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Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:56 pm
by AzariLoveIran
0224-friends-of-syria-conference_full_600.jpg (57.05 KiB) Viewed 2775 times

Friends of Syrian people : :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hillery (CIA) , Hague (MI6) , UAE (Shithead Abdulah Western crony)

with these friends, Syrian people do not need any enemies

what a lavender


We have met the Enemy and He is Us..........

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:38 pm
by monster_gardener
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Friends of Syrian people : :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hillery (CIA) , Hague (MI6) , UAE (Shithead Abdulah Western crony)

with these friends, Syrian people do not need any enemies

what a lavender


Thank you Very Much for your Post, Azari.

Not disagreeing but............

With people like themselves, the Syrian peoples do not need any enemies......

Sunnis, Shia, Alawites, Christians, Druze, Sabeans and especially Green MuSlime Brotherhood Salafi Religous Police Dog :wink: MUTTaween :wink: Wahabi WannaBees..........

Recommend that the sane ones self-deport..........

Not a unique situation..........

Pogo said it long ago......... with my minor paraphrase......... During the 'Nam" fiasco IIRC............

"We have met the enemy, and (s)he is US/uz"

And continuing, perhaps/probably increasing, to today..........

Han Nutty :wink: and Stewart Varney getting so out-raged that 49% of Uz don't pay income tax (working poor) ....

At least they're working, Hannity.......... Your buds on the local talk show are Sooooooooooooo angry about welfare mothers.......

Talk to the Russians about their birth rate.................

And not so fast Hannity. the working poor are still paying payroll tax on ALL of EARNED income..

BTW I pay both payroll on all & income tax...

At the same time these Klowns think that it is the constitutional right of the 1% richest to buy elections anonymously (Citzens :roll: United AIUI)............

Rich Boyz & Grrls worried that the 99% will want to increase taxes...... or prevent them from selling gasoline offshore while they say "Drill Baby Drill & National Security & Build that Pipeline to keep the gas from going to China" when the SOBs and Bs are going to sell it there anyway............

Tell you what, Han............ How about a 1% minimum income tax............. AND NO CAP on the payroll tax......

Happy now ;)

My apologies.......... last part a bit off topic........... Hot button........

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:12 pm
by Ammianus
An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!

Chaos Tigers, Refugees, Nithing Poles................

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:59 pm
by monster_gardener
Ammianus wrote:An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ammianus.

What is your solution?

You may be right..... World/Syria better off without Assad.......

Iran's IrreDentist :wink: Persian Plans lose much of their non nuke teeth :wink: without Assad to get the power ups to Hezbollah......

I am NOT happy with Assad..............

There are those who say "Yippee, Ride that Chaos Tiger, US/Israel" **

But remember what happened in Iraq when we oafish Uz got rid of SadDamn WhoWasInsane with arrogance. Christians self deporting to Syria.

Where do they go next???

Pre Armenia, I might have said let Syria be the Ottoman's footstool :wink: :lol: :wink:

But the Turks let that Millet :twisted: :( out of the barn to be threshed by the smelly :wink: cheesy Kurds..........

Who are now trying to have their Whey with the Turk's territory........ Deadly Tornado blown*** chaff blow back for the Turks :twisted:

FWIW, one of my definition of an evil regime, is one that is unwilling to let people vote at least once with their feet: go & do not come back...

Syria may be working on that........ wants Syrian army defectors back.......... but We/Uz go after army deserters too........

Maybe that could be a solution, let countries who are really concerned about this, take in the refugees they are worried about.......

Might not work........... Remember the Jews fleeing the Nazis ..............

Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic put US/Uz to shame thanks in large part to that Horse's Ass Breckenridge Long.......... ... Retirement

Someone should have put a Horsehead on a pole in his bed :wink: while he was living* or on his grave now that he is dead........ :twisted:

But for my part, I'll call a high White Horse souse :wink: oops I mean the White House to ask them to accept Christian Syrians who want to self deport........

*Like happened in the Godfather but I'd settle for just an old horse skull......... Horse can't always help that a Horse's Ass is riding it......


(not the song I wanted, but what the hay :wink: for our esteemed host, Typhoon)

Was mis-remembering a bit..........


:shock: This one is REALLY un PC.............

Try this one instead.........


*** A tornado can drive a straw into a tree.... :o :shock:

Or carry you to Oz :wink:

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:54 pm
by AzariLoveIran
Ammianus wrote:.

An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs !

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you !

Ammianus ,

Yesterday, 50 killed in Iraq bomb attacks, this happens every 2nd day .. day in day out bomb kill 50 Iraq every day

who is doing this ?

How come America with all intelligence does not know who putting all those bombs ?


America knows who is doing

The Wahhabi doing this

The Saudi and sheiks

Homs is the center of these people

Hafez, father of Bashir, once leveled homs .. but .. now west is in Wahhabi camp .. people killing Iraqi woman and children coming from Homs .. West against Shia Iran, Shia Iraq, Shia Lebanon and and and

will not work

Poor Qaddafi


Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:48 am
by AzariLoveIran

Britain will recognize the Syrian National Council as a "legitimate representative of the Syrian people," Foreign Secretary William Hague said . .
After pledging to intensify links with the opposition, Hague continued “we will now treat them and recognize them as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people."

Britain now considers Al-Qaida as representing the Syrian people :lol:


Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:19 am
by Enki

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:22 am
by AzariLoveIran

Hamas severs ties with Assad, backs Syrian revolt

Now, Hammas, Israel, Al-Qaida, Brits, America, France, Wahhabi, Salafi .. all in the same boat


Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:24 am
by Enki
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Hamas severs ties with Assad, backs Syrian revolt

Now, Hammas, Israel, Al-Qaida, Brits, America, France, Wahhabi, Salafi .. all in the same boat

So trippy.

Why Obama won't intervene in Syria

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:08 am
by monster_gardener ... singleton/
Syria looks like Libya all over again. A brutal dictator uses his military to repress his country’s protests. A civil war erupts. And, oh yes, a split opens among American liberals over what to do about it.


Liberals have shown no such unanimity. They were divided not only on Iraq but also on President Bush’s 2006 surge, Obama’s Afghanistan escalation, and the intervention in Libya. Views fall roughly along two lines. Dominating the party since Bill Clinton’s ascension are liberal hawks who believe it is in America’s interest to use military power abroad to promote human rights and expand democracy. More popular among the rank-and-file of the Democratic Party are attitudes skeptical of the use of force in major wars. (The only exception to this split is over the use of drones, which nearly all Democrats support).

Though Barack Obama opposed the Iraq War when he was a state legislator, as president he is closer to the liberal hawks camp. The best account we have of the decision-making on Libya, from Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone, has the president explicitly declaring that America needs to have an expanded conception of its role in the world. Just looking after its own affairs, attending to its national interests, is “not how America leads,” Obama said. The rationale Obama employed in a speech delivered at the National Defense University in March of 2011 was the closest he has come to defining an Obama doctrine.

On the surface, the criteria that Obama outlined in his Libya speech are present in Syria: impending and ongoing massacres; a multilateral coalition led by America’s traditional allies; and an opportunity to side with the people in a crucial state in the Arab spring. For this reason, many liberal writers have called on the U.S. to intervene. Paul Berman has signed onto a conservative-led letter to the president asking him to intervene in Syria. The New Republic has an entire symposium with intellectuals (mostly) asking Obama to side militarily with the Syrian resistance. “Lead again from behind!” Leon Wieseltier exhorts. Especially powerful is a heartfelt plea for American help from a Syrian activist in Washington:

If the United States does successfully build a partnership with Syria’s democratic opposition right now, at its time of greatest need, it will have earned a steadfast regional ally for the long-term. Indeed, Syria’s political future, and its future alliances, are currently up for grabs. In that way, there are important strategic, as well as humanitarian, issues at stake.


There are two significant reasons the administration has not pushed for military intervention, however. First, the international consensus that existed on Libya is not present in Syria. Russia and China vetoed a Western- and Arab-sponsored U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the Syrian government. Imagining that they would agree to a military intervention is simply fanciful.

What hasn’t been much discussed is why China and Russia vetoed the resolution. And here we circle back to Libya. The resolution authorizing military action in Libya was limited to protecting civilians in Benghazi and other areas. NATO and its allies quickly went beyond the scope of this mandate, using airpower to assist the rebels in defeating Col. Gadhafi and his forces. Such actions may have been morally justified, but they didn’t go unnoticed by the Chinese and Russians, who are extremely sensitive to infringements on state sovereignty (lest they be targeted one day). Tellingly, foes of the proposed Syria resolution explained their decision in terms of national sovereignty. Russia’s foreign minister said that “the Security Council by definition does not engage in domestic affairs of member states.” Russia’s U.N. envoy faulted the resolution for aiming at “regime change,” even though the wording of the text notably did not call for it and the Arab states explicitly rejected Western military intervention.

The second reason Libya isn’t acting as a template for Syria is one of logistics. As Middle East expert Marc Lynch has explained, “Military intervention in Syria has little prospect of success, a high risk of disastrous failure, and a near-certainty of escalation which should make the experience of Iraq weigh extremely heavily on anyone contemplating such an intervention.” The Syrian opposition, impressive and courageous as they have been, is divided, weak and controls no territory. Air power of the sort the West can provide would not be effective in preventing civilian deaths, and the fighting is taking place in densely populated cities. For these reasons and more, a Libya-style no-fly zone simply won’t fly.

Eventually, the Syrian government’s efforts to suppress the rebellion may be so bloody that the Obama administration feels compelled to intervene. But so far, the conditions that were present in Libya are not present in Syria. It may be a double standard, and one that liberal hawks are not comfortable with, but it is one with good reason.

Jordan Michael Smith writes about U.S. foreign policy for Salon. He has written for the New York Times, Boston Globe and Washington Post.More Jordan Michael Smith
Hat Tip to Thoreau at the High Clearing who mentions:
2) The author never uses the word “oil”. Intervening in Syria will not have much of a direct impact on any significant oil supply.

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:41 am
by Hans Bulvai
Ammianus wrote:An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!
What are you talking about?? You haven't been reading have you?

I didn't hear any dialect other than Syrian in that whole video. You try living in a city with no water and see how your beard grows. Those that were chanting in the alley, were denouncing Assad and Iran. Assad deserves to hang from his balls but he won't just yet. Contrary to what Azari is saying, America and the Zionists want him to stay in power. As if anyone believes the bullshit Russian and Chinese vetoes. A crock of lavender. Zawahiri's call to overthrow him is designed to keep Western audiences in limbo and the outrage to a minimum in those countries.

By the way, what little credibility Hezbollah, Nasrallah and Iran had is now gone. They are being openly attacked in the Arab media; local and Western-based. There has been many interesting op-eds in the media recently by informed writers about the whole Syrian situation including an analysis of why Iran will not get attacked. And to be honest, a couple of the best articles were in Israeli newspapers.

But whatever, don't fuckin lump me with the crowd that wants him to stay for reasons for sure other than what is good for the heroes fighting Assad's goons. No disrespect to Azari and Monster, but it will be a good day when he gets the same treatment him and his father have been meting out to their people. Regardless, but just for a moment, of what will come next.

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:40 am
by Ibrahim
Hans Bulvai wrote:
Ammianus wrote:An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!
What are you talking about?? You haven't been reading have you?
I thought he was being sarcastic.

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:52 pm
by monster_gardener
Ibrahim wrote:
Hans Bulvai wrote:
Ammianus wrote:An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!
What are you talking about?? You haven't been reading have you?
I thought he was being sarcastic.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
I thought he was being sarcastic.
I agree. That is how I understood it.

Decisions Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:51 pm
by monster_gardener
Hans Bulvai wrote:
Ammianus wrote:An inside look on the filthy Islamist/terrorist elements battling the stalwart Assad regime and slaughtering those innocent civilians in Homs ! ... ture=share

Why, if you even pause at the 8:00 mark, you can actually see a real Islamist in action! And further down, you can even see the amazing acting done by those Islamists to create fake drama and tragedy!

Azari, Hans, monster et al. is this a treat for you!
What are you talking about?? You haven't been reading have you?

I didn't hear any dialect other than Syrian in that whole video. You try living in a city with no water and see how your beard grows. Those that were chanting in the alley, were denouncing Assad and Iran. Assad deserves to hang from his balls but he won't just yet. Contrary to what Azari is saying, America and the Zionists want him to stay in power. As if anyone believes the bullshit Russian and Chinese vetoes. A crock of lavender. Zawahiri's call to overthrow him is designed to keep Western audiences in limbo and the outrage to a minimum in those countries.

By the way, what little credibility Hezbollah, Nasrallah and Iran had is now gone. They are being openly attacked in the Arab media; local and Western-based. There has been many interesting op-eds in the media recently by informed writers about the whole Syrian situation including an analysis of why Iran will not get attacked. And to be honest, a couple of the best articles were in Israeli newspapers.

But whatever, don't fuckin lump me with the crowd that wants him to stay for reasons for sure other than what is good for the heroes fighting Assad's goons. No disrespect to Azari and Monster, but it will be a good day when he gets the same treatment him and his father have been meting out to their people. Regardless, but just for a moment, of what will come next.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Hans.
Contrary to what Azari is saying, America and the Zionists want him to stay in power.
That is not my impression.

AIUI the Admin would like for him to leave...........

Some of Uz
Worry that if he does
Chaos will result

Bad for the Refugees/Christians*

AIUI, the Israelis want Assad gone as he is Iran's conduit to their border........... That I understand.....

Some go further.......IIRC Spengler & EllenS........... Advocate Riding the Chaos Tiger........... Not for me**
Assad deserves to hang from his balls but he won't just yet.
Thoreau wants Assad to go back to his eye clinic....... My wish for him personally would be that Basil had let his Christian chauffeur drive..........
Maybe Basil would have done a better job as he was trained for it.......... Maybe not....... Could have been worse too.......
As if anyone believes the bullshit Russian and Chinese vetoes.
FWIW, I do.........

AIUI Russia is making money with Assad and there are other considerations: Turkey, US..........

AIUI China....... Doesn't want to see this fad for government overthrow continue...........

Zawahiri's call to overthrow him is designed to keep Western audiences in limbo and the outrage to a minimum in those countries.
AIUI Al Queda & Iran are enemies: Salafi Sunni vs. Persian Shia...........

You are right about the limbo and outrage though....... Working with me.....
By the way, what little credibility Hezbollah, Nasrallah and Iran had is now gone. They are being openly attacked in the Arab media; local and Western-based. There has been many interesting op-eds in the media recently by informed writers about the whole Syrian situation including an analysis of why Iran will not get attacked. And to be honest, a couple of the best articles were in Israeli newspapers.
If you have time, would you please provide the links........... Thanks in advance..........
No disrespect to Azari and Monster

None taken Hans.

The situation is difficult. I am NOT sure that I am making the right decision.

I am fairly sure that I am making a BAD decision. Just trying not make a worse one.... Not sure that there are ANY good decisions.

Last time my bad decision was not to oppose Bush W going into Iraq and that was disastrous for the Christians and maybe everyone else except for the Kurds and Iranians.........

Perhaps it would have been worse not to......... AIUI SadDam :wink: :( was just waiting for the chance to restart his WMD program and this time, given his assassination attempt on Bush I, we/Uz probably would have been higher on his list than the Iranians.......

But if I had to do it again, I would oppose going into Iraq........ Would have wanted to revise the sanctions though: to the people... Not through SadDam........

*Sorrrry. The urge to poetase overcame............. May be an Arab in the family tree........... Probably Mohammed thru Spain and Fatima.....
Or Possibly a Persian on the Greek route ;)

**Remembering why in "A Night in Lonely October", Count Dracula joins with the Closers to keep Cuthulu and fiends :wink: :twisted: out of the World: "I like things as they are."

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:52 am
by Hans Bulvai
Here are some links for you MG.
If the US or Israel wanted him out, he would be out. Since when does the UN really matter anyway?
The US and Europe have enough economic levarage with China and Russia to get them to back down but no ne wants to see Assad gone.
Israel much prefers to have him there than some Jihadi group that can wreak havoc in the Golan. He was/is keeping the peace. If they wanted to, the Israeli's can find plenty of ways to support the resistance. Turkey can as well. But as it stands, no one is helping the Syrians. No one. Not even the Saudis or Qataris who walked out, btw, from the Friends of Syria conference because 'nothing was getting done'. And just look for what Hillary has been saying. A reversal in her strong stance against Assad. All of a sudden, there are no strong words against him.

Some of the links are in Arabic. I tried to find an english version of the Israeli articels but they were only in Hebrew and translated into Arabic.
I'll continue to look for some and post them. ... 6283251441
Turkey 'turning a blind eye' to sanctions-busting arms trade by: Richard Beeston and Charles Bremner From: The Times February 28, 2012
SYRIA is using Turkey as a route to bypass sanctions and obtain material and equipment for its weapons industry, intelligence sources say.
While the European Union is today set to tighten sanctions on the government of President Bashar al-Assad, weapons materials from Iran, China and elsewhere may be getting in through Turkey, in spite of Ankara's tough public stance against Damascus.
. ... z1nk4TLYAa ... 47312.html ... 28z500.htm

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:10 am
by Hans Bulvai

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:17 am
by AzariLoveIran
Hans Bulvai wrote:.

Here are some links for you MG.

If the US or Israel wanted him out, he would be out. Since when does the UN really matter anyway?
The US and Europe have enough economic levarage with China and Russia to get them to back down but no ne wants to see Assad gone.
Israel much prefers to have him there than some Jihadi group that can wreak havoc in the Golan. He was/is keeping the peace. If they wanted to, the Israeli's can find plenty of ways to support the resistance. Turkey can as well. But as it stands, no one is helping the Syrians. No one. Not even the Saudis or Qataris who walked out, btw, from the Friends of Syria conference because 'nothing was getting done'. And just look for what Hillary has been saying. A reversal in her strong stance against Assad. All of a sudden, there are no strong words against him.

Some of the links are in Arabic. I tried to find an english version of the Israeli articels but they were only in Hebrew and translated into Arabic.
I'll continue to look for some and post them. ... 6283251441
Turkey 'turning a blind eye' to sanctions-busting arms trade by: Richard Beeston and Charles Bremner From: The Times February 28, 2012
SYRIA is using Turkey as a route to bypass sanctions and obtain material and equipment for its weapons industry, intelligence sources say.
While the European Union is today set to tighten sanctions on the government of President Bashar al-Assad, weapons materials from Iran, China and elsewhere may be getting in through Turkey, in spite of Ankara's tough public stance against Damascus.
. ... z1nk4TLYAa ... 47312.html ... 28z500.htm



you fall into western tricks and lose the focus

look at the big picture : The Middle East unravels
The West's injudicious Middle Eastern nation-drawing after World War I is unraveling as Iraq and Syria divide along sectarian and ethnic lines, with Saudi Arabia and Iran pulling the strings.

The fragmentation could see five new states emerge: Shi'ite Iraq, Sunni Iraq, Sunni Syria, Greater Kurdistan, and Shi'ite Syria.

While the self-determination seems evolutionary, Israel stands to benefit.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and

you getting it Hans ? ?

Wahhabi Sunni shitheads are all Western cronies .. all POS

So, Hans

close your eyes and back Iran


Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:22 am
by Hans Bulvai

That's the other side of the ugly coin; I know.
Seems that it is headed that way anyway.
They wanna weaken Iran Azari. Remember what sanctions did to the Iraqis? They want the same for the Iranians. Much cheaper than bombing.
al-Saudia will not let it rest either.

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:30 pm
by Ibrahim
AzariLoveIran wrote:
The fragmentation could see five new states emerge: Shi'ite Iraq, Sunni Iraq, Sunni Syria, Greater Kurdistan, and Shi'ite Syria.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and[/quote]

Western observers think every nation is a collection of savage tribes waiting to fly apart, but this almost never actually happens, and Syria is a poor candidate for it. People in Libya and Egypt weren't waving tribal banners when they overthrew their governments either.

Whatever happens you can count on Syria staying Syria, hopefully with different leadership.

Thanks but We/Uz are weary of ME Charity Adventures..

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:27 pm
by monster_gardener
Hans Bulvai wrote:Here are some links for you MG.
If the US or Israel wanted him out, he would be out. Since when does the UN really matter anyway?
The US and Europe have enough economic levarage with China and Russia to get them to back down but no ne wants to see Assad gone.
Israel much prefers to have him there than some Jihadi group that can wreak havoc in the Golan. He was/is keeping the peace. If they wanted to, the Israeli's can find plenty of ways to support the resistance. Turkey can as well. But as it stands, no one is helping the Syrians. No one. Not even the Saudis or Qataris who walked out, btw, from the Friends of Syria conference because 'nothing was getting done'. And just look for what Hillary has been saying. A reversal in her strong stance against Assad. All of a sudden, there are no strong words against him.

Some of the links are in Arabic. I tried to find an english version of the Israeli articels but they were only in Hebrew and translated into Arabic.
I'll continue to look for some and post them. ... 6283251441
Turkey 'turning a blind eye' to sanctions-busting arms trade by: Richard Beeston and Charles Bremner From: The Times February 28, 2012
SYRIA is using Turkey as a route to bypass sanctions and obtain material and equipment for its weapons industry, intelligence sources say.
While the European Union is today set to tighten sanctions on the government of President Bashar al-Assad, weapons materials from Iran, China and elsewhere may be getting in through Turkey, in spite of Ankara's tough public stance against Damascus.
. ... z1nk4TLYAa ... 47312.html ... 28z500.htm
Thank you Very Much for your Post, Hans.

Thank you for posting the links.

Have read........ Except for the Al Quds which I scanned under Google Translate.... Funny sometimes but not a good translation.....

What I get is that Russia & Turkey are basically in it for the cash but that the Russians are a bit more honest about it............

That Obama & thus US/Uz are adrift and indecisive compared to the Russians and Iranians who have plan that pursues their national interests........... Agree that being indecisive is bad....... All sides owe you nothing..... and may hate you for not helping THEM....

I MAY understand it the Present Dunce's indecision though .......... We/US/Uz have had so recent many adventures that have turned out so badly..... Somalia is a classic... Charity Pizza run turned deadly Blackhawk Down......... Iraq 2 ....... Afghanistan ............ Wasted our money doing the Brits & Frogs' work in Libya....... likely to be worse with Osama Sam :twisted: than was with GadDaffi Duck :wink: Maybe the Balkans too ......... Kosovo mobsters desecrating Orthodox Churches...... Your tax dollars at work .... And almost WW3 with the Russians where a brave British SOB General had to save Uz from Wesley Clark's folly........

The temptation is to try to save yours and otherwise stay out, let the natives murder each other and smash them if they come here......

Understand that your yours may be/is different than my mine :|

Perhaps :wink: Temptation should be resisted but when your moves in the Game of Blood & Dust just make it worse, the temptation is not to play......... Unless there are someones you are attached to......... Attachment can be dangerous karmically.......

If Less Murder & Mayhem, Eithier Way Fine with Monster Me

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:07 pm
by monster_gardener
Ibrahim wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:
The fragmentation could see five new states emerge: Shi'ite Iraq, Sunni Iraq, Sunni Syria, Greater Kurdistan, and Shi'ite Syria.

Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and
Western observers think every nation is a collection of savage tribes waiting to fly apart, but this almost never actually happens, and Syria is a poor candidate for it. People in Libya and Egypt weren't waving tribal banners when they overthrew their governments either.

Whatever happens you can count on Syria staying Syria, hopefully with different leadership.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and
With all due respect, Ibrahim, you are being VERY unfair to beasts like dogs* who are often better than men........ Better just to say human villains, creeps or Monsters :wink: like me :wink: who are of divided mind on the subject.

AIUI Much of the current mess in the ME is the fault of drunken drowsy Brits & Frogs who drew the borders to divide and conquer....... Putting groups that hated each other together.........

Not that much of the ME didn't deserve it......... When they were united/powerful, the Muslims/ME were at the Gates of Vienna, slave raiding the coasts of Europe as far as Iceland and raiding commerce to India (Trucial States) ............

We humans & Monsters :twisted: are nasty to each other at the least excuse.......... :( :( :(

If less murder and mayhem results both inside & out of Syria, AFAIAC Syria can stay together or fall apart...

Problem is there probably will be MORE mayhem and murder either way......... :( :( :(

One impractical thought I have is a truce where the willing self-deport to compatible countries willing to take (BIG PROBLEM!).........

Christians probably to US/Uz........ Sunnis/Muslim Bro Salafis to Saudi Arabia to be servants of their beloved Religious Policemen.......
Shia to Iran or Iraq (probably soon to be part of Iran)........ Druze maybe to Israel AIUI they can get along fairly well........ No Idea where Sabeans should go if they don't want to stay...... Uz?????

Main thing is that immigrants don't try to do Sharia or similar like Somali Taxi drivers try to do (no booze even in boxes or dogs in carriers in airport taxis)...... or worse......

Let the rest swear oath of fealty to King Bashir Assad, "Bright Eye" :wink: Basher of Asses :wink: :twisted: :(

Or let there be Statelets for the Alawites, Christians, Sunnis (regular), Salafis (Police Academy :twisted: ), Shia, Sabaens, Druze, Kurds :twisted: etc....... Under the protection of Turkey, Israel & Iran.......

I would be tempted to say let Turkey have Syria except for the Armenian Holocaust and all the trouble with the Kurds wanting their Whey away :wink: :lol: from Turkey............Turks like Brits did divide and conquer with the Armenians & Kurds and now getting the blow back :twisted: :( ......

*I am sometimes unfair to the Dogz when tweaking the MUTTawen.............. Then again, have read that Dogz sometime call each other Boyz or even Grrlz :lol: (Last Battle - C.S. Lewis)

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:31 am
by Hans Bulvai
The world stands idle.
Its ok Monster. I am sure the Republicans will call Obama a coward for not saving the innocent in Syria and turn the whole thing into yet another political game while women and children get cut down by the dozen.

The shame. ... z1nnUahY2r
Syria troops 'mop up' in Homs February 29, 2012 11:06 AM (Last updated: February 29, 2012 05:52 PM)

DAMASCUS: Syrian ground forces were mopping up the last pockets of resistance of Homs on Wednesday, a security source said, even as Washington worked on a U.N. Security Council draft demanding humanitarian access.

A human rights watchdog and an activist in the central city denied that troops had moved into the rebel neighborhood of Baba Amr, pounded by regime shelling for 26 straight days, insisting that clashes were continuing on the outskirts.

"The area is under control," the security source told AFP in Damascus, requesting anonymity.

"The army has started combing the area building by building and house by house. Now the troops are searching every basement and tunnel for arms and terrorists.

"There remain only few pockets" of resistance, the source added.

But the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that rebel forces were "preventing an attempt to storm" the neighborhood.

The Britain-based watchdog said gunfire could be heard in several districts of the city.

Homs-based activist Hadi Abdullah reported clashes and heavy shelling of Baba Amr but insisted that ground troops had not entered the neighborhood.

"Regime forces did not enter Baba Amr until this moment. They are surrounding the district, while clashes are concentrated in the neighborhoods of Inshaat and Malaab," he told AFP.

Abdullah said activists were "evacuating families because shelling has been targeting places that were considered safe in the past."

Earlier on Wednesday, activists on the ground in Syria's third-largest city said that elite troops of the Fourth Armored Division under the command of Assad's brother Maher had taken up position with their armor around Baba Amr.

Abdullah told AFP by telephone that it was a likely prelude to a final assault.

Access to Homs has now been completely sealed off, according to rebel commanders, who said the regular army had also blown up an underground aqueduct that had been the last viable route for smuggling in desperately needed supplies.

Abdullah said power had been cut to most of the city, a measure he said was another sign of possible looming attack.

Efforts to bring out Le Figaro journalist Edith Bouvier, who is trapped inside Baba Amr with multiple fractures, intensified after her British colleague Paul Conroy was successfully smuggled out to Lebanon on Monday night.

"We expect the government in Damascus to put all the conditions in place for a safe and rapid evacuation, in particular an immediate ceasefire in Baba Amr," said French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero.

Thirteen Syrian activists were killed trying to help Bouvier and Conroy and to bring in aid to Baba Amr, international activist group Avaaz said.

At the United Nations, diplomats said Washington had begun work on a new draft Security Council resolution demanding humanitarian access to besieged protest cities, such as Homs.

"This resolution will concentrate on humanitarian access to the cities, but it will indicate that the government is the cause of the crisis," one Security Council diplomat said.

Western nations hope that focusing on the humanitarian crisis will persuade Russia and China not to use their veto powers as permanent members of the 15-member council as they did against previous Western-drafted resolutions last October and again in early February.

The French foreign ministry spokesman said the new text calls for a halt to violence and "immediate, unhindered access for humanitarian aid to the most threatened sites and the most vulnerable populations."

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said: "I solemnly appeal to Russia and China that they do not block this new resolution at the Security Council."

Work on the new draft started after Arab and Western governments met for an inaugural Friends of Syria meeting in Tunis last week, diplomats said.

"We really hope that by concentrating on an appeal for an end to the violence and getting humanitarian access we can get the support of everyone, including Russia and China," said one Western envoy.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has told Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi that international humanitarian aid should be allowed into Syria, Chinese state media said.

"The international community should create favorable conditions in this regard and provide humanitarian aid to Syria," state news agency Xinhua quoted Yang as saying.

On Tuesday, Russia had urged Syria to cooperate with the Red Cross to allow the relief agency to deliver aid.

"It is important that the Syrian government cooperates with the International Committee of the Red Cross," said Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov.

U.N. political chief B Lynn Pascoe told the Security Council "well over 7,500" people have been killed Syria since protests against Assad's regime erupted in March last year.

Re: The Syria Thread

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:33 am
by Hans Bulvai
Ibrahim wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:
The fragmentation could see five new states emerge: Shi'ite Iraq, Sunni Iraq, Sunni Syria, Greater Kurdistan, and Shi'ite Syria.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and
Western observers think every nation is a collection of savage tribes waiting to fly apart, but this almost never actually happens, and Syria is a poor candidate for it. People in Libya and Egypt weren't waving tribal banners when they overthrew their governments either.

Whatever happens you can count on Syria staying Syria, hopefully with different leadership.[/quote]

I agree except for the Libya part. They for sure are waving tribal flags now. But you are right, the Syrians are different.

Re: If Less Murder & Mayhem, Eithier Way Fine with Monster M

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:58 pm
by Ibrahim
monster_gardener wrote:
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and
With all due respect, Ibrahim, you are being VERY unfair to beasts like dogs
The quoted text was written by Azari, not me.

Re: If Less Murder & Mayhem, Eithier Way Fine with Monster M

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:13 pm
by AzariLoveIran
Ibrahim wrote:.
monster_gardener wrote:
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.
Beasts want to partition Syria and Iraq and (probably) Egypt and and and .. instead of 5, maybe 25 mini states, like Qatar, Kuwait and Dubai and and and
With all due respect, Ibrahim, you are being VERY unfair to beasts like dogs
The quoted text was written by Azari, not me.



Here we come

Greater Syria .. Mesopotamia .. Persia
