Republicans | What are they good for?

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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Zack Morris »

TBH, Americans are a particularly violent and rapey people, and their children are very ill-behaved. Their opinions on children's entertainment are therefore not relevant.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by YMix »

Mr. Perfect wrote:What an indictment of that country.

What interpretations are you supposed to have when you put animal sexuality and a child into a picture.
Old fairy-tales and legends all over the world are full of symbols of sexuality and violence. This is mankind's heritage.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Doc »

Zack Morris wrote:TBH, Americans are a particularly violent and rapey people, and their children are very ill-behaved. Their opinions on children's entertainment are therefore not relevant.
That isn't true Zack. I take it you have never been to a third world country for any length of time.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Simple Minded »

YMix wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:What an indictment of that country.

What interpretations are you supposed to have when you put animal sexuality and a child into a picture.
Old fairy-tales and legends all over the world are full of symbols of sexuality and violence. This is mankind's heritage.
Sex sells is both a Darwinian and a theological strategy. Don't mess with success! Scatter your seed far and wide.

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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Simple Minded »

Zack Morris wrote:TBH, Americans are a particularly violent and rapey people, and their children are very ill-behaved. Their opinions on children's entertainment are therefore not relevant.
No doubt this is much more true in your neighborhood, during your childhood, than in my neighborhood, during my childhood. What is the difference?
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Zack Morris »

Crime was likely worse in your childhood than it is today. The fact is, violent and sexual crimes, drug addiction, out-of-wedlock childbirth, etc. are bigger problems in America -- and especially the suburbs and rural areas, where people's minds apparently go do dark places when they think of animal sexuality, than Japan.

What's worse? A harmless legend about a raccoon or delusional religious faith in apocalyptic messiah figures culminating in, say, religious colleges punishing rape victims?

Honestly, Americans have very little to contribute on the topic of healthy sexual attitudes. Personally, I'll emulate the Western/Northern Europeans.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Typhoon »

Zack Morris wrote:. . .

Honestly, Americans have very little to contribute on the topic of healthy sexual attitudes. Personally, I'll emulate the Western/Northern Europeans.
An over generalization. However, in general,
I have to agree with you when it comes to perceives human sexuality as something "dirty".

There always seems to be some kind of mix of religion fueled sex abuse hysteria going around,
ever since the days of the Salem witch trials.

When I lived in the US, the hysteria was about day care centres.

Today, I find the child beauty pageants and purity balls, so called, to be too weird for words.

Along with the recent obsession about chicks with sticks.

The belief that a child will be somehow traumatized by seeing a breast or a vagina or a penis also strikes me a bizarre.

On the other had, Japan, has it own share of weirdness, as does every country.

In the end, to each their own.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Typhoon »

YMix wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:What an indictment of that country.

What interpretations are you supposed to have when you put animal sexuality and a child into a picture.
Old fairy-tales and legends all over the world are full of symbols of sexuality and violence. This is mankind's heritage.

My Little Pony is a recent phenomenon.

Perhaps a symptom of the lifelong childhood.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

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Patrick Buchanan
Republicans Reject Bush (at Last)

Twelve million aliens are here illegally, said Trump, because the Bushes failed to secure America’s borders.

America has run up $12 trillion in trade deficits and been displaced as the world’s first manufacturing power by China, said Trump, because of the lousy trade deals backed by Bush Republicans.

The greatest strategic blunder in U.S. history, said Trump, was the Bush II decision to invade Iraq to disarm it of nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.

The war Bush began, says Trump, produced 5,000 American dead, scores of thousands wounded, trillions of dollars wasted, and a Middle East sunk in civil-sectarian war, chaos, and fanaticism.

That is a savage indictment of the Bush legacy.

And a Republican electorate, in the largest turnout in primary history, nodded, “Amen to that, brother !”

No matter who wins in November, there is no going back for the GOP.


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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

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Republican Party Unravels Over Trump’s Takeover
a hostile takeover of one of America’s two major political parties.
Crisis reflects years of fraying ties between party elites and voters.

By seizing the Republican presidential nomination for Donald J. Trump on Tuesday night, he and his millions of supporters completed what had seemed unimaginable: a hostile takeover of one of America’s two major political parties.

Just as stunning was how quickly the host tried to reject them. The party’s two living former presidents spurned Mr. Trump, a number of sitting governors and senators expressed opposition or ambivalence toward him, and he drew a forceful rebuke from the single most powerful and popular rival left on the Republican landscape: the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan.

Rarely if ever has a party seemed to come apart so visibly. Rarely, too, has the nation been so on edge about its politics.

Many Americans still cannot believe that the bombastic Mr. Trump, best known as a reality television star, will be on the ballot in November. Plenty are also anxious about what he would do in office.

But for leading Republicans, the dismay is deeper and darker. They fear their party is on the cusp of an epochal split — a historic cleaving between the familiar form of conservatism forged in the 1960s and popularized in the 1980s and a rekindled, atavistic nationalism, with roots as old as the republic, that has not flared up so intensely since the original America First movement before Pearl Harbor.

Some even point to France and other European countries, where far-right parties like the National Front have gained power because of the sort of resentments that are frequently given voice at rallies for Mr. Trump.


“The party has never been more out of touch with our voters,” Vin Weber, a former Minnesota congressman, said of the two factions, acknowledging that Republicans could splinter completely after this election. “I don’t know how you reconcile a lot of them.”


much more @ link

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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by YMix »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Mmkay. Did you put it in your avatar.
Do you want me to?
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Bush Wrecked the GOP Long Before Trump Appeared


For the time being, at least, that Republican Party is dead.

It was wounded by the tea party absolutists who insisted on political purity and rejected any compromise.

Now it has been killed by Donald Trump.


One of the remarkable things about this election is the sheer intensity of hostility to Trump from many of the same movement conservatives who shrugged at Bush’s far more serious betrayals and failures.

Many movement conservatives have been much more horrified by Trump’s momentary political success over a few months than they were by the real, costly, staggering failures of governance under the Bush administration over a period of eight years.

Bush certainly drove some conservatives and Republicans into vocal opposition, including those of us here at TAC, but there seem to be many, many more on the right that thought Bush could practically do no wrong but have been driven into fits by nothing more than Trump’s nomination.

People that now panic about incipient caudillismo and the dangers of a nationalist demagogue didn’t care when Bush expanded the security state, trampled on the Constitution, or launched an unnecessary war of aggression, and people that yawned at the steady expansion of government and creation of new unfunded liabilities under Bush are now supposedly alarmed by Trump’s lack of fidelity to the cause of limited government. They correctly identify many of Trump’s flaws, but refuse to acknowledge the fact that the party was already killed (or at least severely wounded) years ago during the disastrous Bush era. It was that period of incompetence and ideologically-driven debacles that shattered the GOP, and for the last seven years the vast majority of die-hard Trump foes have refused to recognize that and have chosen to learn nothing from it. They lost to Trump, but the part they can’t accept is that they deserved to lose because of their role in enabling the GOP’s past failures.

Now they’re touting their abandonment of the wreckage they helped to create as if they deserve applause for running away from their own handiwork.

If it weren’t so serious, it would be quite comical.



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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

GOP is supermajority party. If Trump wins, Democrats are finished forever. Just getting rid of bush loyalists now.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Typhoon »

This thread is about
Republicans | What are they good for?

There now a thread in Hell to discuss the attempts at misdirection.
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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The Death of Working-Class America

“Angry white male” is now an acceptable slur in culture and politics. So it is that people of that derided ethnicity, race, and gender see in Donald Trump someone who unapologetically berates and mocks the elites who have dispossessed them, and who despise them.

Is it any surprise that militant anti-government groups attract white males? Is it so surprising that the Donald today, like Jess Willard a century ago, is seen by millions as “The Great White Hope”?

I like Buchanan .. a real American

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Re: Republicans | What are they good for?

Post by YMix »

The former Colorado Republican party chairman, who once said only Democrats commit voter fraud, has appeared in court accused of the same offence.

Steven Curtis, 57, allegedly posted his ex-wife's absentee ballot for last year's presidential election after it had been sent to his house.

Mr Curtis, who served as party chairman from 1997-99, faces up to three years in jail if convicted.

His ex-wife, who left him after nine months, said she is furious.

The accused, a radio host, has railed against alleged voter fraud on his show, Wake Up With Steve Curtis.

He told listeners about five months ago: "It seems to be, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats."

His ex-wife, Kelly Curtis, told KDVR-TV, a Fox affiliate: "I was livid over the whole situation, definitely."

She only discovered her ballot had been used when she called election authorities to inquire about how she can vote, considering that she was registered in Colorado but had just moved to South Carolina.

An election worker told her she had already voted.

"I was just completely stunned," said Mrs Curtis, who now lives in South Carolina.

"I thought there had to be some kind of mistake.

"For somebody that speaks out for the constitution and voters rights and our right as US citizens, it definitely goes against what he talks about on his shows and how he lives his life."

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“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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