spies for North Korea failed because the victims resisted the brainwashing as they were aware they had been kidnapped and wished to return to their home countries.

Mr Jang said he first became aware of the seed-bearing strategy when he was at university in Pyongyang and discovered that a female classmate, named Ri Hyun-suk, was a product of the programme.

In his book, "Dear Leader", Mr Jang said: "Her mere presence in Pyongyang provided leverage against her father, giving him greater incentive to encourage foreign aid to North Korea and advocate for engagement strategies favourable to North Korea."

The blackmail continues to this day, said Mr Jang, who maintains contacts within the secretive North Korean society.

"There are districts in Pyongyang where the half-foreign children are kept, effectively as hostages," he said. The children are closely monitored by Office 915 of the Worker's Party's Strategic Command, Jang said, with everything they require provided by the most powerful entity in North Korea, the party's Organisation and Guidance Department.

Suspicion in Japan about the fathers of some of these children has fallen on members of the Japan Socialist Party, which had good links with the Workers' Party of Korea and frequently took part in political exchange visits to Pyongyang.

"The Japan Socialist Party used to have good relations with North Korea and some members of the party went there in the past," a spokesman for the party said. "Since the case of the abduction of Japanese citizens came to light in 2002, however, we have stopped that relationship with the Workers' Party of Korea."

He denied any knowledge of members of the party having had relationships with North Korean women or of fathering any children in the North.

Another Japanese politician who was rumoured to have had a relationship with a woman in Pyongyang is Masaaki Nakayama, a former Liberal Democratic Party construction minister who chaired the Japan-North Korea Parliamentarians' League and visited Pyongyang on eight occasions until 2002.

"There were lots of rumours in the press about my visits - and they even called my wife and said these things to her to see her reaction," he said.

"They said I got 'presents' and that women came to my room to provide 'a special service'," said Mr Nakayama, now 82. "None of its was true, but it was unforgivable that they contacted my wife.

"I was always very careful because I was representing my country when I visited North Korea and I knew that somebody could come out of the woodwork much later," he said. "In my case, nobody has come forward."

The reports persist, however.

"My contacts in Japanese intelligence have told me that they can corroborate the claims," Yoichi Shimada, a professor of international relations at Fukui Prefectural University, said.

"They mentioned that one congressman from the Japan Socialist Party and a journalist from the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper were lured to North Korea and got women pregnant," he added. "I believe that information to be trustworthy."

Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Tokyo's Waseda University and an authority on North Korean affairs, said, "It's known that such girls do approach Japanese politicians."

Naming a senior Japanese politician, Prof. Shigemura said there are reports that "when he stayed in a private residence in Pyongyang, he took a shower and when he came out of the bathroom there was a naked woman in his room.

"He would not accept her and sent her away."

"It's very possible that this is a North Korean operation, and that these women have had babies," he added. "We know that the North Koreans take videos of guests when they are in their hotel bedrooms, so it is sure that they have footage that they could use to blackmail someone."
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Re: North Korea

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North Korea scrambles to stop The Interview reaching its borders
Task force has been set up inside hermit state to stop copies being smuggled in, as rumours abound as to who was actually behind the Sony hack

Kim Jong-Un inspects the Korean People's Army (KPA) Air and Anti-Air Force Unit 458, Pyongyang, North Korea
Image 1 of 2
Kim Jong-Un inspects the Korean People's Army (KPA) Air and Anti-Air Force Unit 458, Pyongyang, North Korea Photo: Rex Features

By Julian Ryall, Tokyo

5:04AM GMT 30 Dec 2014

North Korea has set up a dedicated military team given the task of keeping The Interview away from the eyes of its citizens.

Pyongyang has been widely blamed for a crippling cyber attack on Sony Pictures in an effort to halt the release of the film, a slapstick comedy starring James Franco and Seth Rogan that portrays the killing of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader.

Under pressure, Sony reversed an earlier decision to cancel the film and its notoriety immediately raked in $15 million in the first four days after it was made available online. More than 330 cinemas across the US also showed the film, earning Sony an additional $2.8 million in the same time frame.

The movie was also illegally downloaded an estimated 1.5 million times in the first two days after its initial release, with China and South Korea accounting for the majority of that total.

Apparently concerned that pirate DVDs of The Interview are about to flood across its borders - attached to balloons floated across the Demilitarised Zone from South Korea by dissidents and defectors, or by smugglers operating across the porous border with China - the North Korean regime has ordered a crackdown.

South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported that a three-star general from the State Security Department has been put in charge of the new unit, based in Hyesan, on the border with China.

"The regime has started cracking down on the black market, while keeping a close watch on smugglers in the border area," a source told the paper. "Officials are visiting homes and checking computers and DVD players."

Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor at Tokyo's Waseda University and an authority on North Korean affairs, says the regime had little choice but to attempt to close North Korea's borders to the film.

"The movie is no threat to North Korea, but it is a clear danger to the ruling system," Professor Shigemura told The Telegraph. "As the leader in North Korea has absolute power, every effort must be made to save face in a situation such as this.

"There is also a threat to the Kim regime's legitimacy, which the film raises uncomfortable questions over," he added.

With the majority of North Korea's Internet sites still out of action, a cyber attack which Washington has declined to take the credit for but which the North has said is tantamount to an act of war, there have been new suggestions that North was not the source of the assault on Sony Pictures.

In an on-line exchange with the Lizard Squad printed in The Washington Post, a member of the "cyber-terrorist" group claimed a degree of responsibility for the attack and said the group provided Sony employees' log-in details to the Guardians of Peace.

Other reports seem to suggest the heack was the work of a disgruntled former Sony employee. According to the Politico website, FBI agents have been briefed by a security firm that says its research points to a fired Sony staff, not North Korea.

Sony's computer system crashed on November 25, with a final message reading "Hacked By #GOP" and a red skull appearing on employees' screens before they went dark.

The hackers also published a number of completed Sony films that were awaiting release on online downloading sites, including Annie and Still Alice.

In further messages, the hackers said The Interview is "harming the regional peace and security and violating human rights for money".

Analysts pointed out that Pyongyang had previously made nearly word-for-word claims about the film threatening regional security.

The United States said on Monday that it stands by the FBI's determination that North Korea was responsible for the attack
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Re: North Korea

Post by Endovelico »

This photo made my day!...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: North Korea

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Well, it is amusing, in a sad and pathetic sense.
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Re: North Korea

Post by Simple Minded »


Nobody is hotter than those Japanese chicks......

That's why "they" took Hi Karate aftershave off the US market.

Still legal in NK... obviously...
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Re: North Korea

Post by Endovelico »

China warns on rising North Korea nuclear capability ... 2C20150423

(Reuters) - Chinese nuclear experts have warned that North Korea may already have 20 nuclear warheads and the capability to produce enough weapons-grade uranium to double its arsenal by next year, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Chinese estimates of Pyongyang's nuclear production, relayed to U.S. nuclear specialists, exceed most previous U.S. forecasts, which range from 10 to 16 bombs currently, said the report, which cited people briefed on the matter.

Experts at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies earlier this year presented three scenarios for North Korea's nuclear capability, predicting its stockpile of weapons could grow to 20, 50 or 100 within five years.

North Korea has conducted three nuclear detonations, the most recent in February 2013.

Asked about the report at a regular press briefing on Thursday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said he "did not have knowledge of the specific situation".

"We must persevere with denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, persevere in safeguarding peace and stability, and persevere in resolving the relevant issue through dialogue," Hong said.

Early this month, U.S. Admiral William Gortney, commander of the U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, said the U.S. military believes North Korea has the ability to miniaturize a warhead and mount it on a ballistic missile, although there had been no tests.
The US will not rest until it has achieved the same result in Iran...
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Re: North Korea

Post by Doc »

Endovelico wrote:
China warns on rising North Korea nuclear capability ... 2C20150423

(Reuters) - Chinese nuclear experts have warned that North Korea may already have 20 nuclear warheads and the capability to produce enough weapons-grade uranium to double its arsenal by next year, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Chinese estimates of Pyongyang's nuclear production, relayed to U.S. nuclear specialists, exceed most previous U.S. forecasts, which range from 10 to 16 bombs currently, said the report, which cited people briefed on the matter.

Experts at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies earlier this year presented three scenarios for North Korea's nuclear capability, predicting its stockpile of weapons could grow to 20, 50 or 100 within five years.

North Korea has conducted three nuclear detonations, the most recent in February 2013.

Asked about the report at a regular press briefing on Thursday, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said he "did not have knowledge of the specific situation".

"We must persevere with denuclearization on the Korean peninsula, persevere in safeguarding peace and stability, and persevere in resolving the relevant issue through dialogue," Hong said.

Early this month, U.S. Admiral William Gortney, commander of the U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, said the U.S. military believes North Korea has the ability to miniaturize a warhead and mount it on a ballistic missile, although there had been no tests.
The US will not rest until it has achieved the same result in Iran...

So when is China going to do something about North Korea?
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Re: North Korea

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Doc wrote: ... ealed.html
North Korea's honey trap scheme revealed
North Korean defector reveals how rogue state sends female agents to have children with foreign politicians, businessmen and journalists

The official, who asked to be named only as
The scheme was dreamed up and put into action by Kim Jong-il Photo: EPA

. . .

"It's very possible that this is a North Korean operation, and that these women have had babies," he added. "We know that the North Koreans take videos of guests when they are in their hotel bedrooms, so it is sure that they have footage that they could use to blackmail someone."
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Re: North Korea

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:
Doc wrote: ... ealed.html
North Korea's honey trap scheme revealed
North Korean defector reveals how rogue state sends female agents to have children with foreign politicians, businessmen and journalists

The official, who asked to be named only as
The scheme was dreamed up and put into action by Kim Jong-il Photo: EPA

. . .

"It's very possible that this is a North Korean operation, and that these women have had babies," he added. "We know that the North Koreans take videos of guests when they are in their hotel bedrooms, so it is sure that they have footage that they could use to blackmail someone."

Shah time, when Iranian businessman travelled to Moscow, Iranian security officials recommended when picking hookers in their Hotel Bar and taking them to Hotel room, they should not have sex on the bed but on the floor :lol: as "cameras" would be focused on the bed.

Everybody does it, including CIA and MI5 and and .. standard procedure with diplomat

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It's a Boom. But is it a H Boom ?

Post by Alexis »

North Korea nuclear: State claims first hydrogen bomb test
North Korea says it has successfully tested a miniaturised hydrogen bomb which, if confirmed, would be its fourth nuclear test since 2006.

It came after a 5.1 magnitude quake was detected close to its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri, indicating a test may have been conducted.

This is North Korea's first claim to have tested a hydrogen nuclear bomb - more powerful than an atomic bomb.
Precise analysis, based on hard data, will have to wait. But the preliminary version is:
- Magnitude of detected seism is 5.1, same as previous test in 2013, which was an A-bomb with power 10-20 kt, which could mean that this test was also in the 20 kt range
- If that is true, then it probably was no H-bomb, or it was an H-bomb that fizzled
- If the test was indeed large like several 100s of kt - which might be possible if the device was much deeper into the ground? I just don't know - then NK would have become officially the 6th State with H-bomb capability - unofficially the 7th because Israel's Mossad is rumored to have been active in US weapons lab :lol:
- I find very suspect anyway the NK claim that the H device would be small, that is ready to fit ontop a missile. All H-bomb countries have begun by test of a bulky device unproper for military use, before succeeding in reducing its size

Major powers unanimously "condemn". Yet, it's useful to remember a few points:
- NK is not breaking any international treaty whatsoever with such a test: it is not signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty nor to the CTBT, the treaty banning nuclear tests. Simply put: NK nuclear tests are legal
- No matter its terrible regime, NK is a sovereign country
- By the way, not only NK, but all other nuclear armed countries can perform nuclear tests legally... for the CTBT has never been put into force. The missing condition is that all countries possessing nuclear reactors would have to ratify it, and a few to this day have refused. Among them? Well... China and the US of A! :lol:
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Re: North Korea

Post by Alexis »

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Re: North Korea

Post by Typhoon »

Clown is correct.

H-bomb seems unlikely.
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Re: North Korea

Post by YMix »

North Korea working to produce 'world-class' cosmetics, state media says

SEOUL, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- North Korea is touting its domestic cosmetics industry after Kim Jong Un called for an industrial evolution that could have North Korea products competing with global brands like Lancome, Chanel and Christian Dior.

A factory in Pyongyang, where North Korea's Unhasu cosmetics line is being made, was featured in a Chosun Today media segment Thursday, South Korean news service CBS No Cut News reported.

North Korea stated workers were engaged in a "determined struggle" to create "the world-class cosmetics brand Unhasu."

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Maybe...Re: It's a Boom. But is it a H Bomb

Post by monster_gardener »

Alexis wrote:North Korea nuclear: State claims first hydrogen bomb test
North Korea says it has successfully tested a miniaturised hydrogen bomb which, if confirmed, would be its fourth nuclear test since 2006.

It came after a 5.1 magnitude quake was detected close to its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri, indicating a test may have been conducted.

This is North Korea's first claim to have tested a hydrogen nuclear bomb - more powerful than an atomic bomb.
Precise analysis, based on hard data, will have to wait. But the preliminary version is:
- Magnitude of detected seism is 5.1, same as previous test in 2013, which was an A-bomb with power 10-20 kt, which could mean that this test was also in the 20 kt range
- If that is true, then it probably was no H-bomb, or it was an H-bomb that fizzled
- If the test was indeed large like several 100s of kt - which might be possible if the device was much deeper into the ground? I just don't know - then NK would have become officially the 6th State with H-bomb capability - unofficially the 7th because Israel's Mossad is rumored to have been active in US weapons lab :lol:
- I find very suspect anyway the NK claim that the H device would be small, that is ready to fit ontop a missile. All H-bomb countries have begun by test of a bulky device unproper for military use, before succeeding in reducing its size

Major powers unanimously "condemn". Yet, it's useful to remember a few points:
- NK is not breaking any international treaty whatsoever with such a test: it is not signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty nor to the CTBT, the treaty banning nuclear tests. Simply put: NK nuclear tests are legal
- No matter its terrible regime, NK is a sovereign country
- By the way, not only NK, but all other nuclear armed countries can perform nuclear tests legally... for the CTBT has never been put into force. The missing condition is that all countries possessing nuclear reactors would have to ratify it, and a few to this day have refused. Among them? Well... China and the US of A! :lol:
Thank You Very Much for your post, Alexis............

Not as large but..........

Joe 4 detonated with a force equivalent to 400 kilotons of TNT. The Soviet physicist Yuli Khariton estimated that Joe 4's yield was 15% to 20% fusion, the rest fission boosted by the fast neutrons released in the fusion. Being a single-stage weapon, though, it was not capable of being scaled up indefinitely like "true" hydrogen bombs (see Teller-Ulam design for more details on the distinctions between fusion weapons)........................

Despite its inability to be scaled into the megaton range, the detonation was used by Soviet diplomats as leverage. The Soviets claimed that they too had a hydrogen bomb, but unlike the United States' first thermonuclear weapon, theirs was deployable by air.
Joe 4 (Warhead name: RDS-6s (Reaktivnyi Dvigatel Specialnyi; Special Jet Engine)) was an American nickname for the first Soviet test of a thermonuclear weapon on August 12, 1953. Scholars dispute the authenticity of RDS-6 as a thermonuclear device as it did not manage to produce a yield consistent with a true hydrogen bomb.[1] It utilized a scheme in which fission and fusion fuel (lithium-6 deuteride) were "layered"
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: North Korea

Post by Typhoon »

NY Times | China and North Korea Reveal Sudden, and Deep, Cracks in Their Friendship
BEIJING — For decades, North Korea could count on China as a loyal ally despite the erratic behavior of the ruling Kim dynasty. Beijing held its tongue, even as its neighbor engaged in saber rattling, nuclear testing and bombastic threats.

But by this week, things may have gone too far, with North Korea unleashing a tirade in which it deployed some of the most damning insults in its playbook, accusing China of “dancing to the tune of the U.S.” and “styling itself as a big power.”

Chinese observers of relations between the countries were left in disbelief about how rapidly those ties have deteriorated, particularly after Beijing decided to cut off coal imports that provide badly needed currency for the North’s economy.
The latest NK assassination using VX nerve gas may be too crazy even for China.
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Re: North Korea

Post by noddy »

it does appear the ruling parties days are numbered without a refresh in leadership.
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Re: North Korea

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Typhoon wrote:NY Times | China and North Korea Reveal Sudden, and Deep, Cracks in Their Friendship
BEIJING — For decades, North Korea could count on China as a loyal ally despite the erratic behavior of the ruling Kim dynasty. Beijing held its tongue, even as its neighbor engaged in saber rattling, nuclear testing and bombastic threats.

But by this week, things may have gone too far, with North Korea unleashing a tirade in which it deployed some of the most damning insults in its playbook, accusing China of “dancing to the tune of the U.S.” and “styling itself as a big power.”

Chinese observers of relations between the countries were left in disbelief about how rapidly those ties have deteriorated, particularly after Beijing decided to cut off coal imports that provide badly needed currency for the North’s economy.
The latest NK assassination using VX nerve gas may be too crazy even for China.
Really. $90 assassins. I'm surprised they sprung for the VX and didn't just use a old pair of Kim Jong's underwear.
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