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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Typhoon »

Doc wrote:Image

In the end, all extremists project outward and attempt to force society to change rather than addressing their own internal demons.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Confederate statues removed across southern US states
in pictures

Never understood what all these statues of "confederate" figures were

Didn't it sank in those ideas represented by SOUTH were evil ? ?

If yes, why the statue, if NO, than America has a problem.

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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol this nothing to do with statues.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol this nothing to do with statues.

You find any statue of Hitler in Germany ? ?


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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol all these statues are of Democrats. This is not about statues.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Pat Buchanan
How did we get here, and where are we going ?

Excellent question, Pat, excellent question

How did our beloved America get here ! ! ! ! !


Where is our beloved America going ? ? ?


They believed European Man had the right to rule the world.

Beginning in the 16th century, Western imperialists ruled much of what was called the civilized world. Was not the British Empire, one of the great civilizing forces in human history, a manifestation of British racial superiority ?

And if being a segregationist disqualifies one from being venerated in our brave new world, what do we do with Woodrow Wilson, who thought “Birth of a Nation” a splendid film and who re-segregated the U.S. government?

In 1955, Prime Minister Churchill, imperialist to the core, urged his Cabinet to consider the slogan, “Keep England White.”

Nor is a belief in the superiority of one’s race, religion, tribe and culture unique to the West. What is unique, what is an experiment without precedent, is what we are about today.

We have condemned and renounced the scarlet sins of the men who made America and embraced diversity, inclusivity and equality.

Our new America is to be a land where all races, tribes, creeds and cultures congregate, all are treated equally, and all move ever closer to an equality of results through the regular redistribution of opportunity, wealth and power.

We are going to become “the first universal nation.”

“All men are created equal” is an ideological statement. Where is the scientific or historic proof for it? Are we building our utopia on a sandpile of ideology and hope?



MP, SM you have the mike

Yes, Democrat legacy, huge problem in America. Slavery segregation, Wilson segregation, palmer raids, Japanese internment, nuclear bombs, Chicago murder sprees. Everything Democrat touched turn to muck. Now they want civil with themselves. Will be fun to watch.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Doc »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol all these statues are of Democrats. This is not about statues.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:There are a number of civil war/post-reconstruction era statues dedicated to politicians that would be better displayed in museums.

But attacking statues dedicated to civil war veterans and generals is a very serious provocation.
Just heard Trump (and I guess others) sort of hitting on this point.

Whether one cares for them or not, General Lee has a long history of being tied to President Washington.

Take one man down and the other will follow. And the other is the object of these communitards.

Lee goes down the other day, then someone attacks the Lincoln memorial (retribution or hoax not clear yet) then Jefferson, Jackson, MLK jr....

And it will be a small minority dictating the nation's history out of their own particular interests.

No, no, no, no! Out, out, out, out!
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:[
Left wing terrorism in the last 20 years is about 20:1 more murders and violence than white nationalists. You are far worse than them.
More fact free B.S. Anti-government extremists and white supremacists have been the dominant forces in domestic terror for decades, responsible for most casualties. And this doesn't even begin to touch upon other hate crimes committed by white supremacists.
It's a documented fact. Muslism, BLM, Bernie Bros, antifa murder 20:1 what white nationalists do. You are an anti-American ideoligical bloc. When congressional Republicans were gunned down by Democrat terrorists you laughed about it. You are the fascist/racist.
Antifa is the only violent organization on that list and they're well behind in the body count. Islam is a religion, no more a murderous anti-American ideology than Christianity. BLM is a non-violent civil rights movement. And Bernie Bros? WTF?
True. There is a false equivalence. Your side is 20 times worse.
Fact free.
Given the frequency and consistency of his statements on this topic, it is certainly deliberate. It's all the more ironic given how eager he was to ridicule Obama for avoiding the term "radical Islamic terror".
What he has avoided is letting people like you and the MSM paint him as a white nationalist. He does not share ideology with those people. He has acted responsibly in this regard.
As we've just seen today, Trump is uncomfortable condemning white supremacists. Why is that? Maybe because he's a white supremacist with a documented history of racism himself.
Radical Islamic Terror is global phenomenon that has destroyed nations and killed a few million people and endangers whole regions of the globe. There is literally no comparison to white nationalism.
Radical Islamic terrorism has contributed only a drop to the bucket of American blood spilled by white supremacists in this nation's history. White supremacy is an affront to everything this nation stands for and has caused far more social damage than Islam, Bernie Brothers, communists, La Raza, or whatever other bogeymen you've invented.
The modern northern white liberal lies to black people telling them Republicans are going to bring back slavery, then hands trillions of dollars to rich white bankers and none to black people while they skip a civil rights event for a weekend in the Hamptons, where domestic work is done by minorities. As Bill Clinton said, obama would have been serving him coffee.
Whatever the northern white liberal's flaws, the white nationalist proponent of disenfranchisement and state-sponsored terror against minorities is far worse.

You can't have it both ways: on the one hand the northern white liberal panders to blacks and hands out freebies at the expense of whites (as you claim in your opening screed on this very thread), but on the other hand he doesn't spare them a dime. On the one hand, white liberals have created the phenomenon of black welfare queens, but on the other hand they're employing minorities to do domestic and low-wage service sector jobs.

You can't have it both ways. The only way any of this makes sense is when one realizes that you are a closet white nationalist/supremacist. Is this your coming out party?
The modern white liberal doesn't even view black people as human.
Gosh, I'd hate to know what the modern white conservatives who worship Conservative idols, live in lily-white enclaves, feel enraged at "political correctness" (i.e., refraining from making offensively bigoted remarks), and spent their free time on Stormfront think.
Members of black lives matters have murdered white police officers based on their race. Members of black lives matter only complain about police mistreatment of blacks and say nothing of the disproportionate murder of blacks people by other blacks, and that blacks have been under Democrat governance for 50 years and are still at the bottom of the ladder on all social and economic matters.
That's not what the movement stands for. And if we're going tit-for-tat, cops have been gunning down blacks with impunity for years, and receiving legal and political cover from conservatives fearful of black people moving into their neighborhoods. The FBI is even investigating the white supremacist infiltration of police departments. No surprise there if you've ever heard what passes for humor among many white cops.
Dividing into groups is the opposite of equality. It is racist. You are racist. Your party is racist. As we've pointed out so many times you don't even consider black people to be human beings.
So stop dividing them and put your dream of a white homeland to rest once and for all. Ethnic grievance politics are a tragic response to the legacy of a once-racist terror state. It's almost impossible to move on when a huge fraction of the population feels the other side has never shown any genuine concern for their problems and has had to be dragged kicking and screaming into modernity every step of the way.
It was documented by the New York Times.
The fake news publication?
They are according to Democrats. Democrats argue for "white privilege", meaning that whites suck up all the goodies in life and minorities are deprived by oppressive racial structures. This means their interests are at odds.
And here conservatives are whining that Democrats are trying to distribute too many goodies to colored folk.

Minorities are far better off in Democratic districts. That's where the jobs are and where the concerted efforts to rectify inequality are spearheaded. It's where the oppressive racial structures constructed by conservatives are actively confronted.
You created it and it will only get worse. BLM/Antifa/Democrats will keep targeting whites as they have done for years and a small percentage is going to start shooting back. You wanted a race war, it's on your doorstep.
How can they target whites when a majority of them are white to begin with? Derrrr.

Guess what: most white people in America aren't white nationalists. The rest of you are going to end up on the ash heap of history one way or another. That's why you're so enraged and why you've elected Donald Trump. It's about nothing more than a giant white racist self-pity fest.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Zack Morris »

Apollonius wrote:I think we should tear down those totem poles and start to lecture Indigenous people about just how profoundly evil their forebearers were.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Except you already tried that and it turned out far more murderous and savage than anything the natives ever did to themselves.

It's plainly evident that you despite non-whites. You've disparaged immigrants repeatedly and have a persistent beef with First Nations people. Why don't you go back to your ancestral homeland? Canada and the United States are nations bound by creed, a creed that you don't seem to agree with.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Poor try Zack Morris. Muslims, BLM and Bernie Bro are statistically more violent than White Nationalists viz a viz political violence. Outside your lo info world we are all aware that maybe 20 congressional Republicans should have been slaughtered by a Bernie Sanders Democrat Socialist, BLM members have murdered police officers, Muslims kill whenever they feel like it, antifa riots and assaults any given weekend, while your biggest name celebrities regularly call for the murder or removal of a duly elected President before they hobnob with your politicians and give them money.

You are the champion of hate and violence. you are the enemy of Democracy.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol, nyt bro, fake news. Black people live in Democrat cities, all on the heads of Democrats. Everyone in America sees through this.
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Simple Minded

Re: White Nationalism

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

MP, SM you have the mike

Chicken Little: "THE SKY IS FALLING!"

Simple Minded: "OK, yeah, er, uh, sure, if you guys say so!"

My advice to you remains the same HP, unplug from the internet and rent a car! Consider it part of your mental health care plan. It is almost like you and I live in two different countries! Is that possible? ;)

Or is it just yellow journalism?

"Yellow? You're a RACIST!" :P
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Simple Minded »

NOT fake news!!!! Very, very, real!!!!

Big question is why has the NYT allied themselves with Trump and Heracleum Persicum in trying to stop non-white people from coming to America?

Money? Racism? Job competition? Gentrification? altruism? cause it is for their own good?
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Poor try Zack Morris. Muslims, BLM and Bernie Bro are statistically more violent than White Nationalists viz a viz political violence. Outside your lo info world we are all aware that maybe 20 congressional Republicans should have been slaughtered by a Bernie Sanders Democrat Socialist, BLM members have murdered police officers, Muslims kill whenever they feel like it, antifa riots and assaults any given weekend, while your biggest name celebrities regularly call for the murder or removal of a duly elected President before they hobnob with your politicians and give them money.

You are the champion of hate and violence. you are the enemy of Democracy.
None of this is true, of course, but even if it were, note that calling for the murder of the President is actually less violent than calling for disenfranchisement and discrimination (white nationalists calling for a return to state terror against non-whites) and government overthrow (right wing anti-government groups are bigger cop killers each year than left wingers like BLM).

We know what white nationalism and Nazism are because the country has already lived it. Claiming the movements are harmless because they are still nascent is a cop-out that only a white nationalist like yourself thinks is clever. The rest of the country doesn't want to wait for this evil to grow any further before confronting it with the strongest possible means.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol, nyt bro, fake news. Black people live in Democrat cities, all on the heads of Democrats. Everyone in America sees through this.
A lot of black people (most) still live in former Confederate states, whose racist GOP (ex-Dixiecrat) populations still have trouble coming to grips with their racist history and brainwash their children with myths about the "Lost Cause", the "kindly General Lee" who opposed slavery, and the idea (peddled in school textbooks) that slaves were often treated well by their owners and preferred to stay with them after the war! Golly gee ain't the South swell?
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Doc »

Zack Morris wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol, nyt bro, fake news. Black people live in Democrat cities, all on the heads of Democrats. Everyone in America sees through this.
A lot of black people (most) still live in former Confederate states, whose racist GOP (ex-Dixiecrat) populations still have trouble coming to grips with their racist history and brainwash their children with myths about the "Lost Cause", the "kindly General Lee" who opposed slavery, and the idea (peddled in school textbooks) that slaves were often treated well by their owners and preferred to stay with them after the war! Golly gee ain't the South swell?

Talking about myths it is a myth Very few people switched from Democrat to Republican It was a generational change.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by YMix »


Take off that shirt, you dumbass. :roll:
Heimbach Is Anti-Capitalist And Anti-American

The foundation of Heimbach's racist political philosophy is the belief that capitalism has destroyed an "organic hierarchy." In a speech titled "Death To America," delivered in 2014 at the annual Stormfront Summit, Heimbach argues that capitalism has replaced supposed boundaries based in ethnic tribalism with ones based on economics.
According to Mr. Perfect, Heimbach is actually a leftist.
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by YMix »

“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
The Kushner sh*t is greasy - Stevie B.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.



After 7 CEOs resign from "Trump's manufacturing council" , Trump dismantles the panel :lol:

Well, folks, PLATO was right in his "The Republic"


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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

YMix wrote:Image

Take off that shirt, you dumbass. :roll:
Heimbach Is Anti-Capitalist And Anti-American

The foundation of Heimbach's racist political philosophy is the belief that capitalism has destroyed an "organic hierarchy." In a speech titled "Death To America," delivered in 2014 at the annual Stormfront Summit, Heimbach argues that capitalism has replaced supposed boundaries based in ethnic tribalism with ones based on economics.
According to Mr. Perfect, Heimbach is actually a leftist.
Sounds like a leftist.
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol we are swarming in left wing fascist groups and you are concerned about proper signage? Lol #priorities
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Re: White Nationalism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Zack Morris wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:Lol, nyt bro, fake news. Black people live in Democrat cities, all on the heads of Democrats. Everyone in America sees through this.
A lot of black people (most) still live in former Confederate states, whose racist GOP (ex-Dixiecrat) populations still have trouble coming to grips with their racist history and brainwash their children with myths about the "Lost Cause", the "kindly General Lee" who opposed slavery, and the idea (peddled in school textbooks) that slaves were often treated well by their owners and preferred to stay with them after the war! Golly gee ain't the South swell?
Lol you mean like Atlanta where there has been a Democrat mayor for 70 years? Yet is somehow better off than full Democrat districts like DC Baltimore Chicago south central LA. The failure is all yours. All of it.

You created a race war where your side is the deep minority. You are not a smart person.
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