Trump wins!

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Typhoon »

NY Post | Unhinged coverage of Trump is hurting the media
Teen Vogue has done so badly trading teen fixations for lefty harrumphing that this latest issue, which is also guest-edited by Her Hillaryness, will be the last to hit newsstands.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Long Divided
Iran Unites Against Trump and Saudis
in a Nationalist Fervor

. . they now believe they have something to be proud of, with Iranian-led militias playing a central role in defeating the Islamic State militant group in Syria and Iraq, increasing Iran’s regional influence in the process.

:lol: :lol:

Trump was G_D sent Omen for the mad mullahs .. Barack Hussein couldn't fool our beloved Pomegranates.


"long divided..." I thought all Pomegranates lived in blissful harmony in remote mountain villages.....

"they now believe they have something to be proud of...." so they didn't have anything to be proud of previously? What about 5000 years of glorious morally and intellectually superior culture?

How many men are cable of boosting the self-esteem of an entire nation? Trump truly is Allah's gift to Iran!

Trump the uniter! So HP, when are you moving back to Iran? Now that Trump has fixed it! :P

Gotta love the NYT. They try so hard.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

Typhoon wrote:NY Post | Unhinged coverage of Trump is hurting the media
Teen Vogue has done so badly trading teen fixations for lefty harrumphing that this latest issue, which is also guest-edited by Her Hillaryness, will be the last to hit newsstands.

:lol: :lol: Thanks for posting. The article you posted from Victor Davis Hanson summed up the current zeitgeist of the coastal elites nicely.

Whoa! :o New motto for 2020, replace "We're all Socialists now!" with "We're are Sociology Scientists now!"

Lots of smart people can't be wrong!

" The culture warriors’ incessant politicization of everything has reached new levels of the ridiculous. At Newsweek on Monday, a story about a sociological study that revealed women like men who appear to be strong and wealthy was headlined in all caps: “MEN WITH MUSCLES AND MONEY ARE MORE ATTRACTIVE TO STRAIGHT WOMEN AND GAY MEN — SHOWING GENDER ROLES AREN’T PROGRESSING.” What’s more, this story was filed under “Tech & Science” rather than “Opinion.”

Over at Cosmopolitan, they’ve been running headlines like “This Theory About Why Donald Trump Actually Won the Election Will Leave You Worrying About Humankind.” Suddenly Cosmo’s unofficial motto is “Hot Sex Tips — and Why You Should Be Worrying About Humankind.” The GQ Resistance, meanwhile, is being run by the left-leaning Keith Olbermann, whose style is reflected in pieces with titles like “It’s Your Civic Duty to Ruin Thanksgiving by Bringing Up Trump.”
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Can somebody send this to Trump, pleeeeeease .. :D

Persian_Gulf_Veterans_National_Medal_of_US.jpg (52.18 KiB) Viewed 910 times

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Why Many Christian Conservatives Support Roy Moore

Alabama Senate race could determine whether Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Lives of millions of unborn may be at stake.

Makes sense

Abortion no birth control.

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Trump keeps winning
:D :lol:
Trump building a big, beautiful deficit
and rely on China pay for it

Assuming they pass, Republican tax plans are forecast to increase the federal debt by about $1.3 trillion to $1.6 trillion over the coming decade . .

Kiss goodbye U$

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Trump keeps winning
:D :lol:
Trump building a big, beautiful deficit
and rely on China pay for it

Assuming they pass, Republican tax plans are forecast to increase the federal debt by about $1.3 trillion to $1.6 trillion over the coming decade . .

Kiss goodbye U$

Hardly new. Everyone wants their taxes to be lower, yet also expects their Senators and Representatives to bring home the goodies and the freebies.

Reason | A Bipartisan Tradition of Enabling Spendaholics

China has their own massive debt bubble esp in the grey market.
A reckoning for China will come,
the only question is when, not if.

Speculators have been "kissing the US dollar goodbye" for decades and losing their shirts.
At some point in the distant future, they will be right.

Protip. There is more to economics and geopolitics than "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


This one a JackPot for Trump
A rare condemnation of the US president by Theresa May

The US president retweeted the videos without comment, before turning to more familiar territory, suggesting a boycott of “Fake News CNN”, celebrating the level of the stock market, and commenting on the firing of NBC anchor Matt Lauer.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


A strange pattern developing .. each time something very dramatic happens, North Korea explode a hydrogen bomb, or shoots a ICBM missile, Trump tweets some irrelevant but very controversial low level stuff.

Last night NK shoots it's latest ICBM missile able to reach all US, minutes later Trump tweets 2-bit anti Muslim clips

Looks like "distraction" strategy .. maybe he distracting from something dramatic he planing :lol:

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

A strange pattern developing .. each time something very dramatic happens, North Korea explode a hydrogen bomb, or shoots a ICBM missile, Trump tweets some irrelevant but very controversial low level stuff.

Last night NK shoots it's latest ICBM missile able to reach all US, minutes later Trump tweets 2-bit anti Muslim clips

Looks like "distraction" strategy .. maybe he distracting from something dramatic he planing :lol:

The Marine Corps is running the US, not Trump.

NK has ICBMs and H-bomb. Iran is not even atomic, but Iran has far more resources and brainpower. Figure out which rogue nation has big bombs and rockets to figure out who really owns NK and maybe why the US is not tweeting strategy through our titular head of state. Perhaps those NK firecrackers are really intended for Tehran.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:.

Perhaps those NK firecrackers are really intended for Tehran.


You lost me, NK, you lost me

please says again,

You mean meat ball Kim Jong-un real aim is Tehran, but using Donald as decoy ? ? sort of Scarecrow ? ? :lol:

Hmmmm .. didn't think about that, must admit

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:.

Perhaps those NK firecrackers are really intended for Tehran.


You lost me, NK, you lost me

please says again,

You mean meat ball Kim Jong-un real aim is Tehran, but using Donald as decoy ? ? sort of Scarecrow ? ? :lol:

Hmmmm .. didn't think about that, must admit

I don't know anything, but NK is a backward country where uranium is hand mined by political prisoners using picks, shovels and buckets. How can they build this superweapons tech decades ahead of modern Iran ? Obviously somebody not Iran with pre-existing tech controls NK and is providing the weapons show.

Kim Jong-un and Trump are figureheads only. Ignore them. US Marines control the US, and a country with thermonuclear ICBM technologies controls NK. This all seems like basic observation one can find in public news reports.

Could a NK ICBM fly a great circle route and hit Tehran? I think it is possible. Do not follow public narratives connect the obvious dots yourself.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by noddy »

kill the chicken to frighten the monkey
Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: I don't know anything, but NK is a backward country where uranium is hand mined by political prisoners using picks, shovels and buckets. How can they build this superweapons tech decades ahead of modern Iran ? Obviously somebody not Iran with pre-existing tech controls NK and is providing the weapons show.

Kim Jong-un and Trump are figureheads only. Ignore them. US Marines control the US, and a country with thermonuclear ICBM technologies controls NK. This all seems like basic observation one can find in public news reports.

Could a NK ICBM fly a great circle route and hit Tehran? I think it is possible. Do not follow public narratives connect the obvious dots yourself.
NK is the puppet state of the US that will nuke Tehran?

You are brilliant!
Simple Minded

Re: Trump wins!

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:kill the chicken to frighten the monkey
Somebody is gonna yell Racism! about that statement.....

Probably not Asians or ME's but rich white unemployed SJW's.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:.

Perhaps those NK firecrackers are really intended for Tehran.


You lost me, NK, you lost me

please says again,

You mean meat ball Kim Jong-un real aim is Tehran, but using Donald as decoy ? ? sort of Scarecrow ? ? :lol:

Hmmmm .. didn't think about that, must admit

I don't know anything, but NK is a backward country where uranium is hand mined by political prisoners using picks, shovels and buckets. How can they build this superweapons tech decades ahead of modern Iran ? Obviously somebody not Iran with pre-existing tech controls NK and is providing the weapons show.

Kim Jong-un and Trump are figureheads only. Ignore them. US Marines control the US, and a country with thermonuclear ICBM technologies controls NK. This all seems like basic observation one can find in public news reports.

Could a NK ICBM fly a great circle route and hit Tehran? I think it is possible. Do not follow public narratives connect the obvious dots yourself.


Could be

Technology NK demonstrating can only come from Russia (maybe Ukraine or Belarus as ex USSR) or China (or maybe South Korea), although read an article saying NK much more sophisticated and advanced than western media reporting (was in Iranian papers), article said NK is 100% self sufficient, very rich in natural resources, top scientist etc etc .. have the feeling western Joe misinformed re NK .. back in 60's media said similar stuff re "Red China", and now Chinese (and mad mullahs) drink $ 5,000 Cognac a bottle like you guys drink Pepsi, by full glass :lol:

Look, ICBM, nuclear bombs, Hydrogen bombs, neutron bomb, Drones , malware and and and , pretty soon commodity stuff, west should get used to it

What to do about it ? ?

Change to be a nice human being, read RUMI (Molana), send a team of emisary to learn art of "Humanität" from our beloved Pomegranates :lol: .. those "Old Good Days" approach does not work anymore

As said many times, Japan colonized Korea, used their daughter as comfort girls for Imperial army .. Japan did not pay compensation, Japan should pay NOW .. In that dispute NK is right, legitimate demand

Japan should signs the Wiedergutmachung,

Once done, US should leave Korean peninsula and leave South and North unite on their own terms, they bothers and sisters and will settle amicably, same as North and South Vietnam did

But NO .. US wants a war (China and Russia and Japan and a few others will have their fingers in too) .. OK .. if so, it will cut both ways (why the complain ?)

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Simple Minded wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote: I don't know anything, but NK is a backward country where uranium is hand mined by political prisoners using picks, shovels and buckets. How can they build this superweapons tech decades ahead of modern Iran ? Obviously somebody not Iran with pre-existing tech controls NK and is providing the weapons show.

Kim Jong-un and Trump are figureheads only. Ignore them. US Marines control the US, and a country with thermonuclear ICBM technologies controls NK. This all seems like basic observation one can find in public news reports.

Could a NK ICBM fly a great circle route and hit Tehran? I think it is possible. Do not follow public narratives connect the obvious dots yourself.
NK is the puppet state of the US that will nuke Tehran?

You are brilliant!
Netanyahu's Israel would be a more likely candidate. In any event, the development was far too quick for a country still struggling with diesel subs. NK could not do it, and nobody could do it that quickly. The technology had to be imported from somewhere else.

A great way to start a war and blame it on NK.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Parodite »

How did North Korea get nuclear weapons?

Easy. China and Russia love a nuclear maniac at their border who hates the USA. The mad dog who guards your back door. Add opportunistic western business people and engineers who just love to make a big buck. Add some Pakistani muslim desperado engineers (thief Kahn and Co) who hate the West enough no matter what. Anything that hates the West is an ally.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:How did North Korea get nuclear weapons?

Easy. China and Russia love a nuclear maniac at their border who hates the USA. The mad dog who guards your back door. Add opportunistic western business people and engineers who just love to make a big buck. Add some Pakistani muslim desperado engineers (thief Kahn and Co) who hate the West enough no matter what. Anything that hates the West is an ally.

Nuclear stuff now no secret, if one ready to spend the money, no problemo.

NK neither nuclear maniac nor hates US .. US carpet bombed NK, a lot of atrocities towards Korean people .. get your facts straight before distorting them .. West should leave far east to Chinese and Japanese and Koreans, they will sort it out themselves, they have done so last 10,000 yrs, no need of western arbitration.


Pakistani or Iranian or Korean and Chinese engineers excellent .. notion Chinese "stealing" technology assumes Chinese idi*ots, racism.

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Not nuclear. Thermonuclear.

Lots of reasonable hypotheses except the one we are fed: that Rocket Man is responsible. Rocket Man is landlord only.
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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


This probably also a WIN for trump

The Self-Destruction of American Democracy

President Trump has single-handedly done more to undermine the basic tenets of American democracy than any foreign agent or foreign propaganda campaign could.

“Trump is a political weapon of mass self-destruction for American democracy — for its norms, for its morality, for sheer human decency,” Henry Aaron, a senior fellow at Brookings, wrote by email:

So if Putin backed him, and if he did it to damage the United States, then he dropped one extremely smart bomb in the middle of Washington.

For the moment, let’s put aside the conclusion of “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections,” the F.B.I., C.I.A. and N.S.A. joint report that was released in January, which said that:

The Kremlin sought to advance its longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, the promotion of which Putin and other senior Russian leaders view as a threat to Russia and Putin’s regime.


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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI,
cooperating with Mueller

O Boy, O Boy .. Trump hit the JackPot

Flynn starts singing .. pleads guilt, says Trump guys asked him to contact Russia etc etc.


What a disaster

Looks like Vladimiro running our beloved U.S of A.

Next is Kushner, he knows too much .. Special prosecutor will offer him a deal .. BANG

Holly Macaroni .. didn't think Donald going bust so quick

Was sensing something coming .. Mr. Perfect was silent

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Re: Trump wins!

Post by Doc »

Senate passes tax reform

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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