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Re: COVID-19 and Other Pandemics | Anarchy in the USA

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:48 pm
by noddy
Now covid is back to being a bad flu, its going to go down in history as the moment our house of cards started properly wobbling, and possibly fell over.

- the folks who hated being forced into vaccine/lockdown response by the massively worried middle class (or world government if you are conspiracy minded) are now rabidly anti democracy, believing its no longer a viable structure

- the massively worried middle class, desperate to show they can do something and fix something and be part of it all - save lives through community action, probably more believing in government action than ever.

- the lockdown and its work from home possibilities, turning the work/life balance on its head - provided you are in a non customer facing role.

- the massive money printing/stimulus , oh do we have inflation today :)

- the unleashing of mental health as a focus point - all the people struggling along day to day, "just" surviving then getting stuck in a room for weeks on end and losing it

Mr P was quite right on much of it, even if I disagreed with most of his take then and still now. Their was no conspiracy in my country atleast - the government didnt want to respond to covid, it was the middle class paranoia that drove every over reaction and every new outcome, it was baked into the *mood* of the time and unavoidable - finally we get to be part of something, and do it better than the nasty people! (tm)

The vaccine is still causing much drama on the internets I see - every heart attack is now apparently caused by it and the Murdoch media is cheekily putting the words "died suddenly" on any celebrity death that hasnt had an autopsy yet. perfect clickbait engagement.