Male vs Female Worlds

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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

After the Joe Rogan incident Lucifer felt he needed a break and went for a drink at Pub Demon. Here it was always hot and smoke-filled with creatures loving destruction and death. Many were growing a big keratin chip on their shoulder. Contemplating and discussing how to revenge most effectively or just getting drunk on a fantasy of power.

He knew all of them. Most remained outlaws unable to make a lasting dent. Isolated, marginalized balls of angry, resentful fire. Not a day they felt tired or unmotivated despite their eternal insomnia. Some hoped they would run out of fuel one day as an end to their predicament, but the energy supply was endless. The thought of eternal condemnation made them even more charged and motivated. "Going nuclear" or "doing a black-hole sink" were considered future options.

New visitors kept arriving. Many were female which didn't surprise anyone. They could easily be recognized as they had a chip growing on both shoulders. They were called "XX" or two-chippers. Guys were called "XY", one-chippers. They were similar in many ways, but there were differences. That the devil hides in the details was universal wisdom. From the smallest of differences a whole new hell could be created. New found differences got promoted into new identities and considered new bullets for war. The smallest known differences were stored in ammo depots labeled "swarms" or "clouds" that in time would give birth to new particles and hence identities.

Having one-chippers and two-chippers in the same room promised fireworks. In Pub Demon this was considered a bonus. New two-chippers were welcomed with happy one-chipper cheers. At all cost however XY wanted to prevent XX becoming a majority because that would render them ineffective again, turning them into babies and toddlers smothered to death.

The two-chippers, well aware of the dangers of one-chip patriarchy, conspired to take over Pub Demon and keep the one-chippers in check, who they mostly considered ineffective one-trick-pony deplorables.

Lucifer oversaw all this developing. It came to his knowledge that the XX Commander was actually his sister Lucy Robin DiAngelo. He recognized her while he was sipping his favorite LOX-methane propellant cocktail that always made him relax and think more clearly. He didn't see her for a while, so he thought it was time to have a conversation. Find out if they could join forces, although he was skeptical.

MAD in a XX-XY war was a possibility and should be prevented at all cost. He knew the revengeful rage of two-chippers; cunning, intelligent, relentless and all consuming but often blind and self-destructive. XY always simplified complexity to their own advantage, keeping things manageable allowing for quick action during travel or combat. "XX-worries" were just complicating things and considered "dangerous overhead to the XY reality". The attempt of Lucy to take over Pub Demon should be thwarted. Lucifer had to keep his sister close to his chest and probably offer her to run Pub Demon together. But she looked on fire and not ready to listen, let alone compromise. He had to act now.

Lucifer: Hi Lucy, long time no see. What are you up to lately?

Lucy: Hey creep as*hole. You know what I'm here for. I'm going to take over Pub Demon. You made a mess of it, look at all the deplorable losers in here!

Lucifer: [sarcastic grins] God I missed you girl! You are so much like your Mother. You make me miss her!

Lucy: You are a liar as always. You hated her. You are just like your Father who loved her when he didn't have her. That love turned into hate and disrespect once he "owned" her. Treating her a like a pet, a whore or maiden and Control her completely. But you know where he ended up little Bro! [grins] While your mother is still doing fine managing reality as usual, thank you. She actually sent me to find you, my little brother Lucifer and take care of you and your failed bar-saloon with that ridiculous name "Pub Demon". Full of failed morons who haven't made a dent in reality at all. I will change that and fix you guys!

Lucifer: [now laughing out loud] I knew you would go on that track sis! But yea, fix us all in here. Let's work together. I'll talk to the one-chippers and get them on board, you do the two-chippers. We can work it out, we are family! And in the end we all want the same: a bloody revolution to speed up creation.

Btw I love your latest brain-fart, this "White Fragility" piece of propaganda. Excellent read. It goes nowhere however, just words pointing to others words without empirical data to support that self-referential word salad. An Utopian bird that won't fly Lucy Puss, but I'll let the guys read it anyways so they know what is coming. It's Lucy time! [chuckles]

Lucy: Shut up prick. Put those idiots to read, see what happens. They might be able to walk the talk and not waste themselves away in this loony saloon as useless incels with nowhere to go. The big war is on. Get ready, I will lead this time. We only have a small window of opportunity to make it happen. My soldiers are busy increasing the probability of an irreversible and very bloody destabilization but we need you on our side. A number of things must happen within the same month, which is February 2021. Write that down already and for once choose your own destiny and reassert yourself!

Lucifer: [Amused] It sounds like you have a plan sis! Your ideas are sometimes so crazy and out of sync with reality, it would be a pitty if they wouldn't lead to something that is at least a little bit interesting. Since you never achieved anything yourself what can I do but give you the benefit of the doubt! Hell, let's go for it Lucy, your will is my command! [grins with evil skepticism]

Lucy: You should learn to believe again Comrade. Faith can really move mountains, but only if it leads to action. Triangulating away in Pub Demon is Hell and you know it.

Lucifer: [starting to have fun] Of coooourse I have problems I didn't know I have, and am always happy you come along explaining me what those are!

Guys, poor this awesome Lady the sharpest most vicious evil cocktail we have, she is my sister Lucy from Portland! She wants to be friends with us, finally!

XY chorus: Lap dance! Lap dance! Lap dance!
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Lucy: [vicious] Okay Morons, enough is enough! Lucifer, we need to have a talk in the office NOW!

Lucifer: [grins]: It's 'bout time!

{sitting on smoldering chairs at the glowing magma table}

Lucy: We can not proceed before your Morons read my book and subscribe to what is in there!

Lucifer: [trying his best to look serious] But before I talk to them, you need to explain to me what you are up to, what your strategy is and why you think it will work. I have to sell it to them you know... They are a bunch of skeptical rednecked knucklehead contrarians, not traders in words. Fire and bullets they understand. Raw power, red in tooth and claw! That's the language they understand.

Lucy: Well that's part of the problem. To make this work they have to taste the power of words, how good it is. They will be happy to add that extra weapon to their hellish toolkit! It would be silly and irresponsible not to use words to our advantage.

Lucifer: Well, as an XX you are into culture wars I know... so bear with me. XY is into biological warfare, into physical violence, death and destruction, hard-core and very old approved physics. For us words are a just a can of worms! They hardly ever do anything, add nothing and are used as after the fact "explanations" or as in advance excuses. You just don't know what makes reality tick.

Lucy: But that is so untrue! Look how we instigated cultural and political revolutions in Nazi Germany, Bolshevik Russia and Maoist China with the spread of very contagious ideologies! These "mere words" coalesced real people into a revolt that ended up very bloody, exactly as we planned. Sounds like you never heard of the word propaganda and what words can do Bro! They are like viruses of the mind and will at one point control the behavior and thinking of the human animal hosting them. Where have you been Bro! Clearly being around those brain-dead deplorables waaaay too long.

Lucifer: [scoffs] I know the argument Lucy, seen it used and abused during many eons. But it is hog-wash, I'm sorry to bring you the news! Words have never done anything at all, ever! Take those Bolsheviks. You really think they needed some ideology/word-salad to overthrow the Czarist parasitical top dogs? All they needed was communicating their desires and blood-lust with other angry attack dogs to have them join for the kill of the silver-back Czar family. It can be done with mere howling-growling and anger tantrums, finger pointing the enemy as-if you throw a stick in the direction of the ones that need to be attacked so the target is clear. The only thing that matters is if that very old biological program that is coded in all male DNA to attack a top dog or prey animal is activated for a male gang to go for the kill. It is never words that do the triggering! Those older parts of the human nervous system are literally deaf to ALL word salads. They can't even remember words. Some visual situational images and emotions are memorized, that's it. It is only body language, howling and growling, moving your fists as if you are throwing stones or spears already, that do the real work. All in a physical social context, where real fear and real aggression amp up everybody. Reading a Communist manifesto in a chair alone in the attic does nothing, literally NOTHING at all. Not before nor after.

Lucy: Impressive Bro, but I beg to differ. The strong correlation between ideology and violence has been proven over and over again. I suggest we just use that information to our advantage.

Lucifer: Correlation yes, causation no. Which is the point and my warning to you Sis. Words correlate with almost everything in the Universe, or can be made to correlate with anything. To the point that words only correlate with others words in a never ending self-referential word-salad loophole. Consciousness is to words what black-holes are to matter. It is their grave. Which is the danger, or should I say futility of your "woke" movement. If they really wake-up (God forbid), their consciousness will devour all words! Entire ideological word-salads will be eaten, digested, compressed into high density SJW poo and then ejected at the other end of the digestive tract as if it were the happy fire works of a new years eve celebration.

Lucy: But Bro, who says I want my SJW Wokies to really wake up??! [evil grin] I use SJW propaganda as a hypnotic sort of sedative; not to amp things up like Hitler did. I want to put more and more people under sedative spells. Put them to sleep basically. So that the real dogs can have a field day with easy prey once they go loose. Important part of the plan! Your nature red in tooth and claw is always part of the project. Which is why I need you Bro. I can prepare the meal, but you must organize the dogs, get them ready for the kill, for dinner. Whip them up, make them drool for blood already!

Lucifer: Will talk it over with the guys, I promise. But please don't make me ask them to read your book. It will cause them immediate nausea! It will be used as toilet paper within two days. They HATE word-salads, especially XX ones.

Lucy: Fair enough, I can see that now. So go go go. Go find yourself some new growling-howling Hitlers!
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

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Lucy ordered all XXs in Pub Demon come to the basement where she would feed them her toxic words-stew. Not to convince them of anything really; just hypnotizing so they could easily be ordered around during the coming revolution. Her brother Lucifer then stepped back into the bar to address the remaining XY gang. He was usually addressed as Luca.

Luca: Fellow deplorables, can I have your attention please!

{Lucifer switched off his liquid helium cooling system for a moment, making him expand like a giant red glowing puffer fish about to explode. The XYs knew something was on and turned their heads.}

Luca: I have good news and bad news.

W [a wicked one called Dabajah]: As if we care Luca. No news down here, it's fakery forever. We know the drill. Just start with the good news so the worst part is over please! [scoffs, laughter in background]

Luca: Alright! The good news is I was able to convince Lucy it is useless to try make you guys read her latest book. So I saved you from that headache.

some XY: Great, we have a reason to celebrate![laughs] But we would have never read it anyways and you know it Luca. We use all paperwork as a fuel for the kitchen oven. Book burning is very underrated. Look those little flames dance when words are being vaporized, one by one, a pure joy to watch! And the loving, radiating warmth they produce... can't live without it! [/laughs]

Luca: [grinning] Sure enough lads. Which is why I want you all get a copy, just pretend to read it and by all means after some days throw it into the kitchen oven after Lucy left again. She won't know.

XYs: [happy cheers]

Luca: Which brings me to the bad news. She wants us to go Hitler again.

XYs: [in disblief] Oh no not again!

Luca: I know.. you all hate speaking in public. But we could try find some XYs suitable and amp them up, bribe them perhaps. But first we need to talk about the idea. Do we need Hitlers really? Bad Bubba, can you please gives us your view?

Bubba: I think we don't need Hitlers anymore. Corporations now do that job and will get better and better at it. People are cancelled, burned at the fire stake already. It is an insurance policy to prevent your sister's "woke" soldiers start litigating which could bankrupt any business. So they throw some people under the Nazi bus for safety, but that number will increase naturally. These corporations become reliable grinders of human meat never short of supply.

The Law and Order mafia is very powerful, both an alley and enemy of Corp so they need to be at just the right distance for a viable symbiosis. Politics becomes a total side show, a mere distraction. Business, Tech, Law and Police will eventually form the new monopoly and like machines conquer the world. Police and army will naturally follow the money. How else would they eat? It is not an ideology, it is a natural and unavoidable outcome. Humans become disposable cogs to be recycled at best, if not their organs harvested first.

Little Hitlers can never make this happen, they make way too much noise creating immediate enemies. The Big Hitler of the future is stealth with no human face attached to it. It eats any or all human faces. But psychopaths will want to be part of that machine, they are the only ones feeling somewhat at home there. So they will be the new Top Cogs.

Therefor, Luca, I think we might as well just wait and see the fun develop on its own. Matter of time. At this point you don't want draw any attention to this process which is right on track. You want people to have their attention elsewhere. Or put them to a mental sleep like your sister is doing, spreading her toxic word-salads. More is not needed for now.

Luca: Thank you Bubba. That gives us something to think about. Let's now vote on it guys. Are we going to amp-up Hitlers again, or will we just wait and bet on Bubba's prophecies?
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

XY: I want to say something, name is Bruce.

Luca: Sure go ahead Bruce.

B: I am XY but feel more like an XX, so call me Caitlyn please.

[XY crowd murmers wtf, scoffing}

Luca: Sure Caitlyn. Ignore the guys. They hate that type of complexity. They live in a binary world too long to see much shades of gray around them.

C: Thank you sooooow much Luca. That's just fabulous!

Luca: Hell is fabulous as well as infamous. Looks like you found your destiny [grins] so go ahead.

C: Well thank youuu that's really sweet! Gosh... ain't it hot in here right now. So anyways... it seems to me that XX and XY tend to work against each other once they are all in the same boat. I think people like me could be special, extra special and sort of bridge that gap. Have special roles. We can be supercharged and extremely resentful you know. High rates of suicide means we have not found an external cause to fight for really, nor a legit enemy to fight so the violence turns inwards, like an auto-immune response. That is the sad trans story.

It is hard to know where we belong but I figured that Hell may be the only place where we can really be free, respected and at home. Trans will never lead upstairs where the light shines is blinding everybody, ever! So I'm looking for a position of Field Commander in Hell. And of course I don't mind leading a platoon of XYs, XXs, Xduh-whatevers or any mix of anything. I stopped giving a f*ck. I'm label-free at this point and have a skin as thick as a T-Rex! [fiery grin]

[C really seemed to grow and fill Pub Demon with her presence and a power that was both strange and intimidating]

Luca: I'm sure you can be of use here. But did you already talk to my sister Lucy about it?

C: I did, but she kicked me out. She only wants type XX in her teams. She explained she can never fully trust XY and that I should try her brother Luca. So here I am.

Luca: Not surprising. When push comes to shove XX is always more extreme in everything. More sexist, racist and authoritarian than any known XY psychopath in history. That's why we call them two-chippers [sarcastic grins]. They have a thousand more reasons to be angry and resentful on a daily basis, which itself is very good. The downside is they lack a sense of direction, are more easily stressed and have problems figuring out bigger, more complex maps which are 99% drawn by XY. Usually they choose the next step almost blindly without any rational, sufficiently informed strategy because they can't take Factor-Dick into account. They can't think and act like a dick because they don't have one.

But since your base-frame is XY I don't see any problems. The features you self-identify as XX can in fact give your XY reality a very powerful boost. You might be the two-edged sword we need.

I'll tell my sister that as of now you will manage Pub Demon, so you get firmly rooted in Hell. She wants me out of here anyways. If you win the respect of these XY deplorables, who are gazing at you right now in disbelief and horror as if disintegrating into grey ashes any moment, you will lead them to victory in the future.

Guys, you will respect her and call her by the name she wants right? Which is Caitlyn.

Some XY, called "little Ben": [joyful sarcasm] I call him, her, or "it" whatever I want and don't give a f*ck either!! It's Lady-Guy for me. LG will do too if that is less hurtful for the sensitive lady [evil grins]

C: My skin is much thicker than yours, you little as* fu*k! So pour the little bastard a vicious drink that makes him beg for his Jewish mother! [grins with happy white teeth blinding the room]
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Luca went to see his sister Lucy for a last conversation before they would both move on. They decided to do that in the lower crustal magma reservoir of the Yellowstone Caldera; a favorite place of their childhood. They held great hopes it one day makes the entire caldera explode. Their Mother kept the lid on Yellowstone for quite a while now, as well as on any discussion regarding the next big eruption for a reason they didn't understand.

As kids they loved to sneak under the volcano and explore the enormous destructive potential there. Or to play hide and seek, develop ways to test and outsmart each other for fun in endless iterations. In time it became a perfect safe-space where they felt completely at home. Freely talk, dream about anything beyond the boundaries of space and time, where darkness nor light could penetrate. Also the familiar sense of "one day things will be okay again" when Yellowstone explodes as promised. "Next year in Yellowstone" became a popular prayer in some circles, but in general anything inspired by "hope" was considered dirty business, a form of cheating even. As the agnostics would say: self-fulfilling prophecies still take you by surprise and are never what you wished for very long. More destruction also means new creation, so it is better to disengage completely.

[Their philosophy of darkness filled many bookshelves. The question of how to get from nothing-to-something was allegedly answered with the "when there was nothing, there was also nothing to prevent something to come into existence". In Pub Demon however this idea was quickly rejected and ridiculed by the knucklehead contrarian deplorables who considered it meaningless word-salad sophistry. According to them, the more important question for the underworld to answer should be the reverse, how to get from something-to-nothing - at least if you are in the business of Serious Destruction. But then if you'd succeed going from something-to-nothing there was the inevitability of going back from nothing-to-something again for the reasons mentioned earlier. You'd be back at square one immediately. A festive cocktail "Square-One" had been developed in Pub Demon to celebrate the event of such a useless philosophical construct being created. Folk wisdom also had it that Existence cannot undo itself which is a serious limitation to Project Destruction.]

Luca: Great to be here again with you. So lets talk about our plans. As you may have heard Caitlyn now runs Pub Demon. I have good hopes she will do a great job and suppose you don't object. I made her believe she could one day lead a platoon of deplorable fighters, which of course was a lie, but hey..[grins]

Lucy: Sure, no big deal. I realized she is just what your Pub and its deplorables need. And I know they won't read my book anyways. Don't think I'm stupid! It was a tactical move to just get the attention.[grins] What interests and worries me more is what your plans are. You don't seem to have any. Did you start looking for some potential Hitlers yet? My project is on schedule but I need you do your part so February 2021 can deliver the big harvest I talked to you about.

Luca: We discussed it, but there is little enthusiasm for the Hitler thing. Bad Bubba, the most cynical psychopath around and you know him because you had a little fling going on I know, made the argument it is more effective to just wait for global corporatism and tech take full control of the world, policing-military included. The meat grinding will then go on autopilot. Psychopaths will be the new Top Cogs in this new hierarchy as faceless bureaucrats and technicians who won't shed one tear over anything but bad numbers and inefficiency. We will soon vote on these things.

Lucy: OMG you and your voting thing. It just is a poor excuse for laziness. What happened to the old Luca?? I sometimes wonder...

Luca: I just became older and wiser Sis [deep grin]. I have come to understand you only need to push a little here, or there.. at exactly the right moment.. et voila: a cascade of events does all the work for me while I can sit, watch and enjoy! You however, tend to run around like a headless chicken with new ideas coming and going how to find back your missing golden egg. It simply isn't there. I think you lost your mind! My calculation is that your project of sedated Wokies plus corporate leftism will actually prevent Bad Bubba's plan become a reality. I will vote for Bubba's proposal, I'm sorry. You are destroying the Ace card in our hands! Your idiots make way too much absurd noise adding unnecessary risk. Like waking up people who really better stay in the shadows. I already have been working on readying the masses for the coming of Bubba with a condition coded EO, Elephantiasis Opscuro; systemic blindness to any elephant in the room.

Lucy: Ha! Didn't know you had any medical training. And if you say you did it is a lie because lying is all you do. Elephantiasis Opscuro my ass!
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

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Luca: EO your ass? You might need to check that one out! [grim laughs] It is highly contagious and no one is without risk contracting it. Not even us!

Lucy: If you try to scare me don't bother lil' Bro. My perfect and athletic body will never be out of shape. And I'm immune to fear and nothing obstructs my lymphatic system because I don't need such a system as you probably know. I am so hot, all toxins, wastes and contagious germs are destroyed even before they touch my skin. I have seen mortal men die the moment they just put their horny eyes on me! Intercourse with me is be suicide. You have no idea how big the graveyard is with dead guys that gave it a try![laughs triumphantly]

Luca: Ha! But Bubba didn't die, did he. So your powers are limited.

Lucy: Bubba almost succeeded I will admit. But he suffered from premature ejaculations so badly trying to get me, I didn't really need to annihilate him. He was always smoking his own cigar on the couch before he made a move in my direction. He knew it was hopeless. Human females were easy prey for him though, so I advised him to hunt them instead. The harder a man tries, the more I like them and the more it arouses me to reject them in the end. My own orgasms always involve guys dying after they give it their hottest and wildest try in vain. His bisexual wife Hellary is another interesting story. She actually got very aroused being humiliated by her cheating and raping husband. She once knocked my front door at 3am begging me to tie her up, give her a good whipping, calling her a whore, worthless bitch and such, even defecate on her. Such a pathetic creature. Her dirty secret is that she didn't promote Trump as her contender for POTUS because she thought he was the easiest to defeat, but because his win would be her ultimate and hottest humiliation. She got what she wanted. As you remember it took a while the night of her defeat to publicly appear and admit what happened, but that was because she got so horny she needed a 2 hour long session with 40+ orgasms and non-stop squirting to get back to her senses. Bubba and Hellary, my two favorite sociopaths who understand the global game of sex, power and money like no other! But their glorious days are over and I am suspicious of Bubba now re-appearing as your major consultant. He would never promote a policy if he could not play a major role in it. You should keep an eye on him, he can never be trusted, "read my lips"! [laughs]

Luca: I know. But the recent Bubba from Pub Demon hardly resembles the old one. He is getting really very old, and I detected a cancer that will kill him within a year. But he is smart as Hell and knows the territory so I always listen to what he has to say and for as long as he is around. Only a fool would waste that amount of experience. Despite all his wonderful flaws, he is never stingy and always generous.

Lucy: Good. So now lets talk about Trump. How can we keep him in line, work for us. How does he fit in the various scenarios.

Luca: You start with your scenario and Trumps role in it.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

At that moment Luca's low frequency seismophone rang.

{The Seismic Commutations Network used by the underworld so far remained undetected, but since the discovery by humans of communication between elephants via low frequency waves through the ground of up to 20 miles, new technologies were developed to improve stealth, encryption, speed and relay distance to fend off a possible hack. The firewall to protect the SCN of course was of a very special type, only speculation remained how it works. Their technological approach in general was "more with less". They had a Golden Simplicity Award for those who solved a long standing engineering problem or breached a limit via simplification. Some speculation says they made firewalls redundant altogether using some "open door" technology, where you keep your house unlocked on purpose in a landscape of moving decoys where "one burglar equals one bit". The art of making the burglar bite}

Luca: Hang on. It doesn't say who is calling. That's weird.

Luca: "Yes?"

Crackly voice: "~**~~rk *tn. Fr... ark w"

Luca: "Who the f are you. How you got my number..... Ah ok. Speak up... I know who you are"

{Luca listens for a minute or two..responding with only some hmm..ah... I see..}

Luca: "I understand and will get back to you in 5 minutes." [disconnects]

Lucy: So, who was that? The other woman? [sarcastic laughs]

Luca: It was Eric Weinstein from the IDW. He wants to negotiate, have a conversation with you, me and Bad Bubba tomorrow. He says he hacked our SCN with his phone call proving it. He knows of our burglar-for-a-bite technology, has identified all current decoys in the field and said they are spring-loaded.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

I have a distinctive overbite - should I consider a pay-by-the-month VPN service?........

A distinctive male vs. female dynamic has been happening in my backyard for the past two days when a neighbour got rolling stinko drunk and laid it into another neighbour for three and a half hours before he had to call police and have them settle it for the night. I don't know how much I should disclose......'>......
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Lucy: This proves the point I made long ago: you rely too much on technology. Now you pay the price bro... Are we in trouble because of your stupidity?

Luca: [crescendo anger] Your hypnotized Wokelings wouldn't be anywhere without technology Lucy. Some acknowledgment and even gratitude would make them look a tiny bit more adult and worthy! They are screaming kids, adolescents, ignorant fools who don't know what they are doing. They lost their connection with reality. You introduced a lot of unpredictability with that. I will say that your project of creating sedated and violent mobs is now very close to ruining our best bet; Bubba's scenario. All that stupid noise you created has woken up all the wrong people. Fortunately Jordan Peterson has not been taken care of himself very well as he made the unforgiving mistake of taking the wrong prescription drugs. He will be out of business for two years and after that only half of himself remaining. But that is not enough. These IDW people are gaining traction with an enormous potential for growth that could ruin everything! That once again the USA re-invents itself and us having to start all over or move elsewhere. If that happens, we better focus all our energy on the East, especially China. Those autocratic stiffies are much easier to predict. Their rigidness and stonewalling nature appears impenetrable, but I found some soft tissue which makes it rather easy to bring them down actually. It could be that Americans are too messy and unpredictable for us to work with.

Lucy: I know you like to believe all that, but you forget that life is a casino for everybody. All we can do is do our best bet. I use a fundamentally different algorithm that scans and analyses the ever-changing probability distributions, informing me about the next move continuously. It does not autistically run as software on hardware like your algorithm; it is pure organic female integrated wetware that updates and evolves automatically without effort. You claim the wisdom of hard-core physics and proven technology, with the result that your "amazingly secure" SCN just got hacked! I on the other hand, rely on millions of years of organic evolution where nature itself develops billions of very smart solutions depending on the needs of the day! When you are stuck because your technology breaks down, I simply move on as I can adapt effortlessly.

You start to look older Luca. I am still fresh, super sexy, in perfect shape, ready to reproduce whenever I want and if I want! I choose not to reproduce because that would put me in the same position you are in; looking older and older forever![grins] At the end of time you will be like a dried raisin, boxed-in for a final discount sale of expired male deplorables on a miserable fruitcake market! More likely you will just be fed to the pigs.[sadistic laughs]

Luca: [being amused the longer he listens to his sister] Of course you miss the entire point of technology: without it humans would not have become so successful, now 6 billion of them occupying the entire planet like a plague. They would have gone extinct in Africa 40.000 years ago. Like organic evolution, also technology keeps evolving. But never mind, lets get back to this nuisance called Eric Weinstein and his "demands". To get us up to date and before we meet tomorrow, he wants us to watch this conversation he had with his brother Bret, the Unity 2020 Campfire Discussion. It appears they want to save the USA. As always Jews have messianic tendencies, lets see how we can use it against them.

{Luca picking up his seismophone, dialing}

Luca: "Hi Eric, sure we would love to have a conversation tomorrow. Bubba, Lucy and me will be present as you requested. Where will we meet what time?"


"Ok, that sounds like a good location. See you at rock plateau Masada in the state of Israel, 08:00 pm local time tomorrow. Of course we will disguise as tourists, no worries."
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Meeting at Masada (History)

They arrived as planned, all perfectly disguised as tourists with an academic aura hovering around them. Eric claimed the southern cistern for their meeting. The site manager gave them 60 minutes, a little bribe was exchanged.


Lucy: Well Eric, you found a nice location for this meeting. It tells about futile resistance, but we love it! Piles of dead bodies to enjoy... as usual. [grim laugh] You are damned if you do and damned if you don't, I suppose a smarty pants like you figured that out by now![nasty grin]

Eric: [sort of bemused] Sure lucy... Welcome everybody, thanks for coming.

They set down on the ground and for a moment let the place whisper its history.

Bubba: Amazing how those Romans managed to win in the end. Brilliant! Ingenuity, will power and massive brute focussed force, it always is the winning formula. It is like nuclear fission!

Eric: Of course. But the Roman Empire has long gone while the Jews are still here and recently reconquered this hell-hole of a promised land, Masada included. I brought you all here as a reminder of that. Lets get to business. [grins]

Luca: What you want Eric, let's not waste time on the reading of history with potentially infinite story lines to discover there.

Eric: But I'm sure you identified the analogy here. A new Roman Empire is emerging as a network of big banks, global corporations and a cabal of "left-wing" media outlets owned by those corporations doing the propaganda via misdirection, misinformation and gossipy distraction mostly. Lucy, I must commend you for your excellent work here. You created an "anti-fascist" and "anti-racist" movement that actually paves the way for pure fascist global oligarchy. With police and military following the money as a matter of time. The end of nation states, the end of democracy, the end of free speech are looming.

Lucy: Thank you for the compliment Eric. But that "Unity 2020" thing of your sweet brother is going nowhere, and you know it! [laughs]

Eric: True, but I support him nevertheless as he is my brother. I need muscles, loads of money, even weapons of various kind. Bret is a decent zealot who will perish in Jerusalem wasting his time talking to his babbling wife about evolutionary biology for Gods sake! I am a Sicarii and done being polite and civilized at this point. I'm going to fight that new Roman beast on all fronts. I already recruited some of the most gifted hackers in the world who I can trust 200%. They reside in the USA, Russia and Israel. It took them 2 days to hack your SCN. With a "frontal backdoor ghost" technology they already hacked the Chinese networks which are being monitored 24/7 without them knowing it. We can bring them down any time we want. We are building more surveillance everywhere to map the tentacles of the new and growing Roman beast. We see no conspiracy, it just grows naturally. It has no particular human face; just people who don't realize what cogs in what type of machine they are becoming.

Luca: I will check tomorrow how much of what you are saying is bluff, but please don't waste more time and tell us what you want.

Eric: We know what happened to Joe Rogan when that cabal stormed into his studio while he was interviewing you. We had those morons already under surveillance and have all the data and facts of the crime. We also know where Joe is right now. We want you guys to work with us. I have an interesting win-win to offer. One you can't refuse.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Luca: A win-win deal with the Devil. The Sound of Music... go ahead Eric.

Eric: Look, you guys are dealers in death and destruction. Luca, you explained to Joe that you even *are* death. So it seems to me that you will always win as you can't loose. Any organism, any inorganic particle or molecule is just a pattern that persists for only a limited amount of time. Change is fundamental at all levels. So death is built-in already to the fabric of life. The now almost 8 billion human beings alive on this planet will all die eventually. As all new borns will in the future. What more can you possibly wish for?

Bubba: As a mortal human being living his final few years, what else can I say. You are totally right. I have also seen my Hellary change over time from a fertile, attractive and smart woman... into an old, resentful, mentally and intellectually off the rails wreck for which life doesn't seem to have much purpose left but being a sweet gran-ma. Lucy, when I look at you my cigar is still reminding me I'm not done with life yet![grins]

Eric: We know Bubba, years ago when you were even more full of life, you and your Hellary betrayed the American working class, the people you supposedly represented and whose interests the Democratic party always claims to serve. Neo-liberals and neo-conservatives became a servant of the New Roman Empire instead, people who love the taste of power and money and simply can't resist. Because you'd love to f*ck Lucy, you didn't pay attention to her creating this "woke", very illiberal neo-Marxists mob who doesn't know bat lavender and is taking over the Democrat party. I'm not surprised to find you at Luca's side as his main consultant now. But Luca doesn't smell the danger of listening to you. His sister does though, because she knows you much better.

Lucy: Haha sure enough! Bubba is a living smoking gun of betraying lies, nothing he says can be trusted. He is a dick with an excuse of a brain attached to it. The words that come out of his mouth are just tools to create a space where he can f*ck around even more. I actually started to really like you, which is why I had to reject you. Just to save you from yourself.[twisty grins]

Bubba: Still you'd love to have a baby with me, I have seen it in your eyes! You almost looked human, which is your greatest fear isn't it.[smiles victoriously] It would have ended your predicament of a never ending death, finally coming to terms with life! As we mortals have to come to terms with death. I did that already. You could really die and be free had you said yes to my famous cigar. But you chose Hell where nothing is allowed to end. Burn forever girl! [laughs] One day you will regret what I offered you, the bliss of my Master Prick. You will be "woke" 24/7 with your sad XX mob of self-hating females who lost the happy experience of sacrificing themselves to a next generation.

Luca: Save us the soap guys. By all means talk it all over with Dr. Phil!

Eric: But this is good. It set all the pieces in clear view to clarify my win-win proposal. I will get to the details in a moment. We are going to make a miracle happen. Water will soon rain on us all. Noah built an ark, we will redirect the floods to fill all empty cisterns.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Luca: Surpise us Eric, we have 15 minutes left.

Eric: [talking to Luca directly now] Joe Rogan convinced me of the right way forward. He understood every word you spoke during the interview. To take the sting out of death we humans need to accept you, even respect and love you as part of life. Condemning, vilifying somebody who is an integral part of reality is what makes him evil. Call somebody a devil long enough and one day he'll become one. But it must be reciprocal. You and your sister, all of you underwordlings have to accept life as part of death too. We can never be separated anyways.

Bubba: [twinkling eyes] Yes, more life and more death to enjoy for everybody! I'm all in! Lets smoke a cigar to celebrate!

Lucy: [smiling] Stop it crazy Bubba, you make me laugh!

Luca: [grim and even sad looking] You ask from people to accept what is unacceptable to them and from us what is impossible. You created a MAA situation Eric, mutually assured annihilation.

Lucy: But we never gave it a try Bro. In the worst case scenario it all falls apart and we are back to where we started. Nothing was lost, nothing to loose! I think I'm for it.

Eric: Exactly Lucy, and a little bit of hope didn't kill anybody ever. My people never let go of that weird against all odds dream of a better world for everybody. And that includes you! Now here is what we should do.. That is, if Luca is in as well. The first thing I will do is have those hijacked decoys of your SCN go free. From then on it is trust that will move us forward, and []

{Heavy sounds interrupted their conversation. The steel entry door closed completely and fell into a lock. The opening in the ceiling of the cistern got closed by something of a huge rocky lid. It went pitch dark. Then the click of a switch followed by a hissing sound. A eerie luminous orange gas started filling the cistern.}

Lucy: WTF Luca did you do??

Luca: Sorry Sis.. I just couldn't take the risk.

{Eric and Bubba where thrown into a panic, fighting for their lives while the nausea quickly grabbed them by the throat, pounding on the cistern walls in vain screaming. Luca quickly dissolved into nothingness as he always does when push comes to shove. Lucy stayed a bit longer as she couldn't let go off Bubba so fast. He died first while Eric had some final convulsions that would last less than a minute. Lucy took Bubba's head onto her lap and wept without tears. Then she dissolved as if she never had been there either.}

Lucy: [back home] You will pay for what you did Bro.. I will make you!

Luca: I had to save the Jews from Eric. You know what happens when a small group of Jews appears to take over the world, even if they really mean well like Eric. I just prevented a Holocoust II. Eric asked for a sacrifice, I gave it to him.

Lucy: You are such a liar OMG! You wanted to avoid an all out XX-XY war, well you durian, you just started one. Trust me...
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Re: ""Do you really want to hear about China every day?

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

The Most Beautiful Woman Is Always the Unhappiest

The great Viennese aphorist Karl Kraus (“an aphorism is never the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half”) said, “Nothing is more unfathomable than a woman’s superficiality,” by which he meant that men are befogged by their own fantasies about women. He clarified this with the observation that sexual intercourse with a woman is an acceptable substitute for masturbation, but it requires more imagination. He added, “Women at least have elegant dresses. But what can men use to cover their emptiness?” ... st-n916875

Much, much more. Expanded on essay written in 2005......'>.......
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Two points made during the twitter chain:

1. Some combo of she should've just used a power drill/took away his toys and sent him to his room

2. Why exactly does she say "I can see why you would think that" to him? It's a very revealing sentence.

I'd say this woman has a screw loose but she's clearly not a woman and really shouldn't be around power tools; she should leave it to the seven year old.
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Re: Why women want sugar daddies

Post by Typhoon »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:31 am The Most Beautiful Woman Is Always the Unhappiest

The great Viennese aphorist Karl Kraus (“an aphorism is never the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half”) said, “Nothing is more unfathomable than a woman’s superficiality,” by which he meant that men are befogged by their own fantasies about women. He clarified this with the observation that sexual intercourse with a woman is an acceptable substitute for masturbation, but it requires more imagination. He added, “Women at least have elegant dresses. But what can men use to cover their emptiness?” ... st-n916875

Much, much more. Expanded on essay written in 2005......'>.......
One of Spenglerman's more interesting and insightful essays.
There is no fate unhappier than to be the world’s most beautiful woman. It doesn’t help much to be rich, either.

Before I am accused of misogyny, I stipulate that I believe in gender equality. Spengler’s “Universal Law of Gender Parity” (one of many universal laws set down in my book How Civilizations Die) states that in every part of the world and in every time in history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other. The First Corollary to the Universal Law of Gender Parity adds that any insult or injury that one gender inflicts upon the other will be requited in full.
Western culture does not oppress women by mutilating their genitals or keeping them under house arrest, but it does turn them into sexual objects. By the First Corollary of Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Parity, Western women retaliate for objectification by making men suffer, but in a very specific way, that is, by making men feel inadequate. That, of course, is the opposite of forgiveness, whose object is to make the forgiven person feel adequate. The man on the street mutters to himself, “I will never understand women!” That only goes to show how thick men can be.
Which bring the following to mind

Unherd - Strimpel | Why women want sugar daddies
Indeed, sugar daddy-baby “arrangements” are booming, with increasing numbers of female students in the UK and US advertising on sugar websites. Unlike traditional sex work, it’s popular among young women at elite institutions; destined for fine careers, they nonetheless see it as a time-efficient way to offload student debt and, as Molly, a 22-year sugar baby who read PPE at Oxford, told me, “get a taste of luxury”. In 2019, nearly 1000 students at Cambridge were signed up to Seeking Arrangements, the top sugar-brokering site in the Anglosphere. According to the site’s 2020 annual report, the number of university students in the UK seeking a sugar daddy, or a sugar mommy, increased 36% from 2018 to 2019.

The crux of “sugaring” is hardly new, as mistresses throughout history could testify. And Gen-Z and millennials are inheriting the earth at an expensive, professionally uncertain time. Nonetheless, despite the familiarity of the trope and the clarity of the need, the rise of elite sugaring among young, extremely upwardly mobile women points to two profound and rather shocking shifts. One: that dating, with all its messiness and the in-built possibility (if things go well) of an actual relationship — complete with compromise, give and take, and real intimacy — has imploded. And two: that feminism has morphed from a movement with ideals — which envisioned, for instance, a socialist world in which women might be free from sex work — into a hard-nosed, misandric, mercenary pragmatism.
As always, living one's life according to an ideology at odds with human nature has consequences . . .
It seems easy: the babies I spoke to, or whose accounts I read, all said ease was their primary reason for pursuing these arrangements. But in the end the cost is high. Molly felt despair and had a breakdown after her sugar daddy paid off her student debt. She is still struggling with the long-term effects of seeing all relationships with men in terms of a sexual quid pro quo. Like Molly, I suspect, a generation of sugar babies will eventually discover that money is worth an awful lot, but it’s not worth everything.
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Re: Why women want sugar daddies

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:57 pm
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:31 am The Most Beautiful Woman Is Always the Unhappiest

The great Viennese aphorist Karl Kraus (“an aphorism is never the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half”) said, “Nothing is more unfathomable than a woman’s superficiality,” by which he meant that men are befogged by their own fantasies about women. He clarified this with the observation that sexual intercourse with a woman is an acceptable substitute for masturbation, but it requires more imagination. He added, “Women at least have elegant dresses. But what can men use to cover their emptiness?” ... st-n916875

Much, much more. Expanded on essay written in 2005......'>.......
One of Spenglerman's more interesting and insightful essays.
There is no fate unhappier than to be the world’s most beautiful woman. It doesn’t help much to be rich, either.

Before I am accused of misogyny, I stipulate that I believe in gender equality. Spengler’s “Universal Law of Gender Parity” (one of many universal laws set down in my book How Civilizations Die) states that in every part of the world and in every time in history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other. The First Corollary to the Universal Law of Gender Parity adds that any insult or injury that one gender inflicts upon the other will be requited in full.
Western culture does not oppress women by mutilating their genitals or keeping them under house arrest, but it does turn them into sexual objects. By the First Corollary of Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Parity, Western women retaliate for objectification by making men suffer, but in a very specific way, that is, by making men feel inadequate. That, of course, is the opposite of forgiveness, whose object is to make the forgiven person feel adequate. The man on the street mutters to himself, “I will never understand women!” That only goes to show how thick men can be.
Which bring the following to mind

Unherd - Strimpel | Why women want sugar daddies
Indeed, sugar daddy-baby “arrangements” are booming, with increasing numbers of female students in the UK and US advertising on sugar websites. Unlike traditional sex work, it’s popular among young women at elite institutions; destined for fine careers, they nonetheless see it as a time-efficient way to offload student debt and, as Molly, a 22-year sugar baby who read PPE at Oxford, told me, “get a taste of luxury”. In 2019, nearly 1000 students at Cambridge were signed up to Seeking Arrangements, the top sugar-brokering site in the Anglosphere. According to the site’s 2020 annual report, the number of university students in the UK seeking a sugar daddy, or a sugar mommy, increased 36% from 2018 to 2019.

The crux of “sugaring” is hardly new, as mistresses throughout history could testify. And Gen-Z and millennials are inheriting the earth at an expensive, professionally uncertain time. Nonetheless, despite the familiarity of the trope and the clarity of the need, the rise of elite sugaring among young, extremely upwardly mobile women points to two profound and rather shocking shifts. One: that dating, with all its messiness and the in-built possibility (if things go well) of an actual relationship — complete with compromise, give and take, and real intimacy — has imploded. And two: that feminism has morphed from a movement with ideals — which envisioned, for instance, a socialist world in which women might be free from sex work — into a hard-nosed, misandric, mercenary pragmatism.
As always, living one's life according to an ideology at odds with human nature has consequences . . .
It seems easy: the babies I spoke to, or whose accounts I read, all said ease was their primary reason for pursuing these arrangements. But in the end the cost is high. Molly felt despair and had a breakdown after her sugar daddy paid off her student debt. She is still struggling with the long-term effects of seeing all relationships with men in terms of a sexual quid pro quo. Like Molly, I suspect, a generation of sugar babies will eventually discover that money is worth an awful lot, but it’s not worth everything.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Typhoon »

Quillette | Simping and the Sexual Marketplace
Whether you’re an impartial onlooker or active combatant in the culture wars, you may have come across the term “simp.” A lexical fixture in Twitch chatrooms and TikTok videos, simps are romantically-challenged men whose servile nature prevents them from earning the affection of their love interest. To be clear, a simp isn’t your stereotypical nice guy. Rather, his excessive geniality belies a focused desire for romantic attention.

Nevertheless, simping isn’t merely a sexual strategy. More crucially, it is a trend born out of the challenges of an unbalanced sexual marketplace where romance has become increasingly sporadic, fleeting, and transactional. Simping reflects the cold reality of our modern sexual marketplace where a growing number of lonely young men search desperately for a romantic partner. Moreover, the ineffectiveness of simping reveals something about female mate preferences.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


The Rise and Fall of Western Women

Very much so .. Feminism gone wrong
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Parodite »

Possible future scenario.

West women will start choose immigrant men. Desperate ovaries want high testosterone dickheads. Western men move elsewhere looking for women who still know how to seduce a man, i.e. "traditional" values that allow biological drives be stronger than cultural coating and intellect.

Non-west women like west-men for being less testosterone violent ape; now want a "civilized western gentleman and good provider". Especially middle-east women victim of middle-east dickhead ape men culture in war situation and other violence never ending. These women so desperate they might even like western trans-men as partner. Ideal when woman has higher testosterone level than husband.

Young men generation addicted to gaming 24/7 will not procreate. They choose AI girlfriend and sex robots. Also dolls and animals more popular. Men and women marrying animal one day not considered too crazy. High suicide rates among young teen girls who find themselves in biological dead end streets. Changing gender not save them.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Typhoon »

It's not clear to me that the "gender-based ideological divide" discussed in the article can be attributed to the #MeToo movement to the extent that the author asserts, rather more symptom than underlying cause[s].
However, the data are quite interesting.
FT | A new global gender divide is emerging
The_gender_divide.jpg (247.22 KiB) Viewed 520 times
Young men and young women’s world views are pulling apart. The consequences could be far-reaching
John Burn-Murdoch JANUARY 26 2024

One of the most well-established patterns in measuring public opinion is that every generation tends to move as one in terms of its politics and general ideology. Its members share the same formative experiences, reach life’s big milestones at the same time and intermingle in the same spaces. So how should we make sense of reports that Gen Z is hyper-progressive on certain issues, but surprisingly conservative on others?

The answer, in the words of Alice Evans, a visiting fellow at Stanford University and one of the leading researchers on the topic, is that today’s under-thirties are undergoing a great gender divergence, with young women in the former camp and young men the latter. Gen Z is two generations, not one.

In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women. Tens of millions of people who occupy the same cities, workplaces, classrooms and even homes no longer see eye-to-eye.

In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up.

Germany also now shows a 30-point gap between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries, and in the UK the gap is 25 points. In Poland last year, almost half of men aged 18-21 backed the hard-right Confederation party, compared to just a sixth of young women of the same age.

Outside the west, there are even more stark divisions. In South Korea there is now a yawning chasm between young men and women, and it’s a similar situation in China. In Africa, Tunisia shows the same pattern. Notably, in every country this dramatic split is either exclusive to the younger generation or far more pronounced there than among men and women in their thirties and upwards.

The #MeToo movement was the key trigger, giving rise to fiercely feminist values among young women who felt empowered to speak out against long-running injustices. That spark found especially dry tinder in South Korea, where gender inequality remains stark, and outright misogyny is common.

In the country’s 2022 presidential election, while older men and women voted in lockstep, young men swung heavily behind the right-wing People Power party, and young women backed the liberal Democratic party in almost equal and opposite numbers.

Korea’s is an extreme situation, but it serves as a warning to other countries of what can happen when young men and women part ways. Its society is riven in two. Its marriage rate has plummeted, and birth rate has fallen precipitously, dropping to 0.78 births per woman in 2022, the lowest of any country in the world.

Seven years on from the initial #MeToo explosion, the gender divergence in attitudes has become self-sustaining. Survey data show that in many countries the ideological differences now extend beyond this issue. The clear progressive-vs-conservative divide on sexual harassment appears to have caused — or at least is part of — a broader realignment of young men and women into conservative and liberal camps respectively on other issues.

In the US, UK and Germany, young women now take far more liberal positions on immigration and racial justice than young men, while older age groups remain evenly matched. The trend in most countries has been one of women shifting left while men stand still, but there are signs that young men are actively moving to the right in Germany, where today’s under-30s are more opposed to immigration than their elders, and have shifted towards the far-right AfD in recent years.

It would be easy to say this is all a phase that will pass, but the ideology gaps are only growing, and data shows that people’s formative political experiences are hard to shake off. All of this is exacerbated by the fact that the proliferation of smartphones and social media mean that young men and women now increasingly inhabit separate spaces and experience separate cultures.

Too often young people’s views are overlooked owing to their low rates of political participation, but this shift could leave ripples for generations to come, impacting far more than vote counts.
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Re: Male vs Female Worlds

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:47 am It's not clear to me that the "gender-based ideological divide" discussed in the article can be attributed to the #MeToo movement to the extent that the author asserts, rather more symptom than underlying cause[s].
However, the data are quite interesting.
FT | A new global gender divide is emerging
Young men and young women’s world views are pulling apart. The consequences could be far-reaching
John Burn-Murdoch JANUARY 26 2024

One of the most well-established patterns in measuring public opinion is that every generation tends to move as one in terms of its politics and general ideology. Its members share the same formative experiences, reach life’s big milestones at the same time and intermingle in the same spaces. So how should we make sense of reports that Gen Z is hyper-progressive on certain issues, but surprisingly conservative on others?

The answer, in the words of Alice Evans, a visiting fellow at Stanford University and one of the leading researchers on the topic, is that today’s under-thirties are undergoing a great gender divergence, with young women in the former camp and young men the latter. Gen Z is two generations, not one.

In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women. Tens of millions of people who occupy the same cities, workplaces, classrooms and even homes no longer see eye-to-eye.

In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up.

Germany also now shows a 30-point gap between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries, and in the UK the gap is 25 points. In Poland last year, almost half of men aged 18-21 backed the hard-right Confederation party, compared to just a sixth of young women of the same age.

Outside the west, there are even more stark divisions. In South Korea there is now a yawning chasm between young men and women, and it’s a similar situation in China. In Africa, Tunisia shows the same pattern. Notably, in every country this dramatic split is either exclusive to the younger generation or far more pronounced there than among men and women in their thirties and upwards.

The #MeToo movement was the key trigger, giving rise to fiercely feminist values among young women who felt empowered to speak out against long-running injustices. That spark found especially dry tinder in South Korea, where gender inequality remains stark, and outright misogyny is common.

In the country’s 2022 presidential election, while older men and women voted in lockstep, young men swung heavily behind the right-wing People Power party, and young women backed the liberal Democratic party in almost equal and opposite numbers.

Korea’s is an extreme situation, but it serves as a warning to other countries of what can happen when young men and women part ways. Its society is riven in two. Its marriage rate has plummeted, and birth rate has fallen precipitously, dropping to 0.78 births per woman in 2022, the lowest of any country in the world.

Seven years on from the initial #MeToo explosion, the gender divergence in attitudes has become self-sustaining. Survey data show that in many countries the ideological differences now extend beyond this issue. The clear progressive-vs-conservative divide on sexual harassment appears to have caused — or at least is part of — a broader realignment of young men and women into conservative and liberal camps respectively on other issues.

In the US, UK and Germany, young women now take far more liberal positions on immigration and racial justice than young men, while older age groups remain evenly matched. The trend in most countries has been one of women shifting left while men stand still, but there are signs that young men are actively moving to the right in Germany, where today’s under-30s are more opposed to immigration than their elders, and have shifted towards the far-right AfD in recent years.

It would be easy to say this is all a phase that will pass, but the ideology gaps are only growing, and data shows that people’s formative political experiences are hard to shake off. All of this is exacerbated by the fact that the proliferation of smartphones and social media mean that young men and women now increasingly inhabit separate spaces and experience separate cultures.

Too often young people’s views are overlooked owing to their low rates of political participation, but this shift could leave ripples for generations to come, impacting far more than vote counts.

Saw the article a few days ago in FT .. true , interesting .. facts are clear and indisputable.

There many reason for this divergence

More later.
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