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Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:07 am
by Zack Morris
Simple Minded wrote: well said Apollonius. as I have often noted, you have to take anything, well, actually everything, Zack posts with a yuge grain of salt, since (like HP), he chooses to live in a culture he views as inferior (deplorable?) culture, rather than the superior culture of his ancestry.
False. I live in a superior culture already. It is the deplorables who lives in an inferior, backwards culture that is diverging rapidly from proper American values. The deplorables had no compunctions about blaming "culture" for the problems that disadvantages minorities face. But boy do they have a hard time accepting reality now.
My guess is the IIRC, his 3X-20X the American mean salary he earns Trumps (pun intended) a lot of well intentioned (?) proselytizing and ideology. Only his charitable donations would tell the real story.
Charity is best done secretly and anonymously. Just as Jesus would have it!

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:36 am
by Mr. Perfect
But we already have you on record saying that you struggle financially to pay for meals for the homeless, so we already know the reality of your situation.

The voters that put Trump over the top were your old voters, but you made promises you didn't/couldn't keep and wrote checks you couldn't cash. When Hispanics start voting GOP soon you'll be down there volunteering your own labor to build that wall.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:41 am
by Doc
Trump got 27% of the Hispanic vote, as I recall. More than Romney More than McCain

Think of the Reality TV series Zack You guys are going to end up getting voted off the island,. :D

In Praise of Immigrants

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:56 am
by Heracleum Persicum

Three inventions which put America back on top

Three new technologies of the last 20 years made America’s economy great again :

the iPhone, Google search, and horizontal drilling and fracturing.

All came from first-generation immigrants.

Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian immigrant;

Google came from two young men, one a Russian immigrant;

and fracking came from the son of a Greek goatherder.

There is a simple reason :

immigrants, to paraphrase Frankie Laine’s great song, do not have an “ace in the hole”—somewhere to get a free meal or a pad for the night.

I too was one, from Russia.


My mother got me a good education but as a child, I was among the poorest in almost any group of children. That’s the real incentive immigrants have.

Steve Jobs’s father was a poor Syrian—yes, an Arab of all people. Google’s co-founder was Sergey Brin, who came to America as a six-year-old.

Google’s search engine is compared to Gutenberg’s invention of printing for its impact on mankind. George Mitchell’s father was a Greek goatherder, hardly a favored category for the anti-immigrants.

George himself grew up in an apartment over a shoeshine stand which his father managed; he graduated first in his class from Texas A&M University.

Quoting The Economist, “few businesspeople have done as much to change the world as George Mitchell.”



MP, you have the mike


Re: In Praise of Immigrants

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:15 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
Steve "My parents are the ones who adopted me" Jobs?

Maybe Azari has a point, we should force adoption on all children around the world.

Parents can pick up their new children at random; maybe by a game show wheel.

Everyone's adopted child will then be like Steve Jobs- a tyrant with the skills of an interior decorator and the bullying ability of men three times his size-

Without Steve Jobs, who would have bullied (and bilked out of money) Steve Wozniak into making something of himself? :lol:

Re: In Praise of Immigrants

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:17 am
by NapLajoieonSteroids
Steve Jobs should've gone by the title: "Failed Atari Game Designer"

Two best thing to ever happen to Jobs is meeting Steve Wozniak and having Nolan Bushnell turn down the Apple II as an Atari machine.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:36 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

US life expectancy is low
projected to be on par with Mexico by 2030

"Notable among poor-performing countries is the USA, whose life expectancy at birth is already lower than most other high-income countries, and is projected to fall further behind such that its 2030 life expectancy at birth might be similar to the Czech Republic for men, and Croatia and Mexico for women,"


.. U.S. has the highest child and maternal mortality, homicide rate, and body-mass index of any high-income country.



Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:13 pm
by Mr. Perfect
obama was a big mistake, that is clear to everyone now.

Re: In Praise of Immigrants

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:14 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Heracleum Persicum wrote: :lol:

MP, you have the mike

Syria and Greece need that industry more than us. Let them have it.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:49 am
by Zack Morris
Doc wrote:Trump got 27% of the Hispanic vote, as I recall. More than Romney More than McCain

Think of the Reality TV series Zack You guys are going to end up getting voted off the island,. :D
More than Romney. But not more than McCain or Bush. The picture isn't really very rosy for the GOP and minorities. 2016 was an improvement only compared to the record poor turnout for Romney:


Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:43 am
by Mr. Perfect
Trump will win 50% of the Hispanic vote in 2020 and 25% of the black vote. You are finished.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:59 pm
by Simple Minded
Zack Morris wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: well said Apollonius. as I have often noted, you have to take anything, well, actually everything, Zack posts with a yuge grain of salt, since (like HP), he chooses to live in a culture he views as inferior (deplorable?) culture, rather than the superior culture of his ancestry.
False. I live in a superior culture already. It is the deplorables who lives in an inferior, backwards culture that is diverging rapidly from proper American values. The deplorables had no compunctions about blaming "culture" for the problems that disadvantages minorities face. But boy do they have a hard time accepting reality now.

Now yer comin round bro! As I have often told ya, the under achieving, dysfunctional, rural, white, redneck culture is a mirror image pathology of the under achieving, dysfunctional, urban, black, redneck culture pathology. Or vice versa, depending upon which one calls the chicken, and which one calls the egg. Blaming "society" for one's dysfunction is a universal human trait that is as old as the hills.

If I can just get the right Wizard of Oz elected....... my life will be better!
Simple Minded wrote: My guess is the IIRC, his 3X-20X the American mean salary he earns Trumps (pun intended) a lot of well intentioned (?) proselytizing and ideology. Only his charitable donations would tell the real story.
Zack Morris wrote: Charity is best done secretly and anonymously. Just as Jesus would have it!
Sure, but I don't remember Jesus having a 3X-20X mean income. I just wanted to remind you that you are one of the evil rich, the under achievers are always blaming for their problems. Since, you are not paying "your fair share" in taxes, donate heavily. ;) Of course, you can't determine fair, only "they" can!

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:14 pm
by Apollonius
The labyrinth of illegal immigration - Victor Davis Hanson, 23 February 2017 ... migration/

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:15 pm
by Apollonius

Re: In Praise of Immigrants

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:56 am
by Doc
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Steve Jobs should've gone by the title: "Failed Atari Game Designer"

Two best thing to ever happen to Jobs is meeting Steve Wozniak and having Nolan Bushnell turn down the Apple II as an Atari machine.
Its funny about Bushnell turning down apple. After Atari fell apart all Bushnell was doing from what I understand was encouraging people to bring ideas to him for him to finance or not. When I was doing apple stuff he was talking to my boss about us doing a gaming video accelerator project. It never actually amounted to anything but my boss got pretty excited about it. BTW Bushnell was pretty go at GO. That is why he named the company "Atari".

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:41 pm
by Typhoon
Apollonius wrote:The labyrinth of illegal immigration - Victor Davis Hanson, 23 February 2017 ... migration/
Good article. Learned something new.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:21 pm
by YMix
Apollonius wrote:The labyrinth of illegal immigration - Victor Davis Hanson, 23 February 2017 ... migration/
Mexico City rarely welcomes a heartfelt discussion about why its citizens flee Mexican exploitation and apparently have no wish to return home.
I wonder where some of these citizens come from...
Fred Reed wrote:Is NAFTA a Mexican plot against the US? Actually it forced Mexican farmers into competition with hopelessly superior American agriculture and drove them into the cities, where there are no jobs.
Does any part of the USA welcome a heartfelt discussion of this topic?

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:34 pm
by Mr. Perfect
We did, my side won.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:21 pm
by Zack Morris
YMix wrote:
Apollonius wrote:The labyrinth of illegal immigration - Victor Davis Hanson, 23 February 2017 ... migration/
He makes some interesting points but skimming the rest of his material, he has some bizarre go-to themes, like California's road system and the alleged two class system. I've logged a lot of miles on west coast roads -- California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada in particular -- and CalTran seems to do an excellent job at maintaining one of the nation's most extensive highway systems in California. From two lane black top roads in relatively remote parts of northeast California, to I-5, to Orange County highways, and Silicon Valley, the road conditions are all quite good. Stanford, where the author is apparently employed, is surrounded by very well maintained roads and freeways. Certainly much better than New York (especially rural parts of New York).

Regarding the two-class system, he cites cities like Atherton with median household incomes of $140K+ and nearby towns like Redwood City, where that falls to $40K. This looks like middle class vs. lower class to me. Households making $200K+ in Silicon Valley are definitely not elite. Silicon Valley of all places has a very visible elite: entrepreneurs, investors, and corporate managers with net worths ranging from the millions to the billions. Yes, their numbers are vanishingly small, but in what society was the "aristocracy's" wealth ever evenly distributed among a large fraction of the populace?

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:20 am
by Simple Minded
Apollonius wrote:Image

i already applied this acid test a couple weeks ago. OTNOTers, Republicans, Democrats, Americans, Canadians, and other Furreigners all scored equally poorly. :(

Self-interest Trumps (pun intended) blogged superiority and ideology.

"In the long run, and often, even in the short run, we're all a bunch of me's!" John Maynard Simple Minded

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:51 am
by noddy
the curious thing about the pro immigration thing is that its argued using the nationalism it contradicts.

birds of a feather forming cultural groupings is the old stock position which created nations, globalist universities and business's are destroying those concepts and promoting open trade and borders,so trying to hold nations together with nationalist arguments about making the country stronger doesnt seem very coherant.

we all know more competitive means less money for more work and a crapper lifestyle, so asking us to wear our national pride hats and suck it up for the motherland is comical.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:08 pm
by Simple Minded
noddy wrote:the curious thing about the pro immigration thing is that its argued using the nationalism it contradicts.

birds of a feather forming cultural groupings is the old stock position which created nations, globalist universities and business's are destroying those concepts and promoting open trade and borders,so trying to hold nations together with nationalist arguments about making the country stronger doesnt seem very coherant.

we all know more competitive means less money for more work and a crapper lifestyle, so asking us to wear our national pride hats and suck it up for the motherland is comical.
Yep,note all the open borders advocates at OTNOT who have not posted pictures of the refugees they have chosen to quarter in their own houses.

Talk is cheap. I think of all my lefty friends, who are really righties, with the exception of a few hours each year when they have been drinking. Or if they think that is what will impress their present audience.

Human behavior is pretty consistent, what they spule at the moment is a wild card.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:40 pm
by Zack Morris
Simple Minded wrote: Yep,note all the open borders advocates at OTNOT who have not posted pictures of the refugees they have chosen to quarter in their own houses.
Interestingly, I do know some people who have volunteered to host refugees. They are hardcore liberals :) I don't know any conservatives who do nice things for people (no, church functions and proselytizing do not count). I know many who are enraged to know that a minuscule, insignificant portion of their tax dollars are being spent on school lunches for needy children.

Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:25 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Interesting and Valid, true


So, Mr. Trump, saying companies should not open shop in Mexico, penalizing them, does it help Mexicans not coming to US ?

Probably not


Re: Immigration debate in the USA

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:09 am
by Doc
Zack Morris wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: Yep,note all the open borders advocates at OTNOT who have not posted pictures of the refugees they have chosen to quarter in their own houses.
Interestingly, I do know some people who have volunteered to host refugees. They are hardcore liberals :) I don't know any conservatives who do nice things for people (no, church functions and proselytizing do not count). I know many who are enraged to know that a minuscule, insignificant portion of their tax dollars are being spent on school lunches for needy children.
So you don't know any conservative Christians. Why does that not surprise me?