Trump loses!

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Not really. Israel is a modern marvel, high tech wealthy safe and stable, despite 1 billion muslms seething with hatred. They been saying "death to yesrael!!!!" For 50 years, Jews enjoying record peace and prosperity. Israel future is bright.


Hitler Germany invented pretty much all of this age, and ?

Israel is same as South Africa .. foreign people, Latvian, Ukrainian, Poles and Russians who were chased out of their country and now claim somebody who did not exist (they call him Moses) promised the real Jews (Palestinian) homes to them

Not gonno worrk

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

One of the best working countries of all time. 1 billion Muslims seething with hatred, not able to even smudge. Just sit there sobbing as Israel continues it's journey to greatness. If you can't beat you must join.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


American allies have decided Trump is simply not someone they can do business with


.. the guy who came into office pledging to put America First.

He downgraded the security guarantees of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to a definite maybe -- and only if its members ponied up more defense dollars. The Iran nuclear pact was “the worst deal ever,” and the Paris accord on climate change wasn’t much better. The Trans-Pacific Partnership was dead on arrival. Japan and South Korea’s free-riding days were over. The North American Free Trade Agreement was toast. The U.S. would ignore the rules of the World Trade Organization. And from its proposed cuts in foreign aid and United Nations peacekeeping to the empty offices and embassies of the State Department, the Trump administration has made clear how little it thinks of soft power and diplomacy.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the disintegration of the international liberal order.

It’s started to reconstitute itself -- only not with the U.S. at its center.

Unfortunately, that has less to do with a realization among our allies and partners that the burden must be more equitably shared than with the increasing recognition that Trump is not, as some U.S. diplomats liked to say about third world dictators during the Cold War, “someone we can do business with.”

That sentiment found its most trenchant expression in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s declaration, following Trump’s May trip to Europe, that the continent “must really take our fate into our own hands.”

The net result of the Trump administration’s antipathy to free trade and cooperation on climate change and refugee resettlement was a united front against the U.S. at both the Group of Seven and Group of 20 meetings.

Jilted by the U.S., the other 11 members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership are moving ahead on their own.

Canada and Mexico are working together more closely than ever to save Nafta.

Asian nations are hedging their bets between the U.S. and China.

Trump’s tough talk on Mexico has prompted it to reach out to its hemispheric rival Brazil on defence cooperation.


If and when the U.S. recovers its strategic senses, it might find itself reduced to occupying a much less attractive seat at the multilateral table.

For now, Trump’s reflexive trashing of President Barack Obama’s policy choices without offering any coherent alternatives has left the U.S. on awkward ground.

Yes, true, Mr. Perfect, Trump "IS" way ahead .. :lol:

And, MP, consider this .. Trump , openly, tweeting every day , preparing for WAR with Korea, Iran, Russia and China .. war on 4 fronts.

Trump reminds one of that guy from "Mancha" .. fighting his "imaginary fire breathing Dragons" :lol:


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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

A mountain of fake news. Go back to Jimmy Dore, he isn't losing his mind yet.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Trump Makes Caligula Look Pretty Good


The fact is that white supremacists have long been a key if unacknowledged part of the G.O.P. coalition, and Republicans need those votes to win general elections.

Given the profiles in cowardice they’ve presented so far, it’s hard to imagine anything — up to and including evidence of collusion with a foreign power — that would make them risk losing those voters’ support.

So the odds are that we’re stuck with a malevolent, incompetent president whom nobody knowledgeable respects, and many consider illegitimate. If so, we have to hope that our country somehow stumbles through the next year and a half without catastrophe, and that the midterm elections transform the political calculus and make the Constitution great again.

If that doesn’t happen, all one can say is God save America. Because all indications are that the Republicans won’t.


Need a "regime change" .. not in Tehran but in D.C.

Trump should quit

I want to "Poll" the posters :

"Should Trump resign"

- Now

- In 3 months

- Year's end ?

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Carl Icahn Steps Down as Adviser to President Trump
Carl Icahn Issues Statement

MP, did not thing that thing would hit the fan so soon

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

That's a lot of liberal tears.

Maybe they will cry themselves to death come November 2018 when they lose again.

Trump will be reelected.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Regime Change? Is Iran even still a country? ;)
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Regime Change? Is Iran even still a country? ;)


Soon a continent, Greater Persia, here we come :D

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Regime Change? Is Iran even still a country? ;)


Soon a continent, Greater Persia, here we come :D


any plans to move back to Iran? Or are you going to contribute to the ascendancy of greater Persia-stan by being an infidel Westerner for life? ;)

being a double agent for both Soros and Trump must pay very well indeed! :P
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Regime Change? Is Iran even still a country? ;)


Soon a continent, Greater Persia, here we come :D


any plans to move back to Iran? Or are you going to contribute to the ascendancy of greater Persia-stan by being an infidel Westerner for life? ;)


Iranians never immigrated, for many reason.

Meaning, all Iranians outside of Iran, their dream is going back to Iran.

In Vancouver, have a lot of Chinese friends .. in 1980's they were badmouthing (communist) China, now many in China and great patriots

Same thing will happen with Iran .. everybody waiting till "sausage" is made

Simple Minded wrote:
being a double agent for both Soros and Trump must pay very well indeed! :P


:lol: .. true

You must agree, that Trump stunt was a good one .. the guy doing excellent job .. hope he lasts :lol:

Soros is "Short" America

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Iranians never immigrated, for many reason.

Meaning, all Iranians outside of Iran, their dream is going back to Iran.

In Vancouver, have a lot of Chinese friends .. in 1980's they were badmouthing (communist) China, now many in China and great patriots

Same thing will happen with Iran .. everybody waiting till "sausage" is made.
I hope it works out for you in the long run. I sincerely wish you the best.

Always strikes me as sad when an immigrant brags about how their "home culture" is better than their "adopted culture." In my case, the Virginians would never believe me if I told them New York was a better place. "Really? Why don't you move back there?"

Kinda like the person who divorces a wife, then spends the rest of their life complaining that their previous marriage was better.

but now that Hilary is in the Whitehouse.... :P
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Iranians never immigrated, for many reason.

Meaning, all Iranians outside of Iran, their dream is going back to Iran.

In Vancouver, have a lot of Chinese friends .. in 1980's they were badmouthing (communist) China, now many in China and great patriots

Same thing will happen with Iran .. everybody waiting till "sausage" is made.
I hope it works out for you in the long run. I sincerely wish you the best.

Always strikes me as sad when an immigrant brags about how their "home culture" is better than their "adopted culture." In my case, the Virginians would never believe me if I told them New York was a better place. "Really? Why don't you move back there?"

Kinda like the person who divorces a wife, then spends the rest of their life complaining that their previous marriage was better.

but now that Hilary is in the Whitehouse.... :P
Hillary is not in the Whitehouse. She has now lost three times. The Pentagon is in the Whitehouse. Look for big crackdowns on foreign influences.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

but now that Hilary is in the Whitehouse.... :P


Hillary is not in the Whitehouse. She has now lost three times. The Pentagon is in the Whitehouse. Look for big crackdowns on foreign influences.


How the Brass Talked Another President into a
Losing War

The American people don’t like long wars with uncertain outcomes—and never have. That was true in 1953, when the U.S. accepted a stalemate and armistice with the Chinese-backed North Koreans, and it was true again in 1975, when the U.S. suffered an ignominious defeat and 58,000 dead at the hands of pajama-clad guerrillas and the North Vietnamese army. “Never fight a land war in Asia,” General Douglas MacArthur famously said, and for good reason: in both Korea and Vietnam, the enemy could be endlessly supplied and reinforced.

The solution, in both cases, was to either widen the war or leave. In Korea, MacArthur proposed expanding the war by taking on Chinese military sanctuaries in China (which got him fired), while in Vietnam, Richard Nixon ordered the invasion of Cambodia and mined North Vietnam’s harbors, an expansion of the war that sparked a genocide and merely postponed the inevitable. America’s adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan have been as unsatisfying. A troop surge retrieved America’s position in Iraq, though most military officers now view Baghdad as “a suburb of Tehran” (as a currently serving Army officer phrased it), while the U.S. has spent over $800 billion on a Kabul government whose writ extends to sixty percent of the country—or less.


:lol: :lol: .. very funny .. Mr. Perfect, anybody who voted for Donald Trump hoping that he would reduce the US military’s involvement in foreign wars has been made a fool of.

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Germany ‘will not automatically side with US’ in war with N. Korea


CS, look , why Japan not pay the war reparation and the whole thing is over .. hold the nose and pay

China demands U.S. immediately withdraw N. Korea sanctions, warns they will damage ties

Look , China, Russia, Germany and pretty much everybody wants this solved and solved peacefully .. Japan should pay

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Bush and Obama Fought a Failed ‘War on Terror.’
It’s Trump’s Turn.


What Mr. Trump’s speech actually did was shed light on the delusion that both Republican and Democratic officials and policy makers have operated under when it comes to the “war on terrorism.”

For the last nearly 16 years, both parties have followed the same script, one based on false, costly assumptions that they refuse to challenge, crossing ethical boundaries without acknowledgment — all the while steadfastly refusing to learn from their mistakes and change course.

There is little clarity about whom the United States is really at war with.


Rather than committing to block the pathways by which individuals adopt jihadist ideologies and become attracted to terrorist groups, policy makers of both parties try the same military policies over and over.

Michael Morell, a former deputy director of the C.I.A., made an important admission :

“For every 100 hours I spent in the Situation Room talking about how to deal with terrorists that already exist, maybe we spent 10 minutes talking about winning hearts and minds and deradicalization.” Nobody who studies counterterrorism policy would dispute this ratio.



As long as somebody making money with all this, this will continue, not only in Afghanistan but everywhere where US is involved .. this not about "deradicalization" or "winning the hearts and minds", this about making money (winning the hearts and minds is Persian speciality :lol: )

Rebuilding Infrastructure is not off the table, Billions and Billions of $$$$$ will be wasted .. and .. @ the end, the Chinese and Indians (and Iranians) will have the national resources of Afghanistan.

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Korea, Afghanistan
Never Ending War trap


.. 'new strategy' for Afghanistan is really all about business. But China is already there



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The triumph of Trumpism

Post by Enki »

Investors pull billions from U.S. stocks in longest outflow streak since 2004
Investors are fleeing U.S. stocks in a way they haven't since 2004.

For 10 straight weeks a total of $30 billion has left U.S. stocks, marking the longest streak of outflows since 2004, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a Thursday report, citing EPFR Global data.

Investors turned instead to emerging markets and European and Japanese stocks, which saw $36 billion in inflows over the last 10 weeks, the report said.

BofAML's breakdown of last week's fund flows pointed to more aversion to risk among investors, and could add to some analysts' worries about deteriorating market internals.

The 10-week outflow from U.S. stocks comes despite the S&P 500's nearly 1 percent gain this quarter and a record high on Aug. 8.

The report also pointed out the turn away from U.S. stocks coincided with the late June surge in the euro against the U.S. dollar to its strongest in nearly a year, after comments from European Central Bank President Mario Draghi suggested higher inflation and tighter monetary policy soon in the euro zone.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »



Joe, cover your as* .. :lol:

What a disaster .. what a disaster

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by YMix »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Cookin
Oh, the silence of mice on cotton.

Not to mention that people seem to be tired of winning:
JohnBinxBolling 7h ago

Trump may still have some support in the South and in rural areas but here in Rust Belt America, buyer's remorse has set in and recent polls verify it. In my flipped county that went from 6 points for Obama to 12 points for Trump, people are beyond pissed off, and it's not because they didn't pass health care reform and it's not because they may not pass "tax reform."

It's because of the health care bills they tried to pass and it's because no one here in clamoring for tax cuts for the rich. Instead we're staggering under devastatingly high property taxes worsened by the great recession taking so much property off the rolls, and everyone knows Trump's policies will only worsen the local tax burden. (And Republican threats to eliminate the property tax deduction might just turn the whole county Democratic.)

How high are property taxes? I'm paying 7.4% of the market value of my house yearly. Some pay even more.

And as for not passing the health care reform? Health care is by far the largest employer in this county, as it now is in many Rust Belt communities. One of our major medical centers, the third largest employer itself, is barely hanging on. It's let everyone know that the the Republican healthcare proposals would probably shut them down. Most of the local nursing homes say they'd face the same fate.

People fear losing their jobs. They fear losing their health insurance. They fear grandma, now on Medicaid will get thrown out of her nursing home.

Or take my stalwart Republican neighbors, small business owners who found out that because they're in their 50s that under the Republican plans their health insurance for just the two of them would increase over $20,000 per year. In essence, their vote for Trump could cost them an additional $160,000 over Obamacare between now and when they qualify for Medicare.

They are stunned. They now hate Trump as do many others around here in their age group.

The only people clamoring for tax reform are Trump's multi-millionaire, multi-billionaire donor class.

Trump is doing permanent long-term damage to the Republican Party. His throwing red meet to his so-called base is alienating everyone else.

His act is no longer playing in Peoria or anywhere else in the Rust Belt, and the rest of the Republican Pary isn't doing much better (the risk of paying $160,000 more for health insurance is enough to turn the stomachs of even the most stalwart Republicans, so will the risk of losing your job).

Internal Republican polling is showing the disaster they're facing politically and that's the only reason why some of them are finally finding the backbone to stand up to Trump. (People in my community are screaming at them.) ... -104541932
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol fake news has only ever burned you guys
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Mr. Perfect, good reading, opens up the sinuses : seismic shift into the “not to be” camp

A pretty much MUST READ

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Netanyaho, good man, done great service with Yesrael. Maybe his time is up, and will be replaced by another great Yesraelit leader. This is golden age for Yesreal.
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Re: The triumph of Trumpism

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote:Investors pull billions from U.S. stocks in longest outflow streak since 2004
Investors are fleeing U.S. stocks in a way they haven't since 2004.

For 10 straight weeks a total of $30 billion has left U.S. stocks, marking the longest streak of outflows since 2004, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a Thursday report, citing EPFR Global data.

Investors turned instead to emerging markets and European and Japanese stocks, which saw $36 billion in inflows over the last 10 weeks, the report said.

BofAML's breakdown of last week's fund flows pointed to more aversion to risk among investors, and could add to some analysts' worries about deteriorating market internals.

The 10-week outflow from U.S. stocks comes despite the S&P 500's nearly 1 percent gain this quarter and a record high on Aug. 8.

The report also pointed out the turn away from U.S. stocks coincided with the late June surge in the euro against the U.S. dollar to its strongest in nearly a year, after comments from European Central Bank President Mario Draghi suggested higher inflation and tighter monetary policy soon in the euro zone.
Pro business Republican administrations whatcha gonna do?
Looks like we'll elect a lot more of them. ... -high.aspx
U.S. Investor Optimism Rises Again, Hits 17-Year High
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