Trump loses!

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

If you can't beat em, join em Azari. Ancient Persian saying.

Jews clearly smartest people on planet earth, time to start taking advice from them.
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Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Must read article, SM

Get that "six-hundred-pound gorilla" off your back

What a disaster, what a disaster .. Our beloved U.S. of A. is played by "Mosche", into destruction .. still, BiBi wouldn't let go :lol:


why you still dodging most important question in previous posts? Can I live with you? If you say no, you racist xenophobe.

Trudeau and Merkel are not housing illegal immigrants in their own (public) housing.

Everyone who says other nation/city/county/person should do more for illegal immigrants, and who is not already clothing, feeding, and housing illegal immigrants in their own home is at least a hypocrite, and possibly a xenophobe.

Just like Kennedy or Buffet saying rich should pay their fair share of taxes, then hiring accounts and lawyers to reduce their personal tax burden.

Pretty straightforward.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.


why you still dodging most important question in previous posts ? Can I live with you? If you say no, you racist xenophobe.

Trudeau and Merkel are not housing illegal immigrants in their own (public) housing.

Everyone who says other nation/city/county/person should do more for illegal immigrants, and who is not already clothing, feeding, and housing illegal immigrants in their own home is at least a hypocrite, and possibly a xenophobe.

Just like Kennedy or Buffet saying rich should pay their fair share of taxes, then hiring accounts and lawyers to reduce their personal tax burden.

Pretty straightforward.


Not sure what you getting at .. Spiegel : German government plans to spend 93.6 billion euros on refugees

Germans and Canadians look at this people as next high grade workers AND consumers.

Canada must let in 500,000 immigrant a year to keep the malls full and the schools open .. otherwise economy will shrink, malls closed, and schools for lack of children shut down.

Canada and Germany consider immigrants as "investment" for the future.
Germany Adapts to Its Role as a Major Migrant Magnet

Immigration Offers Germany Costs and Benefits

Western world, white man's world, population shrinking .. need massive inflow of new immigrants .. Ask David Goldman :lol:

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

If you can't beat em, join em Azari. Ancient Persian saying.

Jews clearly smartest people on planet earth, time to start taking advice from them.


MP, last 8000 yrs, Pomegranates endured the Macedonians, the Arabs, Tchingiz Khan, Winsitin Churchill and Dick Chaney

And .. still .. according to Donald Trump in UN speech, Pomegranates the most dangerous nation in the world. :lol:

You tell me who the smartest on this planet :D

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.


why you still dodging most important question in previous posts ? Can I live with you? If you say no, you racist xenophobe.

Trudeau and Merkel are not housing illegal immigrants in their own (public) housing.

Everyone who says other nation/city/county/person should do more for illegal immigrants, and who is not already clothing, feeding, and housing illegal immigrants in their own home is at least a hypocrite, and possibly a xenophobe.

Just like Kennedy or Buffet saying rich should pay their fair share of taxes, then hiring accounts and lawyers to reduce their personal tax burden.

Pretty straightforward.


Not sure what you getting at .. Spiegel : German government plans to spend 93.6 billion euros on refugees

Germans and Canadians look at this people as next high grade workers AND consumers.

Canada must let in 500,000 immigrant a year to keep the malls full and the schools open .. otherwise economy will shrink, malls closed, and schools for lack of children shut down.

Canada and Germany consider immigrants as "investment" for the future.
Germany Adapts to Its Role as a Major Migrant Magnet

Immigration Offers Germany Costs and Benefits

Western world, white man's world, population shrinking .. need massive inflow of new immigrants .. Ask David Goldman :lol:

still dodging I see... I think you have answered the question by refusing to answer........

Preaching a standard of what others should do..... that most individuals (and you yourself) are unwilling to live up to. You typical human. I'm proud of you. ;)

the ideas of Canadian, Persian, German, etc. are both timeless and objective, not so the concept of "me, mine, or I." Neither Merkel or Trudeau are taking illegals into their homes. Different in words from Trump, but same in practice.

America needs tougher, more rational immigration policies, I do agree on that. Numbers of immigrants are meaningless. Quality not quantity. Gaining citizenship should be like a job interview, or allowing that person to marry your son or daughter. If you don't want the individual living in your house, or part of your immediate family, they should not be allowed to enter your country.

very simple.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

Western countries are, as far as I know, unique in that they accept and integrate, to various degrees, a large number of immigrants*.

Even more unusual is that these immigrant may eventually become citizens.

It will probably take years to see how the mass refugee migration to countries such as Germany plays out.
Neither success or failure is guaranteed.

SM is right in that a country should have a selective immigration policy that is in its national interest.

The carte blanche demands of activists regarding illegal immigration into the US do not make sense.

[In the case of Japan, a foreign residency is a temporary, to be renewed, permit not a lifelong guarantee.

A foreigner receiving citizenship is a very rare event.

Possibly too restrictive.]

*Of course, Western nations are also unique as a destination that migrants want to move to.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by noddy »

criticsing the only countries that have immigration for being anti immigration apparently makes sense to a certain type of person.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Parodite »

Typhoon wrote:SM is right in that a country should have a selective immigration policy that is in its national interest.
The times are changing: the late Pim Fortuyn was demonized by the left and leftist media for this very notion, branded a racist and Nazi. Then killed by a mentally instable dude who really believed he did humanity a service.

Now the idea is mainstream and accepted. Uncontrolled immigration is not done, there are only so many we can absorb and help integrate. Many immigrants however hardly need any help; they just work hard, fight to learn the language and navigate the bureaucracies. My advice to immigrants would be: talk to the Asian communties here, they might have tips how to do it.
Deep down I'm very superficial
Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:criticsing the only countries that have immigration for being anti immigration apparently makes sense to a certain type of person.
Yep, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence..... except when there is no grass on the other side of the fence.

Sam Kinison on immigration:

the three behaviors that amuse me the most are:

"I'm a good person because I demand that other people do more that I am willing to do myself."

Asserting that the culture you left is superior to the culture you voluntarily crossed an ocean to live in.

How quickly people abandon group identity or cling to group identity when it is in their own personal interests. I claim group victim status if I see a tactical advantage, or if I want to avoid personal responsibility. As long as my personal security keeps those people away from me.

"My home culture is better than this one."
"Really, so why are you still living here?"
"More job opportunities, and food, clothing, housing, and energy are all more affordable."
"So by moving to a worse culture, the quality of your life increases?"
"Wow! You really are unsophisticated! Aren't you?"

I think all HP's posts are good humored bantering. But it is interesting that he abandons the most enlightened culture of the last 8000 years to live in the declining west. Which tells me primarily, that he does not expect to live 1,000s of years, and if you can find a place that does not suck for a few decades, you are doing alright for yourself.

"We" be damned! In the long and the short run, we are all a bunch of me's!
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.

I think all HP's posts are good humored bantering. But it is interesting that he abandons the most enlightened culture of the last 8000 years to live in the declining west. Which tells me primarily, that he does not expect to live 1,000s of years, and if you can find a place that does not suck for a few decades, you are doing alright for yourself.


Imagine a Chinese would live in Shanghai when Brits were beheading Chinese nationalist revolting agains Britain forcing China to import Opium and pay with Gold .. Opium Wars

Imagine same Chinese living September 2017 in Shanghai :lol:

That Chinese guy probably living in NY in 1860, now lives in Shanghai

Shanghai was terrorized by Brits in 1800's .. later by Japanese .. thanks God uncle Mao put an end to all that and we have now a China who's taking over the world.

Same thing happening in our beloved Persia, SM

China AND Persia, had to stay "dormant" when hurricane winds surprised them, Tchingiz Khan, Kublai Khan, Brits, Tzars, Ottomans, Japanese and now Trump :lol: .. wind blowing over wheat field, things bend .. when things sunny again, they arise higher than before

Wind already passed over China .. Iran still windy but halfway through

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Marriage, has become yet another part of American life
reserved for those who are most privileged

Fewer Americans are marrying over all, and whether they do so is more tied to socioeconomic status than ever before. In recent years, marriage has sharply declined among people without college degrees, while staying steady among college graduates with higher incomes.

Currently, 26 percent of poor adults, 39 percent of working-class adults and 56 percent of middle- and upper-class adults are married, according to a research brief published today from two think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute and Opportunity America. In 1970, about 82 percent of adults were married, and in 1990, about two-thirds were, with little difference based on class and education.

A big reason for the decline: Unemployed men are less likely to be seen as marriage material.

“Women don’t want to take a risk on somebody who’s not going to be able to provide anything,” said Sharon Sassler, a sociologist at Cornell who published “Cohabitation Nation: Gender, Class, and the Remaking of Relationships” with Amanda Jayne Miller last month.

As marriage has declined, though, childbearing has not, which means that more children are living in families without two parents and the resources they bring.

Hmmmmm .. sad

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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

HP in nika temporary marriage with North America. :lol:
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Marriage, has become yet another part of American life
reserved for those who are most privileged

Fewer Americans are marrying over all, and whether they do so is more tied to socioeconomic status than ever before. In recent years, marriage has sharply declined among people without college degrees, while staying steady among college graduates with higher incomes.

Currently, 26 percent of poor adults, 39 percent of working-class adults and 56 percent of middle- and upper-class adults are married, according to a research brief published today from two think tanks, the American Enterprise Institute and Opportunity America. In 1970, about 82 percent of adults were married, and in 1990, about two-thirds were, with little difference based on class and education.

A big reason for the decline: Unemployed men are less likely to be seen as marriage material.

“Women don’t want to take a risk on somebody who’s not going to be able to provide anything,” said Sharon Sassler, a sociologist at Cornell who published “Cohabitation Nation: Gender, Class, and the Remaking of Relationships” with Amanda Jayne Miller last month.

As marriage has declined, though, childbearing has not, which means that more children are living in families without two parents and the resources they bring.

Hmmmmm .. sad

very sad. When the feminists ain't envying your penis....... or your paycheck.... nuff said!
Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

I think all HP's posts are good humored bantering. But it is interesting that he abandons the most enlightened culture of the last 8000 years to live in the declining west. Which tells me primarily, that he does not expect to live 1,000s of years, and if you can find a place that does not suck for a few decades, you are doing alright for yourself.


Imagine a Chinese would live in Shanghai when Brits were beheading Chinese nationalist revolting agains Britain forcing China to import Opium and pay with Gold .. Opium Wars

Imagine same Chinese living September 2017 in Shanghai :lol:

That Chinese guy probably living in NY in 1860, now lives in Shanghai

Shanghai was terrorized by Brits in 1800's .. later by Japanese .. thanks God uncle Mao put an end to all that and we have now a China who's taking over the world.

Same thing happening in our beloved Persia, SM

China AND Persia, had to stay "dormant" when hurricane winds surprised them, Tchingiz Khan, Kublai Khan, Brits, Tzars, Ottomans, Japanese and now Trump :lol: .. wind blowing over wheat field, things bend .. when things sunny again, they arise higher than before

Wind already passed over China .. Iran still windy but halfway through

I hope it all turns around before you die my friend. best of luck to you and the Pomegranates.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

I think all HP's posts are good humored bantering. But it is interesting that he abandons the most enlightened culture of the last 8000 years to live in the declining west. Which tells me primarily, that he does not expect to live 1,000s of years, and if you can find a place that does not suck for a few decades, you are doing alright for yourself.


Imagine a Chinese would live in Shanghai when Brits were beheading Chinese nationalist revolting agains Britain forcing China to import Opium and pay with Gold .. Opium Wars

Imagine same Chinese living September 2017 in Shanghai :lol:

That Chinese guy probably living in NY in 1860, now lives in Shanghai

Shanghai was terrorized by Brits in 1800's .. later by Japanese .. thanks God uncle Mao put an end to all that and we have now a China who's taking over the world.

Same thing happening in our beloved Persia, SM

China AND Persia, had to stay "dormant" when hurricane winds surprised them, Tchingiz Khan, Kublai Khan, Brits, Tzars, Ottomans, Japanese and now Trump :lol: .. wind blowing over wheat field, things bend .. when things sunny again, they arise higher than before

Wind already passed over China .. Iran still windy but halfway through


I hope it all turns around before you die my friend. best of luck to you and the Pomegranates.


This are big developments, takes "generations", probably 100+ yrs, 60 more yrs left. :lol:

What is going on in ME is, Iran got rid of it's "Shah", now people (by trial and error) trying to find the door to modernity and the new world .. that path was "blocked" last 200 yrs by colonial powers, Russian Tzars, British Empire, Ottomans (America innocent in this, so far) .. Western powers still wouldn't let go and making things difficult for Iranians, a mistake .. but things will work out as our beloved Persia has very solid platform, base, in Persian civilization & culture


The 10 Ton gorilla in room is the Arab speaking block .. their "Shahs" would not let go yet .. Arab speakers (Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc etc) must first get rid of their "Sheiks" .. once Sheikhs gone, people must decide what next .. that can take generations .. making things difficult is lack of any "high civilization" in Arabian history, that is where Persia comes into play. :D , that's why West, America should back Pomegranates taking over "responsibility" of cleaning the barn, don't listen to BiBi.

All this can take generations, 100+ yrs

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:HP in nika temporary marriage with North America. :lol:


Not quite .. HP looks up to western civilization and culture, enjoying the ride.

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
Nonc Hilaire wrote:HP in nika temporary marriage with North America. :lol:


Not quite .. HP looks up to western civilization and culture, enjoying the ride.


I know exactly what you mean.... probably should go under Trump Wins..... ... drive.html
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The world of Roy Moore

Homosexuality should be illegal

In 2005, Moore said: “Homosexual conduct should be illegal.” In an interview televised on C-Span, Moore added: “It is immoral. It is defined by the law as detestable.” During a debate last week, he went out of his way to bemoan the fact that “sodomy [and] sexual perversion sweep the land”.

September 11 attacks as divine punishment

In a speech in February, Moore appeared to suggest that the terrorist attacks of September 11 were the result of divine retribution against the United States and prophesized in the Book of Isaiah. In comments first reported by CNN, Moore quoted Isaiah 30:12-13, saying: “Because you have despised His word and trust in perverseness and oppression, and say thereon ... therefore this iniquity will be to you as a breach ready to fall, swell out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instance.” Moore then noted: “Sounds a little bit like the Pentagon, whose breaking came suddenly at an instance, doesn’t it?” He added: “If you think that’s coincidence, if you go to verse 25: ‘There should be up on every high mountain and upon every hill, rivers and streams of water in the day of the great slaughter when the towers will fall.’”

Praise for Putin

In an interview with the Guardian in August, Moore praised Putin for his views on gay rights. “Maybe Putin is right,” said Moore, who added of the Russian autocrat: “Maybe he’s more akin to me than I know.” The comments came after Moore suggested the United States could be described as “the focus of evil in the world” because “we promote a lot of bad things”. Moore specifically named gay marriage as one of those “bad things”.

Hmmmm .. interesting .. poor Ahmadinejat, he was saying same thing. :lol:

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Arizona must think it a good thing Senator McCain has the emotional disposition of a teenager.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:HP in nika temporary marriage with North America. :lol:
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

If I lived in Arizona I would vote Democrat to get rid of McCain. Probably his last term though. The Senate keeps getting more conservative.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Ayatollah Roy Moore
God’s law above the U.S. Constitution.

That's what Ayatollahs saying .. they sayin who the f*ck the people, God decides. :lol:

Oh Lord, what happened to our beloved U.S. of A. :lol:


Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Ayatollah Roy Moore
God’s law above the U.S. Constitution.

That's what Ayatollahs saying .. they sayin who the f*ck the people, God decides. :lol:

Oh Lord, what happened to our beloved U.S. of A. :lol:


we're becoming Pomegranates? ;)

U slow life types are gonna miss our previously inferior culture....... :(
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.
Ayatollah Roy Moore
God’s law above the U.S. Constitution.

That's what Ayatollahs saying .. they sayin who the f*ck the people, God decides. :lol:

Oh Lord, what happened to our beloved U.S. of A. :lol:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Roy Moore as American as apple pie.

God Bless America.
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