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Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »


President Obama's job approval ratings have hit 50%. This is higher than Ronald Reagan's job approval ratings at the same point in his second term. ... yndication

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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Typhoon »

To some groups,
this bit of news is like hitting a parakeet cage with a baseball [or cricket] bat :wink:
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by YMix »

Where is Mr. Perfect? He was crazy about these...

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

YMix wrote:Where is Mr. Perfect? He was crazy about these...
still tying to sign up for Obamacare is my guess......

Ya know, if you look at the raw data, a 50% approval rating in a country with a two party system is nothing to write home to yo mama bout.

BUT, if you employ an optimized statistical method of modeling, 50% approval is damn near everyone!
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote:
YMix wrote:Where is Mr. Perfect? He was crazy about these...
still tying to sign up for Obamacare is my guess......

Ya know, if you look at the raw data, a 50% approval rating in a country with a two party system is nothing to write home to yo mama bout.

BUT, if you employ an optimized statistical method of modeling, 50% approval is damn near everyone!

The bit I like is that 14% of Republicans are in the approval team. Who the f*** is among those people, Sarah Palin? Actually she has had some good words for Hillary recently so maybe she is a secret admirer of the big man. :)

Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »


I'll tell you a secret if you promise not to let anyone else know. OK?

Professional Republicans are just as f**ked up as Professional Democrats, who are just as f**ked up as Professional Liberals, who are just as f**ked up as Professional Conservatives. At least here in the US.

When one becomes a celebrity, one has to play to the lowest common denominator..... I'm pretty sure it is related to ensuring the next check doesn't go to someone else who is more popular.

When the dominant zeitgeist is that the moon is made of cheese, the pol who promises moon missions using green energy rocket ships to feed the hungry will win elections.

Witness the AGW cult and the pols who cater to those True Believers. What was the old phrase....Oh yeah, Useful Idiots.

"You become the slave of all those from whom you seek approval."
Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:
YMix wrote:Where is Mr. Perfect? He was crazy about these...
still tying to sign up for Obamacare is my guess......

Ya know, if you look at the raw data, a 50% approval rating in a country with a two party system is nothing to write home to yo mama bout.

BUT, if you employ an optimized statistical method of modeling, 50% approval is damn near everyone!

The bit I like is that 14% of Republicans are in the approval team. Who the f*** is among those people, Sarah Palin? Actually she has had some good words for Hillary recently so maybe she is a secret admirer of the big man. :)

Hmmm... if 14% of Republicans are in the approval team, a 50% approval means that 14% of the Democrats are in the "not approval" team. As long as a majority of the 1%ers are on board, who cares bout those zilly leedle peeple?

The silly part is comparing the popularity ratings of two presidents that are a generation and a half apart. But it is entertaining.... which is why we are here!!!!! ;)
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote: The silly part is comparing the popularity ratings of two presidents that are a generation and a half apart. But it is entertaining.... which is why we are here!!!!! ;)

When Obama's ratings were lower, right wingers quoted them with the sanctimony of biblical text against those of their Godchild Reagan; with the ratings higher than Reagan's it is "entertaining". :)

I think of a racist sports commentator, who talked of American golfers through the last 50 years and then had to admit the the existence of Tiger Woods. He used the words "Woods phenomenon" in order to avoid calling the man a golfer. To your credit SM, you have called Obama a "president" and I salute your generosity and honesty.

Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »


Thanks for the kind words.

Merikans are truly silly people when it come to POTUS. An honest campaigner could not get elected because the lowest common denominator demands alchemy and magic. when POTUS proves to be a human, constrained by reality, his former True Believers abandon him. FWIW, I don't consider Obama to be better or worse than previous presidents. I think POTUS's hands are tied to an extent very few realize.

Your comment on Tiger Woods reminds me of an interview in which Woods was asked why he does not label himself as "black." The implication of the interviewer was that Woods was being snooty or in the language of the hood, "not keepin it real" or "actin white." Wood's reply was perfect, "My father is black, my mother is Phillipino. If I call myself black, that denies my mother's existence. Why would I do that?" The interviewer was stunned.

Obama is in the same boat. I always thought it strange that people considered Obama to be black. Binoids, what can ya do?

Obama has been the most interesting president, or more accurately, the marketing of Obama has been the most interesting phenomena, regarding candidates and POTUS's, I have seen in my lifetime.

A simpleton like me would think it would have been hugely advantageous to market Obama the candidate as "a uniter who is half-black and half-white." Obama as president had a unique position to repeatedly say "C'mon people, put your differences aside. We are all Americans."

I think the professional marketers/pollsters determined that my thinking would result in a huge political tactical disadvantage of not being able to call anyone who disagreed with Obama a RACIST!. I think one of the greatest opportunity in the history of the US was squandered. No doubt the pros were right, and I am just being naïve.

One of my black friends who was a big Obama supporter recently told me "I am very disappointed that he put so much effort into being a black president rather than being a good president." It reminded me of a line from a retired black talking head who used to say "I will vote for a representative who is black, but I will not vote for a black representative."

Some people decide to live in the past. Needless to say, their future is pre-determined.

All politicians are publicity whores, the electoral system requires it. To inquire about who approves of whom is like asking a teen age girl who her favorite band is on Wednesday. Her girlfriend change their minds on Thursday, she follows.

Commentators make a lot of money discussing 2% swings in polls. Merikans are so fickle, I think any poll rating between 30% and 70% is meaningless.

I recall at the end of the first Gulf War, about a 16 months or so before his second campaign, George H.W. Bush's approval rating was 88%!!!! One newsletter author told of the week before he made a presentation at a conference where he predicted the economy would turn down and G.H.W. Bush would lose his re-election campaign. He said they almost laughed me out of the room.

I think the old saying that "Candidates who run for president and get elected are like dogs who chase firetrucks. The lucky ones are unsuccessful. The successful ones wonder now what do I do with it."

I really don't see a lot of correlation between a presidents actions and their popularity. They are the beneficiaries or victims of fate to a great degree. They are more indicators of zeitgeist than engines of change. They are forever in search of parades to get in front of in order to appear to be leader.

I feel a little sorry for any POTUS who has the misfortune to be elected during a pessimistic zeitgeist. But not too much, they sought the job, or their own free will. In their arrogance, they tempted Nemesis.
Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:

When Obama's ratings were lower, right wingers quoted them with the sanctimony of biblical text against those of their Godchild Reagan; with the ratings higher than Reagan's it is "entertaining". :)


I would be very interested in your definition of right wing and left wing. Both of those terms mystify my puny brain.

Not surprisingly, the nastiest comments I have ever heard/read regarding Obama have come not from Republicans, but from his fellow Democrats.

Reminds me of the line in the movie FASTER. "When you ride for a MotoGP team, the first person you have to beat is your teammate."

There are four groups of people in America one should never listen to regarding opinions of POTUS: voters, politicians, right wingers, and left wingers. ;)
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »


That was a sharp reply by Tiger, although he was dodgin' the ball.

RW/LW? I would say that a person who is right wing is not left wing and vice versa. Having said that, the extremes of politics tend to meet around the back.

Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:SM,

That was a sharp reply by Tiger, although he was dodgin' the ball.

RW/LW? I would say that a person who is right wing is not left wing and vice versa. Having said that, the extremes of politics tend to meet around the back.


I doubt I've watched 15 minutes of golf in my life, but Tiger earned my respect for using an exceptionally stupid question to make the interviewer look like a fool.

Not only do RW/LW meet at the extremes, but also in the middle. Maybe there is no difference, except in the mind of the person who claims either label?
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote: Not only do RW/LW meet at the extremes, but also in the middle. Maybe there is no difference, except in the mind of the person who claims either label?

I am going to agree with you on the first point. The moderates (I would include Obama here) tend to be in the middle. Your second point is not so easy. If we are going to recognise 'extremes' and a 'middle' then we recognise an objective difference in politics which can be seen clearly enough in outcomes.

Hosts of examples can be used to reveal actual differences in political views and practices which affect people's lives every day. Of course there are confusions and complications for individuals in the theory (cognitive dissonance?).

I would be very interested to see your result in the online test 'political compass'. I answered all the questions with a calm mind and as honestly as possible and my result was right next to the Dalai Lama. That was a surprise to me. :o

Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Not only do RW/LW meet at the extremes, but also in the middle. Maybe there is no difference, except in the mind of the person who claims either label?

I am going to agree with you on the first point. The moderates (I would include Obama here) tend to be in the middle. Your second point is not so easy. If we are going to recognise 'extremes' and a 'middle' then we recognise an objective difference in politics which can be seen clearly enough in outcomes.

Hosts of examples can be used to reveal actual differences in political views and practices which affect people's lives every day. Of course there are confusions and complications for individuals in the theory (cognitive dissonance?).

I would be very interested to see your result in the online test 'political compass'. I answered all the questions with a calm mind and as honestly as possible and my result was right next to the Dalai Lama. That was a surprise to me. :o

Sounds good. Can you post a link so I know I am taking the same test?

Of course, moderate is a relative term (just like fat or good looking) and, of course, moderate is a meaningless term without defining both sides of moderate. So we might be back to square one on that account.

Once upon a time in the US, left meant big controlling govt, and right meant minimal govt, max personal freedom. Which is why some, probably older Americans like myself consider Hitler and Mussolini to be leftists along with Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc.

I realize the definitions are totally different in Europe. But then again, they are different in upstate New York than in NYC.

The hard part to sell about right in America today is max personal freedom means max personal responsibility. "We" ( :lol: ) often seem to be a nation of teenagers not quite ready to cut the apron strings. Ignoring the part about personal responsibility, left generally means democrat, and right generally means republican in the US today. Needless to say, neither party promotes limited govt and personal responsibility.

Even my card carrying Socialist buddy from England, who loved to quote Marx, balked why I suggested that since his daughter was 50 years younger than I, than he should indoctrinate her with Marxism so that when I have "needs," she won't object to me milking her "abilities."

Everybody loves Robin Hood when he is giving them stolen loot. Nobody likes Robin Hood when they are being robbed.

The funniest part about group identity is no matter what one calls oneself, the observer can claim that they are not what they claim, or that they are not "pure enough."

FWIW, I consider Obama as well as all previous presidents in my lifetime to be leftists. None have reduced govt and increased freedom. The zeitgeist seems to be against the right wingers thruout the West. Easier to get elected by spending tomorrow's taxpayer's earnings on today's voters.

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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Typhoon »

Paraphrasing Sir Boyle Roche "Screw posterity!"
Indeed. What has posterity ever done for us?
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Zack Morris »

Simple Minded wrote: Everybody loves Robin Hood when he is giving them stolen loot. Nobody likes Robin Hood when they are being robbed.
We all know that tiny segments of the population should not be allowed to hold the rest hostage with their perverse values. That's why we're only going after the 1%. I mean, who in their right mind would force 99% of the population to bend to the whims of a deviant 1%? Amiright? :lol:
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Doc »

Zack Morris wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Everybody loves Robin Hood when he is giving them stolen loot. Nobody likes Robin Hood when they are being robbed.
We all know that tiny segments of the population should not be allowed to hold the rest hostage with their perverse values. That's why we're only going after the 1%. I mean, who in their right mind would force 99% of the population to bend to the whims of a deviant 1%? Amiright? :lol:
Obama Of course that is unless you think Obama is not in his 'right' mind. :P
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »

SM and folks,

Here is the test that had me as 'Dalai Lama'.

Be very interested to see anyone's results on this one, especially if I have been wrong about you guys all along.

It's quick and easy.

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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Typhoon »

manolo wrote:SM and folks,

Here is the test that had me as 'Dalai Lama'.

Be very interested to see anyone's results on this one, especially if I have been wrong about you guys all along.

It's quick and easy.


More informative if we post our charts:

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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

I came out Economic Left/Right: 2.00, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46 (sorry not posting the chart)- which puts me slightly in the bottom right quadrant. Or compared to Typhoon, two up, three right from his little dot.

I did not find the chart very useful. Whoever put it together has no clue what they are talking about.
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:I came out Economic Left/Right: 2.00, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46 (sorry not posting the chart)- which puts me slightly in the bottom right quadrant. Or compared to Typhoon, two up, three right from his little dot.

I did not find the chart very useful. Whoever put it together has no clue what they are talking about.
Anytime you see a poll with more than a dichotomous agree/disagree choice it is specious. A 'neutral' option makes it worthless.

I did think the choice of questions was interesting.
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Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

Interesting poll. Truly bizarre questions. Each question could be infinitely parsed. I have a tough time trusting those Kiwi Anglo-Zionists. :(

Reminded me of those polls where they compare quality of life in different countries, and one of the evaluating factors is climate! As "we" all know..... climate in a country larger than 1.6 million square miles is impossible to measure within 0.02 C. :shock:

I always thought that Obama and Romney were very close to each other ideologically. Guess I'm not the only one. Both are right wingers is hard to buy into though. Both are very authoritarian though, but what would one expect from those who seek to control others.

I was left/right 3.62. social libertarian/authoritarian -5.08. I think that puts me pretty close to Sasquatch..... good company!
Last edited by Simple Minded on Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Obama on the rise

Post by Simple Minded »

Zack Morris wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Everybody loves Robin Hood when he is giving them stolen loot. Nobody likes Robin Hood when they are being robbed.
We all know that tiny segments of the population should not be allowed to hold the rest hostage with their perverse values. That's why we're only going after the 1%. I mean, who in their right mind would force 99% of the population to bend to the whims of a deviant 1%? Amiright? :lol:

What are you talking about? What 1% is oppressing what 99%?

Who in their right mind believes that? That sounds like the propaganda the Nazi's used to exterminate the Jews.

Names, dates, places, and listing of oppressors, oppressies, and oppressive acts PLEASE!
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Re: Obama on the rise

Post by manolo »

Simple Minded wrote:
What are you talking about? What 1% is oppressing what 99%?

Four hogs in the trough. One hog corners the feed. Three hogs bash Mr greedy.

Tell me that isn't progressive taxation :)

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