Neo reactionary loons

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »
Radical traditionalism
Political authoritarianism
A desire to return to monarchy, aristocracy, and/or feudalism
An admiration of fascism
Ethnic nationalism, usually white or (less commonly) Asian
Racialism (usually framed as "race realism" or "human biodiversity")
A belief in biological determinism
A belief that ethnic uniformity increases social capital[wp]
Hostility to feminism, multiculturalism, and progressivism in all its forms, especially democracy and equality; in their metaphor, the "Cathedral"
Frequently, though not always, anti-Semitism
Normative arguments based on evolutionary psychology
Pick-up artist jargon
Men's rights activism
Austrian School of economics
Old time social Darwinism
Many are former Ron Paul supporters
Traditionalist Catholicism, often
Alternatively, some form of neopaganism, Satanism, or occultist woo of the Julius Evola variety.[32]
Or a religious view that sees the Singularity as God. This dovetails with transhumanism below. See also Roko's Basilisk.
Transhumanism and other technological utopias (the odd idea out)
Michael Anissimov proposes the following six tenets as the core beliefs of neoreaction:
People are not equal. They never will be. We reject equality in all its forms.
Right is right and left is wrong.
Hierarchy is basically a good idea.
Traditional sex roles are basically a good idea.
Libertarianism is retarded.
Democracy is irredeemably flawed and we need to do away with it.[33]


maybe ill muster up an opinion beyond giggling at neck-beards but i thought id point out they have a philosophical label now.
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Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

eh, the various groups that support each item on the list don't have enough overlap to be all one movement outside of really disliking social-democracy. And libertarians.

But who doesn't dislike libertarians? Remember when they were the neck-beards of an older generation?

I know it's become a thing that people imagine themselves being a part of but most of it is dead in the water for our lifetimes and beyond- save some cataclysm.

The dark enlightenment guys are cosplaying harder than the original smattering of neo-reactionaries .

That's its become a thing though suggests that it's growing (probably all the worst parts at that) as a means of expressing dissatisfaction, meaning that we may see them gain some mainstream audience like the libertarians and the greens.

Which makes me ponder.

What book and chapter of the Bible was it again which said that the neckbeards shall inherit the earth?
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Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by manolo »


I'm a social libertarian and don't have any kind of beard. :?

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Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:eh, the various groups that support each item on the list don't have enough overlap to be all one movement outside of really disliking social-democracy. And libertarians.
ive been doing more reading on it - they have pretty network graphs and venn diagrams showing the overlaps they claim between all these disparate groups,.

Image ... ertarians/
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: But who doesn't dislike libertarians? Remember when they were the neck-beards of an older generation?

I know it's become a thing that people imagine themselves being a part of but most of it is dead in the water for our lifetimes and beyond- save some cataclysm.
my utopias tend to be friendly anarchy/libertarian types things, however utopia isnt a political model so you cant really take it that seriously, its just a nervous twitch on judgements.

my view is those that crave the rigid authoritarian heirachies do tend to have no personal power so need the system to provide it, which is something i find repulsive as the only thing worse than a person who abuses the power they have is the person who craves being given the power to abuse.

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: The dark enlightenment guys are cosplaying harder than the original smattering of neo-reactionaries .

That's its become a thing though suggests that it's growing (probably all the worst parts at that) as a means of expressing dissatisfaction, meaning that we may see them gain some mainstream audience like the libertarians and the greens.
this is the main reason i posted it - the growing backlash against the dogma of social democracy and moderate muddles that has grown up on the rules and has no interest in them.

neckbeards and their equivilants for now, however the list above does include alot more besides, even if many of them would not identify with that mob.
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Which makes me ponder.

What book and chapter of the Bible was it again which said that the neckbeards shall inherit the earth?
for the egotistical bullies with no stomach for conflict shall inherit the earth.

i remember it well.
Simple Minded

Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by Simple Minded »

great thread so far. Theoretically, it should be possible to thoroughly catalogue 7 billion people with 20 or 30 billion labels.....

I'm sticking with two, binoids and venn-anarchists......
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Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »

Simple Minded wrote:.. venn-anarchists......
if you cant do a power point presentation you got no chance, everyone knows that.

the intermunets is letting all the oddball groups form larger relevancies than they ever could locally, forming nations unto themselves across the disenfrancisedosphere.
Simple Minded

Re: neo reactionary loons

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.. venn-anarchists......
if you cant do a power point presentation you got no chance, everyone knows that.

the intermunets is letting all the oddball groups form larger relevancies than they ever could locally, forming nations unto themselves across the disenfrancisedosphere.
power point? that even sounds like some sort of WMD that the neo-somethings would use to oppress the common man.

thankfully, their larger relevancies only exist between their ears, occupying (pun intended) approximately the same volume & mass as their ideal utopian utopias!

Wot appened to the good ole days when we all thought virtual reality would be an escape from the brutal oppression of others and the laws of physics?

now evry time I post on the internet I gets oppressd by some wanker cross some ocean or something that I've never met whose real name I could probably neither pronounce nor spell!!!

We worry bout guns, but we sell internet connectivity to anyone with credit! mark my words, this ain't gonna end well!
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The thing about libertarian states is that we have examples: medieval France, the Holy Roman Empire, (I'd throw the city of London in there too)....

They were not exactly ideal situations with individuals stuck between competing institutions and and varying sovereignties. The city of London with its bizarre rules and customs, corporate voting, the whole nine yards isn't so bad I guess but they had a symbiotic relation with that rump we call England that really was a nice bulwark to practice all sorts of shenanigans without the usual consequences.
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:The thing about libertarian states is that we have examples: medieval France, the Holy Roman Empire, (I'd throw the city of London in there too)....

They were not exactly ideal situations with individuals stuck between competing institutions and and varying sovereignties. The city of London with its bizarre rules and customs, corporate voting, the whole nine yards isn't so bad I guess but they had a symbiotic relation with that rump we call England that really was a nice bulwark to practice all sorts of shenanigans without the usual consequences.
thats a highly euro-emptire centric view of things.

the entire of the asia pacific/oceania is another version of libertarian, its been ticking away successfully for millenia.

those folks quite often dont even share a language with the neighbours over the hill, they have taken mind your own business to its logical conclusion however they were quite useless against empire, ruthless organised violence is the true golden rule that beats all others.
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:The thing about libertarian states is that we have examples: medieval France, the Holy Roman Empire, (I'd throw the city of London in there too)....

They were not exactly ideal situations with individuals stuck between competing institutions and and varying sovereignties. The city of London with its bizarre rules and customs, corporate voting, the whole nine yards isn't so bad I guess but they had a symbiotic relation with that rump we call England that really was a nice bulwark to practice all sorts of shenanigans without the usual consequences.
thats a highly euro-emptire centric view of things.

the entire of the asia pacific/oceania is another version of libertarian, its been ticking away successfully for millenia.

those folks quite often dont even share a language with the neighbours over the hill, they have taken mind your own business to its logical conclusion however they were quite useless against empire, ruthless organised violence is the true golden rule that beats all others.
well, a few things:

1) I thought about possible East Asian/Oceanic examples but do not have a grasp of history like I do the European- no one will ever accuse me of not being sufficiently provincial! :) So if there is something I should read, or some place I should look into, please suggest it.

2) That being said, I know enough to not be terribly impressed. My understanding, however limited, was that the strongest argument for a anarchist-libertarian political order associated with Asia rests in Daoism and Chinese history. But its prominence also coincides with periods of wartime and instability. It didn't reflect the general order of things, which was on par with the rest of the word- the natural political order was either being organized into city-states or empires. The empires were not always expansively imperialistic like the Romans or Mongols, and it was easy for a segment of Han Chinese to talk about minimal government and lassiez-faire economics when they had a natural empire constantly assimilating the steppe peoples who would perennially invade and run things for a bit. Getting along with a neighbor who doesn't speak your language is no big deal either, and there are numerous examples of that throughout the world.

3) One problem political organization should relieve is the desire of tyranny. Being a tyrant carries such harsh and negative connotations because it is such an attractive option for those capable being in the position of tyrant. Living under that tyranny is another matter but we do have examples of human flourishing in such systems. Reading Greek history, I think the case could be made that the the tyrannies the Pomegranates would set up often looked much better than the Greek political experiments. The Chinese "I'm alright, you're alright" attitude had no defense against tyrannies and that is a really bad thing to flub with political organizations.
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »

ill try and find more time later, stealing moments at work currently - i think we are talking past eachother a bit, multiple definitions of the word libertarian
Getting along with a neighbor who doesn't speak your language is no big deal either, and there are numerous examples of that throughout the world.
that is the be all and end all of the word for me, any more detail than that is getting into specific sub cultural rule sets.
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:ill try and find more time later, stealing moments at work currently - i think we are talking past eachother a bit, multiple definitions of the word libertarian

That probably is the case. I guess my only point was that no matter the particulars of the libertarian, the real world examples that come most closely to a practical libertarian order are rather disorganized and incoherent.
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Re: Neo reactionary loons

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: the real world examples that come most closely to a practical libertarian order are rather disorganized and incoherent.
this is absolutely garunteed and the reason its not a real philosophy and just a utopian thought.

all the examples of it im aware of are the consequence of a shared history, people who have left an oppressive place and settled in a new place with a clear understanding of what they didnt want to replicate.

it cant handle the passage of time and the younger generations questioning the reasons and nor can it handle outside interference from a more organised people.
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