Trump loses!

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Trump lives in a
‘SHAFTA’ fantasy land
where U.S. is a trade victim

Given the U.S. mindset in overhauling the North American free-trade agreement, Canada could alert air-traffic control, turn on the runway lights and mobilize the ground crew. But Donald Trump, unfortunately, is up in Air Force One looking for a completely different airport, in some fantasy land where the United States is a victim of trade.

For years now, a poisonous narrative has become rooted in the U.S. psyche – namely, that the world is ripping off Americans on trade. It is the narrative that helped get Mr. Trump elected, and it is the mantra now guiding U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer at the NAFTA negotiating table.

Trade has become a winner-take-all sport in which the balance of trade is like the scoreboard at a football game. Post a trade deficit with the rest of the world – as the United States has consistently done since the early 1990s – and you are automatically the loser. No trip to the Trade Bowl for you.

A lot of people are complicit in letting this wacky view of the world become dogma. For years, U.S. politicians, corporate leaders, labour bosses and the media have all failed to effectively challenge the underlying premise.


The Trump administration looks at NAFTA and sees SHAFTA, as White House trade adviser Peter Navarro mockingly calls the deal. Asked if he'll walk away from the agreement, Mr. Trump told the Fox Business Network last Sunday: "We can't allow the world to look at us as a whipping post. Not going to happen any more."

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross put it more bluntly: He said the United States is demanding that Canada and Mexico "give up some privileges that they have enjoyed for 22 years" and get nothing in return.


It's hard to imagine a more accommodating neighbour than Canada. We are far and away the largest market for U.S. goods and services, buying $321.4-billion worth last year alone. That is nearly twice as much as China, three times more than Japan and more than Britain, France, Germany and Italy combined. Meanwhile, Canada has been losing export market share to other countries in the U.S. market for nearly decade.

If anyone is getting shafted, it's us.


SM , how you doin ? .. stop nagging Justin (Trudeau) :lol:

Look guys , American military was not for bringing democracy and freedom to Chile or Nicaragua or Iran or Vietnam , or :lol: Afghanistan.

American military was for make sure those countries "sign on dotted line" with American capital.

Now, American military can't enforce anything anymore .. that is why America economically on downhill slope.

Instead of getting the message and embarking on an Herculean "goodwill" crusade towards all the NEW WORLD, Bolton & Co. doubling down on past failed dreams.


Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »


You are right. It is time for the US to play the victim card.



Wow, that felt good. :P
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Simple Minded wrote:.


You are right. It is time for the US to play the victim card.



Wow, that felt good. :P


:lol: :lol: :lol: .. SM, Ayatollahs can't stop laughing , CAN NOT

Here directly from horse's mouth , Mr. Perfect, you have been coned (again).
Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Simple Minded wrote:.


You are right. It is time for the US to play the victim card.



Wow, that felt good. :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: .. SM, Ayatollahs can't stop laughing , CAN NOT
You do realize HP, that everything you post would seem more credible if you were actually living in the ME or Iran rather than the decadent, declining, doomed West, right?

You are like Al Gore buying ocean front property........ Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you say! :P
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Simple Minded wrote:.

You are like Al Gore buying ocean front property........ Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you say ! :P


Water front property ! ! ! .. SM, how you know HP livin @ water in West Vancouver ? :lol:

And, SM

This sooooo funny ... 1137824768 ... 8389336064 ... un-general ... mp-n815521

SM, lying a SIN in Islam, Rouhani (an Ayatollah) can't lie :) .. but , Senator Bob Corker sayin, Trump "lier in chief" :lol:

What a disaster .. what a disaster

Simple Minded

Re: Trump loses!

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:.

You are like Al Gore buying ocean front property........ Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you say ! :P

Water front property ! ! ! .. SM, how you know HP livin @ water in West Vancouver ? :lol:

SM, lying a SIN in Islam, Rouhani (an Ayatollah) can't lie :) .. but , Senator Bob Corker sayin, Trump "lier in chief" :lol:

What a disaster .. what a disaster
Elementary my dear Azeri Watson. Most coastal elites are bat-shite crazy. I just deduced that since you crazy, you probably live on coast. :P

You not thinking straight. When the sky falls, which you are always predicting, the resulting tsunami will wipe you out.

Which will be real disaster! :)

Best to get to remote village in Iranian mountains now. Unless you already practicing taqqiya! :P
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

HP, you have been repeatedly asked by the mod to post in the appropriated section.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:HP, you have been repeatedly asked by the mod to post in the appropriated section.

With all due respect, CS

"Posting in appropriate" thread valid when a "new" subject is posted .. agree, a NEW subject should go to the "appropriate" thread


When debating "back and forth" (leading to all kinds of direction and subject ), how can one post (answer to the other poster) in multiple different threads ? ? ? .. would lead to "wild-goose chase" .. imagine each answer goes to a different thread :lol:

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

"Trump loses" is only for posts directly related to POTUS Trump.

This mod has had it. Any unrelated posts will, as stated before, be summarily deleted.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Senator Jeff Flake, Arizona Republican
“will no longer be complicit or silent”

Mr. Flake made his announcement in an extraordinary 17-minute speech in which he challenged not only the president but also his party’s leadership. He deplored the “casual undermining of our democratic ideals” and “the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency” that he said had become prevalent in American politics in the era of Mr. Trump.

Full Transcript :
Jeff Flake’s Speech on the Senate Floor


This should be in "Trump wins" section.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

This should be in "Trump wins" section.


The New Yorker
Trump Accuses Clinton of Deliberately Losing Election So He Could Be Impeached


“Hillary Clinton deliberately plotted to put me in the White House, and the American people should be very angry about that,” Trump said.

Trump Accuses Clinton of Deliberately Losing Election So He Could Be Impeached

“How could one of the most experienced politicians in history lose to the most unfit candidate ever?” Trump asked



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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

You realize Trump is going to be a 2 term successful President, right?
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The administration’s explanation doesn’t make much sense :


Asked why Trump wanted to meet with Rouhani, the official said it was “in order to say, ‘Here’s all the mean stuff you do in the world, and we want you to stop. . . . If not, you should know we’re working on a strategy to get you to confront all of this.’ ”

The primary message, the official said, was that “the golden Obama-era window of rapprochement is over.”


If that account is correct, Trump wanted to meet with Rouhani for the sole purpose of issuing a threat, but that seems bizarre as well. There would be no reason to have a high-level meeting between presidents to deliver such an insulting message. There would certainly be no reason for their president to agree to a meeting where this would take place. Trump’s U.N. speech had already made the administration’s hostility to Iran perfectly clear, and the Iranian government could hardly fail to miss that. If this bungled attempt at making contact with Iran is any indication of how the administration thinks diplomacy is supposed to work, things are much worse than we thought.


:lol: :lol: .. SM, can't stop laughing

What a disaster

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Trump Ceding Global Leadership to China

While Mr. Trump shuns multilateralism and global governance, Mr. Xi increasingly embraces them.

The Trump administration has belittled the United Nations, withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, jettisoned America’s commitment to the Paris climate accord, tried to renege on the nuclear deal with Iran, questioned America’s core alliances in Europe and Asia, disparaged the World Trade Organization and multicountry trade deals, and sought to shut the door on immigrants.

Mr. Xi? He has grabbed leadership of the climate-change agenda, embraced the World Trade Organization’s dispute-resolution system and increased China’s voting shares at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Beijing is forging ahead with a trade pact that would include the major Asian economies plus Australia and New Zealand, but not the United States. China is now one of the leading contributors to the United Nations budget and peacekeeping operations. And Mr. Xi is making a determined play to attract the world’s cutting-edge scientists and innovators to China.


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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


A Dose of Historical Reality


Americans seem not to understand that for over 2,500 years, Iran (known as Persia until 1935), one way or another, dominated Middle Eastern politics and culture. It has always been a regional hegemon, and sees that as its rightful role.


From the Indus to the Aegean Sea, and from the Jaxartes to the Nile, the Pomegranates ruled supreme.


Trump and his administration must come to understand that Iran is not going to curb its drive for regional supremacy.



Well, folks , that's is it

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Folks ,

Seems Saudi military buildup in Cyprus underway, 2 US and one French aircraft carriers arriving soon at the Lebanese coast .. Israel, US and SA going after Hezbollah In Lebanon.

Non of my business,

But .. Remember this

Report say, all Lebanon now united , Sunni, Christians and Shia

Things could go, as did in Iraq, the other direction (Iran bagging Lebanon and Arabia this time) :lol:

Somebody should tell this Donald

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Re: Trump loses!

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Cotton, Pompeo And Trump
close ideological allies on foreign policy

can do untold damage to U.S. national security.

In March 2015, the junior Senator from Arkansas ― Tom Cotton ― was derided for writing a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader in the midst of sensitive negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, warning that any deal with Iran could be revoked by the next U.S. President “with the stroke of a pen.” The letter, signed by 46 of his colleagues, was unprecedented, helping to blur the lines between partisan politics and serious national security matters and potentially delivering a fatal blow to the notion that politics stops at the water’s edge. It provoked a strong outcry, with many casting the letter as traitorous and Cotton as in over his head. Few could imagine, however, that by today Cotton would be poised to become the next potential director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under a President even more committed to laying waste to the norms of Washington, Donald Trump.

As bad as the Trump administration has been, it can always get worse. And that is precisely what will happen if the Trump administration follows through with a reported plan to replace Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo and nominate Tom Cotton to take Pompeo’s old position. Both Cotton, a protege of Iraq war champion Bill Kristol who received nearly a million dollars from Kristol’s Emergency Committee for Israel in his 2014 Senate campaign, and Pompeo, a former Tea Party Congressman from Kansas until his elevation to CIA Director earlier this year, have been pioneers in blurring the lines between political hackery and national security, a terrifying notion for the potential chief diplomat and a top spymaster. If the moves are finalized, Cotton and Pompeo will do untold damage to U.S. national security, and their first order of business will almost certainly be to scrap the Iran nuclear deal and lay the groundwork for a disastrous war with Iran.

Pompeo and Cotton are close ideological allies on foreign policy, having worked closely to undermine President Obama’s negotiations and later prevent the Iran nuclear deal from surviving Congressional review. In 2014, the two spoke to reporters on the Iran negotiations, with Cotton saying “I hope that Congress’ role will be to put an end to these negotiations.” If there was any doubt what their alternative to negotiations was, Pompeo clarified “In an unclassified setting, it is under 2,000 sorties to destroy the Iranian nuclear capacity. This is not an insurmountable task for the coalition forces.”

Time did little to sober Cotton and Pompeo’s hawkishness on Iran. After the nuclear deal had been finalized that summer, Cotton and Pompeo traveled to Vienna to review the International Atomic Energy Agency’s plan to finalize its long-running investigation into prior, possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program. While such plans are routinely kept confidential in order to ensure that the inspected state’s security is not in any way compromised, the pair of hawks spun that technical plan into a nefarious, “secret side deal” they alleged the administration was withholding from the American public. Nothing could be further from the truth, but Cotton and Pompeo used their hyping of the facts to further their campaign against the deal.

Cotton downplayed military action against Iran again in August of 2015, stating “I don’t think any military expert in the United States or elsewhere would say the U.S. military is not capable to setting Iran’s nuclear facilities back to day zero.” Of course, there is a difference between capabilities and what is in the national interest, and many have warned that Iran could quickly reconstitute its program after bombing and move quickly toward a nuclear weapon. Cotton seemed to have recognized this, though the notion of repeatedly bombing Iran - known in hawkish circles as “mowing the lawn” ― did not seem to bother him. “Can we eliminate it (Iran’s nuclear program) forever? No, because any advanced industrialized country can develop nuclear weapons in four to seven years, from zero. But we can set them back to day zero.”

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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

. ... .html?_r=0

You know you have a problem when you’ve been president for less than 11 months and you’re already relying on Richard Nixon’s definition of what’s legal.


On Monday morning, Axios reported that Mr. Trump’s top personal lawyer, John Dowd, said in an interview that the “president cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer” under the Constitution and “has every right to express his view of any case.”


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Re: Trump loses!

Post by noddy »

net neutrality is a big lose for the republican senate.

the internet will get sliced up into cable tv type packages and things like this site will be like paying $10 extra for foreign movies.

the basic package will be subsidised by players like facebook or cnn and be 100% fake news for the poor.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Battle for "Self-Preservation"

Even when Mr. Trump is in a lighthearted mood, hints of anxiety waft over the table like steam over a teacup. In September, he met with evangelical leaders to reassure them that he would still pursue their agenda despite a flirtation with Democrats.

“The Christians know all the things I’m doing for them, right?” he asked, according to three attendees, who reported praising his positions on issues like abortion and Planned Parenthood.

When the guests depart, the remote control comes back out. He is less likely to tweet at this hour, when the news he would react to is mostly recycled from hours earlier. But he watches Ms. Pirro and her fellow Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, and sometimes “hate-watches” CNN to get worked up, especially Don Lemon.

In between, it is time for phone calls, to people he has fired like Corey Lewandowski and Mr. Bannon, old friends like Thomas J. Barrack Jr. and Richard LeFrak, and more recently Republican lawmakers, especially Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina, the head of the conservative Freedom Caucus. This is when his fixations are unfettered: Russia, Mrs. Clinton, Barack Obama, the “fake news” media, his bitter disappointment with Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

In recent weeks, Mr. Trump’s friends have noticed a different pitch, acknowledging that many aides and even his own relatives could be hurt by Mr. Mueller’s investigation. As for himself, he has adopted a surprisingly fatalistic attitude, according to several people he speaks with regularly.

“It’s life,” he said of the investigation.

From there it is off to bed for what usually amounts to five or six hours of sleep. Then the television will be blaring again, he will reach for his iPhone and the battle will begin anew.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Typhoon »

Nat Post | Trump-backed Roy Moore suffers stunning loss to Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama Senate election
It was the first Democratic Senate victory in a quarter-century in Alabama, one of the reddest of red states, and proved anew that party loyalty is anything but sure in the age of Trump.
US Senate now 51 Republicans to 49 Democrats.
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Re: Trump loses!

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The Democrat almost lost to an accused pursuer of the underaged. Nothing to really read into it.

OTOH in 2018 10 Democrats are up for re-election in states Trump won. Forgive me while I yawn.
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