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Post by Apollonius »

When I searched the forum for the name I got this:

Lonely need a companion? Rape any hot virgin and get a wife


But although the topics are perhaps related, I thought maybe this deserved its own discussion.

Fact is, I'm undecided. Maybe this belongs in 'The U.K.', and if the forum managers want to move it, by all means do so. On the other hand, perhaps it has broader implications.

In the face of such evil who is the racist now? - Alison Pearson, The Telegraph, 27 August 2014 ... t-now.html

The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat

Let’s start with a riddle. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s home in pursuit of evidence linked to a single allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were South Yorkshire Police incapable of pursuing multiple allegations against multiple men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

One thousand four hundred. Consider the weight of that number, feel its tragic heft. Picture 50 junior-school classes of little girls in Rotherham, once a respectable northern town, now a byword for depravity. We have seen child-grooming cases before, but the disgusting stories revealed in the report by Professor Alexis Jay amount to evidence of abuse on an industrial scale.

Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children.

These truly horrible things happened in our country – not in the distant, cruel past, but as recently as last year. All but one of the perpetrators were Muslims of Pakistani heritage who would have related to Cliff’s hit, Living Doll.

The living dolls of Rotherham were bent and twisted to their masters’ will. There was no escape. As the sterling Professor Jay observes, South Yorkshire Police “regarded many child victims with contempt”.
One 11-year-old known as Child H told police that she and another girl had been sexually assaulted by grown men. Nothing was done. When she was 12, Child H was found in the back of a taxi with a man who had indecent pictures of her on his phone. Despite the full co-operation of her father, who insisted his daughter was being abused, police failed to act. Four months later, Child H was found in a house alone with a group of Pakistani men. What did the police do? They arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly and ignored her abusers. As President Obama said about the fiends who beheaded the journalist James Foley: “No just God would stand for what they did.” ...

Rotherham's - and England's - shame - John O’Sullivan, National Review, 29 August 2014 ... -osullivan

The Muslim men who tortured more than 1,400 girls are criminals.
So are the authorities who covered it up

We often read or hear from the media that a nation is “shocked” or “horrified” by the revelation of some crime or government scandal. It is almost never true. At best, most people are disapproving or mildly interested in the shocking news. Since Tuesday afternoon, however, Britain has felt real shock and horror over the report that 1,400 young women in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham had been groomed, raped, prostituted, trafficked, and brutally abused in almost every possible way by a criminal gang for the last 16 years. In addition, the authorities — which in this case are the local government authority, the police, and the child-protection services — had been repeatedly informed of these crimes but had dismissed the reports as false or exaggerated and taken no action to investigate, halt, and punish them.

Some of the examples of this depraved official indifference are barely believable. In one case, a girl was found drunk in the company of her exploiters and was arrested while the men were let free. In another, a father found his daughter, tried to rescue her, complained to the police, and was himself arrested while the authorities took no action on his complaint.

It is not as if this series of crimes was hidden or unknown. No fewer than three official investigations (prior to this one) looked into these crimes. They reported the broad truth that we now know and called for further investigations and arrests. The police and child-protection services did nothing whatever about them. Indeed, they quietly pigeonholed the findings with dismissive comments. The local councilors looked the other way or, on some occasions, intervened to discourage investigations by the police. Only the general public was innocently ignorant.

If these events were occurring in a film noir or a paperback novel set in a midcentury American city, the Philip Marlowe character would eventually unravel a complicated plot in which a corrupt administration and police force were helping a criminal gang run child brothels for fun and profit. That is in fact the most rational interpretation of what took place. But it is not the true explanation.

What happened is explained by two additional facts: The 1,400 girls were all white and of Christian background and English ethnicity while all but one of their exploiters were Muslims of Pakistani heritage. (The report describes the men delicately as “Asians,” but so far no Hindus, Sikhs, or Hong Kong Chinese are among their number.) As in other recent cases, the men targeted the girls in large part because they were white Christians, culturally speaking, and thus “worthless.” They actually told the girls that this was so. Still worse, the police also treated the girls as worthless when they bravely ignored the physical threats against them (one man poured petrol over a girl and threatened to light it) and sought police help. As a result, some of the girls came to believe they were in fact worthless, which, of course, made them more tractable to the gang. Others committed suicide. Many of the survivors will experience, perhaps for the rest of their lives, prolonged bouts of depression, self-contempt, shame, and other psychological disorders.

This scale of criminality and victimhood is vast for a country that has traditionally regarded itself as law-abiding. Worse, the report concedes that the estimate of 1,400 victims is a conservative one. (It is the equivalent of about three girls’ schools.) Some of the girls were as young as eleven. And since other (more or less identical) cases of criminal exploitation of young Christian girls by Pakistani Muslim men have been uncovered in cities such as Oldham, Birmingham, and Oxford in the last decade, the total number of victims must be staggering.

The motives of the exploiters, though vile, are not hard to understand. They plainly include both racism and sexism alongside the lust and cruelty enabled by their misogynistic culture. But what explains the silence, the acquiescence, even the cooperation of the authorities? Their motives seem to derive from the rich stew of progressive absurdities that constitute official attitudes in modern Britain. The first is the fear of being suspected of racism. Again and again the police and the social workers shrank from intervening or responding to complaints because to do so would invite the accusation that they were “racist.” Most people in the Muslim community were unaware of this criminal conspiracy (and, shocked and horrified like everyone else, they now condemn it). But when it was brought to the attention of “community leaders,” they too played the race card to suppress further investigation. To uncover such scandal would be not only racist, it would commit a sin against the ideal of multiculturalism that now actuates much official policy. ...

It's interesting that there has been so little attention given to this in the international mainstream press. For example, the BBC World News, which routinely includes discussion of rape cases in India and stories of abductions and confinements in the U.S., has given this story almost no coverage, although I did find this:

Rotherham child abuse scandal: The background to the report - BBC News, 26 August 2014 ... e-28939089

An independent report has severely criticised South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council after finding "at least" 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the town between 1997 and 2013. It follows four years in which both organisations have been under scrutiny.

The issue of child sex abuse in Rotherham first came to light in November 2010 when five men from the town's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences against underage girls.

But suspicions were already growing that the scale of the town's problem was far more widespread.

Almost two years later, in September 2012, Andrew Norfolk, a journalist on The Times newspaper, published an investigation which revealed a confidential 2010 police report had warned thousands of such crimes were being committed in South Yorkshire each year by networks of Asian men.

The town's former Labour MP, Denis MacShane, claimed police had kept the abuse secret from politicians. ...
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Re: Rotherham

Post by Torchwood »

Well, it's the main news here. It is clear that Rotherham is not alone, but the scale and incompetent handling of the issue seem to be on a different scale to anywhere else. Elsewhere, there have been more prosecutions.

The public reaction (especially in the right wing tabloid press) is well, bloody Muslims, they all regard kufr girls as sluts and fair game, don't they? Repellent though the idea is, there does seem to be an element of this, but it is more complicated:
- most of these girls were in care: why are so many girls in care in a town of 250,000? Rotherham is a bit of a post industrial dump, but even so.
Social workers made a hash of being in loco parentis (surprise, surprise) but some did warn the police and nothing was done.
- most victims were white, but Asian girls were assaulted as well, but this was hushed up, it would ruin their marriage prospects (oh, what wonderful ethics that implies)
- it is a problem with Pakistani men, not all Muslims. They are expected to remain virgins until married off to cousins they have never met. Discussion of sexual issues is taboo. Unfortunately Pakistani origin is the largest single Muslim community, not only did we thoughtlessly import adherents of the "religion of peace" but from a backward part of a dysfunctional theocratic state.

What with Rotherham, theTrojan horse scandal and returning "British" Jihadis from Syria and Iraq, we kaffirs have just about had enough of Islam. Multiculti PC correctness and moral relativism seems to be going down the chute, generally good but then of course the majority of Muslims feel victimised:
One mother interviewed in March 2014 told the report’s researchers: “What’s the point of us trying to integrate? Every time we do, we are somehow told it’s not good enough, or we’re not getting it right.”
I don't know how this is going to evolve, but it does not look good.
For example, the BBC World News, which routinely includes discussion of rape cases in India and stories of abductions and confinements in the U.S., has given this story almost no coverage
I don't think it is national shame so much as the last bastion of liberal doublethink is the BBC. They would have had to name the religion of the culprits, wouldn't they?
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PC Fear of Being Considered Racist gone Amok....

Post by monster_gardener »

Apollonius wrote:When I searched the forum for the name I got this:

Lonely need a companion? Rape any hot virgin and get a wife


But although the topics are perhaps related, I thought maybe this deserved its own discussion.

Fact is, I'm undecided. Maybe this belongs in 'The U.K.', and if the forum managers want to move it, by all means do so. On the other hand, perhaps it has broader implications.

In the face of such evil who is the racist now? - Alison Pearson, The Telegraph, 27 August 2014 ... t-now.html

The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat

Let’s start with a riddle. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s home in pursuit of evidence linked to a single allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were South Yorkshire Police incapable of pursuing multiple allegations against multiple men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

One thousand four hundred. Consider the weight of that number, feel its tragic heft. Picture 50 junior-school classes of little girls in Rotherham, once a respectable northern town, now a byword for depravity. We have seen child-grooming cases before, but the disgusting stories revealed in the report by Professor Alexis Jay amount to evidence of abuse on an industrial scale.

Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children.

These truly horrible things happened in our country – not in the distant, cruel past, but as recently as last year. All but one of the perpetrators were Muslims of Pakistani heritage who would have related to Cliff’s hit, Living Doll.

The living dolls of Rotherham were bent and twisted to their masters’ will. There was no escape. As the sterling Professor Jay observes, South Yorkshire Police “regarded many child victims with contempt”.
One 11-year-old known as Child H told police that she and another girl had been sexually assaulted by grown men. Nothing was done. When she was 12, Child H was found in the back of a taxi with a man who had indecent pictures of her on his phone. Despite the full co-operation of her father, who insisted his daughter was being abused, police failed to act. Four months later, Child H was found in a house alone with a group of Pakistani men. What did the police do? They arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly and ignored her abusers. As President Obama said about the fiends who beheaded the journalist James Foley: “No just God would stand for what they did.” ...

Rotherham's - and England's - shame - John O’Sullivan, National Review, 29 August 2014 ... -osullivan

The Muslim men who tortured more than 1,400 girls are criminals.
So are the authorities who covered it up

We often read or hear from the media that a nation is “shocked” or “horrified” by the revelation of some crime or government scandal. It is almost never true. At best, most people are disapproving or mildly interested in the shocking news. Since Tuesday afternoon, however, Britain has felt real shock and horror over the report that 1,400 young women in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham had been groomed, raped, prostituted, trafficked, and brutally abused in almost every possible way by a criminal gang for the last 16 years. In addition, the authorities — which in this case are the local government authority, the police, and the child-protection services — had been repeatedly informed of these crimes but had dismissed the reports as false or exaggerated and taken no action to investigate, halt, and punish them.

Some of the examples of this depraved official indifference are barely believable. In one case, a girl was found drunk in the company of her exploiters and was arrested while the men were let free. In another, a father found his daughter, tried to rescue her, complained to the police, and was himself arrested while the authorities took no action on his complaint.

It is not as if this series of crimes was hidden or unknown. No fewer than three official investigations (prior to this one) looked into these crimes. They reported the broad truth that we now know and called for further investigations and arrests. The police and child-protection services did nothing whatever about them. Indeed, they quietly pigeonholed the findings with dismissive comments. The local councilors looked the other way or, on some occasions, intervened to discourage investigations by the police. Only the general public was innocently ignorant.

If these events were occurring in a film noir or a paperback novel set in a midcentury American city, the Philip Marlowe character would eventually unravel a complicated plot in which a corrupt administration and police force were helping a criminal gang run child brothels for fun and profit. That is in fact the most rational interpretation of what took place. But it is not the true explanation.

What happened is explained by two additional facts: The 1,400 girls were all white and of Christian background and English ethnicity while all but one of their exploiters were Muslims of Pakistani heritage. (The report describes the men delicately as “Asians,” but so far no Hindus, Sikhs, or Hong Kong Chinese are among their number.) As in other recent cases, the men targeted the girls in large part because they were white Christians, culturally speaking, and thus “worthless.” They actually told the girls that this was so. Still worse, the police also treated the girls as worthless when they bravely ignored the physical threats against them (one man poured petrol over a girl and threatened to light it) and sought police help. As a result, some of the girls came to believe they were in fact worthless, which, of course, made them more tractable to the gang. Others committed suicide. Many of the survivors will experience, perhaps for the rest of their lives, prolonged bouts of depression, self-contempt, shame, and other psychological disorders.

This scale of criminality and victimhood is vast for a country that has traditionally regarded itself as law-abiding. Worse, the report concedes that the estimate of 1,400 victims is a conservative one. (It is the equivalent of about three girls’ schools.) Some of the girls were as young as eleven. And since other (more or less identical) cases of criminal exploitation of young Christian girls by Pakistani Muslim men have been uncovered in cities such as Oldham, Birmingham, and Oxford in the last decade, the total number of victims must be staggering.

The motives of the exploiters, though vile, are not hard to understand. They plainly include both racism and sexism alongside the lust and cruelty enabled by their misogynistic culture. But what explains the silence, the acquiescence, even the cooperation of the authorities? Their motives seem to derive from the rich stew of progressive absurdities that constitute official attitudes in modern Britain. The first is the fear of being suspected of racism. Again and again the police and the social workers shrank from intervening or responding to complaints because to do so would invite the accusation that they were “racist.” Most people in the Muslim community were unaware of this criminal conspiracy (and, shocked and horrified like everyone else, they now condemn it). But when it was brought to the attention of “community leaders,” they too played the race card to suppress further investigation. To uncover such scandal would be not only racist, it would commit a sin against the ideal of multiculturalism that now actuates much official policy. ...

It's interesting that there has been so little attention given to this in the international mainstream press. For example, the BBC World News, which routinely includes discussion of rape cases in India and stories of abductions and confinements in the U.S., has given this story almost no coverage, although I did find this:

Rotherham child abuse scandal: The background to the report - BBC News, 26 August 2014 ... e-28939089

An independent report has severely criticised South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council after finding "at least" 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the town between 1997 and 2013. It follows four years in which both organisations have been under scrutiny.

The issue of child sex abuse in Rotherham first came to light in November 2010 when five men from the town's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences against underage girls.

But suspicions were already growing that the scale of the town's problem was far more widespread.

Almost two years later, in September 2012, Andrew Norfolk, a journalist on The Times newspaper, published an investigation which revealed a confidential 2010 police report had warned thousands of such crimes were being committed in South Yorkshire each year by networks of Asian men.

The town's former Labour MP, Denis MacShane, claimed police had kept the abuse secret from politicians. ...
Thank You VERY MUCH for Your Post, Apollonius...
The motives of the exploiters, though vile, are not hard to understand. They plainly include both racism and sexism alongside the lust and cruelty enabled by their misogynistic culture. But what explains the silence, the acquiescence, even the cooperation of the authorities? Their motives seem to derive from the rich stew of progressive absurdities that constitute official attitudes in modern Britain. The first is the fear of being suspected of racism. Again and again the police and the social workers shrank from intervening or responding to complaints because to do so would invite the accusation that they were “racist.” Most people in the Muslim community were unaware of this criminal conspiracy (and, shocked and horrified like everyone else, they now condemn it). But when it was brought to the attention of “community leaders,” they too played the race card to suppress further investigation. To uncover such scandal would be not only racist, it would commit a sin against the ideal of multiculturalism that now actuates much official policy. ...
From the BBC Link....
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled "racist" if they focused on victims' descriptions of the majority of abusers as "Asian" men.

PC Fear of Being Considered Racist gone Amok.... :roll:

For some strange reason, this fear of being considered 'racist', reminds me of someone formerly posting on this Forum who like Voldemort ;) shall not be named ;) :lol:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Rotherham

Post by Typhoon »

I've never understood this obsession with virginity and it's equation with supposed purity.
It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.

― Voltaire
As for the raised in the West jihadists and others, as a minimum I would think that going off to fight in overseas on behalf of foreign entities should mean that one's citizenship and passport are forfeit and a permanent ban imposed on returning to one's Western country of origin.

Sounds like a lot of Brits have had it and a backlash is to be expected.
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Re: Rotherham

Post by Torchwood »

Legally their passports cannot be seized as that would make them stateless. The government refuse them entry or arrest them for treason, the trouble is that they will not have "Syria" or "Iraq" in their passports - and if they are travelling via another EU country (which they will have the wit to do) they will not have entry and exit stamps to say how long they have been away. The best clue is if they have legally entered or left Turkey, which will show up as passport stamps.

Best solution is to get themselves killed fighting for ISIS, and thus gain candidature for the Darwin Awards.
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Muslim Thugs Already Stateless/Beneficial Measures/Darwin...

Post by monster_gardener »

Torchwood wrote:Legally their passports cannot be seized as that would make them stateless. The government refuse them entry or arrest them for treason, the trouble is that they will not have "Syria" or "Iraq" in their passports - and if they are travelling via another EU country (which they will have the wit to do) they will not have entry and exit stamps to say how long they have been away. The best clue is if they have legally entered or left Turkey, which will show up as passport stamps.

Best solution is to get themselves killed fighting for ISIS, and thus gain candidature for the Darwin Awards.
Thank You VERY MUCH for Your post, Torchwood,

Legally their passports cannot be seized as that would make them stateless.
So what!

Change the law! :idea:

Caliphate warriors are pirates on land & sea.... Enemies of mankind.......

Effectively Stateless already except for the Malignant Muslim Caliphate....

By their own confession, they consider themselves as Citizens of the Caliphate and regard a British or other Western/Non Muslim passport as merely convenient travel documents....

Hang them with their own measure...
The best clue is if they have legally entered or left Turkey, which will show up as passport stamps.
AIUI also Twitter & other social media and various Islamic Websites..... :idea:

These Killer Klowns from Islamic Space like to brag about the atrocities they commit.... Heads cut off..... Infidels buried alive, crucified or shot....

Best solution is to get themselves killed fighting for ISIS,

and thus gain candidature for the Darwin Awards.
If Britain and other non-Muslim nations do not really try to stop these Islamic thugs from coming back to do damage, then they deserve the Darwin Award..... :idea:

Regarding the Pakistani immigration/invasion of Britain.....

This has happened before with VERY unhappy results.... :roll:

Long ago, a Czech king invited German settlers to Czechoslovakia.

When later a Virulent form of German nationalism arose, most of the Germans in Czechoslovakia behaved disgracefully refusing to fight for Czechoslovakia and collaborated with the enemy.....
From the Czechoslovak point of view, a majority of Czechoslovak citizens of German ethnicity had supported the Nazis, through the Sudeten German Party – a political party led by Konrad Henlein – and the Third Reich's annexation of the majority German-populated Czech borderland in 1938.[10] A majority of Germans also failed to follow the mobilization order when Czechoslovakia was threatened with open war by Hitler in 1938, which had a crippling effect on the army's defensive capabilities. ... d_traitors

As for what happened after the war to German and other traitors to Czechoslovakia.....

See the link above....
Last edited by monster_gardener on Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Virginity Benefits & Deficits / Sharia vs. Citizenship....

Post by monster_gardener »

Typhoon wrote:I've never understood this obsession with virginity and it's equation with supposed purity.
It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.

― Voltaire
As for the raised in the West jihadists and others, as a minimum I would think that going off to fight in overseas on behalf of foreign entities should mean that one's citizenship and passport are forfeit and a permanent ban imposed on returning to one's Western country of origin.

Sounds like a lot of Brits have had it and a backlash is to be expected.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post & Maintaining the Forum, Typhoon,
I've never understood this obsession with virginity and it's equation with supposed purity.
Regarding Virginity.....

When deadly sexually transmitted diseases are a risk, virginity by both males & females before marriage & faithfulness within marriage can be survival factors.....

When that is not the case..... Remembering that the Vikings are said to have preferred to marry women who had already had a child because that showed that the woman was fertile....

As for the raised in the West jihadists and others, as a minimum I would think that going off to fight in overseas on behalf of foreign entities should mean that one's citizenship and passport are forfeit and a permanent ban imposed on returning to one's Western country of origin.

Total Agreement.
Sounds like a lot of Brits have had it and a backlash is to be expected.

Hopefully innocents that are not into Sharia & Jihad will not be affected but just hunkering down may not be enough.... Need to be actively into Jihad suppression.....

Preaching the Glories of Islamic Law/Sharia is NOT a good idea....

IMVHO if Muslims want Sharia.... Time to leave for the Caliphate....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Rotherham

Post by Apollonius »

The reformation of manners - Mark Steyn, SteynOnline, 29 August 2014 ... of-manners

On Friday I appeared on Michael Graham's radio show to discuss, among other things, the appalling revelations from Rotherham, a drab town in South Yorkshire in which over the course of a decade and a half some 1,400 girls (as young as 11) were "groomed", drugged, raped, traded and, occasionally, doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight. All the while, the entire apparatus of the state, from the political class to the police to the "child protection" agencies, looked the other way - for fear of appearing "racist" or "Islamophobic". The BBC describes the predators' actions as "brazen", which it certainly was. They would turn up at children's homes, select the ones they wanted, and drive off with them:

The carer, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed staff were reluctant to intervene in some cases for fear of being classed as "racist".

So the individuals who presided over this regime destroyed the lives of 1,400 people in their care, and have paid no price for it. Indeed, some have been promoted, and put in charge of even more children: Sonia Sharp, who was head of child services in Rotherham, is now in an equivalent position Down Under for the entire state of Victoria.

Meantime, the fear of being perceived as "racist" prevails even in the news stories about how terrible it is that nobody did anything. As James Delingpole explains, if you have to get specific about the perpetrators, the preferred euphemism is "Asian", a word that in Fleet Street doesn't mean Chinese or oriental but persons deriving from the Indian sub-continent. This is, apart from anything else, grossly unfair to Hindus. The men who raped and tortured these girls were, in Rotherham as elsewhere, mostly Muslims of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin. And their victims were not.

And the queasy reluctance among the fearless knights of the media to state the truth anywhere north of the 20th paragraph helps explain why this happened, and why it will happen again. ...


Talking with Michael Graham, I said this is the same story as those young "American" lads from Minneapolis volunteering to go to Syria and Iraq and saw the heads off anyone who gets in their way: These are young Muslim men for whom life in the west merely intensifies their revulsion to it. We wonder how it is that a seven-year-old boy raised in the Sydney suburbs can suddenly be all over Twitter holding up the trophy head his "Australian" dad has just sliced off. But for a certain segment of the population decapitation has gone mainstream: In France, according to an ICM poll, one in six people "support" ISIS. Likewise, in Rotherham, child sex slavery went mainstream - accepted as a feature of life by the police, the bureaucracy, the local council...

Old-school thugs - Mubarak and even Saddam - felt obliged to lie to the world: no, no torture going on here; we're civilized men, just like you. But, as in Rotherham, the ISIS lads are "brazen" about it - they're in your face about offing your head. And it's worked for them: The more they post decapitated victims on Twitter and Facebook, the more followers they get in the "civilized" world. In an ill advised choice of words, the Prime Minister David Cameron said, "We need to tackle the ideology of Islamist extremism head on" - because trying to do it with your head off doesn't seem to be working out for those poor fellows in Mosul.

But what does "head on" mean? I was listening to Congressman Peter King on the radio the other day discuss the issue of American and other western Muslims sallying forth to fight for ISIS, and his warnings about jihadists with western passports being able to move freely within Europe and North America made a lot of sense. But I had the uneasy feeling, as with Cameron, that the upshot would be a world in which, in five or ten years' time, it will be more difficult and burdensome for law-abiding persons to fly from London to New York a two-day business meeting or from Toronto to Athens for a week in the Greek islands. In other words, the political leadership of the western world will attempt to micro-manage the problem through the panopticon security state.

Underneath the watchful eyes of the digital panopticon, however, the Islamization of the west will continue. Not every Muslim wants to chop your head off. Not every Muslim wants to "groom" your 11-year-old daughter. But these pathologies nest within Islam, and thrive at the intersection of Islam and the west. As long as Islam is your biggest source of population growth - to the point where Mohammed is now the most popular boy's name in Oslo - you're not "tackling" the issue, and certainly not "head on".

In a bizarre column even for the post-Conrad National Post, Afsun Qureshi suggests the best thing you could do to lessen the likelihood of being set upon by Muslims is to learn to recite the shahadah, "a testimony to the identity of Allah as the one true God, and Muhammad as his prophet". She might be right. Wearing a burqa might help, too. Or the shalwar kameez. On the other hand, most of those Syrian men paraded through the desert in their BVDs to their rendezvous with death knew the shahadah, and a fat lot of good it did.


So now, in the new multiculti Britain, the child sex trade is back, as part of the rich, vibrant tapestry of diversity - along with Jew-hate, and honor killings, and decapitation porn. The solutions to the internal contradictions of multiculturalism are (a) David Cameron's expanded security state; (b) Afsun Qureshi's universal prostration before Islam; or (c) an end to mass Muslim immigration. The last is too obvious for any viable western politician ever to propose it.

That leaves Wilberforce's "reformation of manners" - on a scale he never contemplated, and with a self-segregating community extremely resistant to outside influence. Meanwhile, leaders such as David Cameron keep hoping that somehow all these excitable young men with their surplus energies will embrace "British values", without ever being able to say what these "British values" are, other than the stuff Yorkshire schools teach as the source of all the evils in the world - imperialism, racism, colonialism, etc. And even as we dither, in Rotherham and elsewhere, Islam is already reforming our manners. As I wrote the other day, slowly, remorselessly, we are becoming them.
Simple Minded

Re: Rotherham

Post by Simple Minded »

Apollonius wrote:The reformation of manners - Mark Steyn, SteynOnline, 29 August 2014 ... of-manners

Thanks for the post. I have long enjoyed both Steyn's social observations and his wickedly funny (IMO) sense of humor.

The human desire for social acceptance, including tolerating intolerance and outright brutality in the name of multi-culturalism or enlightened open mindedness is an amazing phenomena.

I think it was Torchwood who correctly pointed out, in a different thread, that "judge not least ye be judged" means critical thinking goes out the window.
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