

Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Alan Dershowitz, former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel

Alan Dershowitz, .. , Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel have become three prominent Jewish activists joining with others in a bid to remove a group with a blood-soaked history from the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations.


Zionist going full monty

what a lavender

these people have killed so many American serviceman in Iran @ Shah's time .. the mad mullahs do not have a single drop of American blood on their hand

these people were the one doing all the killing at Shah time pushing poor Shah to quit

hate 2B around when that RedNeck had it .. lord have merci


Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


:lol: :lol:

April Glaspie Transcript
Saddam-Glaspie meeting

Transcript of Meeting Between Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. - July 25, 1990 (Eight days before the August 2, 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait)

July 25, 1990 - Presidential Palace - Baghdad

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - I have direct instructions from President Bush to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices, the immediate cause of your confrontation with Kuwait. (pause) As you know, I lived here for years and admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. We know you need funds. We understand that, and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. (pause) We can see that you have deployed massive numbers of troops in the south. Normally that would be none of our business, but when this happens in the context of your threat s against Kuwait, then it would be reasonable for us to be concerned. For this reason, I have received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship - not confrontation - regarding your intentions: Why are your troops massed so very close to Kuwait's borders?

Saddam Hussein - As you know, for years now I have made every effort to reach a settlement on our dispute with Kuwait. There is to be a meeting in two days; I am prepared to give negotiations only this one more brief chance. (pause) When we (the Iraqis) meet (with the Kuwaitis) and we see there is hope, then nothing will happen. But if we are unable to find a solution, then it will be natural that Iraq will not accept death.

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - What solutions would be acceptab le?

Saddam Hussein - If we could keep the whole of the Shatt al Arab - our strategic goal in our war with Iran - we will make concessions (to the Kuwaitis). But, if we are forced to choose between keeping half of the Shatt and the whole of Iraq (i.e., in Saddam s view, including Kuwait ) then we will give up all of the Shatt to defend our claims on Kuwait to keep the whole of Iraq in the shape we wish it to be. (pause) What is the United States' opinion on this?

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - We have no opinion on your Arab - Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960's, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America. (Saddam smiles)

On August 2, 1990, Saddam's massed troops invade and occupy Kuwait.


Anthony Blinken, National Security Adviser to Vice President Biden and Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Carefully choosing his words, Blinken said that Israel views a nuclear Iran as “an existential threat” while the U.S. believes that it would pose “a direct and serious threat” to its own security. But, he added, “Israel has to make its own decisions. We are not in the business of telling our allies and partners what to do when it comes to their own national security.”


Sensing some similarity

Rhubarb .. be careful .. something fishy



you do, you damn

you don't, you done

a lose lose

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Need to change the Game

Post by monster_gardener »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

:lol: :lol:

April Glaspie Transcript
Saddam-Glaspie meeting

Transcript of Meeting Between Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. - July 25, 1990 (Eight days before the August 2, 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait)

July 25, 1990 - Presidential Palace - Baghdad

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - I have direct instructions from President Bush to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices, the immediate cause of your confrontation with Kuwait. (pause) As you know, I lived here for years and admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. We know you need funds. We understand that, and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. (pause) We can see that you have deployed massive numbers of troops in the south. Normally that would be none of our business, but when this happens in the context of your threat s against Kuwait, then it would be reasonable for us to be concerned. For this reason, I have received an instruction to ask you, in the spirit of friendship - not confrontation - regarding your intentions: Why are your troops massed so very close to Kuwait's borders?

Saddam Hussein - As you know, for years now I have made every effort to reach a settlement on our dispute with Kuwait. There is to be a meeting in two days; I am prepared to give negotiations only this one more brief chance. (pause) When we (the Iraqis) meet (with the Kuwaitis) and we see there is hope, then nothing will happen. But if we are unable to find a solution, then it will be natural that Iraq will not accept death.

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - What solutions would be acceptab le?

Saddam Hussein - If we could keep the whole of the Shatt al Arab - our strategic goal in our war with Iran - we will make concessions (to the Kuwaitis). But, if we are forced to choose between keeping half of the Shatt and the whole of Iraq (i.e., in Saddam s view, including Kuwait ) then we will give up all of the Shatt to defend our claims on Kuwait to keep the whole of Iraq in the shape we wish it to be. (pause) What is the United States' opinion on this?

U.S. Ambassador Glaspie - We have no opinion on your Arab - Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary (of State James) Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960's, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America. (Saddam smiles)

On August 2, 1990, Saddam's massed troops invade and occupy Kuwait.


Anthony Blinken, National Security Adviser to Vice President Biden and Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs

Carefully choosing his words, Blinken said that Israel views a nuclear Iran as “an existential threat” while the U.S. believes that it would pose “a direct and serious threat” to its own security. But, he added, “Israel has to make its own decisions. We are not in the business of telling our allies and partners what to do when it comes to their own national security.”


Sensing some similarity

Rhubarb .. be careful .. something fishy



you do, you damn

you don't, you done

a lose lose

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
Rhubarb .. be careful .. something fishy



you do, you damn

you don't, you done

a lose lose
Quite right.....

And that is That is the problem, Azari.

The players need to change the game so that winning, ideally for all, is possible........

Imagine being a Jew in the Warsaw Ghetto on the final day........ But armed with a Cobalt Bomb stolen from Heisenberg big enough to make Europe uninhabitable........ no delivery system but the wind blowing west/south west toward Germany..........

Maybe a Persian Jew would not detonate............... I wouldn't trust myself not to.................

Need to come up with some solution that enables both Israeli and Iranian security...........

Meanwhile, I would advise wise Israelis and Iranians to self least to the Western Hemisphere........

Ideally to the Southern Hemisphere............
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Look, MG

You misunderstand

what bothers Zionist is not Iranian nuclear bomb

As said many many times, Paki have 200 of them, and they really crazy

And, Iranians have no accounts to settle with Zionist/Israel

There was an Israeli article explaining why Israel considers Iran a "existential" threath (must find and post)

Reason is, If Iran becomes stronger and stronger (and more & more moral support to Arab/Pali cause against Israel) .. if so .. the Ashklenazim segment of Israeli population will feel things will not work with Pali and leave Israel (to where they came from, America and Europe, they have all dual citizenship)

If so, if Ashkenazim move out, down the road, Israel would seize to exist

that is a valid fear


that could happen


Israel pushing America to weaken Iran

so that Pali see no future and sign on the dotted line


America knows weakening Iran has many unintended consequences

Iran is a anchor of stability in that crucial space world economy depends on

If, NOW, in street of Hormuz, a tanker is hit or that water is mined , if so, America knows who to talk to


imagine, Iran in chaos .. and .. left and right oil tankers exploding and oil platform collapsing & Kuwait lifting ports stop & Baku pipeline (1.2 m B/d) stops .. & & & ..

Who you wanna talk to ? ?

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Hans Bulvai »

And on the lighter side of things...
Huh... It seems its not just the Arabs that are paranoid.
Don't these guys get tired of throwing the N word around anytime anyone says something they don't like?,7340 ... 93,00.html
Lonely Planet: Israeli tourists a nuisance

In new chapter on Chile, popular travel guide says loud Israelis bother locals, other tourists

Itamar Eichner Published: 03.01.12, 15:20 / Israel Travel

The controversy over the Rotem Singer affair, where an Israeli tourist was suspected of starting a wildfire at Chile's Patagonia national park Torres del Paine back in January, refuses to die out.
In the new edition of the Lonely Planet Travel Guide's chapter on Chile, Israeli tourist get 'special treatment.' Alongside the dangers of local earthquakes, volcano eruptions, urban crimes and sand flies, it seems there is a new nuisance in South America – the loud Israeli tourist.

According to the guide, the Israeli hiker shows no respect for local norms and bothers other tourists.

Meanwhile, "Caras," one of Chile's most popular magazines, published an article on Israeli tourists in Patagonia, claiming there is an Israeli conspiracy to take over the region by sending young Israelis, fresh out of the army and suffering from sociological traumas, all the way to Chile.

The article notes their hooligan-like behavior, basing its claims on local testimonies by business owners who said Israelis do not pay for the services they receive, litter and are generally noisy.
In response, Israel's Ambassador to Chile, David Dadon, wrote a scathing letter to the South American magazine, slamming what he believed was "discrimination against Israeli tourists."

In addition, the Israeli embassy in Chile reported that the local Channel 13 television station aired an interview with a former representative of an environmental group who claimed that "young Israelis are sent here as part of a governmental plan after their military service."

The embassy demanded, and was immediately granted, a chance to speak on Channel 13 to counter these allegations. Ambassador Dadon linked such ideas to Neo-Nazism, saying he was sorry such notions were acceptable on such a well-known television station.
I don't buy supremacy
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The people you say
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Wake up motherfucker
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Baroness Jenny Tonge: "Israel Is Not Going To Be There Forever In Its Present Performance"

good girl , good girl ..

am astonished Jews not wise enough to understand rule by force never lasts .. we kept the empire only by rule of justice

BiBi, Lieberman and that shorty (Barack) represent Mephisto, traitor to Jewish cause

Me people not against a Jewish state in ME .. but it must be negotiated with ME people on ME terms .. a Jewish state can not be be bombed into Middle East

Change horse, Rhubarb, change horse

British lion not lion used 2B, no hair anymore

Talk to Tehran


Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Ibrahim » ... dChannel=0
Insight: In Israeli military, a growing orthodoxy


For Daniel, and for millions of other Israeli citizens, the sign is symbolic of creeping change in an institution long cherished as a bastion of national unity. An increasing number of conscripts are Orthodox Jews - mirroring the growth of the minority in Israeli society at large. Some religious troops view military service through the prism of their own piety - either as the realization of a messianic vision that sees Jews conquering biblical lands or as an institution that should be subordinated to rabbinical writ.

For secular Israelis, already worried about the role of religion in the Jewish state, that threatens not just the military but the country itself.


Those changes have real-world ramifications. The army has long used musical bands, including women soldiers as singers, at memorials for dead soldiers. Such events were once a matter of consensus, a badge of egalitarianism for the IDF which conscripts thousands of secular Jewish women. But puritannical rabbis consider women's singing to be a sexual temptation, and requests by religious troops to be excused from the events snowballed into open calls for boycott last year.

Chief of staff Gantz fired back by insisting on compulsory attendance for all. Rabbinical recriminations followed. Rhubarb Ravad, an air force lieutenant-colonel and chaplain in charge of encouraging the ultra-Orthodox to enlist, resigned in protest in January.

The flap coincided with much-publicized Israeli outrage at forcible gender segregation in ultra-Orthodox communities and added to the sense that society was shifting. The military's chief rabbi, Brigadier-General Rafi Peretz, said Ravad had undermined both a core project and a wider national effort to maintain harmony within the armed forces.


For infantryman-turned-reporter Daniel, that's a frightening prospect. The military leaders from Israel's nationalist-religious community are excellent, he says. "There won't be any question about them knowing how to fight the Syrian army or Hezbollah. But in Israel, the military has other roles, like evacuations." A military split between the secular and the religious "is destined to fall apart."

Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Good girl, good girl

An outspoken Liberal Democrat peer who declared that Israel would not last for ever has resigned the party whip after rejecting a call from Nick Clegg to apologise.

Lady Tonge told the leadership in a phone call that she could not accept the ultimatum from the deputy prime minister because she stood by her remarks.

Her move, which came as the Board of Deputies of British Jews condemned Tonge's remarks as "sinister and abhorrent", means she no longer takes the Lib Dem whip in the Lords.

Tonge said: "The comments I made have been taken completely out of context. They followed a very ill-tempered meeting in which Zionist campaigners attempted continually to disrupt proceedings. They mouthed obscenities at the panelists, to the extent that university security attempted to remove them from the premises.

"The comments I made were in protest at the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank and the treatment of Israeli Arabs.

"I am disappointed the leadership of my party did not consult me before issuing a press release and seems always to abet the request of the pro-Israel lobby. Israel is acting against international law, the Geneva conventions and human rights. They do this with impunity and if our political parties will not take action then individuals must.

"I have been asked to apologise but refuse to do so and resign the whip of my party."


Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Israel’s Huff and Puff Game


Wars in the Middle East commonly come as a surprise aimed at catching the enemy napping or, at least, with little preliminary warning. This was true of the Israeli attack on Egypt in 1956, Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran in 1980, and even NATO’s air assault on Muammar Gaddafi’s tanks as they advanced on Benghazi a year ago. Where the build-up has been slow, as in America’s wars with Iraq in 1991 and 2003, it is because the US was certain of victory.

The highly-publicized impending Israeli air strikes on Iran are different from these previous conflicts in several respects: They are extremely unlikely to achieve their declared aim, which is to end permanently Iranian capacity to build a nuclear bomb. A bevy of former Israeli intelligence and army chiefs along with senior serving American officials are at one in saying this cannot be done. An Israeli attack is, if anything, likely to decide Iran to build a nuclear device, a decision which, it is generally admitted on all sides, it has not yet made.

The Israeli assault will not only come as no surprise, but it will be one of the most heavily advertized events in the world in recent years. Promoters of Hollywood blockbusters must look with envy at the pre-publicity for this war. The Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barack makes bloodcurdling threats. The US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta even put a date on the attack, saying to journalists that there is a “strong likelihood” of an Israeli air assault this spring. The New York Times reverently quotes Israeli officials as saying that Israel might attack Iran without informing the US. Well-advertised Israeli air training exercises take place over the Mediterranean. The Hollywood analogy is apt because there is something very stagy about these oft-repeated threats, though the international media happily takes them at face value.

There is a persistent misjudgement that mars much of the commentary on the relations between Israel, Iran and the US. This is to do with the size and the military capacity of the antagonists. Taking its threats at face value, Israel is saying that it will fly its planes to Iran and destroy widely dispersed and heavily protected Iranian nuclear facilities. But this is the same air force that in 1996 and 2006, though supported by artillery and facing no anti-aircraft defenses, failed to defeat a few thousand Hezbollah guerrillas dug into bunkers a few miles from Israel’s northern border. Two years later, the bombardment of tiny undefended Gaza succeeded in killing some 1,300 civilians, but failed to eliminate the Hamas leadership.

Israel is at its more influential when threatening war than when it is actually fighting one. The last time Israel conclusively won a war was forty years ago in 1973, and then only after serious setbacks. Its prolonged incursion into Lebanon brought only humiliation and failure.


:lol: :D :)

Who am I to disagree . very well said Patrick, very well said


Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Meir Dagan speaks

interesting analysis




Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


no comment nessecary

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Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

Post by Carbizene »

Cabinet Majority Supports Iran Attack

The prime minister yesterday delivered one of the most combative and explicit speeches in the history of the Iran affair. Several cabinet ministers said in private conversations that it sounded like a “speech preparing for war.”

Political sources judge that the prime minister has a majority in the cabinet which favors a military strike against Iran, even without American approval. Yesterday, Netanyahu said he wouldn’t hesitate to attack Iran even without the approval of Pres. Obama…A senior official said Bibi believed it would be best not to wait for the November presidential elections because he didn’t trust the president to deal with the problem after the election. ... ttack-iran
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Re: Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

Post by monster_gardener »

Carbizene wrote:Cabinet Majority Supports Iran Attack

The prime minister yesterday delivered one of the most combative and explicit speeches in the history of the Iran affair. Several cabinet ministers said in private conversations that it sounded like a “speech preparing for war.”

Political sources judge that the prime minister has a majority in the cabinet which favors a military strike against Iran, even without American approval. Yesterday, Netanyahu said he wouldn’t hesitate to attack Iran even without the approval of Pres. Obama…A senior official said Bibi believed it would be best not to wait for the November presidential elections because he didn’t trust the president to deal with the problem after the election. ... ttack-iran
Thank you VERY MUCH for your post, Carbizene.

This is what I have been trying to tell Azari............

The Israelis are much more likely to attack than we/US/uz are.........

Barry wants to get elected and the Israelis don't trust him once he doesn't need Jewish dollars and votes anymore.....

But Azari and his fellow Pomegranates seem to feel indestructible..........

Not interested in peace except on their unacceptable to Israel terms........

Think they can take a few nukes..........

I hope you have a good fallout shelter, friend Carbizene.......

If this goes as sour as I fear it might, maybe Oz, Brazil, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, Chile and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere will survive in a more or less civilized state though thoughts of Mad Max are running through my head.......... :(
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Carbizene »

it seems the South may be the new North. :)

Re: Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

Post by AzariLoveIran »

monster_gardener wrote:.
Carbizene wrote:.

Cabinet Majority Supports Iran Attack

The prime minister yesterday delivered one of the most combative and explicit speeches in the history of the Iran affair. Several cabinet ministers said in private conversations that it sounded like a “speech preparing for war.”

Political sources judge that the prime minister has a majority in the cabinet which favors a military strike against Iran, even without American approval. Yesterday, Netanyahu said he wouldn’t hesitate to attack Iran even without the approval of Pres. Obama…A senior official said Bibi believed it would be best not to wait for the November presidential elections because he didn’t trust the president to deal with the problem after the election. ... ttack-iran

Thank you VERY MUCH for your post, Carbizene.

This is what I have been trying to tell Azari............

The Israelis are much more likely to attack than we/US/uz are.........

Barry wants to get elected and the Israelis don't trust him once he doesn't need Jewish dollars and votes anymore.....

But Azari and his fellow Pomegranates seem to feel indestructible..........

Not interested in peace except on their unacceptable to Israel terms........

Think they can take a few nukes..........

I hope you have a good fallout shelter, friend Carbizene.......

If this goes as sour as I fear it might, maybe Oz, Brazil, New Zealand, Argentina, South Africa, Chile and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere will survive in a more or less civilized state though thoughts of Mad Max are running through my head.......... :(


Look, guys

America & west spends 1+ Trillion $ a year on military .. all world oceans are wired with sound detectors to pinpoints Russian Subs at any moment, all those American military satellites watching and and and

one must be an outright durian thinking Israel (or anybody in this world) can fly 1600 miles (and back) to bomb Iraqi site and Americans (or Russians) would not know

If so, it would mean Russians could fly and bomb Jeddah or Tel Aviv and nobody would know

If so, all those billion $ satellites and spy bases and and and worthless

what does it mean ?

It means, what I (and Chomsky) said many times, Israel is a forward American military base

It means all those things Israeli doing in reality America and Brits (and west) are doing

Basically Israel a "Surrogate" flag


Iran has said


any attack, no matter by who, Israel, Brits, Israel and and and

will be considered an attack by Americans

the rest you know


this huffing and buffing by BiBi just for internal purpose, reelection rubbish

game played around Persia is big boys game .. West, Russia, China

Not Iran, but big boys saying : who the genuflect is this 2bit Baby Satan to meddle in that game ? ?

Russia and China voted yes with West, Qaddafi gone

Russia and China voted NO, and Assad wiped out all the terrorist

you get it ? ?


don't get to existed with BiBi and his salted and peppered Pumpkins

Imagine being a Jew in the Warsaw Ghetto on the final day ........ But armed with a Cobalt Bomb stolen from Heisenberg big enough to make Europe uninhabitable........ no delivery system but the wind blowing west/south west toward Germany..........

Maybe a Persian Jew would not detonate............... I wouldn't trust myself not to.................

look, Monster

You think a "Jew in the Warsaw Ghetto on the final day" more crazy and dangerous, or people who walk on mines to clear your mines given to Saddam to kill Iranians ? ?

as said many times, so far, there is no (major) blood spieled between Ashkenazim and Iranians

but, if Israel attacks Iran, Iran will wiped them all out even if it takes 1000 yrs

Tragedy of west is, Westerners do not understand Middle East

Middle east is not like "you carpet bomb Dresden" and later you become LoviDovi .. Middle Eastern people do not considers wars between rulers .. Hitler against Churchill

For ME people wars are between people .. Pomegranates against Arabs .. Pomegranates against Americans

So far Pomegranates are no in war against Americans

Pomegranates consider Americans a friends

that is why, an American can "backpack" in Iran, absolute safe .. because Iranians consider American people as friends


Can American BackPack in Iraq or Afghansitan ?


why not

because Iraqi remember Abu Gharib and Afghan remember all those atrocities inflicted to their woman and children


Does America want to turn Persian nations, 350+ million people, to an enemy of American people ?



Israel will not attack Iran


that would be America attacking Iran


America attacking Iran

will not happen

because America attacking Iran, Russia said so, is attacking Russia

Iran to Russia is like Mexico to America

Would China attack Mexico without America doing anything ?


If Iran was not in that geopolitical situation, Iran would have disappeared 300 yrs ago, Russian and Brits and Ottoman at it again


everybody relaaaax

Natanyahoo .. Holocaust industry .. they just want to blackmail west to squeeze more out of you guys, a specialty of the tribe

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Be Prepared

Post by monster_gardener »

Carbizene wrote:it seems the South may be the new North. :)
Thank you Very Much for your reply, friend Carbizene.

That is a possibility.

Actually one of the less bad outcomes........

Would suggest that the people in the South still get quietly prepared........... One problem Mormons have is that "Gentiles" know that the serious Mormons may have a 3 month to 1 year food supply laid in............

A lot depends on what type of fallout results and how fast it gets South and elsewhere.......... Hopefully slowly enough so that the levels Down Under will be survivable..... ... h-america/

Learning about where to find & how to make shelter and other aspects of preparedness could be a worthwhile investment of time even in Oz........

Hope and pray that I am just being an alarmist but..............
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

Post by Carbizene »

AzariLoveIran wrote:

everybody relaaaax

Natanyahoo .. Holocaust industry .. they just want to blackmail west to squeeze more out of you guys, a specialty of the tribe

I understand the sponge reverts to a squeezable pose but crazy is a bubble that always pops.

I look forward Israeli F-16's bombing dairy farms in Turkey via the new found abilities to scramble GPS as proven by the downing of the drone.

Seems nobody else really grasps the full meaning of the downing of that drone, it means the world power distribution has changed, the AK-47 wins again.
Last edited by Carbizene on Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Be Prepared

Post by Carbizene »

monster_gardener wrote:
Carbizene wrote:it seems the South may be the new North. :)
Thank you Very Much for your reply, friend Carbizene.

That is a possibility.

Actually one of the less bad outcomes........

Would suggest that the people in the South still get quietly prepared........... One problem Mormons have is that "Gentiles" know that the serious Mormons may have a 3 month to 1 year food supply laid in............

A lot depends on what type of fallout results and how fast it gets South and elsewhere.......... Hopefully slowly enough so that the levels Down Under will be survivable..... ... h-america/

Learning about where to find & how to make shelter and other aspects of preparedness could be a worthwhile investment of time even in Oz........

Hope and pray that I am just being an alarmist but..............
I do know where my closest bomb shelter is Monster friend, WW2 vintage but better than nothing.
Last edited by Carbizene on Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 To Attack Iran

Post by Carbizene »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
because America attacking Iran, Russia said so, is attacking Russia

Could not the same thing be said of Vietnam.

An element that I find most suggestive of imminent attack is the radio silence of the Israeli security council vote, Zero Hedge is one of few that published it and thus this evolution of force fits the model of how wars usually happen, the stance is formed in silence thus when the talking starts it is too late. WW1 happened purely out of accident as nobody thought anybody would be that stupid.
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Re: Israel Security Cabinet Votes 8 To 6 Attack Iran

Post by monster_gardener »

Carbizene wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:
because America attacking Iran, Russia said so, is attacking Russia

Could not the same thing be said of Vietnam.

An element that I find most suggestive of imminent attack is the radio silence of the Israeli security council vote, Zero Hedge is one of few that published it and thus this evolution of force fits the model of how wars usually happen, the stance is formed in silence thus when the talking starts it is too late. WW1 happened purely out of accident as nobody thought anybody would be that stupid.

Was thinking the same thing today .........

Humor break.............

Accidents.......... Who would have thought that someone shooting a Duck :wink: oops I mean a Duke would start a world war............

But let's hope Duck :wink: oops I mean Dick Cheny is no longer in play.......... ... g_incident

Hope Dan "Quail" Qualye stays away from Dick........... ... Presidency
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Safer than Uz Up Over.......Re: Be Prepared

Post by monster_gardener »

Carbizene wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Carbizene wrote:it seems the South may be the new North. :)
Thank you Very Much for your reply, friend Carbizene.

That is a possibility.

Actually one of the less bad outcomes........

Would suggest that the people in the South still get quietly prepared........... One problem Mormons have is that "Gentiles" know that the serious Mormons may have a 3 month to 1 year food supply laid in............

A lot depends on what type of fallout results and how fast it gets South and elsewhere.......... Hopefully slowly enough so that the levels Down Under will be survivable..... ... h-america/

Learning about where to find & how to make shelter and other aspects of preparedness could be a worthwhile investment of time even in Oz........

Hope and pray that I am just being an alarmist but..............
I do know where my closest bomb shelter is Monster friend, WW2 vintage but better than nothing.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Carbizene.

Glad to hear you have at least that.......

WW2 vintage concerns me a bit if you meant that literally.......... Does that mean pre nuke.?..........

Remember Oz could have gotten its own Blitz like the Brits if things have been different.......

Still probably safer than most of Uz Up Over ;) :shock:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light

Re: Israel Thread

Post by AzariLoveIran »


"We just have to say it out loud: We don't want this war. Israelis and Iranians we have no beef one with each other."

Told you Monster, told you

and you laughed


it seems we headed to a one state solution .. pretty much everybody seems abandoning 2 state solution

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