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Re: Iran

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:14 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

noddy wrote:sad thing indeed.


Re: Iran

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 8:29 pm
by Doc
Iran needs someone like Trump "Iran FIrst !!" "Make Iran Great Again !!!" ... st-videos/

Iranians Are Rising Up in Against Brutal Khamenei Regime — PROTEST VIDEOS

Re: Iran

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:11 pm
by Typhoon
BBC | Iranian cities hit by anti-government protests
There were also chants in Mashhad of "not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran", a reference to what protesters say is the administration's focus on foreign policy rather than domestic issues.

Re: Iran

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:22 am
by Doc ... itter_abcn
Fars reported that protesters in Kermanshah chanted anti-government slogans such as "never mind Palestine, think about us", "death or freedom" and "political prisoners should be freed." They damaged some public property before police dispersed them.



Re: Iran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:33 am
by Doc
"Death to the dictator" Night Protest move to Tehran Dec 30 2017
















Re: Iran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:08 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
. ... -protests/


.. 40 percent jump in the price of eggs. ..

The key thing that U.S. politicians and policymakers need to keep in mind is that internal protests in Iran are not about us, and they are not an “opportunity” for us to exploit.

The U.S. should publicly say as little as possible about the protests except to condemn the use of force against peaceful protesters, and it should not otherwise attempt to insert itself into the situation or interfere.

There is not much that the U.S. could practically do in any case, and none of it would be helpful or constructive.


The Trump administration in particular has no credibility with Iranians, and any expressions of support it offers are likely both unwanted by and harmful to the intended recipients.

The administration cannot ban Iranians from the U.S. at the start of the year, and then suddenly pretend that it respects them and supports their aspirations at the end.


It would be far wiser and better for the U.S. and the Iranian people if our government allowed events in Iran to unfold without comment from Washington.


This ain't what Bolton and Ladeen think it is.

This, change of guard

Brezhnev exiting, Putin entering the scene

Iran entering now "Phase - II", things will be "Leaner AND meaner" .. similar to Putin and New Russia

Foreign policy will stay same but much more potent.


Re: Iran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:38 pm
by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits
Derek wrote:Obama, Rhodes and Jarrett saw the Iranians as a solution to everything they hated about the Middle East. US influence, the Saudis, Israel. They saw them as natural allies, and did everything possible to change US policy. They liked the mad mullahs, what they said tickled their vanity. The reflexive anti americanism was the air they inhabited for decades in the Academy and Democratic party environments. The enemies of Iran were everyone that Obama hated.
Wrtetchard's take on the matter:
If managed poorly enough [Iran] had the potential to be another Venezuela. To the credit of the Iranians, it was much more functional. Still, their economy had long been in the doldrums due to a depressed oil market and sanctions arising from a confrontation with America. Per capita GDP had dropped from a high of $6,428 in 2011 to a dismal $5,758 in 2015. It was this weakness the Obama administration sought to exploit. ... lan-along/ ... ts-in-iran

Re: Iran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:32 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:
Derek wrote:Obama, Rhodes and Jarrett saw the Iranians as a solution to everything they hated about the Middle East. US influence, the Saudis, Israel. They saw them as natural allies, and did everything possible to change US policy. They liked the mad mullahs, what they said tickled their vanity. The reflexive anti americanism was the air they inhabited for decades in the Academy and Democratic party environments. The enemies of Iran were everyone that Obama hated.
Wrtetchard's take on the matter:
If managed poorly enough [Iran] had the potential to be another Venezuela. To the credit of the Iranians, it was much more functional. Still, their economy had long been in the doldrums due to a depressed oil market and sanctions arising from a confrontation with America. Per capita GDP had dropped from a high of $6,428 in 2011 to a dismal $5,758 in 2015. It was this weakness the Obama administration sought to exploit.

. ... lan-along/ ... ts-in-iran


Miss_Faucie_Fishtits .. Joe getting it's information from above sources lead America losing in all fronts last 40 yrs, and, Iran now pretty much controlling Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and much more .. above sources are 2-bit neocon/Israeli Bolton cheap PR.

Reason American media will not report the truth is 2 fold .. neither American people want the truth, nor "establishment" want Joe hear the truth.

In a nutshell, what is happening now in Iran is the fight between Rouhani faction and the Mashad faction of Ayatollahs

Iran is having its own version of change from MAO to Deng Xiaoping .. a leaner and meaner Iran emerging .. same foreign policy but much more potent, stronger.


Re: Iran

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:46 pm
by Simple Minded

Does this mean that Iran is getting it's sh1t together enough that you would consider moving back soon, or are you waiting for something else to happen?

If so, what else would you like to see the people of Iran do?

thanks in advance.


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:24 am
by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits
SM - It might mean they are becoming 'woke'. Gee...... didn't that happen somewhere else rather, uhm..... recently?....'>.....

HP - and what I see from various twitter feeds, Iranian people are quite fed up casting their fate with the Southern Peninsula and the 'occupied territories' and wish to strike out on their own. Some bloggers might be more radical than others, but their sentiments are reflected elsewhere:

Blessed Iran, I'd love to see Persia come back again. A serious people and a serious civilisation; not a clutch of pampered, tribal kleptocrats maintained because useful to a corrupt and rather vile western ideology - Globalism?....... Wilsonianism?? A cabal of elites that will enlighten the world and remake it in their own image. Humiliating, insulting and more than a bit mendacious. World peace will come from talking truth and speaking from the heart in honesty, not from thinking alike and denying oneself. Not by professing to values and principles that are abstract, anti-human and anti-life. We'll see where this goes, it's better than the road we're on. Better for USA and Israel too, though it might be bitter-tart for a bit......

Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:43 am
by Heracleum Persicum
Simple Minded wrote:.


Does this mean that Iran is getting it's sh1t together enough that you would consider moving back soon, or are you waiting for something else to happen?

If so, what else would you like to see the people of Iran do ?

thanks in advance.



You asking 2 questions

1 ) Historically, Iranians never immigrated, not even within Iran .. reason for that is, Iran is a multi ethnic country (each province in reality one ethnic) and each big city is the capital of that ethnicity .. For Iranians moving from one Iranian city to another Iranian city happenes only in a multi generational time frame. My father moved from Tabriz to Tehran late 1920's .. One develops a community for generations , one knows everybody last few generations.

But, now, many children of Iranians out side are born in Western countries, have job in west, have married western partners, have business etc, they might speak Farsi too, but most cant read and write Farsi (Tehran university has special Farsi course for fast Track Iranian raised in West) .. but, also, these kids raised with western mentality, they will have difficulty in Iranian society now .. never the less, if things fall in line with what happened in China down the road, yes, most Iranians will go back, would say at least 50% , probably 75%.

2 )

Look, SM, Iranians felt powerless last few 100 yrs when big powers, Russia, Brits, Ottoman terrorized Persia, took Persian provinces away and caused many millions die from hunger, when Brits stole Persian resources (Churchill said Brits prosperity was from Persian Oil, when at the same time Iranians were poor like a mouse and were dying from hunger) - when Iran Nationalized Oil, Mossadegh went to Persian Golf oil loading terminal, discovering there were many Oil loading pipeline British had not declared to Iranians.

In that sense, the mad mullahs did an excellent job to gain Iranian "sovereignty" and a strong military power , with big succrifiece .. same with MAO.

But now, Iranian people all educated, Iran sovereign, strong military .. now time to nail down the gains, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, KavKaz, Central Asia .. and .. "Persian Union" riming with "European Union", here we come .. LOL

Iran following China model .. did China invade Hong Kong ? NO .. will China invade Taiwan ? NO

Israel ? ? .. Iran is THE "natural ally" of jewish people, that last 2600 yrs .. :D


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:33 am
by Doc
The Iranian Statue of Liberty


The MSM has been ignoring what is going on in Iran Maybe they are colluding with the Russians? Maybe it hurts their anti-Trump narrative Maybe both.

Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:07 am
by Heracleum Persicum
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote:.

HP - and what I see from various twitter feeds, Iranian people are quite fed up casting their fate with the Southern Peninsula and the 'occupied territories' and wish to strike out on their own. Some bloggers might be more radical than others, but their sentiments are reflected elsewhere:

Blessed Iran, I'd love to see Persia come back again. A serious people and a serious civilisation; not a clutch of pampered, tribal kleptocrats maintained because useful to a corrupt and rather vile western ideology - Globalism?....... Wilsonianism?? A cabal of elites that will enlighten the world and remake it in their own image. Humiliating, insulting and more than a bit mendacious. World peace will come from talking truth and speaking from the heart in honesty, not from thinking alike and denying oneself. Not by professing to values and principles that are abstract, anti-human and anti-life. We'll see where this goes, it's better than the road we're on. Better for USA and Israel too, though it might be bitter-tart for a bit .....


Iran uses Israel for 2 ends :

- hitting at American balls .. low cost, but highly effective
- marginalizing Arab cronies

Else, Iran/Iranians have no love lost with Pali, in contrary.

On the other side, Israeli themselves say Iran and Israel are natural geopolitical allies .. both side know this.

Re different "slogans" chanted in demonstrations, those related to Iranian foreign policy (Syria, Gaza, Pali), those foreign intelligence "wishful thinking" meddling, worthless, as Iranian foreign policy what we witnessing now, not an Ayatollah plan, but many 100 yrs Persian plan (Shah too was enacting it), meaningless.

Doc wrote:The Iranian Statue of Liberty


The MSM has been ignoring what is going on in Iran Maybe they are colluding with the Russians? Maybe it hurts their anti-Trump narrative Maybe both.



Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:38 am
by Doc ... SKBN1EP0KP
What has brought Iranian protesters to the streets?

What are the main demands of protesters?

Iranians across the country want higher wages and an end to alleged graft. Many also question the wisdom of Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East, where it has intervened in Syria and Iraq in a battle for influence with rival Saudi Arabia.

The country’s financial support for Palestinians and the Lebanese Shi‘ite group Hezbollah also angered Iranians, who want their government to focus on domestic economic problems instead.

The wide spectrum of slogans showed that the wave of demonstrations cover a range of social classes who have different demands.

Unlike the unrest in 2009, the latest protests appear to be more spontaneous without a clear leader. This may be a more dangerous scenario for authorities, because it means they cannot round up the figureheads, a solution that was employed in 2009.

Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:27 am
by Heracleum Persicum

Iran Protests :
Civil Rights Movement
Or Revolution ?

Policymakers and pundits cannot change this simple truth :

The problems are Iranian, the protestors are Iranian, and the solution will be Iranian.

"Reza Marashi .. serving in the Office of Iranian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.
His articles have appeared in The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and The Atlantic, among other publications.
He has been a guest contributor to CNN, NPR, the BBC, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post, and the Financial Times, among other broadcast outlets."


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:12 am
by Parodite

Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 5:28 pm
by Simple Minded
Heracleum Persicum wrote:

You asking 2 questions

1 ) Historically, Iranians never immigrated, not even within Iran .. reason for that is, Iran is a multi ethnic country (each province in reality one ethnic) and each big city is the capital of that ethnicity .. For Iranians moving from one Iranian city to another Iranian city happenes only in a multi generational time frame. My father moved from Tabriz to Tehran late 1920's .. One develops a community for generations , one knows everybody last few generations.

But, now, many children of Iranians out side are born in Western countries, have job in west, have married western partners, have business etc, they might speak Farsi too, but most cant read and write Farsi (Tehran university has special Farsi course for fast Track Iranian raised in West) .. but, also, these kids raised with western mentality, they will have difficulty in Iranian society now .. never the less, if things fall in line with what happened in China down the road, yes, most Iranians will go back, would say at least 50% , probably 75%.

HP, thanks for the reply.

Interestingly enough, you are describing Appalachia, American ghettos, and all sorts of close knit communities in the US that the power elites in DC and the coastal elites find "deplorable." Concept of 50 state governments wielding the majority of power, with DC only governing some interstate trade and foreign relations is repulsive to those who seek more power over other people. Ability to vote with one's feet scares them.

As I have often said, by many measures, America is a land of zip codes (39,000+ IIRC) as much or more than a single nation.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran?

Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 6:37 pm
by Doc
Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:

You asking 2 questions

1 ) Historically, Iranians never immigrated, not even within Iran .. reason for that is, Iran is a multi ethnic country (each province in reality one ethnic) and each big city is the capital of that ethnicity .. For Iranians moving from one Iranian city to another Iranian city happenes only in a multi generational time frame. My father moved from Tabriz to Tehran late 1920's .. One develops a community for generations , one knows everybody last few generations.

But, now, many children of Iranians out side are born in Western countries, have job in west, have married western partners, have business etc, they might speak Farsi too, but most cant read and write Farsi (Tehran university has special Farsi course for fast Track Iranian raised in West) .. but, also, these kids raised with western mentality, they will have difficulty in Iranian society now .. never the less, if things fall in line with what happened in China down the road, yes, most Iranians will go back, would say at least 50% , probably 75%.

HP, thanks for the reply.

Interestingly enough, you are describing Appalachia, American ghettos, and all sorts of close knit communities in the US that the power elites in DC and the coastal elites find "deplorable." Concept of 50 state governments wielding the majority of power, with DC only governing some interstate trade and foreign relations is repulsive to those who seek more power over other people. Ability to vote with one's feet scares them.

As I have often said, by many measures, America is a land of zip codes (39,000+ IIRC) as much or more than a single nation.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran?
He has to be careful what he says, so as not to anger the mad mullahs in Ottawa.


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:18 pm
by Heracleum Persicum


Trump’s comments can’t do the protesters any good, and will almost certainly be used against them, but that doesn’t fully capture how stupid they are.


Trump wants to keep Iranians from coming to the U.S., so it really doesn’t matter to him if they are “hungry” for freedom.


Trump would like to scrap the nuclear deal and put additional economic pressure on Iran until they make much larger concessions.

This is an unrealistic and misguided goal, but it is also completely at odds with any concern for the well-being of the Iranian people, who have suffered for years under sanctions and would bear the extra burden that additional sanctions would impose.

Iran hawks love to present themselves as friends of the Iranian people so long as they think Iranians are prepared to do what they want (i.e., overthrow the regime), but every policy they support is aimed at impoverishing, harming, vilifying, and excluding Iranians.

It is just a little too obviously two-faced to fool anyone.

It is no surprise that Iranians remember this and have no interest in receiving “support” from the people that otherwise want to bomb them or strangle their country into submission.

It isn’t possible to show unremitting hostility to Iran at every turn without inflicting harm on the people of Iran, and Trump’s policies prove that.

There is nothing that Trump and his hard-liners can say now that will change this.


That chapter is closed .. you not dealin with fools (anymore) :lol:


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 9:46 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Doc wrote:.
Simple Minded wrote:.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran ?

He has to be careful what he says, so as not to anger the mad mullahs in Ottawa.


:lol: .. Our beloved Justin Trudeau is the Mullah and Trump is the Atheist

"Global Warming" pushing "Corn & Wheat Belt" north towards Canada .. 22% world "Fresh Water" in Canada (export only allowed in bottles :lol: ) unless you want live in Siberia :) .. non of all those social ills, silly 2nd amendment impediments, no fighting any wars anywhere ..

Understand, Doc envy Canadians, rightly so.


Re: Iran

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:06 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Simple Minded wrote:.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran ?


Iran still has a long journey ahead to navigate around wolfs and beast intending harm .. still not out of danger .. once strong enough and no external danger, Iran must go through a social & political "hit and miss" period like Europe did during "Sturm und Drang".

As Iran in key "geopolitical" location, world powers (stake holders) will want meddle .. make things more difficult.

In that sense, things will take "generations" till falling in place for HP to go back, if ever .. unfortunately.

A secular, western style civil society, 100% rule of law are prerogative for going back .. that will happen, as millions of Iranians now living in west will lead things to that direction, but takes time.


Re: Iran

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:22 am
by Simple Minded
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran ?


Iran still has a long journey ahead to navigate around wolfs and beast intending harm .. still not out of danger .. once strong enough and no external danger, Iran must go through a social & political "hit and miss" period like Europe did during "Sturm und Drang".

As Iran in key "geopolitical" location, world powers (stake holders) will want meddle .. make things more difficult.

In that sense, things will take "generations" till falling in place for HP to go back, if ever .. unfortunately.

A secular, western style civil society, 100% rule of law are prerogative for going back .. that will happen, as millions of Iranians now living in west will lead things to that direction, but takes time.


I hope you are wrong and that Iran regains it's past level of civilization sooner rather than later.

If not, remember, Appalachia is still within driving distance! :P

Re: Iran

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:09 am
by Doc
Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

But you still have not answered my other question, is there something specific you, personally, are hoping will happen in Iran, which will be the indicator for you to sell out in Canada and move to Iran ?


Iran still has a long journey ahead to navigate around wolfs and beast intending harm .. still not out of danger .. once strong enough and no external danger, Iran must go through a social & political "hit and miss" period like Europe did during "Sturm und Drang".

As Iran in key "geopolitical" location, world powers (stake holders) will want meddle .. make things more difficult.

In that sense, things will take "generations" till falling in place for HP to go back, if ever .. unfortunately.

A secular, western style civil society, 100% rule of law are prerogative for going back .. that will happen, as millions of Iranians now living in west will lead things to that direction, but takes time.


I hope you are wrong and that Iran regains it's past level of civilization sooner rather than later.

If not, remember, Appalachia is still within driving distance! :P
I know on many places in Appalachia that have ZERO crime and people let each other live free.

Re: Iran

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:19 am
by Doc
mad mullahs shut down internet and start shooting.

Women leading protest in Isfahan shot by Basij. ... 2026929152

Re: Iran

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:24 am
by Doc ... lp-us.html

Leaked meeting notes show how panicked Iranian regime considered stopping deadly protests: 'God help us'

EXCLUSIVE – A leaked report provided to Fox News shows how Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with political leaders and heads of the country's security forces to discuss how to tamp down on the deadly nationwide protests.

The report covered several meetings up to December 31 and was provided to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) from what it said were high level sources from within the regime.

The meeting notes, which have been translated into English from Farsi, said the unrest has hurt every sector of the country's economy and “threatens the regime’s security. The first step, therefore, is to find a way out of this situation.”

The report added, “Religious leaders and the leadership must come to the scene as soon as possible and prevent the situation (from) deteriorating further.” It continued, “God help us, this is a very complex situation and is different from previous occasions.”