US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Toronto Suddenly Has a New Craving :
Syrian Food

Until recently, Syrian cuisine hardly existed in Toronto. With just a few hundred families, the Syrian population was too small to support a restaurant scene. But over the past two years, following the high-profile resettlement of more than 50,000 refugees in Canada, the Toronto area — where over 11,000 of them live — is experiencing the green shoots of a Syrian-food boom.


What does this have to do with US foreign policy? There seems to be a correlation between your inability to stay on subject, pee and poo no matter where and when and your Greater Persia desires.

This central to US foreign policy , and Trump

Canada took 50,000 Syrian refugee and this shows those refugees integrate well, and enrich Canada .. said many times when Iranian arrived in Vancouver 1980, Banana was the most exotic fruit in Vancouver, Iranians started and later Chinese to make Vancouver now "premier City" of North America.

FYI, now in Vancouver, many top medical doctors, medical specialist and medical surgeon in hospital are young Iranian doctors who studied in UBC

Central to Trump foreign policy (and seems your's too) Muslim this and that

Without Syrians there would be no Apple Computer :lol:

Simple Minded wrote:
Parodite wrote:
What does this have to do with US foreign policy? There seems to be a correlation between your inability to stay on subject, pee and poo no matter where and when and your Greater Persia desires.
C'mon Parodite.... I can't believe you don't see the obvious chain of cause and effect here.

More Syrians move into Toronto. Syrians restaurants become more popular. Grater Persia re-emerges as the most stupendous culture the world have ever known.

A then B then C.

Is that really so hard to follow? ;). I'll admit, it could also be due to climate change .....


:lol: :lol: .. true

SM, 1.5 million Iranians are on the waiting list to Canada .. :D

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Swarming drones have been used by terrorists

At first the Russians blamed the Turks. Next they blamed the Americans and pointed out that a US Navy Reconnaissance plane may have been involved. More recently the Russians are accusing the Ukrainians.

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


72% of British public think
president Trump is a risk to international stability

There is talk of 2nd referendum

Brits may go back to MaMa Angela .. She who pays for the lunch. :lol:

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Parodite wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Toronto Suddenly Has a New Craving :
Syrian Food

Until recently, Syrian cuisine hardly existed in Toronto. With just a few hundred families, the Syrian population was too small to support a restaurant scene. But over the past two years, following the high-profile resettlement of more than 50,000 refugees in Canada, the Toronto area — where over 11,000 of them live — is experiencing the green shoots of a Syrian-food boom.


What does this have to do with US foreign policy? There seems to be a correlation between your inability to stay on subject, pee and poo no matter where and when and your Greater Persia desires.

This central to US foreign policy , and Trump

Canada took 50,000 Syrian refugee and this shows those refugees integrate well, and enrich Canada .. said many times when Iranian arrived in Vancouver 1980, Banana was the most exotic fruit in Vancouver, Iranians started and later Chinese to make Vancouver now "premier City" of North America.

FYI, now in Vancouver, many top medical doctors, medical specialist and medical surgeon in hospital are young Iranian doctors who studied in UBC

Central to Trump foreign policy (and seems your's too) Muslim this and that

Without Syrians there would be no Apple Computer :lol:

Simple Minded wrote:
Parodite wrote:
What does this have to do with US foreign policy? There seems to be a correlation between your inability to stay on subject, pee and poo no matter where and when and your Greater Persia desires.
C'mon Parodite.... I can't believe you don't see the obvious chain of cause and effect here.

More Syrians move into Toronto. Syrians restaurants become more popular. Grater Persia re-emerges as the most stupendous culture the world have ever known.

A then B then C.

Is that really so hard to follow? ;). I'll admit, it could also be due to climate change .....


:lol: :lol: .. true

SM, 1.5 million Iranians are on the waiting list to Canada .. :D

Smart people understand Iran is not a good place to be because Iran now is run by some very dumb people. Why do so many smart people move to Western countries? Because in the West smartness has a freedom to learn and do things in society without dumb people with their mob mentality, totalitarian tendencies and vulnerability to superstitions keeping them down.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Doc »

Parodite wrote:
Smart people understand Iran is not a good place to be because Iran now is run by some very dumb people. Why do so many smart people move to Western countries? Because in the West smartness has a freedom to learn and do things in society without dumb people with their mob mentality, totalitarian tendencies and vulnerability to superstitions keeping them down.
Very well said.
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote:.

Smart people understand Iran is not a good place to be because Iran now is run by some very dumb people. Why do so many smart people move to Western countries? Because in the West smartness has a freedom to learn and do things in society without dumb people with their mob mentality, totalitarian tendencies and vulnerability to superstitions keeping them down.


Have to agree .. dumb people run/rule our beloved Persia .. they just own Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen now (and probably soon the Sheikhdoms) .. the smart ones had to watch their citizens beheaded on life TV and their Pilots burned alive.

Military strategy scientist should give a noble price to Iranian generals, with minimum money and blood, they broke neck of western conspiracy terrorists ISIS and now own all that space.

Why should Iranian coming to Canada be any different than all those Chinese buying all Vancouver and Toronto and Montreal ? why should that be indication of any dumb leaders in Iran but geniality in Beijing ?

In fact it is excellent for "Greater Persia" idea, Iranian expose to West, pickup the good from west, enrich things back home later .. it is also good for West.

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Doc »

Breaking: Kim Jong Un has less than four months to live ... ile-launch

Japan issues false alarm over missile launch, days after Hawaii alert gaffe
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Doc wrote:Breaking: Kim Jong Un has less than four months to live ... ile-launch

Japan issues false alarm over missile launch, days after Hawaii alert gaffe
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:lol: :lol:

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Doc wrote:Breaking: Kim Jong Un has less than four months to live ... ile-launch

Japan issues false alarm over missile launch, days after Hawaii alert gaffe
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:lol: :lol:

My bad I cut off the tracking ID, but it apparently needs to be in the URL for it to work ... SKBN1F514S
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Now that Korea has nuclear & H-bomb, and has the missiles to deliver them any where in the world, West should reflect, how this happened ?

N.K (and Iran) wanted to settle with US (no nuke in return for normalization) .. N.K had a deal with US (Clinton) .. but, US pulled out of the deal, cut Oil delivery to N.K., and, things ended where we now at .. have you every heard a nuclear power, H-bomb power, disarming ? NO

Same scenario again happening with Iran .. Iran has a deal with world powers, US exiting that deal .. Iran can and will have nuke and H-bomb faster then N.K, and, missiles already on hand.

So, question is, why US doing all this ? ?

Reason is : N.K and Iran (and maybe others to come soon) are all at Russian and Chinese borders .. the more chaos there, the better, even better nuclear chaos.

That is the only explanation

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Doc »

Well Pyongyang Persicum it is more like this: ... pons_types
Phase II

1984–1986: North Korea completes construction on a 5 MWe gas-cooled, graphite-moderated nuclear reactor for plutonium production. North Korea also commences with the construction of a second 50 MWe nuclear reactor.[10]
1987: The Yongbyon IRT-2000 research reactor reaches a power rating of 8 MW.[10]
1989: Soviet control of communist governments throughout Europe begins to weaken, and the Cold War comes to a close. Post-Soviet states emerge in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. As the USSR's power declines, North Korea loses the security guarantees and economic support that had sustained it for 45 years.
Through satellite photos, the U.S. learns of new construction at a nuclear complex near the North Korean town of Yongbyon. U.S. intelligence analysts suspect that North Korea, which had signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1985 but had not yet allowed inspections of its nuclear facilities, is in the early stages of building a nuclear bomb.[12]
In response, the U.S. pursues a strategy in which North Korea's full compliance with the NPT would lead to progress on other diplomatic issues, such as the normalization of relations.
December 1990: North Korea conducts 70–80 high-explosives tests at its Yongbyon facility.[13]
1991: The U.S. withdrew its last nuclear weapons from South Korea in December 1991, though U.S. affirmation of this action was not clear, resulting in rumors persisting that nuclear weapons remained in South Korea.[14] The U.S. had deployed nuclear weapons in South Korea since January 1958, peaking in number at about 950 warheads in 1967.[15]
1992: In May, for the first time, North Korea allows a team from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Agency inspection finds inconsistencies with North Korea declarations.[16] Hans Blix, head of the IAEA, and the U.S. suspect that North Korea is secretly using its five-megawatt reactor and reprocessing facility at Yongbyon to turn spent fuel into weapons-grade plutonium. Before leaving, Blix arranges for fully equipped inspection teams to follow.
The inspections do not go well. Over the next several months, the North Koreans repeatedly block inspectors from visiting two of Yongbyon's suspected nuclear waste sites, and IAEA inspectors find evidence that the country is not revealing the full extent of its plutonium production.
1993: In March, North Korea threatens to withdraw from the NPT. Facing heavy domestic pressure from Republicans who oppose negotiations with North Korea, President Bill Clinton appoints Robert Gallucci to start a new round of negotiations. After 89 days, North Korea announces it has suspended its withdrawal. (The NPT requires three months notice before a country can withdraw.)
In December, IAEA Director-General Blix announces that the agency can no longer provide "any meaningful assurances" that North Korea is not producing nuclear weapons.
12 October 1994: the United States and North Korea signed the "Agreed Framework": North Korea agreed to freeze its plutonium production program in exchange for fuel oil, economic cooperation, and the construction of two modern light-water nuclear power plants. Eventually, North Korea's existing nuclear facilities were to be dismantled, and the spent reactor fuel taken out of the country.
26 October 1994: IAEA Chairman Hans Blix tells the British House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Select Committee the IAEA is "not very happy" with the Agreed Framework because it gives North Korea too much time to begin complying with the inspections regime.

Phase III

18 March 1996: Hans Blix tells the IAEA's Board of Governors North Korea has still not made its initial declaration of the amount of plutonium they possess, as required under the Agreed Framework, and warned that without the declaration IAEA would lose the ability to verify North Korea was not using its plutonium to develop weapons.
October 1997: spent nuclear fuel rods were encased in steel containers, under IAEA inspection.[17]
31 August 1998: North Korea launched a Paektusan-1 space launch vehicle in a launch attempt of its Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 satellite. U.S. military analysts suspect satellite launch is a ruse for the testing of an ICBM.[18] This missile flew over Japan causing the Japanese government to retract 1 billion in aid for two civilian light-water reactors.[19][20]
Phase IV ... m#Phase_IV

No matter in any event. Either Kim Jong Un dies from fatal complications in the next 4 months or he agrees to life saving "Medical Procedures"
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


“ Inter-state strategic competition,
not terrorism,
is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.”

It has become abundantly clear that President Trump does not buy his own administration’s strategic shift toward great power competition. Compare the new strategic doctrine to three of President Trump’s recent speeches—one that launched the National Security Strategy, his address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, and yesterday’s State of the Union. In each, there was at most a single, obligatory, passing reference to rivals like Russia and China, with little elaboration. In his speech to launch the National Security Strategy, he immediately followed up this reference with a plea for partnership with Putin.

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Seating plan for opening ceremony could put
Mike Pence and Kim Jong-un's sister
metres apart

The International Olympic Committee is leaving the delicate decisions on seating to the South Korean hosts. The IOC president, Thomas Bach, said he would “not make the mistake to try to interfere” as that would be “a recipe for disaster”.

One official familiar with the planning told the Reuters news agency: “This is a protocol headache … How close should the North Koreans and Americans sit, when Washington has been so public about sanctions and pressure against North Korea? And who takes a higher seat?”

North and south getting together to settle their issues .. US should leave them alone, pack and leave.

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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

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Lol tell a Democrat.
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

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0061q0wAgy1frei9shsprj30tw0xjx6p.jpg (306.4 KiB) Viewed 1633 times
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Simple Minded »

Typhoon wrote:
excellent graphical summary.
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Re: US Foreign Policy | Past and Present

Post by Typhoon »

Spenglerman opines on the China - US trade war.

ATimes - Spenglerman | Art Laffer’s Chinese curve ball
Egged on by misguided advice, the Trump administration is bringing a knife to a gunfight in its competition with China
If you want to compare the debt position of the United States and China, consider that the United States has run up US$21 trillion in government debt, and has nothing to show for it but future obligations to pay entitlements. China has run up a similar amount of debt but has used it to build infrastructure. It now has dozens of brand new cities designed for self-driving cars, 30,000 kilometers of high-speed trains, excellent roads, and brand new airports. The US has collapsing infrastructure, a rail system that is a national humiliation, and airports look like third-world leftovers.
All the other problems in the world are trivial next to the challenge of China. Russia has less than half of our population and a GDP the size of Italy [Mod. Australia]. The world’s jihadists are primitive barbarians who can annoy but not defeat us if we show a modicum of resolve.
Also, China is indifferent to postmodernists issues such as intersectionality.
May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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